Qualifications harmonised standard

Policy details

Metadata item Details
Publication date:31 August 2022
Owner:GSS Harmonisation Team
Who this is for:Users and producers of statistics
Type:Harmonisation standards and guidance
Updates:The Qualifications harmonised guidance was reviewed in August 2022 following the work of the Transformed Labour Force Survey (TLFS) transformation team. Based on their extensive research, the qualifications harmonised standard was created.

What we mean by harmonisation

Harmonisation is the process of making statistics and data more comparable, consistent, and coherent. Harmonised standards set out how to collect and report statistics to make sure they can be compared effectively across different data collections in the Government Statistical Service (GSS). Harmonisation produces more useful statistics that give users a greater level of understanding about a topic.

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What we mean by qualifications

According to Cambridge Dictionary, a qualification is “an official record showing that you have finished a training course or have the necessary skills”.

The main requirement for the education questions, is to establish a respondent’s highest qualification. In the qualifications harmonised standard, the highest qualifications can be put into one of 7 categories to reflect the level of education. This can be a complicated method to work with, but it is needed as respondents often do not know what their highest qualification is. Therefore, in some cases there is a clear user need to collect all respondent’s qualifications, and not just the highest qualification. After collecting this information, it is possible to work out which is the highest qualification.

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Options for collecting qualifications in the UK surveys

Collecting qualifications in surveys is challenging because some respondents struggle to correctly recall their qualifications, or the qualifications that other people in their household have achieved if they are answering on their behalf. Respondents may also find it challenging to connect unlisted qualifications to the categories that have been provided as answers. This could include certificates and diplomas that apply to more than one response category, or foreign and other qualifications that are not explicitly listed as response options.

This is why we offer two options for collecting data for qualifications. These are the educational attainment harmonised standard, and the qualifications harmonised standard.

Educational attainment’ refers to the highest level of education that a person has reached. In most cases this information is enough, so we would recommend using educational attainment harmonised standard where possible. But, where users need to know specific qualifications or need more certainty and detail in their outputs, we would recommend using the qualifications harmonised standard instead.

This qualifications harmonised standard is based on the Transformed Labour Force Survey (TLFS). It was developed by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Social Survey Research and Design team.

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Development of the standard

The TLFS is a survey instrument used to produce labour market statistics that are traditionally produced by the Labour Force Survey (LFS). The questions have been designed for online and telephone mode, for the TLFS. The TLFS has a mixed-mode design and includes education questions.

The main aim of these questions is to establish a respondent’s education level by placing them in 1 of 7 categories based on their highest qualification. The questions gather information about all of a respondent’s qualifications so that we can work out what their highest qualification is.

The question designs were based on data from the research.

Online mode research

This research included:

  • moderated card sorts – gathering qualitative data from nine participants
  • unmoderated card sorts – gathering quantitative data from 600 participants
  • 198 cognitive interviews with members of the public across the UK gathering qualitative data in 7 iterations – between each of the 7 cognitive interviewing test rounds the questions have been redesigned based on findings

Telephone mode research

This research included:

  • 4 focus groups with telephone operators – gathering qualitative data
  • 60 cognitive interviews with members of the public across the UK gathering qualitative data in 2 iterations – the questions have been through 2 test rounds and have been redesigned 3 times based on findings

The research questions

Each question was mode optimised during development. This meant that although each question was initially developed for the online mode, it was then re-designed to be optimised for telephone mode.

All the new designs have been tested for accessibility. Additionally, the readability of each question has been tested.

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Question stems and response options: inputs

The questions were designed to capture all the qualification types, sizes, and levels available in the UK both historically, and at the time of publication in 2022. However, the questions will undoubtedly need updating in the future when new qualifications become available.

To make this webpage as user friendly as possible, these questions have been split into groups. This grouping is not to be presented to respondents, but rather has been included to make the long list of questions more manageable.

Apprenticeship (‘APPCURR’)

Are you currently doing a formal apprenticeship with an employer which will lead to qualifications?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Course enrolment (‘ENROL’)

Are you currently enrolled on any other formal education courses?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Enrolment check (‘Enrol_Check’)

In the last four weeks, have you been on any formal training to help you find work or whilst waiting for a job to start?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Type of course (‘COURSE’)

What kind of course are you currently enrolled on?

  1. At school
  2. A full-time course at university or college – including 6th Form college
  3. A part-time course at university or college – including day release and block release
  4. A sandwich course
  5. A full-time course done through Open College or Open University
  6. A part-time course done through Open College or Open University
  7. Any other correspondence course or open learning method

Attendance status (‘ATTEND’)

Are you attending this course?

  1. Still attending
  2. Waiting for term to start or restart
  3. Stopped attending

Country qualifications introduction (‘Country_Qual_Intro’)

We are now going to ask you about the qualifications that you have gained in the past.

Country Qualifications (‘Country_Qual’)

In the past, in which of these places did you gain your qualifications?

Select all that apply:

  1. England, Northern Ireland or Wales
  2. Scotland
  3. Outside of the UK – including Republic of Ireland


  1. No qualifications have been gained in the past

School-level qualifications gained in England, Northern Ireland or Wales (‘EWNI_School’)

Which of these school qualifications have you gained in England, Northern Ireland or Wales?

Select all that apply:

  1. Any grade GCSEs, O Levels or CSEs
  2. EPQ
  3. AS Levels, A Levels or T Levels
  4. BTEC, BEC, TEC, Edexcel or LQL
  5. Welsh or International Baccalaureate
  6. Access to Higher Education Diploma


  1. None of these

College qualifications gained in England, Northern Ireland or Wales (‘EWNI_College’)

Which of these college or training qualifications have you gained in England, Northern Ireland or Wales?

Select all that apply

  1. ONC
  2. OND
  3. HNC
  4. HND
  5. RSA or OCR Qualification – including Cambridge Nationals or Cambridge Technicals
  6. City and Guilds Qualification
  7. Diploma in Higher Education – DipHE
  8. 14-19 Diploma
  9. NVQ
  10. GNVQ
  11. Apprenticeships


  1. None of these

Additional qualifications gained in England, Northern Ireland or Wales (‘EWNI_Additional’)

Which of these additional qualifications from school or college have you gained in England, Northern Ireland or Wales?

Select all that apply

  1. Basic Skills Qualification – these were discontinued in 2014
  2. Key, Essential or Functional Skills Qualification – these are specific types of courses that can be done at school or college
  3. Entry Level Qualification
  4. Youth Training Scheme Certificate – YTS, YTP or YT


  1. None of these

Professional qualifications gained in England, Northern Ireland or Wales (‘EWNI_Prof’)

Which of these professional qualifications have you gained in England, Northern Ireland or Wales?

Select all that apply:

  1. Nursing Qualification
  2. Early Years Teaching or Professional Status
  3. Qualified Teacher Status
  4. Chartered qualification


  1. None of these

University qualifications gained in England, Northern Ireland or Wales (‘EWNI_Uni’)

Which of these University Degree qualifications have you gained in England, Northern Ireland or Wales?

Select all that apply:

  1. Foundation Degree – these are the same as two thirds of an undergraduate degree and take around 2 years to do
  2. Undergraduate or Bachelor’s Degree
  3. Master’s Degree
  4. Doctorate


  1. None of these

Any other qualifications (‘Safety_Net_Q’)

Which of these formal qualifications have you gained that have not already been covered? These qualifications must have been done through an accredited body.

Select all that apply:

  1. Formal Award Qualification
  2. Formal Certificate Qualification
  3. Formal Diploma Qualification
  4. Other Formal Qualification


  1. None of these

Levels of awards (‘Safety_Net_Level_Awards’)

What levels were these other Awards?

Select all that apply:

  1. Entry Level
  2. Level 1 – equivalent to GCSE grades D to G or 3 to 1
  3. Level 2 – equivalent to GCSE grades A* to C or 9 to 4
  4. Level 3 – equivalent to AS or A Level
  5. Level 4 – equivalent to university first year
  6. Level 5 – equivalent to university second year
  7. Level 6 – equivalent to university third year
  8. Level 7 – equivalent to postgraduate
  9. Level 8 – equivalent to doctorate
  10. My qualification is not formal and does not have a level

Levels of certificates (‘Safety_Net_Level_Certs’)

What levels were these other certificates?

Select all that apply:

  1. Entry Level
  2. Level 1 – equivalent to GCSE grades D to G or 3 to 1
  3. Level 2 – equivalent to GCSE grades A* to C or 9 to 4
  4. Level 3 – equivalent to AS or A Level
  5. Level 4 – equivalent to university first year
  6. Level 5 – equivalent to university second year
  7. Level 6 – equivalent to university third year
  8. Level 7 – equivalent to postgraduate
  9. Level 8 – equivalent to doctorate
  10. My qualification is not formal and does not have a level

Levels of diplomas (‘Safety_Net_Level_Dips’)

What levels were these other Diplomas?

Select all that apply:

  1. Entry Level
  2. Level 1 – equivalent to GCSE grades D to G or 3 to 1
  3. Level 2 – equivalent to GCSE grades A* to C or 9 to 4
  4. Level 3 – equivalent to AS or A Level
  5. Level 4 – equivalent to university first year
  6. Level 5 – equivalent to university second year
  7. Level 6 – equivalent to university third year
  8. Level 7 – equivalent to postgraduate
  9. Level 8 – equivalent to doctorate
  10. My qualification is not formal and does not have a level

Levels of other qualifications (‘Safety_Net_Level_Other’)

What levels were these other formal qualifications?

Select all that apply:

  1. Entry Level
  2. Level 1 – equivalent to GCSE grades D to G or 3 to 1
  3. Level 2 – equivalent to GCSE grades A* to C or 9 to 4
  4. Level 3 – equivalent to AS or A Level
  5. Level 4 – equivalent to university first year
  6. Level 5 – equivalent to university second year
  7. Level 6 – equivalent to university third year
  8. Level 7 – equivalent to postgraduate
  9. Level 8 – equivalent to doctorate
  10. My qualification is not formal and does not have a level

Other qualifications (‘Other_Qual’)

What is your other qualification?

A blank text box will be displayed to the respondent to write their answer in.

Qualifications gained outside of the UK (‘NonUK_Other_Qual’)

What is your other qualification?

A blank text box will be displayed to the respondent to write their answer in.

Additional other qualifications (‘Add_Other_Qual’)

What is your other qualification?

A blank text box will be displayed to the respondent to write their answer in.

Other qualifications gained outside of the UK (‘Other_Qual_NonUK’)

What type of qualification do you need to add from outside of the UK?

A blank text box will be displayed to the respondent to write their answer in.

Quality check (‘Qual_Check’)

Here is a list of the qualifications you told us that you have gained so that you can check you have not double counted or missed any qualifications. Which ones do you have at any level?

The response options will be forwarded from previous question answers. Please use the following scripting instructions to work out which responses should be forwarded:[Feedforward response options selected at EWNI_School, EWNI_College, EWNI_Additional, EWNI_Prof, EWNI_Uni, Other_Qual, Safety_Net_Q (+ Safety_Net_Lev selections)]

  1. [if Country_Qual = 1 ONLY] I need to add another qualification gained in England, Northern Ireland or Wales
  2. [if Country_Qual = 1 ONLY] I need to add a qualification gained in Scotland
  3. [if Country_Qual = 1 ONLY] I need to add a qualification gained outside of the UK

Type of additional qualifications check (‘Add_Qual’)

What type of qualification do you need to add from England, Wales or Northern Ireland?

Select all that apply:

  1. School qualification
  2. College or training qualification
  3. Professional qualification
  4. University qualification
  5. My qualification does not fit into any of these

Additional school-level qualifications check (‘Add_School’)

Which school qualifications do you need to add from England, Northern Ireland or Wales?

Select all that apply:

  1. Any grade GCSEs, O Levels or CSEs
  2. EPQ
  3. AS Levels, A Levels or T Levels
  4. BTEC, BEC, TEC, Edexcel or LQL
  5. Welsh or International Baccalaureate
  6. Access to Higher Education Diploma
  7. Basic Skills Qualification – these were discontinued in 2014
  8. Key, Essential or Functional Skills Qualification – these are specific types of courses that are done at school or college
  9. Entry Level Qualification
  10. Youth Training Scheme Certificate – YTS, YTP or YT
  11. Other qualification

Additional school-level other qualifications check (‘EWNI_AddSch_Other’)

What is your other school qualification that you need to add from England, Northern Ireland or Wales?

A blank text box will be displayed to the respondent to write their answer in. The text box label is ‘Other school qualifications gained in England, Northern Ireland or Wales’.

Additional college qualifications check (‘Add_College’)

Which college or training qualifications do you need to add from England, Northern Ireland or Wales?

Select all that apply:

  1. BTEC, BEC, TEC, Edexcel or LQL
  2. ONC
  3. OND
  4. HNC
  5. HND
  6. RSA or OCR Qualification – including Cambridge Nationals or Cambridge Technicals
  7. City and Guilds Qualification
  8. Diploma in Higher Education (DipHE)
  9. 14-19 Diploma
  10. NVQ
  11. GNVQ
  12. Apprenticeships
  13. Welsh or International Baccalaureate
  14. Basic Skills Qualification – these were discontinued in 2014
  15. Key, Essential or Functional Skills Qualification – these are specific types of courses that are done at school or college
  16. Entry Level Qualification
  17. Youth Training Scheme Certificate – YTS, YTP or YT
  18. Other qualification

Additional other college qualifications check (‘EWNI_AddCol_Other’)

What is your other college or training qualification that you need to add from England, Northern Ireland or Wales?

A blank text box will be displayed to the respondent to write their answer in. The text box label is ‘Other college or training qualifications gained in England, Northern Ireland or Wales’.

Additional professional qualifications check (‘Add_Prof’)

Which professional qualifications do you need to add from England, Northern Ireland or Wales?

Select all that apply:

  1. Nursing Qualification
  2. Early Years Teaching or Professional Status
  3. Qualified Teacher Status
  4. Chartered qualification
  5. Other qualification

Additional other professional qualifications check (‘EWNI_AddProf_Other’)

What is your other professional qualification that you need to add from England, Northern Ireland or Wales?

A blank text box will be displayed to the respondent to write their answer in. The text box label is ‘Other professional qualifications gained in England, Northern Ireland or Wales’.

Additional university qualifications check (‘Add_Uni’)

Which University Degree qualifications do you need to add from England, Northern Ireland or Wales?

Select all that apply:

  1. Foundation Degree – these are the same as two thirds of an undergraduate degree and take around 2 years to do
  2. Undergraduate Degree
  3. Master’s Degree
  4. Doctorate
  5. Other qualification

Additional other university qualifications check (‘EWNI_AddUni_Other’)

What is your other University Degree qualification that you need to add from England, Northern Ireland or Wales?

A blank text box will be displayed to the respondent to write their answer in. The text box label is ‘Other University Degree qualifications gained in England, Northern Ireland or Wales’.

GCSE and O Levels (‘GCSE_Olevs’)

Which of these qualifications do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. GCSEs grades A* to G or 9 to 1
  2. O Levels
  3. CSEs grade 1
  4. CSEs grade 2 or below

GCSEs and O Levels check (‘GCSE_Olev_Check’)

You told us that you gained both GCSEs and O Levels. Just to check, did you do both of these types of qualifications?

  1. Yes, I did both GCSEs and O Levels
  2. No, I did GCSEs only
  3. No, I did O Levels only

GCSE grades (‘GCSE_Grades’)

Thinking about all your GCSEs, what grades did you get?

  1. One or more GCSE at grades A* to C or 9 to 4
  2. One or more GCSE at grades D to G or 3 to 1
  3. Both

A Levels and T Levels (‘Alev_Tlev’)

Which of these qualifications do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. AS Levels
  2. A Levels
  3. T Levels

Type of Baccalaureate (‘Bacc_Type’)

Do you have Welsh or International Baccalaureate qualifications?

  1. Welsh Baccalaureate
  2. International Baccalaureate


  1. Both

Welsh Baccalaureate (‘Welsh_Bacc’)

Which levels of Welsh Baccalaureate do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Foundation, level 1 – equivalent to GCSE grades D to G or 3 to 1
  2. National or Intermediate, level 2 – equivalent to GCSE grades A* to C or 9 to 4
  3. Advanced, level 3 – equivalent to AS or A Levels

NVQ completion year (‘NVQ_Year’)

When did you complete your NVQ?

  1. Before October 2015
  2. October 2015 or after


  1. Both

NVQ completion before 2015 (‘NVQ_pre2015’)

Which levels of NVQ do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Level 1 – equivalent to GCSE grades D to G or 3 to 1
  2. Level 2 – equivalent to GCSE grades A* to C or 9 to 4
  3. Level 3 – equivalent to AS or A Levels
  4. Level 4 – equivalent to first, second or third year of university
  5. Level 5 – equivalent to a postgraduate degree

NVQ completion after 2015 (‘NVQ_af2015’)

Which levels of NVQ do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Entry Level
  2. Level 1 – equivalent to GCSE grades D to G or 3 to 1
  3. Level 2 – equivalent to GCSE grades A* to C or 9 to 4
  4. Level 3 – equivalent to AS or A Levels
  5. Level 4 – equivalent to first year of university
  6. Level 5 – equivalent to second year of university
  7. Level 6 – equivalent to third year of university
  8. Level 7 – equivalent to postgraduate
  9. Level 8 – equivalent to doctorate

GNVQ Level (‘GNVQLevel’)

Which levels of GNVQ do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Foundation – equivalent to GCSE grades D to G or 3 to 1
  2. Intermediate – equivalent to GCSE grades A* to C or 9 to 4
  3. Advanced – equivalent to AS or A Levels

Type of City and Guilds (‘CG_Type’)

Which types of City and Guilds qualifications do you have?

  1. Award
  2. Certificate
  3. Diploma


  1. I don’t know

Level of City and Guilds (‘CG_Size’)

Which levels of City and Guilds qualifications do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Entry Level
  2. Level 1 – equivalent to GCSE grades D to G or 3 to 1
  3. Level 2 – equivalent to GCSE grades A* to C or 9 to 4
  4. Level 3 – equivalent to AS or A Levels
  5. Level 4 – equivalent to university first year
  6. Level 5 – equivalent to university second year
  7. Level 6 – equivalent to university third year
  8. Level 7 – equivalent to postgraduate
  9. Level 8 – equivalent to doctorate
  10. My qualification does not have a level

Type of qualification (‘Safety_Net_Size’)

Do you know what type of [feedforward qualification] you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Formal Award Qualification
  2. Formal Certificate Qualification
  3. Formal Diploma Qualification


  1. Don’t know

The response options will be forwarded from previous question answers. Please use the following scripting instructions to work out which responses should be forwarded:‘feedforward qualification’ = if CG_Type= 4orBTEC_Type = 5orBTEC_Lev = 5orEdexcel_Lev = 3orNursing_Qual = 7

[if selected ‘I don’t know’ at CG_Type, feedforward ‘City and Guilds’ into question stem

if selected ‘LQL’ at BTEC_Type, feedforward ‘LQL’ into question stem

if selected ‘I don’t know’ at BTEC_Lev, feedforward ‘BTEC’ into question stem

if selected ‘Other Edexcel qualification’ at Edexcel_Lev, feedforward ‘Edexcel Qualification’ into question stem

if selected ‘Other’ at Nursing_Qual, feedforward ‘Nursing Qualification’ into question stem]

Levels of awards follow up (‘Safety_Net_Followup_awards’)

What levels were these [feedforward qualification] Awards?

Select all that apply:

  1. Entry Level
  2. Level 1 – equivalent to GCSE grades D to G or 3 to 1
  3. Level 2 – equivalent to GCSE grades A* to C or 9 to 4
  4. Level 3 – equivalent to AS or A Levels
  5. Level 4 – equivalent to university first year
  6. Level 5 – equivalent to university second year
  7. Level 6 – equivalent to university third year
  8. Level 7 – equivalent to postgraduate
  9. Level 8 – equivalent to doctorate

Levels of certificates follow up (‘Safety_Net_Followup_Certs’)

What levels were these [feedforward qualification] Certificates?

Select all that apply:

  1. Entry Level
  2. Level 1 – equivalent to GCSE grades D to G or 3 to 1
  3. Level 2 – equivalent to GCSE grades A* to C or 9 to 4
  4. Level 3 – equivalent to AS or A Levels
  5. Level 4 – equivalent to university first year
  6. Level 5 – equivalent to university second year
  7. Level 6 – equivalent to university third year
  8. Level 7 – equivalent to postgraduate
  9. Level 8 – equivalent to doctorate

Levels of diplomas follow up (‘Safety_Net_Followup_Dips’)

What levels were these [feedforward qualification] Diplomas?

Select all that apply:

  1. Entry Level
  2. Level 1 – equivalent to GCSE grades D to G or 3 to 1
  3. Level 2 – equivalent to GCSE grades A* to C or 9 to 4
  4. Level 3 – equivalent to AS or A Levels
  5. Level 4 – equivalent to university first year
  6. Level 5 – equivalent to university second year
  7. Level 6 – equivalent to university third year
  8. Level 7 – equivalent to postgraduate
  9. Level 8 – equivalent to doctorate

Levels of other qualifications follow up (‘Safety_Net_Followup_DK’)

What levels were these [feedforward qualification]?

Select all that apply:

  1. Entry Level
  2. Level 1 – equivalent to GCSE grades D to G or 3 to 1
  3. Level 2 – equivalent to GCSE grades A* to C or 9 to 4
  4. Level 3 – equivalent to AS or A Levels
  5. Level 4 – equivalent to university first year
  6. Level 5 – equivalent to university second year
  7. Level 6 – equivalent to university third year
  8. Level 7 – equivalent to postgraduate
  9. Level 8 – equivalent to doctorate

Type of BTEC (‘BTEC_Type’)

Which types of BTEC qualifications do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. BTEC
  2. TEC
  3. BEC
  4. Edexcel Qualification – this is referring to a type of qualification and not the exam board
  5. LQL

Number of BTECs (‘BTEC_Number’)

How many BTECs do you have?

A blank text box will be displayed to the respondent to write their answer in.

Level of BTECs (‘BTEC_Lev’)

What are your [feedforward number of BTECs entered at BTEC_Num if >1] BTECs equivalent to?

  1. Equivalent to GCSEs or lower – Entry level, level 1 and 2
  2. Equivalent to AS or A Levels – Level 3, including BTEC Nationals
  3. Equivalent to first or second year at university or higher
  4. BTEC Apprenticeships
  5. Or
  6. I don’t know

Level 1 and Level 2 BTEC (‘BTEC_lev1_2’)

Which levels of BTEC do you have that are equivalent to GCSEs or lower?

  1. Entry level
  2. Level 1 – equivalent to GCSE grades D to G or 3 to 1
  3. Level 2 – equivalent to GCSE grades A* to C or 9 to 4

Type of entry level BTEC (‘BTEC_EL_Type’)

Which types of Entry Level BTEC do you have?

  1. Award qualification
  2. Certificate qualification

Type of Level 1 BTEC (‘BTEC_1_Type’)

Which types of Level 1 BTEC do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Award
  2. Certificate – equivalent to GCSE grades D to G or 3 to 1
  3. Diploma

BTEC Level 2 start date (‘BTEC_2_Date’)

When did you start your BTEC Level 2?

  1. 2011 or before
  2. 2012 or after


  1. I have Level 2 BTECs that started both before and after 2012

BTEC Level 2 start date before 2012 (‘BTEC_pre2012’)

What were your Level 2 BTEC qualifications that you started in 2011 or before?

Select all that apply:

  1. Certificates – each one is equivalent to 1 GCSE
  2. Extended Certificates – each one is equivalent to 2 GCSEs
  3. Diplomas – each one is equivalent to 3 GCSEs

BTEC Level 2 start date after 2012 (‘BTEC_af2012’)

What were your Level 2 BTEC qualifications that you started in 2012 or after?

Select all that apply:

  1. Awards – each one is equivalent to 1 GCSE
  2. Certificates – each one is equivalent to 2 GCSEs
  3. Extended Certificates – each one is equivalent to 3 GCSEs
  4. Diplomas – each one is equivalent to 4 GCSEs

BTEC, AS or A Level equivalent start date (‘BTEC_3_Date’)

When did you start your BTECs that were equivalent to AS or A Levels?

Select all that apply:

  1. 2009 or earlier
  2. 2010 to 2015
  3. 2016 or later

Type of BTEC AS or A Level equivalent gained before 2009 (‘BTEC_3_Type’)

Which types of BTECs did you gain in 2009 or earlier that are equivalent to AS or A Levels?

Select all that apply:

  1. Awards – each one is equivalent to 1 A Level
  2. Certificates – each one is equivalent to 2 A Levels
  3. Diplomas – each one is equivalent to 3 A Levels

Type of BTEC AS or A Level equivalent gained in 2010 to 2015 (‘BTEC_3_Type2’)

Which types of BTECs did you gain in 2010 to 2015 that are equivalent to AS or A Levels?

Select all that apply:

  1. Certificates – each one is equivalent to an AS Level
  2. Subsidiary Diplomas – each one is equivalent to 1 A Level
  3. 90-credit Diplomas – each one is equivalent to 1.5 A Levels
  4. Diplomas – each one is equivalent to 2 A Levels
  5. Extended Diplomas – each one is equivalent to 3 A Levels

Type of BTEC AS or A Level equivalent gained after 2016 (‘BTEC_3_Type3’)

Which types of BTECs did you gain in 2016 or later that are equivalent to AS or A Levels?

Select all that apply:

  1. Certificates – each one is equivalent to an AS Level
  2. Extended Certificates – each one is equivalent to 1 A Level
  3. Foundation Diplomas – each one is equivalent to 1.5 A Levels
  4. Diplomas – each one is equivalent to 2 A Levels
  5. Extended Diplomas – each one is equivalent to 3 A Levels

Types of BTEC (‘BTEC_4_Type’)

Which types of BTEC do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. BTEC Higher National Certificate, HNC
  2. BTEC Higher National Diploma, HND
  3. BTEC Professional

Levels of BTEC (‘BTEC_4_lev’)

Which levels of BTEC Higher National Diploma do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Level 4 – equivalent to university first year
  2. Level 5 – equivalent to university second year

Type of BTEC Professionals (‘BTEC_4_Type2’)

Which types of BTEC Professionals do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Award at levels 4 to 7
  2. Certificate at levels 4 to 7
  3. Diploma at levels 4 to 7

Levels of BTEC Professionals Awards (‘BTEC_Prof_Lev2_award’)

Which levels were your BTEC Professionals Awards?

Select all that apply:

  1. Level 4 – equivalent to university first year
  2. Level 5 – equivalent to university second year
  3. Level 6 – equivalent to university third year
  4. Level 7 – equivalent to postgraduate

Levels of BTEC Professionals Certificates (‘BTEC_Prof_Lev2_certs’)

Which levels were your BTEC Professionals Certificates?

Select all that apply:

  1. Level 4 – equivalent to university first year
  2. Level 5 – equivalent to university second year
  3. Level 6 – equivalent to university third year
  4. Level 7 – equivalent to postgraduate

Levels of BTEC Professionals Diplomas (‘BTEC_Prof_Lev2_diplomas’)

Which levels were your BTEC Professionals Diplomas?

Select all that apply:

  1. Level 4 – equivalent to university first year
  2. Level 5 – equivalent to university second year
  3. Level 6 – equivalent to university third year
  4. Level 7 – equivalent to postgraduate

Types of BTEC Apprenticeships (‘BTEC_5_Type’)

Which types of BTEC Apprenticeships do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. BTEC Apprenticeships – equivalent to GCSE or A Level
  2. BTEC Higher Apprenticeships – equivalent to university first or second year
  3. Degree Apprenticeships – equivalent to university third year or postgraduate

Levels of BTEC Apprenticeships (‘BTEC_5_A’)

Which levels of BTEC Apprenticeships do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Level 2 – equivalent to GCSE
  2. Level 3 – equivalent to AS or A Level

Levels of BTEC Higher Apprenticeships (‘BTEC_5_HA’)

Which levels of BTEC Higher Apprenticeships do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Level 4 – equivalent to university first year
  2. Level 5 – equivalent to university second year

Levels of BTEC Degree Apprenticeships (‘BTEC_5_DA’)

Which levels of BTEC Degree Apprenticeships do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Level 6 – equivalent to university third year
  2. Level 7 – equivalent to postgraduate

Types of BEC Diplomas or Certificates (‘BEC_Lev’)

Which types of BEC Diplomas or Certificates do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. General – equivalent to 2 GCSEs
  2. National or Higher National – equivalent to 5 GCSEs


  1. I don’t know

Levels of Edexcel Certificates (‘Edexcel_Lev’)

Which levels of Edexcel certificates do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Level 1 – equivalent to GCSE grades D to G or 3 to 1
  2. Level 2 – equivalent to GCSE grades A* to C or 9 to 4
  3. Other Edexcel qualification

Types of RSA or OCR qualifications (‘RSA_OCR’)

Which types of RSA or OCR qualifications do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Certificate
  2. Diploma
  3. OCR Nationals ICT Level 2
  4. Cambridge Nationals or Technicals

Levels of RSA or OCR certificates (‘RSA_Cert_Level’)

Which levels of RSA or OCR certificates do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Level 1 or RSA I – equivalent to GCSE grades D to G or 3 to 1
  2. Level 2 or RSA II – equivalent to GCSE grades A* to C or 9 to 4
  3. Level 3 or RSA III – equivalent to AS or A Levels

Levels or titles of RSA or OCR diploma (‘RSA_Dip_Level’)

Which levels or titles of RSA or OCR diploma do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Level 2 – equivalent to GCSE grades A* to C or 9 to 4
  2. Level 3 – equivalent to AS or A Levels
  3. RSA Diploma
  4. RSA Advanced Diploma
  5. RSA Higher Diploma

Types of OCR Nationals ICT Level 2 (‘RSA_ICT_Lev’)

Which types of OCR Nationals ICT Level 2 do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. National First Award – equivalent to 1 GCSE
  2. National Award – equivalent to 2 GCSEs
  3. Nationals First Certificate – equivalent to 3 GCSEs
  4. Nationals Certificate – equivalent to 4 GCSEs

Type of Cambridge qualifications (‘Cambridge_Qual’)

Which Cambridge qualifications do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Cambridge Nationals – Level 1 and 2
  2. Cambridge Technicals – Level 2 and 3

Types of Cambridge Nationals (‘Nationals_Type’)

Which types of Cambridge Nationals do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Level 1 Award
  2. Level 1 Certificate
  3. Level 2 Award
  4. Level 2 Certificate

Levels of Cambridge Technicals (‘Tech_Lev’)

Which levels of Cambridge Technicals do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Level 2 – Equivalent to GCSE grades A* to C or 9 to 4
  2. Level 3 – Equivalent to AS or A Levels

Type of Level 2 Cambridge Technicals (‘CT_2_Type’)

What type of qualification is your Level 2 Cambridge Technical?

Select all that apply:

  1. Award
  2. Certificate
  3. Diploma

Type of Level 3 Cambridge Technicals (‘CT_3_Type’)

What type of qualification is your Level 3 Cambridge Technical?

Select all that apply:

  1. Certificate
  2. Diploma
  3. Extended Diploma

Levels of Apprenticeships (‘App_Lev’)

Which levels are your Apprenticeships from England, Northern Ireland or Wales?

Select all that apply:

  1. Intermediate or BTEC Apprenticeship – equivalent to GCSEs
  2. Advanced or BTEC Apprenticeship – equivalent to A Levels
  3. Higher Apprenticeship – equivalent to first year of university and higher
  4. Degree Apprenticeship – equivalent to third year of university or postgraduate

Levels of Higher Apprenticeship (‘Higher_App’)

Which levels did you study for your Higher Apprenticeship?

Select all that apply:

  1. Level 4 – equivalent to university first year
  2. Level 5 – equivalent to university second year
  3. Level 6 – equivalent to university third year
  4. Level 7 – equivalent to postgraduate

Levels of Degree Apprenticeships (‘Deg_App’)

Which levels did you study for your Degree Apprenticeship?

Select all that apply:

  1. Level 6 – equivalent to university third year
  2. Level 7 – equivalent to postgraduate

Types of Skills qualifications (‘Skills_Type’)

Which Skills Qualifications do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Key
  2. Functional
  3. Essential – only available in Wales and introduced in 2010

Levels of Key Skills qualifications (‘Key_Skills’)

Which levels of Key Skills Qualifications do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Level 1 – equivalent to GCSE grades D to G or 3 to 1
  2. Level 2 – equivalent to GCSE grades A* to C or 9 to 4
  3. Level 3- equivalent to AS or A Level
  4. Level 4 – equivalent to university first year
  5. Level 5, covers Personal Skills Development – equivalent to university second year

Levels of Functional Skills qualifications (‘FuncSkills_Lev’)

Which levels of Functional Skills Qualifications do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Level 1 – equivalent to GCSE grades D to G or 3 to 1
  2. Level 2 – equivalent to GCSE grades A* to C or 9 to 4

Levels of Essential Skills qualifications (‘EssSkills_Lev’)

Which levels of Essential Skills Qualifications do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Entry Level
  2. Level 1 – equivalent to GCSE grades D to G or 3 to 1
  3. Level 2 – equivalent to GCSE grades A* to C or 9 to 4
  4. Level 3 – equivalent to AS or A Level

Types of Nursing qualifications (‘Nursing_Qual’)

Which Nursing Qualifications do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Scottish Foundation Apprenticeship – equivalent to a Higher, level 6 SCQF
  2. Scottish Modern Apprenticeship – equivalent to SCQF level 7
  3. Nursing Associate qualification – Level 5, equivalent to university second year
  4. Degree
  5. Degree Apprenticeship
  6. Postgraduate, including conversion courses
  7. Other

Types of teaching qualifications (‘Teaching_Qual’)

Which types of teaching qualifications do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training – including the Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector, DTLLS
  2. Degree
  3. PGCE or PGDE
  4. Other postgraduate teaching qualification

Qualified Teacher Status areas (‘Teach_Age’)

In which areas do you have Qualified Teacher Status?

Select all that apply:

  1. Further education
  2. Secondary education
  3. Primary education
  4. Foundation stage – Nursery and reception
  5. Other area

Types of 14-19 Diplomas (‘Dip_14_19’)

Which 14-19 Diplomas do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Foundation
  2. Higher
  3. Advanced or Progression

Chartered or professional body qualification (‘Chart_Type’)

Which of these apply to you?

Select all that apply:

  1. I have a chartered qualification
  2. I am a member of a professional body

Types of qualifications gained outside of the UK (‘NonUK_School’)

Which school qualifications have you gained outside of the UK from the age of 14 and above?

Select all that apply:

  1. Qualifications like GCSEs or O Levels – these are general certificates of education done at high school around the age of 16 in the UK
  2. Qualifications like AS or A Levels – these are often needed to get a place at university and are done around the age of 18 in the UK
  3. High school diploma
  4. International Baccalaureate


  1. None of these

Age of gaining high school diploma (‘Dip_Age’)

What age did you finish your high school diploma?

  1. 14 to 16 years old
  2. 17 years old or above

Types of qualifications gained outside of the UK (‘NonUK_Deg’)

Which higher education qualifications have you gained outside of the UK?

Select all that apply:

  1. Foundation Degree – these are the same as two thirds of an undergraduate degree and take around 2 years to do
  2. Undergraduate Degree – for example, a Bachelor’s or First Degree
  3. Postgraduate Degree – for example, a Master’s Degree
  4. Chartered qualification – for example, a chartered engineer or accountant
  5. Doctorate – for example, a PhD
  6. Other formal university qualification
  7. Other formal qualification


  1. None of these

Levels of other formal university qualifications (‘Other_Uni_Lev’)

Which levels are your other formal university qualifications?

Select all that apply:

  1. Level 4 – these qualifications are the same level as the first year of university
  2. Level 5 – these qualifications are the same level as the second year of university
  3. Level 6 – these qualifications are the same level as the third year of university
  4. Level 7 – these qualifications are the same level as a postgraduate or Master’s degree
  5. Level 8 – these qualifications are the same level as a Doctorate or PhD

Levels of other formal qualifications (‘Other_Lower_Lev’)

Which levels are your other formal qualifications?

Select all that apply:

  1. Level 1 or 2 – these are basic level qualifications that are taken at high school
  2. Level 3 – these are advanced level qualifications that are taken at high school so you can apply to university
  3. Level 4 – these qualifications are the same level as the first year of university
  4. Level 5 – these qualifications are the same level as the second year of university
  5. Level 6 – these qualifications are the same level as the third year of university
  6. Level 7 – these qualifications are the same level as a postgraduate or Master’s degree
  7. Level 8 – these qualifications are the same level as a Doctorate or PhD

Quality check qualifications gained outside of the UK (‘Qual_Check_NonUK’)

Here is a list of the qualifications you told us that you have gained so that you can check you have not double counted or missed any qualifications. Which ones do you have at any level?

Select all that apply:

The response options will be forwarded from previous question answers. Please use the following scripting instructions to work out which responses should be forwarded:[Feed forward response options selected at NonUK_School and NonUK_Deg (+ Other_Uni_Lev + Other_Lower_Lev selections)]

  1. [if Country_Qual = (1or2) and 3 ONLY] I need to add another qualification gained in England, Northern Ireland or Wales
  2. [if Country_Qual = (1or2) and 3 ONLY] I need to add a qualification gained in Scotland
  3. [if Country_Qual = 1 and 2 and 3 ONLY] I need to add another qualification gained outside of the UK
  4. I need to add another qualification gained in the UK

Types of additional qualifications gained outside of the UK check (‘Add_Qual_NonUK’)

Which types of qualifications do you need to add from outside of the UK?

Select all that apply:

  1. School qualifications
  2. College or University qualifications
  3. My qualification does not fit into these categories

Additional school qualifications gained outside of the UK check (‘Add_NonUK_School’)

Which school qualifications do you need to add from outside of the UK?

Select all that apply:

  1. Qualifications like GCSEs or O Levels – these are general certificates of education done at high school around the age of 16 in the UK
  2. Qualifications like AS or A Levels – these are often needed to get a place at university and are done around the age of 18 in the UK
  3. High school diploma
  4. International Baccalaureate

Additional higher education qualifications gained outside of the UK check (‘Add_NonUK_Deg’)

Which higher education qualifications do you need to add from outside of the UK?

Select all that apply:

  1. Foundation Degree – these are the same as two thirds of an undergraduate degree and take around 2 years to do
  2. Undergraduate Degree – for example, a Bachelor’s or First Degree
  3. Postgraduate Degree – for example, a Master’s Degree
  4. Chartered qualification – for example, a chartered engineer or accountant
  5. Doctorate – for example, a PhD
  6. Other formal university qualification
  7. Other formal qualification

Any other qualifications gained in England, Northern Ireland or Wales (‘Safety_Net_EWNINonUK’)

Which of these formal qualifications have you gained in England, Northern Ireland or Wales that have not already been covered? These qualifications must have been done through an accredited body.

Select all that apply:

  1. Formal Award Qualification
  2. Formal Certificate Qualification
  3. Formal Diploma Qualification
  4. Other Formal Qualification


  1. None of these

Qualifications gained in Scotland (‘Scot_School’)

Which of these school qualifications did you gain in Scotland from the age of 14 and above?

Select all that apply:

  1. Access 1 to 3
  2. Intermediate 1 or 2
  3. Standard Grades
  4. Foundation, General or Credit
  5. O Grades (Ordinary Grades)
  6. National 1 to 5
  7. Scottish or International Baccalaureate
  8. Highers
  9. AS Levels, A Levels or T Levels
  10. Certificate of Sixth Year Studies (CSYS) or Scottish Qualifications Certificate
  11. Advanced Highers


  1. None of these

School leavers qualifications gained in Scotland (‘Scot_leavers’)

Which of these school leavers qualifications did you gain in Scotland?

Select all that apply:

  1. SCOTVEC, SCOTEC or SCOTBEC Qualification
  2. ONC or SNC
  3. OND or SND
  4. HNC or SHNC
  5. HND or SHND
  6. SVQ
  7. GSVQ


  1. None of these

Other qualifications gained in Scotland (‘Scot_Other’)

Which of these other qualifications did you gain in Scotland?

Select all that apply:

  1. Basic Skills Qualification – these were discontinued in 2014
  2. Key or Core Skills Qualifications – these are specific types of courses that can be done at school or college
  3. Skills for Work Qualifications at level 3 or higher
  4. RSA or OCR Qualification – including Cambridge Nationals or Cambridge Technicals
  5. Youth Training Scheme Certificate – YTS, YTP or YT
  6. Scottish Wider Access Programme Qualification
  7. City and Guilds Qualification
  8. Apprenticeships


  1. None of these

Higher education qualifications gained in Scotland (‘Scot_HigherEd’)

Which of these higher education qualifications have you gained in Scotland?

Select all that apply:

  1. Diploma in Higher Education – DipHE
  2. 14-19 Diploma
  3. Nursing Qualification
  4. Early Years Teaching or Professional Status
  5. Qualified Teacher Status
  6. Chartered qualification
  7. Foundation Degree – these are the same as two thirds of an undergraduate degree and take around 2 years to do
  8. Undergraduate or Bachelor’s Degree – including MA
  9. Master’s Degree – including MLitt or MSc
  10. Doctorate


  1. None of these

Quality check qualifications gained in Scotland (‘Qual_Check_Scot’)

Here is a list of the qualifications you told us that you have gained so that you can check you have not double counted or missed any qualifications. Which ones do you have at any level?

Select all that apply:

Qualifications gained in Scotland

The response options will be forwarded from previous question answers. Please use the following scripting instructions to work out which responses should be forwarded:[Feedforward response options selected at Scot_School, Scot_leavers, Scot_Other, Scot_HigherEd, Safety_Net_Q (+ Safety_Net_Lev selections), Other_Qual]

  1. [if Country_Qual = 2 ONLY] I need to add a qualification gained in England, Northern Ireland or Wales
  2. [if Country_Qual = 2 ONLY] I need to add another qualification gained in Scotland
  3. [if Country_Qual = 2 ONLY] I need to add a qualification gained outside of the UK

Additional qualifications check Scotland (‘Add_Qual_Scot’)

What type of qualification do you need to add from Scotland?

Select all that apply:

  1. School qualification
  2. School leavers or college qualification
  3. Higher education qualification
  4. My qualifications does not fit into any of these

Type of additional school-level qualifications check Scotland (‘Add_SCOT_School’)

Which school qualifications do you need to add from Scotland?

Select all that apply:

  1. Access 1 to 3
  2. Intermediate 1 or 2
  3. Standard Grades – Foundation, General or Credit
  4. O Grades (Ordinary Grades)
  5. National 1 to 5
  6. Scottish or International Baccalaureate
  7. Highers
  8. AS Levels, A Levels or T Levels
  9. Certificate of Sixth Year Studies (CSYS) or Scottish Qualifications Certificate
  10. Advanced Highers
  11. Youth Training Scheme Certificate – YTS, YTP or YT
  12. RSA or OCR Qualification – including Cambridge Nationals or Cambridge Technicals
  13. Basic Skills Qualification – these were discontinued in 2014
  14. Skills for Work Qualifications at level 3 or higher
  15. Key or Core Skills Qualifications – these are specific types of courses that are done at school or college
  16. Other qualification

Additional other school-level qualifications check Scotland (‘Scot_AddSch_Other’)

What is your other school qualification that you need to add from Scotland?

A blank text box will be displayed to the respondent to write their answer in. The text box label is ‘Other school qualifications gained in Scotland’.

Additional school leavers qualifications check (‘Add_leavers’)

Which school leavers qualifications do you need to add from Scotland?

Select all that apply:

  1. SCOTVEC, SCOTEC or SCOTBEC Qualification
  2. ONC or SNC
  3. OND or SND
  4. HNC or SHNC
  5. HND or SHND
  6. SVQ
  7. GSVQ
  8. Basic Skills Qualification – these were discontinued in 2014
  9. Key or Core Skills Qualifications – these are specific types of courses that can be done at school or college
  10. Skills for Work Qualifications at level 3 or higher
  11. RSA or OCR Qualifications – including Cambridge Nationals or Cambridge Technicals
  12. Youth Training Scheme Certificate – YTS, YTP or YT
  13. Scottish Wider Access Programme Qualification
  14. City and Guilds Qualification
  15. Apprenticeships
  16. Other qualification

Additional other school leavers qualifications check Scotland (‘Scot_AddLea_Other’)

What is your other school leavers qualification that you need to add from Scotland?

A blank text box will be displayed to the respondent to write their answer in. The text box label is ‘Other school leavers qualifications gained in Scotland’.

Additional higher education qualifications check Scotland (‘Add_HE’)

Which of these higher education qualifications do you need to add from Scotland?

Select all that apply:

  1. Diploma in Higher Education – DipHE
  2. 14-19 Diploma
  3. Nursing Qualification
  4. Early Years Teaching or Professional Status
  5. Qualified Teacher Status
  6. Chartered qualification
  7. Foundation Degree – these are the same as two thirds of an undergraduate degree and take around 2 years to do
  8. Undergraduate or Bachelor’s Degree – including MA
  9. Master’s Degree – including MLitt or MSc
  10. Doctorate
  11. Other qualification

Additional other higher education qualifications check Scotland (‘Scot_AddHE_Other’)

What is your other higher education qualification that you need to add from Scotland?

A blank text box will be displayed to the respondent to write their answer in. The text box label is ‘Other higher education qualifications gained in Scotland’.

Levels of Intermediate qualifications (‘Intermediates_Lev’)

Which Intermediate qualifications do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Intermediate 1
  2. Intermediate 2

Types of Standard Grade qualifications (‘Standards_Lev’)

Which Standard Grade qualifications do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Foundation – Grades 5 or 6
  2. General – Grades 3 or 4
  3. Credit – Grades 1 or 2

Types of National qualifications (‘Nationals_Lev’)

Which National qualifications do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. National 1 or 2
  2. National 3
  3. National 4
  4. National 5

Types of Scottish or International Baccalaureate qualifications (‘Scot_Int_Bacc’)

Do you have Scottish or International Baccalaureate qualifications?

  1. Scottish Baccalaureate
  2. International Baccalaureate


  1. Both

Level of Scottish Baccalaureate qualifications (‘Scot_Bacc’)

For your Scottish Baccalaureate, did you complete parts at an Advanced Higher level?

  1. Yes
  2. No, only Higher level

Types of SCOTVEC (‘SCOTVEC_Type’)

Which SCOTVEC, SCOTBEC or SCOTECs do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. SCOTVEC Modules – Towards a National Certificate
  2. First or General Certificate
  3. First, General or National Diploma
  4. Full National Certificate
  5. Higher level

Levels of SVQ (‘SVQ_Lev’)

Which levels of SVQs do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Level 1 – equivalent to National 4 or Intermediate 1
  2. Level 2 – equivalent to National 5 or Intermediate 2
  3. Level 3 – equivalent to Highers or HNC
  4. Level 4 – equivalent to an undergraduate degree
  5. Level 5 – equivalent to a postgraduate degree

Level equivalent of SCQF (‘SCQF_Lev’)

Do you know the SCQF level equivalent to your qualification?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Level of SCQF equivalent to SVQ Level 3 (‘SVQLev_3’)

What is the SCQF level equivalent to your SVQ Level 3?

  1. Level 6
  2. Level 7

Level of SCQF equivalent to SVQ Level 4 (‘SVQLev_4’)

What is the SCQF level equivalent to your SVQ Level 4?

  1. Level 8
  2. Level 9

Levels of GSVQ (‘GSVQ_Lev’)

Which levels of GSVQ do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Foundation – equivalent to GCSEs grades D to G or 3 to 1
  2. Intermediate – equivalent to GCSEs grades A* to C or 9 to 4
  3. Advanced – equivalent to AS and A levels

Types of Skills Qualifications Scotland (‘Scot_Skills’)

Which Skills Qualifications do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Key
  2. Core

Levels of Key Skills qualifications Scotland (‘Key_Skills_Scot’)

Which levels of Key Skills Qualifications do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Level 1 – Equivalent to GCSEs grades D to G or 3 to 1
  2. Level 2 – Equivalent to GCSEs grades A* to C or 9 to 4
  3. Level 3 – Equivalent to AS and A levels
  4. Level 4 – Equivalent to university first year
  5. Level 5, covers Personal Skills Development – equivalent to university second year

Levels of Core Skills qualifications Scotland (‘Core_Skills’)

Which levels of Core Skills Qualifications do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. National 2
  2. National 3
  3. National 4
  4. National 5
  5. Higher
  6. Advanced Higher

Types of Skills for Work qualifications (‘SFW_Lev’)

Which Skills for Work Qualifications do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. National 3
  2. National 4
  3. National 5
  4. Skills for Work Higher

Types of Scottish Apprenticeships (‘Scot_App’)

Which Scottish Apprenticeships do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Foundation – equivalent to a Higher, level 6 SCQF
  2. Modern, Technical and Professional – available at SCQF levels 5 to 11
  3. Graduate – available at SCQF levels 8,10 and 11

Levels of Modern Apprenticeship (‘Modern_App_Lev’)

Which levels do you have for your Modern Apprenticeship?

Select all that apply:

  1. SCQF Level 5 – equivalent to National 5 or Intermediate 2
  2. SCQF Level 6 and 7 – equivalent to Advanced Highers or HNC
  3. Technical, SCQF Levels 8 and 9 – equivalent to HND or DipHE
  4. Professional, SCQF Levels 10 and 11 – equivalent to undergraduate degree and postgraduate

Levels of Graduate Apprenticeship (‘Grad_App_Lev’)

Which levels do you have for your Graduate Apprenticeship?

Select all that apply:

  1. SCQF Level 8 – equivalent to HND or DipHE
  2. SCQF Level 10 – equivalent to an undergraduate degree
  3. SCQF Level 11 – equivalent to postgraduate

Any other qualifications gained in Scotland (‘Safety_Net_ScotNonUK’)

Which of these formal qualifications have you gained in Scotland that have not already been covered? These qualifications must have been done through an accredited body.

Select all that apply:

  1. Formal Award Qualification
  2. Formal Certificate Qualification
  3. Formal Diploma Qualification
  4. Other Formal Qualification


  1. None of these

Type of qualifications gained in the UK (‘EWNISCOT_School’)

Which of these school qualifications have you gained in the UK from the age of 14 and above?

Select all that apply:

  1. Access 1 to 3
  2. Intermediate 1 or 2
  3. Standard Grades – Foundation, General or Credit
  4. O Grades – Ordinary Grades
  5. National 1 to 5
  6. GCSEs, O Levels or CSEs
  7. EPQ
  8. Welsh, Scottish or International Baccalaureate
  9. AS Levels, A Levels or T Levels
  10. Access to Higher Education Diploma
  11. Highers
  12. Certificate of Sixth Year Studies (CSYS) or Scottish Qualifications Certificate
  13. Advanced Highers


  1. None of these

School leavers, college or training qualifications gained in the UK (‘EWNISCOT_College’)

Which of these school leavers, college or training qualifications have you gained in the UK?

Select all that apply:

  1. SCOTVEC, SCOTEC or SCOTBEC Qualification
  2. BTEC, BEC, TEC, Edexcel or LQL
  3. ONC or SNC
  4. OND or SND
  5. HNC or SHNC
  6. HND or SHND
  7. SVQ
  8. NVQ
  9. RSA or OCR Qualification – including Cambridge Nationals or Cambridge Technicals
  10. City and Guilds Qualification
  11. Diploma in Higher Education – DipHE
  12. 14-19 Diploma
  13. GSVQ
  14. GNVQ
  15. Apprenticeships


  1. None of these

Additional qualifications from school or college gained in the UK (‘EWNISCOT_Additional’)

Which of these additional qualifications from school or college have you gained in the UK?

Select all that apply:

  1. Basic Skills Qualification – these were discontinued in 2014
  2. Key, Core, Essential or Functional Skills Qualification – these are specific types of courses that can be done at school or college
  3. Skills for Work Qualifications at level 3 or higher
  4. Youth Training Scheme Certificate  – YTS, YTP or YT
  5. Scottish Wider Access Programme Qualification


  1. None of these

Higher education qualifications gained in the UK (‘EWNISCOT_HE’)

Which of these higher education qualifications have you gained in the UK?

Select all that apply:

  1. Nursing Qualification
  2. Early Years Teaching or Professional Status
  3. Qualified Teacher Status
  4. Chartered qualification
  5. Foundation degree – these are the same as two thirds of an undergraduate degree and take around 2 years to do
  6. Undergraduate or Bachelor’s Degree – including MA gained in Scotland
  7. Master’s Degree – including MLitt or MSc gained in Scotland
  8. Doctorate


  1. None of these

Qualifications gained in the UK check (‘Qual_Check_EWNISCOT’)

Here is a list of the qualifications you told us that you have gained so that you can check you have not double counted or missed any qualifications. Which ones do you have at any level?

Select all that apply:

Qualifications gained in the UK

The response options will be forwarded from previous question answers. Please use the following scripting instructions to work out which responses should be forwarded:[Feed forward response options selected at EWNISCOT_School, EWNISCOT_College, EWNISCOT_Additional, EWNISCOT_HE, Other_Qual, Safety_Net_Q (+ Safety_Net_Lev selections)]

  1. [if Country_Qual = 1 and 2 ONLY] I need to add another qualification gained in the UK
  2. [if Country_Qual = 1 and 2 ONLY] I need to add a qualification gained outside the UK

Additional qualifications gained in the UK check (‘Add_Qual_EWNISCOT’)

What type of qualification do you need to add from the UK?

Select all that apply:

  1. School qualification
  2. School leavers, college or training qualification
  3. Higher education qualification
  4. My qualification does not fit into any of these

Type of additional qualifications gained in the UK check (‘Add_School_EWNISCOT’)

Which school qualifications do you need to add from the UK?

Select all that apply:

  1. Access 1 to 3
  2. Intermediate 1 or 2
  3. Standard Grades – Foundation, General or Credit
  4. O Grades (Ordinary Grades)
  5. National 1 to 5
  6. GCSEs, O Levels or CSEs
  7. EPQ
  8. Welsh, Scottish or International Baccalaureate
  9. BTEC, BEC, TEC, Edexcel or LQL
  10. AS Levels, A Levels or T Levels
  11. Access to Higher Education Diploma
  12. Highers
  13. Certificate of Sixth Year Studies (CSYS) or Scottish Qualifications Certificate
  14. Advanced Highers
  15. Basic Skills Qualification – these were discontinued in 2014
  16. Key, Core, Essential or Functional Skills Qualification – these are specific types of courses that can be done at school or college
  17. Entry Level Qualification
  18. Youth Training Scheme Certificate – YTS, YTP or YT
  19. Other qualification

Additional other qualifications gained in the UK check (‘EWNISc_AddSch_Other’)

What is your other school qualification that you need to add from the UK?

A blank text box will be displayed to the respondent to write their answer in. The text box label is ‘Other school qualifications gained in the UK’.

Additional college qualifications gained in the UK check (‘Add_College_EWNISCOT’)

Which school leavers, college or training qualifications do you need to add from the UK?

Select all that apply:

  1. SCOTVEC, SCOTEC or SCOTBEC Qualification
  2. BTEC, BEC, TEC, Edexcel or LQL
  3. ONC or SNC
  4. OND or SND
  5. HNC or SHNC
  6. HND or SHND
  7. SVQ
  8. NVQ
  9. RSA or OCR Qualification – including Cambridge Nationals or Cambridge Technicals
  10. City and Guilds Qualification
  11. Diploma in Higher Education – DipHE
  12. 14-19 Diploma
  13. GNVQ
  14. GSVQ
  15. Apprenticeship
  16. Welsh, Scottish or International Baccalaureate
  17. Basic Skills Qualification – these were discontinued in 2014
  18. Key, Core, Essential or Functional Skills Qualification – these are specific types of courses that can be done at school or college
  19. Skills for Work Qualifications at level 3 or higher
  20. Youth Training Scheme Certificate – YTS, YTP or YT
  21. Other qualification

Additional other college qualifications gained in the UK check (‘EWNIScot_AddCol_Other’)

What is your other school leavers, college or training qualification that you need to add from the UK?

A blank text box will be displayed to the respondent to write their answer in. The text box label is ‘Other school leavers, college or training qualifications gained in the UK’.

Additional university qualifications gained in the UK check (‘Add_Uni_EWNISCOT’)

Which higher education qualifications do you need to add from the UK?

Select all that apply:

  1. Diploma in Higher Education – DipHE
  2. 14-19 Diploma
  3. Nursing Qualification
  4. Early Years Teaching or Professional Status
  5. Qualified Teacher Status
  6. Chartered qualification
  7. Foundation Degree – these are the same as two thirds of an undergraduate degree and take around 2 years to do
  8. Undergraduate or Bachelor’s Degree – including MA gained in Scotland
  9. Master’s Degree – including MSc and MLitt gained in Scotland
  10. Doctorate
  11. Other qualification

Additional other university qualifications gained in the UK check (‘EWNIScot_AddUni_Other’)

What is your other higher education qualification that you need to add from the UK?

A blank text box will be displayed to the respondent to write their answer in. The text box label is ‘Other higher education qualifications gained in the UK’.

Welsh, Scottish or International Baccalaureate qualifications (‘Bacc_WSI’)

Do you have Welsh, Scottish or International Baccalaureate qualifications?

Select all that apply:

  1. Welsh Baccalaureate
  2. Scottish Baccalaureate
  3. International Baccalaureate

Levels of Welsh Baccalaureate (‘EWNISCOT_Wbacc’)

Which levels of Welsh Baccalaureate do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Foundation – equivalent to GCSE grades D to G or 3 to 1
  2. National or Intermediate – equivalent to GCSE grades A* to C or 9 to 4
  3. Advanced – equivalent to AS or A Levels

Levels of Scottish Baccalaureate (‘EWNISCOT_Sbacc’)

For your Scottish Baccalaureate, did you complete parts at an Advanced Higher Level?

Select all that apply:

  1. Yes
  2. No, only Higher level

Levels of GSVQ or GNVQ (‘GSVQ_GNVQ_Lev’)

Which levels of GSVQ or GNVQ do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Foundation – equivalent to GCSEs grades D to G or 3 to 1
  2. Intermediate – equivalent GCSEs grades A* to C or 9 to 4
  3. Advanced – equivalent to AS and A Levels

Country of completion of Apprenticeships (‘App_Location_EWNISCOT’)

Where did you complete your Apprenticeships?

Select all that apply:

  1. England, Northern Ireland or Wales
  2. Scotland

Types of Skills qualifications (‘EWNISCOT_Skills’)

Which Skills Qualifications do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Key
  2. Functional
  3. Essential
  4. Core

Levels of Key Skills qualifications (‘EWNISCOT_KeySkills’)

Which Levels of Key Skills Qualifications do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Level 1 – equivalent to GCSE grades D to G or 3 to 1
  2. Level 2 – equivalent to GCSE grades A* to C or 9 to 4
  3. Level 3 – equivalent to AS or A Level
  4. Level 4 – equivalent to university first year
  5. Level 5, covers Personal Skills Development – equivalent to university second year

Levels of Functional Skills qualifications (‘EWNISCOT_FuncSkills’)

Which levels of Functional Skills Qualifications do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Level 1 – equivalent to GCSE grades D to G or 3 to 1
  2. Level 2 – equivalent to GCSE grades A* to C or 9 to 4

Levels of Essential Skills qualifications (‘EWNISCOT_EssSkills’)

Which levels of Essential Skills Qualifications do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. Entry Level
  2. Level 1 – equivalent to GCSE grades D to G or 3 to 1
  3. Level 2 – equivalent to GCSE grades A* to C or 9 to 4
  4. Level 3 – equivalent to AS or A Level

Levels of Core Skills qualifications (‘EWNISCOT_CoreSkills’)

Which levels of Core Skills Qualifications do you have?

Select all that apply:

  1. National 2
  2. National 3
  3. National 4
  4. National 5
  5. Higher
  6. Advanced Higher

Qualifications gained in the UK not covered (‘Safety_Net_EWNIScotNonUK’)

Which of these formal qualifications have you gained in the UK that have not already been covered? These qualifications must have been done through an accredited body.

Select all that apply:

  1. Formal Award Qualification
  2. Formal Certificate Qualification
  3. Formal Diploma Qualification
  4. Other Formal Qualification


  1. None of these

Age of completing High school diploma (‘Add_Dip_Age’)

What age did you finish your high school diploma?

  1. 14 to 16 years old
  2. 17 years old or above

Additional levels of other formal university qualifications (‘Add_Other_Uni_Lev’)

Which levels are your other formal university qualifications?

Select all that apply:

  1. Level 4 – these qualifications are the same level as the first year of university
  2. Level 5 – these qualifications are the same level as the second year of university
  3. Level 6 – these qualifications are the same level as the third year of university
  4. Level 7 – these qualifications are the same level as a postgraduate or Master’s degree
  5. Level 8 – these qualifications are the same level as a Doctorate or PhD

Additional levels of other formal qualifications (‘Add_Other_Lower_Lev’)

Which levels are your other formal qualifications?

Select all that apply:

  1. Level 1 or 2 – these are basic level qualifications that are taken at high school
  2. Level 3 – these are advanced level qualifications that are taken at high school so you can apply to university
  3. Level 4 – these qualifications are the same level as the first year of university
  4. Level 5 – these qualifications are the same level as the second year of university
  5. Level 6 – these qualifications are the same level as the third year of university
  6. Level 7 – these qualifications are the same level as a postgraduate or Master’s degree
  7. Level 8 – these qualifications are the same level as a Doctorate or PhD

Additional other qualifications gained outside of the UK (‘Add_Other_Qual_NonUK’)

What type of qualification do you need to add from outside of the UK?

A blank text box will be displayed to the respondent to write their answer in.

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Using this standard

This harmonised standard is suitable for online self-completion modes. It is not suitable for paper self-completion because of the complicated routing. The questions presented in this standard are for online use only. If you need a telephone version of the questionnaire, please contact us at Harmonisation@statistics.gov.uk.

Variable names

The variable names in this harmonised standard come from the TLFS questionnaire. Publishing these variable names will make it easier for users to understand which variable is being referred to. It will also help users to link datasets in the future.


Routing is where the answer to one question influences which questions are asked later. There is highly complex routing throughout this standard, which means respondents only see response options and guidance that are relevant to them. Not only does this reduce respondent burden, but it will also improve data quality as the likelihood of respondents selecting the correct answers is increased. Different questions have been designed for respondents depending on where and when they gained their qualifications. This is because of the variety of qualifications over both time and geography. All routing instructions are available on request from Harmonisation@statistics.gov.uk.

Feedforward response options

Some of the questions in this harmonised standard will require ‘feedforward function’, which is also known as ‘pipe through’. You need to be able programme this function to use the questions in this standard. This function allows for the answers to the questions to be used in the question wording or as response options.

Quality check question

Throughout this standard you will see some variables called ‘quality check’. This is because research found respondents needed a summary question where they could review the qualifications they had reported and make sure everything is correct. Following the quality check questions, respondents are presented with the opportunity to add further qualifications if needed, or remove qualifications they had reported incorrectly. This helps to improve data quality as there will be less mistakes. It also helps to reduce respondent burden because respondents will not see follow up questions about qualifications that they reported by mistake.

Question stem

In this harmonised standard, the question stems follow consistent patterns and structure. For example. the question stems are similar between the:

  • Scotland question block
  • England, Northern Ireland and Wales question block
  • Outside of the UK question block

But the question stems are not quite the same. This is because the language used in the question stems is based on respondent mental models, which are different in Scotland compared with the rest of the UK.

Using these questions in the Welsh language

The qualifications harmonised standard is based a survey that contains a Welsh version of the questionnaires. This means we can provide Welsh versions of the qualifications questions. If you are interested in using a Welsh language version of this standard, please contact us at Harmonisation@statistics.gov.uk.

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Presenting and reporting the data: outputs

Degree Equivalent or AboveEquivalent to university third year or above (Level 6, 7 and 8)[data]
Higher EducationEquivalent to university first year and second year (Level 4 and 5)[data]
GCE A Level or EquivalentEquivalent to A-Levels (Level 3)[data]
GCSE Grades A*-C or EquivalentEquivalent to GCSE grades A* to C (Level 2)[data]
GCSE Grades D-G or BelowEquivalent to GCSE grades D to G (Entry Level, Level 1)[data]
No Qualifications

Unclassified(open text box responses)[data]

You can find out more about how to categorise response options by using the following tables.

A qualification is categorised as ‘degree equivalent or above’ if the answers to the questions are as follows:

Question code Question answer
BTEC_Prof_Lev2_award Level 6
BTEC_Prof_Lev2_award Level 7
BTEC_Prof_Lev2_certs Level 6
BTEC_Prof_Lev2_certs Level 7
BTEC_Prof_Lev2_diploma Level 6
BTEC_Prof_Lev2_diploma Level 7
BTEC_5_DA Level 6
BTEC_5_DA Level 7
Safety_Net_Followup_awards Level 6
Safety_Net_Followup_awards Level 7
Safety_Net_Followup_awards Level 8
Safety_Net_Followup_Certs Level 6
Safety_Net_Followup_Certs Level 7
Safety_Net_Followup_Certs Level 8
Safety_Net_Followup_Dips Level 6
Safety_Net_Followup_Dips Level 7
Safety_Net_Followup_Dips Level 8
Safety_Net_Followup_DK Level 6
Safety_Net_Followup_DK Level 7
Safety_Net_Followup_DK Level 8
CG_Size Level 6 [AND city_guilds_qual_type = 1]
CG_Size Level 6 [AND city_guilds_qual_type = 2]
CG_Size Level 6 [AND city_guilds_qual_type = 3]
CG_Size Level 7 [AND city_guilds_qual_type = 1]
CG_Size Level 7 [AND city_guilds_qual_type = 2]
CG_Size Level 7 [AND city_guilds_qual_type = 3]
CG_Size Level 8 [AND city_guilds_qual_type = 1]
CG_Size Level 8 [AND city_guilds_qual_type = 2]
CG_Size Level 8 [AND city_guilds_qual_type = 3]
NVQ_pre2015 Level 5
NVQ_af2015 Level 6
NVQ_af2015 Level 7
NVQ_af2015 Level 8
Higher_App Level 6
Higher_App Level 7
Deg_App Level 6
Deg_App Level 7
Qual_Check Early Years Teaching or Professional Status
Nursing_Qual Degree
Nursing_Qual Degree Apprenticeship
Nursing_Qual Postgraduate, including conversion courses
Teaching_Qual Degree
Teaching_Qual PGCE or PGDE
Teaching_Qual Other postgraduate teaching qualification
Chart_Type I have a chartered qualification
Qual_Check Undergraduate Degree
Qual_Check Masters Degree
Qual_Check Doctorate
Qual_Check Other Formal Award, Level 6
Qual_Check Other Formal Award, Level 7
Qual_Check Other Formal Award, Level 8
Qual_Check Other Formal Certificate, Level 6
Qual_Check Other Formal Certificate, Level 7
Qual_Check Other Formal Certificate, Level 8
Qual_Check Other Formal Diploma, Level 6
Qual_Check Other Formal Diploma, Level 7
Qual_Check Other Formal Diploma, Level 8
Qual_Check Other Formal qualification, Level 6
Qual_Check Other Formal qualification, Level 7
Qual_Check Other Formal qualification, Level 8
Add_Prof Early Years Teaching or Professional Status
Add_Uni Undergraduate Degree
Add_Uni Masters Degree
Add_Uni Doctorate
Modern_App_Lev Professional, SCQF Level 10 and 11
Grad_App_lev SCQF Level 10
Grad_App_lev SCQF Level 11
Qual_Check_Scot Early Years Teaching or Professional Status
Qual_Check_Scot Undergraduate or Bachelor’s Degree, including MA
Qual_Check_Scot Master’s Degree, including MLitt or MSc
Qual_Check_Scot Doctorate
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Award, Level 6
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Award, Level 7
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Award, Level 8
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Certificate, Level 6
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Certificate, Level 7
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Certificate, Level 8
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Diploma, Level 6
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Diploma, Level 7
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Diploma, Level 8
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal qualification, Level 6
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal qualification, Level 7
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal qualification, Level 8
SVQLev_4 Level 9
Add_HE Early Years Teaching or Professional Status
Add_HE Undergraduate or Bachelor’s Degree, including MA
Add_HE Master’s Degree, including MLitt or MSc
Add_HE Doctorate
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Early Years Teaching or Professional Status
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Undergraduate or Bachelor’s Degree
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Master’s Degree
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Doctorate
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Award, Level 6
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Award, Level 7
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Award, Level 8
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Certificate, Level 6
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Certificate, Level 7
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Certificate, Level 8
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Diploma, Level 6
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Diploma, Level 7
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Diploma, Level 8
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal qualification, Level 6
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal qualification, Level 6
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal qualification, Level 6
Add_Uni_EWNISCOT Early Years Teaching or Professional Status
Add_Uni_EWNISCOT Undergraduate or Bachelor’s Degree
Add_Uni_EWNISCOT Master’s Degree
Add_Uni_EWNISCOT Doctorate
Qual_Check_NonUK Undergraduate degree
Qual_Check_NonUK Postgraduate degree
Qual_Check_NonUK Doctorate
Qual_Check_NonUK Other formal university qualification, Level 6
Qual_Check_NonUK Other formal university qualification, Level 7
Qual_Check_NonUK Other formal university qualification, Level 8
Qual_Check_NonUK Other formal qualification, Level 6
Qual_Check_NonUK Other formal qualification, Level 7
Qual_Check_NonUK Other formal qualification, Level 8
Add_NonUK_Deg Undergraduate degree
Add_NonUK_Deg Postgraduate degree
Add_NonUK_Deg Doctorate
Add_Other_Uni_Lev Level 6
Add_Other_Uni_Lev Level 7
Add_Other_Uni_Lev Level 8
Add_Other_Lower_Lev Level 6
Add_Other_Lower_Lev Level 7
Add_Other_Lower_Lev Level 8

A qualification is categorised as ‘higher education’ if the answers to the questions are as follows:

Question code Question answer
BTEC_4_Type BTEC Higher National Certificate (HNC)
BTEC_4_lev Level 4
BTEC_4_lev Level 5
BTEC_Prof_Lev2_award Level 4
BTEC_Prof_Lev2_award Level 5
BTEC_Prof_Lev2_certs Level 4
BTEC_Prof_Lev2_certs Level 5
BTEC_Prof_Lev2_diploma Level 4
BTEC_Prof_Lev2_diploma Level 5
BTEC_5_HA Level 4
BTEC_5_HA Level 5
Safety_Net_Followup_awards Level 4
Safety_Net_Followup_awards Level 5
Safety_Net_Followup_Certs Level 4
Safety_Net_Followup_Certs Level 5
Safety_Net_Followup_Dips Level 4
Safety_Net_Followup_Dips Level 5
Safety_Net_Followup_DK Level 4
Safety_Net_Followup_DK Level 5
Qual_Check Higher National Certificate (HNC)
Qual_Check Higher National Diploma (HND)
Qual_Check Diploma in Higher Education (DipHE)
RSA_Dip_Lev RSA Higher Diploma
CG_Size Level 4 [AND city_guilds_qual_type = 1]
CG_Size Level 4 [AND city_guilds_qual_type = 2]
CG_Size Level 4 [AND city_guilds_qual_type = 3]
CG_Size Level 5 [AND city_guilds_qual_type = 1]
CG_Size Level 5 [AND city_guilds_qual_type = 2]
CG_Size Level 5 [AND city_guilds_qual_type = 3]
NVQ_pre2015 Level 4
NVQ_af2015 Level 4
NVQ_af2015 Level 5
Higher_App Level 4
Higher_App Level 5
Key_Skills Level 4
Key_Skills Level 5
Nursing_Qual Nursing Associate qualification
Teaching_Qual Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training
Qual_Check Foundation degree
Qual_Check Other Formal Award, Level 4
Qual_Check Other Formal Award, Level 5
Qual_Check Other Formal Certificate, Level 4
Qual_Check Other Formal Certificate, Level 5
Qual_Check Other Formal Diploma, Level 4
Qual_Check Other Formal Diploma, Level 5
Qual_Check Other Formal qualification, Level 4
Qual_Check Other Formal qualification, Level 5
Add_College Higher National Certificate (HNC)
Add_College Higher National Diploma (HND)
Add_College Diploma in Higher Education (DipHE)
Add_Uni Foundation degree
Qual_Check_Scot Advanced Highers
Scot_Bacc Yes
Qual_Check_Scot HNC or SHNC
Qual_Check_Scot HND or SHND
SCOTVEC_Type Higher level
SVQ_Lev Level 5
SCQF_Lev No [AND SVQ_Lev = 4 (Level 4)]
SVQLev_3 Level 7
SVQLev_4 Level 8
Key_Skills_Scot Level 4
Key_Skills_Scot Level 5, covers Personal Skills Development
Core_Skills Advanced Higher
Modern_App_Lev Technical, SCQF Level 8 and 9
Grad_App_lev SCQF Level 8
Qual_Check_Scot Diploma in Higher Education (DipHE)
Qual_Check_Scot Foundation Degree
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Award, Level 4
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Award, Level 5
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Certificate, Level 4
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Certificate, Level 5
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Diploma, Level 4
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Diploma, Level 5
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal qualification, Level 4
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal qualification, Level 5
Add_SCOT_school Advanced Highers
Add_Leavers HNC or SHNC
Add_Leavers HND or SHND
Add_HE Diploma in Higher Education (DipHE)
Add_HE Foundation Degree
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Advanced Highers
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Diploma in Higher Education (DipHE)
EWNISCOT_Key Skills Level 4
EWNISCOT_Key Skills Level 5, covers Personal Skills Development
EWNISCOT_CoreSkills Advanced Higher
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Foundation degree
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Award, Level 4
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Award, Level 5
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Certificate, Level 4
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Certificate, Level 5
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Diploma, Level 4
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Diploma, Level 5
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal qualification, Level 4
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal qualification, Level 5
Add_School_EWNISCOT Advanced Highers
Add_College_EWNISCOT Diploma in Higher Education (DipHE)
Add_Uni_EWNISCOT Diploma in Higher Education (DipHE)
Add_Uni_EWNISCOT Foundation degree
Qual_Check_NonUK Foundation degree
Qual_Check_NonUK Other formal university qualification, Level 4
Qual_Check_NonUK Other formal university qualification, Level 5
Qual_Check_NonUK Other Formal qualification, Level 4
Qual_Check_NonUK Other Formal qualification, Level 5
Add_NonUK_Deg Foundation degree
Add_Other_Uni_Lev Level 4
Add_Other_Uni_Lev Level 5
Add_Other_Lower_Lev Level 4
Add_Other_Lower_Lev Level 5

A qualification is categorised as ‘GCSE, A Level or equivalent’ if the answers to the questions are as follows:

Question code Question answer
Qual_Check Access to higher education diploma
Alev_Tlev AS Levels
Alev_Tlev A Levels
Alev_Tlev T Levels
BTEC_3_Type Awards
BTEC_3_Type Certificates
BTEC_3_Type Diploma
BTEC_3_Type2 Certificates
BTEC_3_Type2 Subsidiary Diplomas
BTEC_3_Type2 90-credit Diplomas
BTEC_3_Type2 Diplomas
BTEC_3_Type2 Extended Diplomas
BTEC_3_Type3 Certificates
BTEC_3_Type3 Extended Certificates
BTEC_3_Type3 Foundation Diplomas
BTEC_3_Type3 Diplomas
BTEC_3_Type3 Extended Diplomas
BTEC_5_A Level 3
Safety_Net_Followup_awards Level 3
Safety_Net_Followup_Certs Level 3
Safety_Net_Followup_Dips Level 3
Safety_Net_Followup_DK Level 3
Bacc_Type International Baccalaureate
Bacc_Type Both
Welsh_Bacc Advanced
Qual_Check ONC
Qual_Check OND
RSA_Cert_Lev Level 3 or RSA III
RSA_Dip_Lev Level 3
RSA_Dip_Lev RSA Advanced Diploma
CT_3_Type Certificate
CT_3_Type Diploma
CT_3_Type Extended Diploma
CG_Size Level 3 [AND city_guilds_qual_type = 1]
CG_Size Level 3 [AND city_guilds_qual_type = 2]
CG_Size Level 3 [AND city_guilds_qual_type = 3]
14_19_Dip Advanced or Progression
NVQ_pre2015 Level 3
NVQ_af2015 Level 3
GNVQLevel Advanced
App_Lev Advanced or BTEC Apprenticeship
Key_Skills Level 3
EssSkills_Lev Level 3
Nursing_Qual Scottish Foundation Apprenticeship
Nursing_Qual Scottish Modern Apprenticeship
Qual_Check Other Formal Award, Level 3
Qual_Check Other Formal Certificate, Level 3
Qual_Check Other Formal Diploma, Level 3
Qual_Check Other Formal qualification, Level 3
Add_School Access to higher education diploma
Add_College ONC
Add_College OND
Qual_Check_Scot Highers
Qual_Check_Scot Certificate of Sixth Year Studies (CSYS) or Scottish qualifications Certificate
Scot_Int_Bacc International Baccalaureate
Scot_Int_Bacc Both
Scot_Bacc No, only higher level
Qual_Check_Scot ONC or SNC
Qual_Check_Scot OND or SND
SCOTVEC_Type Full National Certificate
SCQF_Lev No [AND qual_svq_level = 3]
SVQLev_3 Level 6
GSVQ_Lev Advanced
Qual_Check_Scot Scottish Wider Access Programme qual
Key_Skills_Scot Level 3
Core_Skills Higher
SFW_Lev Skills for work higher
Scot_App Foundation
Modern_App_Lev SCQF Level 6 and 7
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Award, Level 3
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Certificate, Level 3
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Diploma, Level 3
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal qualification, Level 3
Add_SCOT_school Highers
Add_SCOT_school Certificate of Sixth Year Studies (CSYS) or Scottish quals Certificate
Add_Leavers ONC or SNC
Add_Leavers OND or SND
Add_Leavers Scottish Wider Access Programme qualification
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Access to Higher Education Diploma
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Highers
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Certificate of Sixth Year Studies (CSYS) or Scottish qualifications Certificate
EWNISCOT_WBacc Advanced
EWNISCOT_SBacc No, only higher level
GSVQ_GNVQ_Lev Advanced
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Scottish Wider Access Programme qualification
Add_School_EWNISCOT O Grades Ordinary Grades
EWNISCOT_Key Skills Level 3
EWNISCOT_EssSkills Level 3
EWNISCOT_CoreSkills Higher
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Award, Level 3
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Certificate, Level 3
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Diploma, Level 3
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal qualification, Level 3
Add_School_EWNISCOT Access to Higher Education Diploma
Add_School_EWNISCOT Highers
Add_School_EWNISCOT Certificate of Sixth Year Studies (CSYS) or Scottish qualifications Certificate
Qual_Check_NonUK Qualifications like AS or A Levels
Qual_Check_NonUK High school diploma [AND high_school_diploma_qual_nonuk_age = 2 (17 years old or above)]
Qual_Check_NonUK International baccalaureate
Qual_Check_NonUK Other formal qualification, Level 3
Add_NonUK_School Qualifications like AS or A Levels
Add_NonUK_School High school diploma [AND high_school_diploma_qual_nonuk_age = 2 (17 years old or above)]
Add_NonUK_School International baccalaureate
Add_Other_Lower_Lev Level 3
Add_Dip_Age 17 years old or above

A qualification is categorised as ‘GCSE grades A* to C or equivalent’ if the answers to the questions are as follows:

Question code Question answer
Qual_Check Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)
GCSE_Olevs O Levels [ except when (qual_gcse_type=1 and 2 but not exclusively) AND (qual_gcse_check =2)]
GCSE_Olevs CSEs grade 1
GCSE_Olevs_Check No, I did O Levels only
GCSE_Grades One or more GCSE at grades A* to C, or 9 to 4
GCSE_Grades Both
BTEC_pre2012 Certificates
BTEC_pre2012 Extended Certificated
BTEC_pre2012 Diplomas
BTEC_af2021 Awards
BTEC_af2021 Certificates
BTEC_af2021 Extended Certificated
BTEC_af2021 Diplomas
BTEC_5_A Level 2
BEC_Lev General
BEC_Lev National or Higher National
Edexcel_Lev Level 2
Safety_Net_Followup_awards Level 2
Safety_Net_Followup_Certs Level 2
Safety_Net_Followup_Dips Level 2
Safety_Net_Followup_DK Level 2
Welsh_Bacc National or Intermediate
RSA_Cert_Lev Level 2 or RSA II
RSA_Dip_Lev Level 2
RSA_Dip_Lev RSA Diploma
RSA_ICT_Lev National First Award
RSA_ICT_Lev National Award
RSA_ICT_Lev Nationals First Certificate
RSA_ICT_Lev Nationals certificate
Nationals_Type Level 2 Award
Nationals_Type Level 2 Certificate
CT_2_Type Award
CT_2_Type Certificate
CT_2_Type Diploma
CG_Size Level 2 [AND city_guilds_qual_type = 1]
CG_Size Level 2 [AND city_guilds_qual_type = 2]
CG_Size Level 2 [AND city_guilds_qual_type = 3]
14_19_Dip Higher
NVQ_pre2015 Level 2
NVQ_af2015 Level 2
GNVQLevel Intermediate
App_Lev Intermediate or BTEC Apprenticeship
Key_Skills Level 2
FuncSkills_Lev Level 2
EssSkills_Lev Level 2
Qual_Check Other Formal Award, Level 2
Qual_Check Other Formal Certificate, Level 2
Qual_Check Other Formal Diploma, Level 2
Qual_Check Other Formal qualification, Level 2
Add_School Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)
Qual_Check_Scot O Grades (Ordinary Grades)
Intermediated_Lev Intermediate 2
Standards_lev Credit
Nationals_Lev National 5
SCOTVEC_Type First, General or National Diploma
SVQ_Lev Level 2
Key_Skills_Scot Level 2
Core_Skills National 5
SFW_Lev National 5
GSVQ_Lev Intermediate
Modern_App_Lev SCQF Level 5
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Award, Level 2
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Certificate, Level 2
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Diploma, Level 2
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal qualification, Level 2
Add_SCOT_school O Grades (Ordinary Grades)
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT O Grades (Ordinary Grades)
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)
EWNISCOT_WBacc National or Intermediate
GSVQ_GNVQ_Lev Intermediate
EWNISCOT_Key Skills Level 2
EWNISCOT_FuncSkills Level 2
EWNISCOT_EssSkills Level 2
EWNISCOT_CoreSkills National 5
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Award, Level 2
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Certificate, Level 2
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Diploma, Level 2
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal qualification, Level 2
Add_School_EWNISCOT O Grades Ordinary Grades
Add_School_EWNISCOT Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)
Qual_Check_NonUK Qualifications like GCSEs or O Levels
Qual_Check_NonUK High school diploma [AND [high_school_diploma_qual_nonuk_age = 1 (14 to 16 years old)]
Add_NonUK_School Qualifications like GCSEs or O Levels
Add_NonUK_School High school diploma [AND [high_school_diploma_qual_nonuk_age = 1 (14 to 16 years old)]
Add_Dip_Age 14 to 16 years old

A qualification is categorised as ‘GCSE grades D to G or below’ if the answers to the questions are as follows:

Question code Question answer
GCSE_Olevs CSEs grade 2 or below
GCSE_Grades One or more GCSE at grades D to G, or 3 to 1
BTEC_EL_Type Award qualification
BTEC_EL_Type Certificate qualification
BTEC_1_Type Award
BTEC_1_Type Certificate
BTEC_1_Type Diploma
Edexcel_Lev Level 1
Safety_Net_Followup_awards Entry Level
Safety_Net_Followup_awards Level 1
Safety_Net_Followup_Certs Entry Level
Safety_Net_Followup_Certs Level 1
Safety_Net_Followup_Dips Entry Level
Safety_Net_Followup_Dips Level 1
Safety_Net_Followup_DK Entry Level
Safety_Net_Followup_DK Level 1
Welsh_Bacc Foundation
RSA_Cert_Lev Level 1 or RSA I
Nationals_Type Level 1 Award
Nationals_Type Level 1 Certificate
CG_Size Entry Level [AND city_guilds_qual_type = 1]
CG_Size Entry Level [AND city_guilds_qual_type = 2]
CG_Size Entry Level [AND city_guilds_qual_type = 3]
CG_Size Level 1[AND city_guilds_qual_type = 1]
CG_Size Level 1[AND city_guilds_qual_type = 2]
CG_Size Level 1[AND city_guilds_qual_type = 3]
14_19_Dip Foundation
NVQ_pre2015 Level 1
NVQ_af2015 Entry Level
NVQ_af2015 Level 1
GNVQLevel Foundation
Qual_Check Basic Skills qualification
Qual_Check Entry Level qualification
Qual_Check Youth Training Scheme Certificate YTS, YTP or YT
Key_Skills Level 1
EssSkills_Lev Entry Level
EssSkills_Lev Level 1
FuncSkills_Lev Level 1
Qual_Check Other Formal Award, Level 1
Qual_Check Other Formal Award, Entry Level
Qual_Check Other Formal Certificate, Entry Level
Qual_Check Other Formal Certificate, Level 1
Qual_Check Other Formal Diploma, Entry Level
Qual_Check Other Formal Diploma, Level 1
Qual_Check Other Formal qualification, Entry Level
Qual_Check Other Formal qualification, Level 1
Add_School Basic Skills qualification
Add_School Entry Level qualification
Add_School Youth Training Scheme Certificate YTS, YTP or YT
Add_College Basic Skills qualification
Add_College Entry Level qualification
Add_College Youth Training Scheme Certificate YTS, YTP or YT
Qual_Check_Scot Access 1 to 3
Intermediated_Lev Intermediate 1
Standards_lev Foundation
Standards_lev General
Nationals_Lev National 1 or 2
Nationals_Lev National 3
Nationals_Lev National 4
SCOTVEC_Type First or General Certificate
SVQ_Lev Level 1
GSVQ_Lev Foundation
Qual_Check_Scot Basic Skills qualification
Qual_Check_Scot Youth Training Scheme Certificate YTS, YTP or YT
Key_Skills_Scot Level 1
Core_Skills National 2
Core_Skills National 3
Core_Skills National 4
SFW_Lev National 3
SFW_Lev National 4
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Award, Entry Level
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Award, Level 1
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Certificate, Entry Level
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Certificate, Level 1
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Diploma, Entry Level
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal Diploma, Level 1
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal qualification, Entry Level
Qual_Check_Scot Other Formal qualification, Level 1
Add_SCOT_school Access 1 to 3
Add_SCOT_school Youth Training Scheme Certificate YTS, YTP or YT
Add_Leavers Basic Skills qualification
Add_SCOT_school Basic Skills qualification
Add_Leavers Youth Training Scheme Certificate YTS, YTP or YT
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Access 1 to 3
EWNISCOT_WBacc Foundation
GSVQ_GNVQ_Lev Foundation
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Basic Skills qualification
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Youth Training Scheme Certificate YTS, YTP or YT
EWNISCOT_Key Skills Level 1
EWNISCOT_FuncSkills Level 1
EWNISCOT_EssSkills Entry Level
EWNISCOT_EssSkills Level 1
EWNISCOT_CoreSkills National 2
EWNISCOT_CoreSkills National 3
EWNISCOT_CoreSkills National 4
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Award, Entry Level
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Award, Level 1
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Certificate, Entry Level
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Certificate, Level 1
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Diploma, Entry Level
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal Diploma, Level 1
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal qualification, Entry Level
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Formal qualification, Level 1
Add_School_EWNISCOT Access 1 to 3
Add_School_EWNISCOT Basic Skills qualification
Add_School_EWNISCOT Entry Level qualification
Add_School_EWNISCOT Youth Training Scheme Certificate YTS, YTP or YT
Add_College_EWNISCOT Basic Skills qualification
Add_College_EWNISCOT Youth Training Scheme Certificate YTS, YTP or YT
Qual_Check_NonUK Other formal qualification, Level 1 or 2
Add_Other_Lower_Lev Level 1 or 2

Use the category ‘no qualifications’ if the answers to the questions are as follows:

Question code Question answer
Edexcel_lev Edexcel is the name of the exam board but not the name of the qualification
RSA_OCR OSR is the name of the exam board but not the name of the qualification
CG_Size My qualification does not have a level
Chart_Type I am a member of a professional body
Qual_Check Other Non-Formal Award
Qual_Check Other Non-Formal Certificate
Qual_Check Other Non-Formal Diploma
Qual_Check Other Non-Formal qualification
Qual_Check_Scot Other Non-Formal Award
Qual_Check_Scot Other Non-Formal Certificate
Qual_Check_Scot Other Non-Formal Diploma
Qual_Check_Scot Other Non-Formal qualification
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Non-Formal Award
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Non-Formal Certificate
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Non-Formal Diploma
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other Non-Formal qualification

A qualification is categorised as ‘unclassified’ if the answers to the questions are as follows:

Question code Question answer
EWNI_AddSch_Other Some text
EWNI_AddCol_Other Some text
EWNI_AddProf_Other Some text
EWNI_AddUni_Other Some text
Other_Qual some text AND (country_qual = only one country OR NonUK_Other_Qual = some text (not empty))
NonUK_Other_Qual some text AND (country_qual= only one country OR Other_Qual = some text (not empty))
Add_Other_Qual Some text
Other_Qual_NonUK Some text
Add_Other_Qual_NonUK Some text
Qual_Check Other_Qual (open text response fed forward)
Qual_Check_Scot Other_Qual (open text response fed forward)
Qual_Check_EWNISCOT Other_Qual (open text response fed forward)
Qual_Check_NonUK NonUK_Other_Qual (open text response fed forward)
Scot_AddSch_Other Some text
Scot_AddLea_Other Some text
Scot_AddHE_Other Some text
EWNIScot_AddSch_Other Some text
EWNIScot_AddCol_Other Some text
EWNIScot_AddUni_Other Some text

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Further information

The qualifications frameworks in the United Kingdom (UK) are frameworks that outline and join the levels and credit values of different qualifications. The UK government webpage nine different qualification levels explains how different levels relate to qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In England and Northern Ireland the current qualifications framework used is Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) replaced the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) (and the NQF – National Qualifications Framework). The Welsh equivalent of RQF framework is Credit and Qualifications Framework (CQFW).

Scotland has a different education system, its own set of school qualifications and a separate and distinct credit and qualifications framework: The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF). Our qualification levels table provides more details and comparison between qualification levels on the SCQF and other frameworks.

Correspondence of levels established between national qualifications frameworks and qualifications outputs

Qualifications outputs Regulated qualifications framework (RQF) Credit and qualifications framework for Wales (CQFW) Scottish credit and qualifications framework (SCQF)
Degree Equivalent or Above 8 8 12
Degree Equivalent or Above 7 7 11
Degree Equivalent or Above 6 6 10
Degree Equivalent or Above 6 6 9
Higher Education 5 5 8
Higher Education 4 4 7
GCE A Level or Equivalent 3 3 6
GCSE Grades A*-C or Equivalent 2 2 5
GCSE Grades D-G or Below 1 1 4
GCSE Grades D-G or Below E3 E3 3
GCSE Grades D-G or Below E2 E2 2
GCSE Grades D-G or Below E1 E1 1

When collecting qualifications, it is important to consider the framework under which the qualifications were classified, because the classifications can differ between frameworks. Also, some types of qualification may not be listed in a framework used and therefore the outputs can vary. For example, under the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), depending on the credits taken BTEC (Business and Technology Education Council) can be classified as a Diploma, Certificate or Award. See relevant awarding bodies to get more information on individual qualifications, how they compare and where they fit within the qualifications frameworks.

In harmonising statistics it is important to look at administrative data as well as survey data. Administrative data has the potential to provide more accurate information on qualifications achieved by individuals than self-reported data collected by censuses and surveys. That is why the use of administrative data on qualifications has been explored as a replacement for collecting such information in censuses and surveys. Admin-based qualification statistics, feasibility research: England report outlines research that has been carried out so far. The report compared information on educational qualifications, specifically highest level of qualification in 2011, from administrative data, the 2011 Census and the Annual Population Survey (APS). Educational admin data is largely aligned with the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF).

Administrative data feasibility research used a feasibility version of the All Education Dataset for England (AEDE). The dataset was created and supplied by the Department for Education (DfE) to enable the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to investigate the potential of administrative data to provide information on educational qualifications, however access to the data is only given to ONS analysts who meet a set of security standards.

The feasibility AEDE held by the ONS is a longitudinal dataset created from three sources (see All Education Dataset for England (AEDE) source overview for more details) that cover government-funded education from primary to higher education:

  • National Pupil Database (NPD)
  • Individualised Learner Record (ILR)
  • Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)

Further work will focus on expanding the population coverage using available administrative data on qualifications including persons above 25 years of age and incorporating data for Wales. The plan is to ensure that user needs are met and address any differences that exist between qualifications data obtained from censuses, surveys, and administrative sources.

For more up to date information about the administrative data research, please contact the team Admin.Based.Characteristics@ons.gov.uk.

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Related harmonised standards

You may find the educational attainment harmonised standard a useful resource.

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We are always interested in hearing from users so we can develop our work. If you use or produce statistics based on this topic, please contact us at Harmonisation@statistics.gov.uk.

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