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Showing 176 results

Published: 22 September 2022

Role profile: geographic adviser

Geographic advisers use specialist geographic knowledge and techniques to: support and give context to decision-making support and give context to the development and evaluation of policies – this also includes supporting the work being done to achieve the aims of policies develop and promote policies related to geographic understanding or information Geographic advisers are experts […]

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Published: 2 October 2023

Role profile: risk assessor

Risk analysis is the process of assessing, managing, and communicating risk. Risk assessment is part of risk analysis and is a specialised field of applied science.  It can be used to assess: the likelihood or probability of unwanted events occurring the possible scale and seriousness of any unwanted events Risk assessors also estimate the uncertainty […]

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Event date: 11th December 2023 3:00 pm

Adopting Open Source in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Across Sectors: Case Study Series

This event will mark the official launch of a new Case Study Series from the first cohort of The Turing Way Practitioners Hub. The Practitioners Hub brings together Experts in Residence to promote data science best practices across sectors.

Learn more on Adopting Open Source in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Across Sectors: Case Study Series
Published: 14 May 2024

Analysis in Government (AiG) Month Week 3: Innovative data and analytical techniques

As well as a packed schedule of live events for this year’s Analysis in Government month, we also have a range of learning resources released each week themed to the sessions to further your learning. Dip into insightful blogs and articles between events with in the Byte sized learning section or find out where you […]

Learn more on Analysis in Government (AiG) Month Week 3: Innovative data and analytical techniques
Event date: 12th December 2019 9:00 am

Introduction to data visualisation

Course details: This course aims to: provide an overview of good practice in the design and presentation of tables, graphs and maps and the use of colour outline the core principles and theoretical issues in the development of data visualisations explain how people think about data visualisations Learning outcomes: By the end of the course, […]

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