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If you're searching for a two or three word term you need to put it in quotation marks e.g. "analysis function".

Showing 235 results

Published: 15 August 2022

Career story: Sarah Kissack

Sarah Kissack is the Joint Head of Housing Analysis at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Background and entry into analysis I feel so lucky that I could study economics at my state comprehensive school – right from the start I loved learning ways of thinking about the issue of unlimited wants but limited […]

Learn more on Career story: Sarah Kissack
Published: 1 August 2023

My career story: Margot Shatz

Job title and department or organisation Margot is Joint Head of Inclusive Travel at the Department for Transport (DfT). Her role matches the role of Senior Principal Research Officer on the Analysis Function Career Framework. Grade Margot works at Grade 6 level. Profession and entry route Margot is a member of the Government Social Research […]

Learn more on My career story: Margot Shatz
