GSS user engagement champions

User engagement champions aim to improve and encourage user engagement by all GSS statisticians and other producers of official statistics.

Their main responsibilities are to:

  • support the delivery of the GSS User Engagement Strategy within their department
  • attend and actively participate in user engagement champion network meetings
  • build links with champions in other departments to share knowledge
  • identify, promote and share best practice and innovation in engaging with users across government and beyond

The network of champions supports producers of official statistics, the statistical Heads of Profession (HoPs) and the GSS.

Become a user engagement champion

Each government department has been asked to nominate a user engagement champion, or several champions, to join the network. The champions group aims to have representation from each government department. Membership will be reviewed annually.

To be a champion, you need to commit to the role outlined on this page. This may require you to get permission from your line manager or HoP.

If you would like to be a user engagement champion, please email the team at

Please read the privacy notice for champions before you sign up.


The Code of Practice for Statistics requires government statistics to ‘support society’s needs for information’. This means that our statistics and data need to be useful, easy to access, relevant and support the understanding of important issues.

In July 2019, the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee (PACAC) published its inquiry into the governance of statistics. In their report, PACAC recommended that the United Kingdom (UK) Statistics Authority should develop a strategy for engaging all users of official statistics.

In response to that recommendation, GSS-wide user engagement strategy and implementation plan has been developed. This is to enable a more strategic, inclusive and coordinated approach to our engagement activities across government.

The purpose of the user engagement champion network is to support statistical Heads of Profession (HoPs) to develop and implement the GSS User Engagement Strategy across the Government Statistical Service (GSS).

The network will also facilitate knowledge sharing and innovation across government and will have the opportunity to link in with the work of the other well-established networks and forums such as the Statistics User Forum.

Roles and responsibilities

Support the delivery of the GSS User Engagement Strategy within their department by:

  • helping produce and monitor an action plan outlining what activities need to take place in their department to achieve the GSS aims within the strategy – these action plans should be produced through consultation with GSS members in the department
  • providing biannual updates on these actions to enable progress of the strategy to be tracked
  • identifying and help to address barriers to user engagement in their department
  • identifying areas where support is needed

Attend and actively participate in user engagement champion network meetings by:

  • submitting an agenda item or presenting at a champion meeting to showcase developments or practices relating to user engagement or to discuss a challenge

Build links with champions in other departments to:

  • build and maintain links to facilitate innovation and the sharing of user insight across the GSS

Identify, promote and share best practice and innovation in engaging with users across government by

  • ensuring analytical colleagues within their department are kept up to date with guidance and any other developments relating to user engagement
  • acting as the central point of contact within their department for advice on user engagement


The group membership consists of representatives from departments across the GSS and devolved administrations.


The user engagement champion network is being built as a vibrant, cross-government community. It provides a space for analysts to share their experience, learn from others and support the wider analysis community. We want to ensure that user engagement is as the heart of the statistics the GSS collects, analyses and publishes.

On a personal level, being a champion is a great corporate objective as it is an important “big picture” contribution to the civil service and a significant development opportunity.


In scope:

  • To advise and encourage GSS members to undertake user engagement
  • To promote good practice in user engagement
  • To facilitate discussion and knowledge sharing
  • Building links across departments

Out of scope:

  • Enforcement of the GSS User Engagement Strategy

It is not the intention for the GSS User Engagement Champions to enforce user engagement compliance, but rather to promote good practice and to offer support and advice.


Communication with the user engagement champions will be through email correspondence, meetings, and ad hoc updates. There may also be opportunities to hold training, workshops and events for user engagement champions.

Department Acronym Surname First name
Cabinet Office CO Stopher Martin
Department for Energy Security and Net Zero DESNZ Chandler Jane
Department for Energy Security and Net Zero DESNZ Nahmany Raphael
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Defra Brearton Emma
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Defra Hall Alexandra
Department for Education DfE Bywaters Catherine
Department for Transport DfT Bridonneau Sophie
Department for Transport DfT Bryden Francesca
Department for Health and Social Care DHSC Bates John
Department for Health and Social Care DHSC Bradley Beth
Department for Health and Social Care DHSC Goshawk-Dumbrell Jess
Department for Health and Social Care DHSC Haines Oliver
Department for International Trade DIT Anning Ros
Department for International Trade DIT Morris Mike
Department for Levelling Up,
Housing & Communities
DLUHC Worledge Rachel
Department for Science, Innovation and Technology DSIT Beaton Claire
Department for Work and Pensions DWP Lane Ruby
Department for Work and Pensions DWP Mcdonagh Dawn
Department for Work and Pensions DWP Regan Josie
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office FCDO Robertson Jacqueline
Food Standards Agency FSA Gay Clifton
Health and Safety Executive HSE Wilkinson Sam
Higher Education Statistics Agency HESA Mantle Rebecca
Higher Education Statistics Authority HESA Perrott Luke
HM Revenue and Customs HMRC Nandra Rani
HM Revenue and Customs HMRC Olasoji Natalie
Home Office HO Butler Samuel
The Insolvency Service INSS Palmer Kate
Ministry of Defence MOD Names of MOD champions are available on request
Ministry of Justice MoJ Cuppleditch Lucy
NHS NHS Libby Grace
NHS Digital NHSD Barber Stephen
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency NISRA Bell Cara
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency NISRA Campbell Trevor
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency NISRA Fulton Ruth
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency NISRA Napier Suzanne
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency NISRA O'Brien Tony
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation Ofqual Sully Kate
Office of Health Improvement and Disparities OHID Evans Sian
Office of Health Improvement and Disparities OHID Walsh Graeme
Office of Health Improvement and Disparities OHID Wright Caroline
Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills Ofsted Knight Helen
Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills Ofsted Serjeant Angela
Office for National Statistics ONS Bradley Charlotte
Office for National Statistics ONS Crees Megan
Office for National Statistics ONS Cuzner Eleanor
Office for National Statistics ONS Hutchinson Daisie
Office for National Statistics ONS Harris James
Office of Rail and Road ORR Leese David
Public Health Scotland PHS Somers Camilla
Scottish Government SG Bunce Lee
UK Health Security Agency UKHSA Mansfield Holly
UK Health Security Agency UKHSA Olalere Esther
Valuation Office Agency VOA Warren Neil
Welsh Government WG Dixon Josh
Welsh Government WG Parry Martin
Welsh Government WG Watkins Gowan

If you would like the e-mail contact for a champion please contact


If you would like more information, please contact the Engagement Hub at the Office for National Statistics by emailing