Strength in Numbers: A Strategic Vision for the GSS

Policy details

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Publication date:30 September 2024
Owner:GSS Policy and Coordination team
Who this is for:Members of the GSS


The Government Statistical Service (GSS) is the community for all UK civil servants that collect, analyse, produce and communicate statistics. We are responsible for ensuring that statistics effectively inform decision-makers and the public. We innovate by investigating new data sources, methodologies and processes to improve the quality of analysis and statistics.  We come from over 40 different bodies, each with different policy and operational focuses and hence different statistical priorities, but act collaboratively across organisational boundaries in order to maximise impact, hence our vision statement; ‘Strength in Numbers’.

The vision has four themes, under each initiatives are set out that we need to maintain alongside more ambitious proposals we aim to deliver in the medium/longer term to strengthen the GSS.

1. Coordination, Cooperation and Leadership

That GSS decision making is system-wide by default, focused on delivering in partnership across departmental boundaries. GSS governance is transparent and inclusive, with roles and responsibilities clearly set out between departments, the GSS and Analysis Function.

We will maintain

  • The role of the National Statistician, wider governance and champions networks and the leadership this brings to the GSS

Our ambition is to implement

  • A new Deputy Head of the GSS role to strengthen leadership
  • A permanent central team that provides support across the GSS
  • Improved cross GSS topic prioritisation to support collaboration


2. Capability and Community

That the members of the GSS can come from any background and work in supportive teams across the UK to reach their full potential, with clear progression routes and guidance from junior to the most senior grades. We need to ensure the GSS comprises a diverse, inclusive and vibrant community which people want to join and to stay and to build their career in.

We will maintain

  • The People Advisory Group and the Government Statistician Group (GSG) competency framework to provide essential ‘people’ support
  • The GSS conference as a flagship event
  • GSS community groups to strengthen networks

Our ambition is to implement

  • Improved induction and talent management to support staff
  • Horizon scanning on the evolving role of statisticians to prepare for the future
  • Greater understanding and embedding of diversity and inclusion for the GSS
  • A clear identity for the GSS within the Analysis function
  • Improved visibility of GSS leadership


3. Setting Standards

That the principles of the Code of Practice for Statistics underpin all GSS activities and outputs, and is supported by harmonised, coherent standards and shared practices that promote high-quality, trustworthy statistical production across the UK.

We will maintain

  • Clear adherence to the Code of Practice for Statistics
  • Prioritisation of harmonization

Our ambition is to implement

  • A raised profile of the Code of Practice and intelligent transparency
  • A greater focus on UK comparable data and statistics


4. Transformation and Innovation

That the high quality and innovative statistics the GSS deliver are created through an interconnected data estate and contribute to a unified evidence base, planning today to inform public and decision makers of what they need to know tomorrow.

We will maintain

  • Continued transformational leadership for reproducible analytical pipelines
  • Support for the Integrated Data Service

Our ambition is to implement

  • Increased leadership to influence data sharing
  • A focus on the use of Artificial Intelligence in statistics
  • Better sharing of methodological expertise
  • A government-wide dissemination platform for statistics


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