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Have your say in the ‘Current landscape of user engagement’ survey

The Best Practice and Impact (BPI) division, in the Office for National Statistics has launched their ‘Current landscape of user engagement’ survey. This survey is being conducted as part of the User Engagement Strategy for Statistics and we want to hear from any statistics producers about their user engagement experiences. The survey will allow BPI to assess the current levels of user engagement across the Government Statistical Service (GSS).

It will also allow us to understand:

  • what barriers statistics producers are facing when conducting user engagement
  • what user engagement activities statistics producers find most, and least effective
  • what support statistics producers want when it comes to user engagement

That last point is important, as what we learn from this survey will influence the kind of areas that the User Support and Engagement Resource (USER) Hub can support on. The USER Hub will be established in the coming months and will be a central hub providing a toolkit of support for different engagement initiatives and will build additional capacity and capability for user engagement across the GSS. It will do this by providing a variety of mentoring, consultancy and training services. Therefore, it is important for you, our users, to complete this survey, so we can understand your needs.

So, what are you waiting for? Have your say in the current landscape of user engagement survey now!

The survey closes on Friday 30 July, so please complete it as soon as possible and forward it on to other analysts in your department so we can hear about their experiences as well. No matter how much or how little you engage with users of your statistics, we want to hear from you!

If you would like further information on the implementation of the user engagement strategy, please email