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DWP Library author talk: Comparing Pathways of Desistance (Dr Ruwani Fernando)

6th March 2025 10:30 am to 11:30 am
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Dr Ruwani Fernando is a Lecturer in Criminology at Sheffield Hallam University. Her research expertise is in desistance from crime, rehabilitation, punishment in the community, international perspectives and qualitative research methods.

Desistance describes the “process of abstaining from crime by those with a previous pattern of offending” (HM Inspectorate of Probation). Ruwani’s book Comparing Pathways of Desistance presents a comparative study of desistance from crime by analysing and comparing the narratives of English and French desisters. The book uncovers how national and structural differences may lead to varying individual pathways out of crime. It touches on topics including the onset of offending, employment, experiences of the criminal justice system and stories of desistance.

In this presentation, Ruwani will share a summary of the research in her book. This session will be of interest to colleagues working on policies around prisons and offenders, and to colleagues working with offenders in their daily jobs. It will also be of interest to social researchers from a methodological perspective. This will include an opportunity for a discussion and Q&A with Ruwani.