
Showing 146 posts

From Curiosity to Cutting-Edge AI: My Journey in Data Science

The first time I encountered the power of data, I was mesmerized. It was not just numbers or statistics; it was a gateway to understanding the world in ways I never thought possible. My journey into artificial intelligence (AI) and data science has been an adventure—one filled with discovery, challenges, and innovation. Today, I have […]

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Growing public trust in statistics through collaborative communication and intelligent transparency

Simon Baugh, Chief Executive of the Government Communication Service (GCS), and Ed Humpherson, Director General for Regulation for the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR), recently presented together at the GSS Conference in Edinburgh. This blog highlights some of the key themes of the conference. Ed and Simon discussed with the audience how analysts and communications […]

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From Lunar House to Broadcasting House: My secondment to the BBC

Earlier this year, I stepped into the big and busy BBC newsroom, moving on secondment from the Home Office. Over the next few months, I worked as BBC Verify’s consultant statistician, fact-checking claims in heated election debates, ‘filing copy’ on interesting stories, and advising journalists about statistical best practice and presentation. Part of my role […]

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Automated data visualisation best practice in R: afcharts release

What is afcharts? afcharts is an R package for creating accessible charts. afcharts implements the Analysis Function data visualisation guidance. What does afcharts do? afcharts automates setting accessible colours, fonts and text sizing, axes labelling, and much more.  Currently, functions are available for styling ggplot2 plots. afcharts takes your charts from the ggplot2 defaults to […]

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