Initial Scottish Government Reproducible Analytical Pipeline (RAP) Strategy Implementation Plan 2023

As part of the Analysis Function Reproducible Analytical Pipelines (RAP) Strategy, public sector organisations have been asked to create an implementation plan to:

  • explain how they will meet the strategy’s goals
  • describe what success looks like for their organisation
  • develop local plans to implement the actions against three strategic goals: tools, capability, and culture

This Implementation Plan sets out how the Scottish Government will begin implementing the RAP Strategy during the 2023 calendar year. Our plan sets out how the Scottish Government will start to respond to the requirements of the strategy to provide the right tools, develop the right capability, and create the right culture. We will also explain how we will measure our progress towards achieving the aims of our plan.

Analytical Tools Statistical Community Group

One of the main success factors for the Scottish Government’s Implementation Plan in 2023 is to establish an Analytical Tools Statistical Community Group. The Group will promote the use of RAP in the Scottish Government. We anticipate that the Community Group will help to maintain this Implementation Plan, develop it for the future, and monitor progress. Beyond this, we hope the group will play a significant role in championing RAP, supporting change, and encouraging engagement across the organisation to strengthen our approach.

Our local strategic plan recognises the positive high-level steps that are underway to support RAP. More detailed actions will follow once the Statistical Community Group is established. These will include:

  • creating links with Statistical Community Groups for learning and development
  • improving publications to ensure that analysts have the capability to implement and maintain RAPs

RAP Strategy and the Analytical Tools Strategy

There are parallels between the RAP Strategy and the Scottish Government’s Analytical Tools Strategy. The Analytical Tools Strategy was approved in 2021 and sets out a series of actions to improve the working environment and IT offering for analysts to enable greater innovation. One of the strategy’s actions is to promote RAP to improve quality and consistency in statistical processes.

Some of the needs outlined in this Initial RAP Implementation Plan were originally identified in the Analytical Tools Strategy. We have included them in this plan to build a consistent understanding of the practical steps needed to support the wider themes of tools, capability and culture that are common to both strategies.

Making 2023 a successful year for Scottish Government

Scottish Government will concentrate on four main areas to achieve success in 2023:

  1. A new Statistical Community Group will promote the effective use of analytical tools and support the implementation of RAP.
  2. The Statistics Group 2023 efficiency priority includes RAP by default.
  3. We will run two further rounds of the Fit for the Future leadership programme for statisticians to promote the uptake of R and RAP.
  4. We will support the completion of six RAP projects.

Local strategic plan

The right tools: summary at the start of 2023

A range of tools and platforms are available to analysts in the Scottish Government. We will work with the teams supporting platforms to provide clarity and best practice guidance on how to maximise the potential of our available resources to support statisticians and enable RAP.

The Principles for our Analytical Software recognise the aim to use open source, open standards, and cloud computing. The results of the Scottish Government’s learning and development survey for statisticians from April 2022 show that Excel is the most commonly used analytical tool, followed by SAS, then R. The survey results also show that confidence and experience in R was lower than it was with SAS.

R and R Studio are both available for installation on Scottish Government devices.

A fully supported Analytical Workbench for the Scottish public sector provides a range of analytical software, computing resources and secure, shared workspaces to help people work together across organisational boundaries. It features up to date, stable software, increased computing power and a Shiny server to host interactive content. Three zones offer standard, protected and private security for different analytical needs.

The Analytical Data Management system (ADM) is a platform for analysts across the Scottish Government to store, access and share data. It offers:

  • secure data storage
  • descriptive metadata
  • access to a variety of analytical software
  • access to bespoke publishing platforms for outputs

Version control is supported through Git and GitHub with guidance and learning resources for the analytical professions.


We will:

  • work with the Data Platforms Team and Scottish Government IT service to give analysts access to the right tools, in the right place that are easy to access
  • provide easily accessible, flexible, and responsive platforms
  • work with analytical teams to make sure that analysis code and code repositories follow best practices so analysis can be reproduced — this includes using version control

The right capability: summary at the start of 2023

Scottish Government analysts are increasingly using open-source software. We are supporting approaches to share best practice, training and advice to widen the use of R and other open-source programming languages.

The Data Innovation team is supporting individuals and teams thinking about introducing RAP in their work. This includes:

  • reviewing project requirements and mapping out a process
  • deciding where to start when transitioning a process to a RAP
  • understanding what software is available and how to make best use of it
  • following best practices for structuring scripts, files and folders for your RAP
  • using Git and GitHub, ensuring your RAP project is setup within a repository
  • using GitHub Pull Requests to develop your RAP with other people
  • code reviews and applying best practices to your R code — for example, this includes avoiding repetition and following coding conventions from a style guide
  • options for data visualisation, ensuring your charts are accessible
  • deciding on the best format for outputs — for example, R Markdown, HTML documents, or Shiny dashboards
  • developing and maintaining central resources that are made available across the broader analytical communities

The Analytical Tools Statistical Community Group will be responsible for identifying ways to promote more effective use of analytical tools and support the implementation of RAP. The group will also oversee the Scottish Government’s R User Community, which includes supporting with the R User Day and offering support for R users.


We will:

  • establish a Statistical Community Group for Analytical Tools
  • provide relevant learning opportunities
  • build commitment to introducing RAP by default in team plans
  • support individuals and teams who are thinking of introducing RAP to their work
  • form an understanding of the current state of open-source software use in Scottish Government

The right culture: summary at the start of 2023

Our communication around RAP is helping to develop an understanding of the benefits. This means colleagues can engage with support and apply RAP processes in their work.

We are communicating the benefits of RAP through newsletters and showcase events as well as through more direct help and advice.

Scottish Public Sector R User Day

This event provides an opportunity to share knowledge and experience of using R, including examples of RAP projects. The day is organised by the R User Community and it is an important part of building a culture that will enable RAP.

Fit for the Future Leadership Development Programme

This is a six-day programme for Scottish Government mid to senior level analysts which includes examples of RAP. The programme improves awareness and understanding of a wide range of factors, including the promotion and use of open-source software. This will support senior analysts to influence and encourage improvements in their area.

Data Masterclass for Senior Leaders

We promote the Data Masterclass for Senior Leaders through the Scottish Digital Academy to:

  • help leaders ask the right questions of their analytical colleagues
  • improve data and analytical literacy
  • build support for high quality analysis to inform decisions

Supporting new ways of working

We understand that to fully realise the benefits of RAP we need to support new ways of working and invest in our staff and the tools and platforms they use.


We will:

  • choose leaders responsible for promoting RAP and monitoring progress towards the RAP Strategy
  • build capacity for sustainable improvements, including RAP
  • grow the network of RAP champions and practitioners
  • communicate the benefits of RAP

Local implementation plan


Work with the Data Platforms Team and Scottish Government IT service to give analysts access to the right tools, in the right place that are easy to access.

Activities and status

We will:

  • implement an upgrade to R on Scottish Government computing environment — this work is complete
  • evaluate the current options for giving analysts access to open-source tools — this work is in progress
  • agree the best support arrangements to meet the future needs of our analysts — this work has not yet been started
Success criteria

We will have achieved success when:

  • we have completed the R upgrade on Scottish Government computing environment and updated the installation guidance
  • analysts are aware of tools and platforms available to them
  • we are providing the best support we can for the tools and platforms available to our analysts


We will provide easily accessible, flexible, and responsive platforms.


Work with the teams supporting our platforms to raise awareness of the ADM, Analytical Workbench and other tools and products that can be used for RAP.


This work is in progress.

Success criteria

We will have achieved success when we are using the communication channels available to us to promote various platforms and tools.


We will work with analytical teams to make sure that analysis code and code repositories follow best practices so analysis can be reproduced. This includes using version control.

Activities and status

We will:

  • make use of Git and GitHub — this work is in progress
  • create template code repositories — this work has not yet been started
  • provide code review expertise — this work has not yet been started
Success criteria

We will have achieved success when:


Establish a Statistical Community Group for Analytical Tools.

Activities and status

We will:

  • support the implementation of RAP — this work is in progress
  • support R User Day and the R Users Yammer Group — this work is in progress
  • produce RAP guidance and a list of completed and ongoing RAP projects — this work is in progress
Success criteria

We will have achieved success when:

  • we have agreed on the members of the Community Group, and agreed a programme of work that includes RAP implementation, linking with other statistical community groups, developing this plan and monitoring progress
  • we have successfully held another R User Day, or an equivalent event
  • created RAP guidance and a list of ongoing RAP projects, which is reviewed every six months


Provide relevant learning and training opportunities.

Activities and progress

We will:

  • create Introduction to R training, which will be run by statisticians — this work is in progress
  • task Scottish Digital Academy with procuring R, or R Shiny training for the Scottish Public Sector — this work is in progress
Success criteria

We will have achieved success when we have:

  • run “Introduction to R” training courses in 2023
  • appointed a supplier for R or R Shiny training and the analysts have received training


Build commitment to implementing RAP by default in team plans.


Senior Statisticians agree to more efficient use of tools and systems as part of the Statistics Group Efficiency Priorities for 2023 and beyond.


This work is in progress.

Success criteria

We will have achieved success when the Statistics Group Core Brief is used to track progress towards greater efficiency, including RAP.


Support individuals and teams thinking of introducing RAP to their work.


The Data Innovation team will provide:

  • consultancy support to analytical teams to identify and define appropriate RAP projects
  • help with progressing RAP projects

This work will be supported by a Memorandum of Understanding to agree the partnership commitment.


This work is in progress.

Success criteria

We will have achieved success when we have supported and completed six RAP projects.


Form an understanding of the current state of open-source software use in Scottish Government.


We will create a survey to:

  • establish current analytical software use
  • inform priorities for best practice and guidance on efficient use of analytical tools in the Scottish Government

This work has not yet been started.

Success criteria

We will have achieved success when our survey findings have been published internally.


Choose leaders responsible for promoting RAP and monitoring progress towards the RAP strategy.

Activities and status
  • identify Chair of Analytical Tools Statistical Community Group — this work is complete
  • assign a leader accountable for the implementation of RAP — this work is complete
Success criteria

We have achieved success because we have:

  • appointed a Chair for the Analytical Tools Statistical Community Group
  • assigned a Leader who will be accountable for the implementation of RAP


Build capacity for sustainable improvements, including RAP.


We will continue to run the Fit for the Future Leadership Development Programme to raise awareness and build momentum for RAP and open-source technologies.


This work is in progress.

Success criteria

We will have achieved success when:

  • all C1 Statisticians have completed the programme
  • all B3 Statisticians have been offered the opportunity to take part in the programme


Grow the network of RAP champions and practitioners.


Identify RAP champions at every level to provide proactive support and encourage the uptake of RAP across analytical teams.


This work has not yet been started.

Success criteria

We will have achieved success when we have identified our RAP Champions and published a list of them internally.


Communicate the benefits of RAP.


We will promote the use and positive effects of RAP for analytical work through showcase events, newsletters, and other means.


This work is in progress.

Success criteria

We will have achieved success when analytical teams undertake more RAP projects.