Automated spreadsheet best practice in R: aftables is on CRAN

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Applying the Analysis Function spreadsheet guidance is vital in meeting the needs of our users – and in exciting news, the aftables R package is here to help.

aftables automates the production of accessible spreadsheets in R, and covers the majority of the analysis function’s checklist for accessible spreadsheets. The package makes it easy to produce a workbook with formatted title, contents, notes and data table sheets.

Fully supported by Matt Dray, we have created aftables to replace the a11ytables R package.  The package and function names have been updated to make them consistent with the new afcharts package. However, the core functionality of the package remains the same. a11ytables will no longer be maintained, but can still be installed from the aftables gihub site if required.

The package is maintained by the GSS Presentation Champions and is available from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN).

We welcome any questions, feedback, or new ideas. Email  or submit a github issue.