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COVID-19 question bank

Thu 13 October 2022
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Question bank


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  • Question:

    What is your age?

    OR for IPS only:

    What is your age now?

    Response options:
    1. [select age from 0 to 120 years]
    2. Don't know
    3. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • CEV
    • OPN
    • Over 80s
    • IPS
    • IAIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    For T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) this question has a pre-filled answer from sampling. This means the question is answered using existing sampling data.

    For IPS, the response options are given in age brackets, as follows: "0-15", "16-24", "25-34", "35-44", "45-54", "55-64", "65 or over". For "0-15" and "16-24", there is the option for interviewers to select that the travelling group are all within these age brackets.

    For IPS, if the respondent is a migrant, the respondent enters their age from 0 to 97.

    For T&T Cases, Contacts and IAIS, the "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer and the "Don't know" response option is coded if the respondent is unsure.

  • Question:

    What is your age?

    OR for LFS only:

    Age of respondent (check with respondent and enter agreed age)

    Response options:
    1. [enter age from 0 to 99]
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:


    AgeIf (SCIS and SEIS only)


    Ask all


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1 across the UK.

    Age at the end of the reference week for LFS should be 23.

  • Question:

    Are you years old? Please check your answer, you need to be 16 or over to take part in this study.

    Are you 16 years or older?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if age is less than or equal to 15

  • Question:

    Please can you tell me how old you are?

    Response options:
    1. [enter age from 0 to 15]
    • IPS
    • Demographics

    Ask if under 16


    Interviewer enters age of respondent.

  • Question:

    What is your date of birth?

    OR for LFS only:

    Date of birth

    Response options:
    1. [enter date of birth]
    2. Prefer not to say (T&T Behaviours only)
    • HAS
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • T&T Behaviours
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    For HAS and SLC, if this question is asking a household member who took part in a previous wave/round, the question is phrased as "Last time date of birth was recorded as , please press enter if it is still correct, otherwise amend".

    This phrasing ("Last time this was recorded as...") is used for a number of HAS and SLC questions.

    For T&T Behaviours, age in years is derived from this variable and, if the day and month are not given, enter 15 for day and 6 for month.

    For T&T Behaviours, the "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer.

    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1 across the UK. Date is entered in DD MM YYYY format.

  • Question:

    What was your age on your last birthday?

    Response options:
    1. [select age from 0 to 105 years]
    • TUS
    • HAS
    • SLC
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all (TUS only)

    Ask if does not know date of birth


    Variable is unlabelled for TUS.

    For HAS and SLC, the response options only go up to 97 years.

  • Question:

    What is your sex?

    OR for OPN only:

    My sex

    OR for LFS only:

    Sex of respondent (by sex we are referring to current sex)

    Response options:
    1. Female
    2. Male
    3. Prefer not to say
    • CIS
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • CEV
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Over 80s
    • TUS
    • IPS
    • HAS
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • IAIS
    • T&T Behaviours
    • OPN
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 8 on 01/11/2021


    Variable is unlabelled for CIS and TUS.

    The response option order may vary between studies.

    For T&T Cases, this question is no longer asked as the data are already available through an existing admin source.

    For T&T Behaviours and T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts), this question has a pre-filled answer from sampling. This means the question is answered using existing sampling data.

    For some surveys, response option 3 is "Prefer not to answer" instead of "Prefer not to say".

    TUS, IPS, LFS, HAS, SLC, LCF and OPN response options do not include "Prefer not to say".

    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1 across the UK.

  • Question:

    What is your ethnic group?

    OR for T&T and IAIS:

    What ethnic group do you belong to?

    OR for HAS only:

    What is your ethnic group? Choose one option that best describes your ethnic group or background

    Response options:
    1. White - English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British
    2. White - Irish
    3. White - Gypsy or Irish Traveller
    4. White - Any other white background, specify
    5. Mixed / multiple ethnic groups - White and Black Caribbean
    6. Mixed / multiple ethnic groups - White and Black African
    7. Mixed / multiple ethnic groups - White and Asian
    8. Mixed / multiple ethnic groups - Any other Mixed/multiple background, specify
    9. Asian or Asian British - Indian
    10. Asian or Asian British - Pakistani
    11. Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi
    12. Asian or Asian British - Chinese
    13. Asian or Asian British - Any other Asian background, specify
    14. Black, African, Caribbean or Black British - African
    15. Black, African, Caribbean or Black British - Caribbean
    16. Black, African, Caribbean or Black British - Any other Black, African or Caribbean background, specify
    17. Other ethnic group - Arab
    18. Other ethnic group - Any other ethnic group, specify
    19. Prefer not to say (IAIS and T&T Behaviours only)
    • CIS Enrolment
    • SLC
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • IAIS
    • HAS
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Demographics
    Variable name:


    EthE/EthW/EthS (HAS and SLC only)


    Ask all


    Variable is unlabelled for CIS.

    For HAS and SLC, variable is "EthE" (for England), "EthW" (for Wales) or "EthS" (for Scotland).

    "Prefer not to say" is a response option for IAIS and T&T Behaviours only.

    The response options for this question have been adapted for the Question Bank. The set of responses would usually have subheadings. For each response option, the subheading is written first before the dash ("-") and the response option follows after the dash ("-"). For example, "White" would be the subheading and "Irish" would be the response option.

    For HAS, a follow-up question is presented to describe their ethnic group if any of the following response options are selected: "Any other white background", "Any other Mixed/multiple background", "Any other Asian background", "Any other Black, African or Caribbean background", or "Any other ethnic group".

    For IAIS, SLC and T&T Behaviours, the response options do not include sub-headings (e.g., "White", "Mixed/multiple ethnic groups", "Asian or Asian British"). Only the numbered response options are present.

    For T&T Behaviours, the response options are worded slightly differently as the subheadings are included at the start of the response option (e.g., "Pakistani" is presented as Asian or Asian British - Pakistani).

  • Question:

    What is your ethnic group?

    Response options:
    1. White (Includes any White background)
    2. Mixed or multiple ethnic groups (Includes White and Black Caribbean, White and Black African, White and Asian or any other Mixed or multiple ethnic group)
    3. Asian or Asian British (Includes Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Chinese or any other Asian background)
    4. Black, African, Caribbean or Black British (Includes African, Caribbean or any other Black background)
    5. Other ethnic group (For example, Arab or any other background)
    6. Prefer not to say (TUS only)
    • OPN
    • SCIS
    • Over 80s
    • TUS
    • SEIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:


    EthnicEW (OPN only)

    ETHNICITY1 (Over 80s only)


    Ask all

    Ask all from England and Wales (OPN only)


    Variable is unlabelled for TUS.

    Response option "Prefer not to say" is only present in TUS.

    For OPN, response option 6 ("Prefer not to say") is not presented.

    For OPN, if this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What is your ethnic group?

    Response options:
    1. White (Includes any White background, for example Scottish, British, Irish, Gypsy traveller or Polish)
    2. Mixed or multiple ethnic groups (Includes White and Black Caribbean, White and Black African, White and Asian or any other Mixed ethnic group)
    3. Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British (Includes Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, Chinese or any other Asian background)
    4. African (Includes African Scottish, African British or any other African background)
    5. Caribbean or Black (Includes Caribbean Scottish, Black Scottish or any other Caribbean or Black background)
    6. Other (For example Arab or any other background)
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if CountryChk equals Scotland


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What is your ethnic group? I will read out the options. Please choose one option that best describes your ethnic group or background.

    Response options:
    1. White
    2. Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups
    3. Asian / Asian British
    4. Black / African / Caribbean / Black British
    5. Chinese
    6. Arab
    7. Other ethnic group
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all living in England or Wales


    This question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, in England and Wales only.

    It is noted that the same question is asked for those in Scotland and Northern Ireland. The variable names are "ETH11S" and "ETH11NI" respectively.

    For "ETH11NI", "Irish Traveller" is an additional response option and for "ETH11S", "Asian / Asian British" is "Asian / Asian Scottish" instead.

  • Question:

    Which one best describes your White ethnic group or background?

    OR for LFS only:

    And which one of these best describes your ethnic group or background?

    Response options:
    1. English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British
    2. Irish
    3. Gypsy or Irish Traveller
    4. Any other White background
    • OPN
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:

    EthEWh/EthWWh/EthSWh (OPN only)



    For OPN only:

    Ask all who selected "White" from England (EthEWh), from Wales (EthWWh) and from Scotland (EthSWh).

    For LFS only:

    Ask if respondent selected "White" and lives in England (ETHWHE), Wales (ETHWHW) or Scotland (ETHWHSC).


    For "For any other White background (please specify)" respondents are presented with an open text response option.

    For OPN, if this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    For OPN and LFS, response option wording is slightly different for Scotland. Response option 1 is replaced with "Scottish", with the next response option being "Other British". Response options also include "Polish" and the "Gypsy or Irish Traveller" is just "Gypsy Traveller".

    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, in England only.

    It is noted for LFS that the same question is asked for those in England, Wales and Scotland. The variable names are "ETHWHE", "ETHWHW" and "ETHWHSC" respectively.

  • Question:

    Which one best describes your Mixed or Multiple ethnic group or background?

    OR for LFS only:

    And which one of these best describes your ethnic group or background?

    Response options:
    1. White and Black Caribbean
    2. White and Black African
    3. White and Asian
    4. Any other mixed / multiple ethnic background
    • OPN
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:

    EthMx (OPN only)

    ETHMX11 (LFS only)


    Ask if Ethnic equals 2 and lives in England, Wales or Scotland (OPN only)

    Ask if respondent selected "Mixed" and lives in England, Wales or Northern Ireland (LFS only)


    For OPN, if this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    For "Any other mixed or multiple ethnic background (please specify)" respondents are presented with an open text response option.

    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

  • Question:

    And which one of these best describes your ethnic group or background?

    Response options:
    1. Indian
    2. Pakistani
    3. Bangladeshi
    4. Chinese (OPN only)
    5. Any other Asian background
    • LFS
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:

    ETHAS11 (LFS only)

    EthAsianEW (OPN only)


    Ask if respondent selected "Asian" and lives in England, Wales or Northern Ireland (LFS only)

    Ask if Ethnic equals 3 and respondent lives in England and Wales (OPN only)


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

    For OPN, "Chinese" is included as a response option. If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    For "Any other Asian background (please specify)" respondents are presented with an open text response option.

  • Question:

    And which one of these best describes your ethnic group or background?

    Response options:
    1. African
    2. Caribbean
    3. Any other Black / African / Caribbean background
    • LFS
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:

    ETHBL11 (LFS only)

    EthBlackEW (OPN only)


    Ask if respondent selected "Black" and lives in England, Wales or Northern Ireland (LFS only)

    Ask if Ethnic equals 4 and respondent lives in England and Wales (OPN only)


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, in England, Wales and Northern Ireland for the LFS.

    For OPN, variable name is "EthBlackEW" and is asked in England and Wales only. If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    For "Any other Black, African or Caribbean background (please specify)" respondents are presented with an open text response option.

  • Question:

    Which one best describes your ethnic group or background?

    Response options:
    1. Arab
    2. Any other background (please specify)
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if ethnicity is given as "Other" for England and Wales or Scotland


    For OPN, if this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    For "Any other background (please specify)" respondents are presented with an open text response option.

  • Question:

    And which one of these best describes your ethnic group or background?

    Response options:
    1. Pakistani / Pakistani Scottish / Pakistani British, or
    2. Indian / Indian Scottish / Indian British, or
    3. Bangladeshi / Bangladeshi Scottish / Bangladeshi British, or
    4. Chinese / Chinese Scottish / Chinese British, or
    5. Any other Asian background?
    • LFS
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:


    (LFS only)


    (OPN only)


    Ask if respondent selected "Asian" and lives in Scotland


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, in Scotland only.

    For OPN, question and response option wording is slightly different. If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    And which one of these best describes your ethnic group or background?

    Response options:
    1. African / African Scottish / African British, or
    2. Any other African ethnic group?
    • LFS
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:

    ETHAFS (LFS only)

    EthAfricanS (OPN only)


    Ask if respondent selected "African" and lives in Scotland


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, in Scotland only.

    For OPN, question and response option wording is slightly different. If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    And which one of these best describes your ethnic group or background?

    Response options:
    1. Caribbean / Caribbean Scottish / Caribbean British, or
    2. Black / Black Scottish / Black British, or
    3. Any other Caribbean or Black ethnic group?
    • LFS
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:

    ETHCBS (LFS only)

    EthCaribS (OPN only)


    Ask if respondent selected "Caribbean or Black" and lives in Scotland


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, in Scotland only.

    For OPN, question and response option wording is slightly different. If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    For face-to-face LFS only:

    Which of the options on this card best describes how you think of yourself? Please just read out the number next to the description.

    OR for telephonic LFS only:

    I will now read out a list of terms people sometimes use to describe how they think of themselves.

    OR for TUS only:

    Which of the following options best describes how you think of yourself?

    Response options:
    1. Heterosexual or Straight,
    2. Gay or Lesbian,
    3. Bisexual,
    4. Other?
    5. Prefer not to say (TUS only)
    • LFS
    • TUS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:

    SIDFTFQN (Face-to-face LFS)

    SIDTUQN (Telephonic LFS)


    Ask if respondent is 16 years or older (LFS only)

    Ask all (TUS only)


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, across the UK.

    For LFS, this question cannot be asked if a proxy is being utilised.

    Variable is unlabelled for TUS.

  • Question:

    For LCF and LFS:

    How would you/he/she describe your/their national identity?

    OR for OPN:

    What do you consider your national identity to be?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. English,
    2. Welsh,
    3. Scottish,
    4. Northern Irish,
    5. British,
    6. Other (please specify)
    • LCF
    • LFS
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:


    NatIdE/NatIdW/NatIdS (OPN only)


    For LFS:

    Ask all living in England (NATLDE11), Scotland (NATLDS11), Wales (NATLDW11) and Northern Ireland (NATLDN11)

    For OPN:

    Ask all living in England (NatIdE), Wales (NatIdW) and Scotland (NatIdS)


    Multiple response options can be selected.

    For "Other" respondents are presented with an open text response option.

    Routing information and variable names do not apply to LCF.

    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, in England only.

    For LFS, it is noted that the same question is asked for those in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The variable names are "NATLDE11", "NATLDS11", "NATLDW11" and "NATLDN11", respectively. The response option order depends on where you reside and, for "NATLDN11", "Irish" is an additional response option.

    For OPN, the order in which English, Welsh and Scottish response options are presented depends on address.

    For OPN, if this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    How would you describe your national identity?

    Response options:
    1. English
    2. Welsh
    3. Scottish
    4. Northern Irish
    5. British
    6. Irish
    7. Other, please describe
    8. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • Demographics

    Ask all


    The response option order varies depending on the country the respondent is currently living in.

  • Question:

    Would you identify yourself as…

    Response options:
    1. English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British
    2. Irish
    3. Gypsy or Irish Traveller
    4. Polish
    5. Any other White background, please describe (this will open a blank field)
    6. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • Demographics

    Ask if ethnicity is White

  • Question:

    Would you identify yourself as…

    Response options:
    1. White and Black Caribbean
    2. White and Black African
    3. White and Asian
    4. Any other Mixed / Multiple ethnic background, please describe (this will open a blank field)
    5. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • Demographics

    Ask if ethnicity is Mixed/multiple ethnic groups

  • Question:

    Would you identify yourself as…

    Response options:
    1. Indian
    2. Pakistani
    3. Bangladeshi
    4. Chinese
    5. Any other Asian background, please describe (this will open a blank field)
    6. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • Demographics

    Ask if ethnicity is Asian/Asian British

  • Question:

    Would you identify yourself as…

    Response options:
    1. African
    2. Caribbean
    3. Any other Black / African / Caribbean background, please describe (this will open a blank field)
    4. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • Demographics

    Ask if ethnicity is Black/African/ Caribbean/Black British

  • Question:

    Would you identify yourself as…

    Response options:
    1. Arab
    2. Any other ethnic group, please describe (this will open a blank field)
    3. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • Demographics

    Ask if ethnicity is Other ethnic group

  • Question:

    Can you understand spoken Welsh?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all living in Wales and 2 years or older


    This question in asked every quarter for all waves in Wales only.

  • Question:

    Can you speak Welsh?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all living in Wales and 2 years or older


    This question in asked every quarter for all waves in Wales only.

  • Question:

    Do you speak Welsh…

    Response options:
    1. Daily
    2. Weekly
    3. Less often
    4. Never
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all living in Wales and 2 years or older


    For LFS, this question in asked every quarter for all waves in Wales only.

  • Question:

    Can you read Welsh?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all living in Wales and 2 years or older


    This question in asked every quarter for all waves in Wales only.

  • Question:

    Can you write Welsh?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all living in Wales and 2 years or older


    This question in asked every quarter for all waves in Wales only.

  • Question:

    What is your religion?

    Response options:
    1. No religion
    2. Christian (all denominations)
    3. Buddhist
    4. Hindu
    5. Jewish
    6. Muslim
    7. Sikh
    8. Other, please specify on the next page
    9. Don’t know
    10. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • TUS
    • LCF
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:

    COV_Religion (OPN only)

    RELIGW (LFS only)


    Ask all

    Ask if currently live in Wales (TUS and LFS only)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN48 on 04/03/2021


    Variable is unlabelled for TUS.

    TUS does not include the "Don't know" response option.

    TUS response option for "Other (please specify)" is worded as "Any other religion, please describe".

    If "Other (please specify)" or "Any other religion, please describe" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    For LCF, this is asked in Northern Ireland only.

    For LFS, "Prefer not to say" is not a response option and the question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made.

    Changes were made to OPN85 on 16/02/2022

    Response option wording changed from "Other, please specify" to "Other, please specify on the next page".

  • Question:

    What is your religion?

    Response options:
    1. No religion
    2. Christian (including Church of England, Catholic, Protestant and all other Christian denominations)
    3. Buddhist
    4. Hindu
    5. Jewish
    6. Muslim
    7. Sikh
    8. Any other religion, please describe
    9. Prefer not to say (TUS only)
    • TUS
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:

    RELIGE (LFS only)


    Ask if currently live in England (LFS only)


    Variable is unlabelled for TUS and "Prefer not to say" is only a response option for TUS.

    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made.

    If "Any other religion, please describe" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    What is your religion?

    Response options:
    1. No religion
    2. Church of Scotland
    3. Roman Catholic
    4. Other Christian
    5. Buddhist
    6. Hindu
    7. Jewish
    8. Muslim
    9. Sikh
    10. Any other religion, please describe
    11. Prefer not to say (TUS only)
    • TUS
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if currently live in Scotland


    Variable is unlabelled for TUS and "Prefer not to say" is only a response option for TUS.

    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made.

    If "Any other religion, please describe" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    What nationality passport do you hold?

    Response options:
    1. [nationality of respondent selected from list of countries]
    • IPS
    • Demographics

    Ask all

  • Question:

    What is your nationality?

    Response options:
    1. UK, British
    2. Irish Republic
    3. India
    4. Pakistan
    5. Poland
    6. Other, please specify
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, across the UK.

    If "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    In which country were you born?

    Response options:
    1. England
    2. Wales
    3. Scotland
    4. Northern Ireland
    5. UK, Britain (don't know country)
    6. Republic of Ireland
    7. India
    8. Pakistan
    9. Poland
    10. Other
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, across the UK.

    If "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    What is your usual country of residence?

    Response options:
    1. UK
    2. Other
    • IAIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    In which year did you first come to live in the UK?

    Response options:
    1. [enter year from 1900 to 2100]
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent was not born in Britain


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, across the UK.

  • Question:

    Apart from holidays and short visits abroad, have you lived in the UK continuously since then/?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent has 'other' country of birth


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, across the UK.

  • Question:

    In which year did you last/most recently arrive in the UK?

    Response options:
    1. [enter year from 1900 to 2100]
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent has not lived continuously in the UK following their initial arrival


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, across the UK.

  • Question:

    In which month did you last arrive in the UK?

    Response options:
    1. January
    2. February
    3. March
    4. April
    5. May
    6. June
    7. July
    8. August
    9. September
    10. October
    11. November
    12. December
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent was not born in Britain and arrived in the UK within the last 2 years of the reference date (LFS)


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, across the UK.

    For LFS, the interviewer enters the number corresponding with the month of the year.

  • Question:

    Do you intend to stay in the UK for at least another months?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent has been in the UK for less than 12 months.


    This question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, across the UK.

  • Question:

    What was your main reason for coming to the UK? (most recent arrival)

    Response options:
    1. For employment
    2. For study
    3. As a spouse/partner/child under 18 of a UK citizen or person with indefinite leave to remain in the UK
    4. As a spouse/partner/child under 18 of someone coming to the UK or already living here, who does not have indefinite leave to remain
    5. Seeking asylum
    6. As a visitor
    7. Other reasons/Another reason
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent was not born in Britain and is over 16


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, across the UK.

  • Question:

    What is your legal marital status?

    Response options:
    1. Never married and never in a registered same-sex civil partnership
    2. Married
    3. In a registered same sex civil partnership
    4. Separated but still legally married
    5. Separated but still legally in a same sex civil partnership
    6. Divorced
    7. Formerly in a same sex civil partnership which is now legally dissolved
    8. Widowed
    9. A surviving member of a same sex civil partnership
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if DVAge greater than 15 (OPN)

  • Question:

    Are you…

    Response options:
    1. Single, that is, never married and never registered in a civil partnership
    2. Married
    3. In a registered civil partnership
    4. Separated, but still legally married or in a civil partnership
    5. Divorced
    6. Formerly in a civil partnership which is now legally dissolved
    7. Widowed
    8. Surviving partner from a civil partnership
    9. Prefer not to say (TUS only)
    • TUS
    • HAS
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • IPS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all (TUS only)

    Ask if respondent is aged 16 or over


    Variable is unlabelled for TUS.

    Question wording for HAS is "Are you currently…".

    Response options for IPS, HAS and SLC are ordered and worded slightly differently.

  • Question:

    Are you…

    Response options:
    1. Single, that is never married
    2. Married and living with husband/wife
    3. A civil partner in a legally-recognised Civil Partnership
    4. Married and separated from husband/wife
    5. Divorced
    6. Or widowed
    7. In a legally-recognised Civil Partnership and separated from his/her civil partner
    8. Formerly a civil partner, the Civil Partnership now legally dissolved
    9. A surviving civil partner: his/her partner having since died
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent is 16 years or older


    This question is asked every quarter for Wave 1 across the UK.

  • Question:

    And is this your first and only marriage?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • HAS
    • SLC
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent is married and living with husband/wife

  • Question:

    Is your spouse/partner a member of the household?

    OR for LFS only:

    Is 's husband/wife/civil partner a member of the household?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • SLC
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if legally married or in a civil partnership


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1 across the UK.

  • Question:

    Are you currently living with someone as a couple?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • HAS
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Variable is unlabelled for TUS.

    The question wording across surveys varies slightly.

    HAS and SLC do not have response option "Prefer not to say".

  • Question:

    May I just check, are you/is living with someone in this household as a couple?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • IPS
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:


    Livwth12 (OPN only)


    Ask if respondent is 16 years or older in a multi-person household and is not married or in a civil partnership and living with a spouse or civil partner


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1 across the UK.

    For IPS, question wording is slightly different. Does not include "…in this household…".

  • Question:

    Do you have any professional, vocational or other work-related qualifications for which you received a certificate?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • HAS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent does not have a degree level or above education level.

  • Question:

    Do you have any educational qualifications for which you received a certificate?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • HAS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    Was your highest qualification…

    Response options:
    1. at degree level or above,
    2. or another kind of qualification?
    • HAS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent has qualifications

  • Question:

    Do you have…

    Response options:
    1. a higher degree (including PGCE)?
    2. an undergraduate degree?
    3. a foundation degree?
    4. graduate membership of a professional institution?
    5. other?
    6. Don't know
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent has a degree level qualification


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

    More than one response option is allowed.

  • Question:

    Was your higher degree…

    Response options:
    1. a Doctorate?
    2. a Masters?
    3. a Postgraduate Certificate in Education?
    4. or some other postgraduate degree or professional qualification?
    5. Don’t know
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent has a higher (postgraduate) degree


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

    Code the first response option that applies.

  • Question:

    What is the highest educational level that you have achieved?

    Response options:
    1. Postgraduate qualification
    2. Degree or equivalent vocational qualification
    3. A-levels or equivalent qualifications
    4. GCSEs, O-levels, CSEs or other secondary school level qualifications
    5. Other qualification
    6. No qualifications
    7. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    What is the highest level of qualification that you have received from school, college or since leaving education?

    Response options:
    1. Degree level qualification (or equivalent)
    2. Higher educational qualification below degree level
    3. A-Levels or Highers
    4. ONC or National Level BTEC
    5. O Level or GCSE equivalent (Grade A to C) or O Grade/CSE equivalent
    6. GCSE grade D-G or CSE grade 2 to 5 or Standard Grade level 4 to 6
    7. Other qualifications (including foreign qualifications below degree level)
    8. No formal qualifications
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    Are you/Is presently in full-time education?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • HAS
    • LCF
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if DVAge or AGE greater than 15 and less than 19


    For HAS, respondents aged 19 years and older are asked the same question, but with the variable name "FtEd19".

  • Question:

    Including yourself, how many people currently live in your household? This is the number of people who share communal spaces like a kitchen, living room or dining area.

    Please select one answer.

    OR for TUS only:

    Thinking now of everyone living in your household, including children and yourself, how many people live there regularly as members of this household?

    Response options:
    1. I live alone
    2. Two people / 2
    3. Three to five people / 3 - 5
    4. Six to nine people / 6 - 9
    5. 10 to 19 people / 10 - 19
    6. 20 or more people / 20 or more
    7. Don’t know
    8. Prefer not to answer
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • SCIS
    • Over 80s
    • CEV
    • TUS
    • IAIS
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Demographics
    Variable name:


    HHNUM (Over 80s only)


    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 3 on 12/07/2021


    In CEV, the response options are slightly different.

    Variable is unlabelled for TUS.

    In TUS, the response is a range from 1 to 15 people or "Prefer not to say".

    For IAIS, "Please select one answer" is not presented.

    For IAIS and T&T Behaviours, the response options are presented as numbers. These response options are presented after the "/".

  • Question:

    Can you tell me who you live with?

    Select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. Spouse or partner?
    2. Children under 16?
    3. Children of respondent or partner aged 16 and over?
    4. Related adults (16-24)?
    5. Related adults (25-64)?
    6. Related adults (65+)?
    7. Unrelated adults (housemates, tenants or lodgers)?
    • IAIS
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if HholdSize does not equal 1 (I live alone)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 3 on 12/07/2021

  • Question:

    Are there any children (under 18) who typically live in your household?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • Demographics

    Ask if household size greater than 1

  • Question:

    How many children…

    …aged 0 to 2 years live in the household?

    …aged 3 to 4 years live in the household?

    …aged 5 to 10 years live in the household?

    …aged 11 to 15 years live in the household?

    …aged 16 to 17 years live in the household?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of children in each age range]
    • TUS
    • Demographics

    Ask if there are children (under 18) in household


    The interviewer asks the respondent, "Can you please tell me their age?".

    A numeric box provided for each age range.

  • Question:

    Excluding yourself, how many other adults are living in your household?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of adults]
    • TUS
    • Demographics

    Ask if "Prefer not to say" or "Don't know" if there are children (under 18) in household


    The response options are presented as a drop down list from 1 to 15

  • Question:

    Which of the following best describes your household?

    Select first that apply

    Response options:
    1. One-person household - one person only?
    2. Couple (the HRP and their partner/spouse/cohabitee are the only occupants)?
    3. Family (one household composed mainly of people who are related to either the HRP or their partner/spouse/cohabitee, including extended families
    4. includes individuals or couples with non-paying guests, carers and au pairs)?
    5. Joint owners, some unrelated (i.e. some of the mortgage sharers or joint owners are unrelated)?
    6. Household with lodger(s)/boarder(s) paying rent?
    7. Tenants sharing, some unrelated (e.g. one or more of the joint tenants are unrelated to both the HRP and their partner/spouse/cohabitee)?
    • CEV
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all except if CareHome equals 1 (Live in care home)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CEV Wave 6 on 21/06/2021


    HRP stands for Household Reference Person. This is the person responsible for owning or renting the accommodation.

  • Question:

    Can you tell me who you live with? Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Spouse or partner?
    2. Dependent children aged under 16?
    3. Children of respondent or partner aged 16 and over?
    4. Related adults (16 to 24)?
    5. Related adults (25 to 64)?
    6. Related adults (65 and over)?
    7. Unrelated adults (housemates, tenants or lodgers)?
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Over 80s
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if HholdSize doesn't equal 1 (I live alone)

  • Question:

    Do you have any children aged between 12 to 15 in your household?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if HasDep equals 1 (Yes)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN75 on 22/09/2021

    Removed from OPN85 on 16/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Is the address below your main residence?

    Response options:
    1. Yes (The address above is my main residence)
    2. No (The address above is not my main residence. For example, it is my old address, second home, holiday home, business address or is not familiar to me)
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask Person 1 of household

  • Question:

    Does anyone else live at ?

    Response options:
    1. Yes (This is the main residence of other adults, children or babies, even if they are currently away for a continuous period of up to 6 months)
    2. No (This is not the main residence of any other adults, children or babies)
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if ADDRESSCHK equals "Yes" or if INELIGIBLETYPE equals 2

  • Question:

    Record if is person in whose name this accommodation is owned or rented

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent is 16 years or older in a multi-person household


    HRP stands for Household Reference Person. This is the person responsible for owning or renting the accommodation.

    This question is asked every quarter for Wave 1 across the UK.

  • Question:

    In whose name, or names, is this accommodation owned or rented?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. [tick members of household as appropriate]
    2. Someone else not listed above
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    HRP stands for Household Reference Person. This is the person responsible for owning or renting the accommodation.

  • Question:


    How do/does you/HRP name occupy this address/accommodation? Do/Does you/he/she…


    In which of these ways do you occupy this accommodation?

    Response options:
    1. Own it outright?
    2. Currently pay off a mortgage and/or loan that helped [you/him/her to purchase the property?
    3. Rent it?
    4. Pay part rent and part mortgage, also known as shared ownership?
    5. Live here rent free, including rent free in a relative’s/friend’s property but excluding squatting?
    6. Squatting?
    • OPN
    • HAS
    • SLC
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    HRP stands for Household Reference Person. This is the person responsible for owning or renting the accommodation.

    For OPN, HAS, SLC and LFS questions and response options are worded slightly differently.

    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1 across the UK.

  • Question:

    Does the accommodation go with the job of anyone in the household?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SLC
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if renting or living in accommodation rent-free (excluding squatting)


    If the accommodation goes with the job of somebody who is temporarily not a member of the household, code yes. If the accommodation used to go with the job of someone in the household, but this is no longer the case, code no.

    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1 across the UK.

  • Question:

    Who is your landlord…

    Response options:
    1. The local authority/council/Scottish Homes?
    2. A housing association, charitable trust, or Local Housing Company?
    3. Employer (organisation) of a household member?
    4. another organisation?
    5. Relative/friend (before you lived here) of a household member?
    6. Employer (individual) of a household member?
    7. Another individual private landlord?
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if accommodation is rented or occupied rent-free


    This question is asked every quarter for Wave 1 across the UK.

  • Question:

    Where you live, do you (or your household) own or rent?

    Response options:
    1. Own it outright
    2. Bought with the help of a mortgage/loan
    3. Part own and part rent (shared ownership)
    4. Renting from a housing association, RSL, charitable trust or Local Housing Company
    5. Renting from a local authority/council/ALMO
    6. Privately renting
    7. Rent, other (including living in relatives/friend’s property, paying rent)
    8. Live rent-free (including rent-free in relative’s/friend’s property but excluding squatters)
    9. Squatting
    10. Other
    11. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • LCF
    • Demographics

    Ask all

  • Question:

    In whose name is the accommodation owned or rented?

    Response options:
    1. This person alone,
    2. This person jointly,
    3. Not owner/rented
    • HAS
    • SLC
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if more than one adult in household

  • Question:

    Is there anyone living with you who is sick, disabled, or over 70 whom you look after or give special help to?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Do you look after, or give any help or support to, anyone because they have long-term physical or mental health conditions or illnesses, or problems related to old age? (Exclude anything you do as part of your paid employment.)

    Response options:
    1. No
    2. Yes, 9 hours a week or less
    3. Yes, 10 to 19 hours a week
    4. Yes, 20 to 34 hours a week
    5. Yes, 35 to 49 hours a week
    6. Yes, 50 or more hours a week
    7. Prefer not to say (TUS only)
    • TUS
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:

    Cov_Carer (OPN only)


    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    The sentence in brackets is for TUS only.

    The interviewer asks "How many hours a week do you spend on this?" as a prompt for TUS only.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to say" for OPN only.

  • Question:

    Where does the person or people you help or support live?

    Response options:
    1. Same household
    2. Another household
    3. Both
    4. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • Demographics

    Ask if look after, or give help or support to, anyone

  • Question:

    Have you volunteered through an organisation in the last 4 weeks?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • Demographics

    Ask all

  • Question:

    Are you a resident of a care or nursing home?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • Over 80s
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    Do you currently live in a care home or a residential facility?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 2 on 22/02/2021

  • Question:

    Have you received a letter from the NHS or your GP informing you that you are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable, or been advised to shield?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • Over 80s
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    What country do you live in?

    Response options:
    1. England
    2. Wales
    3. Scotland
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if AddChk1 equals No

  • Question:

    In which country or region do you currently live?

    Response options:
    1. Scotland
    2. Wales
    3. North East, England
    4. North West, England
    5. Yorkshire and Humber, England
    6. East Midlands, England
    7. West Midlands, England
    8. East of England
    9. London England
    10. South East, England
    11. South West, England
    12. Northern Ireland
    • TUS
    • Demographics

    Ask all


    If the respondent says they are currently living in Northern Ireland, do not proceed with interview.

  • Question:

    What was the first part of the postcode (or the postcode district) where you lived?

    Response options:
    1. [enter first part of respondents post code]
    • IPS
    • Demographics

    Ask if a UK resident and migrating

  • Question:

    What is your full postcode?

    Response options:
    1. [enter postcode]
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    If the respondent does not wish to give full postcode, the first part of postcode can be used.

  • Question:

    What is the postcode of the address where you are/were in quarantine?

    Response options:
    1. [enter postcode]
    • IAIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    If the respondent does not wish to give full postcode, the first part of postcode can be used.

  • Question:

    Which town and county have you been living in for the last 12 months?

    Response options:
    1. [town and country are selected from a list]
    • IPS
    • Demographics

    Ask if a UK resident and migrating

  • Question:

    In which countries have you been living/working/studying for the last 12 months?

    Response options:
    1. [countries are selected from a list]
    • IPS
    • Demographics

    Ask all


    Multiple response options are allowed.

  • Question:

    In which country were you born?

    Response options:
    1. England
    2. Wales
    3. Scotland
    4. Northern Ireland
    5. UK part not stated
    6. Other country (which other country?)
    • IPS
    • Demographics

    Ask all

  • Question:

    Where in the UK will your main place of stay be?

    Response options:
    1. [Place of stay selected from pre-determined list]
    • IPS
    • Demographics

    Ask if foreign arrival

  • Question:

    Where do you live in the UK?

    Response options:
    1. [Place of residence is selected from pre-determined list of places in the UK]
    • IPS
    • Demographics

    Ask if UK arrival

  • Question:

    Before you decided to come to the UK, were you…

    Response options:
    1. Working,
    2. A student,
    3. A housewife/husband,
    4. Retired,
    5. Unemployed,
    6. N/A
    • IPS
    • Demographics

    Ask if migrating to the UK


    If the respondent is departing the UK, the question is worded as "Before you decided to leave the UK, were you…".

  • Question:

    Which country do you live in during term time?

    Response options:
    1. United Kingdom
    2. Other, outside the United Kingdom
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    You said that you live outside the United Kingdom during term time. Please check your response, you need to be living in the United Kingdom to take part in this study.

    Do you live in the United Kingdom during term time?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if CountryLive equals "Other, outside the United Kingdom"


    If the respondent does not live in the United Kingdom during term time, they cannot take part in the study.

  • Question:

    Where in the United Kingdom is your university main campus or central offices located?

    Response options:
    1. North East
    2. North West
    3. Yorkshire and The Humber
    4. East Midlands
    5. West Midlands
    6. East of England
    7. London
    8. South East
    9. South West
    10. Scotland
    11. Wales
    12. Northern Ireland
    13. Don’t know
    • SCIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    In SCIS Wave 5 and 6 this question had the variable name "Region".

  • Question:

    Thinking about your university course, which of these describes you best?

    Response options:
    1. Foundation year student
    2. 1st year undergraduate student
    3. 2nd year undergraduate student
    4. 3rd or later year undergraduate student
    5. Postgraduate student
    6. Other
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    For SEIS Wave 1, only Foundation year and First year students are able to complete this survey.

    For SEIS Wave 2, only Third or later year undergraduate students are able to complete this survey.

    A follow-up question "WhichYearCheck" is presented to check this.

  • Question:

    You said you are a . You must be a 3rd or later year undergraduate student or equivalent to take part in this survey.

    Are you a 3rd or later year undergraduate student?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SEIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if WhichYear does not equal 4


    Changes were made to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021.

    The routing information changed from "Ask if WhichYear equals 3, 4, 5, or 6" to current wording to account for the change in respondents allowed to take part in the study.

    The question wording changed from "You said you are a , but you must be a Foundation year or First year student to take part in this study. Please may we check, are you a Foundation year or First year student?" to the current wording.

  • Question:

    Are you a domestic or international student?

    Response options:
    1. Domestic student, I pay home fees
    2. International student, I pay overseas fees
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    Which university or college are you studying at?

    Response options:
    1. Aberystwyth University
    2. Anglia Ruskin University
    3. Bath Spa University
    4. Birmingham City University
    5. Cardiff University
    6. Coventry University
    7. De Montfort University
    8. Goldsmiths, University of London
    9. Harper Adams University
    10. Keele University
    11. Leeds Beckett University
    12. Leeds Trinity University
    13. Loughborough University
    14. Manchester Metropolitan University
    15. Northumbria University
    16. Queen Margaret University
    17. Queen Mary University of London
    18. Ravensbourne University of London
    19. Roehampton University
    20. Sheffield Hallam University
    21. Staffordshire University
    22. Swansea University
    23. University College London
    24. University of Aberdeen
    25. University of Bath
    26. University of Birmingham
    27. University of Durham
    28. University of East London
    29. University of Essex
    30. University of Exeter
    31. University of Glasgow
    32. University of Hertfordshire
    33. University of Kent
    34. University of Leeds
    35. University of Lincoln
    36. University of Liverpool
    37. University of Manchester
    38. University of Strathclyde
    39. University of Sussex
    40. University of West London
    41. University of Westminster
    42. University of York
    43. York St. John University
    • SEIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:


  • Question:

    Which of these accommodation types best describes your living arrangements at the start of the Autumn 2021 term?

    There is space later to tell us if you have moved since the start of the Autumn 2021 term.

    Response options:
    1. University managed halls of residence or colleges
    2. Privately managed halls of residence, for example Unite, Vita or iQ student accommodation
    3. Other privately rented, for example rented house-share, house or flat
    4. With parents, guardians or family members
    5. In a property I own
    6. Other
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021.

    The question wording was updated so that the reference year is 2021 instead of 2020.

    SEIS question wording is the same as SCIS Wave 10.

  • Question:

    Is this person living in halls of residence or at a boarding school?

    OR for OPN only:

    Do any of these people live in a halls of residence or boarding school for part of the year?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SLC
    • LFS
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1 across the UK.

    Student nurses living in NHS accommodation elsewhere in Great Britain should not be included in this household.

  • Question:

    Thinking hypothetically, would you have been living with your parents/guardians/family members if it weren’t for the COVID-19 pandemic?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, I would have lived there
    2. No, I would have lived elsewhere
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SCIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 6 on 12/03/2021

  • Question:

    Are you currently living in the same address as you lived in at the start of the Autumn 2021 term?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021

    Reinstated for SCIS Wave 12 on 05/11/2021

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 12 on 05/11/2021.

    The question wording was updated so that the reference year is 2021 instead of 2020.

  • Question:

    Which of these accommodation types best describes your current living arrangements?

    Please think about the address that you are currently living in at the time of answering this survey.

    Response options:
    1. University managed halls of residence or colleges
    2. Privately managed halls of residence, for example Unite, Vita or iQ student accommodation
    3. Other privately rented, for example rented house-share, house or flat
    4. With parents, guardians or family members
    5. In a property I own
    6. Other
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if MoveAcc equals 2 or 3

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021

    Reinstated for SCIS Wave 12 on 05/11/2021

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    Do you expect to return to the accommodation that you were in at the start of the Autumn 2021 term before the end of the academic year?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all that answered WhichAccU

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021

    Reinstated for SCIS Wave 12 on 05/11/2021

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

    Removed from SCIS Wave 14 on 25/02/2022

  • Question:

    When do you expect to return to the accommodation that you were in at the start of the Autumn 2020 term?

    Response options:
    1. Before 17 May 2021
    2. Between 17 May and 31 May 2021
    3. June or later
    4. Don’t know
    • SCIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if ReturnU equals 1 or 3

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 9 on 24/05/2021

  • Question:

    How far in miles is your current address from your university?

    Response options:
    1. live on campus
    2. less than 10 miles
    3. 10 to 49 miles
    4. 50 to 99 miles
    5. 100 to 199 miles
    6. 200 or more miles
    7. Not applicable
    • SCIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 8 on 04/05/2021

  • Question:

    Have you moved between households since the start of the Autumn 2020 term?

    Consider if you have moved between households that you have stayed in for a period of 2 weeks or more on each occasion. For example, travelling to your family home for the winter break for a period of 2 weeks or more.

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SCIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 7 on 15/04/2021

  • Question:

    How many times have you moved between households since the start of the Autumn 2020 term?

    Response options:
    1. 1 time
    2. 2 times
    3. 3 to 5 times
    4. 6 to 9 times
    5. 10 to 19 times
    6. 20 or more times
    7. Don’t know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • SCIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if HaveTrav equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 7 on 15/04/2021

  • Question:

    Thinking about the next two months; do you expect to move away from your current household for a period of two weeks or more?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if HaveTrav equals 2 or 3


    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 8 on 04/05/2021.

    Question wording changed from " you expect to stay with people that are not part of your current household…" in Wave 7 to " you expect to move away from your current household…" in Wave 8.

  • Question:

    Have you had any of these symptoms in the last 7 days?

    Fever (including high temperature)


    Muscle ache


    More trouble sleeping than usual

    Loss of appetite or eating less than usual


    Abdominal pain


    Sore throat

    Runny nose/sneezing


    Shortness of breath

    Noisy breathing (wheezing)

    Loss of taste

    Loss of smell

    Chest pain


    Vertigo/ Dizziness

    Worry/ Anxiety

    Low mood/ Not enjoying anything

    Memory loss or confusion

    Difficulty concentrating

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all


    "Yes" or "No" response required for each symptom listed.

    Changes were made to CIS Version 14 on 02/02/2022.

    The following symptoms were added: "Chest pain", "Palpitations", "Vertigo/ Dizziness", "Worry/ Anxiety", "Low mood/ Not enjoying anything", "Memory loss or confusion", "Difficulty concentrating".

  • Question:

    What was the earliest date that any of these symptoms first started or became worse than usual for you?

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask if "Yes" to any symptoms


    Changes were made to CIS Version 12 on 21/09/2021.

    The question wording changed from "If yes, date first symptom onset" to current wording.

  • Question:

    Do you currently think you have symptoms consistent with COVID-19 infection?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all

  • Question:

    What COVID-19 symptoms did you develop? Select all that apply

    OR for T&T Cases only:

    At the time of your positive test, did you have any of the following symptoms? Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. High temperature
    2. A new continuous cough
    3. Loss of sense of smell or taste
    4. Shortness of breath or trouble breathing
    5. Runny or stuffy nose
    6. Muscle or body aches
    7. Headaches
    8. Sore throat
    9. Unusual tiredness and fatigue
    10. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or severe stomach pain
    11. Other (please specify) (T&T Cases and Self-isolating)
    12. Any other symptoms not mentioned (T&T Behaviours only)
    13. No, none of these (T&T Cases only)
    14. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • T&T Cases
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if SymptomYN equals "Yes" (T&T Self-isolating and T&T Behaviours)

    Ask all (T&T Cases)


    If "Other (please specify)" or "Any other symptoms not mentioned" is selected, respondents are presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    For T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) and T&T Behaviours, this question is only asked if the respondent developed COVID-19 symptoms after being contacted by Test and Trace. For T&T Cases, everyone is asked this question.

    Changes were made to T&T Behaviours Wave 2 on 22/11/2021 and T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 11 on 06/12/2021.

    Response option "No, none of these" was removed.

    Changes were made to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 11 on 06/12/2021, T&T Behaviours Wave 4 on 10/01/2022, and T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/02/2022.

    The response option "Vominiting, diarrhoea or severe stomach pain" was amended to "Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or severe stomach pain".

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 10 on 04/01/2022.

    The question wording was changed from "Did you have any of the following symptoms? Select all that apply" to the current wording.

  • Question:

    Did you go on to develop any of the following symptoms after your positive test? Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. High temperature
    2. A new continuous cough
    3. Loss of sense of smell or taste
    4. Shortness of breath or trouble breathing
    5. Runny or stuffy nose
    6. Muscle or body aches
    7. Headaches
    8. Sore throat
    9. Unusual tiredness and fatigue
    10. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or severe stomach pain
    11. Other (please specify)
    12. No, none of these
    13. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if Symptoms equals "No, none of these"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 2 on 08/03/2021


    If "Other (please specify)" is selected, respondents are presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/02/2022.

    The response option "Vomiting, diarrhoea or severe stomach pain" was amended to "Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or severe stomach pain".

  • Question:

    Since you were contacted by Test and Trace or via the app, did you develop any COVID-19 symptoms? (e.g. high temperature or fever, a new or continuous cough, or a loss of taste or smell)

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    The additional question information on symptoms in brackets is for T&T Behaviours only.

    Changes were made to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021.

    Response option "Don't know" was added. This has always been present for T&T Behaviours.

  • Question:

    How many days after being contacted by Test and Trace did you begin to develop symptoms?

    Select first that apply

    Response options:
    1. I already had symptoms?
    2. The same day?
    3. Day 1 to 2?
    4. Day 3 to 5?
    5. Day 4 to 6?
    6. Day 7 to 10?
    7. Day 11 to 14?
    8. Don't know?
    9. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if SymptomYN equals 1 (Yes)

  • Question:

    Do you know or think that you have had COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all

  • Question:

    Do you know or think you have had coronavirus (COVID-19) since we last spoke to you?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all

  • Question:

    What was the earliest date when you knew or thought you first had COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who think they have had COVID-19


    Changes were made to CIS Version 12 on 21/09/2021.

    The question wording changed from "On what date did you first know or think you had COVID-19?" to current wording.

  • Question:

    Did you have any symptoms when you first knew or thought you had COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who think they have had COVID-19

  • Question:

    Did you have any of the following symptoms when you first had COVID-19? (answer Yes or No for each one)

    Fever (including high temperature)


    Muscle ache


    More trouble sleeping than usual

    Loss of appetite or eating less than usual


    Abdominal pain


    Sore throat

    Runny nose/sneezing


    Shortness of breath

    Noisy breathing (wheezing)

    Loss of taste

    Loss of smell

    Chest pain


    Vertigo/ dizziness

    Worry/ anxiety

    Low mood/ not enjoying anything

    Memory loss or confusion

    Difficulty concentrating

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who had symptoms when they first knew or thought they had COVID-19


    "Yes" or "No" response required for each symptom listed.

    Changes were made to CIS Version 14 on 02/02/2022.

    The following symptoms were added: "Chest pain", "Palpitations", "Vertigo/ Dizziness", "Worry/ Anxiety", "Low mood/ Not enjoying anything", "Memory loss or confusion", "Difficulty concentrating".

  • Question:

    Did you contact the NHS when you thought you had COVID-19 (e.g. 111, GP, Walk-in Centre, A&E)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who had symptoms when they first had COVID-19

  • Question:

    Were you admitted to hospital when you thought you had COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who had symptoms when they first had COVID-19

  • Question:

    Have you ever tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN81 on 15/12/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Do you think that you have had the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Not sure
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if Cov_PosTest equals "No", "Don’t know", or "Prefer not to answer"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN81 on 15/12/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Do you think you have had coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, I've had a positive test (antibody or swab)
    2. Yes, most likely but I've not had a test to confirm
    3. No, I don’t think I’ve had coronavirus (COVID-19)
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:


  • Question:

    For which of the following reasons do you think you may have had the coronavirus (COVID-19)? Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I experienced symptoms of the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. I was in close contact with someone who tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. I was in close contact with someone who experienced symptoms of the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    4. Other (please specify)
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_HadCor equals "Yes" or "Not sure"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN61 on 02/06/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Have you ever had a swab test of your nose and throat to test for COVID-19 infection?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all

  • Question:

    What was the result/were the results of all swab tests you’ve had?

    Response options:
    1. One or more positive test(s)
    2. One or more negative tests, but none were positive
    3. All tests failed
    4. Waiting for all results
    • CIS Enrolment
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who have had a swab test of nose and throat for COVID-19

  • Question:

    Have you had a swab test of your nose and throat to test for COVID-19 since we last spoke to you (not including any tests done as part of this study)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all

  • Question:

    What was the result/were the results of all tests you’ve had since we last spoke to you?

    Response options:
    1. One or more positive test(s)
    2. One or more negative tests, but none were positive
    3. All tests failed
    4. Waiting for all results
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who have had a swab test of nose and throat for COVID-19 since last visit

  • Question:

    What was the date of first positive test you’ve had?

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • CIS Enrolment
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who had a positive test

  • Question:

    What was the date of last negative test you’ve had?

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • CIS Enrolment
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who had a negative test

  • Question:

    What was the date of first positive test you’ve had since?

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who had a positive test

  • Question:

    What was the date of last negative test you’ve had since?

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who had a negative test

  • Question:

    Have you ever had a blood test to test for COVID-19 antibodies?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all

  • Question:

    What was the result/were the results of all blood tests you've had?

    Response options:
    1. One or more positive test(s)
    2. One or more negative tests, but none were positive
    3. All tests failed
    4. Waiting for all results
    • CIS Enrolment
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who have had an antibody test for COVID-19

  • Question:

    Have you had a blood test to test for COVID-19 antibodies since we last spoke to you (not including any tests done as part of this study)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all

  • Question:

    What was the result/were the results of all tests you've had since we last spoke to you (not including tests done as part of this study)?

    Response options:
    1. One or more positive test(s)
    2. One or more negative tests, but none were positive
    3. All tests failed
    4. Waiting for all results
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who have had an antibody test for COVID 19 since last visit

  • Question:

    Where was the test done? (If more than one test, provide for the most recent positive test, otherwise the most recent negative test, otherwise the most recent test)

    Response options:
    1. In the NHS (e.g. GP, hospital)
    2. Private lab
    3. Home test
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who have had an antibody test for COVID-19

  • Question:

    Would you describe yourself as having “long COVID”, that is, you are still experiencing symptoms more than 4 weeks after you first had COVID-19, that are not explained by something else?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask if week 4 or later

  • Question:

    Does this reduce your ability to carry-out day-to-day activities compared with the time before you had COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, a lot
    2. Yes, a little
    3. Not at all
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who have long COVID

  • Question:

    Have you had/do you have any of the following symptoms as part of your experience of long COVID? Please include any pre-existing symptoms which long COVID has made worse.

    Fever (including high temperature)


    Muscle ache



    Abdominal pain


    Loss of appetite or eating less than usual

    Loss of taste

    Loss of smell

    Sore throat


    Shortness of breath

    Chest pain




    Low mood/not enjoying anything

    More trouble sleeping than usual

    Memory loss or confusion

    Difficulty concentrating

    Runny nose/ sneezing

    Noisy breathing

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who have long COVID


    A response is required for each symptom.

    Changes were made to CIS Version 14 on 02/02/2022.

    Wording around several symptoms was amended: "Fever" was changed to "Fever (including high temperature)", "Loss of appetite" was changed to "Loss of appetite or eating less than usual", and "Trouble sleeping" was changed to "More troubling sleeping than usual".

    The following symptoms were added: "Runny nose/ sneezing" and "Noisy breathing".

  • Question:

    For some people, the coronavirus (COVID-19) can cause symptoms that last weeks or months after the infection has gone. This is sometimes called post-COVID-19 syndrome or "long COVID".

    Have you experienced "long COVID"?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Not sure
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if Cov_PosTest equals "Yes" or COV_HadCor equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN48 on 04/03/2021

    Removed from OPN78 on 03/11/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with "Prefer not to answer" as a further option.

  • Question:

    Has having "long COVID" negatively affected any of the following aspects of your life? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Work
    2. Education
    3. Caring responsibilities
    4. General wellbeing
    5. Family life
    6. Relationships
    7. Ability to exercise
    8. Other (please specify)
    9. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_LongCov equals "Yes" or "Not sure"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN48 on 04/03/2021

    Removed from OPN78 on 03/11/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    If response option "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Some people have been advised that they are High Risk, known as clinically extremely vulnerable. If you are in this group, you will have received a letter from the NHS or your GP advising you of this. You may have been advised to shield in the past.

    Have you been identified as High Risk or clinically extremely vulnerable?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t Know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, apply to you?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Aged 70 or older
    2. Pregnant
    3. Have a lung condition, for example, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema or bronchitis, but you have not been identified as clinically extremely vulnerable
    4. Have heart disease, for example, heart failure
    5. Have diabetes
    6. Have chronic kidney disease
    7. Have liver disease, for example, hepatitis
    8. Have a condition affecting the brain or nerves, for example, Parkinson's disease, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis or cerebral palsy
    9. Have a condition that means you have a high risk of getting infections
    10. Taking medicine that can affect the immune system, for example, low doses of steroids
    11. Very obese, for example, a BMI of 40 or above
    12. None of these
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN48 on 04/03/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    Changes were made to OPN88 on 30/03/2022.

    Variable name changed from "COV_HealthMod" to "COV_HealthModB".

    The question wording was changed from "Which of these Moderate Risk factors for the coronavirus (COVID-19), that have been defined by the NHS, apply to you?" to "Which of these, if any, apply to you?".

  • Question:

    In the last six months, have you or someone you live with or care for outside your household, experienced a delay in getting health care?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Not applicable
    4. Don’t know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN82 on 06/01/2022

    Removed from OPN83 on 19/01/2022

  • Question:

    Was this delay in getting health care for a mental or a physical health condition?

    Response options:
    1. A mental health condition
    2. A physical health condition
    3. Both mental and physical health conditions
    4. Not applicable
    5. Don’t know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_WaitingTime equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN82 on 06/01/2022

    Removed from OPN83 on 19/01/2022

  • Question:

    Have you or someone you live with or care for outside your household, experienced a delay with any of the following?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Waiting for an ambulance
    2. Waiting to be seen at A&E
    3. Waiting to see a specialist, for example, a consultant
    4. Waiting for surgery
    5. Waiting for an emergency GP appointment
    6. Waiting for a non-emergency GP appointment
    7. Waiting for a dental appointment
    8. Other, please specify
    9. Don’t know
    10. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_WaitingTime equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN82 on 06/01/2022

    Removed from OPN83 on 19/01/2022


    For "Other, please specify", the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    For T&T Cases:

    Prior to contracting coronavirus did you consider yourself vulnerable to coronavirus?

    OR for IAIS:

    Do you consider yourself vulnerable to coronavirus?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • IAIS
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 10 on 04/01/2022:

    The question wording was changed from "Do you consider yourself vulnerable to coronavirus?" to the current wording for T&T Cases only.

  • Question:

    Is this because of your...

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Age
    2. Pre-existing medical condition
    3. Pregnancy
    4. Gender
    5. Ethnic group
    6. Other (specify for IAIS only)
    7. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • IAIS
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if CoronaVuln equals 1


    For "Other (specify)", the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify for IAIS only.

    The "pregnancy" response option is only presented to females under the age of 55.

    Changes were made to IAIS Wave 3 on 12/07/2021.

    Response option "Other (specify)" was added to IAIS Wave 3. This remains "Other" for T&T Cases.

  • Question:

    How much of a personal risk do you think catching the coronavirus (COVID-19) is to you personally?

    Response options:
    1. Very high risk
    2. High risk
    3. Neither high nor low risk
    4. Low risk
    5. Very low risk
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN59 on 19/05/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    To what extent do you think coronavirus (COVID-19) poses a risk to the physical or mental health of your friends or relatives?

    Response options:
    1. Major risk
    2. Significant risk
    3. Minor risk
    4. No risk at all
    5. Don’t know
    6. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    For SEIS, response option 6 is "Prefer not to say" instead of "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    To what extent do you think coronavirus (COVID-19) poses a risk to your physical or mental health?

    Response options:
    1. Major risk
    2. Significant risk
    3. Minor risk
    4. No risk at all
    5. Don’t know
    6. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    For SEIS, response option 6 is "Prefer not to say" instead of "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What impact, if any, has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had on your physical health?

    Response options:
    1. My physical health has got better
    2. No change
    3. My physical health has got worse
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What impact, if any, has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had on your wellbeing?

    Response options:
    1. My wellbeing has got better
    2. No change
    3. My wellbeing has got worse
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Was/were your linked to coronavirus (or suspected coronavirus) (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if answered TypIll and worked in last 12 months

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) 2021

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 6 (July - Sept) 2022


    This question is asked in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) across the UK.

    This question is only asked in the main sample.

  • Question:

    Do you think your illness may have been from exposure to coronavirus (COVID-19) at work?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    • LFS
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    If TypCov equals "Yes" and TypIll equals 10, 4 or 11

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) 2021

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 6 (July - Sept) 2022


    This question is asked in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) across the UK.

    This question is only asked in the main sample.

  • Question:

    Was your coronavirus (COVID-19) confirmed by a test?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if TypCov equals Yes and TypIll equals 4 or 10 and TypCov 2 equals Yes  

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) 2021

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 5 (Jan - March) 2022


    This question is asked in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) across the UK.

    This question is only asked in the main sample.

  • Question:

    Was this sick absence linked to coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if main condition was 'Minor illnesses', 'Respiratory conditions', or 'Other'

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 2 (April - June) 2020

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 6 (July - Sept) 2022


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK and all waves are asked.

  • Question:

    Were you…

    Select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. Off sick with symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. Self-isolated or in quarantine
    3. Off for a different reason
    • LFS
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if sick absence was linked to COVID-19

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 2 (April - June) 2020

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 6 (July - Sept) 2022


    If "Off for a different reason?" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    This question is asked every quarter across the UK and all waves are asked.

  • Question:

    In the future, if you were to get a cold or flu like symptoms, which of the following would you do?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Take a rapid lateral flow test (These give a quick result using a device similar to a pregnancy test)
    2. Book a PCR test (These are sent to a lab to be checked)
    3. I would wait to see how my symptoms developed
    4. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN77 on 20/10/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Do you have any physical or mental health conditions or illnesses lasting or expected to last 12 months or more (excluding any long-lasting COVID-19 symptoms)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • TUS
    • Health - General

    Ask all


    TUS does not include additional information on lasting COVID-19 symptoms.

  • Question:

    Do any of your conditions or illnesses reduce your ability to carry-out day-to-day activities?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, a lot
    2. Yes, a little
    3. Not at all
    4. Prefer not to say (TUS only)
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • TUS
    • Health - General

    Ask if have any physical or mental health conditions (TUS only)


    "Prefer not to say" is a response option for TUS only.

  • Question:

    Do you have any physical or mental health conditions or illnesses lasting or expected to last 12 months or more?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Contacts
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 4 on 10/05/2021

    Removed from T&T Contacts Wave 4 on 19/04/2021

  • Question:

    Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months? Please include problems related to old age.

    Response options:
    1. Yes, limited a lot
    2. Yes, limited a little
    3. No
    4. Don't know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    How is your health in general?

    Response options:
    1. Very good
    2. Good
    3. Fair
    4. Bad
    5. Very bad
    6. Prefer not to say (TUS only)
    • OPN
    • TUS
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    Variable is unlabelled for TUS.

    Response option 6 refers to TUS only.

  • Question:

    Do you have any physical or mental health conditions or illnesses?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Changes were made to OPN59 on 19/05/2021.

    Response options "Don't know" and "Prefer not to say" were previously only presented if the question was skipped.

  • Question:

    Has this lasted, or is it expected to last, for 12 months or more?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if HEALILL equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN

  • Question:

    Do any of your illnesses or conditions reduce your ability to carry out day to day activities?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, a lot
    2. Yes, a little
    3. Not at all
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if HEALILLB equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Thinking about your health, do you currently have any of the following health conditions, problems or illnesses? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Angina, heart failure [CM1] or long-term heart problem
    2. Asthma
    3. A learning disability
    4. Conditions affecting the brain and nerves, such as Parkinson's disease, motor neurone disease or multiple sclerosis (MS)
    5. Cancer
    6. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis or other long-term lung problem
    7. Diabetes
    8. Kidney or liver disease
    9. A weakened immune system as the result of conditions such as HIV and AIDS, or medicines such as steroid tablets or treatment for cancer[CM2]
    10. Problems with your spleen – for example, sickle cell disease, or if you've had your spleen removed [BN3]
    11. Being very overweight (having a BMI of 40 or above)
    12. Given an organ transplant
    13. Or
    14. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if HEALILL equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN48 on 04/03/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Do any of the conditions or illnesses that you’ve told us about affect you in any of the following areas? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Vision (for example blindness or partial sight)
    2. Hearing (for example deafness or partial hearing)
    3. Mobility (for example walking short distances or climbing stairs)
    4. Dexterity (for example lifting and carrying objects or using a keyboard)
    5. Learning or understanding or concentrating
    6. Memory
    7. Mental health
    8. Stamina or breathing or fatigue
    9. Socially or behaviourally, for example, associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) which includes Asperger’s, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
    10. Other, please specify on the next page
    11. None of these
    12. Prefer not to say
    13. Don’t know
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if HEALILL equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Current rotation status: Reinstated for OPN85 on 16/02/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    Changes were made to OPN88 on 30/03/2022.

    Variable name "COV_AffecB" was changed to "COV_AffecC".

    Response option "None of these" was added.

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, have you had any new or worsening health problems?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t Know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

  • Question:

    Have you sought any professional health advice for these health problems?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t Know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_NewPro equals 1 (Yes)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

  • Question:

    Why did you not seek any professional health advice for these health problems? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I was concerned about catching the coronavirus (COVID-19) while receiving care
    2. I was concerned about spreading the coronavirus (COVID-19) to others
    3. I wanted to avoid putting pressure on the NHS
    4. I did not think it was serious enough to seek advice
    5. I was concerned about leaving home
    6. I did not know how to access help
    7. I was not able to access help
    8. I thought help was unavailable
    9. Other (please specify)
    10. None of the above
    11. Don’t know
    12. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_NewPro equals 2 (No)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2023


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

  • Question:

    Since the start of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, access to medical care for existing health conditions and check-ups has been reduced or put on hold. For example, out-patient hospital treatment, dentist, opticians, podiatrists, audiologists, physiotherapists, cancer treatment or counselling.

    Before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, were you receiving medical care for any long-term mental or physical health condition, problem or illness?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t Know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if HEALILL equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2023


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

  • Question:

    Since the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic have you been able to access the same level of medical care for any long-term mental or physical health condition, problem or illness?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, treatment started or continued as normal [Include telephone and video call appointments]
    2. Yes, treatment started or continued but was reduced
    3. Treatment for some, but not all health conditions
    4. No, treatment was cancelled or never started before lockdown
    5. No, I have chosen not to receive treatment
    6. Not applicable
    7. Don’t know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_Medic equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2023


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

  • Question:

    What effect, if any, has reduced access to treatment or no treatment had on any of your long-term mental or physical health conditions, problems or illnesses?

    Response options:
    1. My health has improved
    2. My health has stayed the same
    3. My health has worsened
    4. Other (please specify)
    5. Don’t know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_AfMedicA equals 2, 3, or 4

    Time-points of data collection:

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2023


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

  • Question:

    Thinking about your situation now, have you been able to access the NHS services you need to help manage your condition(s) over the last 4 weeks?

    Response options:
    1. Yes - in person
    2. Yes - by telephone or video call
    3. No, not able to access
    4. No, decided not to seek help at this time
    5. Not required in last 4 weeks
    • CEV
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    The interviewer is instructed to select both "Yes" response options if they apply to the respondent.

  • Question:

    Still thinking about the last 4 weeks, in which of these ways did you collect your medicines? Select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. I went to the pharmacy myself
    2. Friends, family or neighbours delivered them to me
    3. Volunteers delivered them to me
    4. My pharmacy delivered them to me
    5. Other
    6. Not applicable
    • CEV
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all except CareHome equals 1 (Live in carehome)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

  • Question:

    How has the amount of GP or hospital care for your underlying health condition(s) been affected since last month? Has your care:

    Response options:
    1. Increased
    2. Continued as normal
    3. Decreased, (For example, some of my appointments have been cancelled)
    4. Stopped (For example, all of my appointments have been cancelled)
    • CEV
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CEV Wave 6 on 21/06/2021

  • Question:

    Do you smoke cigarettes even if occasionally? Please do not include electronic cigarettes or vaping.

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Have you ever smoked cigarettes regularly? Please do not include electronic cigarettes or vaping.

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if CigNow equals 2


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    When do you have your first cigarette of the day?

    Response options:
    1. Within two hours of waking up
    2. More than two hours after waking up
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if CigNow equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN73 on 25/08/2021

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN98 on 17/08/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    When do you usually have your first cigarette?

    Response options:
    1. Within 5 minutes of waking up
    2. Between 5 minutes to 15 minutes
    3. Between 15 minutes to half an hour
    4. Between half an hour to an hour
    5. Between an hour to two hours of waking up
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if FirstCig equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN73 on 25/08/2021

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN98 on 17/08/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

    I want to stop smoking.

    Response options:
    1. Definitely agree
    2. Tend to agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Tend to disagree
    5. Definitely disagree
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if CigNow equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN73 on 25/08/2021

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN98 on 17/08/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    When would you say you are aiming to stop smoking?

    Response options:
    1. In the next month
    2. In the next 2-3 months
    3. At a later time
    4. Not sure yet
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if QuitA equals 1 or 2

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN73 on 25/08/2021

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN98 on 17/08/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Do you currently use electronic cigarettes or similar vaping devices such as an e-shisha or e-pipe?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, daily
    2. Yes, occasionally
    3. No, but I used to
    4. I have never used an electronic cigarette or similar vaping device
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN73 on 25/08/2021

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN98 on 17/08/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Have you ever smoked cigarettes regularly?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - General

    Ask all

  • Question:

    Do you currently smoke or vape at all?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - General

    Ask all

  • Question:

    Have you consumed alcohol in the last 7 days?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021

  • Question:

    On those occasions you have consumed alcohol in the last 7 days, who have you been with?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. No one, I was alone
    2. Someone from my own household
    3. Someone from a different household
    4. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if AlcohAny equals 1 (Yes)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 7 on 15/04/2021

  • Question:

    Please think about the times you drank in the last 7 days. To what extent do you think that consuming alcohol affected how you followed guidance around coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. I followed the guidance more closely
    2. It did not affect how I followed the guidance
    3. I followed the guidance less closely
    4. Prefer not to answer
    5. Not applicable
    • SCIS
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if AlcohAny equals 1 (Yes)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021

  • Question:

    Are you registered with a GP practice, surgery or clinic at your term time address?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 7 on 15/04/2021

    Removed from SCIS Wave 9 on 24/05/2021

    Reinstated for SCIS Wave 12 on 05/11/2021


    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 12 on 05/11/2021.

    The variable name changed from "GRRegis" to "GPReg".

    The question wording changed to include "…at your term time address" at the end of the question

  • Question:

    When did you register with your current GP practice, surgery or clinic?

    Response options:
    1. Since the start of the Autumn 2021 term
    2. Before the start of the Autumn 2021 term
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if GPReg equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 12 on 05/11/2021

  • Question:

    Are you registered to a GP practice in the location you currently live?

    In this case, the GP practice must be local (within ten miles of your current residency) and is the practice you would go to if you have any non-urgent medical need

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if GPRegis equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 7 on 15/04/2021

    Removed from SCIS Wave 9 on 24/05/2021

  • Question:

    What impact, if any, has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had on your physical health?

    Response options:
    1. My physical health has got better
    2. No change
    3. My physical health has got worse
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What impact, if any, has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had on your sleep?

    Response options:
    1. My sleep has got better
    2. No change
    3. My sleep has got worse
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What impact, if any, has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had on the food you eat?

    Response options:
    1. The food I eat is more healthy
    2. No change
    3. The food I eat is less healthy
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What impact, if any, has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had on the amount of alcohol you drink?

    Response options:
    1. I drink more alcohol
    2. No change
    3. I drink less alcohol
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What impact, if any, has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had on the amount of exercise that you do?

    Response options:
    1. I exercise more
    2. No change
    3. I exercise less
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What impact, if any, has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had on the amount of cigarettes that you smoke?

    Response options:
    1. I smoke more cigarettes
    2. No change
    3. I smoke fewer cigarettes
    4. Not applicable, I stopped smoking before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if CigNow equals Yes or CigEver equals Yes

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Have you received a winter flu vaccine in the last 12 months?

    Response options:
    1. Winter flu vaccine 2020
    2. Winter flu vaccine 2021
    3. None of these
    4. Don’t know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN86 on 03/03/2022

  • Question:

    How likely or unlikely would you be to have a flu vaccine this winter?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_FluB does not equal "Winter flu vaccine 2021"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN86 on 03/03/2022

  • Question:

    What was the main condition that caused you to take this/the first/the further sickness absence?

    Response options:
    1. Back pain
    2. Neck and upper limb problems (e.g. arthritis in hand joints, stiff neck)
    3. Other musculoskeletal problems
    4. Stress, depression, anxiety (common mental health problems)
    5. Manic depression, schizophrenia and other serious mental health problems
    6. Minor illnesses: coughs, colds and flu
    7. sickness, nausea and diarrhoea
    8. Other respiratory conditions (e.g. asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease [COPD], bronchitis, pneumonia)
    9. Other gastrointestinal problems (e.g. irritable bowel syndrome [IBS], piles, bowel cancer, stomach ulcer)
    10. Headaches and migraines
    11. Pregnancy problems
    12. Genito-urinary
    13. to include urine infections & menstrual problems
    14. Heart, blood pressure & circulation problems
    15. Eye, ear, nose & mouth/dental
    16. to include sinusitis and toothache
    17. Diabetes
    18. Other (accidents, poisonings, infectious diseases, skin disorders and anything else not covered above)
    19. Prefers not to give details
    • LFS
    • Health - General
    Variable name:





    Ask if had one or more periods of sickness in the reference week


    A single response option is allowed.

    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

    The variable name depends on whether the question is referring to a current ("Illne20"), first ("Illfst20"), or further ("Illnxt20") sickness period.

  • Question:

    How would you describe this illness?

    Response options:
    1. Bone, joint or muscle problems which mainly affect (or is mainly connected with) arms, hands, neck or shoulder
    2. Hips, legs or feet
    3. Back
    4. Breathing or lung problems
    5. Skin problems
    6. Hearing problems
    7. Stress, depression or anxiety
    8. Headache and/or eyestrain
    9. Heart disease / attack, other circulatory system
    10. Infectious disease (virus, bacteria)
    11. Other
    • LFS
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if had an illness or disability or other physical or mental problem in work in the last 12 months 


    This question is asked in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) across the UK.

    This question is only asked in the main sample.

  • Question:

    Was your illness linked to changes in your working conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic?  

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if TypIll is different than "Breathing or lung problems", "Infectious disease (virus, bacteria)" or "Other", OR TypIll equals "Breathing or lung problems", "Infectious disease (virus, bacteria)" or "Other" and TypCov2 equals "No" or "Don't know" OR TypIll equals "Breathing or lung problems", "Infectious disease (virus, bacteria)" or "Other" and TypCov equals "No" and worked in the last 12 months

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) 2021

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 6 (July - Sept) 2022


    This question is asked in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) across the UK.

    This question is only asked in the main sample.

  • Question:

    Overall, how satisfied are you with your life nowadays, where 0 is "not at all satisfied" and 10 is "completely satisfied"?

    Please enter a number from 0 to 10 in the box below (OPN, SCIS and SEIS only)

    Response options:
    1. [enter or select a number from 0 to 10]
    2. Prefer not to say
    3. Don't know
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • CEV
    • OPN
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Over 80s
    • TUS
    • HAS
    • SLC
    • LFS
    • T&T Behaviours
    • LCF
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:


    LifeSatis (T&T and Over 80s only)

    LifeSatisfaction (CEV only)

    Satis (HAS, SLC LCF and LFS only)


    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LCF in 04/2022


    "Please enter a number from 0 to 10 in the box below" is only presented for OPN, SCIS and SEIS. SCIS and SEIS say "Please select..." instead of "Please enter...".

    Variable is unlabelled in TUS.

    TUS, HAS, and SLC response options do not include "Prefer not to say" and "Don't know". T&T includes "Prefer not to say".

    For T&T Cases, T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts), T&T Behaviours and CEV, the "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer and for T&T Contacts and CEV, the "Don't know" response option is coded if the respondent is unsure.

    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter across the UK. This question is asked in Wave 1 and 5 of the main sample and all waves of the boost sample. This question cannot be asked if a proxy is being utilised.

  • Question:

    Overall, to what extent do you feel that the things you do in your life are worthwhile, where 0 is "not at all worthwhile" and 10 is "completely worthwhile"?

    Please enter a number from 0 to 10 in the box below (OPN, SCIS and SEIS only)

    Response options:
    1. [enter or select a number from 0 to 10]
    2. Prefer not to say
    3. Don't know
    • OPN
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • TUS
    • SLC
    • LFS
    • LCF
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:


    Worth (SLC, LCF and LFS only)


    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LCF in 04/2022


    "Please enter a number from 0 to 10 in the box below" is only presented for OPN, SCIS and SEIS. SCIS and SEIS say "Please select..." instead of "Please enter...".

    Variable is unlabelled in TUS.

    TUS and SLC response options do not include "Prefer not to say" and "Don't know".

    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter across the UK. This question is asked in Wave 1 and 5 of the main sample and all waves of the boost sample. This question cannot be asked if a proxy is being utilised.

  • Question:

    Overall, how happy did you feel yesterday, where 0 is "not at all happy" and 10 is "completely happy"?

    Please enter a number from 0 to 10 in the box below (OPN, SCIS and SEIS only)

    Response options:
    1. [enter or select a number from 0 to 10]
    2. Prefer not to say
    3. Don't know
    • OPN
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • TUS
    • SLC
    • LFS
    • LCF
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:


    Happy (SLC, LCF and LFS only)


    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LCF in 04/2022


    "Please enter a number from 0 to 10 in the box below" is only presented for OPN, SCIS and SEIS. SCIS and SEIS say "Please select..." instead of "Please enter...".

    Variable is unlabelled in TUS.

    TUS and SLC response options do not include "Prefer not to say" and "Don't know".

    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter across the UK. This question is asked in Wave 1 and 5 of the main sample and all waves of the boost sample. This question cannot be asked if a proxy is being utilised.

  • Question:

    On a scale where 0 is "not at all anxious" and 10 is "completely anxious", overall, how anxious did you feel yesterday?

    Please enter a number from 0 to 10 in the box below (OPN, SCIS and SEIS only)

    Response options:
    1. [enter or select a number from 0 to 10]
    2. Prefer not to say
    3. Don't know
    • OPN
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Over 80s
    • TUS
    • HAS
    • SLC
    • LFS
    • LCF
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:


    Anxious (Over 80s, HAS, SLC, LCF and LFS only)


    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LCF in 04/2022


    "Please enter a number from 0 to 10 in the box below" is only presented for OPN, SCIS and SEIS. SCIS and SEIS say "Please select..." instead of "Please enter...".

    Variable is unlabelled in TUS.

    TUS, HAS, and SLC response options do not include "Prefer not to say" and "Don't know".

    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter across the UK. This question is asked in Wave 1 and 5 of the main sample and all waves of the boost sample. This question cannot be asked if a proxy is being utilised.

  • Question:

    Has self-isolation had any effect on your wellbeing and mental health?

    OR for SEIS only:

    If you have ever had to self-isolate or quarantine during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, what effect, if any, did this have on your wellbeing and mental health?

    Response options:
    1. I have not been required to self-isolate at any point (SEIS only)
    2. Yes, negative
    3. Yes, positive
    4. No effect
    5. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all (T&T Self-isolating and SEIS)

    Ask if IsoCheck equals "Yes" (T&T Cases)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    "I have not been required to self-isolate at any point" is only a response option for SEIS.

    For SEIS, the response options "Yes, negative" and "Yes, positive" are presented as "Negative" and "Positive".

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022.

    The routing was changed from "Ask all" to current routing.

  • Question:

    Has being contacted by Test and Trace had any effect on your wellbeing and mental health?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, negative
    2. Yes, positive
    3. No effect
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    If the respondent gives "Yes" as their answer, the following prompt is used: "Would you say that the effect on your wellbeing and mental health was negative or positive?"

  • Question:

    How often do you feel lonely?

    OR for OPN only:

    And how often do you feel lonely?

    Response options:
    1. Often or always
    2. Some of the time
    3. Occasionally
    4. Hardly ever
    5. Never
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to say / answer (SCIS only)
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • CEV
    • T&T Behaviours
    • OPN
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:

    Lonely (SCIS, SEIS and T&T Behaviours only)

    LONELY (CEV only)

    COV_Lon (OPN only)


    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 6 on 21/06/2021


    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 7 on 15/04/2021.

    Response options changed in SCIS Wave 7 to include "Don't know".

    Response option 7 wording changed from "Prefer not to say" in Wave 6 to "Prefer not to answer" in Wave 7.

    Response option 7 wording remains "Prefer not to say" for OPN.

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, how has your wellbeing been affected?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Feeling like a burden on others
    2. Feeling stressed or anxious
    3. Feeling worried about returning to work
    4. Feeling worried about possible job loss
    5. Feeling worried about finding a job
    6. My mental health is worse
    7. Feeling worried about the future
    8. Other (please specify)
    • OPN
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_LifeF equals 5 (Wellbeing)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN84 on 03/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    For "Other (please specify)", the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Have you currently or in the past received treatment for mental health difficulties?

    Response options:
    1. I have never received treatment
    2. I have received treatment in the past, but do not receive treatment now
    3. I'm currently receiving treatment for the first time
    4. I'm currently receiving treatment and I have also received treatment in the past
    5. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    Compared to last month, how is your wellbeing and mental health now?

    Response options:
    1. Much better
    2. Slightly better
    3. No difference
    4. Slightly worse
    5. Much worse
    6. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    The next questions are about how you have been feeling over the past two weeks. For each question, please give the answer that comes closest to the way you have been feeling.

    Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by having little interest or pleasure in doing things?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. On several days
    3. For more than half the days
    4. Nearly every day
    • OPN
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8) Depression Scale.

  • Question:

    Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by feeling down, depressed or hopeless?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. On several days
    3. For more than half the days
    4. Nearly every day
    • OPN
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8) Depression Scale.

  • Question:

    Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by having trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. On several days
    3. For more than half the days
    4. Nearly every day
    • OPN
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8) Depression Scale.

  • Question:

    Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by feeling tired or having little energy?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. On several days
    3. For more than half the days
    4. Nearly every day
    • OPN
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8) Depression Scale.

  • Question:

    Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by having a poor appetite or overeating?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. On several days
    3. For more than half the days
    4. Nearly every day
    • OPN
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8) Depression Scale.

  • Question:

    Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by feeling negative about yourself or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. On several days
    3. For more than half the days
    4. Nearly every day
    • OPN
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8) Depression Scale.

  • Question:

    Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by having trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. On several days
    3. For more than half the days
    4. Nearly every day
    • OPN
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8) Depression Scale.

  • Question:

    Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed; or being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. On several days
    3. For more than half the days
    4. Nearly every day
    • OPN
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8) Depression Scale.

  • Question:

    Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by feeling nervous, anxious or on edge?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. On several days
    3. For more than half the days
    4. Nearly every day
    • OPN
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN67 on 14/07/2021

    Reintroduced for OPN75 on 22/09/2021

    Removed from OPN77 on 20/10/2021

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the GAD-7 anxiety scale questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by not being able to stop or control worrying?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. On several days
    3. For more than half the days
    4. Nearly every day
    • OPN
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN67 on 14/07/2021

    Reintroduced for OPN75 on 22/09/2021

    Removed from OPN77 on 20/10/2021

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the GAD-7 anxiety scale questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Do you make yourself sick because you feel uncomfortably full?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the SCOFF (Sick, Control, One, Fat, Food) questionnaire for screening eating disorders.

  • Question:

    Do you worry you have lost control over how much you eat?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the SCOFF (Sick, Control, One, Fat, Food) questionnaire for screening eating disorders.

  • Question:

    Have you recently lost more than one stone (6.4kg) in a 3 month period?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the SCOFF (Sick, Control, One, Fat, Food) questionnaire for screening eating disorders.

  • Question:

    Do you believe yourself to be fat when others say you are too thin?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the SCOFF (Sick, Control, One, Fat, Food) questionnaire for screening eating disorders.

  • Question:

    Would you say that Food dominates your life?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the SCOFF (Sick, Control, One, Fat, Food) questionnaire for screening eating disorders.

  • Question:

    How has your wellbeing and mental health changed since you started in the Autumn term 2021?

    Response options:
    1. Much better now
    2. Slightly Better now
    3. No difference
    4. Slightly worse now
    5. Much worse now
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021.

    The question wording reference year changed from 2020 to 2021.

    The question wording for SEIS is the same as SCIS Wave 10.

  • Question:

    Could you please tell us if you have engaged with any mental health and well-being services since the start of the Autumn 2021 term?

    For example, mental health charities, GP, IAPT, NHS, university services etc

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 9 on 24/05/2021

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    The question wording for SEIS is slightly different to SCIS as only First year students are responding.

    The question wording for SEIS replaces "…since the start of the Autumn 2021 term" with "…since September 2021".

    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021.

    The question wording reference year changed from 2020 to 2021.

  • Question:

    Which mental health and well-being services have you engaged with since the start of the Autumn 2021 term?

    Please select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. Student specific mental health charities, such as Student Minds, Nightline or Young Minds
    2. Mental health charities, such as Mind, Mental Health UK or ReThink
    3. General practitioner (GP) or primary care
    4. NHS or IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) programme
    5. Online university services
    6. On-campus university services
    7. Student union
    8. Private counsellor or provider
    9. Other
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask if HealthServ equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 9 on 24/05/2021

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    The question wording for SEIS is slightly different to SCIS as only First year students are responding.

    The question wording for SEIS replaces "…since the start of the Autumn 2021 term" with "…since September 2021".

    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021.

    The question wording reference year changed from 2020 to 2021.

  • Question:

    Thinking hypothetically, if you were to require the use of mental health and well-being services in the future, which service would you most likely engage with in the first instance?

    OR for SCIS only:

    If you were to require Mental health & wellbeing support in the future, which service would you most likely use?

    Response options:
    1. Student specific mental health charities, such as Student Minds, Nightline or Young Minds
    2. Mental health charities, such as Mind, Mental Health UK or ReThink
    3. General practitioner (GP) or primary care
    4. NHS or IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) programme
    5. Online university services
    6. On-campus university services
    7. Student union
    8. Private counsellor or provider
    9. Other
    10. Don't know
    • SEIS
    • SCIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask if HealthServ does not equal 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 9 on 24/05/2021

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 12 on 05/11/2021.

    The question wording changed from "Thinking hypothetically, if you were to require the use of mental health and well-being services in the future, which service would you most likely engage with in the first instance?" to "If you were to require Mental health & wellbeing support in the future, which service would you most likely use?" for SCIS only.

  • Question:

    If you were to engage with Mental health & wellbeing services in the future, would you prefer face-to-face or virtual support?

    Response options:
    1. Face-to-face
    2. Virtual/online
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    Do you do any of the following activities to support your general wellbeing?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Physical activity, yoga
    2. Meditation, mindfulness
    3. Meet friends
    4. Cook, bake
    5. Read
    6. Electronic games
    7. Music including listening to music or playing an instrument)
    8. Listen to podcasts, audiobooks
    9. Good sleep routine
    10. Other
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    What impact, if any, has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had on your wellbeing?

    Response options:
    1. My wellbeing has got better
    2. No change
    3. My wellbeing has got worse
    • OPN
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Are you aware of the following mental health support organisations and programmes?

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Every Mind matters
    2. Let's Talk loneliness
    3. Adult Improving Access to Psychological Therapies programme
    4. NHS Volunteer Responders
    5. Hub of Hope
    6. NHS crisis lines
    7. Social Prescribing programme
    8. No, none of the above
    • CEV
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

  • Question:

    Have you ever accessed any of the following for support?

    Response options:
    1. Every mind matters
    2. Let's talk loneliness
    3. Adult Improving Access to Psychological Therapies programme
    4. NHS Volunteer Responders
    5. Hub of hope
    6. NHS crisis lines
    7. Social prescribing programme
    8. None
    • CEV
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask if SupportAvail does not equal 8

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021


    The interviewer records all forms of support the respondent has accessed.

    Only the mental health support organisations and programmes that the respondent selected in the previous question, SupportAvail, will show as response options.

  • Question:

    To what extent do you think coronavirus (COVID-19) poses a risk to the physical or mental health of your friends or relatives?

    Response options:
    1. Major risk
    2. Significant risk
    3. Minor risk
    4. No risk at all
    5. Don’t know
    6. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    For SEIS, response option 6 is "Prefer not to say" instead of "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    To what extent do you think coronavirus (COVID-19) poses a risk to your physical or mental health?

    Response options:
    1. Major risk
    2. Significant risk
    3. Minor risk
    4. No risk at all
    5. Don’t know
    6. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    For SEIS, response option 6 is "Prefer not to say" instead of "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Have you received any vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. I have only received my first vaccine dose
    2. I have received both vaccine doses
    3. I have received two vaccine doses and at least one booster vaccine
    4. No
    5. Don’t know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • TUS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:

    COV_RecVacC (TUS only)

    COV_RecVacD (OPN only)


    Ask all


    Variable is unlabelled in TUS.

    Response options are worded slightly different for TUS.

    Response option three is "I have received two vaccine doses and a booster vaccine" for TUS.

    Changes were made to OPN89 on 13/04/2022.

    Variable name was changed from "COV_RecVacC" to "COV_RecVacD"

    Response option 3 was changed from "I have received two vaccine doses and at least one booster vaccine" to current wording.

  • Question:

    Have you received any vaccinations for COVID-19?

    OR for VOS only:

    Have you received a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know (VOS only)
    4. Prefer not to say
    • IPS
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:

    COV_RecVacB_VOS (VOS only)


    Ask all arrivals (IPS)

    Ask all (VOS)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IPS in 04/2022


    This question was removed from IPS in April 2022 and replaced with another question asking about vaccination status.

  • Question:

    When did you receive your most recent dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. September 2021
    2. July or August 2021
    3. May or June 2021
    4. March or April 2021
    5. January or February 2021
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacB equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Have you received…

    Response options:
    1. One dose?
    2. Two doses?
    3. More than two doses or a booster?
    • IPS
    • Vaccination

    Ask all arrivals

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IPS in 04/2022


    This question is referring to having received the COVID-19 vaccine.

    Changes were made to IPS in 03/2022.

    The response option "More than two doses" was amended to "More than two doses or a booster?".

  • Question:

    How easy or difficult was it for you to get your first dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Very easy
    2. Easy
    3. Neither easy nor difficult
    4. Difficult
    5. Very difficult
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacB equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Did you experience any of the following difficulties when going to get your first dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Difficulty travelling to receive the vaccine
    2. Cost of travel to receive the vaccine
    3. Felt unsafe going to receive the vaccine due to the risk of catching the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    4. Difficulty with accessibility at the vaccination centre, GP surgery or pharmacy
    5. Difficulty finding help for caring responsibilities while I got vaccinated
    6. Long wait at the vaccination centre, GP surgery or pharmacy
    7. Difficulty taking time off work
    8. Difficulty booking an appointment
    9. Other, please specify
    10. I did not experience any difficulties
    11. Don't know
    12. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacB equals "Yes"


    If "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, encouraged you to get a first dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I wanted to protect myself from the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. I wanted to protect others from the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. I wanted to protect the NHS and other health care workers
    4. Talking to friends and family about having a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    5. Talking to people I work or study with about having a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    6. Talking to my GP or other health professionals
    7. Hearing from a public figure such as a well known person or a faith leader
    8. Hearing about people who had got very ill with the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    9. Information from the NHS
    10. Government announcements or messages
    11. Information on social media
    12. Information on TV, radio or media
    13. None of the above
    14. Don't know
    15. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacB equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, encouraged you to get a first dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I wanted restrictions to ease and life to return to normal
    2. I wanted to make sure that I can attend night clubs, concerts or other events that require a vaccine passport
    3. I wanted to make it easier for me to go on holiday abroad
    4. My employer told me that I need to be vaccinated to work
    5. None of the above
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacB equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, encouraged you to get a first dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Free travel to and from vaccination centres
    2. Option of a walk-in appointment with no need to book
    3. Option of getting a vaccine at the place where I work
    4. Option of getting a vaccine closer to where I live or work (For example, at a pop-up or community centre)
    5. Free food and hot drinks at the vaccination centre
    6. Free tickets to concerts, sports matches, or other events
    7. None of the above
    8. Don't know
    9. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacB equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Are there any other reasons that encouraged you to get a first dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacB equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Please give any other reasons that encouraged you to get a first dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. [enter reason/s]
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_havvac_bOth_VOS equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Which of these health related reasons, if any, have made it unlikely for you to get a second dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I am worried about side effects from the second dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine
    2. I had a bad reaction to a previous coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine
    3. I am worried about the effect on my existing health condition
    4. I am worried about the long-term effects on my health
    5. I have had guidance from a doctor or health professional not to get a second dose of the vaccine
    6. I do not think it will be safe
    7. I am scared of needles
    8. I am pregnant or trying to get pregnant and unsure about whether it is safe for me to have a second dose of the vaccine
    9. I am worried about the effect on being able to have children in the future
    10. I am confused about information on whether or not I should have a second dose of the vaccine
    11. I caught coronavirus (COVID-19) after my first dose and I am not sure about when I should have my second dose
    12. None of the above
    13. Don't know
    14. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecSecVac_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Which of these trust related reasons, if any, have made it unlikely for you to get a second dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I do not trust advice from the government about coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines
    2. I do not think there is enough information about what is in the vaccine
    3. I think the vaccine has been developed too quickly
    4. I am waiting to see how well the vaccine works
    5. I am against vaccines in general
    6. I do not feel I have enough information about the vaccine from trusted sources
    7. I am worried that the brand of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine available will be one that I am unwilling to get
    8. None of the above
    9. Don't know
    10. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecSecVac_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Which of these reasons, if any, have made it unlikely for you to get a second dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I do not feel I am at risk because of my age
    2. I do not feel I am at risk because I am in good health
    3. I feel I have enough protection from the first dose of the vaccine
    4. I do not think I need a second dose of the vaccine as I have already had the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    5. I do not feel at risk because so many other people have been vaccinated
    6. I think other measures are enough to keep me safe, for example wearing a face covering, maintaining social distancing and washing hands
    7. None of the above
    8. Prefer not to say
    9. Don't know
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecSecVac_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Are there any other reasons that have made it unlikely for you to get a second dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecSecVac_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Please give the other reasons that have made it unlikely for you to get a second dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.

    Response options:
    1. [enter reason/s]
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_ReasOth_a_VOS equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, would make you more likely to get a second dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. To protect myself from the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. To protect others from the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. To protect the NHS and other health care workers
    4. Talking to friends and family about having a second dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine
    5. Talking to people I work or study with about having a second dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine
    6. Talking to my GP or other health professionals
    7. Hearing from a public figure such as a well known person or a faith leader
    8. Hearing about people who had got very ill with the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    9. Information from the NHS
    10. Government announcements or messages
    11. Information on social media
    12. Information on TV, radio or in the media
    13. None of the above
    14. Don't know
    15. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecSecVac_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, would make you more likely to get a second dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. If it helps restrictions to ease and life to return to normal
    2. So that I can attend night clubs, concerts or other events that require a vaccine passport
    3. To make it easier for me to go on holiday abroad
    4. If my employer told me that I need to be vaccinated to work
    5. None of the above
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecSecVac_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, would make you more likely to get a second dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Free travel to and from vaccination centres
    2. Option of a walk-in appointment with no need to book
    3. Option of getting a vaccine at the place where I work
    4. Option of getting a vaccine closer to where I live or work. For example, at a pop-up or community centre
    5. Free food and hot drinks at the vaccination centre
    6. Vouchers or discounts. For example, money off food, clothes, leisure and events
    7. Meet and greets with celebrities
    8. None of the above
    9. Don't know
    10. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecSecVac_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Which vouchers or discounts, valued up to £30, would encourage you to get a second dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Shopping vouchers including money off food and clothes
    2. Vouchers for food delivery
    3. Discounts on passes at leisure centres
    4. Holiday vouchers
    5. Vouchers for national coach trips
    6. Free tickets to concerts, sports matches, or other events
    7. None of the above
    8. Don't know
    9. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecSecVac_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Are there any other reasons which would make you more likely to get a second dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecSecVac_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Please give any other reasons that would make you more likely to get a second dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.

    Response options:
    1. [enter reason/s]
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_VacEncourOth_a_VOS equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    When did you receive the vaccine? If you have received two doses please specify the date of the latest dose

    Response options:
    1. In the last seven days
    2. In the last two weeks
    3. In the last three weeks
    4. In the last four weeks
    5. More than four weeks ago
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacB equals "Yes, first vaccine dose", or "Yes, both doses"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN48 on 04/03/21

  • Question:

    Has anyone in your household other than yourself received a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes [please also include partial vaccines]
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if DMHSize greater than 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN48 on 04/03/21

  • Question:

    When did they receive the vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. In the last seven days
    2. In the last two weeks
    3. In the last three weeks
    4. In the last four weeks
    5. More than four weeks ago
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacoth equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN48 on 04/03/21

  • Question:

    Have you been offered the vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, I am waiting to be vaccinated
    2. Yes, I have been offered the vaccine and I have decided not to be vaccinated
    3. No
    4. Don’t know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacB equals "No", "Don’t know", or "Prefer not to say"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021

  • Question:

    If a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19) was offered to you, how likely or unlikely would you be to have the vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_vacoff equals "No", "Don’t know", or "Prefer not to say"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021

  • Question:

    For what reasons would you be unlikely to have a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19) if it was offered to you? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I do not think it will work
    2. I am worried the vaccine will give me the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. I am worried about the side effects
    4. I am worried about the effect on an existing health condition
    5. I am worried about the long term effects on my health
    6. I do not think it will be safe
    7. I am worried it might be painful
    8. I am worried about catching the coronavirus (COVID-19) at a vaccination centre or GP surgery
    9. I am pregnant or trying to get pregnant and afraid of worried about the effects on my baby
    10. I am worried about the effect on being able to have children in the future
    11. I would prefer someone in more need of the vaccine to receive it before me
    12. I am unable to travel to the vaccine centre
    13. I do not think I need the vaccine as I have already had the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    14. I am scared of needles
    15. I do not feel the coronavirus (COVID-19) is a personal risk
    16. I would wait to see how well the vaccine works
    17. I have been advised by a health or medical professional not to get the vaccine
    18. I am against vaccines in general
    19. Other (please specify)
    20. Don’t know
    21. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:

    COV_VaccinenotG Version 1


    Ask if COV_Vaccineav equals "Fairly unlikely" or "Very unlikely"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If "Other (please specify)" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    For what reasons did you decide to not have the vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19) when it was offered to you? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I do not think it will work
    2. I am worried the vaccine will give me the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. I am worried about the side effects
    4. I am worried about the effect on an existing health condition
    5. I am worried about the long term effects on my health
    6. I do not think it will be safe
    7. I am worried it might be painful
    8. I am worried about catching the coronavirus (COVID-19) at a vaccination centre or GP surgery
    9. I am pregnant or trying to get pregnant and afraid of worried about the effects on my baby
    10. I am worried about the effect on being able to have children in the future
    11. I would prefer someone in more need of the vaccine to receive it before me
    12. I am unable to travel to the vaccine centre
    13. I do not think I need the vaccine as I have already had the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    14. I am scared of needles
    15. I do not feel the coronavirus (COVID-19) is a personal risk
    16. I would wait to see how well the vaccine works
    17. I have been advised by a health or medical professional not to get the vaccine
    18. I am against vaccines in general
    19. Other (please specify)
    20. Or
    21. Don’t know
    22. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:

    COV_VaccinenotG Version 2


    Ask if COV_vacoff equals "Yes, offered the vaccine and decided not to be vaccinated"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021

  • Question:

    For what reasons are you not certain about getting the vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19) if it is offered to you? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I do not think it will work
    2. I am worried the vaccine will give me the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. I am worried about the side effects
    4. I am worried about the effect on an existing health condition
    5. I am worried about the long term effects on my health
    6. I do not think it will be safe
    7. I am worried it might be painful
    8. I am worried about catching the coronavirus (COVID-19) at a vaccination centre or GP surgery
    9. I am pregnant or trying to get pregnant and afraid of worried about the effects on my baby
    10. I am worried about the effect on being able to have children in the future
    11. I would prefer someone in more need of the vaccine to receive it before me
    12. I am unable to travel to the vaccine centre
    13. I do not think I need the vaccine as I have already had the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    14. I am scared of needles
    15. I do not feel the coronavirus (COVID-19) is a personal risk
    16. I would wait to see how well the vaccine works
    17. I have been advised by a health or medical professional not to get the vaccine
    18. I am against vaccines in general
    19. Other (please specify)
    20. Or
    21. Don’t know
    22. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:

    COV_VaccinenotG Version 3


    Ask if COV_Vaccineav equals "Neither likely nor unlikely" or "Don’t know"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021

  • Question:

    How likely or unlikely are you to have a second dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:

    COV_RecSecVac (OPN)

    COV_RecSecVac_VOS (VOS)


    Ask if COV_RecVacC equals "I have only received my first vaccine dose" (OPN)

    Ask if COV_CountDose_VOS equals "I have only received my first vaccine dose" (VOS)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN56 on 28/04/2021

    Removed from OPN83 on 19/01/2022

  • Question:

    For what reasons would you be unlikely to have a second dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I think the first vaccine dose will be enough to keep me safe
    2. I had a bad reaction to the first vaccine dose
    3. I am worried about having a bad reaction to the second vaccine dose
    4. I am pregnant or trying to get pregnant and worried about the effects on my baby
    5. I am unable to travel to the vaccine centre
    6. I am scared of needles
    7. I do not think a second dose will offer me any extra protection
    8. I am worried about the long-term effects on my health
    9. Other, please specify
    10. Don’t know
    11. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecSecVar equals "Fairly unlikely", or "Very unlikely"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN56 on 28/04/2021

    Removed from OPN83 on 19/01/2022


    If "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Did you experience any of the following difficulties when going to get your first dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Difficulty travelling to receive the vaccine
    2. Cost of travel to receive the vaccine
    3. Felt unsafe going to receive the vaccine due to the risk of catching the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    4. Difficulty with accessibility at the vaccination centre, GP surgery or pharmacy
    5. Difficulty finding help for caring responsibilities while I got vaccinated
    6. Long wait at the vaccination centre, GP surgery or pharmacy
    7. Difficulty taking time off work
    8. Difficulty booking an appointment, please specify
    9. Other, please specify
    10. I did not experience any difficulties
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacC equals "I have only received my first vaccine dose", "I have received two vaccine doses" or "I have received two vaccine doses and a booster vaccine".

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN83 on 19/01/2022


    If "Difficulty booking an appointment, please specify" or "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Would you anticipate any of the following difficulties when going to get a vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Difficulty travelling to receive the vaccine
    2. Cost of travel to receive the vaccine
    3. I would feel unsafe going to receive the vaccine due to the risk of catching the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    4. Worries about accessibility at the vaccination centre, GP surgery or pharmacy
    5. Difficulty finding help for caring responsibilities while I am getting vaccinated
    6. Possible long wait at the vaccination centre, GP surgery or pharmacy
    7. Difficult to take time off work
    8. Other, please specify
    9. I am not expecting any difficulties
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacC equals "No"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN83 on 19/01/2022


    If "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Next we would like to ask a few questions about the COVID-19 vaccine.

    Have you had at least one dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

  • Question:

    If a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19) was offered to you, how likely or unlikely would you be to have the vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely or unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to say
    8. Have an appointment confirmed
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VaccineHave equals "No" or "Prefer not to say"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CEV Wave 2 on 22/02/2021

  • Question:

    How many doses of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine have you received?

    Response options:
    1. No doses
    2. One dose only
    3. Two doses
    4. More than two doses
    5. Don't know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 2 on 22/02/2021


    Changes were made to CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021.

    The routing information changed from "Ask if VaccineHad equals Yes" to "Ask all" due to a question removal.

    Response option "No doses" was added to Wave 7.

  • Question:

    How many doses of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine have you had?

    Response options:
    1. I have only received my first vaccine dose
    2. I have received both vaccine doses
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacB equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    When did you receive your latest dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. In the last 7 days
    2. 1 to 2 weeks ago
    3. 2 to 3 weeks ago
    4. 3 to 4 weeks ago
    5. More than four weeks ago
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VacDose equals 1, 2, or 3

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 2 on 22/02/2021

    Removed from CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

  • Question:

    Are you eligible for a third primary dose for the severely immunosuppressed?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Not sure
    4. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VacDose does not equal 4

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

  • Question:

    Have you booked an appointment for your third primary dose?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if ThirdDoseEle equals "Yes" and VacDose equals " Two doses"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

  • Question:

    How likely or unlikely are you to take up your third primary dose for the severely immunosuppressed?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if ThirdDose does not equal "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

  • Question:

    Have you booked an appointment for your booster vaccine dose?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VacDose equals "Two doses" and ThirdDoseEle does not equal "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

  • Question:

    Have you booked an appointment for a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacB_VOS equals "No", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    How easy or difficult was it for you to book a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Very easy
    2. Easy
    3. Neither easy nor difficult
    4. Difficult
    5. Very difficult
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    For which reasons, if any, have you not booked a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination appointment until recently?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I have just become eligible
    2. I haven’t had time
    3. I was waiting to see how the vaccine affects others
    4. I was worried about vaccine side effects
    5. I am reliant on someone to take me and have been waiting
    6. I had to wait to book time off work
    7. I was waiting to get advice from my GP or other health professionals
    8. I was waiting for a vaccine venue near me
    9. I hadn’t thought it was necessary for me until now
    10. Other, please specify
    11. Don't know
    12. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "Yes"


    If "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, encouraged you to book a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I wanted to protect myself from the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. I wanted to protect others from the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. I wanted to protect the NHS and other health care workers
    4. Talking to friends and family about having a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    5. Talking to people I work or study with about having a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    6. Talking to my GP or other health professionals
    7. Hearing from a public figure such as a well known person or a faith leader
    8. Hearing about people who had got very ill with the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    9. Information from the NHS
    10. Government announcements or messages
    11. Information on social media
    12. Information on TV, radio or in the media
    13. None of the above
    14. Don't know
    15. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, encouraged you to book a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I wanted restrictions to ease and life to return to normal
    2. I wanted to make sure that I can attend night clubs, concerts or other events that require a vaccine passport
    3. I wanted to make it easier for me to go on holiday abroad
    4. My employer told me that I need to be vaccinated to work
    5. None of the above
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, encouraged you to book a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Free travel to and from vaccination centres
    2. Option of a walk-in appointment with no need to book
    3. Option of getting a vaccine at the place where I work
    4. Option of getting a vaccine closer to where I live or work (For example, at a pop-up or community centre)
    5. Free food and hot drinks at the vaccination centre
    6. Free tickets to concerts, sports matches, or other events
    7. None of the above
    8. Don't know
    9. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Are they any other reasons that encouraged you to get a first dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Please specify for what other reasons you decided to get a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.

    Response options:
    1. [enter reason/s]
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_HavVac_aOth_VOS equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Which of these health related reasons, if any, have stopped you from getting a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I am worried about side effects of the vaccine
    2. I am worried about the effect on my existing health condition
    3. I am worried about the long-term effects on my health
    4. I have had guidance from a doctor or health professional not to get the vaccine
    5. I do not think it will be safe
    6. I am scared of needles
    7. I am pregnant or trying to get pregnant and unsure about whether it is safe for me to have the vaccine
    8. I am worried about the effect on being able to have children in the future
    9. I am confused about information on whether or not I should have the vaccine
    10. None of the above
    11. Don't know
    12. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals

  • Question:

    Which of these trust related reasons, if any, have stopped you from getting a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I do not trust advice from the government about coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines
    2. Not enough information about what is in the vaccine
    3. I think the vaccine has been developed too quickly
    4. I am waiting to see how well the vaccine works
    5. I am against vaccines in general
    6. I do not feel I have enough information about the vaccine from trusted sources
    7. I am worried that the brand of coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine available will be one that I am unwilling to get
    8. None of the above
    9. Don't know
    10. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "No", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Which of these reasons, if any, have stopped you from getting a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I do not feel I am at risk because of my age
    2. I do not feel I am at risk because I am in good health
    3. I do not think I need a vaccine as I have already had the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    4. I do not feel at risk because so many other people have been vaccinated
    5. I think other measures are enough to keep me safe, for example wearing a face covering, maintaining social distancing and washing hands
    6. None of the above
    7. Don't know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "No", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Are there any other reasons that have stopped you from getting a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "No", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Please give the other reasons that have stopped you from getting a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. [enter reason/s]
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_ReasOth_b_VOS equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, would make you more likely to get a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. To protect myself from the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. To protect others from the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. To protect the NHS and other health care workers
    4. Talking to friends and family about having a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    5. Talking to people I work or study with about having a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    6. Talking to my GP or other health professionals
    7. Hearing from a public figure such as a well known person or a faith leader
    8. Hearing about people who had got very ill with the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    9. Information from the NHS
    10. Government announcements or messages
    11. Information on social media
    12. Information on TV, radio or in the media
    13. None of the above
    14. Don't know
    15. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "No", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, would make you more likely to get a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. If it helps restrictions to ease and life to return to normal
    2. So that I can attend night clubs, concerts or other events that require a vaccine passport
    3. To make it easier for me to go on holiday abroad
    4. If my employer told me that I need to be vaccinated to work
    5. None of the above
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "No", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, would make you more likely to get a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Free travel to and from vaccination centres
    2. Option of a walk-in appointment with no need to book
    3. Option of getting a vaccine at the place where I work
    4. Option of getting a vaccine closer to where I live or work. For example, at a pop-up or community centre
    5. Free food and hot drinks at the vaccination centre
    6. Vouchers or discounts. For example, money off food, clothes, leisure and events
    7. Meet and greets with celebrities
    8. None of the above
    9. Don't know
    10. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "No", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Which vouchers or discounts, valued up to £30, would make you more likely to get a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Shopping vouchers including money off food and clothes
    2. Vouchers for food delivery
    3. Discounts on passes at leisure centres
    4. Holiday vouchers
    5. Vouchers for national coach trips
    6. Free tickets to concerts, sports matches, or other events
    7. None of the above
    8. Don't know
    9. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "No", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Are there any other reasons that would make you more likely to get a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "No", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Please give any other reasons that would make you more likely to get a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. [enter reason/s]
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_VacEncourOth_b_VOS equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    For T&T only:

    Some people are being offered a third 'booster' dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. If this was offered to you, how likely or unlikely would you be to have the booster dose?

    OR for CEV only:

    How likely or unlikely are you to take up a booster vaccine?

    OR for SCIS only:

    How likely or unlikely would you be to have the booster dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    8. Have an appointment confirmed (T&T and SCIS only)
    • CEV
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • T&T Cases
    • SCIS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:


    VaccboostLike (CEV only)


    Ask if Vaccinated equals "Yes, 1st and 2nd doses" or "Prefer not to say" (T&T Self-isolating only)

    Ask if Vaccinated equals "Yes, 1st dose only", "Yes, 1st and 2nd doses" or "Prefer not to say" (T&T Behaviours and T&T Cases)

    Ask if Vaccboost does not equal "Yes" (CEV only)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

    Added to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 9 on 04/10/2021

    Removed from T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 12

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 8 on 01/11/2021

    Removed from T&T Self-isolating Wave 10 on 08/11/2021

    Removed from T&T Behaviours Wave 2 on 22/11/2021

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 9 on 29/11/2021.

    Added to SCIS Wave 14 on 25/02/2022.


    For SCIS, the response option order is slightly different and "Prefer not to say" is "Prefer not to answer".

    For T&T this question was replaced with LikelyBooster2.

  • Question:

    Have you ever been vaccinated against COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • Vaccination

    Ask all

  • Question:

    Have you been offered a vaccination against COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • Vaccination

    Ask if have not been vaccinated

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CIS Version 11 on 04/07/2021

  • Question:

    Have you been offered the vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    Have you had at least one dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACOFFERED equals 1

  • Question:

    How many doses of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine have you received?

    Response options:
    1. One dose only
    2. Two doses
    3. More than two doses
    4. Don't know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACHAD equals 1

  • Question:

    Which of the following best describes why you have not been vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Select only one answer

    Response options:
    1. I don't want to be vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. I would like to be vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19) but I missed my appointment
    3. I would like to be vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19) but I am still waiting for my appointment
    4. I am exempt from being vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19)
    5. Other
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACHAD equals 2

  • Question:

    When did you receive your latest dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine? Was it…

    Response options:
    1. In the last seven days
    2. 1 to 2 weeks ago,
    3. 2 to 3 weeks ago,
    4. 3 to 4 weeks ago,
    5. More than four weeks ago?
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACHAD equals 1


    VACDOSE equals 1, 2, or 3

  • Question:

    Have you experienced any of the following side effects as a result of receiving the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Having a painful, heavy feeling and tenderness in the arm where you had your injection?
    2. Feeling tired?
    3. Headache?
    4. General aches, or mild flu like symptoms?
    5. Feeling feverish?
    6. Don't know?
    7. I haven't experienced any side effects from the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACHAD equals 1


    VACDOSE equals 1, 2, or 3

  • Question:

    To what extent might your experience of these side effects affect your decision to get the second dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Much more likely to get the second dose
    2. Somewhat more likely to get the second dose
    3. Will not affect my decision to get the second dose
    4. Somewhat less likely to get the second dose
    5. Much less likely to get the second dose
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACHAD equals 1 and VACDOSE equals 1 and VACSIDEEFFECTS less than 6

  • Question:

    How likely or unlikely are you to encourage someone else to get the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Somewhat likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Somewhat unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    For what reasons did you not want the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine when it was offered to you? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I do not think it will work
    2. I am worried the vaccine will give me the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. I am worried about the side effects
    4. I do not feel well enough to have it
    5. I am worried about the long term effects on my health
    6. I am concerned that I could catch coronavirus (COVID-19) from others when I go to get the vaccination
    7. I am worried it might be painful / I am scared of needles
    8. I am against vaccines in general
    9. I do not think I need the vaccine as I think I have already had the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    10. I do not feel the coronavirus (COVID-19) is a personal risk
    11. I want to wait to see how well the vaccine works
    12. Other (please specify)
    13. Don’t know
    14. Prefer not to say
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACNOWANT equals 1

  • Question:

    Did you experience barriers to having the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine when it was offered to you?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I can't afford to travel to get the vaccine
    2. I am unable to travel to get the vaccine for health reasons
    3. I have been advised by a health or medical professional not to get the vaccine
    4. I do not feel well enough to get the vaccine
    5. Other
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    8. I did not experience any barriers
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACNOWANT equals 1 or 2

  • Question:

    You mentioned that you are against vaccines in general. Why are you against vaccines? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Worries about risk of allergic reactions / side affects
    2. Religious beliefs
    3. Belief that a vaccination could make me sick, or cause death
    4. Don't trust the government / pharmaceutical companies motives
    5. Friends or family are against vaccines
    6. Perceived impingement of freedoms
    7. Other
    8. Don't know
    9. Prefer not to say
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACNOWANT equals 1 and

    NOVACWHY equals 8

  • Question:

    Which, if any, of the following people influenced your decision not to have the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Your friends?
    2. Your partner or spouse?
    3. Your child or children?
    4. Your grandchild or grandchildren?
    5. Other members of your family?
    6. Non-family carer?
    7. Members of your community (for example social and religious groups)?
    8. Other?
    9. None of these?
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACNOWANT equals 1

  • Question:

    Was your decision not to have the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine influenced by any of the following things?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Newspapers?
    2. Television?
    3. Social media?
    4. Religious beliefs?
    5. Other?
    6. None of these?
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    VACNOWANT equals 1

  • Question:

    Is there anything that may change your mind about not wanting to receive the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Positive feedback from friends or family who have received the vaccine
    2. Encouragement from friends or family to get vaccinated
    3. Positive media stories
    4. Waiting until more people have received the vaccine
    5. Deterioration of health
    6. Improvement in health
    7. More support to get to the vaccination site (for example money, resources)
    8. Nothing could change my mind
    9. Other
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACNOWANT equals 1

  • Question:

    Type of vaccination

    Response options:
    1. Don’t know type
    2. Pfizer/BioNTech
    3. Moderna
    4. Oxford/AstraZeneca
    5. Janssen\Johnson&Johnson
    6. Novavax
    7. Sinovac
    8. From a research study/trial
    9. Sputnik
    10. Valneva
    11. Sinopharm
    12. Other, specify
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Vaccination

    Ask if have been vaccinated

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CIS Enrolment Version 13 on 14/12/2021


    A single response option is allowed.

    For "Other, specify" the respondent is given space to specify.

    Changes were made to CIS Version 10 on 27/05/2021.

    Response option spelling was corrected from "Sinovax" in Version 9 to "Sinovac" in Version 10.

    Response options "Sputnik", "Valneva", and "Sinopharm" were added to Version 10.

  • Question:

    What type of vaccination did you have for your first/second/third/fourth dose? (select one)

    Response options:
    1. Don’t know type
    2. Pfizer/BioNTech
    3. Moderna
    4. Oxford/AstraZeneca
    5. Janssen\Johnson&Johnson
    6. Novavax
    7. Sinovac
    8. From a research study/trial
    9. Sputnik
    10. Valneva
    11. Sinopharm
    12. Other, specify
    • CIS Enrolment
    • Vaccination

    Ask if have been vaccinated

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CIS Enrolment Version 13 on 14/12/2021


    A single response option is allowed.

    For "Other, specify" the respondent is given space to specify.

    The same question is asked for the first, second, third and fourth doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

  • Question:

    What type of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine did you receive?

    If you had two different types of vaccine, please select both types

    Response options:
    1. Pfizer/BioNTech
    2. Moderna
    3. Oxford/AstraZeneca
    4. Janssen/Johnston&Johnson
    5. Novavax
    6. Sinovax
    7. Sputnik
    8. Valneva
    9. Sinopharm
    10. From a research study/trial
    11. Other
    12. Don't know
    13. Prefer not to say
    • SEIS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    Number of doses received to date

    OR for CIS Enrolment only:

    How many doses of any vaccine have you received to date, including any booster doses?

    Response options:
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3 or more
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Vaccination

    Ask if have been vaccinated


    A single response option is allowed.

    Changes were made to CIS Enrolment Version 13 on 14/12/2021.

    The question wording changed from "Number of doses received to date" to the current CIS Enrolment wording.

  • Question:

    Date of most recent vaccination (if you can’t remember the day of the month, put the 15th)

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Vaccination

    Ask if have been vaccinated

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CIS Enrolment Version 13 on 14/12/2021


    Date provided in DDMM202Y format.

    Changes were made to CIS Version 12 on 21/09/2021.

    Additional information "(if you can't remember the day of the month, put the 15th)" was added to the question wording.

  • Question:

    What was the date of your first/second/third/fourth vaccination? (if you can’t remember the day of the month, put the 15th)

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • CIS Enrolment
    • Vaccination

    Ask if have been vaccinated

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CIS Enrolment Version 13 on 14/12/2021


    Date provided in DDMM202Y format.

    The same question is asked for the first, second, third and fourth doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

  • Question:

    Have you been vaccinated against COVID-19 since we last spoke to you? (Still select "Yes" if you have received a second or later dose, or a booster dose since we last spoke to you)

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Vaccination

    Ask all


    Changes were made to CIS Follow-up Version 13 on 14/12/2021.

    The question wording changed from "Have you been vaccinated against COVID-19 since we last spoke to you? (Select "Yes" if you have received a second or later dose since we last spoke to you)" to the current wording.

  • Question:

    Have you been vaccinated against flu since September 2021? (this is commonly know as the "flu jab" or "seasonal flu vaccination")

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Vaccination

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CIS Version 12 on 21/09/2021

  • Question:

    Have you been offered a vaccination against COVID-19 since we last spoke to you?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Vaccination

    Ask if have not been vaccinated since last visit

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CIS Version 11 on 04/07/2021

  • Question:

    Have you been vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. No
    2. Yes, 1st dose only
    3. Yes, 1st and 2nd doses
    4. Yes, three doses (T&T only)
    5. Yes, I have received three or more doses (SCIS only)
    6. Yes, four doses (T&T only)
    7. Prefer not to say
    8. Don't know (SCIS and SEIS only)
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • IAIS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:

    Vaccinated (T&T, SCIS and SEIS only)

    VaccineDose (IAIS only)


    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021


    For SCIS, the response option "Prefer not to say" is "Prefer not to answer".

    For SCIS and SEIS, the response option order is slightly different. The "Yes" response options are also different. SEIS response options are worded as "Yes, I have received my first vaccine dose" and "Yes, I have received both vaccine doses". SCIS response options are "Yes, I have received my first vaccine dose","Yes, I have received two vaccine doses" and "Yes, I have received three or more doses".

    Changes were made to IAIS Wave 3 on 12/07/2021.

    The question wording changed from "A number of people have been receiving coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. Have you been vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19)?" to the current wording.

    Changes were made to T&T Behaviours Wave 2 on 22/11/2021 and T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021.

    Response options "Yes, three doses" and "Yes, four doses" were added. The response option "Yes, 1st and 2nd doses as well as the 3rd booster dose" was removed.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 9 on 29/11/2021.

    The response option "Yes, 1st and 2nd doses as well as the 3rd booster dose" was changed to "Yes, three doses". Response option "Other - including the third primary dose for the immunosuppressed" was changed to "Yes, four doses". The new response options match the response options used for other T&T surveys.

    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 14 on 25/02/2022.

    Response option "Yes, I have received both vaccine doses" was changed to "Yes, I have received two vaccine doses" and response option "Yes, I have received three or more doses" was added.

  • Question:

    Why haven't you been vaccinated against coronavirus?

    Response options:
    1. I have had difficulty booking a vaccination appointment
    2. I am unsure of the evidence or I do not think there is enough evidence
    3. I believe the COVID vaccines are harmful or dangerous
    4. I object on religious grounds
    5. I don’t have time or resources to get to the vaccination centre
    6. I plan on getting vaccinated at a later date
    7. Other (please specify?)
    8. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if Vaccinated equals "No"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 7 on 27/09/2021

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/02/2022

    Added to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 9 on 04/10/2021


    For "Other (please specify?)" the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    If a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19) was offered to you, how likely or unlikely would you be to have the vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely or unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Have an appointment confirmed
    7. Don't know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • IAIS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if Vaccinated equals 1 (No) or 4 (Prefer not to say)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 7 on 27/09/2021

    Removed from T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 9 on 04/10/2021


    This question was removed from T&T Cases and T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts). It was replaced with LikelyBooster, which can also be found in the Question Bank.

  • Question:

    Which of the following best describes why you have not been vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. I don't want to be vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. I would like to be vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19) but I missed my appointment
    3. I would like to be vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19) but I am still waiting for my appointment
    4. I am exempt from being vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19)
    5. Other
    6. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VaccineHad equals No

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 2 on 22/02/2021

    Removed from CEV Wave 4 on 26/04/2021

  • Question:

    For what reasons don’t you want to be vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19) if it was offered to you?

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I am sceptical about the vaccine's efficacy
    2. I am worried about the side effects of the vaccine
    3. I do not think I am at risk from COVID-19
    4. I am not able to access a vaccination centre/place to be vaccinated
    5. Other reason
    6. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VacNoWant equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 2 on 22/02/2021

    Removed from CEV Wave 4 on 26/04/2021

  • Question:

    Has receiving the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination made you more or less likely to leave home to go to the shops for groceries, toiletries, medicine or other items?

    Response options:
    1. Much more likely
    2. Somewhat more likely
    3. Neither more nor less likely
    4. Somewhat less likely
    5. Much less likely
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VaccineHad equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 2 on 22/02/2021

    Removed from CEV Wave 4 on 26/04/2021

  • Question:

    Do you think that after the first dose you will be more or less likely to leave home to go to the shops for groceries, toiletries, medicine or other items?

    Response options:
    1. Much more likely
    2. Somewhat more likely
    3. Neither more nor less likely
    4. Somewhat less likely
    5. Much less likely
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VacNoWant equals 2 or 3

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 2 on 22/02/2021

    Removed from CEV Wave 4 on 26/04/2021

  • Question:

    Has receiving the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination made you more or less likely to meet with people who you do not live with?

    Response options:
    1. Much more likely
    2. Somewhat more likely
    3. Neither more nor less likely
    4. Somewhat less likely
    5. Much less likely
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VaccineHad equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 2 on 22/02/2021

    Removed from CEV Wave 4 on 26/04/2021

  • Question:

    Do you think that after the first dose you will be more or less likely to meet with people who you do not live with?

    Response options:
    1. Much more likely
    2. Somewhat more likely
    3. Neither more nor less likely
    4. Somewhat less likely
    5. Much less likely
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VacNoWant equals 2 or 3

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 2 on 22/02/2021

    Removed from CEV Wave 4 on 26/04/2021

  • Question:

    If a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19) was offered to you, how likely or unlikely would you be to have the vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if Vaccinated does not equal a "Yes" response option


    For SEIS, response option 7 is "Prefer not to say" instead of "Prefer not to answer".

    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021.

    The response option "I have been vaccinated or have had a partial vaccine" was removed.

    SEIS has the same response options as SCIS Wave 10.

  • Question:

    When asked how likely you would be to have a vaccine for coronavirus (COVID-19), you said . Why is this?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I do not think it will work
    2. I am worried the vaccine will give me the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. I am worried about the side effects
    4. I am worried about the effect on an existing health condition
    5. I am worried about the long term effects on my health
    6. I do not think it will be safe
    7. I do not think I need the vaccine as I have already had the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    8. I have been advised by a health or medical professional not to get the vaccine
    9. I am against vaccines in general
    10. Other
    11. Don’t know
    12. Prefer not to say
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VaccOff does not equal 1 or 2

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021


    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 12 on 05/11/2021.

    The following text was removed from the question wording for SCIS only: "When asked how likely you would be to have a vaccine for coronavirus (COVID-19)".

  • Question:

    How likely or unlikely would you be to have a vaccine booster jab for the coronavirus (COVID-19) if one was offered to you?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    8. Have an appointment confirmed (T&T Behaviours only)
    • OPN
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:

    COV_VaccBoost (OPN)

    COV_Vaccboost_VOS (VOS)


    Ask if COV_RecVacC equals "I have received two vaccine doses" (OPN)

    Ask if COV_CountDose_VOS equals "I have received two vaccine doses" (VOS)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021


    Changes were made to OPN78 on 03/11/2021.

    The routing information changed due to variable name and response option changes to the routing question.

  • Question:

    How likely or unlikely would you be to agree to have your vaccine booster jab for the coronavirus (COVID-19) at the same time as your next winter flu vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_FluLik equals "Very likely" or "Fairly likely" or "Neither likely nor unlikely"

    and ask if COV_VaccBoost equals "Very likely" or "Fairly likely" or "Neither likely nor unlikely"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN83 on 19/01/2022

  • Question:

    For what reason have you not had a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. I have an appointment and I am waiting to be vaccinated
    2. I do not have an appointment but intend to have a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine
    3. I am worried that the brand of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine available will be one that I am unwilling to get
    4. I have decided not to be vaccinated, please specify on the next page
    5. Other
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacC equals "No", or "Don't know"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN71 on 11/08/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If "I have decided not to be vaccinated, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Did you have any health related or other concerns about getting your vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacC equals "I have only received my first vaccine dose", "I have received two vaccine doses" or "I have received two vaccine doses and a booster vaccine"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN73 on 25/08/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    Changes were made to OPN78 on 03/11/2021.

    The routing information changed due to variable name and response option changes to the routing question.

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, were you concerned about?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I was worried that the vaccine may not work
    2. I was worried about the side effects
    3. I was worried about the effect on an existing health condition
    4. I was worried about the long-term effects on my health
    5. I was worried that the vaccine may have given me the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    6. I am worried that the brand of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine available will be one that I am unwilling to get
    7. I was worried that it might be painful
    8. I was worried about catching the coronavirus (COVID-19) at a vaccination centre or GP surgery
    9. I am pregnant or trying to get pregnant and was worried about the effects on my baby
    10. I was worried about the effect on being able to have children in the future
    11. I would have preferred someone in more need of a vaccine to receive it before me
    12. I was worried because I am scared of needles
    13. I did not feel that the coronavirus (COVID-19) was a personal risk
    14. I would have preferred to wait to see how well the vaccine works
    15. I was advised by a health or medical professional not to get the vaccine
    16. Other concerns
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_VacCon equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN73 on 25/08/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    For what reasons would you be unlikely to have a vaccine booster jab for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I think the first and second vaccine will be enough to keep me safe (VOS only)
    2. I had a bad reaction to a previous coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine
    3. I am worried about having a bad reaction to the vaccine booster jab
    4. I think the booster vaccine should be offered to others instead of me (VOS only)
    5. I am pregnant or trying to get pregnant and worried about the effects on my baby (VOS only)
    6. I am unable to travel to the vaccine centre (VOS only)
    7. I am confused about information on whether or not I should have a vaccine booster jab
    8. I do not think a vaccine booster jab will offer me any extra protection
    9. I am worried about the long-term effects on my health
    10. Other, please specify (VOS only)
    11. Other
    12. Don’t know
    13. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:

    COV_VaccBoostReasC (OPN)

    COV_vaccboostreas_VOS (VOS)


    Ask if Cov_Vaccboost equals "Fairly unlikely" or "Very unlikely" (OPN)

    Ask if COV_Vaccboost_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely" or "Very unlikely" (VOS)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN72 on 18/08/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, would make you more likely to get a vaccine booster jab for the coronavirus (COVID-19) if offered?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. To protect myself from the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. To protect others from the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. To protect the NHS and other health care workers
    4. Talking to friends and family about having a vaccine booster jab for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    5. Talking to people I work or study with about having a vaccine booster jab for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    6. Talking to my GP or other health professionals
    7. Hearing from a public figure such as a well known person or a faith leader
    8. Hearing about people who had got very ill with the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    9. Information from the NHS
    10. Government announcements or messages
    11. Information on social media
    12. Information on TV, radio or in the media
    13. None of the above
    14. Don't know
    15. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_Vaccboost_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don’t know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, would make you more likely to get a vaccine booster jab for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. If it helps restrictions to ease and life to return to normal
    2. So that I can attend night clubs, concerts or other events if they required a vaccine passport
    3. To make it easier for me to go on holiday abroad
    4. If my employer told me that I need have a vaccine booster jab to work
    5. None of the above
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_Vaccboost_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don’t know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, would make you more likely to get a vaccine booster jab for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Free travel to and from vaccination centres
    2. Option of a walk-in appointment with no need to book
    3. Option of getting a vaccine booster jab at the place where I work
    4. Option of getting a vaccine booster jab closer to where I live or work. For example, at a pop-up or community centre
    5. Free food and hot drinks at the vaccination centre
    6. Vouchers or discounts. For example, money off food, clothes, leisure and events
    7. Meet and greets with celebrities
    8. None of the above
    9. Don't know
    10. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_Vaccboost_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don’t know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Which vouchers or discounts, valued up to £30, would make you more likely to get a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine booster jab?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Shopping vouchers including money off food and clothes
    2. Vouchers for food delivery
    3. Discounts on passes at leisure centres
    4. Holiday vouchers
    5. Vouchers for national coach trips
    6. Free tickets to concerts, sports matches, or other events
    7. None of the above
    8. Don't know
    9. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_Vaccboost_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don’t know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Is there anything else that would make you more likely to get a vaccine booster jab for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_Vaccboost_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don’t know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Please give any other reasons that would make you more likely to get a vaccine booster jab for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. [enter reason/s]
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_vaccboostEncourOth_VOS equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Excluding travel abroad, in the past seven days, have you been asked to show proof that you have been vaccinated or had a recent negative coronavirus (COVID-19) test, to be let into a venue or event?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN72 on 18/08/2021

    Removed from OPN85 on 16/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Where have you been asked to show proof that you have been vaccinated or had a recent negative coronavirus (COVID-19) test? Please do not include travel abroad.

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Sporting event
    2. Nightclub or bar
    3. Theatre or comedy performance
    4. Cinema
    5. Indoor concert
    6. Outdoor concert
    7. Festival
    8. Care home
    9. Medical appointment
    10. Worship services or ceremonies
    11. Organised events (For example, weddings or funerals)
    12. Work or training event
    13. Other, please specify
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_VacStat equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN72 on 18/08/2021

    Removed from OPN85 on 16/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    If "Other, please specify" is selected, respondents are presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Has being vaccinated changed how likely you are to comply with quarantine requirement?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, more likely to comply
    2. Yes, less likely to comply
    3. No difference
    4. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VaccineDose equals 2 or 3

  • Question:

    Do you have any children aged between 12 to 15 in your household?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if HasDep equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN75 on 22/09/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Covid-19 vaccines are starting to be offered to all children aged between 12 to 15 across the UK.

    How likely is the child in your household aged between 12 and 15 to receive a vaccine for coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    If you have more than one child aged 12 to 15, please answer for the oldest child.

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    8. or
    9. They have already received a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_Child12to15 equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN75 on 22/09/2021

    Removed from OPN85 on 16/02/2022

  • Question:

    Can you tell me what was the main reason you got a coronavirus test (since being contacted by NHS Test and Trace or via the app)?

    OR for T&T Behaviours only:

    Can you tell me what was the main reason for taking your most recent coronavirus test?

    Response options:
    1. I had symptoms
    2. I was in contact with a confirmed case
    3. I was in contact with a suspected case (T&T Cases only)
    4. I was worried that I might have COVID
    5. As part of a community testing/mass screening programme where I live (symptom-free screening)
    6. Regularly taking tests for work, study or personal reasons
    7. As part of a research study
    8. Routine testing/screening on returning from international travel
    9. Other
    10. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Behaviours
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Testing
    Variable name:


    ReasTest (T&T Self-isolating only)


    Ask all (T&T Cases)

    Ask if CovTest equals "Yes" (T&T Behaviours)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 9 on 04/10/2021.


    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 8 on 01/11/2021.

    The following response option was removed: "I was tested by the hospital, as a routine test or before a surgery or procedure".

    Changes were made to T&T Behaviours Wave 3 on 10/01/2022.

    Question wording was changed from "Can you tell me what was the main reason you got a coronavirus test since being contacted by NHS Test and Trace or via the app?" to the current wording.

  • Question:

    When you had your most recent COVID-19 test, where were you tested? Select first that apply

    OR for T&T Cases only:

    When you tested positive, where were you tested? Select first that apply

    Response options:
    1. At my work place, university or care home
    2. At a local testing site (for example drive-through and walk-through test sites)
    3. At home, with a postal testing kit (via home testing service)
    4. At home, with a rapid testing kit (for example given by my employer)
    5. Pop-up rapid testing site (received my results in 30 minutes)
    6. Mobile testing unit (for example a van or army-operated testing unit)
    7. By GP, in hospital, or another healthcare setting
    8. Privately tested
    9. Other
    10. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if CovTest equals "Yes" (T&T Behaviours and T&T Self-isolating)

    Ask all (T&T Cases)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 4 on 19/04/2021


    For T&T Behaviours and T&T Self-isolating, the response option "At my work place…" includes "…college…" as a setting.

    The response option "At home, with a postal testing kit?" contains the following additional information "(via home testing service)" for T&T Behaviours and T&T Self-isolating only.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 5 on 07/06/2021.

    Response option wording changed from "e.g." to "for example".

    Changes were made to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021.

    Response option "At my workplace..." amended to include "" as a setting.

    Response option "At home, with a postal testing kit" amended to include the following additional information: "(via home testing service)".

  • Question:

    How soon after your positive test did you first develop symptoms? Select first that apply

    Response options:
    1. Within 24 hours
    2. 1-3 days
    3. 3-7 days
    4. More than 7 days
    5. Don't know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if SympLate equals 1 to 11

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 2 on 08/03/2021


    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 7 on 27/09/2021.

    The routing information changed due to changes in the response options of the routing question.