Quality of administrative data in statistics

Policy details

Metadata item Details
Publication date:28 February 2023
Owner:Methodological Research Hub and Data Quality Hub
Who this is for:Analysts across the Government Statistical Service (GSS) working with administrative data

The Administrative Data Quality Framework (ADQF) was developed by the Methodological Research Hub and the Data Quality Hub. Both teams are based in the Methods and Quality directorate of the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

You can access the latest version of the ONS Administrative Data Quality Framework (ADQF) on GitHub.

About the framework

The framework aims to help you assess the quality of administrative data for use in the production of statistics. It describes:

  • quality dimensions for assessing input quality, or quality dimensions for data
  • output quality, or quality dimensions for statistics

The framework also gives guidance for using these. The framework is consistent with the Code of Practice for Statistics and its associated Quality Assurance of Administrative Data (QAAD) standard and toolkit.

This is an ongoing piece of work with further planned developments. We will continue updating it with useful guidance, methods, metrics, and links to other tools as they are developed.

Contact us

If you have any feedback, suggestions, questions, or you just want to discuss the work, please contact us at Methods.Research@ons.gov.uk.


We are currently reviewing this guidance to identify where we can make it more accessible. We welcome any feedback on accessibility. If you find any problems, please contact us by emailing Methods.Research@ons.gov.uk.

Please also contact us if you are unable to access any part of this guidance, or need a copy of the content in a different format. We will consider your request and aim to get back to you within five working days.

You can find more information about the accessibility of the guidance on the homepage of the framework.