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Publish charts on GOV.UK? Have any problems? Give the team feedback!

The GOV.UK Publishing Service Team have a message for anyone who publishes charts on GOV.UK:

The Publishing Service Team are here to support and improve the GOV.UK publishing experience. They know there are some problems and limitations with charts. They are looking to learn more about workflows when creating and uploading charts to GOV.UK.

What they want from you

They would like you to sign up to join them for a 1 hour remote research session in the next few weeks. The session will focus on how you publish statistics or reports which include charts on GOV.UK.

Who they want to talk to

They would like to talk to people who publish charts either as part of statistical reports or within other publications. It does not matter how frequently you do this, whether it is once a week or once a year.

Problems accessing sign up

If you are not able to access the Google form, please email them: