Government Statistical Service

The Government Statistical Service (GSS) is the community for all UK civil servants that collect, analyse, produce and communicate statistics.

As a community, we are responsible for ensuring that statistics effectively inform decision-makers and the public. We innovate by investigating new data sources, methodologies and processes to improve the quality of analysis and statistics.

The Government Statistician Group (GSG) makes up a large part of the GSS, as the body of statisticians and data scientists working in government who have passed the GSG badging exercise. However, many of our analysts have been badged through other professions.

These webpages help to explain how you fit into the GSS, how your work interacts with the wider community, and the support and learning that is available to you.

Looking for something else?

All GSS specific guidance, policies and strategies are listed in the central Analysis Function Guidance Hub.

All GSS specific training courses are listed in the central Analysis Function training course area.

If you’re having trouble finding something else or have any other website feedback, please email