Coherence of statistics

Statistical coherence is about bringing together outputs on the same topic to better explain the part of the world they describe. This can be across the four nations of the UK where policy making has been devolved (such as in housing or health) or where multiple producers are publishing statistics on the same topic (such as income and earnings). Access to coherent evidence from across the UK supports decision-makers at all levels and supports evidenced-based policy making, learning from what works in different parts of the country.

Across the Government Statistical Service (GSS), analysts are working together to improve the coherence of our statistics. There is a wide range of data sources and a vast amount of analysis being produced across government and the four UK nations. We must challenge ourselves not to simply publish a set of numbers but to explain how our data sources:

  • relate to each other
  • can be combined with other statistics to better explain the world

The UK Concordat on Statistics supports our coherence work across the UK. This is a jointly agreed framework for statistical collaboration between the UK Government and the devolved governments for Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS), the devolved governments, and devolution colleagues at the Cabinet Office (CO) have been working together to join up data across the UK by creating new UK-wide data and analysis. These are in high-priority areas of shared interest across UK nations.

We have worked with producers of official statistics across the UK to produce a comprehensive work programme, which summarises the work underway on statistical theme topics and sets clear direction for future priorities.

We want to make it easier for you, our users of our data and analysis, to see what work is being done to improve coherence across the UK, and to provide an opportunity for you to give feedback.

Our work programme covers:

  • the teams across the GSS that are leading each coherence workstream
  • the main achievements in improving coherence from April 2023 to March 2024 delivered by the GSS teams leading each workstream
  • the achievements and plans for coherence work from April 2024 to March 2025 delivered by the GSS teams leading each workstream
  • how you can find out more about work in a particular area

Statisticians working in this topic area concentrate on improving the coherence and availability of Adult Social Care (ASC) statistics.

Who leads the coherence work?

This work is led by the Four Social Care Group. The group is made up of members from:

  • the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC)
  • NHS England
  • the Department of Health Northern Ireland
  • the Office for National Statistics (ONS)
  • Scottish Government
  • Welsh Government

You can contact the Four Social Care Group by emailing

Main achievements from April 2023 to March 2024

From April 2023 to March 2024, we:

  • continued to update our UK adult social care statistics landscape and Four Nations matrix to show how complex it can be to compare statistics across the four nations — these resources contain figures, collection information, characteristics of data, and publication links
  • estimated the size of the self-funding population in care homes and the community, England: 2022 to 2023, broken down by geographic variables and care provider characteristics
  • monitored care home resident deaths in England and Wales through weekly datasets — you can access our weekly datasets on care home resident deaths on the ONS website
  • published an article on deaths of care home residents, England and Wales: 2022, by underlying and leading cause of death, and by age, sex, and area of usual residence
  • collaborated across DHSC, Skills for Care, ONS, Care Quality Commission (CQC), Social Care Wales and academia to finalise a framework for defining the adult social care workforce based on existing frameworks from regulatory bodies and classification systems

Achievements and plans from April 2024 to March 2025

So far this year, we have:

During the rest of the year, we plan to:

  • develop a new pilot survey aimed at producing improved sampling estimates and data relating to the unpaid carer population in England
  • publish a technical report detailing the development of innovative methods to estimate the adult social care workforce in England that use machine learning, linked administrative data and job adverts, and draw on the new definitional framework developed across multiple key stakeholders in 2023 to 2024

Further information

Statisticians working in this topic area concentrate on improving the coherence and availability of crime statistics.

Who leads the coherence work?

This work is led by:

  • the Government Statistical Service (GSS) Crime and Justice Working Group
  • the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Centre for Crime and Justice

The GSS Crime and Justice Working Group is made up of members from the Home Office, Ministry of Justice, and ONS.

You can contact the teams working in this topic area by emailing

Main achievements from April 2023 to March 2024

From April 2023 to March 2024, we:

Achievements and plans from April 2024 to March 2025

So far this year, we have:

During the rest of the year, we plan to:

  • work with the Home Office to develop an action plan on improving the information available related to the quality of police recorded crime
  • evaluate redeveloped domestic abuse questions that have been added to the CSEW
  • start redevelopment of CSEW sexual victimisation questions
  • continue work on transformation of the CSEW and the children’s crime survey
  • continue work on improving consistency and comparability of flag data for police recorded crime collections
  • review the presentation of our crime statistics

Further information

You can find more information about this topic area on our Centre for crime and justice webpage

Statisticians working in this topic area concentrate on improving the accessibility, breadth and quality of UK statistics on environment, climate and nature.

Who leads the coherence work?

This topic will be led by the new Government Statistical Service (GSS) theme group. The group is chaired by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and vice-chaired by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

You can contact the theme group by emailing

Main achievements from April 2023 to March 2024

From April 2023 to March 2024, we:

  • worked with colleagues across government to develop and align new questions for use in ONS’s Opinions and Lifestyle Survey and the Business Impact and Condition Survey
  • published the UK Natural Capital Accounts, including full four nation breakdowns for the first time
  • published experimental estimates of Green Jobs, using a definition established after wide stakeholder engagement
  • finalised Defra’s mapping of published environmental data, drawing on the UK’s climate change statistical framework
  • completed a review and mapping of existing UK and country biodiversity indicators in response to the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) of the Convention on Biological Diversity, and its associated monitoring framework

On greenhouse gas emissions, we:

  • published an updated article comparing three official measures of UK greenhouse gas emissions: territorial, residential/production and consumption/footprint
  • introduced new sectoral classifications to our greenhouse gas emissions (territorial basis) statistics to better meet policy and user needs, improving coherence and alignment – these classifications will continue to be reviewed annually for further improvements and to incorporate new emissions sources
  • updated 2023 provisional emissions (territorial basis) statistics splitting all emissions by sector (previously only done for carbon dioxide)
  • extended the time series for nitrous oxide and methane emissions in local authority emissions statistics from 2018 to 2020 to 2005 to 2021.

Achievements and plans from April 2024 to March 2025

So far this year we have:

The Joint Nature Conservation Committee also published a report in April 2024 with contributions from Defra, Statutory Nature  Conservation Bodies and the devolved governments. This review and mapping work has determined which indicators are still fit for purpose to measure progress against the new GBF goals and targets. It has also helped to align UK and country-level indicators to the GBF, identify what gaps exist, and proposed the development of new indicators.

During the rest of the year, we plan to:

  • continue to develop a shared vision for environment statistics and data across Defra, ONS and the wider GSS
  • make use of existing networks such as the Environmental Reporting Network and the new GSS theme group to facilitate discussion and share good practice on wider environmental reporting and statistics
  • use Defra’s mapping of published environmental data and statistics to identify areas to improve the efficiency and coherence of government environmental statistics and data
  • coordinate and support the increased alignment of existing UK and country Biodiversity Indicators with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity, and commission indicator development research where required
  • continue to engage with users on the ongoing development and expansion of new official statistics in development on access to green space in England
  • explore how best to measure public service productivity with respect to environment
  • work across various producers of environmental indicators as part of the UK Environmental Observation Framework Natural Capital Working Group.

Further information

You can find up-to-date statistics and data on this topic area by looking at:

Statisticians working in this topic area concentrate on improving harmonisation, coherence, and accessibility of equality statistics across the UK particularly in relation to:

  • protected characteristics groups
  • people at greater risk of disadvantage
  • socioeconomic status
  • geography

Who leads the coherence work?

This work is led by different teams within the Health Population and Methods Group at the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

This work facilitates a joined up approach across the statistical system in responding to the recommendations of the Inclusive Data Taskforce (IDTF). This includes an implementation plan to improve data inclusivity across the UK statistical system.

You can contact the team by emailing

Main achievements from April 2023 to March 2024

From April 2023 to March 2024, we:

  • published the Embedding Inclusivity in UK data report which included an overview of the progress made to 2023
  • relaunched the Government Statistical Service Inclusive Data Sub Committee (GSS IDSC)
  • revised our monitoring and reporting approach for IDTF recommendations and commitments
  • continued to provide harmonisation standards advice and guidance

The ONS will continue working with colleagues across the Government Statistical Service (GSS) to address prioritised equalities data gaps identified by the IDTF in a coherent way. This work will be informed by the National Statistician’s Inclusive Data Advisory Committee (NSIDAC) and the Future Population and Migration Statistics Programme (FPMS).

Achievements and plans for April 2024 to March 2025

So far this year, we have:

  • agreed thematic priorities for NSIDAC for the financial year which are children’s data, disabilities data and non-household population groups
  • engaged with IDTF commitment holders to gather data which will inform our annual report (due for publication in late summer 2024)

During the rest of the year, we plan to:

  • publish our annual report in late summer 2024
  • continue monitoring the IDTF commitments until March 2025
  • continue to support NSIDAC and GSS IDSC
  • host a webinar at the Social Research Association to discuss our work
  • publish our revised harmonisation workplan with a focus on ethnicity; disability; and sex and gender identity
  • explore the coherence of administrative data sources as a key part of FPMS statistical quality assurance

Further information

Read more about the:

Statisticians working in this topic area concentrate on improving the harmonisation, coherence, and accessibility of health statistics across the UK.

Who leads the coherence work?

This work is led by the:

  • Health Leadership Forum, which was formed in 2022
  • Cross-UK Data and Statistics Group
  • UK Health Statistics Steering Group (UKHSSG), which oversees several theme groups

These groups include statistical producers from across the UK. They include but are not limited to:

  • the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)
  • the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)
  • NHS Business Services Authority
  • NHS Digital
  • Public Health Scotland
  • Welsh Government
  • the Department of Health Northern Ireland
  • NHS England
  • the Office for National Statistics (ONS)
  • the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA)

You can contact the teams working in this topic area by emailing

Main achievements from April 2023 to March 2024

From April 2023 to March 2024, we have published coherence articles on the following topics:

We have also:

  • reviewed priorities for coherence in health and explored how to progress these — this included reviewing the structure of the current theme groups and seeking feedback on proposals to improve how the theme groups work
  • continued working with the UKHSSG theme groups to scope out opportunities to develop UK-wide coherence within their themes as well as to communicate plans and progress

Achievements and plans for April 2024 to March 2025

So far this year, we have published further coherence articles on:

We are currently in the process of forming a new team in ONS to take forward the health coherence work. This team will be responsible for:

  • supporting UK health data producers and data users through networks and supporting joined up narratives.
  • gather and evaluate health coherence priorities

We have developed a draft prioritisation framework and will finalise a more detailed action plan in due course.

Further information

Read more about health and care statistics.

Statisticians working in this topic area work on initiatives to improve the coherence and maximise the value of housing, planning, homelessness and rough sleeping statistics.

Who leads the coherence work?

This work is led by the Government Statistical Service (GSS) cross-government groups which cover:

  • Housing Steering Group
  • Housing Statistics Working Group
  • Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Statistics Working Group
  • Private Rental Sector Working Group

You can contact the teams working in this topic area by emailing

Main achievements from April 2023 to March 2024

From April 2023 to March 2024, we:

We have also published monthly UK Price index of Private Rents (PIPR) since March 2024, providing rental price indices and average rental prices at a local authority level. PIPR replaced the Index of Private Housing Rental Prices and the Private Rental Market Summary statistics releases.

Local house and rental prices have been brought together in the Housing prices in your area interactive tool which explores ONS’s housing price data. While England and Wales rents data are for achieved rents (existing and new lets), Scotland rents data are mainly for advertised new lets, which were not subject to Scotland’s in-tenancy price-increase cap and are not subject to temporary changes to the Rent Adjudication system. Scottish Government Statisticians believe that the lack of data on existing tenants benefiting from rent controls and changes to the Rent Adjudication system, will lead to over-estimation in stock prices and indices for Scotland since late 2022. Due to data collection differences, we advise caution when comparing Scotland estimates with other UK nations.

Producers have continued to produce a range of statistics and analysis including:

Achievements and plans for April 2024 to March 2025

So far this year, ONS and other producers have published:

During the rest of the year, we plan to:

  • further develop UK Price Index of Private Rents (PIPR) statistics by including rental data from Northern Ireland from March 2025
  • explore using administrative data to support improvements in inter-census housing statistics
  • explore data from across the UK on affordable housing and publish an article bringing together UK statistics, where feasible describing the data landscape
  • continue exploring opportunities to improve the UK coherence of homelessness statistics through outcomes from initiatives and plans taking place across the devolved governments
  • produce a more statistically complete picture of the net supply of Social Housing in England in MHCLG’s 2023 to 2024 Social Housing Sales and Demolitions release, due in January 2025
  • continue working with analysts across the GSS to improve the statistical coherence of housing and homelessness statistics, increasing the value of these statistics to inform current public policy and debate

Further information

Statisticians working in this topic area concentrate on improving the coherence and accessibility of income and earnings statistics across the Government Statistical Service (GSS).

Who leads the coherence work

This work is led by the:

  • GSS Income and Earnings Coherence Steering Group
  • Office for National Statistics (ONS) Technical Engagement Division

The GSS Income and Earnings Coherence Steering Group is made up of members from:

  • the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
  • HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
  • ONS

You can contact the teams working in this topic area by emailing

Main achievements from April 2023 to March 2024

From April 2023 to March 2024, we:

DWP has published a new measure of poverty, Below Average Resources, and an associated consultation which ran from 18 January to 11 April 2024. DWP has also published illustrative data in its Family Resources Survey (FRS) Transformation: integrating administrative data into the FRS publication to demonstrate the value of linking to DWP benefits administrative data in March 2024.

Achievements and plans for April 2024 to March 2025

So far this year, we have:

During the rest of the year, we plan to:

Further information

Read more about income and earnings statistics.

Statisticians working in this topic area concentrate on providing high quality international migration statistics and insights.

Who leads the coherence work?

This work is led by:

  • the Office for National Statistics (ONS)
  • the National Records for Scotland (NRS)
  • the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA)
  • the Welsh Government (WG)

You can contact the teams working in this topic area by emailing

Main achievements from April 2023 to March 2024

From April 2023 to March 2024, we:

  • agreed at the Inter-Administration Committee (IAC) in February 2024 that a harmonised UK-wide approach to producing population estimates was imperative
  • set up a Task and Finish Group on Future UK Population and Migration Statistics to strengthen the flow of information across the devolved governments to support UK wide coherence – the initial focus of the group has been to support data sharing and also support technical knowledge sharing
  • continued the established publication cycle of population and migration statistics to ensure consistent outputs that can be used across GSS and beyond – this included UK population estimates for mid-2022
  • worked with colleagues across government departments, through the GSS Steering Group, and secondment programmes between ONS and the Home Office and ONS and the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to help us better understand and align migration statistics
  • worked with Other Government Departments (OGDs) on census migration articles
  • linked HM Revenue and Customs data with Home Office data to understand difference in incomes by visa type
  • published an update on using Home Office data to measure EU nationals

Achievements and plans for April 2024 to March 2025

So far this year, we have:

  • published admin-based population estimates for England and Wales alongside the official mid-2023 population estimates to inform users and seek feedback as part of our transformation of population statistics
  • shared the Dynamic Population Model (DPM) code that produces admin-based population estimates with the devolved governments
  • set up a population statistics working group across the UK and a funding impacts group involving government finance departments across the devolved governments
  • set up a working group with NISRA, Central Statistics Office (Ireland) and ONS to ensure a coherent estimate of migration in the common travel area
  • published an update on using admin data to measure migration of British nationals

During the rest of the year, we plan to:

  • agree deliverables with IAC for further work to develop an agreed approach to the statistical design for coherent UK population and migration estimates
  • agree an approach across the UK for producing cross-border migration flows from the DPM
  • agree with Home Office to produce Exit Checks data within the Integrated Data Service to allow for further data linkage and analysis
  • publish further updates on migration research

Further information

Statisticians working in this topic area concentrate on improving coherence and reducing trade data gaps across the four nations of the UK.

Who leads the coherence work?

This work is led by:

  • the Department for Business and Trade (DBT)
  • the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG)
  • HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
  • the Office for National Statistics (ONS)
  • the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA)
  • Scottish Government
  • Welsh Government

You can contact the teams working in this topic area by emailing Global.Trade.&

Main achievements from April 2023 to March 2024

From April 2023 to March 2024 we:

  • published a regional trade user guide which outlines the measures of trade data and the methods used to produce them, enabling the user to decide which measure is suitable for their purpose — this guide was produced by ONS, HMRC and the devolved governments and published in July 2023
  • published the Subnational Trade in Goods and Trade in Services timeseries in June 2023 — this covers UK regions and smaller geographies to International Territorial Level (ITL) 3 on a consistent basis from 2016 to 2021
  • have undertaken research to align devolved government trade surveys and published an article on the feasibility of producing interregional trade statistics using survey data and administrative data sources — this will allow for new UK interregional trade estimates to be produced in Autumn 2024 as official statistics in development (previously termed ‘experimental statistics’)

Achievements and plans for April 2024 to March 2025

ONS plans to publish a user guide on international trade data and related asymmetries. This guide aims to bring together information on trade asymmetries and signpost to available resources to help users to easily access the information they need.

The Welsh Government plans to consider how the sampling of the Trade Survey for Wales could be more coherent with other devolved government trade surveys. The Welsh Government are working with the NISRA and Scottish Government on this.

NISRA are working on a new Trade HTML page that brings together NI-GB trade stats into one place to make it easier for users to access. Bringing together trade stats for NI from The Northern Ireland Economic Trade Statistics (NIETS), Economic accounts and Ports stats will better explain NI-GB trade. The goal is to pull together disparate data sources (that each provide some of the big picture) in order to try to provide as complete a picture of NI-GB trade as possible. This will replace the NI-GB trade slide pack that NISRA previously published.

ONS also plan to:

  • update the regional trade user guide
  • publish Subnational trade in goods and services timeseries in Nov 2024 – this covers UK regions and smaller geographies to ITL3 level on a consistent basis from 2016 to 2022
  • publish new estimates of interregional trade at an ITL1 level in Autumn 2024 as official statistics in development (previously termed ‘experimental statistics’)

Further information

You can find more information about this topic area by emailing Global.Trade.&

The Office for National Statistics (ONS), devolved governments and relevant departments have been working together to create and improve the coherence of UK-wide data in high-priority areas of shared interest.

This section brings together all of the UK-wide coherence projects and may include some initiatives that are already covered in previous sections.

Who leads the coherence work?

This work is led by the Technical Engagement Division and other teams at ONS, through regular engagement and collaboration with:

  • the devolved governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
  • the Cabinet Office (CO)
  • the Government Statistical Service (GSS) Heads of Profession and Directors of Analysis

Governance of cross-UK coherence statistical work is through the Inter-Administration Committee (IAC), which is chaired by the National Statistician.

A UK-wide evidence and analysis steering board aims to improve access and use of evidence, and analysis across the UK. The steering board is chaired by Directors from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) and the Cabinet Office (CO), with the Secretariat provided by the CO. The board has met five times since February 2023 and has discussed topics including housing quality, economic inactivity, and social care.

Main achievements from April 2023 to March 2024

From April 2023 to March 2024, working with GSS colleagues, ONS teams have:

We also identified and agreed a new set of UK-wide data coherence projects to take forward in the financial year 2024 to 2025. This was achieved through engagement and consultation with the devolved governments and agreed with the IAC and devolution colleagues housed within the Cabinet Office.

Achievements and plans for April 2024 to March 2025

So far this year, working with GSS colleagues, ONS teams have:

During the rest of the year, we plan to continue working with ONS and GSS teams, progressing additional UK-wide priority projects. These include:

  • facilitating the onward sharing of administrative data, development of common methods and knowledge transfer between ONS and the devolved governments to develop a future UK-wide population and migration statistics system that is coherent and harmonised across all four UK nations
  • exploring the cross-UK comparability of data on affordable homes that is available across the four UK nations
  • publishing new interregional estimates for trade in goods and services by UK nation and English regions, using trade survey data from the four nations – this output will be official statistics in development (previously termed ‘experimental statistics’) and is expected to be published in late 2024
  • the Department for Work and Pensions’ (DWP) Below Average Resource (BAR) poverty measure – this new measure is based on the approach recommended by the Social Metrics Commission
  • working with the devolved governments to share knowledge, best practice and data sources from the ONS-led UK Public Service Productivity (PSP) Review to help make similar improvements to their country-specific estimates of public service productivity
  • taking forward further work on health coherence and health data comparability across the UK, such as measuring health outcomes and other health coherence priorities
  • work by the Welsh Government, Scottish Government and Department of Health and Social Care to improve understanding and comparability of cross-border NHS service use data

We are also progressing other longer-term priority projects such as developing a UK Health Index, building on the previously published health index for England. This work is subject to funding being available and options for funding are currently being explored.

Further information

You can ask for more information about this topic area by emailing

Further resources

There are many partnerships and resources across the GSS on statistical coherence.

There are several resources we would recommend looking at to develop your understanding of statistical coherence, including:

  • the coherence insight report produced by the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) in 2019 — this report concentrates on coherence and outlines a framework to support analysts when developing statistics and analysis
  • the coherence user research work — this report contains the findings from a series of qualitative interviews with data users about the challenges and opportunities they experience when bringing together government data
  • the UK Concordat on Statistics — this is a jointly agreed framework to guide the UK Government, and the Northern Ireland, Scottish, and Welsh Governments when they work together on statistical projects
  • the Code of Practice for Statistics — the code states that producers must demonstrate that they do not simply publish a set of numbers, but that they explain how they relate to other data on the topic, and how they combine with other statistics to better explain the part of the world they describe
  • the National Statistical blog post ‘Embedding joined up insight across UK statistics’ discusses and summarises recent achievements and other statistical work taking place in this area

Contact us

For general questions about statistical coherence, please email

For questions about a specific statistical topic please use the contact details given in the relevant section of this workplan.