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Teach-in sessions on ‘Implementing the Concordat to Support Research Integrity within Government’

The Government Office for Science is presenting two virtual cross-government ‘teach-in’ sessions on the ‘Guidance to Implement the Research Integrity Concordat within Government’. The teach-ins will be taking place at 11:30am on Friday 14 October and Tuesday 18 October 2022.

The sessions will cover:

  • the background to the Concordat
  • why we are applying the Concordat in government
  • how to approach using the Concordat in departments

There will also be the opportunity to ask any questions. These teach-ins are aimed at anyone with an interest in research, from researchers to other colleagues who have a role in embedding the Concordat’s principles in departments.

How to attend

The sessions will take place on Microsoft Teams. The same presentation will be given on both days, so there is no need to book to attend both sessions.

Please contact the team at if you would like an invitation to one of these sessions or if you have any questions. We will also be recording one of the sessions which will be made available to anyone who cannot attend either session through our Science Capability Hub.