Introduction to object orientated programming in Python

Open to
Government analysts
Training category
Analytical, Data science
Type of training
5 hours
Data Science Campus
Data Science Campus

This course is designed to introduce you to object orientated programming in Python.

As an object orientated language, every variable used in Python is an object. This course will cover:

  • what is meant by objects
  • how to create user-defined classes to hold data
  • how to expand and enhance user-defined classes to perform important functions

The course will also provide a greater understanding of how commonly used Python packages are set up and the background work involved.

Who this course is for

To enrol on this course you should have a good level of experience with Python. This should include experience of creating your own functions.

Learning outcomes

On this course you will:

  • gain a better understanding of previously experienced Python objects
  • learn how to create simple classes to hold data
  • learn how to augment classes with complicated methods and powerful tools
  • learn about inheriting objects, comparing objects, combining objects, and decorating objects

How to book

Please use your Learning Hub account to access the course online.

If you do not have a Learning Hub account, please use our sign-up form.


If you would like more information about this course, please email