What is the impact of government libraries? A spotlight session

6th May 2025 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), Online event
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In this session, DWP Library staff will share the impact of two elements of their service – literature searches and online resources.

This will focus firstly on examples of how the Library’s literature searches of external evidence have been used to inform decision-making within DWP’s Analytical Community.

We’ll then have a demonstration how the Library’s introduction of O’Reilly Learning has supported DWP analysts develop their skills with tools like Python and Power BI.

The presentation will include quotes from customers in DWP and quantitative evidence of impact.

About the presenters

The Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) Research Library provides access to research to the Department for Work and Pension policy-makers for evidence-based policy making.

Follow the team on X @DWP_Library

The presenting team includes members of Knowledge and Information Management (KIM) profession.

What you could learn in this session

  • Having a positive impact on decision making / evidence based decision making
  • Showcase of an impactful project or piece of work
  • Demonstration of a technique or tool that helped the team make an impact
  • Sharing experiences of when the team made an impact

Secure your space today using the booking button above!

About AiG Month (1-31 May 2025)

  • Analysis in Government Month (AiG Month) is the UK’s largest learning and development event for government analystsThe Analysis Function has around 17,000 members working across analysis professions and government departmentsThis event is part of Analysis in Government (AiG) Month, brought to you by the Analysis Function
  • Every government analyst is considered to be a member of the Analysis Function. Our members include actuaries, digital and data analysts, data scientists, economists, geographers, operational researchers, social researchers, stastisticians, dual badged, and unaffiliated analysts
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