Guidance hub

The guidance hub contains resources and reference information to help you with all aspects of your analytical work.

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Showing 58 items

Measuring disability for the Equality Act 2010 harmonisation guidance

Harmonisation standards and guidance

The following guidance sets out how to measure disability. This is based on the criteria used by different organisations or legislation to classify a person as disabled. These are for use in social surveys and administrative sources. They have been developed through consultation and workshops with key stakeholders including the devolved administrations.

Learn more on Measuring disability for the Equality Act 2010 harmonisation guidance

Economic activity status, National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC) and employment related questions harmonised standard

Harmonisation standards and guidance

The harmonised standard sets out how to collect and report statistics about economic activity status to ensure statistics about this topic are as comparable as possible across the Government Statistical Service (GSS).

Learn more on Economic activity status, National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC) and employment related questions harmonised standard

