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If you're searching for a two or three word term you need to put it in quotation marks e.g. "analysis function".

Showing 176 results

Published: 30 October 2019

Methodology division at the Office for National Statistics

The methodology division at the Office for National Statistics (ONS) helps ensure that Government Statistical Service (GSS) statistics are underpinned by robust statistical methodology and meet accepted quality standards. The division supports the entire statistical production chain, and provides advice across the GSS. The mission for the division is: Better Methods, Better Statistics, Better Decisions. […]

Learn more on Methodology division at the Office for National Statistics
Published: 14 March 2023

Data collection fundamentals

Training Course

This course is designed for anyone who wants to gain a better understanding of the basic considerations for data collection activities and processes. The course will introduce how to design your data collection tool. The course covers qualitative research methods and survey design. We will discuss how qualitative methodologies can be used both for their […]

Learn more on Data collection fundamentals
