GSS presentation champions

Presentation champions work to improve the presentation of government statistics.

Main responsibilities

The main responsibilities for champions are:

  • attend quarterly Presentation Champion Network meetings

In these meetings we share things going on across government related to the presentation of statistics. All champions are welcome to share work that has been happening in their department.

  • act as a point of contact within their departments

This means if anyone in their department has issues or queries related to the presentation of statistics they can go to their champion. To do this effectively we ask champions to make themselves known across the department as the GSS Presentation Champion.

  • be a spokesperson for data presentation in their department

Champions should actively promote presentation best practice within the analytical community and challenge bad practice positively by offering links to advice, training and support. They should also stay in contact with their Head of Profession to discuss strategic direction for presentation standards so they can feed departmental views into the network.

Mailing list

Champions also get added to a mailing list. This mailing list is used to:

  • ask for assistance in developing guidance or training
  • share drafts of guidance to gather feedback
  • promote guidance and training once it has been published

Want to be a presentation champion?

Each government department is encouraged to nominate a presentation champion (or several champions).

If you would like to be a presentation champion, please email the secretariat:

Please read the privacy notice for champions before you sign up.

The names and contact details for champions are available on request. Please email the secretariats:


We have a Basecamp project for all people in government interested in presentation and dissemination of statistics and analysis. This has a message board where you can post and answer questions. We encourage all presentation champions to join this.

Please email to ask for an invite link to be sent.


Laura Murphy


Jeni Martin


Ella Goodman
