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Help improve Official Statistics in Scotland by joining the new ScotStat Board

Scottish Government are inviting applicants to become part of the new ScotStat Board for Official Statistics. The purpose of the board is to provide recommendations, advice and critical challenge to the Chief Statistician on the production and dissemination of Scottish devolved statistics.

The board will be co-chaired by:

Scottish Government have published a blog post which gives further information about the board and the co-chairs.

Who can apply to join the board

Applications are welcomed from people from a range of diverse backgrounds. Scottish Ministers are interested in views that represent all types of communities across Scotland. They are looking for people who represent all levels of seniority, including people who are at the beginning of their career.

How to apply

Apply to join the ScotStat Board on the Scottish Government website.

The deadline for applications is on Monday 26 February 2024.