Meet the GSS Senior Leaders
The Government Statistical Service (GSS) is a strong analytical profession with a significant presence across various government departments and throughout the UK. On this page, you can explore detailed information about the leadership team of the GSS and their roles in driving the profession forward.
Sir Ian Diamond: The UK’s National Statistician, based in Newport.
What does the Head of the GSS do?
Professor Sir Ian David Diamond, FBA, FRSE, FAcSS, is the UK’s National Statistician, Chief Executive of the UK Statistics Authority, Head of the Government Statistical Service (GSS) and Head of the Government Analysis Function (AF).
There are currently three Co-Deputy Heads of the GSS, who have the overall aim of working together to represent everyone in the GSS and to help get the best out of our the GSS community through increased visibility and engagement.
Jane Naylor
What are your responsibilities as Deputy Head of the GSS?
As one of the Deputy Heads of the GSS Jane Naylor is responsible for providing oversight for implementing the GSS Vision and will continue to sit on the National Statistic’s Executive Group (NSEG). Jane will also be the first point of contact for HoPs.
Steve Ellerd-Elliott
What are your responsibilities as Deputy Head of the GSS?
As one of the Deputy Heads of the GSS Steve leads on Future Capability, supporting the work of the People Advisory Group, and working with the RSS on the future role of the GSS to support innovation and partnership working.
Jason Bradbury
What are your responsibilities as Deputy Head of the GSS?
As a Deputy Head of the GSS, Jason is responsible for GSS input into UKSA and AF strategy, liaising with the National Statistician, attending the Analysis Function Board, and supporting the position of the GSS.
Ed Humpherson: Director General for Office for Statistics Regulation, based in London.
What does the Head of the OSR do?
Ed Humpherson is head of the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) leading OSR to achieve its overall aim to ensure that statistics and data serve the public good.
List of departments
Richard Laux (left) and Martin Stopher (right): Chief Statistician and Head of Profession at Cabinet Office, based in London and Glasgow respectively.
What do statisticians in the Cabinet Office do?
The Cabinet Office has a mix of regular statistical releases, such as the Civil Service Statistics. Cabinet Office statisticians also work closely with policy teams in developing evidence-based policy making across several areas.
Where are Cabinet Office statisticians based?
In the Cabinet Office there are around 70 statisticians who are mostly based in London, Glasgow and York.
Where can I find out more about statistics in the Cabinet Office?
More information can be found on the Civil Service Statistics website. Other relevant information sources include the State of the Estate report and Civil Service People Survey.
Jane Naylor: Head of Profession at the Department for Business Trade (DBT), based in London.
What do statisticians in the Department for Business and Trade do?
DBT’s Government Statistical Service (GSS) community is formed of statisticians and analytical data scientists, and is responsible for delivering professionally presented, meaningful, and easily understood statistics and analysis. GSS members follow the Code of Practice for Statistics, and are experts at collecting data, understanding the wide range of available statistics, and creating analytical outputs that provide valuable insight and help to drive effective decisions.
Examples of the work that DBT’s GSS community delivers include:
- working with trade, labour market and business data, producing Official Statistics and analysis on a range of business, labour market and international trade issues.
- leading on analytical data science, data exploitation, automation, and developing coding skills for analysts.
- improving the measurement of business, trade, labour market and investment statistics through collaboration with the Office for National Statistics, HMRC, and internationally with the OECD, the WTO, and partner countries.
- producing analysis using HR data, analysing DBT’s People Survey results, running surveys, and evaluating the department’s operations.
Where are Department for Business and Trade statisticians based?
In DBT there are around 130 statisticians who are based in London, Darlington, Salford, Cardiff, Belfast, Birmingham and Edinburgh.
Where can I find out more about statistics in the Department for Business and Trade?
More information about statistics in DBT can be found on the DBT website.
Sarah Lasher: Head of Profession for the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), based in London.
What do statisticians in the Department for Culture, Media and Sport do?
DCMS collect, produce and publish official statistics that help us to understand DCMS sectors better. These include the contribution of relevant sectors to the economy, and levels of participation and engagement with them.
Where are Department for Culture, Media and Sport statisticians based?
In DCMS there are around 20 statisticians who are mostly based in London and Manchester.
Where can I find out more about statistics in the Department for Culture, Media and Sport?
More information about statistics in DCMS can be found on the DCMS website.
Department for Education
Delphine Robineau: Head of Profession for Statistics for the Department for Education, based in London.
What do statisticians in the Department for Education do?
In the Department for Education, statisticians work on a wide range of analysis related to education and children’s social care. The large community works across the department on the production of official statistics, their dissemination in the Explore Education Statistics service, and the provision of analysis and data, working closely with other analytical professions, to advise policy and Ministers.
Where are Department for Education Statisticians based?
There are around 250 statisticians in the Department for Education, most of them are based in London, Sheffield, Darlington, Manchester, Bristol, Coventry, Nottingham, Newcastle and Leeds.
Where can I find out more about statistics in the Department for Education?
Information and statistical publications from the Department for Education can be found on the explore education statistics website.
Jane Chandler: Head of Profession for the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ), based in London.
What do statisticians in the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero do?
Statisticians in DESNZ provide high quality data, statistics and expert advice on energy and net zero, to inform policy monitoring and development. Statisticians are involved in a variety of analytical work including data acquisition, quality assurance, modelling, evaluation and publication of official statistics.
Where are Department for Energy Security and Net Zero Statisticians based?
In DESNZ there are around 90 statisticians, most of them are based in London, Salford, Cardiff, Darlington and Edinburgh.
Where can I find out more about statistics in the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero?
More information about statistics in DESNZ can be found on the DESNZ government webpage.
Ian Lonsdale is the Head of Profession for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), he is based in York.
What do statisticians in the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs do?
Defra, in partnership with its arms’ length bodies, publish a broad range of statistics and data on the environment, food, farming and biosecurity and marine. We see our statistics as a valuable public asset. Through them we seek to provide a window on the world across the areas covered by Defra’s policy and delivery remits and to inform the judgements and decisions made by the public, by organisations and by government.
Where are the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs statisticians based?
In Defra there are approximately 130 statisticians based in York, London, Bristol, Newcastle.
Where can I find out more about statistics in Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs?
More information about Defra statistics can be found on the Defra website.
Lucy Vickers: Chief Statistician at the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC), based in London.
What do statisticians in the Department for Health and Social Care do?
DHSC analysts seek to influence policy making by providing high quality evidence and advice. Many statisticians work in analysis posts, which are “profession blind”, others work in the production of official statistics, covering public health, adult social care and other topics.
Where are Department for Health and Social Care statisticians based?
In DHSC there around 250 statisticians most of them are based in London, Leeds, Nottingham, Bristol, Birmingham.
Where can I find out more about statistics in the Department for Health and Social Care?
More information about statistics in DHSC can be found on the DHSC statistics page, a range of public health statistics from DHSC can also be found on the under Office for Health Improvement and Disparities website.
Jessie Evans: Head of Profession for the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT), based in London.
What do statisticians in the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology do?
Statisticians in the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology are involved in policy analysis, publishing official statistics, supporting the Head of Profession, data science, modelling, and monitoring the performance of arm’s length bodies.
Where are Department for Science, Innovation and Technology based?
In DSIT there are around 60 statisticians who are mostly based in London, South Wales, Birmingham and Greater Manchester.
Where can I find out more about statistics in the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology?
More information about statistics in DSIT can be found on the DSIT website. Information on statistical releases can also be found on the Ofcom statistical release calendar.
Gemma Brand: Head of Profession at the Department for Transport (DfT), based in London.
What do statisticians in the Department for Transport do?
The GSS community in DfT work on the collection, production, analysis and dissemination of official statistics, drawing on a range of skills across the analysis function. Our high-quality statistics, analysis and data are central to business decisions and policy development for Transport, and form a trusted and valued part of the public’s understanding of the Transport landscape.
Where are Department for Transport statisticians based?
In DfT there are around 120 statisticians who are mostly based in London, Leeds and Birmingham.
Where can I find out more about statistics in the Cabinet Office?
More information about statistics the Department for Transport can be found on the DfT website.
Steve Ellerd-Elliott: Head of Profession for the Department for Work (DWP) and Pensions, based in London.
What do statisticians in the Department for Work and Pensions do?
Statistician’s in DWP aim to provide high quality data, statistics and analysis on DWP’s benefits and programmes which clearly communicate the story and meet user needs. The DWP Statistical work programme supports the delivery and transformation of Official Statistics. Katie Dodd is the Department’s Deputy Head of Profession for Statistics and leads the Central Statistics Team which supports all statisticians and Official Statistics.
Where are Department for Work and Pensions statisticians based?
In DWP there are around 270 statisticians who are mostly based in London, Newcastle, Sheffield, Leeds, Manchester, Glasgow and Birmingham.
Where can I find out more about statistics in the Department for Work and Pensions?
More information about statistics in DWP can be found on the DWP website.
Sian Rasdale (left) and Paula McLeod (right) are the Chief Statistician and Head of Profession for the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), they are based in Scotland.
What do statisticians in the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office do?
Statisticians are embedded throughout the FCDO and cover a broad range of activities to ensure robust evidence underpins our policy and programme decisions on international diplomacy and development, as well as communicating high-quality data and statistics to aid transparent accountability and serve the public good.
Where are the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office statisticians based?
In FCDO there are approximately 50 statisticians mainly based in London and Glasgow, alongside some statisticians based overseas.
Where can I find out more about statistics in the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office?
More information about FCDO statistics can be found on the FCDO website.
Clifton Gay is the Head of Profession at the Food Standards Agency (FSA)
What do statisticians in the Food Standards Agency do?
Statisticians at FSA design and analyse surveys and sampling studies that gather information on microbiological and chemical contaminants in food. As well as this statisticians within the department also manage, analyse and report social survey data, in particular the flagship FSA survey: Food and You 2.
Where are Food Standards Agency statisticians based?
In FSA there are 8 statisticians who are based in offices across the UK.
Simon Clarke: Head of Profession at the Health and Safety Executive, based in Liverpool.
What do statisticians in the Health and Safety Executive do?
- Production of official statistics – data collection, cleaning, analysis and publication.
- Promoting quality in analysis across HSE.
- Supporting operational functions through evaluation, targeting, optimisation, advice on data collection.
Where are Health and Safety Executive statisticians based?
In the Health and Safety Executive there are around 20 statisticians who are mostly based in Liverpool and Buxton
Where can I find out more about statistics in the Health and Safety Executive?
More information about statistics in the Health and Safety Executive can be found on the Health and Safety Executive website.
Sean Whellams: Head of Profession at HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), based in London.
What do statisticians in the HM Revenue and Customs do?
The main activities HMRC statisticians partake in are analysing tax data, producing around 60 Official Statistics products, undertaking forecasts and policy analysis for the Chancellor and helping HMRC make evidence-based decisions about its operations and other functions.
Where are HM Revenue and Customs Statisticians based?
In HMRC there are around 400 statisticians who are mostly based in London, North West England, Yorkshire and North East England.
Where can I find out more about statistics in HM Revenue and Customs?
More information about statistics in HMRC can be found on the HMRC website.
Tom Orford, Head of Profession for HM Treasury
What do statisticians in HM Treasury do?
Statisticians in the Treasury group mainly produce official statistics and forecasts relating to public finances and public spending but also fill a variety of analytical roles including in distributional analysis.
Where are HM Treasury statisticians based?
In HM Treasury there are around 20 statisticians who are mostly based in London and Darlington.
Where can I find out more about statistics in HM Treasury?
More information about statistics in the Treasury can be found on the HMT website.
Jon Simmons: Head of Profession at Home Office based in London.
What do statisticians in Home Office do?
The Home Office is the lead government department for immigration and passports, drugs policy, crime, fire, counter-terrorism and police. The work of the Home Office covers some of the most high-profile areas of government policy and there is significant public interest in the department’s statistics.
Where are Home Office statisticians based?
In Home Office there around 150 statisticians most of them are based in London, Croydon, Sheffield and Salford.
Where can I find out more about statistics in the Home Office?
More information about statistics in Home Office can be found on the Home Office website.
Tony O’Connor is the Head of Profession for the Ministry of Defence (MOD), based in London
What do statisticians in the Ministry of Defence do?
Statisticians in the MOD work on a wide range of analysis from personnel statistics (both military and civilian) to the health of the Armed Forces, the equipment they use, the housing they live in, and their views, through to Departmental expenditure and spending with industry. The community works closely with colleagues in other analytical professions to support the development, monitoring and evaluation of policy.
Where are Ministry of Defence statisticians based?
In MOD there are around 150 statisticians mostly based in Bristol, London, Andover, High Wycombe and Portsmouth.
Where can I find out more about statistics in the Ministry of Defence?
More information about statistics in the MOD can be found on the Ministry of Defence website.
Sandra Tudor: Head of Profession Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), based in London
What do statisticians in Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government do?
MHCLG is at the forefront of supporting people, places, and communities. Statisticians publish statistics relating to deprivation, housing, homelessness, rough sleeping, local government finance, planning performance, and land use, publishing over 100 statistical releases each year. This provides the evidence needed by the Deputy Prime Minister and our Ministers to support them in making and evaluating policies and decisions.
Where are Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government statisticians based?
In MHCLG there are around 130 statisticians who are mostly based in London, Wolverhampton and Darlington.
Where can I find out more about statistics in Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government statisticians?
More information about statistics in MHCLG can be found on the MHCLG website.
Chris Roebuck is the Head of Profession for NHS England, based in Leeds.
What do statisticians in NHS England do?
NHS England statisticians publish NHS performance statistics and statistics around health including outcomes and provide analysis to policy and service delivery teams to drive improvements in health and care.
Where are NHS England statisticians based?
In NHS England there are around 180 statisticians mostly based in Leeds and London.
Where can I find out more about statistics in the NHS England?
Information about statistical publications, open data and data products and statistics in NHS England, is available on the NHS UK website.
Philip Wales: Chief Statistician, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA), based in Belfast
What do statisticians in the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency do?
NISRA provides statistics and research services to the nine Ministerial Departments in Northern Ireland, the Public Prosecution Service and a wide range of Non-Departmental Public Bodies. As well as producing and publishing the majority of Northern Ireland official statistics, NISRA also carries out research and data analysis within Northern Ireland Departments/ALBs to assist the policy development process, operational delivery and the delivery of business objectives; this includes supporting the data requirements of the Programme for Government.
Each Northern Ireland Department/ALB has its own Senior Statistician (Head of Profession equivalent) or Lead Official for Statistics who fulfils the role of ‘Head of Profession’ within that organisation.
Where are Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency Statisticians based?
In NISRA there are around 470 statisticians who are mostly based in Belfast and Bangor.
Where can I find out more about statistics in the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency?
More information about statistics in NISRA can be found on the NISRA website.
Rachel Skentelbery: Deputy Head of Profession at the Office for National Statistics (ONS), based in Newport
What do statisticians in the Office for National Statistics do?
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is the UK’s largest producer of official statistics, covering a range of key economic, social and demographic topics. These include measuring changes in the value of the UK economy, estimating the size, geographic distribution, and characteristics of the population, and providing indicators of price inflation, employment,
earnings, crime and migration.
Where are Office for National Statistics statisticians based?
In ONS there are more than 500 badged statisticians that are part of the Government Statistician Group (GSG) profession but everyone in the ONS is also part of the Government Statistical Service (GSS) as they are all supporting the collection, production and communication of official statistics. Colleagues are mostly based in Newport, Fareham, London, Manchester and Darlington.
Where can I find out more about statistics in the Office for National Statistics?
More information about statistics at the Office for National Statistics can be found on the ONS website.
Jay Symonds: Head of Profession Office for Rail and Road (ORR), based in London.
What do statisticians in the Office for Rail and Road do?
The main responsibilities of statisticians in ORR include the collection of data and publication of rail statistics and the analysis of rail and road data to support regulatory activities.
Where are Office for Rail and Road statisticians based?
In ORR there are around 25 statisticians who are mostly based in London.
Where can I find out more about statistics in the Office for Rail and Road?
More information about statistics in ORR can be found on the ORR data portal.
Jason Bradbury: Head of Profession at Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted), based in Bristol.
What do statisticians in the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills do?
The GSS community at Ofsted are focused on the timely and innovative production of inspection and regulatory support tools and services, policy-focused analysis and the production of the organisation’s management information and official statistics. The community includes DDAT professionals who ensure the safe processing of large quantities of data and the application of innovative data management and data science techniques.
Where are Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills Statisticians based?
In Ofsted there are around 100 statisticians who are mostly based in Bristol, London, Birmingham and Manchester.
Where can I find out more about statistics in the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills?
More information about statistics in Ofsted can be found on the Ofsted website.
Mark Gittoes: Head of Profession at the Office for Students, based in Bristol.
What do statisticians in Office for Students do?
At the Office for Students statisticians are responsible for analysis of education administrative data to support the regulation of higher education.
Where are Office for Students statisticians based?
In Ofqual there are around 70 statisticians who are mostly based in Bristol.
Where can I find out more about statistics in the Office for Students?
More information about statistics in the Office for Students can be found on the Office for Students website.
Ben Cuff: Head of Profession at the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual), based in Coventry.
What do statisticians in Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation do?
At Ofqual statisticians are responsible for Producing official statistics and other routine outputs such as our public-facing interactive dashboards.
Where are Office for Qualifications and Examinations Regulation statisticians based?
In Ofqual there are around 10 statisticians who are mostly based in Coventry.
Where can I find out more about statistics in the Office for Qualifications and Examination Regulation?
More information about statistics in Ofqual can be found on the Ofqual website.
Scott Heald: Head of Profession for Public Health Scotland, based in Edinburgh
What do statisticians in Public Health Scotland do?
Public Health Scotland (PHS) is the principal producer of health outcome and health service activity statistics for Scotland. The analytical and data professional community within PHS oversee data management, data development and data analysis.
Where are Public Health Scotland Statisticians based?
In Public Health Scotland there are around 7oo Statisticians, most of them are based in Edinburgh and Glasgow.
Where can I find out more about statistics in Public Health Scotland?
Public Health Scotland have a their own website, and a dedicated space for statistical publications.
Paul Matthews (left), and Ally McAlpine (right) are the Head of Profession and Chief Statistician for Scottish Government, based in Edinburgh.
What do statisticians in Scottish Government do?
The Statistics Group in Scottish Government is comprised of Government Statistical Service (GSS) statisticians in Scottish Government core directorates, agencies (such as Social Security Scotland) and non-ministerial offices (such as National Records of Scotland).
The aim of official statistics in Scotland is to provide an accurate, up-to-date, comprehensive and meaningful picture of the economy and society in Scotland. Our statistics are used to inform important policy and decision making, target government spending and provide information for everyone about what is going on in Scotland.
Our statisticians produce Official Statistics on a wide range of policy areas, from economy to education, from health to housing, from the population to public sector.
We are committed to continually improving the statistics we produce in Scotland to better support decision making for the people of Scotland. To this end we issued our statistical strategic priorities for Scottish Government. Different teams are taking forward these priorities in different ways to best support the users of their statistics.
Where are Scottish Government statisticians based?
In Scottish Government there are 312 statisticians, who are mainly based in Edinburgh and Glasgow.
Where can I find out more about statistics in Scottish Government?
Statistical publications from Scottish Government can be found on the Scottish Government website, where you can also find information on Scottish Government analytical work.
Stephanie Howarth: Chief Statistician at Welsh Government, based in Cardiff.
What do statisticians in Welsh Government do?
The GSS community in the Welsh Government provides official statistics and analysis covering a wide range of devolved topic areas, including health, education, communities, Welsh language, environment, economy, rural affairs and many more. Welsh Government also share data and produce analysis using linked data, as part of our Administrative Data Research Wales partnership with academia. Alongside this Welsh Government statisticians regularly work closely with colleagues in other analytical professions, with ONS and with analysts across the UK.
Where are Welsh Government Statisticians based?
In Welsh Government there are around 150 statisticians, most of them are based in Cardiff, Swansea, Aberystwyth and Llandudno.
Where can I find out more about statistics in Welsh Government?
More information about statistics within Welsh Government can be found on the
Gov Wales website, which is also available in Welsh.