About the GSS and GSG

Government Statistical Service (GSS)

The Government Statistical Service (GSS) is a community for all civil servants working in the collection, production and communication of official statistics. If you work with official statistics in any way, you are a member of the GSS.

The GSS currently includes over 9,000 government professionals, including statisticians, data scientists, researchers, economists, policy experts, business support teams, data journalists, data visualisation experts, methodologists, media experts and more. You may be part of another government profession and also be a member of the GSS.

Government Statistician Group (GSG)

The Government Statistician Group (GSG) is a government profession for statisticians and data scientists who have passed a GSG badging exercise. This exercise can be completed as part of the interview process for your role, or when you are already working within the GSS.

Some government data scientists may not be a member if the GSG. This is because they have passed a badging exercise for a different government profession, such as the Government Operational Research Service or the Government Digital and Data profession.


A Venn diagram showing how the GSG fits into the wider GSS community. The GSG circle fits inside of the GSS circle, as a part of the GSS.

Anyone who works with official statistics is in the GSS, but only those who have passed a Government Statistician Group badging exercise are in the GSG.

The GSG is part of the GSS. If you are badged by a different profession and are working with official statistics, you are still a member of the GSS.

Government Professions within the GSS

The Government Statistical Service includes all government professionals who are working with statistics, no matter which profession their role sits within. A full list of Government Professions can be found on the GOV.UK website.

Analysis Function

The Analysis Function is a diverse community made up of thousands of analysts across government who deliver evidence and insights for decision-makers and the public. They bring together a broad range of expertise and talent from people or teams that produce analysis, evidence and research. This includes members of seven analytical professions and aspiring analysts.

The aim of the Analysis Function is to help analysts share good practice and standards across the professions, discover innovative methods, and deliver analysis with impact.

The government professions within the Analysis Function include:

The Government Statistical Service and Government Statistician Group are both part of the Analysis Function.