New Guidance on Evaluating the Impact of AI Interventions

Recent growth in the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies has led to increased interest in the use of AI in Government. Evaluation of AI use in government (including process, impact and value for money questions) is necessary to understand the impact of AI systems compared to the status quo, improve current interventions, inform future policy development and ensure the Government is accountable to the public.

In December the Evaluation Task Force (ETF) published a new annex to the Magenta Book covering best practice for evaluating the impact of new AI tools and technologies in government departments and the wider public sector. The new guidance outlines key principles of best practice in carrying out a robust impact evaluation of programmes and initiatives utilising AI systems in central government or the delivery of public services (AI interventions). It covers the key challenges and opportunities for evaluating the impact of these types of intervention, and includes four worked examples. You can read the full “Impact Evaluation from AI Interventions” document on