Standards for Ethnicity Data

Policy details

Metadata item Details
Publication date:17 April 2023
Owner:Cabinet Office Equality Hub
Who this is for:People collecting, analysing or publishing data about people's ethnicity

The Cabinet Office Equality Hub has produced standards for ethnicity data. They describe best practice when collecting, analysing and reporting ethnicity data.

Who the standards are for

The standards apply to people in government departments or public bodies who are:

  • collecting data about people’s ethnicity – for example, in surveys
  • analysing differences between ethnic groups
  • publishing ethnicity data – for example, in statistical releases

The Equality Hub would also encourage other organisations commissioned by government departments and other public bodies to undertake ethnicity data collection, analysis and reporting to also use the standards.

The standards have been written with the expectation that individuals in government departments or other public bodies working with ethnicity data would most often be analysts.

How to access the standards

The Standards for Ethnicity Data are available on GOV.UK.