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Published: 8 April 2022

Government Actuary’s Department

The Government Actuary’s Department’s (GAD) mission is to improve the stewardship of public sector finances. We do this by supporting effective decision-making and robust financial reporting through actuarial analysis, modelling, and advice. We apply the actuarial profession’s technical skills, consultancy discipline, high standards of professionalism and industry sector knowledge to solve financial challenges faced by […]

Learn more on Government Actuary’s Department
Published: 13 May 2022

Highlights from the first week of Analysis in Government Month 2022

One week into Analysis in Government Month 2022 and it’s already been a very busy week!  At the launch event earlier this week, Professor Sir Ian Diamond, Head of the Analysis Function and National Statistician told us why the theme of ‘Analysis Collaborate’ is such a “wonderful opportunity to bring together people working with analysis […]

Learn more on Highlights from the first week of Analysis in Government Month 2022
Published: 6 October 2022

Head of Profession: Stephanie Howarth

Stephanie Howarth is the Government Statistical Service (GSS) Head of Profession (HoP) at Welsh Government. My biggest work-related accomplishment I’m incredibly proud of the way statisticians across the Welsh Government and our partner organisations worked together to provide evidence to support government decision making during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This showed very clearly how analysts […]

Learn more on Head of Profession: Stephanie Howarth
