Ministry of Defence (MOD) Reproducible Analytical Pipeline (RAP) Strategy Implementation Plan 2023

When considering how MOD will implement the Analysis Function Reproducible Analytical Pipelines (RAP) strategy, we have had to take into account other departmental priorities and coherence with strategies, such as the Digital Strategy for Defence. We will need to be flexible with our approach over the four years of this strategy so we are aligned with the rollout of digital capabilities within MOD.

With that in mind, this webpage sets out how MOD will work towards implementation of the Analysis Function RAP Strategy during 2023. In the first year we will concentrate on implementing the strategy in the Analysis Directorate in MOD. In the following years we will need to consider how we can implement the strategy in the wider MOD Analysis Function community.

Making 2023 a successful year for MOD

MOD will concentrate on four main areas to achieve success in 2023:

  1. MOD will continue to sustain a RAP capability in the Analysis Directorate, which can support teams producing analytical outputs.
  2. Managers will seek opportunities to implement RAP in their business areas and upskill staff to build capability.
  3. We will continue to reduce our use of manual processes in analytical teams within the Analysis Directorate.
  4. We plan to complete 8 RAP transformation projects, with the direct support of the MOD RAP Working Group.

Local strategic plan

The right tools: summary at the end of 2022

The Analysis Directorate at MOD provides R as the main language for developing RAPs on the desktop. Version control is supported through internal GitLab repositories and analysts can publish code internally on GitLab.

R is currently the core development language for analysis workflows. This is because of the level of expertise in that language in the workforce and the ease with providing access for analysts. There are more complications with getting access to Python for all users, so it is used lesser often across the wider business. There are potential examples of Python projects from areas such as:

  • Defence, Equipment and Support (DES)
  • Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL)
  • Defence Intelligence

We will concentrate on using R in the first year of this implementation plan but we hope to be able to offer a wider variety of languages for analysts in future years.

For the final visualisation of analysis, analysts have ready access to Power BI and RShiny as dashboarding tools for data visualisation. There are further tools such as Bokeh or Dash in Python, which could be developed in the future if necessary.

The right capability: summary at the end of 2022

MOD is working to increase capability in coding and the use of open-source programming language for manual repetitive processes. The focus is predominantly on using R currently, because of the level of staff expertise in this language compared to others, for example Python.

We are increasing our offering of internal training in R. We are now running both beginner and intermediate-level training courses at more regular intervals. These courses are being supplemented by monthly drop-in coding sessions to help analysts problem-solve specific issues in their own work areas.

We have developed several guidance documents which concentrate on writing and assuring code. This has included chapters on Version Control, Data Visualisation, Package Development and Reproducible Reports. They have helped analysts ensure they are using best practice in their coding projects.

The right culture: summary at the end of 2022

MOD has a senior sponsor for RAP Strategy implementation and an established internal working group (WG). The WG consists of a combination of RAP practitioners and RAP Champions. The main role of practitioners is to act as mentors and support other teams to develop and maintain RAP projects.

The Champion’s role is to share the benefits of RAP and find ways to build capability. This includes training offerings and opportunities for knowledge sharing.

Official Statistic: MOD Regional Expenditure with UK Industry

This product has been developed by the Analysis Expenditure team.

The project involved creating a fully automated, end-to-end process to produce an annual Official Statistics release. The release is packaged as ‘Pioneer’.

International Defence Expenditure annual external bulletin

This product has been developed by the Analysis Expenditure team.

The project involved creating a fully automated, end-to-end process to produce an annual external bulletin. The bulletin is published on GOV.UK as a non-Official Statistics release. The bulletin is packaged as ‘Dora’.

Fuel and Forex Monitors monthly internal bulletin

This product has been developed by the Defence Economics team.

The project involved creating a fully automated process to produce a monthly internal bulletin. The bulletin is published on the Defence Intranet.

Mental Health Annual Official Statistic

This is a partial RAP product that has been developed by the Analysis Health team.

The project involved creating a semi-automated process to produce the statistics. The project concentrated on the data processing element.

Gender Pay Gap and Equal Pay Audit annual external publications

This is a partial RAP product that has been developed by the Analysis Cost Modelling team.

The project involved automating data processing to help produce annual bulletins to be published on GOV.UK. These bulletins are non-Official Statistics.

Location of Armed Forces Pensions and Compensation Recipients

This is a partial RAP product that has been developed by the Analysis Health team.

The project involved automating the process of manipulating data and creating tables.

Indigo quarterly inflation forecasting tool

This product has been developed by the Analysis Price Indices team.

The project involved creating a fully automated quarterly process to estimate forecasts of many indices. The forecast is published internally on the Defence Intranet.

Moving dashboards from Excel to R

This product has been developed by the Analysis Air team.

The project involved moving all dashboards covering Strengths and Overflows to R. The data processing was automated.

Trade, Industry and Contracts National Statistic

This product has been developed by the Analysis Expenditure team.

The project involved creating a fully automated process to produce the Excel tables associated with the publication. This is packaged as ‘TicR’. The package is transferable to other publications that provide Excel tables.

Equipment Plan Report annual external report

This product was developed by the Financial Analysis team.

The project involved transferring all analysis workflows into R and fully automating them. The annual report is published on GOV.UK.

RAP is recognised as a way of making projects more efficient at MOD. Using RAP to complete projects is an important part of the Innovation and Automation workstream, which is part of the wider MOD Analytical Function Strategy.

Implementation plan


Analyst leaders will work with the Digital team to give analysts access to the right tools. This includes providing funding where necessary.


Ask the Tools Working Group to prioritise which tools and platforms will be most useful to analysts, and engage with the Digital team to ensure access is available. The Tools Working Group is a subgroup of the Innovation and Automation workstream.


This work is in progress.

Success criteria and metrics

We will have achieved success when analysts have all the tools necessary to provide a RAP Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and know who to contact for technical support.


Analysts will use open-source tools wherever and whenever appropriate.


Transform 8 analysis workflows to RAP workflows using open-source tools.


This work is in progress.

Success criteria and metrics

There are several RAP projects in progress at MOD:

  • the Defence People, Research and Evidence team are developing an end-to-end RAP process to address Armed Forces and Civilian Skills Gaps — this work is 10% complete and the team aim to finish the project in April 2023
  • the Analysis Civilian team are working on a feasibility study for using RAP workflows to process civilian data from HR system — this work is 5% complete and the team aim to finish the project in April 2023
  • the Analysis Expenditure team are converting analysis workflows from the Departmental Resources National Statistics into RAP workflows — this work is 5% complete and the team aim to finish the project in April 2023
  • the Analysis Air team are developing an RShiny Strength dashboard using a RAP workflow — this work is 5% complete and the team aim to finish the project in April 2023


Analysts will open source their code on internal platforms.


Publish guidance on how to open-source code on GitLab.


This work has been completed.

Success criteria and metrics

We will have achieved success when a chapter on Version Control using GitLab is published on the internal Knowledge Base.


Analyst leaders will ensure their analysts build RAP learning and development time into their work plans.


Support investment of time in:

  • attending training courses
  • attending knowledge sharing events
  • practically applying learning


This work is in progress.

Success criteria and metrics

We will have achieved success when we have secured commitment from all senior managers to prioritise the development of RAP in their work areas.


Analyst managers will build extra time into analysis processes to introduce and use new skills and practices where appropriate.


Organise time for analysts to attend R training courses. Provide opportunities to start putting this knowledge into practice by adding time into work schedules, where it is possible to enable learning.


This work has not yet started.

Success criteria and metrics

We will have achieved success when

  • all new analysts that join the Department at Executive Officer (EO) and Higher Executive Officer (HEO) level are given the opportunity to attend the Introduction to R training course – this opportunity should be given in the first 6 months of joining
  • a significant number of existing staff have attended the Introduction to R training course by the end of 2023


Analyst managers will develop knowledge and understanding of RAP principles and consider how they can be introduced into current workstreams.


Develop training course for ‘R for Managers’. Share guidance produced by ONS on RAP for managers.


This work is in progress.

Success criteria and metrics

We will have achieved success when:

  • an ‘R for Managers’ training course is made available by end of 2023, and run twice a year from 2024 onwards
  • managers feel comfortable for analysts to embed RAP principles into their analysis


The MOD RAP community will provide a mentoring scheme in their organisation and share good practice.


Build on the current network of 4 mentors so we can support more RAP projects. Reintroduce Coffee and Code sessions and drop-in coding clinics to share good practice.


This work is in progress.

Success criteria and metrics

We will have achieved success when:

  • we have added at least 2 more mentors, so that no new RAP projects have to be turned down
  • we have regular knowledge sharing events and analysts have a forum to solve coding issues


Analysts will learn the skills they need to use RAP principles.

Activities and status

Activities for 2023 include:

  • running more frequent internal R training sessions, at a beginner and intermediate level — this work is in progress
  • developing more material on the internal knowledge base and improve signposting to training material — this work is in progress
  • building more time into analysts’ workplans to develop RAP projects — this work has not yet been started

Success criteria and metrics

We will have achieved success when:

  • we are running a minimum of 2 beginner courses and 2 intermediate courses per year — the exact frequency of courses will be demand led
  • we have produced chapters on data manipulation and developing web applications
  • analysts feel supported to spend development time on RAP


MOD will choose leaders responsible for promoting RAP and monitoring progress towards this strategy within organisations.


The senior RAP sponsor in MOD is Ed Palmer, Head of Health, Digital and Insight.


This work has been completed.

Success criteria and metrics

We have appointed a leader for this work.


MOD leaders will encourage a “RAP by default” approach for all appropriate analysis.


Senior leaders will:

  • promote the benefits and importance of RAP to their teams
  • encourage transformation of the most manual, repetitive processes


This work has not yet started.

Success criteria and metrics

We will have achieved success when we have support from senior leaders for the widespread use of RAP across the Department.


MOD leaders will give RAP champions the ability to advise analysis teams on how to use RAP.


RAP Champions and Practitioners will be given time in their work schedule to support analytical teams with new projects.


This work is in progress.

Success criteria and metrics

We will have achieved success when champions and analysts feel supported to produce RAP projects.


MOD RAP champions will support leaders in their organisation to work according to this RAP strategy by acting as mentors, advocates, and reviewers.


The RAP WG will provide mentors to support projects, peer review code and promote best practice. They will also highlight the benefits, celebrate success, and use other internal forums to encourage colleagues to use RAP.


This work is in progress.

Success criteria and metrics

We will have achieved success when:

  • mentors are taking on new projects
  • the network is growing with more mentors and more analysts keen to use RAP principles


MOD RAP champions will help managers to identify the most valuable projects by looking at:

  • how much capability the team already has
  • how risky and time-consuming the existing process is


Work with teams to review analytical processes and identify which ones are most suitable to use RAP for in 2023.


This work has not yet started.

Success criteria and metrics

We will have achieved success when we have developed a prioritised list of analytical outputs.


MOD analyst managers will encourage their teams to use RAP principles where appropriate


Managers will work to understand the core principles and benefits of RAP. They will do this by engaging with relevant training courses and attending briefings and seminars on RAP. They will find opportunities for their analysts to use RAP in their work.


This work is in progress.

Success criteria and metrics

We will have achieved success when analysts feel supported to invest time in developing RAP in their analysis.


MOD analysts will produce their analysis using RAP principles where appropriate.


Analysts will complete 8 RAP projects.


This work is in progress.

Success criteria and metrics

We will have achieved success when we have completed 8 RAP projects.