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If you're searching for a two or three word term you need to put it in quotation marks e.g. "analysis function".

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Published: 14 September 2020

Data linkage work programme

This work programme has been produced in response to the Office for Statistical Regulation (OSR) report ‘Joining Up Data for Better Statistics’. The work programme is set out under the six themes of the OSR report. It is intended to be read alongside that document and is further complimented by the National Statistician’s response to […]

Learn more on Data linkage work programme
Published: 29 June 2021

Coherence of statistics

Statistical coherence is about bringing together outputs on the same topic to better explain the part of the world they describe. This can be across the four countries of the UK where policy making has been devolved (such as in housing or health) or where multiple producers are publishing statistics on the same topic (such […]

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Event date: 19th February 2020 9:00 am

Presentation and Dissemination symposium 2020

On Wednesday 19 February, the GSS Presentation and Dissemination Symposium 2020 was hosted at etc. venues County Hall. The symposium, which brings together the statistical community to learn from each other and improve, was opened by Julie Stanborough, Chair of the Presentation and Dissemination Committee. We heard from keynote speakers in the morning including the […]

Learn more on Presentation and Dissemination symposium 2020
Published: 15 September 2020

Checklist for publishing on the Analysis Function website

This checklist will help you check your content to make sure you are following the accessibility standards and style guides for the Analysis Function (AF) website. Acronyms and abbreviations We must expand acronyms and abbreviations when we first use them. This includes the acronyms “AF” for “Analysis Function”, and “ONS” for the “Office for National […]

Learn more on Checklist for publishing on the Analysis Function website
