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If you're searching for a two or three word term you need to put it in quotation marks e.g. "analysis function".

Showing 176 results

Published: 30 September 2021

GSS Quality Strategy case studies

These case studies provide examples of successful improvements to the quality of GSS statistics. They are grouped by the goals in the GSS Quality Strategy that they most closely align with. They have been sourced from GSS Quality Champions and the OSR review on the State of the UK’s Statistical System. Additional case studies related […]

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Published: 14 September 2020

Examples of data linking

This page identifies data linking projects employed across government to complement those mentioned in the National Statistician’s response to the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) review ‘Joining up Data for Better Statistics’. This has a particular focus on examples which demonstrate how some departments are striving for a robust and trustworthy data linking system. These […]

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Published: 22 September 2022

Role profile: monitoring and evaluation analyst

Monitoring and evaluation analysts play an important role in establishing methods to monitor and evaluate varied policies or programmes. They often working in evaluation teams or as evaluation leads in wider multi-disciplinary divisions. Monitoring and evaluation analysts have research skills and experience. This includes skills and experience in: quantitative and qualitative research design data collection […]

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Published: 22 September 2022

Role profile: methodologist

Methodologists are methods experts in areas such as: time series sample design modelling analysis quality statistical computing harmonisation questionnaire design Methodologists design all steps needed to do a survey from population of interest, sample, mode for survey and contact, and elements of data collection. They do this alongside designing questionnaires and working out how results […]

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