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Published: 17 June 2022

Highlights from the fourth week of Analysis in Government Month 2022

We’ve wrapped up the last full week of Analysis in Government Month and it’s been another great week of live events, blogs, articles and learning videos. Here’s a short review of the week:  Live events MOD’s analysis and insights team on the wraparound childcare project In the first event of the week, Tom Mills, a […]

Learn more on Highlights from the fourth week of Analysis in Government Month 2022
Published: 15 August 2022

Career story: Jonathan Tecwyn

Jonathan Tecwyn is the Revenue Forecasting and Cost Pressures Team Lead at the Department for Education. Jonathan is a Grade 7 a member of the Government Operational Research Service (GORS). When did you join the Civil Service and what was your job? Way back in September 2009 I joined the Home Office in the (almost […]

Learn more on Career story: Jonathan Tecwyn
Published: 6 October 2022

Head of Profession: Cliff Gay

Cliff Gay is the Government Statistical Service (GSS) Head of Profession (HoP) at the Food Standards Agency (FSA). My biggest work-related accomplishment A few years ago the FSA was shortlisted for a Civil Service award for our work in reducing the level of campylobacter in chicken. Two of the most important factors to our success […]

Learn more on Head of Profession: Cliff Gay
