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Geospatial analysis and data linkage: building correlation relationships

23rd May 2024 10:00 am to 11:00 am
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This event is part of Analysis in Government Month 2024.

Join the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) for a session that will demonstrate a semi-automated approach of correlating VOA Non-Domestic Property Rates with the Experian Goad Retail Unit Data.

To develop this approach, the team used a range of data linkage techniques to ensure a reliable match between the two similar but different geospatial datasets. These techniques ranged from straightforward point in polygon overlay geospatial analysis to matching addresses.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this session you will have:

  • discovered more about innovative methods of analysis
  • learned more about how the VOA uses data linkage

How to attend

Find out more about this session and register to attend on Eventbrite.