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COVID-19 question bank

Thu 13 October 2022
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Question bank


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  • Question:

    What is your age?

    OR for IPS only:

    What is your age now?

    Response options:
    1. [select age from 0 to 120 years]
    2. Don't know
    3. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • CEV
    • OPN
    • Over 80s
    • IPS
    • IAIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    For T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) this question has a pre-filled answer from sampling. This means the question is answered using existing sampling data.

    For IPS, the response options are given in age brackets, as follows: "0-15", "16-24", "25-34", "35-44", "45-54", "55-64", "65 or over". For "0-15" and "16-24", there is the option for interviewers to select that the travelling group are all within these age brackets.

    For IPS, if the respondent is a migrant, the respondent enters their age from 0 to 97.

    For T&T Cases, Contacts and IAIS, the "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer and the "Don't know" response option is coded if the respondent is unsure.

  • Question:

    What is your age?

    OR for LFS only:

    Age of respondent (check with respondent and enter agreed age)

    Response options:
    1. [enter age from 0 to 99]
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:


    AgeIf (SCIS and SEIS only)


    Ask all


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1 across the UK.

    Age at the end of the reference week for LFS should be 23.

  • Question:

    Are you years old? Please check your answer, you need to be 16 or over to take part in this study.

    Are you 16 years or older?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if age is less than or equal to 15

  • Question:

    Please can you tell me how old you are?

    Response options:
    1. [enter age from 0 to 15]
    • IPS
    • Demographics

    Ask if under 16


    Interviewer enters age of respondent.

  • Question:

    What is your date of birth?

    OR for LFS only:

    Date of birth

    Response options:
    1. [enter date of birth]
    2. Prefer not to say (T&T Behaviours only)
    • HAS
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • T&T Behaviours
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    For HAS and SLC, if this question is asking a household member who took part in a previous wave/round, the question is phrased as "Last time date of birth was recorded as , please press enter if it is still correct, otherwise amend".

    This phrasing ("Last time this was recorded as...") is used for a number of HAS and SLC questions.

    For T&T Behaviours, age in years is derived from this variable and, if the day and month are not given, enter 15 for day and 6 for month.

    For T&T Behaviours, the "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer.

    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1 across the UK. Date is entered in DD MM YYYY format.

  • Question:

    What was your age on your last birthday?

    Response options:
    1. [select age from 0 to 105 years]
    • TUS
    • HAS
    • SLC
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all (TUS only)

    Ask if does not know date of birth


    Variable is unlabelled for TUS.

    For HAS and SLC, the response options only go up to 97 years.

  • Question:

    What is your sex?

    OR for OPN only:

    My sex

    OR for LFS only:

    Sex of respondent (by sex we are referring to current sex)

    Response options:
    1. Female
    2. Male
    3. Prefer not to say
    • CIS
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • CEV
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Over 80s
    • TUS
    • IPS
    • HAS
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • IAIS
    • T&T Behaviours
    • OPN
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 8 on 01/11/2021


    Variable is unlabelled for CIS and TUS.

    The response option order may vary between studies.

    For T&T Cases, this question is no longer asked as the data are already available through an existing admin source.

    For T&T Behaviours and T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts), this question has a pre-filled answer from sampling. This means the question is answered using existing sampling data.

    For some surveys, response option 3 is "Prefer not to answer" instead of "Prefer not to say".

    TUS, IPS, LFS, HAS, SLC, LCF and OPN response options do not include "Prefer not to say".

    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1 across the UK.

  • Question:

    What is your ethnic group?

    OR for T&T and IAIS:

    What ethnic group do you belong to?

    OR for HAS only:

    What is your ethnic group? Choose one option that best describes your ethnic group or background

    Response options:
    1. White - English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British
    2. White - Irish
    3. White - Gypsy or Irish Traveller
    4. White - Any other white background, specify
    5. Mixed / multiple ethnic groups - White and Black Caribbean
    6. Mixed / multiple ethnic groups - White and Black African
    7. Mixed / multiple ethnic groups - White and Asian
    8. Mixed / multiple ethnic groups - Any other Mixed/multiple background, specify
    9. Asian or Asian British - Indian
    10. Asian or Asian British - Pakistani
    11. Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi
    12. Asian or Asian British - Chinese
    13. Asian or Asian British - Any other Asian background, specify
    14. Black, African, Caribbean or Black British - African
    15. Black, African, Caribbean or Black British - Caribbean
    16. Black, African, Caribbean or Black British - Any other Black, African or Caribbean background, specify
    17. Other ethnic group - Arab
    18. Other ethnic group - Any other ethnic group, specify
    19. Prefer not to say (IAIS and T&T Behaviours only)
    • CIS Enrolment
    • SLC
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • IAIS
    • HAS
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Demographics
    Variable name:


    EthE/EthW/EthS (HAS and SLC only)


    Ask all


    Variable is unlabelled for CIS.

    For HAS and SLC, variable is "EthE" (for England), "EthW" (for Wales) or "EthS" (for Scotland).

    "Prefer not to say" is a response option for IAIS and T&T Behaviours only.

    The response options for this question have been adapted for the Question Bank. The set of responses would usually have subheadings. For each response option, the subheading is written first before the dash ("-") and the response option follows after the dash ("-"). For example, "White" would be the subheading and "Irish" would be the response option.

    For HAS, a follow-up question is presented to describe their ethnic group if any of the following response options are selected: "Any other white background", "Any other Mixed/multiple background", "Any other Asian background", "Any other Black, African or Caribbean background", or "Any other ethnic group".

    For IAIS, SLC and T&T Behaviours, the response options do not include sub-headings (e.g., "White", "Mixed/multiple ethnic groups", "Asian or Asian British"). Only the numbered response options are present.

    For T&T Behaviours, the response options are worded slightly differently as the subheadings are included at the start of the response option (e.g., "Pakistani" is presented as Asian or Asian British - Pakistani).

  • Question:

    What is your ethnic group?

    Response options:
    1. White (Includes any White background)
    2. Mixed or multiple ethnic groups (Includes White and Black Caribbean, White and Black African, White and Asian or any other Mixed or multiple ethnic group)
    3. Asian or Asian British (Includes Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Chinese or any other Asian background)
    4. Black, African, Caribbean or Black British (Includes African, Caribbean or any other Black background)
    5. Other ethnic group (For example, Arab or any other background)
    6. Prefer not to say (TUS only)
    • OPN
    • SCIS
    • Over 80s
    • TUS
    • SEIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:


    EthnicEW (OPN only)

    ETHNICITY1 (Over 80s only)


    Ask all

    Ask all from England and Wales (OPN only)


    Variable is unlabelled for TUS.

    Response option "Prefer not to say" is only present in TUS.

    For OPN, response option 6 ("Prefer not to say") is not presented.

    For OPN, if this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What is your ethnic group?

    Response options:
    1. White (Includes any White background, for example Scottish, British, Irish, Gypsy traveller or Polish)
    2. Mixed or multiple ethnic groups (Includes White and Black Caribbean, White and Black African, White and Asian or any other Mixed ethnic group)
    3. Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British (Includes Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, Chinese or any other Asian background)
    4. African (Includes African Scottish, African British or any other African background)
    5. Caribbean or Black (Includes Caribbean Scottish, Black Scottish or any other Caribbean or Black background)
    6. Other (For example Arab or any other background)
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if CountryChk equals Scotland


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What is your ethnic group? I will read out the options. Please choose one option that best describes your ethnic group or background.

    Response options:
    1. White
    2. Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups
    3. Asian / Asian British
    4. Black / African / Caribbean / Black British
    5. Chinese
    6. Arab
    7. Other ethnic group
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all living in England or Wales


    This question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, in England and Wales only.

    It is noted that the same question is asked for those in Scotland and Northern Ireland. The variable names are "ETH11S" and "ETH11NI" respectively.

    For "ETH11NI", "Irish Traveller" is an additional response option and for "ETH11S", "Asian / Asian British" is "Asian / Asian Scottish" instead.

  • Question:

    Which one best describes your White ethnic group or background?

    OR for LFS only:

    And which one of these best describes your ethnic group or background?

    Response options:
    1. English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British
    2. Irish
    3. Gypsy or Irish Traveller
    4. Any other White background
    • OPN
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:

    EthEWh/EthWWh/EthSWh (OPN only)



    For OPN only:

    Ask all who selected "White" from England (EthEWh), from Wales (EthWWh) and from Scotland (EthSWh).

    For LFS only:

    Ask if respondent selected "White" and lives in England (ETHWHE), Wales (ETHWHW) or Scotland (ETHWHSC).


    For "For any other White background (please specify)" respondents are presented with an open text response option.

    For OPN, if this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    For OPN and LFS, response option wording is slightly different for Scotland. Response option 1 is replaced with "Scottish", with the next response option being "Other British". Response options also include "Polish" and the "Gypsy or Irish Traveller" is just "Gypsy Traveller".

    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, in England only.

    It is noted for LFS that the same question is asked for those in England, Wales and Scotland. The variable names are "ETHWHE", "ETHWHW" and "ETHWHSC" respectively.

  • Question:

    Which one best describes your Mixed or Multiple ethnic group or background?

    OR for LFS only:

    And which one of these best describes your ethnic group or background?

    Response options:
    1. White and Black Caribbean
    2. White and Black African
    3. White and Asian
    4. Any other mixed / multiple ethnic background
    • OPN
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:

    EthMx (OPN only)

    ETHMX11 (LFS only)


    Ask if Ethnic equals 2 and lives in England, Wales or Scotland (OPN only)

    Ask if respondent selected "Mixed" and lives in England, Wales or Northern Ireland (LFS only)


    For OPN, if this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    For "Any other mixed or multiple ethnic background (please specify)" respondents are presented with an open text response option.

    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

  • Question:

    And which one of these best describes your ethnic group or background?

    Response options:
    1. Indian
    2. Pakistani
    3. Bangladeshi
    4. Chinese (OPN only)
    5. Any other Asian background
    • LFS
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:

    ETHAS11 (LFS only)

    EthAsianEW (OPN only)


    Ask if respondent selected "Asian" and lives in England, Wales or Northern Ireland (LFS only)

    Ask if Ethnic equals 3 and respondent lives in England and Wales (OPN only)


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

    For OPN, "Chinese" is included as a response option. If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    For "Any other Asian background (please specify)" respondents are presented with an open text response option.

  • Question:

    And which one of these best describes your ethnic group or background?

    Response options:
    1. African
    2. Caribbean
    3. Any other Black / African / Caribbean background
    • LFS
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:

    ETHBL11 (LFS only)

    EthBlackEW (OPN only)


    Ask if respondent selected "Black" and lives in England, Wales or Northern Ireland (LFS only)

    Ask if Ethnic equals 4 and respondent lives in England and Wales (OPN only)


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, in England, Wales and Northern Ireland for the LFS.

    For OPN, variable name is "EthBlackEW" and is asked in England and Wales only. If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    For "Any other Black, African or Caribbean background (please specify)" respondents are presented with an open text response option.

  • Question:

    Which one best describes your ethnic group or background?

    Response options:
    1. Arab
    2. Any other background (please specify)
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if ethnicity is given as "Other" for England and Wales or Scotland


    For OPN, if this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    For "Any other background (please specify)" respondents are presented with an open text response option.

  • Question:

    And which one of these best describes your ethnic group or background?

    Response options:
    1. Pakistani / Pakistani Scottish / Pakistani British, or
    2. Indian / Indian Scottish / Indian British, or
    3. Bangladeshi / Bangladeshi Scottish / Bangladeshi British, or
    4. Chinese / Chinese Scottish / Chinese British, or
    5. Any other Asian background?
    • LFS
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:


    (LFS only)


    (OPN only)


    Ask if respondent selected "Asian" and lives in Scotland


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, in Scotland only.

    For OPN, question and response option wording is slightly different. If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    And which one of these best describes your ethnic group or background?

    Response options:
    1. African / African Scottish / African British, or
    2. Any other African ethnic group?
    • LFS
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:

    ETHAFS (LFS only)

    EthAfricanS (OPN only)


    Ask if respondent selected "African" and lives in Scotland


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, in Scotland only.

    For OPN, question and response option wording is slightly different. If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    And which one of these best describes your ethnic group or background?

    Response options:
    1. Caribbean / Caribbean Scottish / Caribbean British, or
    2. Black / Black Scottish / Black British, or
    3. Any other Caribbean or Black ethnic group?
    • LFS
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:

    ETHCBS (LFS only)

    EthCaribS (OPN only)


    Ask if respondent selected "Caribbean or Black" and lives in Scotland


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, in Scotland only.

    For OPN, question and response option wording is slightly different. If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    For face-to-face LFS only:

    Which of the options on this card best describes how you think of yourself? Please just read out the number next to the description.

    OR for telephonic LFS only:

    I will now read out a list of terms people sometimes use to describe how they think of themselves.

    OR for TUS only:

    Which of the following options best describes how you think of yourself?

    Response options:
    1. Heterosexual or Straight,
    2. Gay or Lesbian,
    3. Bisexual,
    4. Other?
    5. Prefer not to say (TUS only)
    • LFS
    • TUS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:

    SIDFTFQN (Face-to-face LFS)

    SIDTUQN (Telephonic LFS)


    Ask if respondent is 16 years or older (LFS only)

    Ask all (TUS only)


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, across the UK.

    For LFS, this question cannot be asked if a proxy is being utilised.

    Variable is unlabelled for TUS.

  • Question:

    For LCF and LFS:

    How would you/he/she describe your/their national identity?

    OR for OPN:

    What do you consider your national identity to be?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. English,
    2. Welsh,
    3. Scottish,
    4. Northern Irish,
    5. British,
    6. Other (please specify)
    • LCF
    • LFS
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:


    NatIdE/NatIdW/NatIdS (OPN only)


    For LFS:

    Ask all living in England (NATLDE11), Scotland (NATLDS11), Wales (NATLDW11) and Northern Ireland (NATLDN11)

    For OPN:

    Ask all living in England (NatIdE), Wales (NatIdW) and Scotland (NatIdS)


    Multiple response options can be selected.

    For "Other" respondents are presented with an open text response option.

    Routing information and variable names do not apply to LCF.

    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, in England only.

    For LFS, it is noted that the same question is asked for those in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The variable names are "NATLDE11", "NATLDS11", "NATLDW11" and "NATLDN11", respectively. The response option order depends on where you reside and, for "NATLDN11", "Irish" is an additional response option.

    For OPN, the order in which English, Welsh and Scottish response options are presented depends on address.

    For OPN, if this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    How would you describe your national identity?

    Response options:
    1. English
    2. Welsh
    3. Scottish
    4. Northern Irish
    5. British
    6. Irish
    7. Other, please describe
    8. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • Demographics

    Ask all


    The response option order varies depending on the country the respondent is currently living in.

  • Question:

    Would you identify yourself as…

    Response options:
    1. English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British
    2. Irish
    3. Gypsy or Irish Traveller
    4. Polish
    5. Any other White background, please describe (this will open a blank field)
    6. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • Demographics

    Ask if ethnicity is White

  • Question:

    Would you identify yourself as…

    Response options:
    1. White and Black Caribbean
    2. White and Black African
    3. White and Asian
    4. Any other Mixed / Multiple ethnic background, please describe (this will open a blank field)
    5. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • Demographics

    Ask if ethnicity is Mixed/multiple ethnic groups

  • Question:

    Would you identify yourself as…

    Response options:
    1. Indian
    2. Pakistani
    3. Bangladeshi
    4. Chinese
    5. Any other Asian background, please describe (this will open a blank field)
    6. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • Demographics

    Ask if ethnicity is Asian/Asian British

  • Question:

    Would you identify yourself as…

    Response options:
    1. African
    2. Caribbean
    3. Any other Black / African / Caribbean background, please describe (this will open a blank field)
    4. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • Demographics

    Ask if ethnicity is Black/African/ Caribbean/Black British

  • Question:

    Would you identify yourself as…

    Response options:
    1. Arab
    2. Any other ethnic group, please describe (this will open a blank field)
    3. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • Demographics

    Ask if ethnicity is Other ethnic group

  • Question:

    Can you understand spoken Welsh?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all living in Wales and 2 years or older


    This question in asked every quarter for all waves in Wales only.

  • Question:

    Can you speak Welsh?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all living in Wales and 2 years or older


    This question in asked every quarter for all waves in Wales only.

  • Question:

    Do you speak Welsh…

    Response options:
    1. Daily
    2. Weekly
    3. Less often
    4. Never
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all living in Wales and 2 years or older


    For LFS, this question in asked every quarter for all waves in Wales only.

  • Question:

    Can you read Welsh?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all living in Wales and 2 years or older


    This question in asked every quarter for all waves in Wales only.

  • Question:

    Can you write Welsh?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all living in Wales and 2 years or older


    This question in asked every quarter for all waves in Wales only.

  • Question:

    What is your religion?

    Response options:
    1. No religion
    2. Christian (all denominations)
    3. Buddhist
    4. Hindu
    5. Jewish
    6. Muslim
    7. Sikh
    8. Other, please specify on the next page
    9. Don’t know
    10. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • TUS
    • LCF
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:

    COV_Religion (OPN only)

    RELIGW (LFS only)


    Ask all

    Ask if currently live in Wales (TUS and LFS only)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN48 on 04/03/2021


    Variable is unlabelled for TUS.

    TUS does not include the "Don't know" response option.

    TUS response option for "Other (please specify)" is worded as "Any other religion, please describe".

    If "Other (please specify)" or "Any other religion, please describe" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    For LCF, this is asked in Northern Ireland only.

    For LFS, "Prefer not to say" is not a response option and the question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made.

    Changes were made to OPN85 on 16/02/2022

    Response option wording changed from "Other, please specify" to "Other, please specify on the next page".

  • Question:

    What is your religion?

    Response options:
    1. No religion
    2. Christian (including Church of England, Catholic, Protestant and all other Christian denominations)
    3. Buddhist
    4. Hindu
    5. Jewish
    6. Muslim
    7. Sikh
    8. Any other religion, please describe
    9. Prefer not to say (TUS only)
    • TUS
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:

    RELIGE (LFS only)


    Ask if currently live in England (LFS only)


    Variable is unlabelled for TUS and "Prefer not to say" is only a response option for TUS.

    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made.

    If "Any other religion, please describe" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    What is your religion?

    Response options:
    1. No religion
    2. Church of Scotland
    3. Roman Catholic
    4. Other Christian
    5. Buddhist
    6. Hindu
    7. Jewish
    8. Muslim
    9. Sikh
    10. Any other religion, please describe
    11. Prefer not to say (TUS only)
    • TUS
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if currently live in Scotland


    Variable is unlabelled for TUS and "Prefer not to say" is only a response option for TUS.

    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made.

    If "Any other religion, please describe" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    What nationality passport do you hold?

    Response options:
    1. [nationality of respondent selected from list of countries]
    • IPS
    • Demographics

    Ask all

  • Question:

    What is your nationality?

    Response options:
    1. UK, British
    2. Irish Republic
    3. India
    4. Pakistan
    5. Poland
    6. Other, please specify
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, across the UK.

    If "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    In which country were you born?

    Response options:
    1. England
    2. Wales
    3. Scotland
    4. Northern Ireland
    5. UK, Britain (don't know country)
    6. Republic of Ireland
    7. India
    8. Pakistan
    9. Poland
    10. Other
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, across the UK.

    If "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    What is your usual country of residence?

    Response options:
    1. UK
    2. Other
    • IAIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    In which year did you first come to live in the UK?

    Response options:
    1. [enter year from 1900 to 2100]
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent was not born in Britain


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, across the UK.

  • Question:

    Apart from holidays and short visits abroad, have you lived in the UK continuously since then/?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent has 'other' country of birth


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, across the UK.

  • Question:

    In which year did you last/most recently arrive in the UK?

    Response options:
    1. [enter year from 1900 to 2100]
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent has not lived continuously in the UK following their initial arrival


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, across the UK.

  • Question:

    In which month did you last arrive in the UK?

    Response options:
    1. January
    2. February
    3. March
    4. April
    5. May
    6. June
    7. July
    8. August
    9. September
    10. October
    11. November
    12. December
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent was not born in Britain and arrived in the UK within the last 2 years of the reference date (LFS)


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, across the UK.

    For LFS, the interviewer enters the number corresponding with the month of the year.

  • Question:

    Do you intend to stay in the UK for at least another months?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent has been in the UK for less than 12 months.


    This question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, across the UK.

  • Question:

    What was your main reason for coming to the UK? (most recent arrival)

    Response options:
    1. For employment
    2. For study
    3. As a spouse/partner/child under 18 of a UK citizen or person with indefinite leave to remain in the UK
    4. As a spouse/partner/child under 18 of someone coming to the UK or already living here, who does not have indefinite leave to remain
    5. Seeking asylum
    6. As a visitor
    7. Other reasons/Another reason
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent was not born in Britain and is over 16


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1, or the first time contact is made, across the UK.

  • Question:

    What is your legal marital status?

    Response options:
    1. Never married and never in a registered same-sex civil partnership
    2. Married
    3. In a registered same sex civil partnership
    4. Separated but still legally married
    5. Separated but still legally in a same sex civil partnership
    6. Divorced
    7. Formerly in a same sex civil partnership which is now legally dissolved
    8. Widowed
    9. A surviving member of a same sex civil partnership
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if DVAge greater than 15 (OPN)

  • Question:

    Are you…

    Response options:
    1. Single, that is, never married and never registered in a civil partnership
    2. Married
    3. In a registered civil partnership
    4. Separated, but still legally married or in a civil partnership
    5. Divorced
    6. Formerly in a civil partnership which is now legally dissolved
    7. Widowed
    8. Surviving partner from a civil partnership
    9. Prefer not to say (TUS only)
    • TUS
    • HAS
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • IPS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all (TUS only)

    Ask if respondent is aged 16 or over


    Variable is unlabelled for TUS.

    Question wording for HAS is "Are you currently…".

    Response options for IPS, HAS and SLC are ordered and worded slightly differently.

  • Question:

    Are you…

    Response options:
    1. Single, that is never married
    2. Married and living with husband/wife
    3. A civil partner in a legally-recognised Civil Partnership
    4. Married and separated from husband/wife
    5. Divorced
    6. Or widowed
    7. In a legally-recognised Civil Partnership and separated from his/her civil partner
    8. Formerly a civil partner, the Civil Partnership now legally dissolved
    9. A surviving civil partner: his/her partner having since died
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent is 16 years or older


    This question is asked every quarter for Wave 1 across the UK.

  • Question:

    And is this your first and only marriage?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • HAS
    • SLC
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent is married and living with husband/wife

  • Question:

    Is your spouse/partner a member of the household?

    OR for LFS only:

    Is 's husband/wife/civil partner a member of the household?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • SLC
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if legally married or in a civil partnership


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1 across the UK.

  • Question:

    Are you currently living with someone as a couple?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • HAS
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Variable is unlabelled for TUS.

    The question wording across surveys varies slightly.

    HAS and SLC do not have response option "Prefer not to say".

  • Question:

    May I just check, are you/is living with someone in this household as a couple?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • IPS
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:


    Livwth12 (OPN only)


    Ask if respondent is 16 years or older in a multi-person household and is not married or in a civil partnership and living with a spouse or civil partner


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1 across the UK.

    For IPS, question wording is slightly different. Does not include "…in this household…".

  • Question:

    Do you have any professional, vocational or other work-related qualifications for which you received a certificate?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • HAS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent does not have a degree level or above education level.

  • Question:

    Do you have any educational qualifications for which you received a certificate?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • HAS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    Was your highest qualification…

    Response options:
    1. at degree level or above,
    2. or another kind of qualification?
    • HAS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent has qualifications

  • Question:

    Do you have…

    Response options:
    1. a higher degree (including PGCE)?
    2. an undergraduate degree?
    3. a foundation degree?
    4. graduate membership of a professional institution?
    5. other?
    6. Don't know
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent has a degree level qualification


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

    More than one response option is allowed.

  • Question:

    Was your higher degree…

    Response options:
    1. a Doctorate?
    2. a Masters?
    3. a Postgraduate Certificate in Education?
    4. or some other postgraduate degree or professional qualification?
    5. Don’t know
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent has a higher (postgraduate) degree


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

    Code the first response option that applies.

  • Question:

    What is the highest educational level that you have achieved?

    Response options:
    1. Postgraduate qualification
    2. Degree or equivalent vocational qualification
    3. A-levels or equivalent qualifications
    4. GCSEs, O-levels, CSEs or other secondary school level qualifications
    5. Other qualification
    6. No qualifications
    7. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    What is the highest level of qualification that you have received from school, college or since leaving education?

    Response options:
    1. Degree level qualification (or equivalent)
    2. Higher educational qualification below degree level
    3. A-Levels or Highers
    4. ONC or National Level BTEC
    5. O Level or GCSE equivalent (Grade A to C) or O Grade/CSE equivalent
    6. GCSE grade D-G or CSE grade 2 to 5 or Standard Grade level 4 to 6
    7. Other qualifications (including foreign qualifications below degree level)
    8. No formal qualifications
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    Are you/Is presently in full-time education?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • HAS
    • LCF
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if DVAge or AGE greater than 15 and less than 19


    For HAS, respondents aged 19 years and older are asked the same question, but with the variable name "FtEd19".

  • Question:

    Including yourself, how many people currently live in your household? This is the number of people who share communal spaces like a kitchen, living room or dining area.

    Please select one answer.

    OR for TUS only:

    Thinking now of everyone living in your household, including children and yourself, how many people live there regularly as members of this household?

    Response options:
    1. I live alone
    2. Two people / 2
    3. Three to five people / 3 - 5
    4. Six to nine people / 6 - 9
    5. 10 to 19 people / 10 - 19
    6. 20 or more people / 20 or more
    7. Don’t know
    8. Prefer not to answer
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • SCIS
    • Over 80s
    • CEV
    • TUS
    • IAIS
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Demographics
    Variable name:


    HHNUM (Over 80s only)


    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 3 on 12/07/2021


    In CEV, the response options are slightly different.

    Variable is unlabelled for TUS.

    In TUS, the response is a range from 1 to 15 people or "Prefer not to say".

    For IAIS, "Please select one answer" is not presented.

    For IAIS and T&T Behaviours, the response options are presented as numbers. These response options are presented after the "/".

  • Question:

    Can you tell me who you live with?

    Select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. Spouse or partner?
    2. Children under 16?
    3. Children of respondent or partner aged 16 and over?
    4. Related adults (16-24)?
    5. Related adults (25-64)?
    6. Related adults (65+)?
    7. Unrelated adults (housemates, tenants or lodgers)?
    • IAIS
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if HholdSize does not equal 1 (I live alone)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 3 on 12/07/2021

  • Question:

    Are there any children (under 18) who typically live in your household?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • Demographics

    Ask if household size greater than 1

  • Question:

    How many children…

    …aged 0 to 2 years live in the household?

    …aged 3 to 4 years live in the household?

    …aged 5 to 10 years live in the household?

    …aged 11 to 15 years live in the household?

    …aged 16 to 17 years live in the household?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of children in each age range]
    • TUS
    • Demographics

    Ask if there are children (under 18) in household


    The interviewer asks the respondent, "Can you please tell me their age?".

    A numeric box provided for each age range.

  • Question:

    Excluding yourself, how many other adults are living in your household?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of adults]
    • TUS
    • Demographics

    Ask if "Prefer not to say" or "Don't know" if there are children (under 18) in household


    The response options are presented as a drop down list from 1 to 15

  • Question:

    Which of the following best describes your household?

    Select first that apply

    Response options:
    1. One-person household - one person only?
    2. Couple (the HRP and their partner/spouse/cohabitee are the only occupants)?
    3. Family (one household composed mainly of people who are related to either the HRP or their partner/spouse/cohabitee, including extended families
    4. includes individuals or couples with non-paying guests, carers and au pairs)?
    5. Joint owners, some unrelated (i.e. some of the mortgage sharers or joint owners are unrelated)?
    6. Household with lodger(s)/boarder(s) paying rent?
    7. Tenants sharing, some unrelated (e.g. one or more of the joint tenants are unrelated to both the HRP and their partner/spouse/cohabitee)?
    • CEV
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all except if CareHome equals 1 (Live in care home)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CEV Wave 6 on 21/06/2021


    HRP stands for Household Reference Person. This is the person responsible for owning or renting the accommodation.

  • Question:

    Can you tell me who you live with? Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Spouse or partner?
    2. Dependent children aged under 16?
    3. Children of respondent or partner aged 16 and over?
    4. Related adults (16 to 24)?
    5. Related adults (25 to 64)?
    6. Related adults (65 and over)?
    7. Unrelated adults (housemates, tenants or lodgers)?
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Over 80s
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if HholdSize doesn't equal 1 (I live alone)

  • Question:

    Do you have any children aged between 12 to 15 in your household?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if HasDep equals 1 (Yes)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN75 on 22/09/2021

    Removed from OPN85 on 16/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Is the address below your main residence?

    Response options:
    1. Yes (The address above is my main residence)
    2. No (The address above is not my main residence. For example, it is my old address, second home, holiday home, business address or is not familiar to me)
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask Person 1 of household

  • Question:

    Does anyone else live at ?

    Response options:
    1. Yes (This is the main residence of other adults, children or babies, even if they are currently away for a continuous period of up to 6 months)
    2. No (This is not the main residence of any other adults, children or babies)
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if ADDRESSCHK equals "Yes" or if INELIGIBLETYPE equals 2

  • Question:

    Record if is person in whose name this accommodation is owned or rented

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent is 16 years or older in a multi-person household


    HRP stands for Household Reference Person. This is the person responsible for owning or renting the accommodation.

    This question is asked every quarter for Wave 1 across the UK.

  • Question:

    In whose name, or names, is this accommodation owned or rented?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. [tick members of household as appropriate]
    2. Someone else not listed above
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    HRP stands for Household Reference Person. This is the person responsible for owning or renting the accommodation.

  • Question:


    How do/does you/HRP name occupy this address/accommodation? Do/Does you/he/she…


    In which of these ways do you occupy this accommodation?

    Response options:
    1. Own it outright?
    2. Currently pay off a mortgage and/or loan that helped [you/him/her to purchase the property?
    3. Rent it?
    4. Pay part rent and part mortgage, also known as shared ownership?
    5. Live here rent free, including rent free in a relative’s/friend’s property but excluding squatting?
    6. Squatting?
    • OPN
    • HAS
    • SLC
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    HRP stands for Household Reference Person. This is the person responsible for owning or renting the accommodation.

    For OPN, HAS, SLC and LFS questions and response options are worded slightly differently.

    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1 across the UK.

  • Question:

    Does the accommodation go with the job of anyone in the household?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SLC
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if renting or living in accommodation rent-free (excluding squatting)


    If the accommodation goes with the job of somebody who is temporarily not a member of the household, code yes. If the accommodation used to go with the job of someone in the household, but this is no longer the case, code no.

    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1 across the UK.

  • Question:

    Who is your landlord…

    Response options:
    1. The local authority/council/Scottish Homes?
    2. A housing association, charitable trust, or Local Housing Company?
    3. Employer (organisation) of a household member?
    4. another organisation?
    5. Relative/friend (before you lived here) of a household member?
    6. Employer (individual) of a household member?
    7. Another individual private landlord?
    • LFS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if accommodation is rented or occupied rent-free


    This question is asked every quarter for Wave 1 across the UK.

  • Question:

    Where you live, do you (or your household) own or rent?

    Response options:
    1. Own it outright
    2. Bought with the help of a mortgage/loan
    3. Part own and part rent (shared ownership)
    4. Renting from a housing association, RSL, charitable trust or Local Housing Company
    5. Renting from a local authority/council/ALMO
    6. Privately renting
    7. Rent, other (including living in relatives/friend’s property, paying rent)
    8. Live rent-free (including rent-free in relative’s/friend’s property but excluding squatters)
    9. Squatting
    10. Other
    11. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • LCF
    • Demographics

    Ask all

  • Question:

    In whose name is the accommodation owned or rented?

    Response options:
    1. This person alone,
    2. This person jointly,
    3. Not owner/rented
    • HAS
    • SLC
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if more than one adult in household

  • Question:

    Is there anyone living with you who is sick, disabled, or over 70 whom you look after or give special help to?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Do you look after, or give any help or support to, anyone because they have long-term physical or mental health conditions or illnesses, or problems related to old age? (Exclude anything you do as part of your paid employment.)

    Response options:
    1. No
    2. Yes, 9 hours a week or less
    3. Yes, 10 to 19 hours a week
    4. Yes, 20 to 34 hours a week
    5. Yes, 35 to 49 hours a week
    6. Yes, 50 or more hours a week
    7. Prefer not to say (TUS only)
    • TUS
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:

    Cov_Carer (OPN only)


    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    The sentence in brackets is for TUS only.

    The interviewer asks "How many hours a week do you spend on this?" as a prompt for TUS only.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to say" for OPN only.

  • Question:

    Where does the person or people you help or support live?

    Response options:
    1. Same household
    2. Another household
    3. Both
    4. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • Demographics

    Ask if look after, or give help or support to, anyone

  • Question:

    Have you volunteered through an organisation in the last 4 weeks?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • Demographics

    Ask all

  • Question:

    Are you a resident of a care or nursing home?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • Over 80s
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    Do you currently live in a care home or a residential facility?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 2 on 22/02/2021

  • Question:

    Have you received a letter from the NHS or your GP informing you that you are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable, or been advised to shield?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • Over 80s
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    What country do you live in?

    Response options:
    1. England
    2. Wales
    3. Scotland
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if AddChk1 equals No

  • Question:

    In which country or region do you currently live?

    Response options:
    1. Scotland
    2. Wales
    3. North East, England
    4. North West, England
    5. Yorkshire and Humber, England
    6. East Midlands, England
    7. West Midlands, England
    8. East of England
    9. London England
    10. South East, England
    11. South West, England
    12. Northern Ireland
    • TUS
    • Demographics

    Ask all


    If the respondent says they are currently living in Northern Ireland, do not proceed with interview.

  • Question:

    What was the first part of the postcode (or the postcode district) where you lived?

    Response options:
    1. [enter first part of respondents post code]
    • IPS
    • Demographics

    Ask if a UK resident and migrating

  • Question:

    What is your full postcode?

    Response options:
    1. [enter postcode]
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    If the respondent does not wish to give full postcode, the first part of postcode can be used.

  • Question:

    What is the postcode of the address where you are/were in quarantine?

    Response options:
    1. [enter postcode]
    • IAIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    If the respondent does not wish to give full postcode, the first part of postcode can be used.

  • Question:

    Which town and county have you been living in for the last 12 months?

    Response options:
    1. [town and country are selected from a list]
    • IPS
    • Demographics

    Ask if a UK resident and migrating

  • Question:

    In which countries have you been living/working/studying for the last 12 months?

    Response options:
    1. [countries are selected from a list]
    • IPS
    • Demographics

    Ask all


    Multiple response options are allowed.

  • Question:

    In which country were you born?

    Response options:
    1. England
    2. Wales
    3. Scotland
    4. Northern Ireland
    5. UK part not stated
    6. Other country (which other country?)
    • IPS
    • Demographics

    Ask all

  • Question:

    Where in the UK will your main place of stay be?

    Response options:
    1. [Place of stay selected from pre-determined list]
    • IPS
    • Demographics

    Ask if foreign arrival

  • Question:

    Where do you live in the UK?

    Response options:
    1. [Place of residence is selected from pre-determined list of places in the UK]
    • IPS
    • Demographics

    Ask if UK arrival

  • Question:

    Before you decided to come to the UK, were you…

    Response options:
    1. Working,
    2. A student,
    3. A housewife/husband,
    4. Retired,
    5. Unemployed,
    6. N/A
    • IPS
    • Demographics

    Ask if migrating to the UK


    If the respondent is departing the UK, the question is worded as "Before you decided to leave the UK, were you…".

  • Question:

    Which country do you live in during term time?

    Response options:
    1. United Kingdom
    2. Other, outside the United Kingdom
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    You said that you live outside the United Kingdom during term time. Please check your response, you need to be living in the United Kingdom to take part in this study.

    Do you live in the United Kingdom during term time?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if CountryLive equals "Other, outside the United Kingdom"


    If the respondent does not live in the United Kingdom during term time, they cannot take part in the study.

  • Question:

    Where in the United Kingdom is your university main campus or central offices located?

    Response options:
    1. North East
    2. North West
    3. Yorkshire and The Humber
    4. East Midlands
    5. West Midlands
    6. East of England
    7. London
    8. South East
    9. South West
    10. Scotland
    11. Wales
    12. Northern Ireland
    13. Don’t know
    • SCIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    In SCIS Wave 5 and 6 this question had the variable name "Region".

  • Question:

    Thinking about your university course, which of these describes you best?

    Response options:
    1. Foundation year student
    2. 1st year undergraduate student
    3. 2nd year undergraduate student
    4. 3rd or later year undergraduate student
    5. Postgraduate student
    6. Other
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    For SEIS Wave 1, only Foundation year and First year students are able to complete this survey.

    For SEIS Wave 2, only Third or later year undergraduate students are able to complete this survey.

    A follow-up question "WhichYearCheck" is presented to check this.

  • Question:

    You said you are a . You must be a 3rd or later year undergraduate student or equivalent to take part in this survey.

    Are you a 3rd or later year undergraduate student?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SEIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if WhichYear does not equal 4


    Changes were made to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021.

    The routing information changed from "Ask if WhichYear equals 3, 4, 5, or 6" to current wording to account for the change in respondents allowed to take part in the study.

    The question wording changed from "You said you are a , but you must be a Foundation year or First year student to take part in this study. Please may we check, are you a Foundation year or First year student?" to the current wording.

  • Question:

    Are you a domestic or international student?

    Response options:
    1. Domestic student, I pay home fees
    2. International student, I pay overseas fees
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    Which university or college are you studying at?

    Response options:
    1. Aberystwyth University
    2. Anglia Ruskin University
    3. Bath Spa University
    4. Birmingham City University
    5. Cardiff University
    6. Coventry University
    7. De Montfort University
    8. Goldsmiths, University of London
    9. Harper Adams University
    10. Keele University
    11. Leeds Beckett University
    12. Leeds Trinity University
    13. Loughborough University
    14. Manchester Metropolitan University
    15. Northumbria University
    16. Queen Margaret University
    17. Queen Mary University of London
    18. Ravensbourne University of London
    19. Roehampton University
    20. Sheffield Hallam University
    21. Staffordshire University
    22. Swansea University
    23. University College London
    24. University of Aberdeen
    25. University of Bath
    26. University of Birmingham
    27. University of Durham
    28. University of East London
    29. University of Essex
    30. University of Exeter
    31. University of Glasgow
    32. University of Hertfordshire
    33. University of Kent
    34. University of Leeds
    35. University of Lincoln
    36. University of Liverpool
    37. University of Manchester
    38. University of Strathclyde
    39. University of Sussex
    40. University of West London
    41. University of Westminster
    42. University of York
    43. York St. John University
    • SEIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:


  • Question:

    Which of these accommodation types best describes your living arrangements at the start of the Autumn 2021 term?

    There is space later to tell us if you have moved since the start of the Autumn 2021 term.

    Response options:
    1. University managed halls of residence or colleges
    2. Privately managed halls of residence, for example Unite, Vita or iQ student accommodation
    3. Other privately rented, for example rented house-share, house or flat
    4. With parents, guardians or family members
    5. In a property I own
    6. Other
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021.

    The question wording was updated so that the reference year is 2021 instead of 2020.

    SEIS question wording is the same as SCIS Wave 10.

  • Question:

    Is this person living in halls of residence or at a boarding school?

    OR for OPN only:

    Do any of these people live in a halls of residence or boarding school for part of the year?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SLC
    • LFS
    • OPN
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter for Wave 1 across the UK.

    Student nurses living in NHS accommodation elsewhere in Great Britain should not be included in this household.

  • Question:

    Thinking hypothetically, would you have been living with your parents/guardians/family members if it weren’t for the COVID-19 pandemic?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, I would have lived there
    2. No, I would have lived elsewhere
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SCIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 6 on 12/03/2021

  • Question:

    Are you currently living in the same address as you lived in at the start of the Autumn 2021 term?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021

    Reinstated for SCIS Wave 12 on 05/11/2021

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 12 on 05/11/2021.

    The question wording was updated so that the reference year is 2021 instead of 2020.

  • Question:

    Which of these accommodation types best describes your current living arrangements?

    Please think about the address that you are currently living in at the time of answering this survey.

    Response options:
    1. University managed halls of residence or colleges
    2. Privately managed halls of residence, for example Unite, Vita or iQ student accommodation
    3. Other privately rented, for example rented house-share, house or flat
    4. With parents, guardians or family members
    5. In a property I own
    6. Other
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if MoveAcc equals 2 or 3

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021

    Reinstated for SCIS Wave 12 on 05/11/2021

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    Do you expect to return to the accommodation that you were in at the start of the Autumn 2021 term before the end of the academic year?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all that answered WhichAccU

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021

    Reinstated for SCIS Wave 12 on 05/11/2021

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

    Removed from SCIS Wave 14 on 25/02/2022

  • Question:

    When do you expect to return to the accommodation that you were in at the start of the Autumn 2020 term?

    Response options:
    1. Before 17 May 2021
    2. Between 17 May and 31 May 2021
    3. June or later
    4. Don’t know
    • SCIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if ReturnU equals 1 or 3

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 9 on 24/05/2021

  • Question:

    How far in miles is your current address from your university?

    Response options:
    1. live on campus
    2. less than 10 miles
    3. 10 to 49 miles
    4. 50 to 99 miles
    5. 100 to 199 miles
    6. 200 or more miles
    7. Not applicable
    • SCIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 8 on 04/05/2021

  • Question:

    Have you moved between households since the start of the Autumn 2020 term?

    Consider if you have moved between households that you have stayed in for a period of 2 weeks or more on each occasion. For example, travelling to your family home for the winter break for a period of 2 weeks or more.

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SCIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 7 on 15/04/2021

  • Question:

    How many times have you moved between households since the start of the Autumn 2020 term?

    Response options:
    1. 1 time
    2. 2 times
    3. 3 to 5 times
    4. 6 to 9 times
    5. 10 to 19 times
    6. 20 or more times
    7. Don’t know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • SCIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if HaveTrav equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 7 on 15/04/2021

  • Question:

    Thinking about the next two months; do you expect to move away from your current household for a period of two weeks or more?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask if HaveTrav equals 2 or 3


    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 8 on 04/05/2021.

    Question wording changed from " you expect to stay with people that are not part of your current household…" in Wave 7 to " you expect to move away from your current household…" in Wave 8.

  • Question:

    Have you had any of these symptoms in the last 7 days?

    Fever (including high temperature)


    Muscle ache


    More trouble sleeping than usual

    Loss of appetite or eating less than usual


    Abdominal pain


    Sore throat

    Runny nose/sneezing


    Shortness of breath

    Noisy breathing (wheezing)

    Loss of taste

    Loss of smell

    Chest pain


    Vertigo/ Dizziness

    Worry/ Anxiety

    Low mood/ Not enjoying anything

    Memory loss or confusion

    Difficulty concentrating

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all


    "Yes" or "No" response required for each symptom listed.

    Changes were made to CIS Version 14 on 02/02/2022.

    The following symptoms were added: "Chest pain", "Palpitations", "Vertigo/ Dizziness", "Worry/ Anxiety", "Low mood/ Not enjoying anything", "Memory loss or confusion", "Difficulty concentrating".

  • Question:

    What was the earliest date that any of these symptoms first started or became worse than usual for you?

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask if "Yes" to any symptoms


    Changes were made to CIS Version 12 on 21/09/2021.

    The question wording changed from "If yes, date first symptom onset" to current wording.

  • Question:

    Do you currently think you have symptoms consistent with COVID-19 infection?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all

  • Question:

    What COVID-19 symptoms did you develop? Select all that apply

    OR for T&T Cases only:

    At the time of your positive test, did you have any of the following symptoms? Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. High temperature
    2. A new continuous cough
    3. Loss of sense of smell or taste
    4. Shortness of breath or trouble breathing
    5. Runny or stuffy nose
    6. Muscle or body aches
    7. Headaches
    8. Sore throat
    9. Unusual tiredness and fatigue
    10. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or severe stomach pain
    11. Other (please specify) (T&T Cases and Self-isolating)
    12. Any other symptoms not mentioned (T&T Behaviours only)
    13. No, none of these (T&T Cases only)
    14. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • T&T Cases
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if SymptomYN equals "Yes" (T&T Self-isolating and T&T Behaviours)

    Ask all (T&T Cases)


    If "Other (please specify)" or "Any other symptoms not mentioned" is selected, respondents are presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    For T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) and T&T Behaviours, this question is only asked if the respondent developed COVID-19 symptoms after being contacted by Test and Trace. For T&T Cases, everyone is asked this question.

    Changes were made to T&T Behaviours Wave 2 on 22/11/2021 and T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 11 on 06/12/2021.

    Response option "No, none of these" was removed.

    Changes were made to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 11 on 06/12/2021, T&T Behaviours Wave 4 on 10/01/2022, and T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/02/2022.

    The response option "Vominiting, diarrhoea or severe stomach pain" was amended to "Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or severe stomach pain".

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 10 on 04/01/2022.

    The question wording was changed from "Did you have any of the following symptoms? Select all that apply" to the current wording.

  • Question:

    Did you go on to develop any of the following symptoms after your positive test? Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. High temperature
    2. A new continuous cough
    3. Loss of sense of smell or taste
    4. Shortness of breath or trouble breathing
    5. Runny or stuffy nose
    6. Muscle or body aches
    7. Headaches
    8. Sore throat
    9. Unusual tiredness and fatigue
    10. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or severe stomach pain
    11. Other (please specify)
    12. No, none of these
    13. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if Symptoms equals "No, none of these"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 2 on 08/03/2021


    If "Other (please specify)" is selected, respondents are presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/02/2022.

    The response option "Vomiting, diarrhoea or severe stomach pain" was amended to "Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or severe stomach pain".

  • Question:

    Since you were contacted by Test and Trace or via the app, did you develop any COVID-19 symptoms? (e.g. high temperature or fever, a new or continuous cough, or a loss of taste or smell)

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    The additional question information on symptoms in brackets is for T&T Behaviours only.

    Changes were made to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021.

    Response option "Don't know" was added. This has always been present for T&T Behaviours.

  • Question:

    How many days after being contacted by Test and Trace did you begin to develop symptoms?

    Select first that apply

    Response options:
    1. I already had symptoms?
    2. The same day?
    3. Day 1 to 2?
    4. Day 3 to 5?
    5. Day 4 to 6?
    6. Day 7 to 10?
    7. Day 11 to 14?
    8. Don't know?
    9. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if SymptomYN equals 1 (Yes)

  • Question:

    Do you know or think that you have had COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all

  • Question:

    Do you know or think you have had coronavirus (COVID-19) since we last spoke to you?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all

  • Question:

    What was the earliest date when you knew or thought you first had COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who think they have had COVID-19


    Changes were made to CIS Version 12 on 21/09/2021.

    The question wording changed from "On what date did you first know or think you had COVID-19?" to current wording.

  • Question:

    Did you have any symptoms when you first knew or thought you had COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who think they have had COVID-19

  • Question:

    Did you have any of the following symptoms when you first had COVID-19? (answer Yes or No for each one)

    Fever (including high temperature)


    Muscle ache


    More trouble sleeping than usual

    Loss of appetite or eating less than usual


    Abdominal pain


    Sore throat

    Runny nose/sneezing


    Shortness of breath

    Noisy breathing (wheezing)

    Loss of taste

    Loss of smell

    Chest pain


    Vertigo/ dizziness

    Worry/ anxiety

    Low mood/ not enjoying anything

    Memory loss or confusion

    Difficulty concentrating

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who had symptoms when they first knew or thought they had COVID-19


    "Yes" or "No" response required for each symptom listed.

    Changes were made to CIS Version 14 on 02/02/2022.

    The following symptoms were added: "Chest pain", "Palpitations", "Vertigo/ Dizziness", "Worry/ Anxiety", "Low mood/ Not enjoying anything", "Memory loss or confusion", "Difficulty concentrating".

  • Question:

    Did you contact the NHS when you thought you had COVID-19 (e.g. 111, GP, Walk-in Centre, A&E)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who had symptoms when they first had COVID-19

  • Question:

    Were you admitted to hospital when you thought you had COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who had symptoms when they first had COVID-19

  • Question:

    Have you ever tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN81 on 15/12/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Do you think that you have had the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Not sure
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if Cov_PosTest equals "No", "Don’t know", or "Prefer not to answer"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN81 on 15/12/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Do you think you have had coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, I've had a positive test (antibody or swab)
    2. Yes, most likely but I've not had a test to confirm
    3. No, I don’t think I’ve had coronavirus (COVID-19)
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:


  • Question:

    For which of the following reasons do you think you may have had the coronavirus (COVID-19)? Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I experienced symptoms of the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. I was in close contact with someone who tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. I was in close contact with someone who experienced symptoms of the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    4. Other (please specify)
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_HadCor equals "Yes" or "Not sure"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN61 on 02/06/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Have you ever had a swab test of your nose and throat to test for COVID-19 infection?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all

  • Question:

    What was the result/were the results of all swab tests you’ve had?

    Response options:
    1. One or more positive test(s)
    2. One or more negative tests, but none were positive
    3. All tests failed
    4. Waiting for all results
    • CIS Enrolment
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who have had a swab test of nose and throat for COVID-19

  • Question:

    Have you had a swab test of your nose and throat to test for COVID-19 since we last spoke to you (not including any tests done as part of this study)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all

  • Question:

    What was the result/were the results of all tests you’ve had since we last spoke to you?

    Response options:
    1. One or more positive test(s)
    2. One or more negative tests, but none were positive
    3. All tests failed
    4. Waiting for all results
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who have had a swab test of nose and throat for COVID-19 since last visit

  • Question:

    What was the date of first positive test you’ve had?

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • CIS Enrolment
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who had a positive test

  • Question:

    What was the date of last negative test you’ve had?

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • CIS Enrolment
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who had a negative test

  • Question:

    What was the date of first positive test you’ve had since?

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who had a positive test

  • Question:

    What was the date of last negative test you’ve had since?

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who had a negative test

  • Question:

    Have you ever had a blood test to test for COVID-19 antibodies?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all

  • Question:

    What was the result/were the results of all blood tests you've had?

    Response options:
    1. One or more positive test(s)
    2. One or more negative tests, but none were positive
    3. All tests failed
    4. Waiting for all results
    • CIS Enrolment
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who have had an antibody test for COVID-19

  • Question:

    Have you had a blood test to test for COVID-19 antibodies since we last spoke to you (not including any tests done as part of this study)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all

  • Question:

    What was the result/were the results of all tests you've had since we last spoke to you (not including tests done as part of this study)?

    Response options:
    1. One or more positive test(s)
    2. One or more negative tests, but none were positive
    3. All tests failed
    4. Waiting for all results
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who have had an antibody test for COVID 19 since last visit

  • Question:

    Where was the test done? (If more than one test, provide for the most recent positive test, otherwise the most recent negative test, otherwise the most recent test)

    Response options:
    1. In the NHS (e.g. GP, hospital)
    2. Private lab
    3. Home test
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who have had an antibody test for COVID-19

  • Question:

    Would you describe yourself as having “long COVID”, that is, you are still experiencing symptoms more than 4 weeks after you first had COVID-19, that are not explained by something else?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask if week 4 or later

  • Question:

    Does this reduce your ability to carry-out day-to-day activities compared with the time before you had COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, a lot
    2. Yes, a little
    3. Not at all
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who have long COVID

  • Question:

    Have you had/do you have any of the following symptoms as part of your experience of long COVID? Please include any pre-existing symptoms which long COVID has made worse.

    Fever (including high temperature)


    Muscle ache



    Abdominal pain


    Loss of appetite or eating less than usual

    Loss of taste

    Loss of smell

    Sore throat


    Shortness of breath

    Chest pain




    Low mood/not enjoying anything

    More trouble sleeping than usual

    Memory loss or confusion

    Difficulty concentrating

    Runny nose/ sneezing

    Noisy breathing

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all who have long COVID


    A response is required for each symptom.

    Changes were made to CIS Version 14 on 02/02/2022.

    Wording around several symptoms was amended: "Fever" was changed to "Fever (including high temperature)", "Loss of appetite" was changed to "Loss of appetite or eating less than usual", and "Trouble sleeping" was changed to "More troubling sleeping than usual".

    The following symptoms were added: "Runny nose/ sneezing" and "Noisy breathing".

  • Question:

    For some people, the coronavirus (COVID-19) can cause symptoms that last weeks or months after the infection has gone. This is sometimes called post-COVID-19 syndrome or "long COVID".

    Have you experienced "long COVID"?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Not sure
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if Cov_PosTest equals "Yes" or COV_HadCor equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN48 on 04/03/2021

    Removed from OPN78 on 03/11/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with "Prefer not to answer" as a further option.

  • Question:

    Has having "long COVID" negatively affected any of the following aspects of your life? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Work
    2. Education
    3. Caring responsibilities
    4. General wellbeing
    5. Family life
    6. Relationships
    7. Ability to exercise
    8. Other (please specify)
    9. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_LongCov equals "Yes" or "Not sure"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN48 on 04/03/2021

    Removed from OPN78 on 03/11/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    If response option "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Some people have been advised that they are High Risk, known as clinically extremely vulnerable. If you are in this group, you will have received a letter from the NHS or your GP advising you of this. You may have been advised to shield in the past.

    Have you been identified as High Risk or clinically extremely vulnerable?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t Know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, apply to you?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Aged 70 or older
    2. Pregnant
    3. Have a lung condition, for example, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema or bronchitis, but you have not been identified as clinically extremely vulnerable
    4. Have heart disease, for example, heart failure
    5. Have diabetes
    6. Have chronic kidney disease
    7. Have liver disease, for example, hepatitis
    8. Have a condition affecting the brain or nerves, for example, Parkinson's disease, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis or cerebral palsy
    9. Have a condition that means you have a high risk of getting infections
    10. Taking medicine that can affect the immune system, for example, low doses of steroids
    11. Very obese, for example, a BMI of 40 or above
    12. None of these
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN48 on 04/03/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    Changes were made to OPN88 on 30/03/2022.

    Variable name changed from "COV_HealthMod" to "COV_HealthModB".

    The question wording was changed from "Which of these Moderate Risk factors for the coronavirus (COVID-19), that have been defined by the NHS, apply to you?" to "Which of these, if any, apply to you?".

  • Question:

    In the last six months, have you or someone you live with or care for outside your household, experienced a delay in getting health care?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Not applicable
    4. Don’t know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN82 on 06/01/2022

    Removed from OPN83 on 19/01/2022

  • Question:

    Was this delay in getting health care for a mental or a physical health condition?

    Response options:
    1. A mental health condition
    2. A physical health condition
    3. Both mental and physical health conditions
    4. Not applicable
    5. Don’t know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_WaitingTime equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN82 on 06/01/2022

    Removed from OPN83 on 19/01/2022

  • Question:

    Have you or someone you live with or care for outside your household, experienced a delay with any of the following?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Waiting for an ambulance
    2. Waiting to be seen at A&E
    3. Waiting to see a specialist, for example, a consultant
    4. Waiting for surgery
    5. Waiting for an emergency GP appointment
    6. Waiting for a non-emergency GP appointment
    7. Waiting for a dental appointment
    8. Other, please specify
    9. Don’t know
    10. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_WaitingTime equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN82 on 06/01/2022

    Removed from OPN83 on 19/01/2022


    For "Other, please specify", the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    For T&T Cases:

    Prior to contracting coronavirus did you consider yourself vulnerable to coronavirus?

    OR for IAIS:

    Do you consider yourself vulnerable to coronavirus?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • IAIS
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 10 on 04/01/2022:

    The question wording was changed from "Do you consider yourself vulnerable to coronavirus?" to the current wording for T&T Cases only.

  • Question:

    Is this because of your...

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Age
    2. Pre-existing medical condition
    3. Pregnancy
    4. Gender
    5. Ethnic group
    6. Other (specify for IAIS only)
    7. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • IAIS
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if CoronaVuln equals 1


    For "Other (specify)", the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify for IAIS only.

    The "pregnancy" response option is only presented to females under the age of 55.

    Changes were made to IAIS Wave 3 on 12/07/2021.

    Response option "Other (specify)" was added to IAIS Wave 3. This remains "Other" for T&T Cases.

  • Question:

    How much of a personal risk do you think catching the coronavirus (COVID-19) is to you personally?

    Response options:
    1. Very high risk
    2. High risk
    3. Neither high nor low risk
    4. Low risk
    5. Very low risk
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN59 on 19/05/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    To what extent do you think coronavirus (COVID-19) poses a risk to the physical or mental health of your friends or relatives?

    Response options:
    1. Major risk
    2. Significant risk
    3. Minor risk
    4. No risk at all
    5. Don’t know
    6. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    For SEIS, response option 6 is "Prefer not to say" instead of "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    To what extent do you think coronavirus (COVID-19) poses a risk to your physical or mental health?

    Response options:
    1. Major risk
    2. Significant risk
    3. Minor risk
    4. No risk at all
    5. Don’t know
    6. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    For SEIS, response option 6 is "Prefer not to say" instead of "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What impact, if any, has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had on your physical health?

    Response options:
    1. My physical health has got better
    2. No change
    3. My physical health has got worse
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What impact, if any, has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had on your wellbeing?

    Response options:
    1. My wellbeing has got better
    2. No change
    3. My wellbeing has got worse
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Was/were your linked to coronavirus (or suspected coronavirus) (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if answered TypIll and worked in last 12 months

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) 2021

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 6 (July - Sept) 2022


    This question is asked in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) across the UK.

    This question is only asked in the main sample.

  • Question:

    Do you think your illness may have been from exposure to coronavirus (COVID-19) at work?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    • LFS
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    If TypCov equals "Yes" and TypIll equals 10, 4 or 11

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) 2021

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 6 (July - Sept) 2022


    This question is asked in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) across the UK.

    This question is only asked in the main sample.

  • Question:

    Was your coronavirus (COVID-19) confirmed by a test?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if TypCov equals Yes and TypIll equals 4 or 10 and TypCov 2 equals Yes  

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) 2021

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 5 (Jan - March) 2022


    This question is asked in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) across the UK.

    This question is only asked in the main sample.

  • Question:

    Was this sick absence linked to coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if main condition was 'Minor illnesses', 'Respiratory conditions', or 'Other'

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 2 (April - June) 2020

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 6 (July - Sept) 2022


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK and all waves are asked.

  • Question:

    Were you…

    Select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. Off sick with symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. Self-isolated or in quarantine
    3. Off for a different reason
    • LFS
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if sick absence was linked to COVID-19

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 2 (April - June) 2020

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 6 (July - Sept) 2022


    If "Off for a different reason?" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    This question is asked every quarter across the UK and all waves are asked.

  • Question:

    In the future, if you were to get a cold or flu like symptoms, which of the following would you do?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Take a rapid lateral flow test (These give a quick result using a device similar to a pregnancy test)
    2. Book a PCR test (These are sent to a lab to be checked)
    3. I would wait to see how my symptoms developed
    4. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN77 on 20/10/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Do you have any physical or mental health conditions or illnesses lasting or expected to last 12 months or more (excluding any long-lasting COVID-19 symptoms)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • TUS
    • Health - General

    Ask all


    TUS does not include additional information on lasting COVID-19 symptoms.

  • Question:

    Do any of your conditions or illnesses reduce your ability to carry-out day-to-day activities?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, a lot
    2. Yes, a little
    3. Not at all
    4. Prefer not to say (TUS only)
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • TUS
    • Health - General

    Ask if have any physical or mental health conditions (TUS only)


    "Prefer not to say" is a response option for TUS only.

  • Question:

    Do you have any physical or mental health conditions or illnesses lasting or expected to last 12 months or more?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Contacts
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 4 on 10/05/2021

    Removed from T&T Contacts Wave 4 on 19/04/2021

  • Question:

    Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months? Please include problems related to old age.

    Response options:
    1. Yes, limited a lot
    2. Yes, limited a little
    3. No
    4. Don't know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    How is your health in general?

    Response options:
    1. Very good
    2. Good
    3. Fair
    4. Bad
    5. Very bad
    6. Prefer not to say (TUS only)
    • OPN
    • TUS
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    Variable is unlabelled for TUS.

    Response option 6 refers to TUS only.

  • Question:

    Do you have any physical or mental health conditions or illnesses?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Changes were made to OPN59 on 19/05/2021.

    Response options "Don't know" and "Prefer not to say" were previously only presented if the question was skipped.

  • Question:

    Has this lasted, or is it expected to last, for 12 months or more?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if HEALILL equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN

  • Question:

    Do any of your illnesses or conditions reduce your ability to carry out day to day activities?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, a lot
    2. Yes, a little
    3. Not at all
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if HEALILLB equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Thinking about your health, do you currently have any of the following health conditions, problems or illnesses? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Angina, heart failure [CM1] or long-term heart problem
    2. Asthma
    3. A learning disability
    4. Conditions affecting the brain and nerves, such as Parkinson's disease, motor neurone disease or multiple sclerosis (MS)
    5. Cancer
    6. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis or other long-term lung problem
    7. Diabetes
    8. Kidney or liver disease
    9. A weakened immune system as the result of conditions such as HIV and AIDS, or medicines such as steroid tablets or treatment for cancer[CM2]
    10. Problems with your spleen – for example, sickle cell disease, or if you've had your spleen removed [BN3]
    11. Being very overweight (having a BMI of 40 or above)
    12. Given an organ transplant
    13. Or
    14. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if HEALILL equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN48 on 04/03/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Do any of the conditions or illnesses that you’ve told us about affect you in any of the following areas? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Vision (for example blindness or partial sight)
    2. Hearing (for example deafness or partial hearing)
    3. Mobility (for example walking short distances or climbing stairs)
    4. Dexterity (for example lifting and carrying objects or using a keyboard)
    5. Learning or understanding or concentrating
    6. Memory
    7. Mental health
    8. Stamina or breathing or fatigue
    9. Socially or behaviourally, for example, associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) which includes Asperger’s, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
    10. Other, please specify on the next page
    11. None of these
    12. Prefer not to say
    13. Don’t know
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if HEALILL equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Current rotation status: Reinstated for OPN85 on 16/02/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    Changes were made to OPN88 on 30/03/2022.

    Variable name "COV_AffecB" was changed to "COV_AffecC".

    Response option "None of these" was added.

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, have you had any new or worsening health problems?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t Know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

  • Question:

    Have you sought any professional health advice for these health problems?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t Know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_NewPro equals 1 (Yes)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

  • Question:

    Why did you not seek any professional health advice for these health problems? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I was concerned about catching the coronavirus (COVID-19) while receiving care
    2. I was concerned about spreading the coronavirus (COVID-19) to others
    3. I wanted to avoid putting pressure on the NHS
    4. I did not think it was serious enough to seek advice
    5. I was concerned about leaving home
    6. I did not know how to access help
    7. I was not able to access help
    8. I thought help was unavailable
    9. Other (please specify)
    10. None of the above
    11. Don’t know
    12. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_NewPro equals 2 (No)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2023


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

  • Question:

    Since the start of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, access to medical care for existing health conditions and check-ups has been reduced or put on hold. For example, out-patient hospital treatment, dentist, opticians, podiatrists, audiologists, physiotherapists, cancer treatment or counselling.

    Before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, were you receiving medical care for any long-term mental or physical health condition, problem or illness?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t Know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if HEALILL equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2023


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

  • Question:

    Since the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic have you been able to access the same level of medical care for any long-term mental or physical health condition, problem or illness?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, treatment started or continued as normal [Include telephone and video call appointments]
    2. Yes, treatment started or continued but was reduced
    3. Treatment for some, but not all health conditions
    4. No, treatment was cancelled or never started before lockdown
    5. No, I have chosen not to receive treatment
    6. Not applicable
    7. Don’t know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_Medic equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2023


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

  • Question:

    What effect, if any, has reduced access to treatment or no treatment had on any of your long-term mental or physical health conditions, problems or illnesses?

    Response options:
    1. My health has improved
    2. My health has stayed the same
    3. My health has worsened
    4. Other (please specify)
    5. Don’t know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_AfMedicA equals 2, 3, or 4

    Time-points of data collection:

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2023


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

  • Question:

    Thinking about your situation now, have you been able to access the NHS services you need to help manage your condition(s) over the last 4 weeks?

    Response options:
    1. Yes - in person
    2. Yes - by telephone or video call
    3. No, not able to access
    4. No, decided not to seek help at this time
    5. Not required in last 4 weeks
    • CEV
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    The interviewer is instructed to select both "Yes" response options if they apply to the respondent.

  • Question:

    Still thinking about the last 4 weeks, in which of these ways did you collect your medicines? Select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. I went to the pharmacy myself
    2. Friends, family or neighbours delivered them to me
    3. Volunteers delivered them to me
    4. My pharmacy delivered them to me
    5. Other
    6. Not applicable
    • CEV
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all except CareHome equals 1 (Live in carehome)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

  • Question:

    How has the amount of GP or hospital care for your underlying health condition(s) been affected since last month? Has your care:

    Response options:
    1. Increased
    2. Continued as normal
    3. Decreased, (For example, some of my appointments have been cancelled)
    4. Stopped (For example, all of my appointments have been cancelled)
    • CEV
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CEV Wave 6 on 21/06/2021

  • Question:

    Do you smoke cigarettes even if occasionally? Please do not include electronic cigarettes or vaping.

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Have you ever smoked cigarettes regularly? Please do not include electronic cigarettes or vaping.

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if CigNow equals 2


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    When do you have your first cigarette of the day?

    Response options:
    1. Within two hours of waking up
    2. More than two hours after waking up
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if CigNow equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN73 on 25/08/2021

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN98 on 17/08/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    When do you usually have your first cigarette?

    Response options:
    1. Within 5 minutes of waking up
    2. Between 5 minutes to 15 minutes
    3. Between 15 minutes to half an hour
    4. Between half an hour to an hour
    5. Between an hour to two hours of waking up
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if FirstCig equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN73 on 25/08/2021

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN98 on 17/08/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

    I want to stop smoking.

    Response options:
    1. Definitely agree
    2. Tend to agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Tend to disagree
    5. Definitely disagree
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if CigNow equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN73 on 25/08/2021

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN98 on 17/08/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    When would you say you are aiming to stop smoking?

    Response options:
    1. In the next month
    2. In the next 2-3 months
    3. At a later time
    4. Not sure yet
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if QuitA equals 1 or 2

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN73 on 25/08/2021

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN98 on 17/08/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Do you currently use electronic cigarettes or similar vaping devices such as an e-shisha or e-pipe?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, daily
    2. Yes, occasionally
    3. No, but I used to
    4. I have never used an electronic cigarette or similar vaping device
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN73 on 25/08/2021

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN98 on 17/08/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Have you ever smoked cigarettes regularly?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - General

    Ask all

  • Question:

    Do you currently smoke or vape at all?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Health - General

    Ask all

  • Question:

    Have you consumed alcohol in the last 7 days?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021

  • Question:

    On those occasions you have consumed alcohol in the last 7 days, who have you been with?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. No one, I was alone
    2. Someone from my own household
    3. Someone from a different household
    4. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if AlcohAny equals 1 (Yes)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 7 on 15/04/2021

  • Question:

    Please think about the times you drank in the last 7 days. To what extent do you think that consuming alcohol affected how you followed guidance around coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. I followed the guidance more closely
    2. It did not affect how I followed the guidance
    3. I followed the guidance less closely
    4. Prefer not to answer
    5. Not applicable
    • SCIS
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if AlcohAny equals 1 (Yes)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021

  • Question:

    Are you registered with a GP practice, surgery or clinic at your term time address?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 7 on 15/04/2021

    Removed from SCIS Wave 9 on 24/05/2021

    Reinstated for SCIS Wave 12 on 05/11/2021


    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 12 on 05/11/2021.

    The variable name changed from "GRRegis" to "GPReg".

    The question wording changed to include "…at your term time address" at the end of the question

  • Question:

    When did you register with your current GP practice, surgery or clinic?

    Response options:
    1. Since the start of the Autumn 2021 term
    2. Before the start of the Autumn 2021 term
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if GPReg equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 12 on 05/11/2021

  • Question:

    Are you registered to a GP practice in the location you currently live?

    In this case, the GP practice must be local (within ten miles of your current residency) and is the practice you would go to if you have any non-urgent medical need

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if GPRegis equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 7 on 15/04/2021

    Removed from SCIS Wave 9 on 24/05/2021

  • Question:

    What impact, if any, has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had on your physical health?

    Response options:
    1. My physical health has got better
    2. No change
    3. My physical health has got worse
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What impact, if any, has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had on your sleep?

    Response options:
    1. My sleep has got better
    2. No change
    3. My sleep has got worse
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What impact, if any, has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had on the food you eat?

    Response options:
    1. The food I eat is more healthy
    2. No change
    3. The food I eat is less healthy
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What impact, if any, has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had on the amount of alcohol you drink?

    Response options:
    1. I drink more alcohol
    2. No change
    3. I drink less alcohol
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What impact, if any, has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had on the amount of exercise that you do?

    Response options:
    1. I exercise more
    2. No change
    3. I exercise less
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What impact, if any, has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had on the amount of cigarettes that you smoke?

    Response options:
    1. I smoke more cigarettes
    2. No change
    3. I smoke fewer cigarettes
    4. Not applicable, I stopped smoking before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if CigNow equals Yes or CigEver equals Yes

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Have you received a winter flu vaccine in the last 12 months?

    Response options:
    1. Winter flu vaccine 2020
    2. Winter flu vaccine 2021
    3. None of these
    4. Don’t know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN86 on 03/03/2022

  • Question:

    How likely or unlikely would you be to have a flu vaccine this winter?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_FluB does not equal "Winter flu vaccine 2021"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN86 on 03/03/2022

  • Question:

    What was the main condition that caused you to take this/the first/the further sickness absence?

    Response options:
    1. Back pain
    2. Neck and upper limb problems (e.g. arthritis in hand joints, stiff neck)
    3. Other musculoskeletal problems
    4. Stress, depression, anxiety (common mental health problems)
    5. Manic depression, schizophrenia and other serious mental health problems
    6. Minor illnesses: coughs, colds and flu
    7. sickness, nausea and diarrhoea
    8. Other respiratory conditions (e.g. asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease [COPD], bronchitis, pneumonia)
    9. Other gastrointestinal problems (e.g. irritable bowel syndrome [IBS], piles, bowel cancer, stomach ulcer)
    10. Headaches and migraines
    11. Pregnancy problems
    12. Genito-urinary
    13. to include urine infections & menstrual problems
    14. Heart, blood pressure & circulation problems
    15. Eye, ear, nose & mouth/dental
    16. to include sinusitis and toothache
    17. Diabetes
    18. Other (accidents, poisonings, infectious diseases, skin disorders and anything else not covered above)
    19. Prefers not to give details
    • LFS
    • Health - General
    Variable name:





    Ask if had one or more periods of sickness in the reference week


    A single response option is allowed.

    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

    The variable name depends on whether the question is referring to a current ("Illne20"), first ("Illfst20"), or further ("Illnxt20") sickness period.

  • Question:

    How would you describe this illness?

    Response options:
    1. Bone, joint or muscle problems which mainly affect (or is mainly connected with) arms, hands, neck or shoulder
    2. Hips, legs or feet
    3. Back
    4. Breathing or lung problems
    5. Skin problems
    6. Hearing problems
    7. Stress, depression or anxiety
    8. Headache and/or eyestrain
    9. Heart disease / attack, other circulatory system
    10. Infectious disease (virus, bacteria)
    11. Other
    • LFS
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if had an illness or disability or other physical or mental problem in work in the last 12 months 


    This question is asked in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) across the UK.

    This question is only asked in the main sample.

  • Question:

    Was your illness linked to changes in your working conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic?  

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if TypIll is different than "Breathing or lung problems", "Infectious disease (virus, bacteria)" or "Other", OR TypIll equals "Breathing or lung problems", "Infectious disease (virus, bacteria)" or "Other" and TypCov2 equals "No" or "Don't know" OR TypIll equals "Breathing or lung problems", "Infectious disease (virus, bacteria)" or "Other" and TypCov equals "No" and worked in the last 12 months

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) 2021

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 6 (July - Sept) 2022


    This question is asked in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) across the UK.

    This question is only asked in the main sample.

  • Question:

    Overall, how satisfied are you with your life nowadays, where 0 is "not at all satisfied" and 10 is "completely satisfied"?

    Please enter a number from 0 to 10 in the box below (OPN, SCIS and SEIS only)

    Response options:
    1. [enter or select a number from 0 to 10]
    2. Prefer not to say
    3. Don't know
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • CEV
    • OPN
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Over 80s
    • TUS
    • HAS
    • SLC
    • LFS
    • T&T Behaviours
    • LCF
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:


    LifeSatis (T&T and Over 80s only)

    LifeSatisfaction (CEV only)

    Satis (HAS, SLC LCF and LFS only)


    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LCF in 04/2022


    "Please enter a number from 0 to 10 in the box below" is only presented for OPN, SCIS and SEIS. SCIS and SEIS say "Please select..." instead of "Please enter...".

    Variable is unlabelled in TUS.

    TUS, HAS, and SLC response options do not include "Prefer not to say" and "Don't know". T&T includes "Prefer not to say".

    For T&T Cases, T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts), T&T Behaviours and CEV, the "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer and for T&T Contacts and CEV, the "Don't know" response option is coded if the respondent is unsure.

    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter across the UK. This question is asked in Wave 1 and 5 of the main sample and all waves of the boost sample. This question cannot be asked if a proxy is being utilised.

  • Question:

    Overall, to what extent do you feel that the things you do in your life are worthwhile, where 0 is "not at all worthwhile" and 10 is "completely worthwhile"?

    Please enter a number from 0 to 10 in the box below (OPN, SCIS and SEIS only)

    Response options:
    1. [enter or select a number from 0 to 10]
    2. Prefer not to say
    3. Don't know
    • OPN
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • TUS
    • SLC
    • LFS
    • LCF
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:


    Worth (SLC, LCF and LFS only)


    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LCF in 04/2022


    "Please enter a number from 0 to 10 in the box below" is only presented for OPN, SCIS and SEIS. SCIS and SEIS say "Please select..." instead of "Please enter...".

    Variable is unlabelled in TUS.

    TUS and SLC response options do not include "Prefer not to say" and "Don't know".

    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter across the UK. This question is asked in Wave 1 and 5 of the main sample and all waves of the boost sample. This question cannot be asked if a proxy is being utilised.

  • Question:

    Overall, how happy did you feel yesterday, where 0 is "not at all happy" and 10 is "completely happy"?

    Please enter a number from 0 to 10 in the box below (OPN, SCIS and SEIS only)

    Response options:
    1. [enter or select a number from 0 to 10]
    2. Prefer not to say
    3. Don't know
    • OPN
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • TUS
    • SLC
    • LFS
    • LCF
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:


    Happy (SLC, LCF and LFS only)


    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LCF in 04/2022


    "Please enter a number from 0 to 10 in the box below" is only presented for OPN, SCIS and SEIS. SCIS and SEIS say "Please select..." instead of "Please enter...".

    Variable is unlabelled in TUS.

    TUS and SLC response options do not include "Prefer not to say" and "Don't know".

    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter across the UK. This question is asked in Wave 1 and 5 of the main sample and all waves of the boost sample. This question cannot be asked if a proxy is being utilised.

  • Question:

    On a scale where 0 is "not at all anxious" and 10 is "completely anxious", overall, how anxious did you feel yesterday?

    Please enter a number from 0 to 10 in the box below (OPN, SCIS and SEIS only)

    Response options:
    1. [enter or select a number from 0 to 10]
    2. Prefer not to say
    3. Don't know
    • OPN
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Over 80s
    • TUS
    • HAS
    • SLC
    • LFS
    • LCF
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:


    Anxious (Over 80s, HAS, SLC, LCF and LFS only)


    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LCF in 04/2022


    "Please enter a number from 0 to 10 in the box below" is only presented for OPN, SCIS and SEIS. SCIS and SEIS say "Please select..." instead of "Please enter...".

    Variable is unlabelled in TUS.

    TUS, HAS, and SLC response options do not include "Prefer not to say" and "Don't know".

    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter across the UK. This question is asked in Wave 1 and 5 of the main sample and all waves of the boost sample. This question cannot be asked if a proxy is being utilised.

  • Question:

    Has self-isolation had any effect on your wellbeing and mental health?

    OR for SEIS only:

    If you have ever had to self-isolate or quarantine during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, what effect, if any, did this have on your wellbeing and mental health?

    Response options:
    1. I have not been required to self-isolate at any point (SEIS only)
    2. Yes, negative
    3. Yes, positive
    4. No effect
    5. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all (T&T Self-isolating and SEIS)

    Ask if IsoCheck equals "Yes" (T&T Cases)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    "I have not been required to self-isolate at any point" is only a response option for SEIS.

    For SEIS, the response options "Yes, negative" and "Yes, positive" are presented as "Negative" and "Positive".

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022.

    The routing was changed from "Ask all" to current routing.

  • Question:

    Has being contacted by Test and Trace had any effect on your wellbeing and mental health?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, negative
    2. Yes, positive
    3. No effect
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    If the respondent gives "Yes" as their answer, the following prompt is used: "Would you say that the effect on your wellbeing and mental health was negative or positive?"

  • Question:

    How often do you feel lonely?

    OR for OPN only:

    And how often do you feel lonely?

    Response options:
    1. Often or always
    2. Some of the time
    3. Occasionally
    4. Hardly ever
    5. Never
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to say / answer (SCIS only)
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • CEV
    • T&T Behaviours
    • OPN
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:

    Lonely (SCIS, SEIS and T&T Behaviours only)

    LONELY (CEV only)

    COV_Lon (OPN only)


    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 6 on 21/06/2021


    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 7 on 15/04/2021.

    Response options changed in SCIS Wave 7 to include "Don't know".

    Response option 7 wording changed from "Prefer not to say" in Wave 6 to "Prefer not to answer" in Wave 7.

    Response option 7 wording remains "Prefer not to say" for OPN.

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, how has your wellbeing been affected?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Feeling like a burden on others
    2. Feeling stressed or anxious
    3. Feeling worried about returning to work
    4. Feeling worried about possible job loss
    5. Feeling worried about finding a job
    6. My mental health is worse
    7. Feeling worried about the future
    8. Other (please specify)
    • OPN
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_LifeF equals 5 (Wellbeing)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN84 on 03/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    For "Other (please specify)", the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Have you currently or in the past received treatment for mental health difficulties?

    Response options:
    1. I have never received treatment
    2. I have received treatment in the past, but do not receive treatment now
    3. I'm currently receiving treatment for the first time
    4. I'm currently receiving treatment and I have also received treatment in the past
    5. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    Compared to last month, how is your wellbeing and mental health now?

    Response options:
    1. Much better
    2. Slightly better
    3. No difference
    4. Slightly worse
    5. Much worse
    6. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    The next questions are about how you have been feeling over the past two weeks. For each question, please give the answer that comes closest to the way you have been feeling.

    Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by having little interest or pleasure in doing things?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. On several days
    3. For more than half the days
    4. Nearly every day
    • OPN
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8) Depression Scale.

  • Question:

    Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by feeling down, depressed or hopeless?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. On several days
    3. For more than half the days
    4. Nearly every day
    • OPN
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8) Depression Scale.

  • Question:

    Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by having trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. On several days
    3. For more than half the days
    4. Nearly every day
    • OPN
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8) Depression Scale.

  • Question:

    Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by feeling tired or having little energy?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. On several days
    3. For more than half the days
    4. Nearly every day
    • OPN
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8) Depression Scale.

  • Question:

    Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by having a poor appetite or overeating?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. On several days
    3. For more than half the days
    4. Nearly every day
    • OPN
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8) Depression Scale.

  • Question:

    Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by feeling negative about yourself or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. On several days
    3. For more than half the days
    4. Nearly every day
    • OPN
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8) Depression Scale.

  • Question:

    Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by having trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. On several days
    3. For more than half the days
    4. Nearly every day
    • OPN
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8) Depression Scale.

  • Question:

    Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed; or being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. On several days
    3. For more than half the days
    4. Nearly every day
    • OPN
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8) Depression Scale.

  • Question:

    Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by feeling nervous, anxious or on edge?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. On several days
    3. For more than half the days
    4. Nearly every day
    • OPN
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN67 on 14/07/2021

    Reintroduced for OPN75 on 22/09/2021

    Removed from OPN77 on 20/10/2021

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the GAD-7 anxiety scale questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by not being able to stop or control worrying?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. On several days
    3. For more than half the days
    4. Nearly every day
    • OPN
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN67 on 14/07/2021

    Reintroduced for OPN75 on 22/09/2021

    Removed from OPN77 on 20/10/2021

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the GAD-7 anxiety scale questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Do you make yourself sick because you feel uncomfortably full?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the SCOFF (Sick, Control, One, Fat, Food) questionnaire for screening eating disorders.

  • Question:

    Do you worry you have lost control over how much you eat?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the SCOFF (Sick, Control, One, Fat, Food) questionnaire for screening eating disorders.

  • Question:

    Have you recently lost more than one stone (6.4kg) in a 3 month period?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the SCOFF (Sick, Control, One, Fat, Food) questionnaire for screening eating disorders.

  • Question:

    Do you believe yourself to be fat when others say you are too thin?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the SCOFF (Sick, Control, One, Fat, Food) questionnaire for screening eating disorders.

  • Question:

    Would you say that Food dominates your life?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was taken from the SCOFF (Sick, Control, One, Fat, Food) questionnaire for screening eating disorders.

  • Question:

    How has your wellbeing and mental health changed since you started in the Autumn term 2021?

    Response options:
    1. Much better now
    2. Slightly Better now
    3. No difference
    4. Slightly worse now
    5. Much worse now
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021.

    The question wording reference year changed from 2020 to 2021.

    The question wording for SEIS is the same as SCIS Wave 10.

  • Question:

    Could you please tell us if you have engaged with any mental health and well-being services since the start of the Autumn 2021 term?

    For example, mental health charities, GP, IAPT, NHS, university services etc

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 9 on 24/05/2021

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    The question wording for SEIS is slightly different to SCIS as only First year students are responding.

    The question wording for SEIS replaces "…since the start of the Autumn 2021 term" with "…since September 2021".

    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021.

    The question wording reference year changed from 2020 to 2021.

  • Question:

    Which mental health and well-being services have you engaged with since the start of the Autumn 2021 term?

    Please select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. Student specific mental health charities, such as Student Minds, Nightline or Young Minds
    2. Mental health charities, such as Mind, Mental Health UK or ReThink
    3. General practitioner (GP) or primary care
    4. NHS or IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) programme
    5. Online university services
    6. On-campus university services
    7. Student union
    8. Private counsellor or provider
    9. Other
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask if HealthServ equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 9 on 24/05/2021

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    The question wording for SEIS is slightly different to SCIS as only First year students are responding.

    The question wording for SEIS replaces "…since the start of the Autumn 2021 term" with "…since September 2021".

    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021.

    The question wording reference year changed from 2020 to 2021.

  • Question:

    Thinking hypothetically, if you were to require the use of mental health and well-being services in the future, which service would you most likely engage with in the first instance?

    OR for SCIS only:

    If you were to require Mental health & wellbeing support in the future, which service would you most likely use?

    Response options:
    1. Student specific mental health charities, such as Student Minds, Nightline or Young Minds
    2. Mental health charities, such as Mind, Mental Health UK or ReThink
    3. General practitioner (GP) or primary care
    4. NHS or IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) programme
    5. Online university services
    6. On-campus university services
    7. Student union
    8. Private counsellor or provider
    9. Other
    10. Don't know
    • SEIS
    • SCIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask if HealthServ does not equal 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 9 on 24/05/2021

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 12 on 05/11/2021.

    The question wording changed from "Thinking hypothetically, if you were to require the use of mental health and well-being services in the future, which service would you most likely engage with in the first instance?" to "If you were to require Mental health & wellbeing support in the future, which service would you most likely use?" for SCIS only.

  • Question:

    If you were to engage with Mental health & wellbeing services in the future, would you prefer face-to-face or virtual support?

    Response options:
    1. Face-to-face
    2. Virtual/online
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    Do you do any of the following activities to support your general wellbeing?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Physical activity, yoga
    2. Meditation, mindfulness
    3. Meet friends
    4. Cook, bake
    5. Read
    6. Electronic games
    7. Music including listening to music or playing an instrument)
    8. Listen to podcasts, audiobooks
    9. Good sleep routine
    10. Other
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    What impact, if any, has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had on your wellbeing?

    Response options:
    1. My wellbeing has got better
    2. No change
    3. My wellbeing has got worse
    • OPN
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Are you aware of the following mental health support organisations and programmes?

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Every Mind matters
    2. Let's Talk loneliness
    3. Adult Improving Access to Psychological Therapies programme
    4. NHS Volunteer Responders
    5. Hub of Hope
    6. NHS crisis lines
    7. Social Prescribing programme
    8. No, none of the above
    • CEV
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

  • Question:

    Have you ever accessed any of the following for support?

    Response options:
    1. Every mind matters
    2. Let's talk loneliness
    3. Adult Improving Access to Psychological Therapies programme
    4. NHS Volunteer Responders
    5. Hub of hope
    6. NHS crisis lines
    7. Social prescribing programme
    8. None
    • CEV
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    Ask if SupportAvail does not equal 8

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021


    The interviewer records all forms of support the respondent has accessed.

    Only the mental health support organisations and programmes that the respondent selected in the previous question, SupportAvail, will show as response options.

  • Question:

    To what extent do you think coronavirus (COVID-19) poses a risk to the physical or mental health of your friends or relatives?

    Response options:
    1. Major risk
    2. Significant risk
    3. Minor risk
    4. No risk at all
    5. Don’t know
    6. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    For SEIS, response option 6 is "Prefer not to say" instead of "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    To what extent do you think coronavirus (COVID-19) poses a risk to your physical or mental health?

    Response options:
    1. Major risk
    2. Significant risk
    3. Minor risk
    4. No risk at all
    5. Don’t know
    6. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    Variable name:



    For SEIS, response option 6 is "Prefer not to say" instead of "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Have you received any vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. I have only received my first vaccine dose
    2. I have received both vaccine doses
    3. I have received two vaccine doses and at least one booster vaccine
    4. No
    5. Don’t know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • TUS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:

    COV_RecVacC (TUS only)

    COV_RecVacD (OPN only)


    Ask all


    Variable is unlabelled in TUS.

    Response options are worded slightly different for TUS.

    Response option three is "I have received two vaccine doses and a booster vaccine" for TUS.

    Changes were made to OPN89 on 13/04/2022.

    Variable name was changed from "COV_RecVacC" to "COV_RecVacD"

    Response option 3 was changed from "I have received two vaccine doses and at least one booster vaccine" to current wording.

  • Question:

    Have you received any vaccinations for COVID-19?

    OR for VOS only:

    Have you received a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know (VOS only)
    4. Prefer not to say
    • IPS
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:

    COV_RecVacB_VOS (VOS only)


    Ask all arrivals (IPS)

    Ask all (VOS)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IPS in 04/2022


    This question was removed from IPS in April 2022 and replaced with another question asking about vaccination status.

  • Question:

    When did you receive your most recent dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. September 2021
    2. July or August 2021
    3. May or June 2021
    4. March or April 2021
    5. January or February 2021
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacB equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Have you received…

    Response options:
    1. One dose?
    2. Two doses?
    3. More than two doses or a booster?
    • IPS
    • Vaccination

    Ask all arrivals

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IPS in 04/2022


    This question is referring to having received the COVID-19 vaccine.

    Changes were made to IPS in 03/2022.

    The response option "More than two doses" was amended to "More than two doses or a booster?".

  • Question:

    How easy or difficult was it for you to get your first dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Very easy
    2. Easy
    3. Neither easy nor difficult
    4. Difficult
    5. Very difficult
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacB equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Did you experience any of the following difficulties when going to get your first dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Difficulty travelling to receive the vaccine
    2. Cost of travel to receive the vaccine
    3. Felt unsafe going to receive the vaccine due to the risk of catching the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    4. Difficulty with accessibility at the vaccination centre, GP surgery or pharmacy
    5. Difficulty finding help for caring responsibilities while I got vaccinated
    6. Long wait at the vaccination centre, GP surgery or pharmacy
    7. Difficulty taking time off work
    8. Difficulty booking an appointment
    9. Other, please specify
    10. I did not experience any difficulties
    11. Don't know
    12. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacB equals "Yes"


    If "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, encouraged you to get a first dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I wanted to protect myself from the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. I wanted to protect others from the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. I wanted to protect the NHS and other health care workers
    4. Talking to friends and family about having a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    5. Talking to people I work or study with about having a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    6. Talking to my GP or other health professionals
    7. Hearing from a public figure such as a well known person or a faith leader
    8. Hearing about people who had got very ill with the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    9. Information from the NHS
    10. Government announcements or messages
    11. Information on social media
    12. Information on TV, radio or media
    13. None of the above
    14. Don't know
    15. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacB equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, encouraged you to get a first dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I wanted restrictions to ease and life to return to normal
    2. I wanted to make sure that I can attend night clubs, concerts or other events that require a vaccine passport
    3. I wanted to make it easier for me to go on holiday abroad
    4. My employer told me that I need to be vaccinated to work
    5. None of the above
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacB equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, encouraged you to get a first dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Free travel to and from vaccination centres
    2. Option of a walk-in appointment with no need to book
    3. Option of getting a vaccine at the place where I work
    4. Option of getting a vaccine closer to where I live or work (For example, at a pop-up or community centre)
    5. Free food and hot drinks at the vaccination centre
    6. Free tickets to concerts, sports matches, or other events
    7. None of the above
    8. Don't know
    9. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacB equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Are there any other reasons that encouraged you to get a first dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacB equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Please give any other reasons that encouraged you to get a first dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. [enter reason/s]
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_havvac_bOth_VOS equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Which of these health related reasons, if any, have made it unlikely for you to get a second dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I am worried about side effects from the second dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine
    2. I had a bad reaction to a previous coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine
    3. I am worried about the effect on my existing health condition
    4. I am worried about the long-term effects on my health
    5. I have had guidance from a doctor or health professional not to get a second dose of the vaccine
    6. I do not think it will be safe
    7. I am scared of needles
    8. I am pregnant or trying to get pregnant and unsure about whether it is safe for me to have a second dose of the vaccine
    9. I am worried about the effect on being able to have children in the future
    10. I am confused about information on whether or not I should have a second dose of the vaccine
    11. I caught coronavirus (COVID-19) after my first dose and I am not sure about when I should have my second dose
    12. None of the above
    13. Don't know
    14. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecSecVac_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Which of these trust related reasons, if any, have made it unlikely for you to get a second dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I do not trust advice from the government about coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines
    2. I do not think there is enough information about what is in the vaccine
    3. I think the vaccine has been developed too quickly
    4. I am waiting to see how well the vaccine works
    5. I am against vaccines in general
    6. I do not feel I have enough information about the vaccine from trusted sources
    7. I am worried that the brand of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine available will be one that I am unwilling to get
    8. None of the above
    9. Don't know
    10. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecSecVac_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Which of these reasons, if any, have made it unlikely for you to get a second dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I do not feel I am at risk because of my age
    2. I do not feel I am at risk because I am in good health
    3. I feel I have enough protection from the first dose of the vaccine
    4. I do not think I need a second dose of the vaccine as I have already had the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    5. I do not feel at risk because so many other people have been vaccinated
    6. I think other measures are enough to keep me safe, for example wearing a face covering, maintaining social distancing and washing hands
    7. None of the above
    8. Prefer not to say
    9. Don't know
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecSecVac_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Are there any other reasons that have made it unlikely for you to get a second dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecSecVac_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Please give the other reasons that have made it unlikely for you to get a second dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.

    Response options:
    1. [enter reason/s]
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_ReasOth_a_VOS equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, would make you more likely to get a second dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. To protect myself from the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. To protect others from the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. To protect the NHS and other health care workers
    4. Talking to friends and family about having a second dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine
    5. Talking to people I work or study with about having a second dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine
    6. Talking to my GP or other health professionals
    7. Hearing from a public figure such as a well known person or a faith leader
    8. Hearing about people who had got very ill with the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    9. Information from the NHS
    10. Government announcements or messages
    11. Information on social media
    12. Information on TV, radio or in the media
    13. None of the above
    14. Don't know
    15. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecSecVac_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, would make you more likely to get a second dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. If it helps restrictions to ease and life to return to normal
    2. So that I can attend night clubs, concerts or other events that require a vaccine passport
    3. To make it easier for me to go on holiday abroad
    4. If my employer told me that I need to be vaccinated to work
    5. None of the above
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecSecVac_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, would make you more likely to get a second dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Free travel to and from vaccination centres
    2. Option of a walk-in appointment with no need to book
    3. Option of getting a vaccine at the place where I work
    4. Option of getting a vaccine closer to where I live or work. For example, at a pop-up or community centre
    5. Free food and hot drinks at the vaccination centre
    6. Vouchers or discounts. For example, money off food, clothes, leisure and events
    7. Meet and greets with celebrities
    8. None of the above
    9. Don't know
    10. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecSecVac_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Which vouchers or discounts, valued up to £30, would encourage you to get a second dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Shopping vouchers including money off food and clothes
    2. Vouchers for food delivery
    3. Discounts on passes at leisure centres
    4. Holiday vouchers
    5. Vouchers for national coach trips
    6. Free tickets to concerts, sports matches, or other events
    7. None of the above
    8. Don't know
    9. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecSecVac_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Are there any other reasons which would make you more likely to get a second dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecSecVac_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Please give any other reasons that would make you more likely to get a second dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.

    Response options:
    1. [enter reason/s]
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_VacEncourOth_a_VOS equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    When did you receive the vaccine? If you have received two doses please specify the date of the latest dose

    Response options:
    1. In the last seven days
    2. In the last two weeks
    3. In the last three weeks
    4. In the last four weeks
    5. More than four weeks ago
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacB equals "Yes, first vaccine dose", or "Yes, both doses"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN48 on 04/03/21

  • Question:

    Has anyone in your household other than yourself received a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes [please also include partial vaccines]
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if DMHSize greater than 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN48 on 04/03/21

  • Question:

    When did they receive the vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. In the last seven days
    2. In the last two weeks
    3. In the last three weeks
    4. In the last four weeks
    5. More than four weeks ago
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacoth equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN48 on 04/03/21

  • Question:

    Have you been offered the vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, I am waiting to be vaccinated
    2. Yes, I have been offered the vaccine and I have decided not to be vaccinated
    3. No
    4. Don’t know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacB equals "No", "Don’t know", or "Prefer not to say"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021

  • Question:

    If a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19) was offered to you, how likely or unlikely would you be to have the vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_vacoff equals "No", "Don’t know", or "Prefer not to say"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021

  • Question:

    For what reasons would you be unlikely to have a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19) if it was offered to you? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I do not think it will work
    2. I am worried the vaccine will give me the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. I am worried about the side effects
    4. I am worried about the effect on an existing health condition
    5. I am worried about the long term effects on my health
    6. I do not think it will be safe
    7. I am worried it might be painful
    8. I am worried about catching the coronavirus (COVID-19) at a vaccination centre or GP surgery
    9. I am pregnant or trying to get pregnant and afraid of worried about the effects on my baby
    10. I am worried about the effect on being able to have children in the future
    11. I would prefer someone in more need of the vaccine to receive it before me
    12. I am unable to travel to the vaccine centre
    13. I do not think I need the vaccine as I have already had the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    14. I am scared of needles
    15. I do not feel the coronavirus (COVID-19) is a personal risk
    16. I would wait to see how well the vaccine works
    17. I have been advised by a health or medical professional not to get the vaccine
    18. I am against vaccines in general
    19. Other (please specify)
    20. Don’t know
    21. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:

    COV_VaccinenotG Version 1


    Ask if COV_Vaccineav equals "Fairly unlikely" or "Very unlikely"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If "Other (please specify)" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    For what reasons did you decide to not have the vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19) when it was offered to you? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I do not think it will work
    2. I am worried the vaccine will give me the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. I am worried about the side effects
    4. I am worried about the effect on an existing health condition
    5. I am worried about the long term effects on my health
    6. I do not think it will be safe
    7. I am worried it might be painful
    8. I am worried about catching the coronavirus (COVID-19) at a vaccination centre or GP surgery
    9. I am pregnant or trying to get pregnant and afraid of worried about the effects on my baby
    10. I am worried about the effect on being able to have children in the future
    11. I would prefer someone in more need of the vaccine to receive it before me
    12. I am unable to travel to the vaccine centre
    13. I do not think I need the vaccine as I have already had the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    14. I am scared of needles
    15. I do not feel the coronavirus (COVID-19) is a personal risk
    16. I would wait to see how well the vaccine works
    17. I have been advised by a health or medical professional not to get the vaccine
    18. I am against vaccines in general
    19. Other (please specify)
    20. Or
    21. Don’t know
    22. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:

    COV_VaccinenotG Version 2


    Ask if COV_vacoff equals "Yes, offered the vaccine and decided not to be vaccinated"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021

  • Question:

    For what reasons are you not certain about getting the vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19) if it is offered to you? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I do not think it will work
    2. I am worried the vaccine will give me the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. I am worried about the side effects
    4. I am worried about the effect on an existing health condition
    5. I am worried about the long term effects on my health
    6. I do not think it will be safe
    7. I am worried it might be painful
    8. I am worried about catching the coronavirus (COVID-19) at a vaccination centre or GP surgery
    9. I am pregnant or trying to get pregnant and afraid of worried about the effects on my baby
    10. I am worried about the effect on being able to have children in the future
    11. I would prefer someone in more need of the vaccine to receive it before me
    12. I am unable to travel to the vaccine centre
    13. I do not think I need the vaccine as I have already had the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    14. I am scared of needles
    15. I do not feel the coronavirus (COVID-19) is a personal risk
    16. I would wait to see how well the vaccine works
    17. I have been advised by a health or medical professional not to get the vaccine
    18. I am against vaccines in general
    19. Other (please specify)
    20. Or
    21. Don’t know
    22. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:

    COV_VaccinenotG Version 3


    Ask if COV_Vaccineav equals "Neither likely nor unlikely" or "Don’t know"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021

  • Question:

    How likely or unlikely are you to have a second dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:

    COV_RecSecVac (OPN)

    COV_RecSecVac_VOS (VOS)


    Ask if COV_RecVacC equals "I have only received my first vaccine dose" (OPN)

    Ask if COV_CountDose_VOS equals "I have only received my first vaccine dose" (VOS)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN56 on 28/04/2021

    Removed from OPN83 on 19/01/2022

  • Question:

    For what reasons would you be unlikely to have a second dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I think the first vaccine dose will be enough to keep me safe
    2. I had a bad reaction to the first vaccine dose
    3. I am worried about having a bad reaction to the second vaccine dose
    4. I am pregnant or trying to get pregnant and worried about the effects on my baby
    5. I am unable to travel to the vaccine centre
    6. I am scared of needles
    7. I do not think a second dose will offer me any extra protection
    8. I am worried about the long-term effects on my health
    9. Other, please specify
    10. Don’t know
    11. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecSecVar equals "Fairly unlikely", or "Very unlikely"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN56 on 28/04/2021

    Removed from OPN83 on 19/01/2022


    If "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Did you experience any of the following difficulties when going to get your first dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Difficulty travelling to receive the vaccine
    2. Cost of travel to receive the vaccine
    3. Felt unsafe going to receive the vaccine due to the risk of catching the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    4. Difficulty with accessibility at the vaccination centre, GP surgery or pharmacy
    5. Difficulty finding help for caring responsibilities while I got vaccinated
    6. Long wait at the vaccination centre, GP surgery or pharmacy
    7. Difficulty taking time off work
    8. Difficulty booking an appointment, please specify
    9. Other, please specify
    10. I did not experience any difficulties
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacC equals "I have only received my first vaccine dose", "I have received two vaccine doses" or "I have received two vaccine doses and a booster vaccine".

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN83 on 19/01/2022


    If "Difficulty booking an appointment, please specify" or "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Would you anticipate any of the following difficulties when going to get a vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Difficulty travelling to receive the vaccine
    2. Cost of travel to receive the vaccine
    3. I would feel unsafe going to receive the vaccine due to the risk of catching the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    4. Worries about accessibility at the vaccination centre, GP surgery or pharmacy
    5. Difficulty finding help for caring responsibilities while I am getting vaccinated
    6. Possible long wait at the vaccination centre, GP surgery or pharmacy
    7. Difficult to take time off work
    8. Other, please specify
    9. I am not expecting any difficulties
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacC equals "No"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN83 on 19/01/2022


    If "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Next we would like to ask a few questions about the COVID-19 vaccine.

    Have you had at least one dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

  • Question:

    If a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19) was offered to you, how likely or unlikely would you be to have the vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely or unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to say
    8. Have an appointment confirmed
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VaccineHave equals "No" or "Prefer not to say"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CEV Wave 2 on 22/02/2021

  • Question:

    How many doses of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine have you received?

    Response options:
    1. No doses
    2. One dose only
    3. Two doses
    4. More than two doses
    5. Don't know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 2 on 22/02/2021


    Changes were made to CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021.

    The routing information changed from "Ask if VaccineHad equals Yes" to "Ask all" due to a question removal.

    Response option "No doses" was added to Wave 7.

  • Question:

    How many doses of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine have you had?

    Response options:
    1. I have only received my first vaccine dose
    2. I have received both vaccine doses
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacB equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    When did you receive your latest dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. In the last 7 days
    2. 1 to 2 weeks ago
    3. 2 to 3 weeks ago
    4. 3 to 4 weeks ago
    5. More than four weeks ago
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VacDose equals 1, 2, or 3

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 2 on 22/02/2021

    Removed from CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

  • Question:

    Are you eligible for a third primary dose for the severely immunosuppressed?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Not sure
    4. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VacDose does not equal 4

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

  • Question:

    Have you booked an appointment for your third primary dose?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if ThirdDoseEle equals "Yes" and VacDose equals " Two doses"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

  • Question:

    How likely or unlikely are you to take up your third primary dose for the severely immunosuppressed?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if ThirdDose does not equal "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

  • Question:

    Have you booked an appointment for your booster vaccine dose?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VacDose equals "Two doses" and ThirdDoseEle does not equal "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

  • Question:

    Have you booked an appointment for a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacB_VOS equals "No", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    How easy or difficult was it for you to book a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Very easy
    2. Easy
    3. Neither easy nor difficult
    4. Difficult
    5. Very difficult
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    For which reasons, if any, have you not booked a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination appointment until recently?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I have just become eligible
    2. I haven’t had time
    3. I was waiting to see how the vaccine affects others
    4. I was worried about vaccine side effects
    5. I am reliant on someone to take me and have been waiting
    6. I had to wait to book time off work
    7. I was waiting to get advice from my GP or other health professionals
    8. I was waiting for a vaccine venue near me
    9. I hadn’t thought it was necessary for me until now
    10. Other, please specify
    11. Don't know
    12. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "Yes"


    If "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, encouraged you to book a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I wanted to protect myself from the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. I wanted to protect others from the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. I wanted to protect the NHS and other health care workers
    4. Talking to friends and family about having a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    5. Talking to people I work or study with about having a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    6. Talking to my GP or other health professionals
    7. Hearing from a public figure such as a well known person or a faith leader
    8. Hearing about people who had got very ill with the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    9. Information from the NHS
    10. Government announcements or messages
    11. Information on social media
    12. Information on TV, radio or in the media
    13. None of the above
    14. Don't know
    15. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, encouraged you to book a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I wanted restrictions to ease and life to return to normal
    2. I wanted to make sure that I can attend night clubs, concerts or other events that require a vaccine passport
    3. I wanted to make it easier for me to go on holiday abroad
    4. My employer told me that I need to be vaccinated to work
    5. None of the above
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, encouraged you to book a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Free travel to and from vaccination centres
    2. Option of a walk-in appointment with no need to book
    3. Option of getting a vaccine at the place where I work
    4. Option of getting a vaccine closer to where I live or work (For example, at a pop-up or community centre)
    5. Free food and hot drinks at the vaccination centre
    6. Free tickets to concerts, sports matches, or other events
    7. None of the above
    8. Don't know
    9. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Are they any other reasons that encouraged you to get a first dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Please specify for what other reasons you decided to get a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.

    Response options:
    1. [enter reason/s]
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_HavVac_aOth_VOS equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Which of these health related reasons, if any, have stopped you from getting a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I am worried about side effects of the vaccine
    2. I am worried about the effect on my existing health condition
    3. I am worried about the long-term effects on my health
    4. I have had guidance from a doctor or health professional not to get the vaccine
    5. I do not think it will be safe
    6. I am scared of needles
    7. I am pregnant or trying to get pregnant and unsure about whether it is safe for me to have the vaccine
    8. I am worried about the effect on being able to have children in the future
    9. I am confused about information on whether or not I should have the vaccine
    10. None of the above
    11. Don't know
    12. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals

  • Question:

    Which of these trust related reasons, if any, have stopped you from getting a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I do not trust advice from the government about coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines
    2. Not enough information about what is in the vaccine
    3. I think the vaccine has been developed too quickly
    4. I am waiting to see how well the vaccine works
    5. I am against vaccines in general
    6. I do not feel I have enough information about the vaccine from trusted sources
    7. I am worried that the brand of coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine available will be one that I am unwilling to get
    8. None of the above
    9. Don't know
    10. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "No", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Which of these reasons, if any, have stopped you from getting a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I do not feel I am at risk because of my age
    2. I do not feel I am at risk because I am in good health
    3. I do not think I need a vaccine as I have already had the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    4. I do not feel at risk because so many other people have been vaccinated
    5. I think other measures are enough to keep me safe, for example wearing a face covering, maintaining social distancing and washing hands
    6. None of the above
    7. Don't know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "No", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Are there any other reasons that have stopped you from getting a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "No", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Please give the other reasons that have stopped you from getting a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. [enter reason/s]
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_ReasOth_b_VOS equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, would make you more likely to get a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. To protect myself from the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. To protect others from the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. To protect the NHS and other health care workers
    4. Talking to friends and family about having a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    5. Talking to people I work or study with about having a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    6. Talking to my GP or other health professionals
    7. Hearing from a public figure such as a well known person or a faith leader
    8. Hearing about people who had got very ill with the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    9. Information from the NHS
    10. Government announcements or messages
    11. Information on social media
    12. Information on TV, radio or in the media
    13. None of the above
    14. Don't know
    15. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "No", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, would make you more likely to get a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. If it helps restrictions to ease and life to return to normal
    2. So that I can attend night clubs, concerts or other events that require a vaccine passport
    3. To make it easier for me to go on holiday abroad
    4. If my employer told me that I need to be vaccinated to work
    5. None of the above
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "No", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, would make you more likely to get a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Free travel to and from vaccination centres
    2. Option of a walk-in appointment with no need to book
    3. Option of getting a vaccine at the place where I work
    4. Option of getting a vaccine closer to where I live or work. For example, at a pop-up or community centre
    5. Free food and hot drinks at the vaccination centre
    6. Vouchers or discounts. For example, money off food, clothes, leisure and events
    7. Meet and greets with celebrities
    8. None of the above
    9. Don't know
    10. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "No", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Which vouchers or discounts, valued up to £30, would make you more likely to get a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Shopping vouchers including money off food and clothes
    2. Vouchers for food delivery
    3. Discounts on passes at leisure centres
    4. Holiday vouchers
    5. Vouchers for national coach trips
    6. Free tickets to concerts, sports matches, or other events
    7. None of the above
    8. Don't know
    9. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "No", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Are there any other reasons that would make you more likely to get a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_bookApp_VOS equals "No", "Don't know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Please give any other reasons that would make you more likely to get a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. [enter reason/s]
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_VacEncourOth_b_VOS equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    For T&T only:

    Some people are being offered a third 'booster' dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. If this was offered to you, how likely or unlikely would you be to have the booster dose?

    OR for CEV only:

    How likely or unlikely are you to take up a booster vaccine?

    OR for SCIS only:

    How likely or unlikely would you be to have the booster dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    8. Have an appointment confirmed (T&T and SCIS only)
    • CEV
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • T&T Cases
    • SCIS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:


    VaccboostLike (CEV only)


    Ask if Vaccinated equals "Yes, 1st and 2nd doses" or "Prefer not to say" (T&T Self-isolating only)

    Ask if Vaccinated equals "Yes, 1st dose only", "Yes, 1st and 2nd doses" or "Prefer not to say" (T&T Behaviours and T&T Cases)

    Ask if Vaccboost does not equal "Yes" (CEV only)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

    Added to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 9 on 04/10/2021

    Removed from T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 12

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 8 on 01/11/2021

    Removed from T&T Self-isolating Wave 10 on 08/11/2021

    Removed from T&T Behaviours Wave 2 on 22/11/2021

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 9 on 29/11/2021.

    Added to SCIS Wave 14 on 25/02/2022.


    For SCIS, the response option order is slightly different and "Prefer not to say" is "Prefer not to answer".

    For T&T this question was replaced with LikelyBooster2.

  • Question:

    Have you ever been vaccinated against COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • Vaccination

    Ask all

  • Question:

    Have you been offered a vaccination against COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • Vaccination

    Ask if have not been vaccinated

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CIS Version 11 on 04/07/2021

  • Question:

    Have you been offered the vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    Have you had at least one dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACOFFERED equals 1

  • Question:

    How many doses of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine have you received?

    Response options:
    1. One dose only
    2. Two doses
    3. More than two doses
    4. Don't know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACHAD equals 1

  • Question:

    Which of the following best describes why you have not been vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Select only one answer

    Response options:
    1. I don't want to be vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. I would like to be vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19) but I missed my appointment
    3. I would like to be vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19) but I am still waiting for my appointment
    4. I am exempt from being vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19)
    5. Other
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACHAD equals 2

  • Question:

    When did you receive your latest dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine? Was it…

    Response options:
    1. In the last seven days
    2. 1 to 2 weeks ago,
    3. 2 to 3 weeks ago,
    4. 3 to 4 weeks ago,
    5. More than four weeks ago?
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACHAD equals 1


    VACDOSE equals 1, 2, or 3

  • Question:

    Have you experienced any of the following side effects as a result of receiving the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Having a painful, heavy feeling and tenderness in the arm where you had your injection?
    2. Feeling tired?
    3. Headache?
    4. General aches, or mild flu like symptoms?
    5. Feeling feverish?
    6. Don't know?
    7. I haven't experienced any side effects from the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACHAD equals 1


    VACDOSE equals 1, 2, or 3

  • Question:

    To what extent might your experience of these side effects affect your decision to get the second dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Much more likely to get the second dose
    2. Somewhat more likely to get the second dose
    3. Will not affect my decision to get the second dose
    4. Somewhat less likely to get the second dose
    5. Much less likely to get the second dose
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACHAD equals 1 and VACDOSE equals 1 and VACSIDEEFFECTS less than 6

  • Question:

    How likely or unlikely are you to encourage someone else to get the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Somewhat likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Somewhat unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    For what reasons did you not want the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine when it was offered to you? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I do not think it will work
    2. I am worried the vaccine will give me the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. I am worried about the side effects
    4. I do not feel well enough to have it
    5. I am worried about the long term effects on my health
    6. I am concerned that I could catch coronavirus (COVID-19) from others when I go to get the vaccination
    7. I am worried it might be painful / I am scared of needles
    8. I am against vaccines in general
    9. I do not think I need the vaccine as I think I have already had the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    10. I do not feel the coronavirus (COVID-19) is a personal risk
    11. I want to wait to see how well the vaccine works
    12. Other (please specify)
    13. Don’t know
    14. Prefer not to say
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACNOWANT equals 1

  • Question:

    Did you experience barriers to having the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine when it was offered to you?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I can't afford to travel to get the vaccine
    2. I am unable to travel to get the vaccine for health reasons
    3. I have been advised by a health or medical professional not to get the vaccine
    4. I do not feel well enough to get the vaccine
    5. Other
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    8. I did not experience any barriers
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACNOWANT equals 1 or 2

  • Question:

    You mentioned that you are against vaccines in general. Why are you against vaccines? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Worries about risk of allergic reactions / side affects
    2. Religious beliefs
    3. Belief that a vaccination could make me sick, or cause death
    4. Don't trust the government / pharmaceutical companies motives
    5. Friends or family are against vaccines
    6. Perceived impingement of freedoms
    7. Other
    8. Don't know
    9. Prefer not to say
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACNOWANT equals 1 and

    NOVACWHY equals 8

  • Question:

    Which, if any, of the following people influenced your decision not to have the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Your friends?
    2. Your partner or spouse?
    3. Your child or children?
    4. Your grandchild or grandchildren?
    5. Other members of your family?
    6. Non-family carer?
    7. Members of your community (for example social and religious groups)?
    8. Other?
    9. None of these?
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACNOWANT equals 1

  • Question:

    Was your decision not to have the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine influenced by any of the following things?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Newspapers?
    2. Television?
    3. Social media?
    4. Religious beliefs?
    5. Other?
    6. None of these?
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    VACNOWANT equals 1

  • Question:

    Is there anything that may change your mind about not wanting to receive the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Positive feedback from friends or family who have received the vaccine
    2. Encouragement from friends or family to get vaccinated
    3. Positive media stories
    4. Waiting until more people have received the vaccine
    5. Deterioration of health
    6. Improvement in health
    7. More support to get to the vaccination site (for example money, resources)
    8. Nothing could change my mind
    9. Other
    • Over 80s
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACNOWANT equals 1

  • Question:

    Type of vaccination

    Response options:
    1. Don’t know type
    2. Pfizer/BioNTech
    3. Moderna
    4. Oxford/AstraZeneca
    5. Janssen\Johnson&Johnson
    6. Novavax
    7. Sinovac
    8. From a research study/trial
    9. Sputnik
    10. Valneva
    11. Sinopharm
    12. Other, specify
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Vaccination

    Ask if have been vaccinated

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CIS Enrolment Version 13 on 14/12/2021


    A single response option is allowed.

    For "Other, specify" the respondent is given space to specify.

    Changes were made to CIS Version 10 on 27/05/2021.

    Response option spelling was corrected from "Sinovax" in Version 9 to "Sinovac" in Version 10.

    Response options "Sputnik", "Valneva", and "Sinopharm" were added to Version 10.

  • Question:

    What type of vaccination did you have for your first/second/third/fourth dose? (select one)

    Response options:
    1. Don’t know type
    2. Pfizer/BioNTech
    3. Moderna
    4. Oxford/AstraZeneca
    5. Janssen\Johnson&Johnson
    6. Novavax
    7. Sinovac
    8. From a research study/trial
    9. Sputnik
    10. Valneva
    11. Sinopharm
    12. Other, specify
    • CIS Enrolment
    • Vaccination

    Ask if have been vaccinated

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CIS Enrolment Version 13 on 14/12/2021


    A single response option is allowed.

    For "Other, specify" the respondent is given space to specify.

    The same question is asked for the first, second, third and fourth doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

  • Question:

    What type of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine did you receive?

    If you had two different types of vaccine, please select both types

    Response options:
    1. Pfizer/BioNTech
    2. Moderna
    3. Oxford/AstraZeneca
    4. Janssen/Johnston&Johnson
    5. Novavax
    6. Sinovax
    7. Sputnik
    8. Valneva
    9. Sinopharm
    10. From a research study/trial
    11. Other
    12. Don't know
    13. Prefer not to say
    • SEIS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    Number of doses received to date

    OR for CIS Enrolment only:

    How many doses of any vaccine have you received to date, including any booster doses?

    Response options:
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3 or more
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Vaccination

    Ask if have been vaccinated


    A single response option is allowed.

    Changes were made to CIS Enrolment Version 13 on 14/12/2021.

    The question wording changed from "Number of doses received to date" to the current CIS Enrolment wording.

  • Question:

    Date of most recent vaccination (if you can’t remember the day of the month, put the 15th)

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Vaccination

    Ask if have been vaccinated

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CIS Enrolment Version 13 on 14/12/2021


    Date provided in DDMM202Y format.

    Changes were made to CIS Version 12 on 21/09/2021.

    Additional information "(if you can't remember the day of the month, put the 15th)" was added to the question wording.

  • Question:

    What was the date of your first/second/third/fourth vaccination? (if you can’t remember the day of the month, put the 15th)

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • CIS Enrolment
    • Vaccination

    Ask if have been vaccinated

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CIS Enrolment Version 13 on 14/12/2021


    Date provided in DDMM202Y format.

    The same question is asked for the first, second, third and fourth doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

  • Question:

    Have you been vaccinated against COVID-19 since we last spoke to you? (Still select "Yes" if you have received a second or later dose, or a booster dose since we last spoke to you)

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Vaccination

    Ask all


    Changes were made to CIS Follow-up Version 13 on 14/12/2021.

    The question wording changed from "Have you been vaccinated against COVID-19 since we last spoke to you? (Select "Yes" if you have received a second or later dose since we last spoke to you)" to the current wording.

  • Question:

    Have you been vaccinated against flu since September 2021? (this is commonly know as the "flu jab" or "seasonal flu vaccination")

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Vaccination

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CIS Version 12 on 21/09/2021

  • Question:

    Have you been offered a vaccination against COVID-19 since we last spoke to you?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Vaccination

    Ask if have not been vaccinated since last visit

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CIS Version 11 on 04/07/2021

  • Question:

    Have you been vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. No
    2. Yes, 1st dose only
    3. Yes, 1st and 2nd doses
    4. Yes, three doses (T&T only)
    5. Yes, I have received three or more doses (SCIS only)
    6. Yes, four doses (T&T only)
    7. Prefer not to say
    8. Don't know (SCIS and SEIS only)
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • IAIS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:

    Vaccinated (T&T, SCIS and SEIS only)

    VaccineDose (IAIS only)


    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021


    For SCIS, the response option "Prefer not to say" is "Prefer not to answer".

    For SCIS and SEIS, the response option order is slightly different. The "Yes" response options are also different. SEIS response options are worded as "Yes, I have received my first vaccine dose" and "Yes, I have received both vaccine doses". SCIS response options are "Yes, I have received my first vaccine dose","Yes, I have received two vaccine doses" and "Yes, I have received three or more doses".

    Changes were made to IAIS Wave 3 on 12/07/2021.

    The question wording changed from "A number of people have been receiving coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. Have you been vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19)?" to the current wording.

    Changes were made to T&T Behaviours Wave 2 on 22/11/2021 and T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021.

    Response options "Yes, three doses" and "Yes, four doses" were added. The response option "Yes, 1st and 2nd doses as well as the 3rd booster dose" was removed.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 9 on 29/11/2021.

    The response option "Yes, 1st and 2nd doses as well as the 3rd booster dose" was changed to "Yes, three doses". Response option "Other - including the third primary dose for the immunosuppressed" was changed to "Yes, four doses". The new response options match the response options used for other T&T surveys.

    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 14 on 25/02/2022.

    Response option "Yes, I have received both vaccine doses" was changed to "Yes, I have received two vaccine doses" and response option "Yes, I have received three or more doses" was added.

  • Question:

    Why haven't you been vaccinated against coronavirus?

    Response options:
    1. I have had difficulty booking a vaccination appointment
    2. I am unsure of the evidence or I do not think there is enough evidence
    3. I believe the COVID vaccines are harmful or dangerous
    4. I object on religious grounds
    5. I don’t have time or resources to get to the vaccination centre
    6. I plan on getting vaccinated at a later date
    7. Other (please specify?)
    8. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if Vaccinated equals "No"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 7 on 27/09/2021

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/02/2022

    Added to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 9 on 04/10/2021


    For "Other (please specify?)" the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    If a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19) was offered to you, how likely or unlikely would you be to have the vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely or unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Have an appointment confirmed
    7. Don't know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • IAIS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if Vaccinated equals 1 (No) or 4 (Prefer not to say)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 7 on 27/09/2021

    Removed from T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 9 on 04/10/2021


    This question was removed from T&T Cases and T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts). It was replaced with LikelyBooster, which can also be found in the Question Bank.

  • Question:

    Which of the following best describes why you have not been vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. I don't want to be vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. I would like to be vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19) but I missed my appointment
    3. I would like to be vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19) but I am still waiting for my appointment
    4. I am exempt from being vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19)
    5. Other
    6. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VaccineHad equals No

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 2 on 22/02/2021

    Removed from CEV Wave 4 on 26/04/2021

  • Question:

    For what reasons don’t you want to be vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19) if it was offered to you?

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I am sceptical about the vaccine's efficacy
    2. I am worried about the side effects of the vaccine
    3. I do not think I am at risk from COVID-19
    4. I am not able to access a vaccination centre/place to be vaccinated
    5. Other reason
    6. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VacNoWant equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 2 on 22/02/2021

    Removed from CEV Wave 4 on 26/04/2021

  • Question:

    Has receiving the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination made you more or less likely to leave home to go to the shops for groceries, toiletries, medicine or other items?

    Response options:
    1. Much more likely
    2. Somewhat more likely
    3. Neither more nor less likely
    4. Somewhat less likely
    5. Much less likely
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VaccineHad equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 2 on 22/02/2021

    Removed from CEV Wave 4 on 26/04/2021

  • Question:

    Do you think that after the first dose you will be more or less likely to leave home to go to the shops for groceries, toiletries, medicine or other items?

    Response options:
    1. Much more likely
    2. Somewhat more likely
    3. Neither more nor less likely
    4. Somewhat less likely
    5. Much less likely
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VacNoWant equals 2 or 3

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 2 on 22/02/2021

    Removed from CEV Wave 4 on 26/04/2021

  • Question:

    Has receiving the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination made you more or less likely to meet with people who you do not live with?

    Response options:
    1. Much more likely
    2. Somewhat more likely
    3. Neither more nor less likely
    4. Somewhat less likely
    5. Much less likely
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VaccineHad equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 2 on 22/02/2021

    Removed from CEV Wave 4 on 26/04/2021

  • Question:

    Do you think that after the first dose you will be more or less likely to meet with people who you do not live with?

    Response options:
    1. Much more likely
    2. Somewhat more likely
    3. Neither more nor less likely
    4. Somewhat less likely
    5. Much less likely
    • CEV
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VacNoWant equals 2 or 3

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 2 on 22/02/2021

    Removed from CEV Wave 4 on 26/04/2021

  • Question:

    If a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19) was offered to you, how likely or unlikely would you be to have the vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if Vaccinated does not equal a "Yes" response option


    For SEIS, response option 7 is "Prefer not to say" instead of "Prefer not to answer".

    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021.

    The response option "I have been vaccinated or have had a partial vaccine" was removed.

    SEIS has the same response options as SCIS Wave 10.

  • Question:

    When asked how likely you would be to have a vaccine for coronavirus (COVID-19), you said . Why is this?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I do not think it will work
    2. I am worried the vaccine will give me the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. I am worried about the side effects
    4. I am worried about the effect on an existing health condition
    5. I am worried about the long term effects on my health
    6. I do not think it will be safe
    7. I do not think I need the vaccine as I have already had the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    8. I have been advised by a health or medical professional not to get the vaccine
    9. I am against vaccines in general
    10. Other
    11. Don’t know
    12. Prefer not to say
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VaccOff does not equal 1 or 2

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021


    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 12 on 05/11/2021.

    The following text was removed from the question wording for SCIS only: "When asked how likely you would be to have a vaccine for coronavirus (COVID-19)".

  • Question:

    How likely or unlikely would you be to have a vaccine booster jab for the coronavirus (COVID-19) if one was offered to you?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    8. Have an appointment confirmed (T&T Behaviours only)
    • OPN
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:

    COV_VaccBoost (OPN)

    COV_Vaccboost_VOS (VOS)


    Ask if COV_RecVacC equals "I have received two vaccine doses" (OPN)

    Ask if COV_CountDose_VOS equals "I have received two vaccine doses" (VOS)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021


    Changes were made to OPN78 on 03/11/2021.

    The routing information changed due to variable name and response option changes to the routing question.

  • Question:

    How likely or unlikely would you be to agree to have your vaccine booster jab for the coronavirus (COVID-19) at the same time as your next winter flu vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_FluLik equals "Very likely" or "Fairly likely" or "Neither likely nor unlikely"

    and ask if COV_VaccBoost equals "Very likely" or "Fairly likely" or "Neither likely nor unlikely"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN83 on 19/01/2022

  • Question:

    For what reason have you not had a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. I have an appointment and I am waiting to be vaccinated
    2. I do not have an appointment but intend to have a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine
    3. I am worried that the brand of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine available will be one that I am unwilling to get
    4. I have decided not to be vaccinated, please specify on the next page
    5. Other
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacC equals "No", or "Don't know"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN71 on 11/08/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If "I have decided not to be vaccinated, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Did you have any health related or other concerns about getting your vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacC equals "I have only received my first vaccine dose", "I have received two vaccine doses" or "I have received two vaccine doses and a booster vaccine"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN73 on 25/08/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    Changes were made to OPN78 on 03/11/2021.

    The routing information changed due to variable name and response option changes to the routing question.

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, were you concerned about?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I was worried that the vaccine may not work
    2. I was worried about the side effects
    3. I was worried about the effect on an existing health condition
    4. I was worried about the long-term effects on my health
    5. I was worried that the vaccine may have given me the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    6. I am worried that the brand of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine available will be one that I am unwilling to get
    7. I was worried that it might be painful
    8. I was worried about catching the coronavirus (COVID-19) at a vaccination centre or GP surgery
    9. I am pregnant or trying to get pregnant and was worried about the effects on my baby
    10. I was worried about the effect on being able to have children in the future
    11. I would have preferred someone in more need of a vaccine to receive it before me
    12. I was worried because I am scared of needles
    13. I did not feel that the coronavirus (COVID-19) was a personal risk
    14. I would have preferred to wait to see how well the vaccine works
    15. I was advised by a health or medical professional not to get the vaccine
    16. Other concerns
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_VacCon equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN73 on 25/08/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    For what reasons would you be unlikely to have a vaccine booster jab for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I think the first and second vaccine will be enough to keep me safe (VOS only)
    2. I had a bad reaction to a previous coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine
    3. I am worried about having a bad reaction to the vaccine booster jab
    4. I think the booster vaccine should be offered to others instead of me (VOS only)
    5. I am pregnant or trying to get pregnant and worried about the effects on my baby (VOS only)
    6. I am unable to travel to the vaccine centre (VOS only)
    7. I am confused about information on whether or not I should have a vaccine booster jab
    8. I do not think a vaccine booster jab will offer me any extra protection
    9. I am worried about the long-term effects on my health
    10. Other, please specify (VOS only)
    11. Other
    12. Don’t know
    13. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:

    COV_VaccBoostReasC (OPN)

    COV_vaccboostreas_VOS (VOS)


    Ask if Cov_Vaccboost equals "Fairly unlikely" or "Very unlikely" (OPN)

    Ask if COV_Vaccboost_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely" or "Very unlikely" (VOS)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN72 on 18/08/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, would make you more likely to get a vaccine booster jab for the coronavirus (COVID-19) if offered?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. To protect myself from the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. To protect others from the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. To protect the NHS and other health care workers
    4. Talking to friends and family about having a vaccine booster jab for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    5. Talking to people I work or study with about having a vaccine booster jab for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    6. Talking to my GP or other health professionals
    7. Hearing from a public figure such as a well known person or a faith leader
    8. Hearing about people who had got very ill with the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    9. Information from the NHS
    10. Government announcements or messages
    11. Information on social media
    12. Information on TV, radio or in the media
    13. None of the above
    14. Don't know
    15. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_Vaccboost_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don’t know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, would make you more likely to get a vaccine booster jab for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. If it helps restrictions to ease and life to return to normal
    2. So that I can attend night clubs, concerts or other events if they required a vaccine passport
    3. To make it easier for me to go on holiday abroad
    4. If my employer told me that I need have a vaccine booster jab to work
    5. None of the above
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_Vaccboost_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don’t know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Which of these, if any, would make you more likely to get a vaccine booster jab for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Free travel to and from vaccination centres
    2. Option of a walk-in appointment with no need to book
    3. Option of getting a vaccine booster jab at the place where I work
    4. Option of getting a vaccine booster jab closer to where I live or work. For example, at a pop-up or community centre
    5. Free food and hot drinks at the vaccination centre
    6. Vouchers or discounts. For example, money off food, clothes, leisure and events
    7. Meet and greets with celebrities
    8. None of the above
    9. Don't know
    10. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_Vaccboost_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don’t know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Which vouchers or discounts, valued up to £30, would make you more likely to get a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine booster jab?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Shopping vouchers including money off food and clothes
    2. Vouchers for food delivery
    3. Discounts on passes at leisure centres
    4. Holiday vouchers
    5. Vouchers for national coach trips
    6. Free tickets to concerts, sports matches, or other events
    7. None of the above
    8. Don't know
    9. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_Vaccboost_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don’t know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Is there anything else that would make you more likely to get a vaccine booster jab for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_Vaccboost_VOS equals "Fairly unlikely", "Very unlikely", "Don’t know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Please give any other reasons that would make you more likely to get a vaccine booster jab for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. [enter reason/s]
    • VOS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_vaccboostEncourOth_VOS equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Excluding travel abroad, in the past seven days, have you been asked to show proof that you have been vaccinated or had a recent negative coronavirus (COVID-19) test, to be let into a venue or event?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN72 on 18/08/2021

    Removed from OPN85 on 16/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Where have you been asked to show proof that you have been vaccinated or had a recent negative coronavirus (COVID-19) test? Please do not include travel abroad.

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Sporting event
    2. Nightclub or bar
    3. Theatre or comedy performance
    4. Cinema
    5. Indoor concert
    6. Outdoor concert
    7. Festival
    8. Care home
    9. Medical appointment
    10. Worship services or ceremonies
    11. Organised events (For example, weddings or funerals)
    12. Work or training event
    13. Other, please specify
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_VacStat equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN72 on 18/08/2021

    Removed from OPN85 on 16/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    If "Other, please specify" is selected, respondents are presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Has being vaccinated changed how likely you are to comply with quarantine requirement?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, more likely to comply
    2. Yes, less likely to comply
    3. No difference
    4. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if VaccineDose equals 2 or 3

  • Question:

    Do you have any children aged between 12 to 15 in your household?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if HasDep equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN75 on 22/09/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Covid-19 vaccines are starting to be offered to all children aged between 12 to 15 across the UK.

    How likely is the child in your household aged between 12 and 15 to receive a vaccine for coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    If you have more than one child aged 12 to 15, please answer for the oldest child.

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    8. or
    9. They have already received a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    • OPN
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_Child12to15 equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN75 on 22/09/2021

    Removed from OPN85 on 16/02/2022

  • Question:

    Can you tell me what was the main reason you got a coronavirus test (since being contacted by NHS Test and Trace or via the app)?

    OR for T&T Behaviours only:

    Can you tell me what was the main reason for taking your most recent coronavirus test?

    Response options:
    1. I had symptoms
    2. I was in contact with a confirmed case
    3. I was in contact with a suspected case (T&T Cases only)
    4. I was worried that I might have COVID
    5. As part of a community testing/mass screening programme where I live (symptom-free screening)
    6. Regularly taking tests for work, study or personal reasons
    7. As part of a research study
    8. Routine testing/screening on returning from international travel
    9. Other
    10. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Behaviours
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Testing
    Variable name:


    ReasTest (T&T Self-isolating only)


    Ask all (T&T Cases)

    Ask if CovTest equals "Yes" (T&T Behaviours)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 9 on 04/10/2021.


    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 8 on 01/11/2021.

    The following response option was removed: "I was tested by the hospital, as a routine test or before a surgery or procedure".

    Changes were made to T&T Behaviours Wave 3 on 10/01/2022.

    Question wording was changed from "Can you tell me what was the main reason you got a coronavirus test since being contacted by NHS Test and Trace or via the app?" to the current wording.

  • Question:

    When you had your most recent COVID-19 test, where were you tested? Select first that apply

    OR for T&T Cases only:

    When you tested positive, where were you tested? Select first that apply

    Response options:
    1. At my work place, university or care home
    2. At a local testing site (for example drive-through and walk-through test sites)
    3. At home, with a postal testing kit (via home testing service)
    4. At home, with a rapid testing kit (for example given by my employer)
    5. Pop-up rapid testing site (received my results in 30 minutes)
    6. Mobile testing unit (for example a van or army-operated testing unit)
    7. By GP, in hospital, or another healthcare setting
    8. Privately tested
    9. Other
    10. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if CovTest equals "Yes" (T&T Behaviours and T&T Self-isolating)

    Ask all (T&T Cases)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 4 on 19/04/2021


    For T&T Behaviours and T&T Self-isolating, the response option "At my work place…" includes "…college…" as a setting.

    The response option "At home, with a postal testing kit?" contains the following additional information "(via home testing service)" for T&T Behaviours and T&T Self-isolating only.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 5 on 07/06/2021.

    Response option wording changed from "e.g." to "for example".

    Changes were made to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021.

    Response option "At my workplace..." amended to include "" as a setting.

    Response option "At home, with a postal testing kit" amended to include the following additional information: "(via home testing service)".

  • Question:

    How soon after your positive test did you first develop symptoms? Select first that apply

    Response options:
    1. Within 24 hours
    2. 1-3 days
    3. 3-7 days
    4. More than 7 days
    5. Don't know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if SympLate equals 1 to 11

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 2 on 08/03/2021


    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 7 on 27/09/2021.

    The routing information changed due to changes in the response options of the routing question.

  • Question:

    Once you started having coronavirus symptoms, how long was it until you got your positive test result?

    Select first that apply

    Response options:
    1. Within 24 hours
    2. 24-48 hours
    3. 48-72 hours (2-3 days)
    4. More than 72 hours (more than 3 days)
    5. Don't know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if Symptoms equals 1 to 11


    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/02/2022.

    The question wording changed from "How long after you first started having coronavirus symptoms did you get your positive test result?" to the curent wording.

  • Question:

    Since you were contacted by Test and Trace, or if you received a notification through the NHS COVID-19 app, have you taken a COVID-19 test?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Changes were made to T&T Self-isolation Wave 12.

    The question wording was changed from "Since you were contacted by Test and Trace or via the app, have you taken a COVID-19 test?" to the current wording.

    Changes were made to T&T Behaviours Wave 3 on 10/01/2022.

    The question wording was changed from "Since you were contacted by Test and Trace or via the app, have you taken a COVID-19 test?" to the current wording.

    A comma was added to the question wording.

  • Question:

    What was the result of this COVID-19 test?

    OR for T&T Behaviours only:

    What was the result of your most recent COVID-19 test?

    Response options:
    1. Positive for COVID-19 (antibody or swab)
    2. Negative for COVID-19
    3. The results were inconclusive
    4. Still waiting for the result
    5. Prefer not to say
    6. Other
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if CovTest equals 1 (Yes)


    Changes were made to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 11 on 06/12/2021.

    The response option "Still waiting for the result" was added.

    Changes were made to T&T Behaviours Wave 3 on 10/01/2022.

    Question wording was changed from "What was the result of this COVID-19 test?" to the current wording.

  • Question:

    Have you tested positive for the Omicron variant?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Testing
    Variable name:

    OmicronPos (T&T Self-isolating)

    OmiTest (T&T Cases)


    Ask if PosNegCov equals "Positive for COVID-19" and CovTest equals "PCR"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 11 on 06/12/2021

    Removed from T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 12

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 10 on 04/01/2022

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/20/2022

  • Question:

    As far as you are aware, have you been in contact with someone who tested positive for the Omicron variant?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 11 on 06/12/2021


    Changes were made to T&T Self-isolating wave 12.

    The question wording changed to include "As far as you are aware".

  • Question:

    How likely or unlikely are you to take a COVID-19 test?

    Response options:
    1. Extremely likely
    2. Likely
    3. Neither likely or unlikely
    4. Unlikely
    5. Extremely unlikely
    6. Not applicable
    7. Prefer not to answer
    • T&T Contacts
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if CovTest equals 2 (No)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Contacts Wave 4 on 19/04/2021

  • Question:

    Could you tell us why you wouldn’t request a test to confirm whether you had COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. I think the test would be uncomfortable or painful
    2. I don’t think I would be able to get a test
    3. I don’t know how to request a test and what it involves
    4. I don't think the test will be of any use to me
    5. I would be worried about how friends or colleagues would react if I tested positive
    6. I don’t want to self-isolate if positive
    7. I don’t want those around me to have to self-isolate (for example others in the same household)
    8. Other
    9. Prefer not to answer
    • T&T Contacts
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if TestDecline equals 4 or 5

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Contacts Wave 4 on 19/04/2021

  • Question:

    If you were to develop symptoms of COVID-19, how likely or unlikely would you be to get a COVID-19 test?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Somewhat likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Somewhat unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don't know
    • Over 80s
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    In selected areas the UK government are offering tests for the coronavirus (COVID-19) to everyone living or working in the area, whether they have symptoms or not. This is sometimes referred to as "mass testing".

    To what extent do you support or oppose mass testing?

    Response options:
    1. Strongly support
    2. Tend to support
    3. Neither support nor oppose
    4. Tend to oppose
    5. Strongly oppose
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    If mass testing was available in your area, or is already available, how likely or unlikely would you be to get a test for the coronavirus (COVID-19) even if you did not have any symptoms?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN


    This question was replaced by COV_TestLikeB.

  • Question:

    If you do not have symptoms, how likely or unlikely would you be to get a test for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN87 on 16/03/2022

  • Question:

    Have you had at least one COVID-19 test (even if you haven’t had symptoms) in the last 7 days?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 6 on 12/03/2021


    For SEIS, response option 3 is "Prefer not to say" instead of "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    You said that you have had a COVID-19 test in the last 7 days, where did you have your most recent test?

    Response options:
    1. Community site (For example a GP practice, pharmacy, village hall or civic centre)
    2. University site
    3. A location where you are on placement (For example in a school, hospital, office or factory)
    4. At home
    5. Other
    6. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if HadTest equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 6 on 12/03/2021


    For SEIS, response option 6 is "Prefer not to say" instead of "Prefer not to answer".

    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 7 on 15/04/2021.

    Response options changed to include "At home".

    Response option 6 wording changed from "Prefer not to say" in Wave 6 to "Prefer not to answer" in Wave 7.

  • Question:

    What type of COVID-19 test did you have for your most recent test?

    Response options:
    1. Rapid test, with results usually available within 30 minutes of taking the test (i.e. Lateral Flow Device (LFD) test)
    2. Test sent to a lab, with results usually available within 48 hours of taking the test (i.e. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test)
    3. Don’t know
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if HadTest equals 1

  • Question:

    In the future, if you were to get a cold or flu like symptoms, which of the following would you do?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Take a rapid lateral flow test (These give a quick result using a device similar to a pregnancy test)
    2. Book a PCR test (These are sent to a lab to be checked)
    3. I would wait to see how my symptoms developed
    4. None of these
    • OPN
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN77 on 20/10/2021

    Removed from OPN87 on 16/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Students accessing university facilities (including accommodation) can take twice weekly tests for coronavirus even if they are not displaying symptoms. Testing services are being provided by universities.

    Are you currently taking part in twice weekly testing at your university or with your placement provider?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, I am already taking part in twice weekly testing
    2. No, I am not currently taking part in twice weekly testing
    3. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if HadTest does not equal 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

    Removed from SCIS Wave 14 on 25/02/2022


    For SEIS, response option 3 is "Prefer not to say" instead of "Prefer not to answer".

    This question was previously presented as variable "TakeTest" in SCIS Wave 6.

  • Question:

    How likely, if at all, are you to take part in twice weekly testing for coronavirus (even if you are not displaying symptoms)?

    Please select "Not applicable" if you will not be accessing university facilities (including accommodation) before the end of this academic year.

    Response options:
    1. Extremely likely
    2. Likely
    3. Neither likely or unlikely
    4. Unlikely
    5. Extremely unlikely
    6. Prefer not to answer
    7. Not applicable
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if MassTest equals 2 or 3

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 7 on 15/04/2021

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

    Removed from SCIS Wave 14 on 25/02/2022


    For SEIS, response option 6 is "Prefer not to say" instead of "Prefer not to answer".

    For SEIS, the response option order is slightly different.

    The variable name "TakeTest" was used for a different question in SCIS Wave 6.

  • Question:

    You said you were [insert TakeTest response] to take part in weekly testing for coronavirus. Why is this?

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I am worried the test would be uncomfortable or painful
    2. I am worried about the accuracy of the test
    3. I am worried about the impact of a positive test on my life
    4. I don’t know where to go to access twice weekly testing
    5. Twice weekly testing would not fit around my life
    6. I will not be accessing university facilities (including accommodation) before the end of this academic year
    7. Other
    8. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Testing
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 7 on 15/04/2021

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

    Removed from SCIS Wave 14 on 25/02/2022


    For SEIS, the response option "Prefer not to answer" is "Prefer not to say".

  • Question:

    How likely or unlikely are you to take a coronavirus (COVID-19) test on arrival back to university this term or semester even though you may not have any symptoms?

    Please select 'Not applicable' if you have already returned or don't plan on returning at all to your studies in the new semester.

    Response options:
    1. Extremely likely
    2. Likely
    3. Neither likely or unlikely
    4. Unlikely
    5. Extremely unlikely
    6. Prefer not to answer
    7. Not applicable
    • SCIS
    • Testing
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 9 on 24/05/2021

  • Question:

    Could you tell us why you wouldn’t request a test to confirm whether you had coronavirus (COVID-19) before returning to your studies next term or semester?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I think the test would be uncomfortable or painful
    2. I don’t think I would be able to get a test
    3. I don’t know how to request a test and what it involves
    4. I don't think the test will be of any use to me
    5. I have already had coronavirus, so I wouldn’t see a reason to take a test
    6. I would be worried about how friends or colleagues would react if I tested positive
    7. I don’t want to self-isolate if positive
    8. I don’t want those around me to have to self-isolate (for example others in the same household)
    9. Other
    10. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if TestNoSymRet equals 4 or 5

  • Question:

    Could you tell us why you wouldn’t request a test to confirm whether you had coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I think the test would be uncomfortable or painful
    2. I don’t think I would be able to get a test
    3. I don't want to pay for a test (SCIS only)
    4. I can't afford to pay for a test (SCIS only)
    5. I don’t know how to request a test and what it involves
    6. If my symptoms were only mild or have improved
    7. I only need to self-isolate (not leaving the home at all)
    8. I wouldn’t want to use a test that could go to someone else who needs it more
    9. I don't think the test will be of any use to me
    10. I have already had coronavirus, so I wouldn’t see a reason to take a test
    11. I would be worried about how friends or colleagues would react if I tested positive
    12. I don’t want to self-isolate if positive
    13. I don’t want those around me to have to self-isolate (for example, others in the same household)
    14. Other
    15. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if WhatActB does not equal 1


    For SEIS, response option 13 is "Prefer not to say" instead of "Prefer not to answer".

    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 14 on 25/02/2022.

    The response options "I don't want to pay for a test" and "I can't afford to pay for a test" were added.

  • Question:

    In England, twice-weekly rapid testing for secondary and college pupils has been introduced. This is in addition to regular testing for all teachers, to reduce the chance of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) spreading in schools. Has your child taken part in rapid testing at school or college?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Not applicable [no school age children in the household]
    • OPN
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask England only, if HasDep equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN51 on 24/03/2021

    Removed from OPN56 on 28/04/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    How comfortable or uncomfortable did you feel about your child participating in rapid testing in school or college?

    Response options:
    1. Very Comfortable
    2. Comfortable
    3. Neither Comfortable or Uncomfortable
    4. Uncomfortable
    5. Very Uncomfortable
    • OPN
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_ChTest equals Yes

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN51 on 24/03/2021

    Removed from OPN56 on 28/04/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    How comfortable or uncomfortable would you feel about your child participating in rapid testing in school or college?

    Response options:
    1. Very Comfortable
    2. Comfortable
    3. Neither Comfortable or Uncomfortable
    4. Uncomfortable
    5. Very Uncomfortable
    • OPN
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_ChTest equals No

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN51 on 24/03/2021

    Removed from OPN56 on 28/04/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What worries, if any, do you have about your child participating in rapid testing at school or college? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. The test may be uncomfortable for my child
    2. The test results may be inaccurate
    3. My child may have to self-isolate
    4. My whole household may have to isolate
    5. Potential disruption to lessons and learning time
    6. Worried about how test results are shared
    7. Other (please specify)
    8. OR
    9. I do not have any worries
    • OPN
    • Testing
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN51 on 24/03/2021

    Removed from OPN56 on 28/04/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Are you aware that families and households of school-age children can request rapid tests to test for the coronavirus (COVID-19)? These tests are free and there are various ways to receive or pick up the test packs, (for example online or from a local test site).

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask England only, if HasDep equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN52 on 31/03/2021

    Removed from OPN56 on 28/04/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Have you requested rapid tests for your household?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_ReqRap equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN52 on 31/03/2021

    Removed from OPN56 on 28/04/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Did you request a test to confirm whether you had coronavirus (COVID-19) before travelling to stay with family or friends?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if Easter equals 2 or 3

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 8 on 04/05/2021

    Removed from SCIS Wave 9 on 24/04/2021

  • Question:

    Overall, do you consider that taking a test for Coronavirus (COVID-19) for travelling is...

    Response options:
    1. Not at all important for safety
    2. Not very important for safety
    3. Quite important for safety
    4. Very important for safety
    • IPS
    • Testing

    Ask all arrivals

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IPS in 04/2022

  • Question:

    Have you ever been tested for Coronavirus (Covid19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • IPS
    • Testing

    Ask all arrivals

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IPS in 01/2021

  • Question:

    How long ago did you have the test?

    Response options:
    1. 0-3 days ago
    2. 4-7 days ago
    3. 8-14 days ago
    4. More than 14 days ago
    • IPS
    • Testing

    Ask all arrivals

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IPS in 01/2021

  • Question:

    For what reasons would you be unlikely to get a test for the coronavirus (COVID-19) if you do not have any symptoms?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I think there is no need as I do not have symptoms
    2. I think there is no need as I have had a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. Do not want to self-isolate if my test is positive
    4. I think it would be difficult to get a test
    5. Do not know where to get a test
    6. Worried I will find the test uncomfortable
    7. Unsure about accuracy of the test
    8. Do not have time to do a test
    9. Unable to take time off work if my test is positive
    10. Cannot afford to take time off work if my test is positive
    11. Don’t know
    12. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_TestLikeC equals "Fairly unlikely" or "Very unlikely"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN61 on 02/06/2021

    Removed from OPN87 on 16/03/2022

  • Question:

    If you had coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, how likely would you be to get tested?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN61 on 02/06/2021

  • Question:

    For what reasons would you be unlikely to get a test for the coronavirus (COVID-19) if you have symptoms?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I do not think I have the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. I think there is no need as I have had a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. Do not want to self-isolate if my test is positive
    4. I think it would be difficult to get a test
    5. Do not know where to get a test
    6. Difficulty travelling to a test centre
    7. I prefer to isolate instead of having a test
    8. Worried I will find test uncomfortable
    9. Unsure about accuracy of the test
    10. Do not have time to do a test
    11. Unable to take time off work if my test is positive
    12. Cannot afford to take time off work if my test is positive
    13. Don’t know
    14. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if Cov_TestLikeSymp equals "Fairly unlikely" or "Very unlikely"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN61 on 02/06/2021

    Removed from OPN85 on 16/02/2022

  • Question:

    Are you regularly testing yourself for COVID-19 using a lateral flow test: that's the test you can do yourself and you do not have to send it to a laboratory because the result shows in the device in around about 30 minutes?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Testing

    Ask if "Yes" to having a nose and throat swab to test for COVID-19

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CIS Version 10 on 27/05/2021

  • Question:

    In the four weeks prior to you being contacted by NHS Test and Trace, how often did you take a lateral flow test?

    Select first that applies

    Response options:
    1. Never
    2. Once or twice across the 4 weeks
    3. Once a week
    4. Twice a week
    5. More than twice a week but not everyday
    6. Everyday
    7. Don't know
    8. Prefer not to say?
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    What was the reason(s) for you taking lateral flow tests?

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I have had or have symptoms of COVID-19
    2. I have been in contact with someone who might have COVID-19
    3. I am worried that I might have COVID-19
    4. As part of my normal routine
    5. As part of a community testing/mass screening programme where I live (symptom-free screening)
    6. I regularly take tests for work or study reasons
    7. I am involved in a research study
    8. I got tested after returning from international travel
    9. Other
    10. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if LFTOftenBef equals 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6


    Changes were made to T&T Behaviours Wave 4 on 31/01/2022.

    The response option "I do as a matter of course" was changed to "As part of my normal routine".

  • Question:

    Since being contacted by NHS Test and Trace, how often do you take lateral flow tests?

    Select first that applies

    Response options:
    1. Once a week
    2. Twice a week
    3. More than twice a week but not everyday
    4. Everyday
    5. Don't know
    6. Prefer not to say?
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if TestType equals 2 or 3


    Changes were made to T&T Behaviours Wave 3 on 10/01/2022.

    The response option "never" was removed.

    Routing was changed from "ask all" to the current routing.

  • Question:

    Have you opted to end your quarantine early through Test to Release?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • IAIS
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    Have you taken your day 5 “Test to Release” test?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if TestToRelY equals 1


    Changes were made to IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021.

    Response option "Prefer not to say" added for Wave 2.

  • Question:

    Was your test negative?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Still waiting for results
    4. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if TestToRelease equals 1


    The "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer.

    Changes were made to IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021.

    Response option "Prefer not to say" added for Wave 2.

  • Question:

    Have you taken your required day 2 coronavirus test?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    Was your test negative?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Still waiting for results
    4. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if Testcompleted1 equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021


    The "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer.

  • Question:

    Why is this?

    Response options:
    1. I had to quarantine anyway
    2. I didn't receive the test
    3. I'm on day 1 of my quarantine
    4. I didn't stay in the UK long enough
    5. I had no symptoms
    6. Other
    • IAIS
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if TestCompleted1 equals "No"


    This question is referring to the reasons why a respondent has not had their required day two coronavirus test.

    Changes were made to IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021.

    Response options "I didn’t like the testing process", "I don't trust the test results", "I found uploading the test results too difficult", and "Other (please specify)" replaced with current response options 2 to 6.

  • Question:

    Have you taken your required day 8 coronavirus test?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    Was your test negative?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Still waiting for results
    4. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if TestCompleted2 equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021


    The "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer.

  • Question:

    Why is this?

    Response options:
    1. I had to quarantine anyway
    2. I didn't receive the test
    3. I’m not on day 8 of my quarantine yet
    4. I didn't stay in the UK long enough
    5. I had no symptoms
    6. My day 2 test was negative
    7. My day 2 test was positive
    8. I completed my quarantine on day 5
    9. I travelled from a Green list country
    10. Other
    • IAIS
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if TestCompleted2 equals "No"


    This question is referring to the reasons why a respondent has not had their required day eight coronavirus test.

    Changes were made to IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021.

    Variable name changed from "TestWhy" to "TestWhy2".

    Response options "I didn’t like the testing process", "I don't trust the test results", "I found uploading the test results too difficult", and "Other (please specify)" replaced with current response options 2 to 10.

  • Question:

    Which type of COVID-19 test did you take?

    Response options:
    1. Both PCR and LFT (T&T Self-isolating only)
    2. PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) only
    3. LFT (Lateral Flow Test) only
    4. Don't know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Behaviours
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Cases
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if CovTest equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Behaviours Wave 2 on 22/11/2021

    Added to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 11 on 06/12/2021

    Added to T&T Contacts Wave 11 on 07/02/2022


    This question is referring to a test that the respondent has taken since being contacted by Test and Trace or via the app.

    Changes were made to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 13 on 14/02/2022.

    Response option order was amended.

    Changes were made to T&T Behaviours Wave 4 on 31/01/2022.

    The word "only" was added to response options "PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)" and "LFT (Lateral Flow Test)".

    Response option order was amended.

  • Question:

    How did you get your coronavirus (COVID-19) tests?

    Response options:
    1. Private test provider
    2. NHS Test and Trace
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if Testcompleted1 equals "Yes"


    This question is referring to how a respondent got their required day two coronavirus test.

  • Question:

    On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is "not at all satisfied" and 10 is "completely satisfied", how satisfied were you with the coronavirus testing process?

    Response options:
    1. [select number on a scale from 1 to 10]
    2. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if TestCompleted1 equals 1 or TestCompleted2 equals 1 or TestToRelease equals 1


    The "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer.

    Changes were made to IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021.

    The routing changed from "Ask if TestCompleted1 equals 1 and TestCompleted2 equals 1" to the current routing.

    Response option "Prefer not to say" was added.

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, have you taken a rapid lateral flow test for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    This test gives a quick result similar to a pregnancy test.

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN77 on 20/10/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    Changes were made to OPN88 on 30/03/2022.

    Variable name was changed from "COV_VacTest" to "COV_VacTestA".

    Question wording was changed from "In the past seven days, have you taken a rapid lateral flow test?" to "In the past seven days, have you taken a rapid lateral flow test for the coronavirus (COVID-19)?".

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, for which of the following reasons have you taken a rapid lateral flow test?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I have tested because I was a close contact of a positive case
    2. I have tested because I felt ill or had cold or flu like symptoms
    3. I have tested before meeting friends and family
    4. I have tested before going to work, school or college
    5. I have tested at regular intervals regardless of activity
    6. I have tested before seeing elderly people, or those who are at higher risk of serious illness if they get the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    7. I have tested before going to provide care or help to a vulnerable person
    8. I have tested before visiting crowded and enclosed spaces
    9. Other
    • OPN
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    If COV_VacTest equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN77 on 20/10/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    If the response option "Other, please specify" is selected, respondents are presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    Changes were made to OPN87 on 16/03/2022.

    The variable name "COV_VacTestReaD" was changed to "COV_VacTestReaE".

    The following response options were removed "I have tested because I was a close contact of a positive case and therefore required to take daily tests", "I have tested to get into venues or events where a test was required", "I have tested every time I have left home" , "I have tested before or after travelling abroad", "I have tested before or after travelling within the UK" and "I have tested to see if I can stop self-isolating early".

    Response option "Other, please specify on the next page" was changed to "Other".

    Response option "I have tested because I was a close contact of a positive case" was added.

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, have you experienced any difficulty getting a rapid lateral flow test?

    OR for T&T Behaviours only:

    Did you experience any difficulties in obtaining the dairly rapid lateral flow tests?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Testing
    Variable name:

    COV_VacTestAccess (OPN only)

    DRTDiff (T&T Behaviours only)


    Ask all (OPN only)

    Ask if DRT equals "Yes" (T&T Behaviours only)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN82 on 06/01/2022

    Added to T&T Behaviours Wave 3 on 10/01/2011

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer" for OPN only.

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, from which of these places did you experience difficulty getting a rapid lateral flow test?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Government website for delivery by mail
    2. Government website for collection at a pharmacy
    3. Pharmacy
    4. Community collection point, for example, a library
    5. Test site
    6. School, college or nursery
    7. My place of work
    8. Other
    • OPN
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_VacTestAccess equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN82 on 06/01/2022

    Removed from OPN87 on 16/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, which of the following were you unable to do because of difficulty getting a lateral flow test?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Getting into venues or events where a test was required
    2. Meeting friends or family
    3. Going to work, school or college
    4. Travelling abroad
    5. Travelling within the UK
    6. Seeing elderly people, or those who are at higher risk of serious illness if they get the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    7. Providing care or help to a vulnerable person
    8. Other
    9. It did not stop me from doing anything I had planned
    • OPN
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_VacTestAccess equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN82 on 06/01/2022

    Removed from OPN87 on 16/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    How confident or unconfident are you about how to report the results of a coronavirus (COVID-19) lateral flow test?

    Response options:
    1. Very confident
    2. Fairly confident
    3. Neither confident nor unconfident
    4. Fairly unconfident
    5. Very unconfident
    • OPN
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN79 on 18/11/2021

    Removed from OPN80 on 01/12/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    If you take a lateral flow test, how often do you report the results to the NHS?

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Never
    4. I have never taken a lateral flow test
    • OPN
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN79 on 18/11/2021

    Removed from OPN80 on 01/12/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    How likely or unlikely would you be to report a positive lateral flow test to the NHS?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    • OPN
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RepLFT equals "Always", "Sometimes" or "Never"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN79 on 18/11/2021

    Removed from OPN80 on 01/12/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    How likely or unlikely would you be to report a negative lateral flow test to the NHS?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    • OPN
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RepLFT equals "Always", "Sometimes" or "Never"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN79 on 18/11/2021

    Removed from OPN80 on 01/12/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    If there was an option to take daily lateral flow tests over a 7 day period instead of isolating, would you take up this option?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if Vaccinated equals 1, 5, or 6

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021.

  • Question:

    To what extent do you support or oppose the current lockdown measures where you live?

    Response options:
    1. Strongly support
    2. Tend to support
    3. Neither support nor oppose
    4. Tend to oppose
    5. Strongly oppose
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN59 on 19/05/2021

  • Question:

    How easy or difficult do you think it is to follow the current lockdown measures where you live?

    Response options:
    1. Very easy
    2. Easy
    3. Neither easy nor difficult
    4. Difficult
    5. Very difficult
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN59 on 19/05/2021

  • Question:

    For what reasons do you think it is difficult to follow the current lockdown measures? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Impact on income and household finances
    2. Impact on health
    3. Impact on wellbeing (for example, boredom, loneliness, anxiety and stress)
    4. Strain on relationships with family and friends
    5. Life events are being missed (for example, birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and funerals)
    6. Don’t feel coronavirus (COVID-19) is a personal risk
    7. Coronavirus (COVID-19) is low in my area
    8. Other (please specify)
    9. Don’t know
    10. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:

    Cov_ ldwhydif


    Ask if Cov_ldfollow equals "Difficult" or "Very difficult"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN59 on 19/05/2021

  • Question:

    How strict or lenient do you think the police should be in enforcing rules to help reduce the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19)? For example, rules on social distancing, lockdown measures and wearing face coverings.

    Response options:
    1. Very strict
    2. Strict
    3. Neither strict nor lenient
    4. Lenient
    5. Very lenient
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN48 on 04/03/21

  • Question:

    How strict or lenient do you think the police are in enforcing rules to help reduce the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Very strict
    2. Strict
    3. Neither strict nor lenient
    4. Lenient
    5. Very lenient
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN48 on 04/03/21

  • Question:

    To what extent do you think coronavirus poses a risk to you personally, prior to receiving a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination?

    This is a hypothetical question, regardless of whether they have or have not had the vaccine.

    Response options:
    1. Major risk
    2. Significant risk
    3. Moderate risk
    4. Minor risk
    5. No risk at all
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • Over 80s
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    To what extent do you think coronavirus poses a risk to you personally, after receiving one dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination?

    This is a hypothetical question, regardless of whether they have or have not had the vaccine.

    Response options:
    1. Major risk
    2. Significant risk
    3. Moderate risk
    4. Minor risk
    5. No risk at all
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • Over 80s
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    To what extent do you think coronavirus poses a risk to you personally, after receiving both doses of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination?

    This is a hypothetical question, regardless of whether they have or have not had the vaccine.

    Response options:
    1. Major risk
    2. Significant risk
    3. Moderate risk
    4. Minor risk
    5. No risk at all
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • Over 80s
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    I’m now going to read out some different statements to you, and would like you to tell me whether you agree or disagree with them.

    a) It is important for me to follow the self-isolation advice (T&T Cases and T&T Self-isolating only)

    b) It was easy for me to self-isolate (T&T Cases and T&T Self-isolating only)

    c) Coronavirus poses a risk to society

    d) Coronavirus poses a risk to one or more of my friends and family

    e) Coronavirus poses a risk to me personally

    f) New/future variants of coronavirus concern me

    g) Information from the government about coronavirus can be trusted

    h)) The guidance on daily lateral flow testing is easy to understand (T&T Cases only)

    i) Coronavirus will be with us for a long time (T&T Cases only)

    Response options:
    1. Agree
    2. Disagree
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    A response is required for each statement.

    The order of statements in the question wording varies slightly across surveys.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 3 on 12/04/2021.

    The following statements were removed from the question: "I am confident that self-isolating is an effective way to prevent the spread of coronavirus", "The government is putting the right measures in place to protect the public", "I support the legal requirement to isolate", and "I support the legal enforcement of compliance to self-isolation guidance".

    Changes were made to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 13 on 14/02/2022, T&T Behaviours Wave 5 on 21/02/2022, and T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022.

    "The Omicron variant concerns me" statement was removed from the question.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022.

    The following statements were added to the question: "New/future variants of coronavirus concern me", and "Coronavirus, in one form or another, will be with us for a long time".

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, have you had any visitors inside your home from outside your support bubble, including trades people, carers or medical staff?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN59 on 19/05/2021


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    When you have had a visitor inside your home, which of the following actions did you take to reduce the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19)? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Worn a face mask
    2. Asked the visitor to wear a mask
    3. Opened windows or doors
    4. Cleaned touch points
    5. Maintained social distancing
    6. Washed hands regularly
    7. Other (please specify)
    8. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Ventilation
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_Visitor equals Yes

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN59 on 19/05/2021


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    The next questions are about any regular activities you may have carried out to help someone. Exclude anything you do as part of your paid employment.

    In the past seven days, did you look after, or give any help or support to, anyone inside or outside your household because they have:

    - long-term physical or mental health conditions

    - illnesses, or problems related to old age

    Response options:
    1. No
    2. Yes, less than 2 hours a week
    3. Yes, 2 to 4 hours a week
    4. Yes, 5 to 9 hours a week
    5. Yes, 10 to 19 hours a week
    6. Yes, 20 to 34 hours a week
    7. Yes, 35 to 49 hours a week
    8. Yes, 50 or more hours a week
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN52 on 31/03/2021

    Removed from OPN57 on 05/05/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, have you carried out any of the following activities to look after or help or support someone within or outside of your household, that was not part of your paid employment? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Being available if needed
    2. Social support and assistance, for example, receiving telephone calls
    3. Providing company
    4. Accompanying on errands, for example, shopping or appointments
    5. Home and garden, for example, making meals or collecting shopping
    6. Helping with paperwork or internet access for example utilities or benefits
    7. Medical needs, for example, collecting or giving prescriptions
    8. Helping with mobility around their home
    9. Personal care for example dressing or bathing
    10. Other
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_CreHrs equals Yes (any Yes option)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN52 on 31/03/2021

    Removed from OPN57 on 05/05/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    In the last 7 days, have you had any visitors to your home who support your personal care (such as nurses or care support workers)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, every day
    2. Yes, 3 or more days
    3. Yes, once or twice
    4. Not at all
    5. Not applicable
    • CEV
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all, except if CareHome equals 1 (Live in care home)

  • Question:

    In the last 7 days, have you had any other visitors in your home who don't usually live with you?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, every day
    2. Yes, 3 or more days
    3. Yes, once or twice
    4. Not at all
    • CEV
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all, except if CareHome equals 1 (Live in care home)


    Changes were made to CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021.

    The variable name changed from "OtherVisitorsA" to "OtherVisitorsB".

    The question wording changed to remove "…or are NOT part of your support bubble" as this guidance is no longer applicable.

  • Question:

    What was the purpose of the visit? Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Receiving shopping,
    2. Shared custody visit,
    3. Social Visits from friends, family or neighbours,
    4. Repairs to your home,
    5. To receive care support from charities,
    6. To receive informal care (e.g. from friends or family),
    7. Something else?
    8. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all who had other visitors, if OtherVisitorsB equals 1, 2, or 3


    Changes were made to CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021.

    The routing information changed due to a variable name change of the routing question.

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, how often did you wash your hands with soap and water straight away after returning home from a public place?

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Often
    3. Sometimes
    4. Not very often
    5. Never
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    8. I have not left my home in the past seven days
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    If this question is skipped, respondents are no longer presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    Changes were made to OPN88 on 30/03/2022.

    Variable name was changed from "COV_WashH" to "COV_WashI".

    Routing information was changed from "Ask if COV_Homre equals 1 (Yes)" to "Ask all".

    Response option "I have not left my home in the past seven days" was added.

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, how often did you use a face covering when outside your home to help slow the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) or other illnesses such as coughs and colds?

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Often
    3. Sometimes
    4. Not very often
    5. Don’t know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_FacCovA equals "Yes"


    Changes were made to OPN98 on 17/08/2022.

    Response option "Never" was removed.

    Variable name was changed from "COV_FacCovC" to "COV_FacCovD".

  • Question:

    In which situation have you used a face covering in the past seven days? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. While travelling on public transport
    2. While at work
    3. While shopping
    4. While walking or exercising outdoors
    5. When visiting a health or medical centre
    6. While meeting someone from outside your household
    7. While doing errands (for example, going to the Post Office or the bank)
    8. While dropping off or collecting children from school or nursery
    9. While at school or college
    10. Other, please specify on the next page
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_FacCovA equals 1 (Yes)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN86 on 03/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    While you were inside a shop in the last seven days how often did you wear a protective face covering to help slow the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) or other illnesses such as coughs and colds?

    Response options:
    1. Often/always
    2. Some of the time
    3. Occasionally
    4. Hardly ever
    5. Never
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    8. I have not been inside a shop in the past seven days
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Current rotation status:

    Removed from OPN94 on 22/06/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

  • Question:

    While shopping in the last seven days, how many people did you see wearing protective face coverings to help slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Everyone
    2. Almost everyone
    3. Some other people
    4. Hardly anyone
    5. No one
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    8. I have not been shopping in the past seven days
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_LeftHEssenequals "To shop for food or medicine" or "To shop for other things (For example clothes, furniture, stationery, DIY, garden equipment)"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Current rotation status:

    Removed from OPN92 on 25/05/2022


    Changes were made to OPN92 on 25/02/2022.

    Response option "I have not been shopping in the past seven days" was added.

    Variable name was changed from "COV_FacOth" to "COV_FacOthB"

  • Question:

    While you were inside a restaurant, café or bar in the last seven days, how often did you wear a protective face covering to help slow the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Often/always
    2. Some of the time
    3. Occasionally
    4. Hardly ever
    5. Never
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_LeftHLeisB equals "To eat or drink indoors at a restaurant, café, bar or pub"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN78 on 03/11/2021

    Removed from OPN86 on 03/03/2022

  • Question:

    While you were inside a restaurant, café or bar in the last seven days how many people did you see wearing protective face coverings to help slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Everyone
    2. Almost everyone
    3. Some other people
    4. Hardly anyone
    5. No one
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_LeftHLeisB equals "To eat or drink indoors at a restaurant, café, bar or pub"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN78 on 03/11/2022

    Removed from OPN86 on 03/03/2022

  • Question:

    In the next seven days, how likely or unlikely are you to wear a face covering when outside your home to help slow the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    8. Not applicable
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN

  • Question:

    Some people do not have to wear a protective face covering to help slow the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) even when it is mandatory to do so, for example people with certain physical or mental conditions.

    Are you someone who does not have to wear a protective face covering even when it is mandatory?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN68 on 21/07/2021

  • Question:

    Please think of the last time you travelled on public transport within the past seven days. Did you wear a face covering while travelling?

    Response options:
    1. I did not wear a face covering
    2. I wore a face covering for part of the journey
    3. I wore a face covering the whole time
    4. Don’t know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_PubTran equals Yes


    Changes were made to OPN88 on 30/03/2022.

    Question wording changed from "Please think of the last time you travelled on public transport within the last seven days." to "Please think of the last time you travelled on public transport within the past seven days."

  • Question:

    Has receiving the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination made you more or less likely to wear a face covering when you leave home?

    Response options:
    1. Much more likely
    2. Somewhat more likely
    3. Neither more nor less likely
    4. Somewhat less likely
    5. Much less likely
    6. Not applicable
    • Over 80s
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACHAD equals 1

  • Question:

    Do you generally wear any kind of face covering or mask when you are at work/your place of education, because of COVID-19?

    If currently self-isolating, choose what you usually do when not self-isolating.

    Response options:
    1. Not going to place of work or education
    2. Yes, always
    3. Yes, sometimes
    4. Never
    5. My face is already covered for other reasons (e.g. religious or cultural reasons)
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask All


    A single response option is allowed.

    Changes were made to CIS Version 12 on 21/09/2021.

    The question wording changed from "Do you wear any kind of face covering or mask…" to current wording.

    Additional information "If currently self-isolating, choose what you usually do when not self-isolating" was added to the question wording.

  • Question:

    Do you generally wear any kind of face covering or mask when you are in other enclosed public spaces, such as shops, or using public transport, because of COVID-19?

    If currently self-isolating, choose what you usually do when not self-isolating.

    Response options:
    1. Not going to other enclosed public spaces or using public transport
    2. Yes, always
    3. Yes, sometimes
    4. Never
    5. My face is already covered for other reasons (e.g. religious or cultural reasons)
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all


    A single response option is allowed.

    Changes were made to CIS Version 12 on 21/09/2021.

    The question wording changed from "Do you wear any kind of face covering or mask…" to the current wording.

    Additional information "If currently self-isolating, choose what you usually do when not self-isolating" was added to the question wording.

  • Question:

    Now I would like to ask how effective various measures were in making you feel safe during your journey. Did the wearing of face coverings by others make you feel...

    Response options:
    1. Very unsafe
    2. Unsafe
    3. Neither safe nor unsafe
    4. Somewhat safe
    5. Safe
    6. Face masks not worn by others
    7. I don’t know
    • IPS
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Transport & travel

    Ask all arrivals

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IPS in 04/2022


    Changes were made to the IPS in 08/2021.

    Response option "Face masks not worn by others" was added.

  • Question:

    Imagine that tomorrow morning you develop symptoms of COVID-19. What action would you take, if any?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Request a test to confirm whether you have coronavirus
    2. Stay at home for 10 days
    3. Stay at home for 14 days (T&T Self-isolating only)
    4. Ask or advise other members of my household to stay at home for 10 days
    5. Ask or advise other members of my household to stay at home for 14 days (T&T Self-isolating only)
    6. Seek advice from a medical professional or call 999
    7. Look online for advice
    8. Ask family or friends for advice
    9. Something else
    10. Take no action
    11. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if SymptomYN equals "No", "Don't Know" or "Prefer not to say"

  • Question:

    Thinking about the current precautionary guidance, to what extent do you follow it?

    Response options:
    1. I follow the guidance completely
    2. I follow the guidance quite closely
    3. I follow the guidance loosely
    4. I don't follow the guidance at all
    5. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if AwareAdvice is not 2 (No)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CEV Wave 6 on 21/06/2021

  • Question:

    May I ask if the reason you do not follow the guidance is by own choice or because you cannot follow the guidance?

    Response options:
    1. By choice
    2. Because I cannot follow it
    3. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if GudianceAdherence equals 4

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CEV Wave 6 on 21/06/2021

  • Question:

    What support, if any, do you use on a weekly basis, now that you are no longer advised to shield?

    Response options:
    1. Support from local authority to access food
    2. Support from volunteers and/or charities delivering food
    3. Prescription deliveries
    4. Support from volunteers and/or charities delivering medicines
    5. Care at home (for example carers visits)
    6. Telephone or video appointments with GP or hospital
    7. Helplines, to talk to someone over the phone
    8. Face-to-face or telephone calls with family and friends
    9. Access to exercise at home (for example online classes, garden)
    10. Financial support
    11. Support with working from home
    12. Something else (for example domestic cleaners)
    13. None of the above
    • CEV
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if AwareAdvice does not equal 2 or CareHome does not equal 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 4 on 26/04/2021


    Changes were made to CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021.

    Response option "Priority supermarket delivery slots" was removed and response option "Other support from local authority to access food" was changed to remove "Other" from the wording.

  • Question:

    Do you need any additional support to be in place now that you are no longer being advised to shield?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Not sure
    4. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Changes were made to CEV Wave 6 on 21/06/2021.

    The question wording changed to remove " help you to follow the guidance to clinically extremely vulnerable people…" from after "additional support".

  • Question:

    What additional support do you need?

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Financial support (e.g. cover for wages or income/furlough scheme, other additional benefit support)
    2. Food deliveries (e.g. using supermarket delivery slots)
    3. Personal care support (e.g. bathing, dressing, cooking)
    4. Medical support (e.g. access to medicines, at home tests, e.g. blood)
    5. Other (please specify)
    • CEV
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if SupportNeed equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021


    For "Other (please specify)" the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Please think about the times you drank in the last 7 days. To what extent do you think that consuming alcohol affected how you followed guidance around coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. I followed the guidance more closely
    2. It did not affect how I followed the guidance
    3. I followed the guidance less closely
    4. Prefer not to answer
    5. Not applicable
    • SCIS
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if AlcohAny equals 1 (Yes)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021

  • Question:

    Have you downloaded the NHS COVID-19 app or the Protect Scotland app?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, and it is on my phone (T&T) / and I still have the app installed (SCIS)
    2. Yes, but I have deleted it (T&T) / but I no longer have the app installed (SCIS)
    3. No
    4. Don't know (T&T only)
    5. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Behaviours
    • SCIS
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:

    DownlAppA (T&T Cases and SCIS)

    App (T&T Behaviours)


    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 14 on 25/02/2022


    "...or the Protect Scotland app" is only included in the question wording for SCIS.

    Question wording is slightly different tor T&T Behaviours.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 8 on 01/11/2021.

    The variable name changed from "DownlApp" to "DownlAppA".

    The question wording changed from "Have you downloaded the NHS Covid-19 Test and Trace app?" to the current wording.

    The "Yes" response option was removed and replaced with "Yes, and it is on my phone" and "Yes, but I have deleted it".

    The T&T Behaviours question wording and response options are the same as T&T Cases Wave 8.

    Changes were made to T&T Behaviours Wave 3 on 10/01/2022.

    Question wording was amended to include "Thanks. And" to clearly separate this question from the previous question. This is for T&T Behaviours only.

  • Question:

    Do you have "contact tracing" switched on in the NHS COVID-19 app?

    If switched on, this means that you consent to alert NHS Test and Trace and their other app users that you have been nearby if you become infectious/ while you were infectious. You also consent to receive alerts if you have been nearby another user who has become infected with COVID-19

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Behaviours
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if DownlAppA equals "Yes" (T&T Cases)

    Ask if App equals "Yes" (T&T Behaviours)

    Ask if App2 equals "Yes" (T&T Self-isolating)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 8 on 01/11/2021

    Added to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 11 on 06/12/2021


    For T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts), this used to be one part of a single question "CTOnBTEnab".

    Changes were made to T&T Behaviours Wave 2 on 22/11/2021 and T&T Cases Wave 9 on 29/11/2021.

    "Prefer not to say" was added as a response option.

  • Question:

    Do you have bluetooth enabled and are able to receive notifications through the NHS COVID-19 app?

    Bluetooth enabled means that you are able to send notifications via bluetooth based on whether you have the virus, as well as receive notifications from those who you've been in contact with who have the virus.

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Behaviours
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if DownlAppA equals "Yes" (T&T Cases)

    Ask if App equals "Yes" (T&T Behaviours)

    Ask if App2 equals "Yes" and CTOn equals "Yes" (T&T Self-isolating)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 8 on 01/11/2021

    Added to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 11 on 06/12/2021


    For T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts), this used to be one part of a single question "CTOnBTEnab".

  • Question:

    Do you have "contract tracing" switched on in the NHS COVID-19 app and bluetooth enabled?

    If switched on, this means that you consent to alert NHS Test and Trace and their other app users that you have been nearby if you become infectious/ while you were infectious. You also consent to receive alerts if you have been nearby another user who has become infected with COVID-19.

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t Know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if "App2" equals any "Yes" response option

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021

    Removed from T&T Self-isolating Wave 11 on 06/12/2021


    This question was removed and split into two questions, "CTOn" and "BTEnab". These are both found in the Question Bank.

  • Question:

    We would like to know if the NHS COVID-19 app notifies contacts earlier or later than other sources such as Test and Trace.

    Have you downloaded the NHS COVID 19 app?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, and it is on my phone
    2. Yes, but I have deleted it
    3. No
    4. Don't know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Changes were made to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021.

    The question wording changed from "Do you use the NHS Covid-19 Test and Trace app?" to the current wording.

    The following response options were removed: "I have the app and I use it", "I have the app installed but I do not use it", "I had the app but have now removed it", and "I have never used or installed the app".

    The following response options were added: "Yes, and it is on my phone", "Yes, but I have deleted it", and "No".

  • Question:

    Before being contacted by NHS Test and Trace, did you do any of the following:

    a) Worn a face mask in shops

    b) Socially distanced

    c) Washed or sanitised your hands

    d) Visited crowded places

    e) Taken COVID-19 tests (for example, LFT or PCR)

    f) Used public transport

    g) Met up with friends or family who you do not live with

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    A response is required for each statement that is read out.

  • Question:

    Since being contacted by NHS Test and Trace how often have you:

    a) Worn a face mask in shops

    b) Socially distanced

    c) Washed or sanitized your hands

    d) Visited crowded places

    e) Taken COVID-19 tests

    f) Used public transport

    g) Met up with friends or family who you do not live with

    Response options:
    1. Less often
    2. The same amount
    3. More often
    4. Don't know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask for each option selected at BeforeBehav


    A response is required for each statement that is read out.

    Changes were made to T&T Behaviours Wave 4 on 31/01/2022.

    The interviewer guidance was amended. If the respondent states they are not allowed to do some of the listed activities because they are currently isolating, the interviewer is asked to explain that they are still interested in the respondent's behaviour before and after being contacted.

  • Question:

    In which of these ways do you access food?

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Supermarket delivery slots,
    2. I go to the shops myself,
    3. Friends, family or neighbours deliver food to me,
    4. NHS volunteers deliver food to me,
    5. My Local Authority help me (e.g. volunteers or other types of help), OR
    6. Other?
    • CEV
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all, except if CareHome equals 1 (Live in care home)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

  • Question:

    Currently, what support, if any, helps you to follow the guidance to clinically extremely vulnerable people? Are you getting ...

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Priority supermarket delivery slots?
    2. Other support from local authority to access food?
    3. Support from volunteers and/or charities delivering food?
    4. Prescription deliveries?
    5. Support from volunteers and/or charities delivering medicines?
    6. Care at home (e.g. carer's visits)?
    7. Telephone or video appointments with GP or hospital?
    8. Helplines, to talk to someone over the phone,
    9. Face-to-face or telephone calls with family and friends?
    10. Access to exercise at home (e.g. online classes, garden)?
    11. Financial support
    12. Support with working from home?
    13. Something else?
    14. None of the above
    • CEV
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if AwareAdvice is not 2 (No), and GudianceAdherence is not 4 (I don't follow the guidance at all)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CEV Wave 4 on 26/04/2021

  • Question:

    When you were identified as positive for COVID-19, on a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 is "not willing" and 10 is "completely willing", how willing were you to share details of close contacts with NHS Test & Trace?

    Response options:
    1. [select number on a scale from 1 to 10]
    2. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Contacts
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if PosNegCov equals 1 (Yes)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Contacts Wave 3 on 01/04/2021

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 13 on 17/03/2022


    The "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer.

  • Question:

    When you were contacted by NHS Test and Trace for the purposes of contact tracing, how willing were you to share details of your close contacts, on a scale of 1-10 where 1 is "not willing" and 10 is "completely willing".

    Response options:
    1. [select number on a scale from 1 to 10]
    2. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 3 on 12/04/2021


    The "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer.

  • Question:

    If you tested positive for COVID-19, on a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 is "not willing" and 10 is "completely willing", how willing would you be to share details of your close contacts with NHS Test & Trace?

    Response options:
    1. [select number on a scale from 1 to 10]
    2. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if PosNegCov equals 2, 3, 4, or 5


    The "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer.

  • Question:

    The countries in the UK have each introduced contact tracing services to identify people who have been in contact with a confirmed coronavirus case and request that they self-isolate for 10 days.

    People who have tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) are asked to share contact details of people they have recently been in close contact with, so they can be anonymously notified to self-isolate.

    Imagine that you had tested positive for coronavirus, and were prompted by your country's contact tracing service to share details of who you have recently been in close contact with. How likely or unlikely would you be to do this?

    Response options:
    1. Extremely likely
    2. Likely
    3. Neither likely or unlikely
    4. Unlikely
    5. Extremely unlikely
    6. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    For SEIS, response option 6 is "Prefer not to say" instead of "Prefer not to answer".

    For SEIS, the question wording is slightly different and uses the present tense.

    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 14 on 25/02/2022

    The words " previously", "were" and "could" were included in the question wording to change the tense from present to past.

  • Question:

    Imagine you have been alerted by a contact tracing service that you had been in close contact with a confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) case and need to self-isolate for 10 days. How likely or unlikely are you to self-isolate?

    Response options:
    1. Extremely likely
    2. Likely
    3. Neither likely or unlikely
    4. Unlikely
    5. Extremely unlikely
    6. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 8 on 04/05/2021

  • Question:

    The following questions will ask whether receiving the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination has affected how often you follow different guidance to stop the spread of COVID-19.

    Has receiving the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination made you follow guidance to wash your hands for 20 seconds regularly, more or less often?

    Response options:
    1. Much more often
    2. Somewhat more often
    3. No change
    4. Somewhat less often
    5. Much less often
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • Over 80s
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACHAD equals 1

  • Question:

    Has receiving the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination made you follow guidance to wearing a face covering in indoor settings, more or less often?

    Response options:
    1. Much more often
    2. Somewhat more often
    3. No change
    4. Somewhat less often
    5. Much less often
    6. Not applicable
    7. Don’t know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • Over 80s
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACHAD equals 1

  • Question:

    Has receiving the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination made you follow guidance to stay 2 meters apart from people you do not live with, more or less often?

    Response options:
    1. Much more often
    2. Somewhat more often
    3. No change
    4. Somewhat less often
    5. Much less often
    6. Not applicable
    7. Don’t know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • Over 80s
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACHAD equals 1

  • Question:

    How important or unimportant do you think social distancing is in slowing the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) or other illnesses such as coughs and colds?

    Response options:
    1. Very important
    2. Important
    3. Neither important nor unimportant
    4. Unimportant
    5. Very unimportant
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN55 on 21/04/2021

    Current rotation status:

    Reinstated for OPN98 on 17/08/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    How important or unimportant do you think ventilation is in slowing the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) or other illnesses such as coughs and colds? For example, opening windows when meeting others indoors.

    Response options:
    1. Very important
    2. Important
    3. Neither important nor unimportant
    4. Unimportant
    5. Very unimportant
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Ventilation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN55 on 21/04/2021

    Current rotation status:

    Reinstated for OPN98 on 17/08/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    How important or unimportant do you think hand washing is in slowing the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) or other illnesses?

    Response options:
    1. Very important
    2. Important
    3. Neither important nor unimportant
    4. Unimportant
    5. Very unimportant
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN55 on 21/04/2021

    Current rotation status:

    Reinstated for OPN98 on 17/08/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    How important or unimportant do you think wearing a face covering is in slowing the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) or other illnesses such as coughs and colds?

    Response options:
    1. Very important
    2. Important
    3. Neither important nor unimportant
    4. Unimportant
    5. Very unimportant
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN55 on 21/04/2021

    Current rotation status:

    Reinstated for OPN98 on 17/08/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    The following questions ask about how likely or unlikely you would be to go to an event, when these are allowed, compared with before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Examples of events include sports matches, going to the cinema, theatre, or a music performance.

    Compared to before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, how much more or less likely would you be to go to an organised event if no social distancing measures were in place?

    Response options:
    1. Much more likely
    2. More likely
    3. Neither more nor less likely
    4. Less likely
    5. Much less likely
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN56 on 28/04/2021

    Removed from OPN60 on 26/05/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Compared to before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, how much more or less likely would you be to go to an organised event if two metre social distancing measures were in place?

    Response options:
    1. Much more likely
    2. More likely
    3. Neither more nor less likely
    4. Less likely
    5. Much less likely
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN56 on 28/04/2021

    Removed from OPN60 on 26/05/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Compared to before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, how much more or less likely would you be to go to an organised event if you needed to have proof of a recent negative coronavirus (COVID-19) test? The tests would be free and could be taken at home.

    Response options:
    1. Much more likely
    2. More likely
    3. Neither more nor less likely
    4. Less likely
    5. Much less likely
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN56 on 28/04/2021

    Removed from OPN60 on 26/05/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Compared to before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, how much more or less likely would you be to go to a large organised event if you had to spend an extra two hours in the venue so that people could stay socially distanced when leaving?

    Response options:
    1. Much more likely
    2. More likely
    3. Neither more nor less likely
    4. Less likely
    5. Much less likely
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN56 on 28/04/2021

    Removed from OPN60 on 26/05/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Compared to before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, how much more or less likely would you be to go to a two-hour event if you had to wear a face covering?

    Response options:
    1. Much more likely
    2. More likely
    3. Neither more nor less likely
    4. Less likely
    5. Much less likely
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN56 on 28/04/2021

    Removed from OPN60 on 26/05/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Compared to before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, how much more or less likely would you be to go to a two-hour event if you were not allowed to buy or eat food?

    Response options:
    1. Much more likely
    2. More likely
    3. Neither more nor less likely
    4. Less likely
    5. Much less likely
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN56 on 28/04/2021

    Removed from OPN60 on 26/05/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    How comfortable or uncomfortable would you be going to a restaurant, café, bar or pub to eat or drink outside?

    Response options:
    1. Very comfortable
    2. Fairly comfortable
    3. Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable
    4. Fairly uncomfortable
    5. Very uncomfortable
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN57 on 05/05/2021

    Removed from OPN68 on 21/07/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    How comfortable or uncomfortable would you be going to a restaurant, café, bar or pub to eat or drink inside?

    Response options:
    1. Very comfortable
    2. Fairly comfortable
    3. Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable
    4. Fairly uncomfortable
    5. Very uncomfortable
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN57 on 05/05/2021

    Removed from OPN68 on 21/07/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    If you were selected, how comfortable or uncomfortable would you be letting a survey interviewer into your home to ask you some questions?

    Appropriate coronavirus (COVID-19) safety measures would be in place in accordance with Health and Safety guidance and government guidance.

    Response options:
    1. Very comfortable
    2. Fairly comfortable
    3. Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable
    4. Fairly uncomfortable
    5. Very uncomfortable
    6. Not applicable
    7. Don't know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN57 on 05/05/2021

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN72 on 18/08/2021


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

  • Question:

    For what reasons would you be uncomfortable letting a survey interviewer into your home to ask you some questions?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Worried about spreading the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. Worried about catching the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. Worried about ability to social distance in home
    4. Worried as I am, or have been, shielding
    5. Other reasons, please specify
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_Int equals "Uncomfortable" or "Very uncomfortable"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN57 on 05/05/2021

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN72 on 18/08/2021


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

  • Question:

    What measures would you expect to see in place if a survey interviewer were to ask you some questions in your home?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Interviewer should have been vaccinated for coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. Interviewer should have a negative coronavirus (COVID-19) test
    3. Interviewer should wear a face covering
    4. Interviewer should use sanitary wipes for equipment
    5. Interviewer should use hand sanitiser
    6. Other, please specify
    7. Don’t know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN57 on 05/05/2021

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN72 on 18/08/2021


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

  • Question:

    Did the way social distancing was applied in the terminal make you feel…

    Response options:
    1. Very unsafe
    2. Unsafe
    3. Neither safe nor unsafe
    4. Somewhat safe
    5. Safe
    6. No social distancing in place
    7. I don’t know
    • IPS
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Transport & travel

    Ask arrivals at airports

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IPS in 04/2022

  • Question:

    Did the way social distancing was applied on the ferry/train make you feel...

    Response options:
    1. Very unsafe
    2. Unsafe
    3. Neither safe nor unsafe
    4. Somewhat safe
    5. Safe
    6. No social distancing in place
    7. I don’t know
    • IPS
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Transport & travel

    Ask arrivals at ports/train stations

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IPS in 04/2022

  • Question:

    Did the availability of hand sanitiser make you feel…

    Response options:
    1. Very unsafe
    2. Unsafe
    3. Neither safe nor unsafe
    4. Somewhat safe
    5. Safe
    6. None available
    7. I don’t know
    • IPS
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Transport & travel

    Ask all arrivals

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IPS in 04/2022

  • Question:

    Overall, how easy or difficult did you find it to follow Coronavirus (COVID-19) regulations during your stay overseas?

    Response options:
    1. Very difficult
    2. Difficult
    3. Neither easy nor difficult
    4. Easy
    5. Very easy
    • IPS
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Transport & travel
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines

    Ask all arrivals

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IPS in 04/2022

  • Question:

    During your stay, how satisfied were you with any measures implemented in the UK to reduce spreading the coronavirus infection?

    Response options:
    1. Very Dissatisfied
    2. Quite Dissatisfied
    3. Neither
    4. Quite Satisfied
    5. Very Satisfied
    6. Don’t know
    • IPS
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Transport & travel

    Ask all departures

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IPS in 04/2022


    This is the only COVID-19 related IPS question asked of departures.

  • Question:

    Compared to before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, how comfortable or uncomfortable would you feel hugging someone who you do not live with?

    Response options:
    1. Very comfortable
    2. Comfortable
    3. Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable
    4. Uncomfortable
    5. Very uncomfortable
    6. Not applicable
    7. Don’t know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN59 on 19/05/2021

  • Question:

    Since you have been vaccinated, have you gone shopping more or less often?

    Response options:
    1. More often
    2. Neither more nor less often
    3. Less often
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacb equals "Yes, I have received my first vaccine dose" or "Yes, I have received both vaccine doses"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN59 on 19/05/2021

    Removed from OPN68 on 21/07/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Since you have been vaccinated, have you maintained social distancing with others to slow the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) more or less often?

    Response options:
    1. More often
    2. Neither more nor less often
    3. Less often
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacb equals "Yes, I have received my first vaccine dose" or "Yes, I have received both vaccine doses"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN59 on 19/05/2021

    Removed from OPN68 on 21/07/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Since you have been vaccinated, have you seen people that you do not live with more or less often?

    Response options:
    1. More often
    2. Neither more nor less often
    3. Less often
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacb equals "Yes, I have received my first vaccine dose" or "Yes, I have received both vaccine doses"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN59 on 19/05/2021

    Removed from OPN68 on 21/07/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Since you have been vaccinated, have you washed your hands with soap and water straight away after returning home from a public place more or less often?

    Response options:
    1. More often
    2. Neither more nor less often
    3. Less often
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacb equals "Yes, I have received my first vaccine dose" or "Yes, I have received both vaccine doses"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN59 on 19/05/2021

    Removed from OPN63 on 16/06/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Since you have been vaccinated have you worn a face covering when outside your home more or less often?

    Response options:
    1. More often
    2. Neither more nor less often
    3. Less often
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacb equals "Yes, I have received my first vaccine dose" or "Yes, I have received both vaccine doses"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN59 on 19/05/2021

    Removed from OPN63 on 16/06/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Did you find the checking in phone calls from NHS test and Trace helpful or not helpful?

    Response options:
    1. Very helpful
    2. Fairly helpful
    3. Not very helpful
    4. Not at all helpful
    5. I did not receive any checking in phone calls
    6. No answer
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Contacts
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if ContactHow does not equal 4

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 4 on 10/05/2021

    Removed from T&T Contacts Wave 4 on 19/04/2021

  • Question:

    Overall, how would you rate the NHS Test and Trace service on a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 is the worst and 10 is the best?

    Response options:
    1. [select number on a scale from 1 to 10]
    2. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Contacts
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Contacts Wave 3 on 01/04/2021

  • Question:

    At this time, how comfortable or uncomfortable would you be to use public transport for example a bus or train?

    Response options:
    1. Very comfortable
    2. Fairly comfortable
    3. Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable
    4. Fairly uncomfortable
    5. Very uncomfortable
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN60 on 26/05/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Which of the following would you be willing to carry out when going on a trip abroad?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Wearing a face covering while travelling to and from destination
    2. Providing proof that you have been vaccinated for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. Taking coronavirus (COVID-19) tests before and after travelling
    4. Quarantining for 10 days after arriving home
    5. Social distancing at your destination
    6. Providing details of your accommodation, dates of travel and home address
    7. Paying for and staying in a managed quarantine hotel (Quarantine for a full 10 days in a managed quarantine hotel (the day you arrive in England counts as day 0)
    8. £2,285 is the rate for 1 adult in 1 room for 10 days (11 nights)
    9. additional rate of £1,430 for 1 adult (or child over 11)
    10. additional rate of £325 for a child aged 5 to 11)
    11. Being prepared to stay abroad for longer if rules change or you have a positive coronavirus (COVID-19) test
    12. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_TravAbro equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN60 on 26/05/2021

    Removed from OPN75 on 22/09/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    If you have had friends or family come into your home in the past seven days, which of the following actions did you take to reduce the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Worn a face mask
    2. Asked the visitor to wear a mask
    3. Opened windows or doors
    4. Cleaned touch points
    5. Maintained social distancing
    6. Washed hands regularly
    7. Asked visitor to take a rapid lateral flow test
    8. Other
    9. Not applicable, I have not had any family or friends come into my home in the past seven days
    10. None of these
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Ventilation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN61 on 02/06/2021

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    If you have had people you do not know, such as tradespeople, come into your home in the past seven days, which of the following actions did you take to reduce the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Worn a face mask
    2. Asked the visitor to wear a mask
    3. Opened windows or doors
    4. Cleaned touch points
    5. Maintained social distancing
    6. Washed hands regularly
    7. Asked visitor to take a rapid lateral flow test
    8. Other
    9. Not applicable, I have not had any people I do not know come into my home in the past seven days
    10. None of these
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Ventilation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN61 on 02/06/2021

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Are you still continuing to shield?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 4 on 26/04/2021

    Removed from CEV Wave 6 on 21/06/2021

  • Question:

    Even though shielding guidance has ended and everyone is advised to follow the same guidance, clinically extremely vulnerable people may also want to think about extra precautions.

    Which of the following best describes your current approach?

    Response options:
    1. I am continuing to follow the previous shielding guidance
    2. I am not shielding but I am taking extra precautions
    3. I am no longer shielding and I am not taking extra precautions
    4. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 6 on 21/06/2021


    Changes were made to CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021.

    The question wording changed from "Even though shielding guidance has paused, clinically extremely vulnerable people are advised to take extra precautions. Which of the following best describes your current approach?" to the current wording.

    Response option 1 was updated to include the word "previous", response option 2 was updated to its current wording from "I am no longer shielding but I am following the precautionary guidance", and response option 3 was updated to its current wording from "I am not following shielding or precautionary guidance".

  • Question:

    You said you have been going out to socialise in the last 7 days. When doing so, are you taking any of the following precautions to minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission?

    Response options:
    1. Avoiding physical contact with others
    2. Increasing ventilation (For example opening a window)
    3. Meeting people outdoors
    4. Wearing a face mask or covering
    5. Considering whether you and those you are meeting have been vaccinated
    6. Practicing social distancing
    7. Asking others to take a rapid lateral flow antigen test before you meet them
    8. Taking other additional precautions
    9. No, I am not taking additional precautions
    • CEV
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Ventilation
    Variable name:



    Ask if BehaviourAfter equals 4 (to socialise)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 6 on 21/06/2021


    Changes were made to CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021.

    Response options 5, 6 and 7 were added to Wave 7.

  • Question:

    How comfortable or uncomfortable do you feel about the prospect of working outside your home? (If ContWorkHome equals "Yes")

    If you were to work outside your home, how comfortable or uncomfortable do you feel about that prospect? (If ContWorkHome equals "Don't know")

    Response options:
    1. Very comfortable
    2. Comfortable
    3. Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable
    4. Uncomfortable
    5. Very uncomfortable
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if ContWorkHome equals "Yes" or "Don’t know"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 5 on 17/05/2021

    Removed from CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

  • Question:

    What measures would make you feel more comfortable about the prospect of working outside your home?

    Response options:
    1. Twice weekly tests?
    2. Increased use and availability of hand sanitisers in office space?
    3. Regular cleaning of all work areas and toilets?
    4. Mandatory mask wearing for you and colleagues?
    5. Social distancing or avoiding close contact including the use of barriers and one-way systems?
    6. Improved ventilation and air purifiers?
    7. Vaccination passports or stickers?
    8. Reduced capacity in office space or office and home working split?
    9. Clear workplace and COVID safety guidance for all returning staff?
    10. Discussing concerns on returning to workplace with manager?
    11. Mental health support?
    12. Other?
    13. None of the above?
    • CEV
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Ventilation
    Variable name:



    Ask if OutsideReturn equals 3, 4, or 5

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 5 on 17/05/2021

    Removed from CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

  • Question:

    What measures would make you feel more comfortable about working outside your home?

    Response options:
    1. Twice weekly tests
    2. Increased use and availability of hand sanitisers in office space
    3. Regular cleaning of all work areas and toilets
    4. Mandatory mask wearing for you and colleagues
    5. Social distancing or avoiding close contact including the use of barriers and one-way systems
    6. Improved ventilation and air purifiers
    7. Vaccination passports or stickers
    8. Reduced capacity in office space or office and home working split
    9. Clear workplace and COVID safety guidance for all returning staff
    10. Mental health support
    11. Other
    12. None of the above
    • CEV
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Ventilation
    Variable name:



    Ask if ComfortableWorkOutsideHome equals 3, 4, or 5

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 5 on 17/05/2021


    Changes were made to CEV Wave 6 on 21/06/2021.

    The following response options were added: "Increased use and availability of hand sanitisers in office space?", "Regular cleaning of all work areas and toilets?", "Reduced capacity in office space or office and home working split?", "Clear workplace and COVID safety guidance for all returning staff?", "Other?" and "None of the above?", whilst response option "Other (please specify)" was removed.

  • Question:

    At this time, how comfortable or uncomfortable are you about leaving the home to go to a hospitality, cultural or educational setting?

    Response options:
    1. Very comfortable
    2. Comfortable
    3. Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable
    4. Uncomfortable
    5. Very uncomfortable
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 6 on 21/06/2021

  • Question:

    And how comfortable or uncomfortable are you about leaving the home to go to your local GP surgery or hospital?

    Response options:
    1. Very comfortable
    2. Comfortable
    3. Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable
    4. Uncomfortable
    5. Very uncomfortable
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 6 on 21/06/2021

  • Question:

    On the social visit(s) you’ve had, which of the following actions did you take to reduce the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Worn, or asked visitors to wear a face mask or covering
    2. Opened windows or doors
    3. Maintained social distancing or avoided physical contact
    4. Having visitors in the outdoor areas of your home, for example in the garden
    5. Cleaned touch points or washed hands regularly
    6. Practiced social distancing
    7. Asked others to take a rapid flow antigen test before visiting you
    8. Other
    9. None of the above
    • CEV
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Ventilation
    Variable name:



    Ask if VisitPurpose equals 3

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 6 on 21/06/2021


    Changes were made to CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021.

    The variable name changed from "VisitMitigation" to "VisitMitigationA".

    Response options "Practiced social distancing" and "Asked others to take a rapid flow antigen test before visiting you" were added to Wave 7.

  • Question:

    The Government's roadmap for lockdown easing sets out a final step in which all restrictions on social contact are lifted. How worried or unworried are you about the prospect of all social restrictions being lifted?

    Response options:
    1. Very worried
    2. Somewhat worried
    3. Neither worried nor unworried
    4. Somewhat unworried
    5. Not at all worried
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 6 on 21/06/2021

    Removed from CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

  • Question:

    If you needed a self-isolation support payment, how likely or unlikely would you be to apply for it?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very Unlikely
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN63 on 16/06/2021

    Current rotation status: Reinstated for OPN74 on 08/09/2021


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    For what reasons would you be unlikely to apply for the self-isolation support payment?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I do not think I would be eligible
    2. I would not know how to apply
    3. I may not be able to get internet access
    4. It may be difficult to get access to all of the documents needed
    5. It may take a long time to get the support payment
    6. Payment may not be enough to cover my needs
    7. I have not seen any information about the support payment
    8. Other, please specify
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_Sup equals "Unlikely" or "Very unlikely"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN63 on 16/06/2021

    Current rotation status: Reinstated for OPN74 on 08/09/2021


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    For "Other, please specify", respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    How often do you think other people keep socially distanced from those outside their household?

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Often
    3. Sometimes
    4. Not very often
    5. Never
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN65 on 30/06/2021

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    How often do you think other people are sanitising their hands before going into shops, restaurants, cafés or other public places?

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Often
    3. Sometimes
    4. Not very often
    5. Never
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN65 on 30/06/2021

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    How worried or unworried are you about new variants of the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Very worried
    2. Somewhat worried
    3. Neither worried nor unworried
    4. Somewhat unworried
    5. Not at all worried
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN65 on 30/06/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    For what reasons do you think your life will never return to normal?

    Response options:
    1. [enter reasons]
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_Norm equals "Never"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN67 on 14/07/2021

  • Question:

    Are you still doing any of the following now that coronavirus (COVID-19) rules have eased?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Wear a face covering in shops
    2. Wear a face covering on public transport
    3. Avoid crowded places
    4. Work from home
    5. Sanitise hands regularly
    6. Avoid travelling abroad
    7. Maintain social distancing around others who I do not live with
    8. Arrange to meet up with other people in outdoor settings where possible
    9. Keep the number of people I meet with to a minimum
    10. Opening windows when I have visitors
    11. Self-isolating if I have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms
    12. Regularly use lateral flow tests
    13. Other, please specify
    14. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Ventilation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN66 on 07/07/2021

    Removed from OPN72 on 18/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Which of these are you looking forward to doing when coronavirus (COVID-19) rules end?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Stopping working from home
    2. Being able to return to work as I am currently on furlough
    3. Going to an outdoor sports event, for example a football or cricket match
    4. Not having to wear a face covering
    5. Going to a concert or nightclub
    6. Going to the theatre or cinema without social distancing
    7. Attending life events such as weddings
    8. Meeting indoors with no limits on the number of people
    9. Hugging people I do not live with
    10. Singing with others in a public indoor place
    11. Going on holiday abroad without coronavirus (COVID-19) rules
    12. Staying at someone else's house with no limits on number of guests
    13. Other
    14. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN66 on 07/07/2021

    Removed from OPN69 on 28/07/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    How worried or unworried are you about the plan to end coronavirus (COVID-19) rules in England on the 19th July?

    Response options:
    1. Very worried
    2. Somewhat worried
    3. Neither worried not unworried
    4. Somewhat unworried
    5. Not at all worried
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN66 on 07/07/2021

    Removed from OPN69 on 28/07/2021

  • Question:

    How likely or unlikely would you be to have a vaccine booster jab for the coronavirus (COVID-19) if one was offered to you?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • VOS
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:

    COV_VaccBoost (OPN)

    COV_Vaccboost_VOS (VOS)


    Ask if COV_RecVacC equals "I have received two vaccine doses" (OPN)

    Ask if COV_CountDose_VOS equals "I have received both vaccine doses" (VOS)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022

  • Question:

    I’m now going to read out some different statements to you, and would like you to tell me whether you agree or disagree with them.

    a) It is important for me to follow the international arrivals quarantine guidance

    b) It was easy for me to quarantine

    c) Coronavirus poses a risk to society

    d) Coronavirus poses a risk to one or more of my friends and family

    e) Coronavirus poses a risk to me personally

    f) Information from the government about coronavirus can be trusted

    Response options:
    1. Agree
    2. Disagree
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



     Update to routing BZ/78

  • Question:

    Has being vaccinated changed how likely you are to comply with quarantine requirement?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, more likely to comply
    2. Yes, less likely to comply
    3. No difference
    4. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if VaccineDose equals 2 or 3

  • Question:

    Do you take additional measures to keep yourself and others safe beyond government guidelines and recommendations?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, which of the following have you used to gain entry to a venue or event?

    Response options:
    1. Proof that I have been vaccinated
    2. A recent negative coronavirus (COVID-19) test
    3. Both of these
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_VacStat equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN77 on 20/10/2021

    Removed from OPN85 16/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    While you were using public transport in the last seven days, how many people did you see wearing protective face coverings to help slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Everyone
    2. Almost everyone
    3. Some other people
    4. Hardly anyone
    5. No one
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_PubTran equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN78 on 03/11/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022

  • Question:

    How likely or unlikely would you be to go to an organised event if you needed to have an NHS COVID-19 pass?

    For respondents in England and Wales ONLY:

    For example, proof of a negative coronavirus (COVID-19) test or proof that you have received two vaccine doses.

    For respondents in Scotland ONLY:

    For example, proof of a negative coronavirus (COVID-19) test, or proof that you have received two vaccine doses and a booster or had your second vaccine dose in the last four months.

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if CL_Country equals "England" or "Wales"

    Ask if CL_Country equals "Scotland"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN79 on 18/11/2021

    Removed from OPN86 on 03/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Since July 2021, has your decision to attend any venue or event been influenced by the introduction of NHS COVID-19 passes?

    For respondents in England and Wales ONLY:

    For example, proof of a negative coronavirus (COVID-19) test or proof that you have received two vaccine doses.

    For respondents in Scotland ONLY:

    For example, proof of a negative coronavirus (COVID-19) test, or proof that you have received two vaccine doses and a booster or had your second vaccine dose in the last four months.

    Response options:
    1. It made me decide to attend
    2. It made me more likely to attend
    3. It did not influence my decision to attend
    4. It made me less likely to attend
    5. It made me decide not to attend
    6. Not applicable
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if CL_Country equals "England" or "Wales"

    Ask if CL_Country equals "Scotland"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN79 on 18/11/2021

    Removed from OPN84 on 03/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    How confident or unconfident are you about how to report the results of a coronavirus (COVID-19) lateral flow test?

    Response options:
    1. Very confident
    2. Fairly confident
    3. Neither confident nor unconfident
    4. Fairly unconfident
    5. Very unconfident
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN79 on 18/11/2021

    Removed from OPN80 on 01/12/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    If you take a lateral flow test, how often do you report the results to the NHS?

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Never
    4. I have never taken a lateral flow test
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN79 on 18/11/2021

    Removed from OPN80 on 01/12/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    How likely or unlikely would you be to report a positive lateral flow test to the NHS?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RepLFT equals "Always", "Sometimes" or "Never"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN79 on 18/11/2021

    Removed from OPN80 on 01/12/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    How likely or unlikely would you be to report a negative lateral flow test to the NHS?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RepLFT equals "Always", "Sometimes" or "Never"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN79 on 18/11/2021

    Removed from OPN80 on 01/12/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Over the Christmas season, which things are you planning to do or have you already done?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Visit family or friends in their homes
    2. Have family or friends visit me in my home
    3. Meet up with family or friends in restaurants, pubs, bars or cafés
    4. Travel outside the UK
    5. Go on holiday in the UK
    6. Go to a pantomime or Christmas show at a theatre
    7. Go to the cinema
    8. Go to a party
    9. Go to a Christmas market
    10. Go to a place of worship
    11. Go to a carol concert
    12. Other (please specify)
    13. None of the above
    14. Don’t know
    15. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN36 on 02/12/2020

    Removed from OPN41 on 13/01/2021

    Reinstated for OPN80 on 01/12/2021

    Removed from OPN82 on 06/01/2022


    If "Other (please specify)" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Over the Christmas season, which actions are you planning to take, or have already taken, to help reduce the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Visit only well-ventilated areas
    2. Wear a face covering
    3. Socially distance where possible
    4. Take a rapid lateral flow test before seeing others
    5. Stay home if unwell
    6. Wash my hands regularly
    7. Only meet others outdoors
    8. Only attend organised events if COVID-19 passes are required
    9. None of the above
    10. Not applicable
    11. Don’t know
    12. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Ventilation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN80 on 01/12/2021

    Removed from OPN82 on 06/01/2022

  • Question:

    Over the next two weeks, how likely or unlikely are you to open windows or doors if you have a visitor coming to your home?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. I do not expect to have visitors over the next two weeks
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Ventilation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN81 on 15/12/2021

    Current rotation status:

    Removed from OPN87 on 16/03/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Over the next two weeks, which of the following would put you off opening windows or doors if you have a visitor in your home?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. The house would get too cold
    2. It would be too noisy
    3. I would be worried about air pollution coming into my home
    4. It would cost more to heat my home
    5. It would be bad for the environment to heat my home more
    6. I would be worried about my home security
    7. Other
    8. I do not think opening windows or doors will reduce the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_VentWind equals "Neither likely nor unlikely", "Fairly unlikely", or "Very unlikely"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN81 on 15/12/2021

    Current rotation status:

    Removed from OPN87 on 16/03/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    If "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    How important or unimportant do you think having a coronavirus (COVID-19) booster jab is in slowing the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Very important
    2. Important
    3. Neither important nor unimportant
    4. Unimportant
    5. Very unimportant
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN81 on 15/12/2021

    Current rotation status:

    Reinstated for OPN98 on 17/08/2022.


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    How likely or unlikely would you be to go to an organised event if you had to stay socially distanced from others?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN82 on 06/01/2022

    Removed from OPN83 on 19/01/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    How likely or unlikely would you be to go to an organised event if you had to wear a face covering?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN82 on 06/01/2022

    Removed from OPN83 on 19/01/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Can I check if you are currently self-isolating?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    Why are you currently self-isolating? Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I was told to via Test and Trace or via the App
    2. I was doing it volountarily as a precaution
    3. Because I am unsure of the guidance
    4. To protect myself from catching COVID-19
    5. I am worried about passing COVID-19 on to others
    6. I have symptoms of COVID-19
    7. I have tested positive for COVID-19
    8. I am waiting for a COVID-19 test result
    9. A member of my household has tested positive for coronavirus
    10. I have been in contact with someone outside of my household who has tested positive for coronavirus
    11. Other
    12. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021


    There are two "IsoReasonA" questions in the Question Bank. They are very similar, but have been separated because they are referring to different isolation periods.

    Changes were made to T&T Behaviours Wave 4 on 31/01/2022.

    Response options "I was told to via Test and Trace or via the App", "I was doing it volountarily as a precaution", and "Because I am unsure of the guidance" were added.

    The variable name was amended from "IsoReason" to "IsoReasonA" to reflect the change.

  • Question:

    What is the main reason you self-isolated?

    Select first that applies

    Response options:
    1. I was told to via Test and Trace or via the App
    2. I was doing it volountarily as a precaution
    3. Because I am unsure of the guidance
    4. A member of my household tested positive for coronavirus
    5. I have been in contact with someone outside of my household who has tested positive for coronavirus
    6. I developed coronavirus symptoms
    7. I am waiting for a COVID-19 test result
    8. I am worried about passing COVID-19 on to others
    9. I have tested positive for COVID-19
    10. To protect myself from catching COVID-19
    11. Another reason (please specify)
    12. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if BeforeIso does not equal 7

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021


    There are two "IsoReasonA" questions in the Question Bank. They are very similar, but have been separated because they are referring to different isolation periods.

    If "Another reason (please specify)" is selected, respondents are presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    Changes were made to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 13 on 14/02/2022.

    The routing information changed from "ask all" to the current routing.

  • Question:

    Before we begin can I check if you are currently isolating or have spent your isolation …

    Response options:
    1. Outside the UK
    2. In a "quarantine hotel" (T&T Self-isolating only)
    3. In another hotel or any guest accommodation
    4. At home, or with friends or relatives
    5. I am not isolating (T&T Self-isolating only)
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if GreetingResp1 equals 1 (Yes)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 5 on 07/06/2021

    Added to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 6 on 01/06/2021


    T&T Cases does not include response option 5 and two, and starts with "Thank you. Can I check..." instead of "Before we begin...".

    Changes were made to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021.

    Response options "I am not isolating as I am double vaccinated" and "I am not isolating for another reason" were removed and replaced with a single response option "I am not isolating".

    If the respondent is not isolating, they do not continue with survey.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022.

    Response options "in a quarantine hotel", and "Haven't isolated" were removed.

  • Question:

    You said you are not isolating; why are you not isolating?

    Response options:
    1. I am double vaccinated
    2. I am exempt due to my employment
    3. I am not isolating for another reason
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if IsoLocationCheck equals "I am not isolating"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021

  • Question:

    Are you currently self-isolating due to COVID-19 (meaning you are not leaving your home)?

    Response options:
    1. No
    2. Yes because you have/have had symptoms of COVID-19 or a positive test
    3. Yes because you live with someone who has/has had symptoms or a positive test, but you haven’t had symptoms yourself
    4. Yes, for other reasons related to you having had an increased risk of getting COVID-19 (e.g. having been in contact with a known case, quarantining after travel abroad)
    5. Yes, for other reasons related to reducing your risk of getting COVID-19 (e.g. going into hospital, shielding)
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Self-isolation

    Ask all

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, have you stayed at home because you did not want to spread the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_COPOS equals "Yes"


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    Changes were made to OPN88 on 30/03/2022.

    Variable name changed from "COV_SelfIso" to "COV_StayHome".

    The question wording was changed from "Self-isolation is defined as staying at home because you have symptoms or have been in contact with someone who has symptoms or has tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19).

    In the past seven days, have you self-isolated because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?" to "In the past seven days, have you stayed at home because you did not want to spread the coronavirus (COVID-19)?".

    Routing information was changed from "Ask all" to "Ask if COV_COPOS equals yes".

  • Question:

    For what reasons have you stayed at home in the past seven days?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I have been unwell and did not want to spread it to others
    2. I have tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. I have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms
    4. I have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    5. I or someone in my household has been advised to stay at home because of medical treatment
    6. I am worried about catching the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    7. Other
    • OPN
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_StayHome equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN68 on 21/07/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    Changes were made to OPN88 on 30/03/2022.

    Variable name was changed from "COV_IsoReasE" to "COV_StayHomReas".

    Question wording was changed from "For what reasons have you been self-isolating in the past seven days?" to "For what reasons have you stayed at home in the past seven days?".

    Routing information was changed from "Ask if COV_SelfIso equals "Yes" to "Ask if COV_StayHome equals "yes"".

    Response option "I have been unwell and did not want to spread it to others" was added.

    Response option "I have recently returned from a country on the red or amber travel list" was removed.

    Response option was changed from "I or someone in my household has been advised to isolate because of medical treatment" to " I or someone in my household has been advised to stay at home because of medical treatment".

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, has anyone in your household self-isolated because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN74 on 08/09/2021

    Removed from OPN84 on 03/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Who were the household members that had to self-isolate?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Child under 18
    2. Partner or spouse
    3. Parent
    4. Housemate
    5. Other
    • OPN
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_OthIso equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN74 on 08/09/2021

    Removed from OPN84 on 03/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Did you have to take any time off work to care for your household member when they were self-isolating?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_OthIso equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN74 on 08/09/2021

    Removed from OPN84 on 03/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    If you needed to self-isolate for 10 days, would you be able to do it?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN82 on 06/01/2022

    Removed from OPN87 on 16/03/2022

  • Question:

    For what reasons would you not be able to self-isolate for 10 days?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I could not afford to miss work
    2. I would feel too lonely
    3. It would negatively affect my mental health
    4. I have caring responsibilities outside my household
    5. I would need to leave the house to buy essentials
    6. I would need to receive medical care
    7. I would not know how to get financial support from the government
    8. Other, please specify on the next page
    • OPN
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_IsoNeed equals "No", "Don’t know", or "Prefer not to say"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN82 on 06/01/2022

    Removed from OPN87 on 16/03/2022


    If "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Do you have the NHS COVID-19 Test and Trace app on your mobile phone or other device?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, I currently have the NHS COVID-19 app
    2. I used to have the NHS COVID-19 app but I do not have it anymore
    3. I have never had the NHS COVID-19 app
    • OPN
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN74 on 08/09/2021

    Removed from OPN75 on 22/09/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    How often do you use the NHS COVID-19 Test and Trace app?

    Response options:
    1. Daily
    2. Weekly
    3. Monthly
    4. Less than monthly
    • OPN
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_CovidApp equals "Yes, I currently have the NHS COVID-19 app"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN74 on 08/09/2021

    Removed from OPN75 on 22/09/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Please specify for what reasons you do not have the NHS COVID-19 app anymore.

    Response options:
    1. [enter reasons do not have app]
    • OPN
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_CovidApp equals "I used to have the NHS COVID-19 app but I do not have it anymore"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN74 on 08/09/2021

    Removed from OPN75 on 22/09/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Did you self-isolate at any point in the last month?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CEV Wave 6 on 21/06/2021

  • Question:

    Have you been self-isolating during the last 7 days?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Changes were made to CEV Wave 6 on 21/06/2021.

    The variable name changed from "SelfIsoNow" in CEV Wave 5 to "SelfIso" in Wave 6.

    The routing changed from "Ask if TTAskSelfIsoA equals 1" in Wave 5 to the current routing in Wave 6.

  • Question:

    Why did you self-isolate in the last 7 days?

    Response options:
    1. I had symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. I tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19).
    3. I was in contact with a confirmed case
    4. I was in contact with a suspected case
    5. I was worried that I might have COVID
    6. I returned to the UK from another country and needed to quarantine for 10 days
    7. Other
    8. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if SelfIso equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 2 on 22/02/2021


    Changes were made to CEV Wave 6 on 21/06/2021.

    The routing changed due to a variable name change in the routing question.

    The question wording changed from "…month" in Wave 5 to "…7 days" in Wave 6.

  • Question:

    Did you start isolating before you were contacted by NHS Test and Trace?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if IsoCheck equals "Yes"


    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022

    The rounting changed from "Ask all" to the current routing.

  • Question:

    Once you started having coronavirus symptoms, when did you start isolating?

    Select first that apply

    Response options:
    1. Within 3 hours
    2. 3-12 hours
    3. 12-24 hours
    4. 24-48 hours
    5. 48-72 hours (2-3 days)
    6. More than 72 hours (more than 3 days)
    7. Have not self-isolated
    8. Don't know
    9. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if Symptoms equals 1 to 11 and IsoCheck equals "Yes"


    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022

    The rounting changed from "Ask if Symptoms equals 1 to 11" to the current routing.

  • Question:

    Can you tell me how you were contacted by NHS Test & Trace?

    (By Test and Trace we mean contact via email, text, phone call or a member of your own household. Please do not include notifications from the NHS COVID-19 app.)

    Response options:
    1. By phone
    2. By text
    3. By email
    4. By another household member
    5. Don't know
    6. Other
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    For T&T Behaviours, the question wording is slightly different, including "…first…" before "…contacted…".

    The additional question information in brackets is for T&T Behaviours only.

    Changes were made to T&T Behaviours Wave 3 on 10/01/2022.

    Additional information in brackets was added to the question wording for T&T Behaviours only.

  • Question:

    For how many days were you asked to self-isolate by Test and Trace?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of days from 0 to 50]
    • T&T Contacts
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if ContactHow equals 1 (By phone), 2 (By text), 3 (By email), or 4 (By household member)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Contacts Wave 4 on 19/04/2021

  • Question:

    When you were asked to self-isolate by Test and Trace, how confident or not were you that you would be able to self-isolate for the whole time?

    By Test and Trace we mean by other sources not relating to the app. This may include email, text or phone call...

    Response options:
    1. Not at all confident
    2. Not very confident
    3. Somewhat confident
    4. Fairly confident
    5. Very confident
    6. Don't know
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Changes were made to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 4 on 19/04/2021.

    The routing changed due to the removal of questions.

  • Question:

    Had you already made plans so that you were prepared for self-isolation, before being contacted by a contact tracer (for example having enough food or medicine, collecting telephone numbers)?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. Very little planning
    3. Some planning
    4. A moderate amount of planning
    5. A great deal of planning
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 4 on 19/04/2021

  • Question:

    Did you start self-isolating before being contacted by NHS Test and Trace?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 11 on 06/12/2021

    Added to T&T Behaviours Wave 3 on 10/01/2021

  • Question:

    We would like to know if the NHS COVID-19 app notifies contacts earlier or later than other sources such as Test and Trace.

    Have you downloaded the NHS COVID 19 app?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, and it is on my phone
    2. Yes, but I have deleted it
    3. No
    4. Don't know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Changes were made to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021.

    The question wording changed from "Do you use the NHS Covid-19 Test and Trace app?" to the current wording.

    The following response options were removed: "I have the app and I use it", "I have the app installed but I do not use it", "I had the app but have now removed it", and "I have never used or installed the app".

    The following response options were added: "Yes, and it is on my phone", "Yes, but I have deleted it", and "No".

  • Question:

    Do you have "contact tracing" switched on in the NHS COVID-19 app and bluetooth enabled?

    If switched on, this means that you consent to alert NHS Test and Trace and their other app users that you have been nearby if you become infectious/ while you were infectious. You also consent to receive alerts if you have been nearby another user who has become infected with COVID-19.

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t Know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if "App2" equals any "Yes" response option

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021

    Removed from T&T Self-isolating Wave 11 on 06/12/2021


    This question was removed and split into two questions, "CTOn" and "BTEnab". These are both found in the Question Bank.

  • Question:

    Did you receive a notification via the NHS COVID-19 app telling you to self-isolate?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if CTOnBTEnab equals "Yes"


    Changes were made to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021.

    The routing information changed due to the addition of "CTOnBTEnab" as a variable.

  • Question:

    And how many days were you asked to self-isolate by the NHS COVID-19 app?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of days from 0 to 50]
    • T&T Contacts
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if SelfApp equals 1 (Yes)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Contacts Wave 4 on 19/04/2021

  • Question:

    When did you receive notification from the app telling you to self-isolate, compared to other sources?

    Response options:
    1. More than 2 days before
    2. Two days before
    3. One day before
    4. The same day
    5. One day after
    6. Two days after
    7. I did not receive any notification from other sources
    8. I cannot remember
    9. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if SelfApp equals 1 (Yes)

  • Question:

    How soon after receiving the app notification did you start isolating? Would you say that you started …

    Select first that apply

    Response options:
    1. Within 3 hours?
    2. 3-12 hours?
    3. 12-24 hours?
    4. 24-48 hours?
    5. 48-72 hours (2-3 days)?
    6. More than 72 hours (more than 3 days)?
    7. Have not self-isolated?
    8. I was already self-isolating?
    9. Don't know
    10. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if NotifyApp equals 1, 2, 3, or 4


    Changes were made to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 6 on 01/06/2021.

    The routing changed from "Ask if SelfApp equals 1 (Yes)" in previous waves to the current routing in Wave 6.

    "I was already self-isolating" added as a response option in Wave 6 so numbering changed.

  • Question:

    When you were asked to self-isolate via the app, how confident or not were you that you would be able to self-isolate for the whole time?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all confident
    2. Not very confident
    3. Somewhat confident
    4. Fairly confident
    5. Very confident
    6. Don't know
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if SelfApp equals 1 (Yes) and NotifyApp does not equal 4

  • Question:

    While you were self-isolating, did you have any family or friends who were able to support you if you needed help?

    OR for IAIS only:

    Did you have any family or friends who were able to support you if you needed help during your quarantine?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:

    IsoSupport (T&T Cases and IAIS)

    FamilyIso (T&T Self-isolating)


    Ask all (IAIS)

    Ask if IsoCheck equals "Yes" (T&T Cases)

    Ask if BeforeIso does not equal 7 (T&T Self-isolating)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 3 on 12/07/2021


    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022

    The routing was changed from "Ask if SympIso does not equal 7" to the current routing.

  • Question:

    How clear was the guidance around self-isolation from Test and Trace, where 1 is very unclear and 5 is completely clear?

    Response options:
    1. [select number on a scale from 1 to 5]
    • T&T Contacts
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Contacts Wave 3 on 01/04/2021

  • Question:

    How clear was the guidance around self-isolation from the app, where 1 is very unclear at all and 5 is completely clear?

    Response options:
    1. [select number on a scale from 1 to 5]
    • T&T Contacts
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if APP equals 1 (Yes)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Contacts Wave 3 on 01/04/2021

  • Question:

    When you were self-isolating, would additional non-financial support have helped you? Such as help with access to groceries or medicines? (Please answer this question regardless of whether you actually received this support)

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all (T&T Self-isolating)

    Ask if IsoCheck equals "Yes" (T&T Cases)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 3 on 12/04/2021

    Added to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 3 on 01/04/2021


    Additional information in brackets is for T&T Self-islolating only.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022

    The routing was changed from "Ask all" to the current routing.

  • Question:

    Did you, or a household member, ask for any additional non-financial support when you were contacted by NHS Test and Trace?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if SupportNeed equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 3 on 12/04/2021

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 13 on 17/03/2022

    Added to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 3 on 01/04/2021

  • Question:

    Were you contacted by your Local Council regarding this support need?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if SupportAsk equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 3 on 12/04/2021

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 13 on 17/03/2022

    Added to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 3 on 01/04/2021


    Changes were made to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 4 on 19/04/2021.

    The question wording changed from "…Local Authority or Council…" in Wave 3 to current wording in Wave 4.

    The question wording has been constant for T&T Cases. This means T&T Cases and Contacts are now the same.

  • Question:

    Did the Council assess your support needs, either via a telephone or online assessment?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if SupportCont equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 3 on 12/04/2021

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 13 on 17/03/2022

    Added to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 3 on 01/04/2021

  • Question:

    Did you, or a household member, receive any additional non-financial support during your self-isolation period to help you self-isolate?

    This might include support given through a Council assessment, friends or family or any other support services.

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. I wasn't aware of support being available
    4. Don't know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all (T&T Self-isolating)

    Ask if IsoCheck equals "Yes" (T&T Cases)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 3 on 12/04/2021

    Added to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 3 on 01/04/2021


    The question wording is slightly different for T&T Self-isolating and does not mention friends or family.

    Changes were made to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 4 on 19/04/2021.

    The question wording changed from "…support accessed through a Council assessment or via other support services" to the current wording.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022.

    The routing changed from "Ask all" to the current routing.

  • Question:

    What support did you receive?

    Response options:
    1. Access to food (for example supermarket delivery slots, food bank vouchers)
    2. Assistance with practical tasks (for example dog walking)
    3. Assistance with caring responsibilities
    4. Personal care at home
    5. Digital access to services (for example online GP appointments)
    6. Emotional support (for example telephone counselling)
    7. Prescription deliveries
    8. Other
    9. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if ReceiveSupport equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 3 on 12/04/2021

    Added to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 3 on 01/04/2021

  • Question:

    Who provided this support?

    Response options:
    1. NHS Volunteers
    2. Friends or family
    3. Community organisations
    4. Local Council
    5. Charities
    6. Other
    7. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if ReceiveSupport equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 3 on 12/04/2021

    Added to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 3 on 01/04/2021

  • Question:

    How did you hear about this support?

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. NHS Test and Trace (T&T Self-isolating only)
    2. Friends or family
    3. Directly from support provider
    4. Local Council
    5. Media or communications (for example TV, social media)
    6. Other
    7. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if ReceiveSupport equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 3 on 12/04/2021

    Added to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 3 on 01/04/2021


    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 13 on 17/03/2022.

    The response option "NHS Test and Trace" was removed.

  • Question:

    From the time your COVID-19 symptoms started, until you received your positive test result, did you leave your home for any reason?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if Symptoms equals 1 to 11


    "Home" refers to the place the respondent was living or staying at the time their COVID-19 symptoms started. This includes their garden, drive and any space within its boundary; in flats, this includes the hallway and stairwells.

    There are three "SympLeave" questions in the Question Bank with the same variable name. This is due to question wording and routing differences.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 14 on 28/03/2022.

    The routing was ammended from "Ask if Symptoms equals 1 to 10" to the current routing.

  • Question:

    Between arriving at the place you quarantined and now, did you leave the house for any reason?

    Between arriving at the place you quarantined and the end of your quarantine period, did you leave the house for any reason?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if WhereQuarant equals 1, 2, 3, 5

    Ask if WhereQuarant equals 4

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021


    "House" refers to the place the respondent was living or staying at the time of their quarantine.

    The question wording is conditional on the different routing options.

    There are three "SympLeave" questions in the Question Bank with the same variable name. This is due to question wording and routing differences.

  • Question:

    Between arriving at the place you quarantined and receiving the result of your day 2 test, did you leave the house for any reason?

    Between arriving at the place you quarantined and the end of your quarantine period, did you leave the house for any reason?

    Between arriving at the place you quarantined and receiving the result of your day 8 test (OR your Test to Release negative result - Interviewer select situation.), did you leave the house for any reason?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if TestCompleted1 equals 1

    Ask if TestCompleted1 equals 2 or 3

    Ask if TestCompleted1 equals 2 or 3 and TestCompleted2 equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021


    "House" refers to the place the respondent was living or staying at the time of their quarantine.

    Question wording is conditional on the different routing options.

    There are three "SympLeave" questions in the Question Bank with the same variable name. This is due to question wording and routing differences.

  • Question:

    Still thinking about the time period between when your COVID-19 symptoms started and when you received your positive test result...

    Please tell me if you left the house for any of the following reasons:

    Response options:
    1. Go to the shops for groceries, toiletries or medicine or other items
    2. For other essential household responsibilities (for example taking children to school, dog walking or taking someone to hospital)
    3. For outdoor recreation or exercise (for example a run, a walk, to sit in the park)
    4. Go to your place of work, school or university
    5. To get or return a test for coronavirus
    6. For a non-emergency medical reason (for example a doctor’s appointment)
    7. For an emergency medical treatment or hospital attendance
    8. For another reason
    9. Did not leave the house
    10. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    As if SympLeave equals "Yes"


    There are slight response option wording differences between T&T Cases and IAIS.

    The introductory text is not present for IAIS.

    For "For another reason", the option to specify the reason is a follow-up question.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 6 on 05/07/2021 and IAIS Wave 3 on 12/07/2021.

    "For an emergency medical treatment or hospital attendance" and "For other essential household responsibilities (for example taking children to school, dog walking or taking someone to hospital)" were added as response options.

    "To help or provide care for a vulnerable person" was removed as a response option.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 13 on 17/03/2022.

    The routing was changed from "Ask if Symptoms equals 1 to 10" to the current routing.

  • Question:

    Please tell me how many times you left the house to...

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of times from 0 to 500] (IAIS only)
    2. [enter number of times from 1 to 500] (T&T Cases only)
    • T&T Cases
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:

    SympA to SympG


    Ask if any SympReas greater than 0 (T&T)

    Ask if any SympReas from 1 to 7 selected (IAIS)

    Iterative based on ReasonLeave number of times left the house & number of activities


    A response is required for each reason the respondent left the house.

    T&T Cases and IAIS format the question slightly differently.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022.

    The response option values were amended. "1" is now the minimum response option.

  • Question:

    On that occasion, when in your quarantine period did you go out?

    Response options:
    1. Day 1-2
    2. Day 3-4
    3. Day 5-6
    4. Day 7-8
    5. Day 9-10
    6. After day 10
    7. Don't know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask for each SympContact greater than 0


    Changes were made to IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021.

    Response option 4 changed from "Day 7-10?" to "Day 7-8?".

    Response options "Day 9-10?" and "After day 10?" were added to IAIS Wave 2.

  • Question:

    During your quarantine, on the first/second/third/fourth time that you left the house to do , how many people did you have contact with?

    By "contact" we mean either physical contact for any length of time or being within two meters (six feet) of them for at least a few minutes.

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of times from 0 to 500]
    • T&T Cases
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if any SympReas greater than 0 (T&T)

    Ask if SympA to SympG greater than 0 (IAIS)

    Iterative based on number of times left the house & number of activities


    A response is required for each time the respondent left the house.

    T&T Cases does not start question wording with "During your quarantine…".

    Changes were made to IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021.

    The question wording changed from "In that same period…" to "During your quarantine…" for IAIS only.

  • Question:

    On that occasion, did you wear a face mask/covering?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. I cannot remember
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if any SympReas greater than 0 (T&T)

    Ask if any SympReas from 1 to 7 selected (IAIS)

    (Ask for each occasion left the house)

  • Question:

    And on that occasion, what was the main reason you did this yourself rather than ask someone else to do it for you or not to do it at all?

    Response options:
    1. Because it is no longer a legal requirement to self-isolate (T&T Cases only)
    2. There was no one else who could do the activity
    3. My symptoms were only mild
    4. I didn't think it was that risky/I don't think it is necessary to stay at home
    5. I took measures to reduce the risk to others (for example I wore a face mask or maintained a safe distance (T&T Cases only)
    6. I had no symptoms / my symptoms had resolved
    7. I was depressed, anxious, lonely or bored
    8. I needed time to myself / needed to get out / for fresh air
    9. For financial reasons (to work, earn or collect money)
    10. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if SympReas equals 1, 2, or 8

    (Ask for each occasion)


    Changes were made to IAIS Wave 3 on 12/07/2021 and T&T Cases Wave 7 on 27/09/2021.

    The routing information changed from "Ask if any SympReas from 1 to 7 selected" for IAIS and "Ask if any SympReas from 1 to 10 selected" for T&T Cases to "Ask if SympReas equals 1, 2, or 8".

    Response option "I took measures to reduce the risk to others (for example I wore a face mask or maintained a safe distance" was added to T&T Cases only.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022.

    The "Because it is no longer a legal requirement to self-isolate" response option was added for T&T Cases only.

  • Question:

    Still thinking about the time period between when your COVID-19 symptoms started and when you received your positive test result, how many times did you have visitors come into your home for at least a few minutes, whose visit was not to support your personal care?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of times from 0 to 500]
    2. Prefer not to say (IAIS only)
    • T&T Cases
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if Symptoms equals 1 to 10 (T&T)

    Ask all (IAIS)


    "Still thinking about the time period between when your COVID-19 symptoms started and when you received your positive test result…" is only present for T&T Cases.

    There are slight question wording differences between T&T Cases and IAIS.

    IAIS refers to "the house" not "your home".

    "Prefer not to say" is only coded as a response option for IAIS, not T&T Cases. The "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer.

  • Question:

    And how many times did you have visitors come into your home whose visit was primarily to support your personal care (including nurses, care support worker, and family)?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of times from 0 to 500]
    2. Prefer not to say (IAIS only)
    • T&T Cases
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if Symptoms equals 1 to 10 (T&T)

    Ask all (IAIS)


    There are slight question wording differences between T&T Cases and IAIS.

    IAIS refers to "the house" not "your home".

    "Prefer not to say" is only coded as a response option for IAIS, not T&T Cases. The "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer.

  • Question:

    On the first/second/third/fourth time that you had visitors who were not there to support your personal care, how many visitors did you have?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of visitors from 0 to 100]
    2. Prefer not to say (IAIS only)
    3. Don't know (IAIS only)
    • T&T Cases
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if SympVisitors greater than 0 (T&T)

    Ask if SympVisitors greater than 1 (IAIS)

    (Iterative based on number of times visitors came)


    There are slight question wording differences between T&T Cases and IAIS.

    "Prefer not to say" and "Don't know" are only coded as a response options for IAIS, not T&T Cases. The "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer and the "Don't know" response option is coded if the respondent is unsure.

  • Question:

    In the first 24 hours after you received your positive result, did you leave your home for any reason, for example, one last trip to the shops for supplies?

    (By “home,” I mean the place you were living or staying at the time of your self-isolation. This includes your garden, drive and any space within its boundary; in flats, this includes the hallway and stairwells?)

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    There are three "PosLeave" questions in the Question Bank with the same variable name. This is due to question wording and routing differences.

    The additional question information on symptoms in brackets is for T&T Self-isolating only.

  • Question:

    Now I will ask you about the period between receiving the results of your day 2 and day 8 test (or your Test to Release negative result - Interviewer select situation).

    During this period, did you leave the house for any reason?

    Now I will ask you about the period between receiving the result of your day 2 test and the end of your quarantine period.

    During this period, did you leave the house for any reason?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if TestCompleted1 equals 1 and TestCompleted2 equals 1

    Ask if TestCompleted2 equals 2 or 3, or if TestToReleaseNeg equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021


    There are three "PosLeave" questions in the Question Bank with the same variable name. This is due to question wording and routing differences.

  • Question:

    Still thinking about the first 24 hours after you received your positive result, I will now read out a list of reasons why you may have left home.

    Please tell me if you left the house for any of the following reasons:

    Response options:
    1. Go to the shops for groceries, toiletries or medicine or other items
    2. For other essential household responsibilities (for example taking children to school, dog walking or taking someone to hospital) (T&T only)
    3. For outdoor recreation or exercise (for example a run, a walk, to sit in the park)
    4. Go to your place of work, school or university
    5. To get or return a test for coronavirus
    6. For a non-emergency medical reason (for example a doctor’s appointment)
    7. For an emergency medical treatment or hospital attendance (T&T only)
    8. To help or provide care for a vulnerable person (IAIS only)
    9. For another reason
    10. Did not leave the house
    11. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if PosLeave equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021


    IAIS does not include "Still thinking about…" sentence at start of question and does not list reasons in question wording.

    IAIS refers to "the house" not "your home".

    The question wording is slightly different for T&T Self-isolating. The phrase "you received your positive result" is replaced with "you were contacted by Test and Trace, or via the app".

    For T&T Self-isolating, if "For another reasons" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    There are two "PosReas" questions in the Question Bank with the same variable name. This is due to question wording and routing differences.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 6 on 05/07/2021.

    "For an emergency medical treatment or hospital attendance" and "For other essential household responsibilities (for example taking children to school, dog walking or taking someone to hospital)" were added as a response options.

    "To help or provide care for a vulnerable person" was removed as a response option.

  • Question:

    Now I will ask you to think back to when you were contacted by Test and Trace or via the App.

    In the first 24 hours after you were contacted, did you leave home for any reason, for example, one last trip to the shops? By "home" I mean the place you were living or staying at the time of your self-isolation. This includes your garden, drive and any space within its boundary; in flats, this includes the hallway and stairwells.

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    There are three "PosLeave" questions in the Question Bank with the same variable name. This is due to question wording and routing differences.

  • Question:

    Still thinking about the first 24 hours after you were contacted by Test and Trace, or via the app.

    Please tell me if you left the house for any of the following reasons:

    Response options:
    1. Go to the shops for groceries, toiletries, medicine or other items
    2. For other essential household responsibilities (for example taking children to school, dog walking or taking someone to hospital)
    3. For outdoor recreation or exercise (for example a run, a walk, to sit in the park)
    4. Go to your place of work, school or university
    5. To get or return a test for coronavirus
    6. For a non-emergency medical reason (for example a doctor’s appointment)
    7. For an emergency medical treatment or hospital attendance
    8. For another reason
    9. Did not leave the house
    10. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if PosLeave equals 1 (Yes)


    Interviewer reads out list of reasons.

    For "For another reason", the option to specify the reason is a follow-up question.

    There are two "PosReas" questions in the Question Bank with the same variable name. This is due to question wording and routing differences.

    Changes were made to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 7 on 28/06/2021.

    Response options "For other essential household responsibilities (for example taking children to school, dog walking or taking someone to hospital)" and "For an emergency medical treatment or hospital attendance" were added to Wave 7.

    "To help or provide care for a vulnerable person" was removed as a response option.

  • Question:

    Please tell me how many times you left the house to...

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of times from 0 to 500] (T&T Self-isolating and IAIS only)
    2. [enter number of times from 1 to 500] (T&T Cases only)
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:

    PosA to PosG


    Ask if any PosReas greater than 0

    (Iterative based on number of times left the house & number of activities)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021


    A response is required for each reason the respondent left the house.

    IAIS question is displayed is slightly different to T&T Cases and T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating).

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022.

    The response option values were amended. "1" is now the minimum response option.

  • Question:

    In that same 24 hour period on the first/second/third/fourth time that you left the house to do , how many people did you have contact with?

    By "contact" we mean either physical contact for any length of time or being within two meters (six feet) of them for at least a few minutes.

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of times from 0 to 500]
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if any PosReas greater than 0

    (Iterative based on number of times left the house & number of activities)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021


    A response is required for each time the respondent left the house.

    IAIS question is displayed is slightly different to T&T Cases and T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating).

    IAIS question wording does not included '…24 hour period…'.

  • Question:

    On that occasion, when in your quarantine period did you go out?

    Response options:
    1. Day 3-4?
    2. Day 5-6?
    3. Day 7-10?
    4. Don't know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask for each PosContact greater than 0

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021

  • Question:

    On that occasion, did you wear a face mask/covering?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. I cannot remember
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if any PosReas option greater than 0

    (Ask for each occasion)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021

  • Question:

    And on that occasion, what was the main reason you did this yourself rather than ask someone else to do it for you or not to do it at all?

    Response options:
    1. Because it is no longer a legal requirement to self-isolate (T&T Cases only)
    2. There was no one else who could do the activity
    3. My symptoms were only mild
    4. I didn't think it was that risky/I don't think it is necessary to stay at home
    5. I took measures to reduce the risk to others (for example I wore a face mask or maintained a safe distance (T&T only)
    6. I had no symptoms or my symptoms had resolved
    7. I was depressed, anxious, lonely or bored
    8. I needed time to myself or needed to get out or for fresh air
    9. For financial reasons (to work, earn or collect money)
    10. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if PosReas equals 1, 2, or 8 (T&T)

    As if any PosReas from 1 to 7 selected (IAIS)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021


    Fot T&T Self-isolating the respondent is not presented with the response option. The respondent answers freely, with the interviewer selecting the appropriate response option.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 7 on 27/09/2021 and T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 9 on 04/10/2021.

    Response option "I took measures to reduce the risk to others (for example I wore a face mask or maintained a safe distance" was added.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022.

    The "Because it is no longer a legal requirement to self-isolate" response option was added for T&T Cases only.

  • Question:

    During the first 24 hours from when you received your positive result/were contacted by Test and Trace or via the app, how many times did you have visitors come into your home for at least a few minutes, whose visit was not to support your personal care?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of times from 0 to 500]
    2. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021


    "During the first 24 hours from when you received your positive result/were contacted by Test and Trace or via the app" is not included in IAIS question wording.

    IAIS refers to "the house" not "your home".

    For T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating), the "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer.

    "Prefer not to say" is a response option for T&T Contacts and IAIS.

  • Question:

    And how many times did you have visitors come into your home whose visit was primarily to support your personal care (including nurses, care support worker, and family)?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of times from 0 to 500]
    2. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021


    IAIS refers to 'the house' not 'your home'.

    For T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating), the "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer.

    "Prefer not to say" is a response option for T&T Contacts and IAIS.

  • Question:

    On the first/second/third/fourth time that you had visitors who were not there to support your personal care, how many visitors did you have?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of visitors from 0 to 500]
    2. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if PosVisitors greater than 0 (T&T)

    Ask if PosVisitors greater than 1 (IAIS)

    (Iterative based on number of times visitors came in)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021


    For T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating), the "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer.

    "Prefer not to say" is a response option for T&T Contacts and IAIS.

  • Question:

    Are you still currently isolating?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • T&T Cases
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022


    This question was replaced by IsoCheck2.

  • Question:

    After the first 24 hours were over, between then and until now, did you leave your home for any reason?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if StillIso equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/02/2022


    There are three questions in the Question Bank with a variable name similar to "AfterPosLeave". This is due to question wording and routing differences.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 9 on 29/11/2021.

    "Don't know" and "Prefer not to say" were added as response options.

  • Question:

    After the first 24 hours were over, between then and the end of your isolation period, did you leave your home for any reason?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if StillIso equals 2

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/02/2022


    There are three questions in the Question Bank with a variable name similar to "AfterPosLeave". This is due to question wording and routing differences.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 9 on 29/11/2021.

    "Don't know" and "Prefer not to say" were added as response options.

  • Question:

    After the first 24 hours from being contacted were over, between then and the end of your self-isolation period, did you leave home for any reason? (T&T)

    During this period, did you leave the house for any reason? (IAIS)

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Ask if TestCompleted2 equals 1 (IAIS)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021


    There are three questions in the Question Bank with a variable name similar to "AfterPosLeave". This is due to question wording and routing differences.

  • Question:

    Still thinking about that period after the first 24 hours, I will now read out a list of reasons why you may have left home.

    Please tell me if you left the house for any of the following reasons:

    Response options:
    1. Go to the shops for groceries, toiletries, medicine or other items
    2. For other essential household responsibilities (for example taking children to school, dog walking or taking someone to hospital) (T&T only)
    3. For outdoor recreation or exercise (for example a run, a walk, to sit in the park)
    4. Go to your place of work, school or university
    5. To get or return a test for coronavirus
    6. For a non-emergency medical reason (for example a doctor’s appointment)
    7. For an emergency medical treatment or hospital attendance (T&T only)
    8. To help or provide care for a vulnerable person (IAIS only)
    9. For another reason
    10. Did not leave the house
    11. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if AfterPosLeave1 equals 1 (Yes) or AfterPosLeave2 equals 1 (Yes)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021


    The interviewer reads out the list of reasons.

    For "For another reason", the option to specify the reason is a follow-up question.

    IAIS does not include "Still thinking about…" sentence at start of question and does not list reasons in question wording.

    Changes were made to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 7 on 28/06/2021.

    "For an emergency medical treatment or hospital attendance" and "For other essential household responsibilities (for example taking children to school, dog walking or taking someone to hospital)" were added as a response options.

    "To help or provide care for a vulnerable person" was removed as a response option.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 9 on 29/11/2021.

    The routing changed from "Ask if AfterPosLeave1 equals 1 (Yes) and AfterPosLeave2 equals 1 (Yes)" to the current routing.

  • Question:

    Please tell me how many times you left the house to…

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of times from 0 to 500] (T&T Self-isolating and IAIS only)
    2. [enter number of times from 0 to 500] (T&T Cases only)
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:

    AfterPosA to AfterPosG


    Ask if any AfterPosReas greater than 0

    (Iterative based on number of times left the house & number of activities)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021


    A response is required for each reason the respondent left the house.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022.

    The response option values were amended. "1" is now the minimum response option.

  • Question:

    In that same period on the first/second/third/fourth time that you left the house to do , how many people did you have contact with?

    By 'contact' we mean either physical contact for any length of time or being within two meters (six feet) of them for at least a few minutes.

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of times from 0 to 500]
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if any AfterPosReas greater than 0 (T&T)

    Ask if AfterPosA to AfterPosG greater than 0 (IAIS)

    (Iterative based on number of times left the house & number of activities)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021


    A response is required for each time the respondent left the house.

  • Question:

    On that occasion, when in your isolation period did you go out?

    Select first that apply

    Response options:
    1. Day 2-3?
    2. Day 4-6?
    3. Day 7-10?
    4. Day 11-14?
    5. Don't know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if any AfterPosReas greater than 0 (T&T)

    Ask for each AfterPosContact greater than 0 (IAIS)

    (Ask for each occasion)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021


    IAIS refers to "quarantine" instead of "isolation" and response options 1 to 4 are replaced with "Day 8?", "Day 9?", and "Day 10?".

  • Question:

    On that occasion, did you wear a face mask/covering?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. I cannot remember
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if any AfterPosReas greater than 0

    (Ask for each occasion)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021

  • Question:

    And on that occasion what was the main reason you did this yourself rather than ask someone else to do it for you or not to do it at all?

    Response options:
    1. Because its no longer a legal requirement to self-isolate (T&T Cases only)
    2. There was no one else who could do the activity
    3. My symptoms were only mild
    4. I didn't think it was that risky/I don't think it is necessary to stay at home
    5. I took measures to reduce the risk to others (for example I wore a face mask or maintained a safe distance (T&T Cases only)
    6. I had no symptoms / my symptoms had resolved
    7. I was depressed, anxious, lonely or bored
    8. I needed time to myself / needed to get out / for fresh air
    9. For financial reasons (to work, earn or collect money)
    10. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if AfterPosReas equals 1, 2, or 8 (T&T)

    Ask if any AfterPosReas from 1 to 7 selected (IAIS)

    (Ask for each occasion)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021


    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 7 on 27/09/2021 and T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 9 on 04/10/2021.

    Response option "I took measures to reduce the risk to others (for example I wore a face mask or maintained a safe distance" was added.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases wave 12 on 28/02/2022.

    Response option "Because its no longer a legal requirement to self-isolate" was added.

  • Question:

    During the ongoing period after the 24 hours following your positive test result, how many times did you have visitors come into your home for at least a few minutes, whose visit was not to support your personal care?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of times from 0 to 500]
    2. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all (T&T)

    Ask if TestCompleted2 equals 1 (IAIS)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021


    "During the ongoing period after the 24 hours following your positive test result..." not included in IAIS question wording.

    IAIS refers to "the house" not "your home".

    For T&T Cases, the "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 4 on 10/05/2021.

    Wave 3 question wording was "Still thinking about the 24 hours after you received your positive result, how many times did you have visitors come into your home for at least a few minutes, whose visit was not to support your personal care?".

  • Question:

    During the ongoing period after the 24 hours from when you were contacted by Test and Trace, or via the app, how many times did you have visitors come into your home for at least a few minutes, whose visit was not to support your personal care?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of times from 0 to 500]
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Changes were made to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 4 on 19/04/2021.

    Wave 3 question wording was 'Still thinking about the 24 hours after being contacted via…'.

  • Question:

    And how many times did you have visitors come into your home whose visit was primarily to support your personal care (including nurses, care support worker, and family)?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of times from 0 to 500]
    2. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all (T&T)

    Ask if TestCompleted2 equals 1 (IAIS)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021


    IAIS refers to 'the house' not 'your home'.

    For T&T Cases and Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating), the "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer.

  • Question:

    On the first/second/third/fourth time that you had visitors who were not there to support your personal care, how many visitors did you have?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of visitors from 0 to 500]
    2. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if AfterPosVisitors greater than 0 (T&T)

    Ask if AfterPosVisitors greater than 1 (IAIS)

    (Iterative based on number of times visitors)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021


    For T&T Cases and Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating), the "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer.

  • Question:

    In your opinion, what percentage of the population of England would follow the self-isolation advice if told to by NHS Test and Trace?

    Answer must be a number between 0 and 100 (T&T Behaviours only)

    Or for T&T Cases only:

    In your opinion, what percentage of the population of England would still self-isolate if they tested positive for COVID-19 (despite no longer having to by law)?

    Response options:
    1. [enter percentage from 0 to 100]
    2. Don't know
    3. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:

    PercentEngPop (T&T Cases and T&T Self-isolating)

    PercentEngPop2 (T&T Behaviours)


    Ask all


    The additional question wording on the answer respondents must provide is for T&T Behaviours only.

    The "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer and the "Don't know" response option is coded if the respondent is unsure.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022.

    The question wording was changed from "In your opinion, what percentage of the population of England would follow the self-isolation advice if told to by NHS Test and Trace?" to the current wording.

  • Question:

    In your opinion, what percentage of your friends and family would follow the self-isolation advice if told to by NHS Test and Trace?

    Answer must be a number between 0 and 100 (T&T Behaviours only)

    Or for T&T cases only:

    And in your opinion, what percentage of your friends and family would still self-isolate if they tested positive for COVID-19 (despite no longer having to by law)?

    Response options:
    1. [enter percentage from 0 to 100]
    2. Don't know
    3. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:

    PercentFriendFam (T&T Cases and T&T Self-isolating)

    PercentFriendFam2 (T&T Behaviours)


    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 3 on 12/04/2021

    Added to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 3 on 01/04/2021


    This variable combined questions with the codes PercentFriends and PercentFam.

    The additional question wording on the answer respondents must provide is for T&T Behaviours only.

    The "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer and the "Don't know" response option is coded if the respondent is unsure.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022.

    The question wording was changed from "In your opinion, what percentage of your friends and family would follow the self-isolation advice if told to by NHS Test and Trace?" to the current wording.

  • Question:

    In your opinion, what percentage of the population of England would share their list of contacts with Test and Trace if they tested positive for COVID-19?

    Answer must be a number between 0 and 100.

    Response options:
    1. [enter percentage from 0 to 100]
    2. Don't know
    3. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    The "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer and the "Don't know" response option is coded if the respondent is unsure.

  • Question:

    And what percentage of your friends and family would share their list of contacts with Test and Trace if they tested positive for COVID-19?

    Answer must be a number between 0 and 100.

    Response options:
    1. [enter percentage from 0 to 100]
    2. Don't know
    3. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    The "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer and the "Don't know" response option is coded if the respondent is unsure.

  • Question:

    And what percentage of your friends would follow the self-isolation advice if told to by NHS Test and Trace?

    Response options:
    1. [enter percentage from 0 to 100]
    2. Don't know
    3. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Contacts
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 3 on 12/04/2021

    Removed from T&T Contacts Wave 3 on 01/04/2021

  • Question:

    In your opinion, what percentage of your family would follow the self-isolation advice if told to by NHS Test and Trace?

    Response options:
    1. [enter percentage from 0 to 100]
    2. Don't know
    3. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Contacts
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 3 on 12/04/2021

    Removed from T&T Contacts Wave 3 on 01/04/2021

  • Question:

    For T&T Self-isolating:

    Did your employer know you were required to self-isolate?

    For T&T Cases:

    Did your employer know that you were advised to self-isolate?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if PosTestWorkSitu equals 1 (full-time paid job) , 2 (part-time paid job), 4 (sick pay) , 8 (unpaid work)or 9 (unpaid leave from work)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 4 on 10/05/2021

    Added to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 5 on 04/05/2021


    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 8 on 01/11/2021 and T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021.

    The routing information changed due to a removed response option in the routing question.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases on 28/02/2022.

    The question wording was changed from "Did your employer know you were required to self-isolate?" to the current wording.

  • Question:

    Did you experience difficulties preventing you from self-isolating or getting a test?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 4 on 10/05/2021

    Added to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 5 on 04/05/2021

  • Question:

    What were these difficulties?

    Response options:
    1. Compelled by employer to go in
    2. Financial difficulties
    3. Lack of paid time
    4. Lack of unpaid or flexi time
    5. Physical access to test centres
    6. Long commute to test centre
    7. No redeployment to homeworking
    8. Childcare or caring responsibilities
    9. Other (please specify)
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if IsoDifficult equals 1 (Yes)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 4 on 10/05/2021

    Added to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 5 on 04/05/2021


    This question is referring to difficulties preventing the respondent from self-isolating or getting a test.

    If "Other (please specify)" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    Changes were made to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021.

    "Other (specify)" was changed to "Other (please specify)". It is still "Other (specify)" for T&T Cases.

  • Question:

    During your self-isolation period, to what degree were you able to keep yourself separate from those you live with?

    Response options:
    1. Completely
    2. Most of the time
    3. Some of the time
    4. Not at all
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Contacts
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if HholdSize is not 1 (I live alone) (T&T Contacts)

    Ask if HholdSize is not 1 (I live alone) and IsoCheck equals "Yes" (T&T Cases)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Contacts Wave 3 on 01/04/2021


    This question is still present in T&T Cases.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022.

    The routing was changed to include " IsoCheck equals "Yes"".

  • Question:

    You said . Why is this?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I do not have a phone that is compatible with the app
    2. I did not want to receive a notification to isolate
    3. I have been double vaccinated and do not need to isolate from a notification
    4. I have/had an equivalent app from another country downloaded
    5. I was not aware of the app before now
    6. Other
    7. Don't know
    8. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if DownlAppA equals 2 or 3

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021

    Removed from SCIS Wave 14 on 25/02/2022

  • Question:

    Are you currently self-isolating?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 8 on 04/05/2021

  • Question:

    Imagine you have been alerted by a contact tracing service that you had been in close contact with a confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) case and need to self-isolate for 10 days. How likely or unlikely are you to self-isolate?

    Response options:
    1. Extremely likely
    2. Likely
    3. Neither likely or unlikely
    4. Unlikely
    5. Extremely unlikely
    6. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 8 on 04/05/2021

  • Question:

    Which of the following did you know was available for people who test positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19) or have been told to self-isolate?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Self-isolation support payments for those on low income and who cannot work from home
    2. Self-isolation support payments for parents and carers on low income with children self-isolating
    3. Self-isolation support payments for working adults if they will face financial difficulties if they cannot work
    4. Self-isolation support from NHS volunteers for example collecting shopping, making friendly phone calls or giving lifts to medical appointments
    5. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN63 on 16/06/2021

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN75 on 22/09/2021


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    If you needed a self-isolation support payment, how likely or unlikely would you be to apply for it?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely nor unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very Unlikely
    • OPN
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN63 on 16/06/2021

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN75 on 22/09/2021


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    For what reasons would you be unlikely to apply for the self-isolation support payment?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I do not think I would be eligible
    2. I would not know how to apply
    3. I may not be able to get internet access
    4. It may be difficult to get access to all of the documents needed
    5. It may take a long time to get the support payment
    6. Payment may not be enough to cover my needs
    7. I have not seen any information about the support payment
    8. Other, please specify
    • OPN
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_Sup equals 'Unlikely' or 'Very unlikely'

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN63 on 16/06/2021

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN75 on 22/09/2021


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    If "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Where are you currently in quarantine?

    Response options:
    1. Home address
    2. With family or friends
    3. Paid temporary accommodation
    4. Already completed the quarantine period
    5. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    How many days have you been/were you in quarantine?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of days from 0 to 50]
    2. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021


    The question wording depends on answer for WhereQuarant.

    The "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer.

  • Question:

    Where did you stay during your quarantine period?

    Response options:
    1. Home address
    2. With family or friends
    3. Paid temporary accommodation
    4. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if WhereQuarant equals 4

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 3 on 12/07/2021

  • Question:

    How did you travel to the place where you are/were in quarantine?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Your own car, or the car of someone else you live with
    2. Taxi or minicab
    3. Someone else’s car, not a member of your household
    4. Public transport (For example train, tram, underground, bus)
    5. Other
    6. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 3 on 12/07/2021

  • Question:

    Have you opted to end your quarantine early through Test to Release?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    Have you taken your day 5 “Test to Release” test?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if TestToRelY equals 1


    Changes were made to IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021.

    Response option "Prefer not to say" added for Wave 2.

  • Question:

    Was your test negative?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Still waiting for results
    4. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if TestToRelease equals 1


    The "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer.

    Changes were made to IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021.

    Response option "Prefer not to say" added for Wave 2.

  • Question:

    Have you taken your required day 2 coronavirus test?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    Was your test negative?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Still waiting for results
    4. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if Testcompleted1 equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021


    The "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer.

  • Question:

    Why is this?

    Response options:
    1. I had to quarantine anyway
    2. I didn't receive the test
    3. I'm on day 1 of my quarantine
    4. I didn't stay in the UK long enough
    5. I had no symptoms
    6. Other
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if TestCompleted1 equals "No"


    Changes were made to IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021.

    Response options "I didn’t like the testing process", "I don't trust the test results", "I found uploading the test results too difficult", and "Other (please specify)" were removed and replaced with the current response options "I didn't receive the test", "I'm on day 1 of my quarantine", "I didn't stay in the UK long enough", "I had no symptoms" and "Other".

  • Question:

    Have you taken your required day 8 coronavirus test?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    Was your test negative?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Still waiting for results
    4. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if TestCompleted2 equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021


    The "Prefer not to say" response option is coded if the respondent refuses to answer.

  • Question:

    Why is this?

    Response options:
    1. I had to quarantine anyway
    2. I didn't receive the test
    3. I’m not on day 8 of my quarantine yet
    4. I didn't stay in the UK long enough
    5. I had no symptoms
    6. My day 2 test was negative
    7. My day 2 test was positive
    8. I completed my quarantine on day 5
    9. I travelled from a Green list country
    10. Other
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if TestCompleted2 equals "No"


    Changes were made to IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021.

    The variable name changed from "TestWhy" to "TestWhy2".

    Response options "I didn’t like the testing process", "I don't trust the test results", "I found uploading the test results too difficult", and "Other (please specify)" were removed and replaced with the current response options.

    Response option "I had to quarantine anyway" remained constant.

  • Question:

    How did you get your coronavirus (COVID-19) tests?

    Response options:
    1. Private test provider
    2. NHS Test and Trace
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if TestCompleted1 equals "Yes"

  • Question:

    Did you need any additional support to be in place to help you to follow the quarantine guidance?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    Please tell me what other support you would have needed.

    Response options:
    1. [enter response]
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if SupportAdd equals 1

  • Question:

    Did you need to self-isolate at any point in the last month, prior to the instance we’ve just discussed?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    The main circumstances for self-isolating are:

    1. after having coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms or,

    2. after a positive test or,

    3. after a contact with someone that tested positive)

    4. as a result of international travel

    Changes were made to IAIS Wave 2 on 14/06/2021.

    The question wording changed from "Did you need to self-isolate at any point in the last month?" to current wording.

  • Question:

    If there was an option to take daily lateral flow tests over a 7 day period instead of isolating, would you take up this option?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if Vaccinated equals 1, 5, or 6

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021.

  • Question:

    People are advised to self-isolate at home if they are showing signs of the coronavirus (COVID-19), even if they have had the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the past.

    Were you aware that people who have already had the coronavirus (COVID-19) should self isolate if they start to show symptoms again?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    We would like to know about your personal experience of finding information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

    Do you feel like you have enough information about how to protect yourself from the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN59 on 19/05/2021

    Reinstated for OPN81 on 15/12/2021

    Removed from OPN82 on 06/01/2022

  • Question:

    Do you feel like you have enough information about government plans to manage the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN59 on 19/05/2021

    Reinstated for OPN81 on 15/12/2021

    Removed from OPN82 on 06/01/2022

  • Question:

    How easy or difficult is it to understand the current lockdown measures where you live?

    Response options:
    1. Very easy
    2. Easy
    3. Neither easy nor difficult
    4. Difficult
    5. Very Difficult
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN59 on 19/05/2021

  • Question:

    The next questions are to get your understanding about what someone can and can't do during isolation. If you do not know the answer just say don't know. Please tell me if you think the following statements are true or false. (T&T Self Isolating)


    The next questions focus on what you understand about the isolation guidance. If you don't know the answer just say don't know.

    Do you think the following statements are true or false? (T&T Cases)

    "If someone is told to self-isolate, they should stay at home as much as possible, but they can go..."

    a) To the shops for groceries, toiletries or medicine or other items

    b) For other essential household responsibilities (for example taking children to school, dog walking or taking someone to the hospital)

    c) For outdoor recreation or exercise (e.g. a run, a walk, to sit in the park)

    d) To their place of work, school or university

    e) To get or return a test for coronavirus

    f) For a non-emergency medical reason (for example a doctor's appointment)

    g) For emergency medical treatment or hospital attendance

    h) Out if they are wearing a face covering

    Response options:
    1. True or Yes
    2. False or No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022


    "Home" refers to the respondent's main accommodation at the time.

    A response is required for each statement.

    Changes were made to T&T Self-isolating (Previously T&T Contacts) Wave 12.

    The question wording was amended to include statements "For essential household responsibilities (for example taking children to school, dog walking or taking someone to the hospital)", and "For emergency medical treatment or hospital attendance".

    Statement f) was changed from "For another non-emergency medical reason (e.g. a doctor’s appointment)" to current wording for T&T Self-isolating only.

    Statement h) "To help or provide care for a vulnerable person" was removed.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/02/2022.

    The introductory part of the question wording was changed from "The next questions are to get your understanding about what someone can and can't do during isolation. If you do not know the answer just say don't know. Please tell me if you think the following statements are true or false." to the current wording. This is to reflect the changes in isolation guidance.

  • Question:

    To the best of your knowledge, for how many days should people with COVID-19 self-isolate for?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of days from 0 to 365]
    2. Don't know
    • T&T Cases
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 3 on 12/04/2021

  • Question:

    Are you aware that the Government shielding guidance for all previously considered to be clinically extremely vulnerable has now ended?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Not sure
    • CEV
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Changes were made to CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021.

    The question wording changed from "Are you aware that the Government guidance for all clinically extremely vulnerable people to shield has now been paused?" to current wording.

  • Question:

    Even though shielding guidance has paused, clinically extremely vulnerable people are advised to take extra precautions. How well do you understand what this precautionary guidance means for you?

    Would you say you have ….

    Response options:
    1. Very poor understanding
    2. Some but limited understanding
    3. Good understanding
    4. Complete understanding?
    5. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    Variable name:



    Ask if AwareAdvice equals 1 (Yes)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CEV Wave 6 on 21/06/2021

  • Question:

    When did you last receive a letter, email or text message that informed you of the latest changes to guidance for clinically extremely vulnerable people?

    Response options:
    1. Before January 2021
    2. January
    3. February
    4. March
    5. April
    6. May
    7. I did not receive a letter, email or text message
    8. Don't know
    • CEV
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CEV Wave 6 on 21/06/2021

  • Question:

    In the past 7 days how often have you …

    1. Tried to keep a 2 metre distance from people outside your household

    2. Avoided having guests come to your home

    3. Limited your contact to your household, support bubble or childcare bubble

    4. Washed your hands thoroughly and regularly or used hand sanitiser including when leaving a shared space. For example home, work or university campus, shops, park or a place where you care for vulnerable people

    5. Reduced the number of people you meet

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Most of the time
    3. Some of the time
    4. Rarely
    5. Never
    6. Prefer not to answer
    7. Not applicable
    • SCIS
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    A single response is allowed for each statement presented in the question wording.

    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 9 on 24/05/2021.

    The question wording changed to include "5. Reduced the number of people you meet".

  • Question:

    Imagine that tomorrow morning you develop symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19). This could include a high temperature or fever, a new or continuous cough, or a loss of taste or smell for example. What action would you take, if any?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Request a test to confirm whether you have coronavirus
    2. Stay at home for at least 5 days
    3. Ask or advise other members of my household to stay at home for at least 5 days
    4. Seek advice from a medical professional or call 999
    5. Seek advice from NHS 111
    6. Look online for advice
    7. Ask family or friends for advice
    8. Something else
    9. Take no action
    10. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    Variable name:



    For SEIS, the response option is "Prefer not to say" instead of "Prefer not to answer".

    The response options "Stay at home for at least 5 days" and "Ask or advise other members of my household to stay at home for at least 5 days" are slightly different for SEIS. SEIS response options are presented as "Stay at home for 10 days" and "Ask or advise other members of my household to stay at home for 10 days"

    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 14 on 25/02/2022.

    Response options "Stay at home for 10 days" and "Ask or advise other members of my household to stay at home for 10 days" were changed to "Stay at home for at least 5 days" and "Ask or advise other members of my household to stay at home for at least 5 days".

  • Question:

    Now imagine that tomorrow morning, someone else in your household develops symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19). This could include a high temperature or fever, a new or continuous cough, or a loss of smell or taste for example.

    What action would you take, if any?

    Please select all that apply

    If you live alone, please imagine what you might do if you did live with someone.

    Response options:
    1. Request a test to confirm whether you have coronavirus
    2. Stay at home for at least 5 days
    3. Ask or advise other members of my household to stay at home for at least 5 days
    4. Seek advice from a medical professional
    5. Call 999 or ambulance service for them
    6. Seek advice from NHS 111
    7. Look online for advice
    8. Ask family or friends for advice
    9. Something else
    10. Take no action
    11. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    Variable name:



    Ask if WhatActB equals 1


    For SEIS, the response option order is slightly different.

    Response options "Ask or advise other members of my household to stay at home for at least 5 days", "Seek advice from a medical professional", "Call 999 or ambulance service for them" and "Stay at home for at least 5 days" are presented as "Ask or advise other members of my household to stay at home for 10 days", "Seek advice from a medical professional or call 999" and "Stay at home for 10 days" in SEIS.

    For SEIS, the response option is "Prefer not to say" instead of "Prefer not to answer".

    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 14 on 25/02/2022.

    Response options "Stay at home for 10 days" and "Ask or advise other members of my household to stay at home for 10 days" were changed to "Stay at home for at least 5 days" and "Ask or advise other members of my household to stay at home for at least 5 days".

  • Question:

    Are you aware of any large social gatherings of more than 2 households involving students that may have taken place in the last 7 days?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021

  • Question:

    How well do you understand the Coronavirus (COVID-19) regulations that will apply to you during your visit to the UK?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. Not very well
    3. Quite well
    4. Very well
    • IPS
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines

    Ask all overseas resident arrivals

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IPS in 04/2022

  • Question:

    How confident are you that you know how to access official information on Coronavirus (COVID-19) regulations for the UK?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all confident
    2. Not very confident
    3. Somewhat confident
    4. Very confident
    • IPS
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines

    Ask all overseas resident arrivals

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IPS in 04/2022

  • Question:

    Where did you find information about quarantine requirements on returning from overseas or entering the UK?

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. website
    2. Travel operator website or communication
    3. Departure country’s official website or documents
    4. The news
    5. Family or friends
    6. Social media or internet search
    7. Other source
    8. Prefer not to say
    9. Don’t know
    • IAIS
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    If "Other source" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    Changes were made to IAIS Wave 3 on 12/07/2021.

    Response options "Travel operator website" and "Travel operator communication" combined to form response option "Travel operator website or communication".

    Response option 3's wording changed from "Own country's official documents and website" to current wording.

    Response option "I wasn't aware of the isolation requirements" removed and response options "Family or friends" and "Social media or internet search" were added.

  • Question:

    How well do you understand the requirements that are in place for those arriving in the UK? Would you say you have ….

    Response options:
    1. Very poor understanding,
    2. Some but limited understanding,
    3. Good understanding,
    4. Complete understanding?
    5. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IAIS Wave 3 on 12/07/2021

  • Question:

    The next questions are to get your understanding about what someone can and can't do during isolation. If you do not know the answer just say Don't know. Please tell me if you think the following statements are true or false.

    "As an international arrival, you must quarantine, but can go..."

    a) To the shops for groceries, toiletries, medicine or other items

    b) For other essential household responsibilities (for example taking children to school, dog walking or taking someone to hospital)

    c) For outdoor recreation or exercise (for example a run, a walk, to sit in the park)

    d) To your place of work, school or university

    e) To get or return a test for coronavirus

    f) For a non-emergency medical reason (for example a doctor’s appointment)

    g) For an emergency medical treatment or hospital attendance

    h) Out if wearing a face covering

    Response options:
    1. True/Yes
    2. False/No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    A response is required for each statement.

    Changes were made to IAIS Wave 3 on 12/07/2021.

    Statements b) and g) were added to the question and "To help or provide care for a vulnerable person" was removed.

  • Question:

    I’m now going to read out a statement to you, and would like you to tell me whether it's true or false.

    If someone is double vaccinated and they have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, based on Government guidance they should...

    a) Take a PCR test if they have symptoms

    b) Wear face coverings in enclosed spaces

    c) Limit contact with other people

    d) Do nothing and carry on as usual

    e) Self-isolate, even if they test negative for COVID-19

    f) Take daily rapid lateral flow tests (LFTs) for 7 days

    Response options:
    1. True
    2. False
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Behaviours
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 11 on 06/12/2021


    A response is required for each statement that is read out.

    Changes were made to T&T Self-isolating Wave 12.

    The question wording was amended to include statement f) "Take daily rapid lateral flow tests (LFTs) for 7 days".

    Changes were made to T&T Behaviours Wave 5 on 21/02/2022.

    The question wording was amended. Statement "Take a PCR test" was changed to the current wording.

  • Question:

    How confident are you that you understand the rules about self-isolation for those who are double vaccinated?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all confident
    2. Slightly confident
    3. Somewhat confident
    4. Moderately confident
    5. Very confident
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    How confident are you that you understand the rules about who needs to self-isolate and when?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all confident
    2. Not very confident
    3. Somewhat confident
    4. Fairly confident
    5. Very confident
    6. Don't know
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021

  • Question:

    How sufficient or insufficient is the current isolation guidance for those who are double vaccinated to keep the public safe?

    Response options:
    1. Sufficient
    2. Neither sufficient nor insufficient
    3. Insufficient
    4. Don't know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Behaviours
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    Variable name:


    GuidAd2 (T&T Self-isolating)


    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 11 on 06/12/2021


    Changes were made to T&T Behaviours Wave 2 on 22/11/2021.

    The question wording changed from "How adequate is the current isolation guidance..." to the current wording.

    The response options were changed to reflect this. Response option "adequate" was changed to "sufficient", "just right" was changed to "Neither sufficient nor insufficient" and "Inadequate" was changed to "Insufficient".

    T&T Self-isolating Wave 11 is the same as T&T Behaviours Wave 2.

  • Question:

    Do you take additional measures to keep yourself and others safe beyond government guidelines and recommendations?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    Did you have a paid job, either as an employee or self-employed, in the week Monday to Sunday ?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    Did you do any casual work for payment, even for an hour, in the week Monday to Sunday ?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if Wrking equals 2

  • Question:

    In your main job, are you an employee or self-employed?

    Response options:
    1. An employee, or
    2. Self-employed
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if Wrking equals 1


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    And is that job full-time or part-time?

    Response options:
    1. Full time, or
    2. Part time
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if Wrking equals 1


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What is your current work, education or other status, that is, where you spend most of your time?

    Response options:
    1. Employed and currently working (including if on leave or sick leave for less than 4 weeks)
    2. Employed and currently not working (e.g. on leave due to the COVID-19 pandemic (furloughed)
    3. sick leave for 4 weeks or longer, or maternity/paternity leave)
    4. Self-employed and currently working (include if on leave or sick leave for less than 4 weeks)
    5. Self-employed and currently not working (e.g. on leave due to the COVID-19 pandemic
    6. sick leave for 4 weeks or longer or maternity/paternity leave)
    7. Looking for paid work and able to start
    8. Not in paid work and not looking for paid work (include doing voluntary work here)
    9. Retired (include doing voluntary work here)
    10. Child under 4-5y not attending nursery, pre-school, childminder
    11. Child under 4-5y attending nursery, pre-school, childminder 4-5y and older at school/home-school (including if temporarily absent)
    12. Attending college or other further education provider (including apprenticeships) (including if temporarily absent)
    13. Attending university (including if temporarily absent)
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Employment

    Ask all


    A single response option is allowed.

  • Question:

    Do you have any paid employment in addition to this, or as part of an apprenticeship?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Employment

    Ask if "Retired", "4-5 y and older at school... (if 16 years or older)", "Attending college…" or "Attending university…"

  • Question:

    a) What is the title of your main job or business?

    (e.g. primary school teacher, car mechanic,

    district nurse, structural engineer etc.)

    b) What do you mainly do in your main job or business?

    (please describe as fully as possible.

    For example, please indicate if you have any

    management responsibilities)

    Response options:
    1. [enter job title]
    2. [enter job description]
    • CIS Enrolment
    • Employment

    Ask if currently working at all, or currently employed/self-employed but not working at the moment


    This is an open text response.

  • Question:

    Has your main job/business changed since we last spoke to you?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Employment

    Ask if currently working at all


    A single response option is allowed.

  • Question:

    a) What is the title of your main job or business now?

    b) And in this job/business, what do you mainly do now?

    Response options:
    1. [enter job title]
    2. [enter job description]
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Employment

    Ask if main/job or business changed since last interviewed


    This is an open text response.

  • Question:

    What is your main job title?

    Response options:
    1. [free text response]
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if Wrking equals 1, or CasWrk equals 1, or OwnBus equals 1 or EverWk equals 1

  • Question:

    What do you do mainly in your job? Please describe fully

    Response options:
    1. [free text response]
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if Wrking equals 1

  • Question:

    Which of these employment sectors do you work in?

    OR for CIS Follow-up only:

    Which of these employment sectors do you work in now?

    Response options:
    1. Teaching and education
    2. Health care
    3. Social care
    4. Transport (incl. storage, logistic)
    5. Retail sector (incl. wholesale)
    6. Hospitality (e.g. hotel, restaurant, cafe)
    7. Food production and agriculture (incl. farming)
    8. Personal services (e.g. hairdressers, tattooists)
    9. Information technology and communication
    10. Financial services (incl. insurance)
    11. Manufacturing or construction
    12. Civil service or Local Government
    13. Armed forces
    14. Arts, entertainment or recreation
    15. Other employment sector, specify
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Employment

    Ask all


    A single response option is allowed.

  • Question:

    Is that currently…

    Response options:
    1. Primary care, e.g. GP, dentist
    2. Secondary care, e.g. hospital (select one)
    3. Other healthcare, e.g. mental health
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Employment

    Ask if main employment sector is Healthcare


    A single response option is allowed.

  • Question:

    Do you currently work in a nursing care home or a residential care home?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Employment

    Ask if main employment sector is Social care

  • Question:

    Does your current role primarily involve direct contact, in person, with patients/clients/residents/service users/customers on a day-to-day basis? (Please answer "no" if primarily office-based)

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Employment

    Ask all for CIS Enrolment and ask if currently working now for CIS Follow-up


    Changes were made to CIS Follow-up Version 10 on 09/06/2021.

    The routing changed from 'Ask all' to 'Ask if currently working now' for CIS Follow-up.

  • Question:

    Currently, do you generally work…

    If currently self-isolation, choose where you would usually work when not self-isolating.

    Response options:
    1. From home (in the same grounds or building as your home)
    2. Somewhere else (not at your home)
    3. Both (work from home and work somewhere else)
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Employment

    Ask if currently working


    A single response option is allowed.

    Changes were made to CIS Version 12 on 21/09/2021.

    The question wording changed to include 'generally' and additional information on what to select if currently self-isolating.

  • Question:

    On average, on how many days of the week are you currently working somewhere else (not at your home, defined as the same grounds or building as your home), or currently attending, in person, your place of education, school, nursery, pre-school or childminder?

    If currently self-isolation, choose where you would usually work when not self-isolating.

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of days from 0 to 7]
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Employment

    Ask if currently working not at your home, or in education or attending school/nursery


    A single response option is allowed.

    Changes were made to CIS Version 12 on 21/09/2021.

    The question wording changed to include additional information on what to select if currently self-isolating.

  • Question:

    On average how easy is it to maintain 1-2m between yourself and other people at your place of work/education/school/nursery, etc?

    Response options:
    1. Easy to maintain 2m, it is not a problem to stay this far away from other people
    2. Relatively easy to maintain 2m, most of the time you can be 2m away from other people
    3. Difficult to maintain 2m, but you can usually be at least 1m from other people
    4. Very difficult to be more than 1m away, as your work means you are in close contact with others on a regular basis
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Employment

    Ask if currently working not at your home, or in education or attending school/nursery


    A single response option is allowed.

  • Question:

    Are you a key worker?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if PosTestWorkSitu equals 1 (full-time), 2 (part-time), 3 (self-employed), 4 (receiving Sick pay), 8 (in unpaid work), 9 (unpaid leave )


    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 8 on 01/11/2021 and T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021.

    The routing information changed to account for a removed response option in the routing question.

  • Question:

    Which category of key worker do you fall into?

    Response options:
    1. NHS / health care
    2. Social care
    3. Public safety and national security (Police, Fire, Counter Terrorism, Military, Border Security, Prison, Probation)
    4. Education and childcare (teaching and support staff, nursery workers, childminders, SEN worker)
    5. Local or national government
    6. Public services (justice system, religious staff, frontline charity, journalist, funeral staff)
    7. Food or other necessary goods (sales, delivery, production, processing)
    8. Transport
    9. Utilities, communication and financial services
    10. Other
    11. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Contacts
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if Keyworker equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 4 on 10/05/2021

    Removed from T&T Contacts Wave 4 on 19/04/2021.

  • Question:

    For T&T Self-isolating:

    What best describes your current working arrangements (not during your self-isolation period)?

    For T&T Cases:

    What best describes your current working arrangements (excluding time you might have spent isolating)?

    Response options:
    1. Working outside the home
    2. Working from home
    3. On Self Employment Income Support scheme, cannot work from home
    4. Have stopped working (including zero hours, redundancy or end of seasonal work)
    5. A mix or hybrid arrangement (working from both outside and from home) (T&T Cases only)
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if PosTestWorkSitu equals 1 (full-time), 2 (part-time), 3 (Self-employed), and 8 (In unpaid work)


    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 8 on 01/11/2021 and T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021.

    The routing information changed due to a removed response option from the routing question.

    The response options "Furloughed, but could work from home" and

    "Furloughed, cannot work from home" were removed.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 14 on 28/03/2022.

    "A mix or hybrid arrangement (working from both outside and from home)" was added as a response option.

  • Question:

    What best describes your current work situation? Are you…

    Response options:
    1. Furloughed
    2. In a full-time paid job (31+ hours)
    3. In a part-time paid job (1 - 30 hours)
    4. Self-employed - including being part of the Self Employed Income Support Scheme
    5. Receiving sick pay
    6. A student studying in university or college
    7. Enrolled in government training programme
    8. Retired
    9. In unpaid work for a business, community or doing voluntary work
    10. In unpaid leave from work
    11. Looking after home and family or Homemaker
    12. Out of work
    • CEV
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Changes were made to CEV Wave 4 on 26/04/2021.

    The variable name changed from "CurrentWorkSituationA" to "CurrentWorkSituationB".

    Response options "Receiving statutory sick pay?" and "Receiving company sick pay?" were combined to form the response option "Receiving sick pay".

  • Question:

    Has your working situation changed since the COVID-19 pandemic began in March 2020?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CEV
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CEV Wave 2 on 22/02/2021

  • Question:

    What best described your work situation before the COVID-19 pandemic? Were you ...

    Response options:
    1. Full-time paid job (31+ hours)
    2. Part-time paid job (1 - 30 hours)
    3. Furlough
    4. Self-employed
    5. Receiving statutory sick pay
    6. Student or on government training programme
    7. Retired
    8. Disabled or long-term sick
    9. Unpaid work for a business (community or voluntary)
    10. Looking after home and family or Homemaker
    11. Out of work
    • CEV
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if WorkChange equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CEV Wave 2 on 22/02/2021

  • Question:

    Which of the following best describes your work status?

    Response options:
    1. In employment, as employee
    2. In employment, as self-employed
    3. In full-time education / on government training or employment programme
    4. Unemployed and registered at a JobCentre or JobCentre Plus
    5. Unemployed and not registered, but actively looking
    6. Unemployed, wanting a job, but not actively looking
    7. Long-term sick or disabled’
    8. Retired from paid work
    9. Looking after the family or home
    10. Unpaid family worker
    11. Doing something else [please specify]
    12. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • Employment

    Ask all


    Changes were made to TUS Wave 4 on 03/2022.

    Response option "In employment, as employee, furloughed" was removed.

    Response option "Looking after home" was changed to "Looking after the family or home".

  • Question:

    Is your present job full or part time?

    Response options:
    1. Full-time - that is, 30 or more hours per week
    2. Part-time
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • Employment

    Ask if work status is any 'In employment' response option

  • Question:

    How many hours do you usually work per week, including overtime?

    Response options:
    1. [insert number of hours]
    • TUS
    • Employment

    Ask if work status is any 'In employment' response option

  • Question:

    What is your job?

    Enter job title

    Response options:
    1. [insert job title]
    • TUS
    • Employment

    Ask if work status is any 'In employment' response option

  • Question:

    Is your partner or spouse working?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, full-time job
    2. Yes, part-time job
    3. No, looking for work
    4. No, not currently working
    5. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • Employment

    Ask if "Married", "In a civil partnership", or if "Single" and "Living as a couple"

  • Question:

    Thinking of a typical week, what proportion of your work takes place outside your home?

    Response options:
    1. All the time outside my home
    2. Half of the time or more outside my home
    3. Under half the time outside my home
    4. Always working from home
    • CEV
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, or 10 at CurrentWorkSituationA


    Changes were made to CEV Wave 2 on 22/02/2021.

    The variable name changed from "WorkOutsideHome" in Wave 1 to "WorkOutSideHomeA" in Wave 2.

  • Question:

    Currently, how comfortable or uncomfortable do you feel about working outside of your home?

    Response options:
    1. Very comfortable
    2. Comfortable
    3. Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable
    4. Uncomfortable
    5. Very uncomfortable
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask all who normally work outside home; Ask if WorkOutsideHome equals 1, 2, or 3

  • Question:

    Does your current role primarily involve direct contact, in person, with patients, clients, residents, service users or customers on a day-to-day basis?

    (Please answer "No" if primarily office-based)

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if Work equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021

  • Question:

    Many jobs or businesses have usual working hours. Not including your overtime, how many hours do you usually work per week in your job or business? Please do not include any hours from self-employment

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of hours from 0 to 99]
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if (WRKING equals 1 and STAT equals 1), or CASWRK equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN84 on 03/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, how many hours did you actually work, excluding overtime? Please do not include any hours from self-employment

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of hours from 0 to 99]
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if (WRKING equals 1 and STAT equals 1), or CASWRK equals 1


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    During the month of February, which of the following situations do you expect to apply to your work? Please do not include any hours from self-employment. Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I expect to return to work full time
    2. I expect to return to work part time
    3. I expect to increase my working hours
    4. I expect to reduce my working hours
    5. I expect to be made redundant
    6. Other (please specify)
    7. I expect no change to my work situation
    8. Don’t know
    9. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if (WRKING equals 1 and STAT equals 1), or CASWRK equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN84 on 03/02/2022


    For "Other (please specify)", respondent is presented with follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Is this expectation based on information from your employer or from other sources? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Based on information from my employer
    2. Based on my own view
    3. Based on government policy
    4. Other (please specify)
    5. Don’t know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_WkSitJanB is "Expect to return full time or part time", "Expect to increase or reduce hours", "Expect to be made redundant", "Other", "Expect no change" or "Don't know"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN81 on 15/12/2021


    For "Other (please specify)", respondent is presented with follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, have you worked from home because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. Not able to work from home
    3. No
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if WRKING equals 1, or CASWRK equals 1, or OWNBUS equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    From the days you told us you worked, which of those were from home?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. [respondent selects responses piped in from Whichdays or Whichdaysb]
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_WrkHom equals Yes and (WRKING equals 1 or CASWRK equals 1) and (Whichdays does not equal NA, DK or RF) and (Whichdaysb does not equal NA, RF OR DK)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN68 on 21/07/2021

    Removed from OPN82 on 06/01/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, why have you worked from home? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I normally work from home some or all of the time
    2. My workplace is closed
    3. My employer asked me to work from home
    4. I don’t have childcare available
    5. I don’t have a safe way to travel to work
    6. I am following government advice to work from home
    7. I prefer to work from home
    8. I am self-isolating due to having symptoms of the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    9. Other
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_WrkHom equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Reinstated for OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    When do you think you will be able to return to your usual place of work? By "usual place of work" we mean where you would work if coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions around work were lifted, where you would work if the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic ended or where you were working before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

    Response options:
    1. Less than 2 months
    2. 3 to 5 months
    3. More than 6 months
    4. My home was my usual place of work before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
    5. Don’t know
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_WrkHom equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN55 on 21/04/21

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN85 on 16/02/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Where do you think you will work when you are able to return to your usual place of work?

    Response options:
    1. I will work all my hours from my usual place of work, for example the office
    2. I will mostly work from my usual place of work and sometimes from home
    3. I will split my time evenly between my usual place of work and home
    4. I will mostly work from home and sometimes from my usual place of work
    5. I will continue to work from home and not return to my usual place of work
    6. Other
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RetWrk equals "Less than 2 months", or "3 to 5 months", or "More than 6 months", or "Don’t know"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN55 on 21/04/21

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN85 on 16/02/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Which of the following measures do you want when you return to your usual place of work? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Social distancing
    2. Enhanced cleaning procedures
    3. Well ventilated office spaces, for example open windows
    4. Vaccine requirement
    5. Regular testing
    6. Staggered start and finish times
    7. Limits on the number of people in the building
    8. Personal protective equipment (PPE)
    9. Other, please specify
    • OPN
    • Employment
    • Ventilation
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_OffWfh doesn't equal "I will continue to work from home"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN55 on 21/04/21

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN85 on 16/02/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    If "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Which of the following advantages have you experienced since working from home compared to your usual place of work? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Improved work life balance
    2. Quicker to complete work
    3. More job opportunities
    4. Fewer distractions
    5. Improved wellbeing
    6. Easier to work with others
    7. Easier to think of new ideas
    8. Other, please specify
    9. No advantages
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RetWrk equals "Less than 2 months", or "3 to 5 months", or "More than 6 months", or "Don’t know"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN55 on 21/04/21

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN85 on 16/02/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Which of the following disadvantages have you experienced since working from home compared to your usual place of work? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Reduced work life balance
    2. Slower to complete work
    3. Fewer job opportunities
    4. More distractions
    5. Reduced wellbeing
    6. Harder to work with others
    7. Harder to think of new ideas
    8. Other, please specify
    9. No disadvantages
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RetWrk equals "Less than 2 months", or "3 to 5 months", or "More than 6 months", or "Don’t know"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN55 on 21/04/21

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN85 on 16/02/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Compared to before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, are you more or less likely to work from home if you had a cough or cold?

    Response options:
    1. More likely
    2. Neither more nor less likely
    3. Less likely
    4. Not applicable, I cannot work from home
    5. Not applicable, I work all my hours from home
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Employment
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if WRKING equals 1 or CASWRK equals 1 or OWNBUS equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 29/07/2021

    Removed from OPN94 on 22/06/2022

  • Question:

    In the next seven days, do you intend to work from home if you are able to do so?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Not able to work from home
    4. Don’t know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if (WRKING equals 1 or CASWRK equals 1), or OWNBUS equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN55 on 21/04/21

  • Question:

    In the next seven days, why do you intend to work from home? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I normally work from home some or all of the time
    2. My workplace is closed
    3. My employer asked me to work from home
    4. I don’t have childcare available
    5. I don’t have a safe way to travel to work
    6. I am following government advice to work from home
    7. I prefer to work from home
    8. I am self-isolating due to having symptoms of the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    9. I am self-isolating due to someone else in my household having symptoms of the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    10. I am shielding at home due to being clinically vulnerable
    11. Other (please specify)
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_WrkPlan equals 1 (Yes)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN55 on 21/04/21


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Did your employer know you were required to self-isolate?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if PosTestWorkSitu equals 1, 2, 4, 8, or 9

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 4 on 10/05/2021

    Added to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 5 on 04/05/2021


    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 8 on 01/11/2021 and T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021.

    The routing information changed due to a removed response option in the routing question.

  • Question:

    The next questions are about your employment situation and how isolation may have affected you.

    For T&T Self-isolating only:

    What best describes your work situation when you received your positive test? Were you: (Select first that apply)

    OR for T&T Cases only:

    What best describes your work situation immediately before you began isolation? Were you: (Select first that apply)

    Response options:
    1. In a full-time paid job (31+ hours)
    2. In a part-time paid job (1 - 30 hours)
    3. Self-employed - including being part of the Self Employed Income Support Scheme
    4. Receiving sick pay
    5. A student studying in university or college
    6. Enrolled in government training programme
    7. Retired
    8. In unpaid work for a business, community or doing voluntary work
    9. In unpaid leave from work
    10. Looking after home and family or Homemaker
    11. Out of work
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 8 on 01/11/2021 and T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021.

    The response option "Furloughed" was removed.

    Changes were made to the T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022.

    The question wording changed from "What best describes your work situation immediately before you began isolation? Were you: (Select first that apply)" to the current wording.

  • Question:

    What type of sick pay was this?

    OR for CEV only:

    What type of sick pay do you mainly receive?

    Response options:
    1. Statutory sick pay
    2. Company sick pay
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • CEV
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if PosTestWorkSitu equals "Receiving sick pay" (T&T only)

    Ask if CurrentWorkSituationA equals 5 (CEV only)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 4 on 10/05/2021

    Added to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 5 on 04/05/2021

    Added to CEV Wave 4 on 26/04/2021


    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 7 on 27/09/2021 and T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 8 on 09/08/2021.

    The question wording changed from "What type of sick pay do you mainly receive?" to current wording. This change does not apply to CEV.

  • Question:

    Some people have special working hours arrangements that vary daily or weekly. In your (main) job is your agreed working arrangement any of the following…

    Response options:
    1. Flexitime (flexible working hours)
    2. An annualised hours contract
    3. Term-time working
    4. Job sharing
    5. Zero hours contract
    6. On-call working
    7. None of these
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if PosTestWorkSitu equals 1 (full-time paid job), 2 (part-time paid job), 3 (Self-employed), 4 (Sick pay), 8 (unpaid work), or 9 (unpaid leave)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 3 on 12/04/2021

    Added to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 4 on 19/04/2021


    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 8 on 01/11/2021 and T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021.

    The routing changed to account for a removed response option in the routing question.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/02/2022.

    The question was changed to allow for multiple response options.

  • Question:

    Do you work as an agency worker, that is, employed through an employment agency?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if PosTestWorkSitu equals 1 (full-time paid job) or 2 (part-time paid job)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 3 on 12/04/2021

    Added to T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 4 on 19/04/2021


    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 8 on 01/11/2021 and T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021.

    The routing changed to account for a removed response option in the routing question.

  • Question:

    Has isolating meant you are likely to lose your job or miss out on work?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if PosTestWorkSitu does not equal "Retired"

    Ask if PosTestWorkSitu does not equal "Retired" and IsoCheck equals "Yes" (T&T Cases)


    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 7 on 27/09/2021 and T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 8 on 09/08/2021.

    The routing was updated to remove those who are retired.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022.

    The routing was changed to include "and IsoCheck equals "Yes".

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, how has your work been affected? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Increase in hours worked (For example, overtime)
    2. Decrease in hours worked (For example, reduced opening times, availability of work)
    3. Closure of own business (Include potential closure and actual closure)
    4. Redundancy
    5. Unable to find work
    6. Working long hours with no breaks or reduced breaks
    7. Finding working from home difficult
    8. Unable to work due to self-isolation or shielding (For example, not leaving your home and looking after yourself if you or someone you live with has symptoms)
    9. I am worried about my health and safety at work
    10. Other (please specify)
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_LifeF equals 2 (Work)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN84 on 03/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    For "Other (please specify)", the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, the government pays part of your wages for the hours you are on furlough.

    In the past seven days, how many hours were you on furlough?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of hours from 1 to 99]
    2. Don't know
    3. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_WrkC equals 3 (Been on furlough), or 4 (Asked to return from furlough)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN77 on 20/10/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Before the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) did you do any of the following?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Flexible working hours
    2. School term time working
    3. Working from home
    4. Compressed hours
    5. Job sharing
    6. Working part time
    7. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if (WRKING equals 1 or CASWRK equals 1), or OWNBUS equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN60 on 26/05/2021

    Removed from OPN68 on 21/07/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    After the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) do you plan to do any of the following?

    Response options:
    1. Flexible working hours
    2. School term time working
    3. Working from home
    4. Compressed hours
    5. Job sharing
    6. Working part time
    7. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if (WRKING equals 1 or CASWRK equals 1), or OWNBUS equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN60 on 26/05/2021

    Removed from OPN68 on 21/07/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Do you expect to return to work outside the home within the next 4 months?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Not applicable
    4. Don't know
    • CEV
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if WorkOutsideHome equals 4, or CurentWorkSiutation equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 5 on 17/05/2021

    Removed from CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

  • Question:

    How comfortable or uncomfortable do you feel about the prospect of working outside your home?

    Response options:
    1. Very comfortable
    2. Comfortable
    3. Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable
    4. Uncomfortable
    5. Very uncomfortable
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if ContWorkHome equals "Yes" or 'Don’t know'

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 5 on 17/05/2021

    Removed from CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

  • Question:

    What measures would make you feel more comfortable about the prospect of working outside your home?

    Response options:
    1. Twice weekly testing
    2. Mandatory mask wearing for you and colleagues
    3. Social distancing or avoiding close contact including the use of barriers and one-way systems
    4. Improved ventilation and air purifiers
    5. Vaccination passports or stickers
    6. Reduced capacity of office space or hybrid system working.
    7. Discussing concerns on returning to workplace with manager
    8. Mental health support
    9. Other (Please specify)
    10. None
    • CEV
    • Employment
    • Ventilation
    Variable name:



    Ask if OutsideReturn equals 3, 4, or 5

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 5 on 17/05/2021

    Removed from CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

  • Question:

    What measures would make you feel more comfortable about working outside your home?

    Response options:
    1. Twice weekly testing
    2. Mandatory mask wearing for you and colleagues
    3. Social distancing or avoiding close contact including the use of barriers and one-way systems
    4. Improved ventilation and air purifiers
    5. Vaccination passports or stickers
    6. Reduced capacity of office space or hybrid system working.
    7. Mental health support
    8. Other (Please specify)
    9. None
    • CEV
    • Employment
    • Ventilation
    Variable name:



    Ask if ComfortableWorkOutsideHome equals 3, 4, or 5

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 5 on 17/05/2021

  • Question:

    Have you been placed on furlough at any point since March 2020?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask all except those having never done paid work

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN67 on 14/07/2021

    Removed from OPN77 on 20/10/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    And was that mainly…

    Response options:
    1. Furlough where I did not work at all
    2. Furlough but I worked some of my working hours
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_Evrfur equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN67 on 14/07/2021

    Removed from OPN77 on 20/10/2021

  • Question:

    Since March 2020, how long were you affected by furlough?

    Response options:
    1. Two weeks or less
    2. More than two weeks but less than a month
    3. Between one and three months
    4. More than three months but less than six months
    5. More than six months but less than twelve months
    6. More than twelve months
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_Evrfur equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN67 on 14/07/2021

    Removed from OPN77 on 20/10/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    In which of the following do you feel competent?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Basic computer skills such as emails and using the internet
    2. Advanced computer skills such as data science and programming
    3. Basic maths such as price calculations and percentages
    4. Advanced maths such as accountancy and regression
    5. Manual work such as repair work and construction
    6. Technical skills such as using equipment and machines
    7. Customer service or sales
    8. Presenting or negotiating
    9. Creative skills such as performance, web design or product design
    10. Other, please specify
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask all except those who are retired

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN67 on 14/07/2021

    Removed from OPN73 on 25/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    For "Other, please specify", respondent is presented with follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Thinking about your current or most recent job, which of the following do you do?

    Response options:
    1. Basic IT such as sending emails or using the internet
    2. Advanced IT such as data science and programming
    3. Basic maths such as price sums and percentages
    4. Advanced maths such as accountancy or statistics
    5. Manual work such as repairs or construction
    6. Use technical equipment such as operating machines
    7. Customer service or sales
    8. Presenting or negotiating
    9. Creative skills such as performance, web design or product design
    10. Other, please specify
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask all except those who are retired or have never done paid work

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN67 on 14/07/2021

    Removed from OPN73 on 25/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    For "Other, please specify", respondent is presented with follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Which, if any, of these skills would you like to improve on for your career if you were offered the training?

    Response options:
    1. Basic IT such as sending emails or using the internet
    2. Advanced IT such as data science and programming
    3. Basic maths such as price sums and percentages
    4. Advanced maths such as accountancy or statistics
    5. Manual work such as repairs or construction
    6. Use technical equipment such as operating machines
    7. Customer service or sales
    8. Presenting or negotiating
    9. Creative skills such as performance, web design or product design
    10. Other, please specify
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask all except those who are retired

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN67 on 14/07/2021

    Removed from OPN73 on 25/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    For "Other, please specify", respondent is presented with follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Do you work for the same employer you were previously furloughed from?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_EvrFur equals "Yes" and (WRKING equals 1 or CASWRK equals 1) or (OWNBUS equals 1)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN71 on 11/08/2021

    Removed from OPN77 on 20/10/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Which of the following applies to your situation since being furloughed?

    Response options:
    1. I found a new job in the same sector
    2. I found a new job in a different sector
    3. I became self-employed
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_EvrFur equals "Yes" and (WRKING equals 1 or CASWRK equals 1) or (OWNBUS equals 1) and COV_SmeJbFur equals "No"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN71 on 11/08/2021

    Removed from OPN77 on 20/10/2021


    This question refers to "sector". In this instance, sector means the type of work you do, for example, hospitality, healthcare, construction.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Were you made redundant from the job you were furloughed from?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No, I decided to leave my job
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_EvrFur equals "Yes" and (WRKING equals 1 or CASWRK equals 1) or (OWNBUS equals 1) and COV_SmeJbFur equals "No"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN71 on 11/08/2021

    Removed from OPN77 on 20/10/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Were you made redundant from the job you were furloughed?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No, I decided to leave my job
    3. No, I have retired since being furloughed
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_Evrfur equals "Yes" and "Currently not working (unemployed, inactive, retired)"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN71 on 11/08/2021

    Removed from OPN77 on 20/10/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Are you looking for another job?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, I am looking for a new job in the same sector
    2. Yes, I am looking for a new job in a different sector
    3. No, I am not looking for a job now
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RedNtWrk equals "Yes" or 'No, I decided to leave my job"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN71 on 11/08/2021

    Removed from OPN77 on 20/10/2021


    This question refers to "sector". In this instance, sector means the type of work you do, for example, hospitality, healthcare, construction.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Has your role changed substantially within your current job because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if currently in work, or engaged in a government scheme/training programme considered employment

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 3 (July - Sept) 2020

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 5 (Jan - March) 2022


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

  • Question:

    What was the main condition that caused you to take this/the first/the further sickness absence?

    Response options:
    1. Back pain
    2. Neck and upper limb problems (e.g. arthritis in hand joints, stiff neck)
    3. Other musculoskeletal problems
    4. Stress, depression, anxiety (common mental health problems)
    5. Manic depression, schizophrenia and other serious mental health problems
    6. Minor illnesses: coughs, colds and flu
    7. sickness, nausea and diarrhoea
    8. Other respiratory conditions (e.g. asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), bronchitis, pneumonia)
    9. Other gastrointestinal problems (e.g. irritable bowel syndrome [IBS], piles, bowel cancer, stomach ulcer)
    10. Headaches and migraines
    11. Pregnancy problems
    12. Genito-urinary
    13. to include urine infections & menstrual problems
    14. Heart, blood pressure & circulation problems
    15. Eye, ear, nose & mouth/dental
    16. to include sinusitis and toothache
    17. Diabetes
    18. Other (accidents, poisonings, infectious diseases, skin disorders and anything else not covered above)
    19. Prefers not to give details
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:





    Ask if had one or more periods of sickness in the reference week


    A single response option is allowed.

    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

    The variable name depends on whether question is referring to a current ("ILLNE20"), first ("ILLFST20"), or further ("ILLNXT20") sickness period.

  • Question:

    Was this sick absence linked to coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if main condition was "Minor illnesses", "Respiratory conditions", or "Other"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 2 (April - June) 2020


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK and all waves are asked.

  • Question:

    Were you…

    Select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. off sick with symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. self-isolated or in quarantine
    3. off for a different reason
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if sick absence was linked to COVID-19

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 2 (April - June) 2020


    This question is referring to how the respondents sick absence was linked to COVID-19.

    This question is asked every quarter across the UK and all waves are asked.

  • Question:

    Please type in other reason.

    Response options:
    1. [enter reason]
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if off sick due to different reason

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 2 (April - June) 2020


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK and all waves are asked.

  • Question:

    (In your main job) do you work mainly…

    This question should be asked in relation to the respondent's usual working pattern in current circumstances.

    Response options:
    1. In your own home
    2. In the same ground or buildings as your home
    3. In different places using home as a base
    4. Somewhere quite separate from home
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if currently in work, not through a government scheme


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

    Changes were made to the LFS in Quarter 4 (Oct - Dec) 2021.

    The additional question information changed from 'This question should be asked in relation to the respondent’s usual working pattern if coronavirus restrictions were not currently in place' to the current wording.

  • Question:

    Do you ever do any paid or unpaid work at home for your (main) job?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if works mainly away from home


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK and all waves are asked.

    This question should be answered "Yes" if the respondent is currently working from home due to coronavirus.

  • Question:

    (In your main job) have you spent at least one full day in the seven days ending Sunday the working…

    Response options:
    1. In your own home
    2. In the same grounds or buildings as your home
    3. In different places using home as a base
    4. Not worked at home during the reference week
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if currently in work, not through a government scheme


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK and all waves are asked.

    Response option 1 is only presented if HOME equals 1 or EVHM98 equals "Yes".

  • Question:

    Was the main reason you were working from home in that week due to reasons related to coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes (Including place of work closing, staying at home to avoid contact with others, or recovering from illness)
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if HomeD equals 1, 2, or 3

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 2 (April - June) 2021

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 4 (Oct - Dec) 2021


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK and all waves are asked.

  • Question:

    To what extent, if any, is it currently possible for you to perform your job role from home or another remote location?

    It will be possible where employees currently have the necessary technology to enable them to work from home.

    Response options:
    1. All of my job can be performed from home/remotely
    2. Most of my job can be performed from home/remotely
    3. Some of my job can be performed from home/remotely
    4. My job cannot be performed from home/remotely
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if Wrking, JbAway, OwnBus, or RelBus equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 2 (April - June) 2021


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK and all waves are asked.

  • Question:

    Do you currently do part or all of you job from home or another remote location?

    Remote working includes working outside of a traditional office or "central" place of work. It includes working at home and close to home in your local community, but does not include workers who travel to different sites to perform their duties such as district nurses, door to door salespeople or field interviewers.

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if Home does not equal 1 or 2

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 2 (April - June) 2021


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK and all waves are asked.

    Changes were made to the LFS in Quarter 4 (Oct - Dec) 2021.

    The routing information changed from 'Ask if Wrking, JbAway, OwnBus, or RelBus equals 2' to the current routing.

  • Question:

    How many hours do you work from home or another remote location in a usual week?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of hours from 0 to 99]
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if Home equals 1 or 2 or ask if Remote1 equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 2 (April - June) 2021


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK and all waves are asked.

    Changes were made to the LFS in Quarter 4 (Oct - Dec) 2021.

    The routing information changed from 'Ask if Remote1 equals Yes' to the current routing.

  • Question:

    What was the main reason that you did fewer hours than usual/ away from work in the week ending Sunday the (reference date)?

    Response options:
    1. Number of hours worked/overtime varies
    2. Bank holiday
    3. Maternity leave
    4. Paternity leave
    5. Adoption leave
    6. Shared parental leave
    7. Unpaid Parental Leave
    8. Other leave/holiday
    9. Sick or injured
    10. Attending a training course away from own workplace
    11. Started new job/ changed jobs
    12. Ended job and did not start new one that week
    13. Laid off/short time/work interrupted by bad weather
    14. Laid off/short time/work interrupted by labour dispute at own workplace
    15. Laid off/short time/work interrupted by economic and other causes
    16. Off Season
    17. Time off to deal with an emergency
    18. Other personal/family reasons
    19. Other reasons
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent worked fewer hours than usual in the reference week, or was away from work


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

  • Question:

    Was this reason linked to coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if Yless20a equals 'Number of hours worked varies'; or 'Other leave/holiday'; or 'Unpaid parental leave'; or 'Sick and injured'; or

    'Laid off/short time/work interrupted by economic and other causes'; or 'Time off to deal with an emergency'; or

    'Other personal/family reasons'; or 'Other reasons'

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 2 (April - June) 2020

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 6 (July - Sept) 2022


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

    This question was updated in Quarter 3 (July - Sept) 2020.

  • Question:

    Were you…

    Select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. Off sick with symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. Self-isolated or quarantined, that is, you were staying at home because you or someone in your household had symptoms of coronavirus
    3. Staying at home
    4. Working less or not working due to lack of demand
    5. Caring for someone with coronavirus
    6. Caring for a child whose school had closed due to coronavirus
    7. Caring for a child due to usual childcare unavailable
    8. Other coronavirus related reason - please specify
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if Coro20a2 equals Yes

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 2 (April - June) 2020

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 6 (July - Sept) 2022


    If "Other coronavirus related reason - please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

  • Question:

    Are you still being paid whilst your job is on hold due to/affected by coronavirus?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, full pay,
    2. Yes, partial pay,
    3. No /or not being paid (LFS)
    • LFS
    • LCF
    • Employment
    Variable name:

    CorFurEm (LFS and LCF)


    Ask if employed and worked fewer hours due to coronavirus (LFS)

    Ask if ReasActHrs was answered (LCF)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 2 (April - June) 2020

    Added to LCF in 04/2022

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 6 (July - Sept) 2022


    For the LFS, this question is asked every quarter across the UK.

    This question was updated in Quarter 3 (July - Sept) 2020 for the LFS.

  • Question:

    The government introduced the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Self-employment Income Support Scheme to support self-employed people affected by the economic impact of Coronavirus.

    Have you received financial support from the (COVID-19) Self-employment Income Support Scheme?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if self-employed and worked fewer hours due to coronavirus

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 2 (April - June) 2020

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 6 (July - Sept) 2022


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

    This question was updated in Quarter 3 (July - Sept) 2020.

  • Question:

    Please indicate which grants you received from the Self-employed Income Support Scheme?

    Select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. Grant 1 – applied for between March 2020 – 13 July 2020
    2. Grant 2 – applied for between 14 July 2020 – 19 October 2020
    3. Grant 3 – applied for between 30 November 2020 – 29 January 2021
    4. Grant 4 - applied for between 22 April 2021 - 1 June 2021
    5. Grant 5 - applied for between 29 July 2021 - 30 September 2021
    6. Don't know/Can't recall
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if CorFurSEM equals Yes 

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 2 (April - June) 2021

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 6 (July - Sept) 2022


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

  • Question:

    What was the main reason you worked more hours than usual in the week ending Sunday the ?

    Response options:
    1. Variable hours worked
    2. Overtime
    3. Other reasons
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent did more hours than usual in the reference week


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

    This question is asked in the main and boost samples.

  • Question:

    Was this reason linked coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask all who answered YMore

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 2 (April - June) 2020

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 4 (Oct - Dec) 2021


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

    This question is asked in the main and boost samples.

  • Question:

    Were you…

    Select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. Covering for someone off sick with symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. Covering for someone shielding, which means they are staying at home due to being vulnerable to coronavirus
    3. Working in a care or medical field related to coronavirus (COVID-19)
    4. Working as a key/essential worker in a non-medical field
    5. Working longer hours due to increased demand
    6. Other coronavirus related reason - please specify
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if Coro20a3 equals Yes 

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 2 (April - June) 2020

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 4 (Oct - Dec) 2021


    If "Other coronavirus related reason - please specify?" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

    This question is asked in the main and boost samples.

  • Question:

    Did you obtain your second job in the last 6 months? 

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if  SecJob equals Yes 

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 3 (July - Sept) 2020


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

  • Question:

    Did you obtain your second job for reasons linked to coronavirus (COVID-19)? 

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if SJobSix equals Yes 

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 3 (July - Sept) 2020

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 6 (July - Sept) 2022


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

  • Question:

    Were you looking…

    Response options:
    1. for a new job to replace your present (main) job
    2. an additional job
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if DifJob equals Yes 


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

  • Question:

    Is this reason related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if addjob equals 1 

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 3 (July - Sept) 2020

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 6 (July - Sept) 2022


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

  • Question:

    Is the reason you are looking for an additional job related to coronavirus?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if addjob equals 2 

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 3 (July - Sept) 2020

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 6 (July - Sept) 2022


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

  • Question:

    Were you made redundant from your job for reasons related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if Redyl13 equals "Made redundant or took voluntary redundancy" and "Respondent left job in last 3 months", or Redany equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 3 (July - Sept) 2020

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 5 (July - Sept) 2022.


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

  • Question:

    Is this linked to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic? 

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:




    Ask if Ystart equals 3, 4, 5, or 6 (YStarCov)

    Ask if Undst equals "No" (UndstCov)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 3 (July - Sept) 2020

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 5 (Jan - March) 2022


    This question is asked twice in the LFS.

    The first instance (YStartCov) is referring to whether the respondent being unable to start a job within two weeks was linked to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The second (UndstCov) is referring to whether the respondent being unable to start working longer hours (if offered) within two weeks was linked to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

    Both questions are asked every quarter across the UK.

  • Question:

    Can I ask, in the last 7 days whilst you were furloughed or working reduced hours, was your workplace...

    By open we mean workplaces that are still operating. If an employee is working from home their workplace is considered open, even if their office is shut.

    Response options:
    1. Open
    2. Closed
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if Coro20a2 equals Yes and Coro20b2 equals 4 

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) 2021

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 4 (Oct - Dec) 2021


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

  • Question:

    In this time, did you work any hours?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if Coro20a2 equals Yes and Coro20b2 equals 4 

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) 2021

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 4 (Oct - Dec) 2021


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

  • Question:

    Was your illness linked to changes in your working conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic?  

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if TypIll equals 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and worked in the last 12 months 

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) 2021


    This question is asked in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) across the UK.

    This question is only asked in the main sample.

  • Question:

    Thinking about this time you did not work, were you furloughed for any of that period?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if returned to work on the same day or on the second/third/fourth/fifth day after the accident

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) 2021

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 5 (Jan - March) 2022


    This question is asked in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) across the UK.

    This question is only asked in the main sample.

  • Question:

    Did you include any furloughed time in the period you just told me about?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if FurAy equals Yes 

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) 2021


    This question is asked in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) across the UK.

    This question is only asked in the main sample.

  • Question:

    Between your injury and when you returned to work, how much of that time were you on furlough?

    Please code either days, weeks or months here and at the next question you can input the amount.

    Response options:
    1. Days
    2. Weeks
    3. Months
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if FurIc equals Yes

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) 2021

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 5 (Jan - March) 2022


    This question is asked in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) across the UK.

    This question is only asked in the main sample.

  • Question:

    Please enter amount.

    Response options:
    1. [enter amount from 0 to 365]
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if FurIc equals Yes

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) 2021

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 5 (Jan - March) 2022


    This question is asked in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) across the UK.

    This question is only asked in the main sample.

  • Question:

    Thinking about this time you did not work, were you furloughed for any of that time?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if TmeOff is one day or more 

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) 2021

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 5 (Jan - March) 2022


    This question is asked in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) across the UK.

    This question is only asked in the main sample.

  • Question:

    Did you include any furloughed periods in the time off you just told me about?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if FurAy equals Yes 

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) 2021

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 5 (Jan - March) 2022


    This question is asked in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) across the UK.

    This question is only asked in the main sample.

  • Question:

    In the time off you just told me about, how much of it were you furloughed?

    Please code either days, weeks or months here and at the next question you can input the amount.

    Response options:
    1. Days
    2. Weeks
    3. Months
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if FurIc equals Yes

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) 2021

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 5 (Jan - March) 2022


    This question is asked in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) across the UK.

    This question is only asked in the main sample.

  • Question:

    Please enter amount.

    Response options:
    1. [enter amount from 0 to 365]
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if FurIc equals Yes

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) 2021

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 5 (Jan - March) 2022


    This question is asked in Quarter 1 (Jan - March) across the UK.

    This question is only asked in the main sample.

  • Question:

    I should (also) like to ask you now about your situation twelve months ago, that is in .

    Were you…

    Response options:
    1. Working in a paid job or business
    2. Laid off or on short time at firm
    3. Unemployed, actively seeking work
    4. On a special government scheme
    5. Doing unpaid work for your or a relative
    6. A full-time student or pupil
    7. Looking after the family or home
    8. Temporarily sick or injured
    9. Long-term sick or disabled
    10. Retired from paid work
    11. None of these
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    This question is asked across the UK in every quarter for Wave 1 and in Quarter 2 (April - Jun) for all waves.

    This question is only asked in the main sample.

  • Question:

    12 months ago were you...

    Response options:
    1. on furlough
    2. receiving support through the Self Employed Income Support Scheme
    3. neither of these
    • LFS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if OYCIRC equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 2 (April - June) 2021


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK and all waves are asked.

  • Question:

    During the pandemic some people have been working from home. The next question is about what you would do if you were asked to work all or most of your hours from your usual place of work, rather than work from home.

    In the next month if you were expected to return to how you worked before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, by working all or most of your hours from your usual place of work, which of the following would you do?

    Response options:
    1. I would return to my usual place of work for all of my hours
    2. I would return to my usual place of work for most of my hours
    3. I would look for another job where I could work from home more often
    4. I would leave my job within the next month even if I did not have another job to go to
    5. I worked all or most of my hours from home before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_WrkHom equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN75 on 22/09/2021

    Removed from OPN81 on 15/12/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Since working from home more because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, do you feel you are spending more or less money?

    Response options:
    1. I am spending more
    2. I am spending the same
    3. I am spending less
    4. I am unsure if I am spending more or less
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_WrkHom equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN78 on 03/11/2021

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN84 on 03/02/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Have you ever had paid work, apart from casual or holiday work (or the job you are waiting to begin)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if OwnBus equals "Yes" and OwnBusB does not equal "A business that you own" or "A family business"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN81 on 15/12/2021

    Removed from OPN82 on 06/01/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Have you lost your job, or left a job since the start of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, I lost or left my job since the start of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
    2. No, I lost or left my job before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if EverWrkVol equals "Yes" or EverWk equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN81 on 15/12/2021

    Removed from OPN82 on 06/01/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    For which of the following reasons did you leave your job?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I was put on furlough and then made unemployed or redundant
    2. I was made unemployed or redundant for other reasons
    3. I retired
    4. I left because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
    5. I left because of my health or disability
    6. I left because of family or caring responsibilities
    7. I left to start studying or training
    8. I left because I no longer needed the money from my job
    9. I left because I wanted a change in lifestyle
    10. I left as my business was no longer worthwhile
    11. Other, please specify
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if WORK_WKChange equals "Yes, I lost or left my job since the start of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN81 on 15/12/2021

    Removed from OPN82 on 06/01/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    If "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Would you consider returning to paid work or self-employment in the future?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if WORK_WKChange equals "Yes, I lost or left my job since the start of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN81 on 15/12/2021

    Removed from OPN82 on 06/01/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Which of the following, if any, apply to you?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I am looking for work at the moment
    2. I am waiting until I complete my training or studies
    3. I am waiting for the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic to be over
    4. I am waiting to find a job that suits my skills and experiences
    5. I am waiting to find a job which fits around my caring responsibilities
    6. I am waiting to find a job that pays enough
    7. I am waiting to find a job that suits my level of health or disability
    8. I am setting up or planning to set up my own business
    9. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if WORK_RetPaid equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN81 on 15/12/2021

    Removed from OPN82 on 06/01/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    When would you like to return to paid work or self-employment?

    Response options:
    1. As soon as possible
    2. Within the next six months
    3. Between six months and a year
    4. Between one year and two years
    5. In two years or more
    6. Not sure
    • OPN
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if WORK_RetPaid equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN81 on 15/12/2021

    Removed from OPN82 on 06/01/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Which types of income do you personally receive? Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Earnings from self employment
    2. Earnings from employment
    3. State pension
    4. Pension from former employer
    5. Personal pension
    6. Child benefit
    7. Income support
    8. Tax credits or universal credits
    9. Other state benefits
    10. Interest from savings
    11. Interest from investments
    12. Income from rent
    13. Other kinds of regular allowance from outside the household
    14. Income from other sources
    15. I have no source of income
    • OPN
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    Thinking of all the different types of income you said you receive, what is your total personal income before deductions? This can be a weekly, monthly or annual amount. Enter the value (e.g. 1345.46) to the nearest pound (e.g. 1345). Please do not enter pence. If you are unsure, please provide an estimate.

    Response options:
    1. [enter amount in GBP from 0 to 99999997]
    • OPN
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if SrcInc equals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, or 14


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    The next set of questions are about the UK economy and your household finances in view of the general economic situation.

    In view of the general economic situation, do you think you will be able to save any money in the next twelve months?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Current rotation status: Reinstated for OPN78 on 03/11/2021


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

  • Question:

    How easy or difficult has it been to pay your usual household bills in the last month, compared to a year ago?

    Response options:
    1. Very easy
    2. Easy
    3. Neither easy nor difficult
    4. Difficult
    5. Very difficult
    6. Not applicable
    7. Don’t know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN96 on 20/07/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, how have your household finances been affected? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Increased income
    2. Reduced income
    3. No income
    4. Starting to save
    5. Use of my savings to cover living costs
    6. Unable to save as usual
    7. Had to borrow money or use credit [For example, using credit cards, overdrafts, or taking out loans, including borrowing from friends, family, neighbours or other personal connections]
    8. Delay to sick pay
    9. Delay to State welfare benefits [For example, Universal Credit]
    10. Had to use food banks
    11. Less money available to spend on food
    12. Struggling to pay bills [for example, energy, Council Tax]
    13. Struggling to pay for housing [for example, behind on your rent or mortgage payments]
    14. Struggling to pay for school uniforms, supplies or equipment
    15. Care costs increased [For example, childcare, social care]
    16. Providing financial support to friends and family
    17. Pension value is being affected by economic instability
    18. Savings value is being affected by economic instability
    19. Other
    20. OR
    21. My household finances have not been affected
    • OPN
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_LifeE equals 4 (Household finances)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN96 on 20/07/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    For "Other (please specify)", the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Could your household afford to pay an unexpected, but necessary, expense of £850?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Current rotation status: Reinstated for OPN62 on 09/06/2021


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

  • Question:

    Borrowing or using credit includes credit cards, overdrafts, or taking out loans, borrowing from friends, family, neighbours or other personal connections.

    Have you had to borrow more money or use more credit than usual in the last month, compared to a year ago?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Current rotation status: Reinstated for OPN78 on 03/11/2021


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    Changes were made to OPN78 on 03/11/2021.

    The variable name changed from "COV_Debt" to "COV_DebtB".

    The question wording changed from "Have you had to borrow more money or use more credit than usual since the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?" to the current wording.

  • Question:

    How much more money have you borrowed or spent using credit, in the last month, compared to a year ago?

    Response options:
    1. Less than £250
    2. £250 to £499
    3. £500 to £749
    4. £750 to £999
    5. £1,000 to £1,999
    6. £2,000 to £2,999
    7. £3,000 to £3,999
    8. £4,000 to £4,999
    9. £5,000 to £9,999
    10. £10,000 to £24,999
    11. £25,000 or more
    12. Don’t know
    13. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_DebtB equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN96 on 20/07/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

  • Question:

    Do you currently claim any State Benefits or Tax Credits (including State Pension, Allowances, or National Insurance Credits)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • CEV
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    BenefitsClaimant (CEV only)


    Ask all


    Response option "Prefer not to say" is only available in CEV.

  • Question:

    Which of these do you receive? Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Universal Credit
    2. Housing Benefit
    3. Council Tax reduction
    4. Tax credits
    5. Job seeker’s allowance (including National Insurance Credits)
    6. Personal Independence Payment
    7. Employment and Support Allowance
    8. Other sickness or disability benefits
    9. Pension benefits (including state pension or pension credit)
    10. Other benefits from your Local Authority
    11. Other
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • CEV
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    WhichBenefits (CEV only)


    Ask if ClaimStateBene equals 1


    This question refers to State Benefits or Tax Credits received by the respondent.

  • Question:

    Have you received any payment through the Coronavirus Job Retention scheme?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Contacts
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 7 on 27/09/2021

    Removed from T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 9 on 04/10/2021

  • Question:

    Is this because you're ...

    Response options:
    1. Not aware of the Coronavirus Job Retention scheme
    2. Aware of the scheme but not eligible for it
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Contacts
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if PayJobRetSch equals 2

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 7 on 27/09/2021

    Removed from T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 9 on 04/10/2021


    A single response option is allowed.

  • Question:

    Have you applied for any payment through the Test and Trace Support Payment Scheme?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if PosTestWorkSitu does not equal "Retired"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022


    The following explanation can be provided to the respondent if requested: "If you’re asked to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace and you’re on a low income, can't work from home and will lose income as a result, you may be entitled to a payment of £500 from your local authority under the Test and Trace Support Payment scheme".

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 7 on 27/09/2021 and T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating) Wave 8 on 09/08/2021.

    The routing information was updated to remove those who are retired.

  • Question:

    Is this because you're ...

    Response options:
    1. Not aware of the scheme
    2. Aware of the scheme but not eligible for it
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if PayNHSTestTrace equals "No"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022


    A single response option is allowed.

  • Question:

    Was your application for the Test and Trace Support Payment Scheme successful?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if PayNHSTestTrace equals 1 (Yes)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 2 on 08/03/2021

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022

  • Question:

    Would you say you have lost income as a result of isolating?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if PosTestWorkSitu does not equal "Retired" and IsoCheck equals "Yes"


    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 7 on 27/09/2021 and T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 9 on 04/10/2021.

    The routing information was updated to remove those who are retired.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 22/02/2022

    The routing was changed to include "Ask if IsoCheck equals "Yes"".

  • Question:

    Has your financial situation changed since early December 2020?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, much worse
    2. Yes, slightly worse
    3. No change
    4. Yes, slightly better
    5. Yes, much better
    6. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

  • Question:

    During your isolation how were you paid?

    Response options:
    1. As normal - full pay
    2. Sick pay (full amount)
    3. Sick pay (reduced amount)
    4. Statutory sick pay
    5. Not paid
    6. Other
    7. Don't know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if PosTestWorkSitu equals 1, 2, 3 or 4 and IsoCheck equals "Yes" (T&T Cases)

    Ask if PosTestWorkSitu equals 1, 2, or 3 (T&T Self-isolating)


    The question wording is "During self-isolation..." for T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating).

    Response options "Other" and "Don't know" were only added to Wave 2 of T&T Cases.

    "Other" response option not included for T&T Contacts (now T&T Self-isolating).

    Changes were made to T&T Self-isolating (previously T&T Contacts) Wave 10 on 08/11/2021.

    The routing information changed due to changes in the response options of the routing question. The additional routing information "...or WhatSickPay equals 2" was removed.

    Response option "Worked as normal (full pay)" changed to "As normal - full pay".

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022

    The routing information was changed to include " IsoCheck equals "Yes"". This change did not apply to T&T Self-isolating.

  • Question:

    How much do you earn from paid work each month (after tax)?

    Response options:
    1. Less than £430 per month
    2. £430 - 780 per month
    3. £781 - 1,100 per month
    4. £1,101 - 1,300 per month
    5. £1,301 - 1,600 per month
    6. £1,601 - 1,800 per month
    7. £1,801 - 2,200 per month
    8. £2,201 - 2,700 per month
    9. £2,701 - 3,600 per month
    10. £3,601 or more per month
    11. Don't know
    12. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • Economy & finances

    Ask if work status is any "In employment" response option

  • Question:

    Thinking of your household's total income, including all sources, how difficult or easy is it currently for your household to make ends meet?

    Response options:
    1. Very difficult
    2. Fairly difficult
    3. Neither easy nor difficult
    4. Fairly easy
    5. Very easy
    6. Can't choose
    7. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • Economy & finances

    Ask all

  • Question:

    Do you or your household receive any state benefits or tax credits (includes state pension, pension credit & universal credit)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • Economy & finances

    Ask all

  • Question:

    Including all sources (e.g. pensions, investments, wages, benefits and all other money received by household members), how much income does you household receive per month (after tax)?

    Response options:
    1. Less than £770 per month
    2. £770 to 1,000 per month
    3. £1,001 to 1,300 per month
    4. £1,301 to 1,700 per month
    5. £1,701 to 2,200 per month
    6. £2,201 to 2,700 per month
    7. £2,701 to 3,300 per month
    8. £3,301 to 4,200 per month
    9. £4,201 to 5,600 per month
    10. £5,601 or more per month
    11. Don't know
    12. Prefer not to say
    • TUS
    • Economy & finances

    Ask all

  • Question:

    Has your household income changed at all since the start of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the UK?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, it has increased
    2. Yes, it has decreased
    3. No, it has remained about the same
    • HAS
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask one person per household

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to HAS in 05/2020


    Changes were made to the HAS in 04/2021.

    The question wording changed from "outbreak" to "pandemic".

  • Question:

    What is the main reason for your household income increasing?

    Response options:
    1. Take up of new work/job(s)
    2. Increased number of working hours in existing job(s)
    3. Salary increase/business profit rise
    4. Increase in state benefits received
    5. Increase in regular payments from friends and/or family
    6. Other (please specify)
    • HAS
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if household income has increased

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to HAS, SLC and LCF in 05/2020

    Removed from LCF in 04/2021


    The routing information is for HAS only.

    Changes were made to the HAS in 04/2021.

    "Please specify" was added for the response option "Other" (HAS only) to allow respondents to type out their reason for household income increasing.

  • Question:

    Do you know by approximately how much your household income has increased since April 2022?

    Response options:
    1. [enter amount in GBP]
    • SLC
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC in 04/2021


    Changes were made to SLC in 04/2022.

    The question wording was adjusted for the new financial year.

    Variable name changed from "IncrAmt" to "IncrAmt2"

  • Question:

    What is the main reason for your household income decreasing?

    Response options:
    1. Loss of job/business on a non-voluntary basis
    2. Loss of job/business for childcare-related reasons (SLC only)
    3. Reduction of working hours on a non-voluntary basis
    4. Reduction of working hours for childcare-related reasons
    5. Salary decrease/business profit fall
    6. Decrease in state benefits received (SLC only)
    7. Decrease in regular payments from friends and/ or family (SLC only)
    8. Other (please specify)
    9. Furloughed (COVID-19 job retention scheme, for employees) (HAS only)
    10. In receipt of the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) (HAS only)
    • HAS
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if household income has decreased

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to HAS, SLC and LCF in 05/2020

    Removed from LCF in 04/2021


    If "Other (please specify)" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    The routing information is for HAS only.

    Changes were made to the HAS and SLC in 04/2021.

    The response options "Loss of job/business for childcare-related reasons", "Decrease in state benefits received", and "Decrease in regular payments from friends and/or family" were removed from HAS in 04/2021. These were not removed from SLC.

    Response options "Furloughed (COVID-19 job retention scheme, for employees)" and "In receipt of the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS)" were added to HAS in 04/2021. These were not added to SLC.

    "Please specify" was added as a follow-up for HAS and SLC for those selecting the "Other" response option.

  • Question:

    Do you know by approximately how much your household income has decreased since April 2021?

    Response options:
    1. [enter amount in GBP]
    • SLC
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC in 04/2021


    Inserted amount can range from GBP 0 to GBP 99999.

  • Question:

    How do you expect your household income to change over the next 12 months?

    Response options:
    1. To increase
    2. To decrease
    3. To remain about the same
    • HAS
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask one person per household

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to HAS in 05/2020

  • Question:

    Has your ability to save changed as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the UK?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, I am able to save more
    2. Yes, I am able to save less
    3. No, it has remained about the same
    • HAS
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask one person per household

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to HAS in 04/2021

  • Question:

    Has the value of your household accessible savings changed as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the UK?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, they have increased
    2. Yes, they have decreased
    3. No, they have remained about the same
    • HAS
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask one person per household

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to HAS in 04/2021

  • Question:

    What is the main reason for your household accessible savings increasing?

    Response options:
    1. Reduced spending due to the pandemic
    2. Increased income
    3. Business profit rise
    4. Increase in state benefits received
    5. Other (please specify)
    • HAS
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if household savings have increased

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to HAS in 04/2021

  • Question:

    What is the main reason for your household accessible savings decreasing?

    Response options:
    1. Increased spending due to the pandemic
    2. Furloughed (COVID-19 job retention scheme, for employees)
    3. In receipt of the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS)
    4. Loss of job/business on a non-voluntary basis
    5. Reduction of working hours on a non-voluntary basis
    6. Reduction of working hours for childcare-related reasons
    7. Salary decrease/business profit fall
    8. Other
    • HAS
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if household savings have decreased

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to HAS in 04/2021

  • Question:

    How do you expect your household accessible savings to change over the next 12 months?

    Response options:
    1. To increase
    2. To decrease
    3. To remain about the same
    • HAS
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask one person per household

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to HAS in 04/2021

  • Question:

    I’m now going to ask you about certain day-to-day goods and services that you may have spent money on during the last two weeks ending .

    During the last two weeks, have you spent any money online or in shops on any of the following…

    Response options:
    1. Takeaways?
    2. Any other food or drink, such as groceries?
    3. Clothes or shoes?
    4. Petrol or diesel?
    5. None of these
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LCF in 05/2020

    Removed from LCF in 04/2021

  • Question:

    In the last two weeks ending , how much in total did you spend on takeaways and their delivery charges?

    Response options:
    1. [insert amount in GBP]
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances

    Ask if selected "Takeaways"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LCF in 05/2020

    Removed from LCF in 04/2021


    Inserted amount can range from GBP 0.01 to GBP 500

  • Question:

    And is that more, the same or less than the amount you spent before the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak?

    Response options:
    1. More
    2. Same
    3. Less
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances

    Ask if selected "Takeaways"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LCF in 05/2020

    Removed from LCF in 04/2021

  • Question:

    In the last two weeks ending , how much in total did you spend on food and non-alcoholic drinks? Please exclude takeaways and pet food.

    Response options:
    1. [insert amount in GBP]
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances

    Ask if selected "Any other food or drink"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LCF in 05/2020

    Removed from LCF in 04/2021


    Inserted amount can range from GBP 0.01 to GBP 500

    If food or drink is bought from a joint account, interviewer must make sure that this amount is only recorded once

  • Question:

    And is that more, the same or less than the amount you spent before the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak?

    Response options:
    1. More
    2. Same
    3. Less
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances

    Ask if selected "Any other food or drink"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LCF in 05/2020

    Removed from LCF in 04/2021

  • Question:

    In the last two weeks ending , how much in total did you spend on clothes and shoes?

    Response options:
    1. [insert amount in GBP]
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances

    Ask if selected "Clothes or shoes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LCF in 05/2020

    Removed from LCF in 04/2021


    Inserted amount can range from GBP 0.01 to GBP 500

  • Question:

    And is that more, the same or less than the amount you spent before the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak?

    Response options:
    1. More
    2. Same
    3. Less
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances

    Ask if selected "Clothes or shoes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LCF in 05/2020

    Removed from LCF in 04/2021

  • Question:

    In the last two weeks ending , how much in total did you spend on petrol and/or diesel?

    Response options:
    1. [insert amount in GBP]
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances

    Ask if selected "Petrol or diesel"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LCF in 05/2020

    Removed from LCF in 04/2021


    Inserted amount can range from GBP 0.01 to GBP 500

  • Question:

    And is that more, the same or less than the amount you spent before the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak?

    Response options:
    1. More
    2. Same
    3. Less
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances

    Ask if selected "Petrol or diesel"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LCF in 05/2020

    Removed from LCF in 04/2021

  • Question:

    Thinking about everything you have spent money on in the last two weeks ending , on average, have you spent more, the same or less than the amount you spent before the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak?

    Response options:
    1. More
    2. Same
    3. Less
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LCF in 05/2020

    Removed from LCF in 04/2021

  • Question:

    Thinking about online and in-store shopping, which of the following best reflects your household's food and grocery shopping habits since the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak?

    Response options:
    1. My household buys most food and groceries in a 'big shop' (e.g. once a week)
    2. My household does a combination of 'big shops' and then buys top-up purchases for smaller items
    3. My household goes grocery shopping as needed with no regular big shop
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LCF in 05/2020

    Removed from LCF in 04/2021

  • Question:

    In the last two weeks ending , how often has your household carried out a “big shop”?

    Response options:
    1. Once in the last two weeks
    2. Twice in the last two weeks
    3. More than twice in the last two weeks
    4. Did not carry out a big shop
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances

    Ask if household does a "Big shop" or a combination

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LCF in 05/2020

    Removed from LCF in 04/2021

  • Question:

    And is that more, the same or less than before the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak?

    Response options:
    1. More
    2. Same
    3. Less
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances

    Ask if household does a 'Big shop' or a combination

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LCF in 05/2020

    Removed from LCF in 04/2021

  • Question:

    Can I just check whether your household can afford the following?

    1. To have a week's annual holiday away from home

    2. To eat meat, chick or fish (or vegetarian equivalent) every second day

    3. To pay an unexpected, but necessary, expense of £850

    4. To keep your home adequately warm

    5. Afford none of these

    A holiday away from home includes staying with family/friends or visiting a second property. Please note this is at a household level. For example: If at least one household member cannot afford a one week annual holiday then please do not select this option.

    Response options:
    1. To have a week's annual holiday away from home
    2. To eat meat, chick or fish (or vegetarian equivalent) every second day
    3. To pay an unexpected, but necessary, expense of £850
    4. To keep your home adequately warm
    5. Afford none of these
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:

    AffordCor (SLC only)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 05/2020

    Removed from LCF in 04/2021


    Select all that apply.

  • Question:

    During the past 30 days, have you been able to afford for every person in the household to be able to eat meat, chicken or fish (or vegetarian equivalent) everyday?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SLC
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC in 04/2021

  • Question:

    Are you still being paid whilst your job is on hold/affected by coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, full pay
    2. Yes, part/partial pay
    3. No/not being paid
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • LFS
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if employed and worked fewer hours due to coronavirus

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 05/2020

    Added to LFS in Quarter 2 (April - June) 2020


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter across the UK.

    This question was updated in Quarter 3 (July - Sept) 2020 for the LFS.

    The routing information is for the LFS only.

  • Question:

    How do you expect your household income to change over the next 12 months?

    Response options:
    1. To increase
    2. To decrease
    3. To remain about the same
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 05/2020

    Removed from LCF in 04/2021

  • Question:

    Since April 2022, has your household income increased, decreased or remained about the same, in total? This is your household income before paying any bills and any other expenses…

    Response options:
    1. It has increased
    2. Yes, it has decreased
    3. No, it has remained about the same
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 05/2020

    Removed from LCF in 04/2021


    Changes were made to the SLC in 04/2022.

    The variable name changed from "CoroInc2" to "CoroInc3".

    The question wording was adjusted for the new financial year.

  • Question:

    Is/was the reason for financial support from Universal Credit linked to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic/coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • LFS
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if Ucredit equals 1 to 6 

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 07/2020

    Added to LFS in Quarter 3 (July - Sept) 2020

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 5 (Jan - March) 2022


    For LFS, this question is asked every quarter across the UK.

    The routing information is for the LFS only.

  • Question:

    Were you claiming Universal Credit before the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if Corouc equals Yes 

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 3 (July - Sept) 2020

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 5 (Jan - March) 2022


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

  • Question:

    Have you at any point between 1st April 2021 and now received support from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Job Retention Scheme?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 11/2020

    Removed from SLC in 04/2022

    Removed from LCF in 04/2022

  • Question:

    Are you at present receiving any support from the Job Support Scheme?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 11/2020

    Removed from SLC in 04/2022

    Removed from LCF in 04/2022

  • Question:

    Have you at any point since the 1st April 2020 been on furlough?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SLC
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC in 04/2021

  • Question:

    Since April 2020, how many months and/or weeks have you been on furlough, in total?

    For example, 2 months and 1 week, enter months first and then weeks.

    Response options:
    1. [enter months and weeks]
    • SLC
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC in 04/2021

    Removed from SLC in 04/2022


    If respondent answers only in weeks, then please enter 0 months.

  • Question:

    Whilst on furlough, did you engage with any of the following activities?

    Code all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Training or studying a course (either through your employer or not)
    2. Volunteering for another employer or organisation
    3. Working for another employer or organisation
    4. Working as a union rep / pension trustee / as a director carrying out duties that fulfil the statutory obligations of the company
    5. Looking for new job/Refreshing CV/Networking
    6. Other skill or CV boosting activity (e.g., reading), please specify
    7. None of the above
    • SLC
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC in 05/2021


    Changes were made to the SLC in 10/2021.

    The variable name changed from "FurlActi" to "FurlActi12".

    Response option 1 changed from 'Training (Not provided by the employer you were furloughed by)' to 'Training or studying a course (either through your employer or not)'.

    "Working as a director carrying out duties that fulfil the statutory obligations of the company" was removed as a response option and added to the end of response option "Working as a union rep / pension trustee / as a director carrying out duties that fulfil the statutory obligations of the company".

    Response options "Looking for new job/Refreshing CV/Networking" and "Other skill or CV boosting activity (e.g., reading), please specify" were added.

  • Question:

    Has your household income changed since you stopped receiving furlough payments?

    Response options:
    1. I am still receiving furlough payments
    2. Yes – it has increased somewhat
    3. Yes – it has increased substantially
    4. No – it is about the same
    5. Yes – it has decreased somewhat
    6. Yes – it has decreased substantially
    • SLC
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC in 10/2021

  • Question:

    Whilst on furlough did you work a part of your contracted hours?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SLC
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC in 10/2021


    If the respondent has at any point received furlough payments whilst working part of their contracted hours, select yes.

  • Question:

    Since the 1st of April 2022, did you have to take time off work because you had to self-isolate?

    This could be because someone in your household or your support bubble or extended household had coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms or tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19), or you were notified by public health authorities that you had been in contact with someone with coronavirus (COVID-19), or you were going into hospital for surgery,or you had been advised to shield?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 05/2020


    Changes were made to the SLC and LCF in 04/2022.

    The question wording was adjusted for the new financial year and update in shielding programme.

  • Question:

    Now, think about the longest period, since the 1st of April 2022, when you had to take time off because you had to self-isolate. In total, how many working days in a row were you off work?

    This could be because someone in your household or your support bubble or extended household had coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms or tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19), or you were notified by public health authorities that you had been in contact with someone with coronavirus (COVID-19), or you were going into hospital for surgery, or you had been advised to shield.

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of consecutive days]
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 05/2020


    Number from 0 to 97 can be entered.

    Changes were made to the SLC and LCF in 04/2022.

    The question wording was adjusted for the new financial year and update in shielding programme.

  • Question:

    Since the 1st of April 2022, did you have to take time off work for at least 4 working days in a row because of any other illness than coronavirus (Covid-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 05/2020


    Changes were made to the SLC and LCF in 04/2022.

    The question wording was adjusted for the new financial year.

  • Question:

    Now, think about the longest period, since the 1st of April 2022, when you had to take time off because you were ill with any other illness than coronavirus (Covid-19). In total, how many working days in a row were you off work?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of consecutive days]
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 05/2020


    Changes were made to the SLC and LCF in 04/2022.

    The question wording was adjusted for the new financial year.

  • Question:

    Are you staying at home because you have received a letter from the NHS or your GP telling you to stay home?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 05/2020

    Removed from LCF in 04/2022

  • Question:

    Since the beginning of March 2020, have your mortgage payments paused because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic? This is also known as a mortgage holiday.

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 05/2020

    Removed from SLC in 04/2022

    Removed from LCF in 10/2021


    It is noted that there is another question similar to this in the SLC that has not been included in the question bank.

    The main difference is the variable name ("MortHoCorB2") and the date (April 2021). This was removed from SLC & LCF in 04/2022.

  • Question:

    How long is/was your mortgage payment holiday? Please answer in months.

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of months from 1 to 6]
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 05/2020

    Removed from SLC in 04/2022

    Removed from LCF in 10/2021


    Wording depends on whether mortgage holiday is current or has come to an end.

    If the question is for a current mortgage holiday, the variable name is "MortHoCorLB". This was removed from SLC and LCF in 04/2022.

  • Question:

    Since the beginning of April 2021, have your rent payments paused because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic? This is also known as a rent holiday.

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 05/2020

    Removed from SLC in 04/2022

    Removed from LCF in 10/2021


    It is noted that there is another question similar to this in the SLC that has not been included in the question bank.

    This other variable is RentHoCorB2. This was removed from SLC and LCF in 04/2022.

  • Question:

    How long is or was your rent payment holiday? Please answer in weeks.

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of weeks from 1 to 13]
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 05/2020

    Removed from SLC in 04/2022

    Removed from LCF in 10/2021


    Wording depends on whether rent holiday is current or has come to an end.

  • Question:

    The government introduced the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Self-Employment Income Support Scheme to support self-employed people affected by the economic impact of the coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic. Since, 1st April 2021, have you received financial support from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Self-Employment Income Support Scheme?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No, but have applied and waiting for payment
    3. No, but intend to make a claim for a grant
    4. No, have not applied and do not anticipate applying in the future
    5. No, not eligible
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 11/2020

    Removed from SLC in 04/2022


    Changes were made to LCF on 11/2021.

    Response options "No, but intend to make a claim for a grant" and "No, have not applied and do not anticipate applying in the future" were removed.

  • Question:

    Since 1st April 2021, how much did you receive in grant payments from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Self-Employment Income Support Scheme?

    The first grant available through the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme was designed to cover profits for the months of April, May and June. The first grant was capped at £7,500. The second grant was designed to cover profits for the months of July, August and September and capped at £6,570. A third grant has been made available to cover profits for the months of November, December and January and it is thought that this will be capped at £7,500. A fourth grant has been designed to cover profits from the months February, March and April 2021.

    Response options:
    1. [0-15,000 GBP]
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 11/2020

    Removed from SLC in 04/2022

    Removed from LCF in 04/2022

  • Question:

    Since 1st April 2021, have you received financial support from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Self-Employment Income Support Scheme?

    The government has announced a fourth grant through the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme to cover profits from February to April.

    Applications for this grant are expected to be open from late April to the end of May. A fifth grant to cover profits from May to September will be made available at some point in the summer.

    Both grants will have a maximum cap of £7,500 each.

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 11/2020

    Removed from SLC in 04/2022

    Removed from LCF in 04/2022

  • Question:

    If the government was to make a further grant or grants available through the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Self-Employment Income Support Scheme, how likely is it that you would apply for the extra financial support?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Likely
    3. Unsure
    4. Unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 11/2020

    Removed from SLC in 04/2022

    Removed from LCF in 04/2022

  • Question:

    Since 1st April 2021, how many grant payments have you received through the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Self-Employment Income Support Scheme?

    Response options:
    1. One payment
    2. Two payments
    3. Three payments
    4. Four payments
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 11/2020

    Removed from SLC in 04/2022

    Removed from LCF in 04/2022

  • Question:

    Since 1st April 2021, how much money have you received in grants from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Self-Employment Income Support Scheme?

    Response options:
    1. [enter amount in GBP]
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 11/2020

    Removed from SLC in 04/2022

    Removed from LCF in 04/2022


    Amount from GBP 0 to 15000 can be entered.

  • Question:

    How much do you expect to receive in your grant payment from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Self-Employment Income Support Scheme?

    Response options:
    1. [enter amount in GBP]
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 11/2020

    Removed from SLC in 04/2022

    Removed from LCF in 10/2021


    Amount from GBP 0 to 7500 can be entered.

  • Question:

    Since the 1st of April 2021, have you at any time received a letter from the NHS or your GP telling you to stay at home or advising you to take extra precautions?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 05/2020

    Removed from LCF in 04/2022


    Changes were made to the SLC in 04/2021.

    The question wording was adjusted for the new financial year.

  • Question:

    Since 1st April 2021, have you received payment for a claim to the Test and Trace Support Scheme through your local authority for any period(s) of self-isolation? This is a one-off payment of £500 to financially support individuals who are eligible.

    From 28th September, it was made a legal requirement for those told by NHS Test and Trace to self-isolate. To support sections of the population who would suffer financial hardship from this, the government implemented the Test and Trace Support Scheme. This scheme gives a one-off payment of £500 requires claimants to meet the following criteria:

    - Claimant is asked to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace

    - Claimant is employed or self-employed

    - Claimant cannot work from home and will lose income as a result of self-isolating

    - Claimant is claiming one or more of the following benefits: UC, WTC, income-related ESA, income-related JSA, IS, PC and/or HB.

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Ineligible
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    TnTrace3 (LCF only)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 11/2020


    Changes were made to the SLC in 04/2021 and LCF in 04/2022.

    The question wording was adjusted for the new financial year.

  • Question:

    Who has been able to afford to eat meat, chicken or fish (or vegetarian equivalent) everyday?

    Response options:
    1. Adult
    2. Child
    3. Both
    • SLC
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC in 04/2021

  • Question:

    Since the 1st of April 2022, have you worked from home at any time because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 11/2020


    Changes were made to the SLC and LCF in 04/2022.

    The question wording was adjusted for the new financial year.

  • Question:

    Over the past 30 days, have you or any of the household had to rely on a foodbank to be able to afford to have a nutritious meal?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SLC
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC in 04/2021

  • Question:

    A household may have different sources of income and more than one household member may contribute to it.

    Thinking of your household's total monthly or weekly income, how is your household able to make ends meet, that is pay your usual expenses…

    Response options:
    1. With great difficulty
    2. With difficulty
    3. With some difficulty
    4. Fairly easily
    5. Easily
    6. or very easily
    • SLC
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SLC and LCF in 05/2020

    Removed from LCF in 04/2021


    If respondent is not making ends meet, code as "With great difficulty".

  • Question:

    The government introduced the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Self-employment Income Support Scheme to support self-employed people affected by the economic impact of Coronavirus.

    Have you received financial support from the (COVID-19) Self-employment Income Support Scheme?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if self-employed and worked fewer hours due to coronavirus

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 2 (April - June) 2020

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 6 (July - Sept) 2022


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

  • Question:

    May I just check, why was your pay less than usual? 

    Response options:
    1. Absent from work through illness
    2. Worked less overtime than usual
    3. Annual leave
    4. Bank holiday
    5. Worked less hours for other reason
    6. Maternity pay
    7. Paternity pay
    8. Adoption pay
    9. Unpaid parental leave
    10. Shared parental leave
    11. Time off to deal with an emergency
    12. Other reasons
    • LFS
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if most recent pay was less than their usual pay


    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

    This question is asked in Wave 1 and 5 of the main sample and all waves of the boost sample.

  • Question:

    Was this reason linked to coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • LFS
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if YpayL20a equals 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 11, or 12

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 2 (April - June) 2020

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 6 (July - Sept) 2022


    This question is asking whether the reason the respondents pay was less than usual was linked to the coronavirus (COVID-10) pandemic.

    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

    This question is asked in Wave 1 and 5 of the main sample and all waves of the boost sample.

  • Question:

    Were you…

    Select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. Off sick with symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19),
    2. Self-isolated or quarantined, that is, you were staying at home because you or someone in your household had symptoms of coronavirus,
    3. Staying at home,
    4. Working less or not working due to lack of demand,
    5. Caring for someone with coronavirus,
    6. Caring for a child whose school had closed due to coronavirus,
    7. Caring for a child due to usual child care unavailable,
    8. Other coronavirus related reason - please specify?
    • LFS
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if Coro20a4 equals "Yes" 

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to LFS in Quarter 2 (April - June) 2020

    Removed from LFS in Quarter 6 (July - Sept) 2022


    This question is referring to the reasons why the respondents pay being less than usual was linked to the coronavirus (COVID-10) pandemic.

    If "Other coronavirus related reason - please specify?" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    This question is asked every quarter across the UK.

    This question is asked in Wave 1 and 5 of the main sample and all waves of the boost sample.

  • Question:

    Since working from home more because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, do you feel you are spending more or less money?

    Response options:
    1. I am spending more
    2. I am spending the same
    3. I am spending less
    4. I am unsure if I am spending more or less
    • OPN
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_WrkHom equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN78 on 03/11/2021

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN84 on 03/02/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Which, if any of these, are you spending less money on now that you are working from home more?

    Response options:
    1. Internet access
    2. Utility bills, for example, water and heating
    3. Childcare
    4. Fuel and parking for commuting
    5. Public transport for commuting
    6. Food
    7. Other, please specify
    8. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_WrkHom equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN78 on 03/11/2021

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN84 on 03/02/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    If the response option "Other, please specify" is selected, respondents are presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Which, if any, of the following are you spending more money on now that you are working from home more?

    Please select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. Internet access
    2. Utility bills, for example, water and heating
    3. Childcare
    4. Fuel and parking for commuting
    5. Public transport for commuting
    6. Food
    7. Other, please specify
    8. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_WrkHom equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN78 on 03/11/2021

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN84 on 03/02/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    If the response option "Other, please specify" is selected, respondents are presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Over the last month, has your cost of living changed?

    Response options:
    1. My cost of living has increased
    2. My cost of living has stayed the same
    3. My cost of living has decreased
    • OPN
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Covcol (LCF only)


    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN78 on 03/11/2021

    Added to LCF in 04/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Over the last month, for what reasons has your cost of living increased?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. My gas or electricity bills have increased
    2. My rent or mortgage costs have increased
    3. The price of my food shop has increased
    4. The price of my fuel has increased
    5. The price of my public transport has increased
    6. Other, please specify
    • OPN
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    Cov_colInc (LCF only)


    Ask if COV_COL equals "My costs of living have increased"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN78 on 03/11/2021

    Added to LCF in 04/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    If "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify for OPN.

    The question wording, response options and response option order are slightly different for LCF.

    Changes were made to OPN88 on 30/03/2022.

    The variable name changed from "COV_COLInc" to "COV_COLIncB".

    The following response options were removed "My income or earnings have reduced", "I have lost my job or stopped working " and "My hours of work have reduced".

  • Question:

    Over the last month, for what reasons has your cost of living decreased?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. My income or earnings have increased
    2. I have found a new job or started working
    3. My hours of work have increased
    4. My gas or electricity bills have decreased
    5. My rent or mortgage costs have decreased
    6. The price of my food shop has decreased
    7. The price of my fuel has decreased
    8. The price of my public transport has decreased
    9. Other
    • OPN
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_COL equals "My costs of living have decreased"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN78 on 03/11/2021

    Removed from OPN86 on 03/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    If "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Which of the following are you doing because your cost of living has increased?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Shopping around more (OPN only)
    2. Spending less on food shopping and essentials
    3. Spending less on non-essentials
    4. Cutting back on non-essential journeys in my vehicle (OPN only)
    5. Using less fuel such as gas or electricity in my home
    6. Making energy efficiency improvements to my home (OPN only)
    7. Using my savings
    8. Using credit more than usual, for example, credit cards, loans or overdrafts
    9. Other
    10. None of these (OPN only)
    • OPN
    • LCF
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:


    COV_COLIncCop (LCF only)


    Ask if COV_COL equals "My cost of living has increased"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN81 on 15/12/2021

    Added to LCF in 04/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    If "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    Changes were made to OPN94 on 22/06/2022.

    Variable name changed from "COV_COLIncCopB" to "COV_COLIncCopC".

    Response options were reworded to no longer include "I am" at the beginning.

    Response option "Making energy efficiency improvements to my home" was added.

  • Question:

    Have any of the children or young people in your household recently gone back to school or college?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, all have returned
    2. Some have returned
    3. No, none have returned
    4. All have been attending throughout lockdown
    5. Not applicable [no school age children in the household]
    • OPN
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Ask if HasDep equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN48 on 04/03/21

    Removed from OPN52 on 31/03/21

  • Question:

    How worried or unworried are you about the children or young people in your household going back to school or college after the summer holidays?

    Response options:
    1. Very worried
    2. Somewhat worried
    3. Neither worried nor unworried
    4. Somewhat unworried
    5. Not at all worried
    6. My child or children do not currently attend school or college
    7. Don't know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Ask if HasDep equals 1 (Yes)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN48 on 04/03/21

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN76 on 06/10/2021


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

  • Question:

    Which of the following measures, if any, has your child’s school put in place to help stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) for the new school year?

    If you have more than one school age child in your household, please answer for the oldest school age child.

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Regular coronavirus (COVID-19) tests
    2. Staggered start and finish times
    3. Social distancing
    4. Bubbles or consistent groups
    5. One-way systems in the school building
    6. Face coverings in crowded indoor areas such as corridors or the canteen
    7. Parents asked to wear face coverings when dropping off and collecting children
    8. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_WorSchC equals "Very worried", "Somewhat worried", "Neither worried nor unworried", "Somewhat unworried" or "Not at all worried"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN74 on 08/09/2021

    Removed from OPN 76 on 06/10/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What are your worries about the children or young people in your household returning to school or college? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Worried because my child is or has been shielding or has an underlying health condition
    2. Worried because a member of the household is or has been shielding or has an underlying health condition
    3. Worried about sending them back before the vaccine rollout has finished
    4. Worried about them catching the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    5. Worried about them spreading the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    6. Worried about how prepared their school or college will be for keeping pupils safe
    7. Worried about the availability of transport to school or college
    8. Worried about the impact on their Mental health & wellbeing due to the changes in schools and colleges because of the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    9. Other, please specify
    10. None of the above
    11. Don’t know
    12. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_WorSchC is "Very Worried" or "Somewhat worried" or "Neither worried nor unworried" or "Somewhat unworried" or "Don’t Know"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN48 on 04/03/21

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN76 on 06/10/2021


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

  • Question:

    Which of the following subject areas best aligns with the course that you study?

    Response options:
    1. Agriculture & related subjects
    2. Architecture, Building & Planning
    3. Biological Sciences e.g. Biology, Psychology or Zoology
    4. Business & Administrative Studies e.g. Management, Accounting or Marketing
    5. Combined e.g. Joint honours
    6. Computer Science
    7. Creative Arts & Design e.g. Music, Dance or Fine Art
    8. Education e.g. Teacher training or Education studies
    9. Engineering & Technology
    10. Historical & Philosophical Studies e.g. History, Theology or Philosophy
    11. Languages
    12. Law
    13. Mass Communication & Documentation e.g. Media studies, Journalism or Publishing
    14. Mathematical Sciences e.g. Mathematics, Operational research or Statistics
    15. Medicine & Dentistry
    16. Physical Sciences e.g. Chemistry, Physics, Geology or Astronomy
    17. Policing e.g. Professional policing or Investigation
    18. Social Sciences e.g. Economics, Politics or Sociology
    19. Social Work
    20. Subjects allied to Medicine or Health e.g. Nursing, Pharmacology or Physiology
    21. Veterinary Science
    22. Other
    • SCIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 6 on 12/03/2021

  • Question:

    Which of the following does your university study mainly involve?

    Response options:
    1. Remote or online learning (For example self-studies or online with a tutor or lecturer)
    2. Class-based learning (For example Learning based in lecture halls, classrooms or lab facilities on campus)
    3. Placement (For example in a school, hospital, office or factory)
    4. Other
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    The wording of this question and its responses have been amended with each wave.

  • Question:

    In the last 7 days, how many hours of teaching have you attended in person for your learning, training or placement?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of hours from 0 to 40]
    2. 41 or more times
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Ask if WhichLearn equals 3 or 4

  • Question:

    In the last 7 days, how many hours of teaching have you attended in person for your university course?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of hours from 0 to 40]
    2. 41 or more times
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Ask if WhichLearn equals 1 or 2

  • Question:

    Did any of these hours include practices in a community setting?

    For example in hospitals or training sessions outside campus

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Answer if HrsTchPer1 is not 1

  • Question:

    In the last 7 days, how many hours have you spent in a community setting for your course?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of hours from less than 1 hour to 40]
    2. 41 or more times
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Answer if HrsTchPerCom equals 1 (Yes)

  • Question:

    Since you started in the Autumn term 2021, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your academic experience?

    For example - learning experience or academic support

    Response options:
    1. Very Satisfied
    2. Satisfied
    3. Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
    4. Dissatisfied
    5. Very Dissatisfied
    6. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021.

    The question wording was updated so that the reference year is 2021 instead of 2020.

  • Question:

    You have said that you are . Is this due to:

    Please select all that apply:

    Response options:
    1. Quality of learning
    2. How learning is delivered
    3. Access to studies abroad
    4. Academic support
    5. Access to resources or facilities
    6. Personal support
    7. Other
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Ask if SatisUni equals 4 or 5

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 6 on 12/03/2021.

    The question wording changed from 'You have said you are...' in Wave 5, to 'You have said that you are...' in Wave 6.

    Response options "How learning is delivered", "Access to studies abroad", "Academic support", "Access to resources or facilities" and "Personal support" were added to Wave 6.

  • Question:

    Since you started in the Autumn term 2021, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your social experience?

    For example - sharing time with others, the opportunities to meet new people or having access to sports and fitness facilities

    Response options:
    1. Very Satisfied
    2. Satisfied
    3. Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
    4. Dissatisfied
    5. Very Dissatisfied
    6. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 12 on 05/11/2021.

    The question wording for the example changed from "For example - sharing time with others, meeting new people or having access to sports and fitness facilities" to the current wording.

  • Question:

    You have said you are . Is this due to:

    Please select all that apply:

    Response options:
    1. Limited opportunities for social or recreational activity
    2. Limited opportunities to meet other students
    3. Limited access to sports and fitness facilities
    4. Additional responsibilities as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
    5. Restrictions imposed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
    6. Other
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Ask if SatisSocA equals 4 or 5

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 6 on 12/03/2021.

    Response options "Additional responsibilities as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic" and "Restrictions imposed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic" were added to Wave 6.

  • Question:

    How likely or unlikely are you to continue your studies this academic year?

    Response options:
    1. Extremely likely
    2. Likely
    3. Neither likely or unlikely
    4. Unlikely
    5. Extremely unlikely
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    You have said you are to continue your studies this year. Is this due to:

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Financial difficulties
    2. Online learning
    3. Limited social activities
    4. Defer because of physical or mental illness
    5. University life is not what I expected
    6. Graduating or already graduated
    7. Responsibilities outside of studies
    8. Support available from university
    9. Other reason
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Ask if ContStudies equals 4 or 5

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 6 on 12/03/2021.

    Response options "Graduating or already graduated", "Responsibilities outside of studies" and "Support available from university" were added to Wave 6.

  • Question:

    To what extent have each of the following distance learning methods been adopted by your University since the start of the Autumn 2021 term.

    1. Scheduled live online lessons or lectures

    2. Pre-recorded lectures or other content

    3. Pre-set activities (for example forum posts) by a teacher with marking and feedback

    4. Making materials available for students to access through a website or email

    5. Online group working

    6. 24-hour remote exams

    Response options:
    1. Used all the time
    2. Used most of the time
    3. Used some of the time
    4. Rarely used
    5. Never used
    6. Prefer not to answer
    7. Not applicable
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 8 on 04/05/2021


    A single response option is allowed for each of the distance learning methods used.

    For SEIS, the response option "Prefer not to answer" is "Prefer not to say".

    For SEIS, the response option order is slightly different.

    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021.

    The question wording changed from "To what extent, which of the following distance learning methods have been adopted by your University since the start of the Autumn 2020 term" to the current wording.

    SEIS question wording is the same as SCIS Wave 10.

  • Question:

    Has the reduction in face-to-face learning since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic affected how well prepared you feel for university?

    If you were not in further education (college or sixth form) prior to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, please select "Not applicable".

    Response options:
    1. Positive effect - I feel well prepared for studying at university
    2. No effect
    3. Negative effect - I don't feel well prepared for studying at university
    4. Don’t know
    5. Prefer not to say
    6. Not applicable
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    Has the lack of face-to-face learning (such as lectures and seminars), since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic, had any effect on the quality of your course?

    If you were not in higher education prior to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, please select "Not applicable".

    Response options:
    1. Major effect
    2. Moderate effect
    3. Minor effect
    4. No effect
    5. Don't know
    6. Prefer not to answer
    7. Not applicable
    • SCIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 8 on 04/05/2021

    Removed from SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021


    A single response option is allowed.

  • Question:

    How do you feel your academic performance has been impacted since the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?

    If you were not in further education (college or sixth form) prior to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, please select "Not applicable" (SEIS only)

    Response options:
    1. Major impact
    2. Significant impact
    3. Minor impact
    4. No impact at all
    5. Don’t know
    6. Prefer not to answer
    7. Not applicable
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 8 on 04/05/2021


    A single response option is allowed.

    For SEIS, the response option "Prefer not to answer" is "Prefer not to say".

    For SEIS, the response option order is slightly different.

    Changes were made to SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021.

    The question wording was slightly amended to say "...coronavirus (COVID-19)" instead of just "...coronavirus". This is the wording used for SEIS too.

    The additional question information "If you were not in higher education prior to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, please select "Not applicable"" was removed from SCIS Wave 10.

  • Question:

    How likely or unlikely do you feel that you will achieve the level of attainment that you expected?

    For example the degree grade or classification you expected to achieve.

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely or unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    Has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had an impact on your expected attainment level?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, it has made me feel less likely to achieve it
    2. Yes, it has made me feel more likely to achieve it
    3. No
    4. Don't know
    5. Prefer not to answer
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2022

  • Question:

    How would you like to study in the future?

    Response options:
    1. Face-to-face only
    2. Blended learning - a mix of face-to-face and virtual lectures or seminars
    3. Virtual/online only
    4. Don’t know
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    Were you enrolled in an educational institution during the 2020/21 academic year (September 2020 to July 2021)?

    Please include any institution you were enrolled in that you only received remote learning from.

    Response options:
    1. Yes, I was in school
    2. Yes, I was at the same university I am at now
    3. Yes, I was at a different university than I am now
    4. Yes, I was at a further education institution (e.g. college)
    5. No
    6. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    During the 2020/21 academic year (September 2020 to July 2021), which of the following did your university study mainly involve?

    Response options:
    1. Remote or online learning (For example self-studies or online with a tutor or lecturer)
    2. Class-based learning (For example Learning based in lecture halls, classrooms or lab facilities on campus)
    3. Placement (For example in a school, hospital, office or factory)
    4. Other
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    Which of the following best describes your situation between September 2020 and July 2021?

    If more than one of these selections applies to you, please select the option that you spent the most time between September 2020 and July 2021 doing.

    Response options:
    1. In full time work
    2. In part time work
    3. Apprenticeship
    4. On furlough
    5. Unemployed
    6. On a gap year
    7. Other
    8. Don't know
    9. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021

  • Question:

    How do you feel your academic performance has been since the start of the Autumn 2021 term compared to the 2020/21 academic year (September 2020 to July 2021)?

    Response options:
    1. Much better
    2. Better
    3. Neither better or worse
    4. Worse
    5. Much worse
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    Were you enrolled in an educational institution during the 2019/20 academic year (September 2019 to July 2020)?

    Please include any institution you were enrolled in that you only received remote learning from.

    Response options:
    1. Yes, I was in school
    2. Yes, I was at the same university I am at now
    3. Yes, I was at a different university than I am now
    4. Yes, I was at a further education institution (e.g. college)
    5. No
    6. Prefer not to answer
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    During the 2019/20 academic year (September 2019 to July 2020), which of the following did your university study mainly involve?

    Response options:
    1. Remote or online learning (For example self-studies or online with a tutor or lecturer)
    2. Class-based learning (For example Learning based in lecture halls, classrooms or lab facilities on campus)
    3. Placement (For example in a school, hospital, office or factory)
    4. Other
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Ask if FirstYear equals 2 or 3

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    Thinking back to your experiences during the 2019/20 academic year (September 2019 to July 2020), how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your academic experience that year?

    For example - learning experience or academic support.

    Response options:
    1. Very Satisfied
    2. Satisfied
    3. Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
    4. Dissatisfied
    5. Very Dissatisfied
    6. Prefer not to answer
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    You have said that you are . Is this due to:

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Quality of learning
    2. How learning is delivered
    3. Access to studies abroad
    4. Academic support
    5. Access to resources or facilities
    6. Personal support
    7. Other
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Ask if FYSatisUni equals 4 or 5

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    Thinking back to your experiences during the 2019/20 academic year (September 2019 to July 2020), how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your social experience that year?

    For example - sharing time with others, the opportunities to meet new people or having access to sports and fitness facilities.

    Response options:
    1. Very Satisfied
    2. Satisfied
    3. Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
    4. Dissatisfied
    5. Very Dissatisfied
    6. Prefer not to answer
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    You have said that you are . Is this due to:

    Please select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. Limited opportunities for social or recreational activity
    2. Limited opportunities to meet other students
    3. Limited access to sports and fitness facilities
    4. Additional responsibilities as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
    5. Restrictions imposed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
    6. Other
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Ask if FYSatisSoc equals 4 or 5

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    Thinking back to your experiences during the 2020/21 academic year (September 2020 to July 2021), how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your academic experience that year?

    For example - learning experience or academic support.

    Response options:
    1. Very Satisfied
    2. Satisfied
    3. Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
    4. Dissatisfied
    5. Very Dissatisfied
    6. Prefer not to answer
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    You have said that you are . Is this due to:

    Please select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. Quality of learning
    2. How learning is delivered
    3. Access to studies abroad
    4. Academic support
    5. Access to resources or facilities
    6. Personal support
    7. Other
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Ask if SYSatisUni equals 4 or 5

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    Thinking back to your experiences during the 2020/21 academic year (September 2020 to July 2021), how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your social experience that year?

    For example - sharing time with others, the opportunities to meet new people or having access to sports and fitness facilities.

    Response options:
    1. Very Satisfied
    2. Satisfied
    3. Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
    4. Dissatisfied
    5. Very Dissatisfied
    6. Prefer not to answer
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    You have said that you are . Is this due to:

    Please select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. Limited opportunities for social or recreational activity
    2. Limited opportunities to meet other students
    3. Limited access to sports and fitness facilities
    4. Additional responsibilities as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
    5. Restrictions imposed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
    6. Other
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Ask if SYSatisSoc equals 4 or 5

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    Thinking back to the 2020/21 academic year (September 2020 to July 2021), how do you feel your academic performance was that year compared to the 2019/20 academic year (September 2019 to July 2020)?

    If you were not studying in university in the 2019/20 academic year please select "Not applicable".

    Response options:
    1. Much better
    2. Better
    3. Neither better or worse
    4. Worse
    5. Much worse
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to answer
    8. Not applicable
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    What do you intend to do after you graduate/finish your undergraduate degree?

    If there are multiple options that you are considering, please select the one you are most likely to do if you had to make the decision at this moment.

    Response options:
    1. Continue studying at a university (postgraduate masters, PhD etc.)
    2. Continue studying at an alternative institution (college, specialist institution etc.)
    3. Work in a job related to my degree subject
    4. Work in a job not related to my degree subject
    5. Self-employment (working as sole trader, setting up a limited company etc.)
    6. Take a gap year
    7. Other
    8. Don't know
    9. Prefer not to answer
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    How prepared or unprepared do you feel for your next step after you graduate or finish your degree?

    Response options:
    1. Very prepared
    2. Fairly prepared
    3. Neither prepared or unprepared
    4. Fairly unprepared
    5. Very unprepared
    6. Don't know
    7. Prefer not to answer
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    Has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had an impact on how prepared you feel for your next step after you graduate/finish your degree?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, it has made me feel less prepared
    2. Yes, it has made me feel more prepared
    3. No
    4. Don't know
    5. Prefer not to answer
    • SEIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2022

  • Question:

    Over the last 7 days, how many children and young adults less than 18 years not living in your home have you had physical contact with (e.g. handshake, hug, personal care), including with PPE if you wear it?

    Response options:
    1. 0
    2. 1-5
    3. 6-10
    4. 11-20
    5. 21 or more
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Social contact

    Ask all


    A single response option is allowed.

    Changes were made to CIS Version 12 on 21/09/2021.

    Examples of physical contact in question wording now includes "hug".

  • Question:

    Over the last 7 days, how many adults 18 to 69 years not living in your home have you had physical contact with (e.g. handshake, hug, personal care), including with PPE if you wear it?

    Response options:
    1. 0
    2. 1-5
    3. 6-10
    4. 11-20
    5. 21 or more
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Social contact

    Ask all


    A single response option is allowed.

    Changes were made to CIS Version 12 on 21/09/2021.

    Examples of physical contact in question wording now includes "hug".

  • Question:

    Over the last 7 days, how many older adults 70 years and over not living in your home have you had physical contact with (e.g. handshake, hug, personal care), including with PPE if you wear it?

    Response options:
    1. 0
    2. 1-5
    3. 6-10
    4. 11-20
    5. 21 or more
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Social contact

    Ask all


    A single response option is allowed.

    Changes were made to CIS Version 12 on 21/09/2021.

    Examples of physical contact in question wording now includes "hug".

  • Question:

    Over the last 7 days, how many children and young adults less than 18 years not living in your home have you had direct, but not physical, contact with in person, e.g. with social distancing only?

    Response options:
    1. 0
    2. 1-5
    3. 6-10
    4. 11-20
    5. 21 or more
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Social contact

    Ask all


    A single response option is allowed.

  • Question:

    Over the last 7 days, how many adults 18 to 69 years not living in your home have you had direct, but not physical, contact with in person, e.g. with social distancing only?

    Response options:
    1. 0
    2. 1-5
    3. 6-10
    4. 11-20
    5. 21 or more
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Social contact

    Ask all


    A single response option is allowed.

  • Question:

    Over the last 7 days, how many older adults 70 years and over not living in your home have you had direct, but not physical, contact with in person, e.g. with social distancing only? (select one)

    Response options:
    1. 0
    2. 1-5
    3. 6-10
    4. 11-20
    5. 21 or more
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Social contact

    Ask all


    A single response option is allowed.

  • Question:

    In the last 7 days, how many times have you spent one hour or longer inside the buildings of another person’s home?

    Response options:
    1. None
    2. 1
    3. 2
    4. 3
    5. 4
    6. 5
    7. 6
    8. 7 times or more
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Social contact

    Ask all


    A single response option is allowed.

  • Question:

    In the last 7 days, how many times has someone who doesn’t live with you spent one hour or longer inside the buildings of your home?

    Response options:
    1. None
    2. 1
    3. 2
    4. 3
    5. 4
    6. 5
    7. 6
    8. 7 times or more
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Social contact

    Ask all


    A single response option is allowed.

  • Question:

    In the last 7 days, how many hours a day on average have you spent within 2m of someone else in your home, including sleeping?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of hours]
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Social contact

    Ask all


    A numeric response is required.

  • Question:

    How many of those people were from outside your household, support or childcare bubble?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of people from 0 to 99]
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:

    COV_ MaxNumIn2B


    Ask if COV_MaxNumInB greater than 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN51 on 24/03/2021


    This question is referring to the number of people the respondent met indoors from outside their household, support or childcare bubble.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Who did you meet with indoors that was outside your household, support or childcare bubble? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. A partner, including boyfriend or girlfriend who I do not live with
    2. A family member who I do not live with
    3. A friend
    4. A tradesperson
    5. A cleaner
    6. A carer, support worker or health professional
    7. Other
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_MaxNumIn2B greater than 0

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN51 on 24/03/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Approximately how much time did you spend indoors with the largest group of people from outside your household, support or childcare bubble?

    Response options:
    1. Less than 10 minutes
    2. Between 10 and 30 minutes
    3. More than 30 minutes but less than an hour
    4. More than one hour but less than three hours
    5. More than three hours but less than five hours
    6. More than five hours but less than 12 hours
    7. More than 12 hours but less than 24 hours
    8. 24 hours or more
    9. Don’t know
    10. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_MaxNumIn2B greater than 0

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN51 on 24/03/2021

  • Question:

    How many of those people were from outside your household, support or childcare bubble?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of people from 0 to 99]
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:

    COV_ MaxNumOut2B


    Ask if Cov_MaxNumOutB greater than 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN51 on 24/03/2021


    This question is referring to the number of people the respondent met outdoors from outside their household, support or childcare bubble.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    In which of the following ways have you not maintained social distancing when you have met up with people outside your household, support or childcare bubble. Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Hugging or close contact
    2. Shaking or holding hands
    3. Touching when passing objects between people
    4. Standing or sitting closer than 2 metres for more than a few minutes
    5. Other (please specify)
    6. None of the above
    7. Don’t know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_MetDisD equals "Often", "Sometimes", "Not very often", or "Never"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN48 on 04/03/21

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, when you have met up with people outside your household, support or childcare bubble, did you mostly meet indoors or outdoors?

    Response options:
    1. Always indoors
    2. Mostly indoors
    3. Both indoors and outdoors equally
    4. Mostly outdoors
    5. Always outdoors
    6. I have not met with people outside of my support bubble
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_MaxNumIn2B greater than 0 and if COV_MaxNumOut2B greater than 0

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN48 on 04/03/21


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, has your social contact with friends and family living outside your household changed in any of the following ways? Please exclude those in your household, support bubble or people you work with.

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I have been meeting with others indoors more than outdoors
    2. I have been meeting with others outdoors more than indoors
    3. I have been meeting with others less often
    4. I have been meeting with others more often
    5. I have been meeting fewer people at a time
    6. I have been meeting more people at a time
    7. Other (please specify)
    8. Or
    9. No changes in the past seven days
    10. Don’t know
    11. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN48 on 04/03/21

  • Question:

    Approximately how much time did you spend outdoors with the largest group of people from outside your household, support or childcare bubble?

    Response options:
    1. Less than 10 minutes
    2. Between 10 and 30 minutes
    3. More than 30 minutes but less than an hour
    4. More than one hour but less than three hours
    5. More than three hours but less than five hours
    6. More than five hours
    7. Don’t know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_MaxNumOut2B greater than 0


    There are a number of questions for OPN that are very similar to previous questions that have since been removed in OPN51. The reason for the removal was due to references to time spent indoors, rather than time spent outdoors or there were changes to routing options.

  • Question:

    Excluding work or education, in the past seven days, have you met up or socialised with anyone from outside your household?

    Response options:
    1. Yes - indoors only
    2. Yes - indoors and outdoors
    3. Yes - outdoors only
    4. No, I have not met up with anyone from outside my household.
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN51 on 24/03/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    Changes were made to OPN68 on 21/07/2021.

    The variable name changed from "COV_MetUp" to "COV_MetUpB".

    "…support or childcare bubble" was removed from the end of the question and the end of the last response option.

  • Question:

    When you met people outside your household, were the outdoor spaces you met in private or public spaces?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. A private outdoor space such as a private garden
    2. A public outdoor space such as a park or countryside area
    3. Other outdoor spaces such as a pub or café garden
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_MetUp equals "Yes – indoors and outdoors", or "Yes – outdoors only"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN51 on 24/03/2021

    Removed from OPN81 on 15/12/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Excluding work or education, in the past seven days, what is the approximate total number of people you have met up with from outside your household, support, or childcare bubble?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of people from 1 to 99]
    2. I have not met up with anyone
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_MetUp equals "Yes – indoors only", "Yes – indoors and outdoors", or "Yes – outdoors only"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN51 on 24/03/2021

    Removed from OPN86 on 03/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Excluding work or education, in the past seven days, who did you meet with that was outside your household, support or childcare bubble? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. A partner, including boyfriend or girlfriend who I do not live with
    2. A family member who I do not live with
    3. A friend
    4. A tradesperson
    5. A cleaner
    6. A carer, support worker or health professional
    7. Other
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_MetUp equals "Yes – indoors only", "Yes – indoors and outdoors", or "Yes – outdoors only"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN51 on 24/03/2021

    Removed from OPN68 on 21/07/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, when you have met up with people outside your household, how often have you maintained social distancing?

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Often
    3. Sometimes
    4. Not very often
    5. Never
    6. I have not met up with anyone outside my household
    7. Don’t know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    There are a number of questions for OPN that are very similar to previous questions that have since been removed in OPN51. The reason for the removal was due to references to time spent indoors, rather than time spent outdoors or there were changes to routing options.

    Changes were made to OPN88 on 30/03/2022.

    Variable name changed from "COV_MetDisE" to "COV_MetDisF".

    Routing changed from "Ask if COV_MetUp equals "Yes – indoors only", "Yes – indoors and outdoors", or "Yes – outdoors only"" to "Ask all".

  • Question:

    Who did you not socially distance from in the last seven days? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Family members outside my household, support or childcare bubbles
    2. Friends outside my household, support or childcare bubbles
    3. Neighbours or other acquaintances
    4. A tradesperson
    5. A cleaner
    6. A carer, support worker or health professional
    7. People who I do not know, for example, people who I pass while shopping or walking
    8. Other, please specify
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_MetDisD equals "Often", "Sometimes", "Not very often", or "Never"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN53 on 07/04/21

    Removed from OPN68 on 21/07/2021

  • Question:

    Thinking about the people or person you met with most recently from outside your household, how long did you spend together?

    Response options:
    1. Less than 5 minutes
    2. 5 to 15 minutes
    3. 16 to 30 minutes
    4. 31 to 59 minutes
    5. 1 to 2 hours
    6. More than 2 hours
    7. Don’t know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_MetUp equals "Yes – indoors only", "Yes – indoors and outdoors", or "Yes – outdoors only" and COV_MetDisD or COV_totnum do not equal "I have not met up with anyone"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN51 on 24/03/2021

    Removed from OPN81 on 15/12/2021

  • Question:

    Excluding work or education, please think of the largest group that you have met with indoors in the past seven days that included people from outside your household.

    How many people were in the group including yourself? Please include people in your household.

    Response options:
    1. [enter size of group from 2 to 99 people]
    2. I have not met up with anyone
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_MetUp equals "Yes – indoors only", "Yes – indoors and outdoors", or "Yes – outdoors only" and COV_MetDisD or COV_totnum do not equal "I have not met up with anyone"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN85 on 16/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    In total, how many households were included in this group?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of households from 1 to 99]
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_MetUp equals "Yes – indoors only", or "Yes – indoors and outdoors"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN51 on 24/03/2021

    Removed from OPN66 on 07/07/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Excluding work or education, please think of the largest group that you have met with outdoors in the past seven days that included people from outside your household.

    How many people were in the group including yourself? Please include people in your household.

    Response options:
    1. [enter size of group from 2 to 99 people]
    2. I have not met up with anyone
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_MetUp equals "Yes – indoors and outdoors", or "Yes – outdoors only"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN82 on 06/01/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    In total, how many households were included in this group?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of households from 1 to 99]
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_MetUp equals "Yes – indoors and outdoors", or "Yes – outdoors only"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN51 on 24/03/2021

    Removed from OPN66 on 07/07/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Examples of direct physical contact may include shaking or holding hands, hugging and making contact when passing objects to each other.

    In the past seven days, have you avoided physical contact with others when outside your home? (Do not include your place of work)

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    5. I have not met up with anyone outside my household
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Changes were made to OPN88 on 30/03/2022.

    Variable name was changed from "COV_AvConB" to "COV_AvConC".

    Routing changed from "Ask if COV_Homre equals 1 (Yes)" to "Ask all".

    Response option "I have not met up with anyone outside my household" was added.

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, how often have you been unable to avoid physical contact with others when outside your home? (Do not include your place of work)

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Often
    3. Sometimes
    4. Not very often
    5. Never
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_AvConB equals "No"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, how often have you avoided physical contact with others when outside your home? (Do not include your place of work)

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Often
    3. Sometimes
    4. Not very often
    5. Never
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_AvConB equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, have you avoided contact with older people or other vulnerable people because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Current rotation status:

    Removed from OPN96 on 20/07/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Do you have care responsibilities for any of the people you may have had to avoid contact with?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_VulCon equals 1 ("Yes")

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, when you left your home with your childcare bubble while providing childcare, were you ever also with people from outside your childcare bubble?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask if Cov_ExLeft equals "In a childcare bubble when providing childcare"


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    In the last 28 days, have you been in direct contact, in person, with someone that you definitely know, because they had a positive test result, was infected with COVID-19 at the time you were in contact with them?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Social contact

    Ask all


    A single response option is allowed.

  • Question:

    What was the date of last contact of this type?

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Social contact

    Ask if respondent has been in contact with a positive case and separately if the respondent has been in contact with someone they think might have been a positive case


    Date provided in DD/MM/202Y format.

    This question is referring to direct contact, in person, with someone that was infected with COVID-19 at the time the respondent has been in contact with them.

  • Question:

    Was this last person you had contact with...?

    Response options:
    1. Living in your own home
    2. Outside your home
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Social contact

    Ask if respondent has been in contact with a positive case


    A single response option is allowed.

  • Question:

    In the last 28 days, have you been in direct contact, in person, with someone that you think was infected with COVID-19 at the time you were in contact with them – this could include: someone who has not been tested; someone who has been tested but you do not know the result; or someone who has tested negative?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • Social contact

    Ask all


    A single response option is allowed.

  • Question:

    Since being vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19), which, if any, of the following people who you do not live with, have you met with indoors?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Your support bubble?
    2. Your friends?
    3. Your partner or spouse?
    4. Your child or children?
    5. Your grandchild or grandchildren?
    6. Members of your community?
    7. Visitors who support your personal care such as nurses or care support workers?
    8. Other?
    9. Nobody has visited my home since being vaccinated?
    • Over 80s
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACHAD equals 1

  • Question:

    Since being vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19), which, if any, of the following people who you do not live with, have you met with outdoors?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Your support bubble?
    2. Your friends?
    3. Your partner or spouse?
    4. Your child or children?
    5. Your grandchild or grandchildren?
    6. Members of your community?
    7. Visitors who support your personal care such as nurses or care support workers?
    8. Other?
    9. I have not met with anybody outside my home since being vaccinated?
    • Over 80s
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACHAD equals 1, and LEFTHOME is not 8

  • Question:

    Has receiving the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination made you more or less likely to meet with people who you do not live with?

    Response options:
    1. Much more likely
    2. Somewhat more likely
    3. Neither more nor less likely
    4. Somewhat less likely
    5. Much less likely
    6. Not applicable
    • Over 80s
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACHAD equals 1

  • Question:

    Compared to before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, how comfortable or uncomfortable would you feel hugging someone who you do not live with?

    Response options:
    1. Very comfortable
    2. Comfortable
    3. Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable
    4. Uncomfortable
    5. Very uncomfortable
    6. Not applicable
    7. Don’t know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN59 on 19/05/2021

  • Question:

    How often do you think other people keep socially distanced from those outside their household?

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Often
    3. Sometimes
    4. Not very often
    5. Never
    • OPN
    • Social contact
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN65 on 30/06/2021

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Have you formed a support bubble with another household?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Bubbles
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN57 on 05/05/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, how many days have you visited the other household in their home or had members of the other household visit your home?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of days from 0 to 7]
    • OPN
    • Bubbles
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV BubbleA equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN57 on 05/05/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What was the main reason you chose the other household in your support bubble?

    Response options:
    1. To receive childcare
    2. To provide childcare
    3. To provide care for an adult
    4. To receive care for myself
    5. For a relationship
    6. For companionship
    7. For work or business
    8. To see family members
    9. Other (please specify)
    • OPN
    • Bubbles
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV BubbleA equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN57 on 05/05/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    In England you can form a ‘childcare bubble’ which allows friends or family from one other household to provide informal childcare. This childcare bubble can be the same or separate from your support bubble. The next questions ask about the childcare bubble.

    Have you formed a childcare bubble with another household?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Bubbles
    Variable name:



    Ask if DMCountry equals 1 (England) and Hasdep equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN57 on 05/05/2021

  • Question:

    Is your childcare bubble with the same household as your support bubble?

    Response options:
    1. No, I do not have a support bubble
    2. No, it is with a different household than my support bubble
    3. Yes, my support bubble and childcare bubble are with the same household
    4. Don’t know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Bubbles
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_ChBub equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN57 on 05/05/2021

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, how many days have you visited the other household from your childcare bubble in their home, or had members of the other household visit your home?

    Response options:
    1. 0 to 7
    • OPN
    • Bubbles
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_ChBub equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN57 on 05/05/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Have you travelled on public transport within the last seven days?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Not applicable, I have not left home in the past seven days
    • OPN
    • Transport & travel
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN48 on 04/03/21


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    Changes were made to OPN88 on 30/03/2022.

    Variable name was changed from "COV_PubTran" to "COV_PubTranA".

    Question wording changed from "Have you travelled on public transport within the last seven days?" to "Have you travelled on public transport within the past seven days?".

    Response option "Not applicable, I have not left home in the past seven days" was added.

    Routing was changed from "Ask if CovHomRe equals 1 (Yes) " to "Ask all".

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, which modes of transport have you used for personal travel? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Underground, metro, light rail, tram
    2. Train
    3. Bus, minibus or coach
    4. Motorcycle, scooter or moped
    5. Private car or van
    6. Car pooling or lift sharing [for example sharing a similar journey with others in the same car]
    7. Bicycle
    8. On foot
    9. Other (please specify)
    10. Not applicable
    • OPN
    • Transport & travel
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_HomRe equals 1 (Yes)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN69 on 28/07/2021


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, which modes of transport have you used to travel to work? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Underground, metro, light rail, tram
    2. Train
    3. Bus, minibus or coach
    4. Motorcycle, scooter or moped
    5. Private car or van
    6. Car pooling or lift sharing [for example sharing a similar journey with others in the same car]
    7. Bicycle
    8. On foot
    9. Other (please specify)
    10. Not applicable
    • OPN
    • Transport & travel
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_LeftHEssen equals "Travelled to and from work"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Current rotation status: Removed from OPN69 on 28/07/2021


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Before January do you plan to go on a trip abroad, for example for work or a holiday?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Transport & travel
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN57 on 05/05/2021

    Removed from OPN75 on 22/09/2021

  • Question:

    Where do you plan to take a trip abroad?

    Response options:
    1. Inside the EU
    2. Outside the EU
    3. Both inside and outside o f the EU
    4. Don’t know
    • OPN
    • Transport & travel
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_TravAbro equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN57 on 05/05/2021

    Removed from OPN75 on 22/09/2021

  • Question:

    For what reasons would you be going on this trip abroad? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Work
    2. Study
    3. Holiday
    4. Visit family or friends
    5. Other
    • OPN
    • Transport & travel
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_TravAbro equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN57 on 05/05/2021

    Removed from OPN75 on 22/09/2021

  • Question:

    How do you mainly get to and from work/nursery/education provider? (select one only: if use multiple modes, choose the longest part of your journey in time)

    Response options:
    1. Underground, metro, light rail, tram
    2. Train
    3. Bus, minibus, coach
    4. Motorbike, scooter or moped
    5. Car or van
    6. Taxi/minicab
    7. Bicycle
    8. On foot
    9. Other method
    • CIS
    • Transport & travel

    Ask all currently not working at home, or in education or attending school or nursery etc.

  • Question:

    Which mode(s) of transport will you use for the journey back to the accommodation you were in at the start of the Autumn 2020 term? Select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. In my own car, van or motorbike, or in a car or van with family member(s)
    2. In a car with somebody I live with at university
    3. In a car with a non-family member
    4. On a coach or bus
    5. On a train, tram or underground
    6. Domestic flight
    7. International flight
    8. Other method of transport
    9. Don't know
    • SCIS
    • Transport & travel
    Variable name:



    Ask if answered ReturnUWhen

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 9 on 24/05/2021

  • Question:

    Are you planning to travel or commute between your current address and your university (For example to attend lectures, seminars or use facilities) over the next two months?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, regularly
    2. Yes, occasionally
    3. Yes, once or twice
    4. No
    5. Prefer not to say
    6. Not applicable
    • SCIS
    • SEIS
    • Transport & travel
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021

  • Question:

    Have you used any of the below motorised modes of transport in the last 7 days?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Your own car, or the car of someone else you live with
    2. Taxi or minicab
    3. Someone else’s car, not a member of my household
    4. Public transport (For example train, tram, underground, bus)
    5. Other motorised transport
    6. I haven't used any motorised transport
    • SCIS
    • Transport & travel
    Variable name:



    Ask if HomeRe equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021

  • Question:

    Which mode(s) of transport have you used to travel between households since the start of the Autumn term?

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. In my own car or in a car with family
    2. In a car with somebody I live with at university
    3. In a car with a non-family member
    4. On a coach or bus
    5. On a train, tram or underground
    6. Domestic flight
    7. International flight
    8. Other method of transport
    9. Prefer not to say
    • SCIS
    • Transport & travel
    Variable name:


  • Question:

    Have you been out of the UK since April 2020

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • Transport & travel

    Ask all

  • Question:

    Have you been outside of the UK since we last spoke to you?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Transport & travel

    Ask all

  • Question:

    Last country visited

    Response options:
    1. [enter country]
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Transport & travel

    Ask all who have been out of the UK since April 2020/since last spoke

  • Question:

    Date last returned to the UK

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Transport & travel

    Ask all who have been out of the UK since April 2020/since last spoke


    Date provided in DDMM202Y format.

  • Question:

    Could you please tell us, if you have travelled over the Easter break?

    Response options:
    1. No, stayed in my current accommodation
    2. Travelled to stay with family or friends for more than two nights
    3. Travelled to stay with family or friends for less than two nights
    4. Other
    5. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • Transport & travel
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 8 on 04/05/2021

    Removed from SCIS Wave 9 on 24/05/2021

  • Question:

    How many nights do you intend to stay in the UK?

    Response options:
    1. 0-3 nights
    2. 4-7 nights
    3. 8-14 nights
    4. More than 14 nights
    • IPS
    • Transport & travel

    Ask all arrivals

  • Question:

    What is the main reason for travel to the UK?

    Response options:
    1. Holiday
    2. Business/Work
    3. Other
    4. Same day Transit
    • IPS
    • Transport & travel

    Ask all arrivals

  • Question:

    Is anyone else travelling with you?

    Number in travelling group:

    Number of male adults:

    Number of female adults:

    Number of male children:

    Number of female children:

    Response options:
    1. [input number for each sub question]
    • IPS
    • Transport & travel

    Ask all arrivals

  • Question:

    Since you have been vaccinated, have you used public transport more or less often?

    Response options:
    1. More often
    2. Neither more nor less often
    3. Less often
    • OPN
    • Transport & travel
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_RecVacb equals "Yes, I have received my first vaccine dose" or "Yes, I have received both vaccine doses"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN59 on 19/05/2021

    Removed from OPN68 on 21/07/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    At this time, how comfortable or uncomfortable would you be to use public transport for example a bus or train?

    Response options:
    1. Very comfortable
    2. Fairly comfortable
    3. Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable
    4. Fairly uncomfortable
    5. Very uncomfortable
    • OPN
    • Transport & travel
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN60 on 26/05/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Which of the following would you be willing to carry out when going on a trip abroad?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Wearing a face covering while travelling to and from destination
    2. Providing proof that you have been vaccinated for the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. Taking coronavirus (COVID-19) tests before and after travelling
    4. Quarantining for 10 days after arriving home
    5. Social distancing at your destination
    6. Providing details of your accommodation, dates of travel and home address
    7. Paying for and staying in a managed quarantine hotel (Quarantine for a full 10 days in a managed quarantine hotel (the day you arrive in England counts as day 0)
    8. £2,285 is the rate for 1 adult in 1 room for 10 days (11 nights)
    9. additional rate of £1,430 for 1 adult (or child over 11)
    10. additional rate of £325 for a child aged 5 to 11)
    11. Being prepared to stay abroad for longer if rules change or you have a positive coronavirus(COVID-19) test
    12. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Transport & travel
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_TravAbro equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN60 on 26/05/2021

    Removed from OPN75 on 22/09/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Which country did you travel from?

    Response options:
    1. [select country from list]
    • IAIS
    • Transport & travel
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    What was the main reason for travelling abroad?

    Response options:
    1. Work
    2. Holiday
    3. Entertainment event such as concert
    4. Sports event
    5. To visit family
    6. Personal or family emergency
    7. Other
    8. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Transport & travel
    Variable name:



    Ask if Residence equals UK

  • Question:

    What was your reason for travelling to the UK?

    Response options:
    1. Work
    2. Holiday
    3. Entertainment event such as concert
    4. Sports event
    5. To visit family
    6. Personal or family emergency
    7. Other
    8. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Transport & travel
    Variable name:



    Ask if Residence equals 'Other'

  • Question:

    I’m now going to read out some different statements to you, and would like you to tell me whether you agree or disagree with them.

    a) It is important for me to follow the international arrivals quarantine guidance

    b) It was easy for me to quarantine

    c) Coronavirus poses a risk to society

    d) Coronavirus poses a risk to one or more of my friends and family

    e) Coronavirus poses a risk to me personally

    f) Information from the government about coronavirus can be trusted

    Response options:
    1. Agree
    2. Disagree
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • IAIS
    • Transport & travel
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    A response is required for each statement.

  • Question:

    How easy or difficult was the Passenger Locator Form to complete?

    Response options:
    1. Very easy
    2. Easy
    3. Neither easy or hard
    4. Hard
    5. Very hard
    • IAIS
    • Transport & travel
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Changes were made to IAIS Wave 3 on 12/07/2021.

    The question wording changed from "How easy was the Passenger Locator Form to complete?" to "How easy or difficult was the Passenger Locator Form to complete?".

  • Question:

    What would have made your experience easier?

    Response options:
    1. Improved Instructions
    2. Number or type of questions
    3. Easier to complete (more dropdown options)
    4. More accessible (use of language and translations)
    5. Greater form functionality (Smartphone camera document capture etc)
    6. Other (specify)
    • IAIS
    • Transport & travel
    Variable name:



    Ask if PLFEasy equals 4 or 5


    This question is referring to what would have made completing the Passenger Locator Form (PLF) easier.

    For "Other (specify)" the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    While you were using public transport in the last seven days, how many people did you see wearing protective face coverings to help slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Everyone
    2. Almost everyone
    3. Some other people
    4. Hardly anyone
    5. No one
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Transport & travel
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_PubTran equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN78 on 03/11/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022

  • Question:

    At this time, how comfortable or uncomfortable do you feel about leaving your home due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?

    Response options:
    1. Very comfortable
    2. Comfortable
    3. Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable
    4. Uncomfortable
    5. Very uncomfortable
    6. Not applicable
    7. Don’t know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Leaving home
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, have you left your home for any reason?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • Leaving home
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, for what reasons have you left your home?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Travelling to and from work
    2. For voluntary work
    3. To attend school or college
    4. To attend university
    5. To meet with your support bubble
    6. Visiting a partner living separately
    7. Meeting up with people in a public place
    8. Meeting up with people in a personal place [for example, visiting family and friends at their home]
    9. Taking part in a regular indoor activity (for example, attending a place of worship)
    10. To take children to or from activities
    11. Taking children or young people to school, college or nursery
    12. For exercise, for example a run, walk, or cycle
    13. To do leisure activities
    14. To collect takeaway food or drinks from a restaurant, cafe, bar or pub
    15. To eat or drink outdoors at a restaurant, cafe, bar or pub
    16. To eat or drink indoors at a restaurant, café, bar or pub
    17. To visit an outdoor gym or playground
    18. To visit an indoor gym or swimming pool
    19. To visit an outdoor beauty spot or beach, landmark or heritage site
    20. To visit a park or local green space
    21. To go shopping for food and medicine
    22. To shop for other things [For example clothes, furniture, stationery, DIY, garden equipment]
    23. To visit a hair salon or barber
    24. To have a beauty treatment or massage [For example a manicure or facial]
    25. To go to the cinema or theatre
    26. To attend an organised outdoor activity
    27. For any medical need including getting a vaccine
    28. To provide care or to help a vulnerable person
    29. Travel within the UK for holidays or short breaks
    30. Other (please specify)
    • OPN
    • Leaving home
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_HomRe equals Yes

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN62 on 09/06/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, have you left home for any of the following reasons?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Travelling to and from work
    2. To attend school or college or university
    3. To go shopping
    4. For any medical need including getting a vaccine
    5. To provide care or to help a vulnerable person
    6. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Leaving home
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_HomRe equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN62 on 09/06/2021

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, have you left home for any of the following reasons?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Visiting a partner living separately
    2. Meeting up with people in a public place
    3. Meeting up with people in a personal place [For example, visiting family and friends at their home]
    4. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Leaving home
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_HomRe equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN62 on 09/06/2021

    Removed from OPN86 on 03/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, have you left home for any of the following reasons?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Taking part in a regular indoor activity (For example, attending a place of worship)
    2. To take children to or from activities
    3. To visit an outdoor gym or playground
    4. To visit an indoor gym or swimming pool
    5. For other exercise (For example a run, walk or cycle)
    6. To visit an outdoor beauty spot or beach, landmark or heritage site
    7. To visit a park or local green space
    8. To visit a museum or theme park
    9. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Leaving home
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_HomRe equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN62 on 09/06/2021

    Removed from OPN85 on 16/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, have you left home for any of the following reasons?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. To visit a hair salon or barber or have a beauty treatment
    2. To attend an organised outdoor activity
    3. Travel within the UK for holidays, or short breaks or work
    4. Travel overseas for holidays or work
    5. To visit a cinema or theatre, concert or nightclub
    6. To eat or drink outdoors at a restaurant, café, bar or pub
    7. To eat or drink indoors at a restaurant, café, bar or pub
    8. To do other leisure activities
    9. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Leaving home
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_HomRe equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN62 on 09/06/2021

    Removed from OPN86 on 03/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Have you left your home for any other reasons?

    Response options:
    1. Yes (please specify)
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Leaving home
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_HomRe equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN62 on 09/06/2022

    Removed from OPN85 on 16/02/2022


    If "Yes" response option selected, the respondent is asked to specify the reasons for leaving home using a free text box.

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, when you left your home [insert "For exercise", and/or "To visit a park or local green space", and/or "To visit an outdoor beauty spot or beach", and/or "To visit an outdoor gym or playground"], was this by yourself, or with other people at any one time? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. By myself
    2. With the people I live with
    3. With my support bubble
    4. With my childcare bubble when providing childcare
    5. By myself and with one person from another household
    6. By myself and with more than one person from another household
    7. With people I live with or in my support bubble and people from another household
    • OPN
    • Leaving home
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_LeftHK equals "For exercise" or "To visit a park or local green space" or "To visit an outdoor beauty spot or beach" or "To visit an outdoor gym or playground"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN57 on 05/05/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    Routing variable name "COV_LeftHK" changed to "COV_LeftHM" after question removal.

  • Question:

    In the last 28 days, have you been inside a hospital for any reason (e.g. for work, for a consultation or treatment, to visit someone, to take someone else)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Leaving home

    Ask all

  • Question:

    In the last 28 days, has anyone that you usually live with been inside a hospital at all for any reason (e.g. for work, for consultation or treatment, to visit someone, to take someone else)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Leaving home

    All who have not been in a hospital in the past 28 days

  • Question:

    In the last 28 days, have you been inside a care/residential home for any reason (e.g. for work, to visit someone, to take someone else)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Leaving home

    Ask all

  • Question:

    In the last 28 days, has anyone that you usually live with been inside a care/residential home at all (e.g. for work, to visit someone, to take someone else)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Leaving home

    All who have not been in a care/residential home in the past 28 days

  • Question:

    In the last 7 days, how many times have you been outside of your home for shopping?

    Response options:
    1. None
    2. 1
    3. 2
    4. 3
    5. 4
    6. 5
    7. 6
    8. 7 times or more
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Leaving home

    Ask all


    A single response option is allowed.

    Changes were made to CIS Version 14 on 02/02/2022.

    Response option "None" was added.

  • Question:

    In the last 7 days, how many times have you been outside of your home for socialising, including visiting restaurants etc?

    Response options:
    1. None
    2. 1
    3. 2
    4. 3
    5. 4
    6. 5
    7. 6
    8. 7 times or more
    • CIS Enrolment
    • CIS Follow-up
    • Leaving home

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CIS Version 10 on 27/05/2021


    A single response option is allowed.

    This question used to be incorporated into the following question: "In the last 7 days, how many times have you been outside of your home for shopping or socialising (including visiting restaurants etc?)".

    This question was split into two for CIS Version 10 on 27/05/2021.

    Changes were made to CIS Version 14 on 02/02/2022.

    Response option "None" was added.

  • Question:

    The following questions will ask about specific things you have done since receiving your coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination.

    Since being vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19), have you left home for any of the following reasons? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Taking part in an indoor activity (for example attending a place of worship)?
    2. To do outdoor leisure activities ( for example exercise)?
    3. To go shopping?
    4. For any medical needs (for example going to the GP or hospital) other than getting a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?
    5. To provide care or to help a vulnerable person?
    6. To provide care for grandchildren aged under 18
    7. Other?
    8. Have not left home for any reason?
    • Over 80s
    • Leaving home
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACHAD equals 1

  • Question:

    The following questions will ask whether receiving the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination has affected how likely or unlikely you are to do certain things.

    Has receiving the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination made you more or less likely to leave home to go to the shops for groceries, toiletries, medicine or other items?

    Response options:
    1. Much more likely
    2. Somewhat more likely
    3. Neither more nor less likely
    4. Somewhat less likely
    5. Much less likely
    6. Not applicable
    • Over 80s
    • Leaving home
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACHAD equals 1

  • Question:

    Has receiving the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination made you more or less likely to leave home for outdoor recreation or exercise?

    Response options:
    1. Much more likely
    2. Somewhat more likely
    3. Neither more nor less likely
    4. Somewhat less likely
    5. Much less likely
    6. Not applicable
    • Over 80s
    • Leaving home
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACHAD equals 1

  • Question:

    Has receiving the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination made you more or less likely to leave home to attend a hospital for medical reasons, if you needed to?

    Response options:
    1. Much more likely
    2. Somewhat more likely
    3. Neither more nor less likely
    4. Somewhat less likely
    5. Much less likely
    6. Not applicable
    • Over 80s
    • Leaving home
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACHAD equals 1

  • Question:

    Has receiving the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination made you more or less likely to leave home for another medical reason (for example a doctor’s appointment), if you needed to?

    Response options:
    1. Much more likely
    2. Somewhat more likely
    3. Neither more nor less likely
    4. Somewhat less likely
    5. Much less likely
    6. Not applicable
    • Over 80s
    • Leaving home
    Variable name:



    Ask if VACHAD equals 1

  • Question:

    The next questions ask about reasons for leaving home since the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

    Please think about the reasons you have for leaving your home. Thinking of the times you have been out in the last 7 days have you been leaving ...

    Select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. for work?
    2. for exercise?
    3. to go to the shops or pharmacy?
    4. to socialise?
    5. for medical appointments?
    6. to eat or drink at a restaurant, café, bar or pub?
    7. to visit a gym or swimming pool?
    8. to go to the cinema or theatre?
    9. for other reasons?
    10. have not left home
    11. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Leaving home
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Changes were made to CEV Wave 6 on 21/06/2021

    Response options "to eat or drink at a restaurant, café, bar or pub?", "to visit a gym or swimming pool?", "to go to the cinema or theatre?" and "for other reasons?" were added to CEV Wave 6.

  • Question:

    You said you have been:

    - going to work

    - going out for exercise

    - visiting shops or the pharmacy

    - going out to socialise

    - going out for medical appointments

    (Display only list of common option(s) selected in BehaviourAfter and BehaviourBefore)

    Would you say that you are going out more now, less now or about the same than last month?

    Response options:
    1. More now,
    2. Less now,
    3. About the same?
    4. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Leaving home
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    A response is required for each of the common options in BehaviourAfter and BehaviourBefore.

  • Question:

    At this time, how comfortable or uncomfortable are you about leaving the home to go to a hospitality, cultural or educational setting?

    Response options:
    1. Very comfortable
    2. Comfortable
    3. Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable
    4. Uncomfortable
    5. Very uncomfortable
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Leaving home
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 6 on 21/06/2021

  • Question:

    What measures would make you feel more comfortable about leaving the home to go to these environments?

    Response options:
    1. Procedures at venues to enable social distancing and avoiding close contact
    2. Mandatory wearing of face coverings
    3. Regular sanitation, including use of hand sanitiser
    4. Measures that encourage regular testing of those attending such settings
    5. Other (please specify)
    6. None
    • CEV
    • Leaving home
    Variable name:



    Ask if SettingsComf equals 3, 4, or 5, or HealthComf equals 3, 4, or 5

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 6 on 21/06/2021


    If "Other (please specify)" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    And how comfortable or uncomfortable are you about leaving the home to go to your local GP surgery or hospital?

    Response options:
    1. Very comfortable
    2. Comfortable
    3. Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable
    4. Uncomfortable
    5. Very uncomfortable
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Leaving home
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 6 on 21/06/2021

  • Question:

    In the last 7 days, how often has at least one person you live with left the home?

    Response options:
    1. Every day
    2. 3 or more days
    3. Only once or twice
    4. Not at all
    • CEV
    • Leaving home
    Variable name:



    Ask all who live with others, if LivingWithOthers equals 2, 3, 4, or 5

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CEV Wave 4 on 26/04/2021

  • Question:

    What are the reasons for at least one person you live with leaving the home? Was it for...

    (Select all that apply)

    Response options:
    1. exercise,
    2. essential shopping,
    3. medical need,
    4. work,
    5. school/college/university,
    6. for other reasons?
    • CEV
    • Leaving home
    Variable name:



    Ask all who live with others, if LivingWithOthers equals 2, 3, 4, or 5

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from CEV Wave 4 on 26/04/2021

  • Question:

    Have you left your home to do any paid or voluntary work in the last 7 days?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • Leaving home
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021

  • Question:

    In the past 7 days, have you left your home or accommodation for any reason?

    For example, to go out to exercise, to go to the shops or to go to a outdoors hospitality venue etc

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • Leaving home
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021

  • Question:

    Below you find common reasons for university students to leave their home or accommodation.

    Still thinking about the last 7 days, please enter the number of times you have been out for each of the reasons given. Leave blank if not applicable.

    1. To go to the shops for groceries or to the pharmacy

    2. To go to the shops for something other than groceries or the pharmacy

    3. To spend time outdoors for recreational purposes or exercise

    Including to sit in parks

    4. To go out to work

    5. To go to study indoors

    For example to a library, lecture hall, study room or laboratory

    6. To travel to a different area

    For example, for a day trip or to visit your non-term time home

    7. To go to a medical specialist

    For example to hospital, A&E or a GP

    8. To help or provide care for a vulnerable person

    9. To meet up with friends or family that you don’t live with indoors

    10. To go to an indoors hospitality venue

    For example a pub, restaurant or cafe inside

    11. To go to a place of worship

    12. To go to an indoor leisure facility

    For example a gym or pool

    13. To go to get a haircut or beauty treatment

    14. To go to another public place indoors

    15. Other reasons

    Response options:
    1. [select number of times from 0 to 39]
    2. 40 or more times
    • SCIS
    • Leaving home
    Variable name:



    Ask if HomRe equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SCIS Wave 10 on 27/09/2021


    A response is required for each of the reasons provided for leaving home or accommodation.

  • Question:

    How worried or unworried are you about the effect that the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is having on your life right now?

    Response options:
    1. Very worried
    2. Somewhat worried
    3. Neither worried nor unworried
    4. Somewhat unworried
    5. Not at all worried
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • OPN
    • CEV
    • Impact on life
    Variable name:

    COV_Wor (OPN)

    C19Worry (CEV)


    Ask all

  • Question:

    You said you are worried about the effects on your life. What is causing you to be worried?

    Response options:
    1. Waning vaccine efficacy over time
    2. Current number of positive cases
    3. Current number of COVID-19 hospitalisations and deaths
    4. Behaviour of others
    5. Impact on finances
    6. Continued constraints on social life, travel and relationships
    7. Worry about whether vaccination gives me adequate protection due to a medical condition
    8. The measures currently in place do not make me feel safe
    9. Other
    10. Don’t know
    11. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Impact on life
    Variable name:



    Ask if C19Worry equals "Very worried" or "Somewhat worried"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

  • Question:

    To what extent do you think the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic poses a risk to your physical or mental health?

    Response options:
    1. Major risk
    2. Significant risk
    3. Minor risk
    4. No risk at all
    5. Don’t know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Impact on life
    Variable name:



    Ask all

  • Question:

    Have you discussed these risks with your GP or a health specialist?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, I have
    2. No, but I am planning to do so at a routine appointment
    3. No, but I am planning to book an appointment to discuss about these specifically
    4. No, and I am not planning to do so
    5. Prefer not to say
    • CEV
    • Impact on life
    Variable name:



    Ask if C19Risk equals 1, 2, or 3

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CEV Wave 7 on 11/10/2021

  • Question:

    In which ways is the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic affecting your life? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Access to healthcare and treatment for non-coronavirus (COVID-19) related issues is being affected
    2. My work is being affected
    3. Schools, colleges and universities are being affected
    4. My household finances are being affected
    5. My wellbeing is being affected (For example, anxiety and stress)
    6. My relationships are being affected
    7. Travel plans are being affected
    8. Life events are being affected (For example, weddings and funerals)
    9. I am unable to make plans
    10. Other
    • OPN
    • Impact on life
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    For "Other (please specify)", the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    In which ways is the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic affecting your life now? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. My health is being affected
    2. I am worried about the health of family members (or example my parents, grandparents)
    3. My work is being affected
    4. I am worried that my employment opportunities have been affected
    5. Schools, colleges and universities are being affected
    6. I am worried that my university assessments or exams will be affected
    7. My finances are being affected
    8. My wellbeing is being affected (For example, boredom, loneliness, anxiety, stress)
    9. Lack of freedom and independence is being affected
    10. My relationships are being affected
    11. My caring responsibilities are being affected
    12. My access to paid or unpaid care is being affected
    13. My exercise routine is being affected
    14. Access to groceries, medication and essentials are being affected (For example, not able to shop as often, depending on others to shop for me)
    15. Access to healthcare and treatment for non-coronavirus (COVID-19) related issues is being affected
    16. Transport is being affected
    17. Personal travel plans are being affected (For example, holidays and gap year)
    18. Work travel plans are being affected
    19. Life events are being affected (For example, weddings and funerals)
    20. I am unable to make plans
    21. Other
    22. None of the above
    • SEIS
    • Impact on life
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2021


    This question is almost identical to that of COV_LifeE, which is found in the OPN, but the response options vary.

    For "Other (please specify)", the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, how have your caring responsibilities been affected? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I am spending more time caring for others
    2. I am unable to care for someone I usually support [for example, unable to spend as much time as would like to or unable to travel to them]
    3. I am having to organise remote support for someone vulnerable [for example, online grocery shopping]
    4. Paid care support is reduced [for example, childcare, respite care, social care support]
    5. Other (please specify)
    • OPN
    • Impact on life
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_LifeD equals 8 (Caring responsibilities)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    How long do you think it will be before your life returns to normal?

    Response options:
    1. Less than one month
    2. 1 to 3 months
    3. 4 to 6 months
    4. 7 to 9 months
    5. 10 to 12 months
    6. More than a year
    7. Never
    8. Not sure
    9. Prefer not to say
    10. I think my life has returned to normal
    • OPN
    • Impact on life
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN88 on 30/03/2022

  • Question:

    Which of the following activities have you been doing more of since the start of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic? Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Working from home
    2. Online grocery shopping
    3. Online shopping for other goods
    4. Ordering take away food
    5. Home hair or beauty treatments including hair cuts
    6. Video calls with family or friends
    7. Avoiding public transport
    8. Avoiding crowded places
    9. Other (please specify)
    10. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Impact on life
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN55 on 20/04/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Which of these activities do you think you will keep doing more often after the end of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic than you did before it?

    Response options:
    1. Working from home
    2. Online grocery shopping
    3. Online shopping for other goods
    4. Ordering take away food
    5. Home hair or beauty treatments including hair cuts
    6. Video calls with family or friends
    7. Avoiding public transport
    8. Avoiding crowded places
    9. Other (please specify)
    10. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Impact on life
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from OPN55 on 20/04/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    After the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) do you plan to do any of the following?

    Response options:
    1. Flexible working hours
    2. School term time working
    3. Working from home
    4. Compressed hours
    5. Job sharing
    6. Working part time
    7. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Impact on life
    Variable name:



    Ask if (WRKING equals 1 or CASWRK equals 1), or OWNBUS equals 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN60 on 26/05/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What impact, if any, has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had on your sleep?

    Response options:
    1. My sleep has got better
    2. No change
    3. My sleep has got worse
    • OPN
    • Impact on life
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What impact, if any, has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had on the food you eat?

    Response options:
    1. The food I eat is more healthy
    2. No change
    3. The food I eat is less healthy
    • OPN
    • Impact on life
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What impact, if any, has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had on the amount of alcohol you drink?

    Response options:
    1. I drink more alcohol
    2. No change
    3. I drink less alcohol
    • OPN
    • Impact on life
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What impact, if any, has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had on the amount of exercise that you do?

    Response options:
    1. I exercise more
    2. No change
    3. I exercise less
    • OPN
    • Impact on life
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What impact, if any, has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had on the amount of cigarettes that you smoke?

    Response options:
    1. I smoke more cigarettes
    2. No change
    3. I smoke fewer cigarettes
    4. Not applicable, I stopped smoking before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
    • OPN
    • Impact on life
    Variable name:



    Ask if CigNow equals Yes or CigEver equals Yes

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN69 on 28/07/2021

    Removed from OPN71 on 11/08/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, which of the following have you used to gain entry to a venue or event?

    Response options:
    1. Proof that I have been vaccinated
    2. A recent negative coronavirus (COVID-19) test
    3. Both of these
    • OPN
    • Impact on life
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_VacStat equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN77 on 20/10/2021

    Removed from OPN85 16/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, for which of the following reasons have you taken a rapid lateral flow test?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I have tested because I was a close contact of a positive case and therefore required to take daily tests
    2. I have tested because I felt ill or had cold or flu like symptoms
    3. I have tested to get into venues or events where a test was required
    4. I have tested before meeting friends and family
    5. I have tested before going to work, school or college
    6. I have tested every time I have left home
    7. I have tested before or after travelling abroad
    8. I have tested before or after travelling within the UK
    9. I have tested at regular intervals regardless of activity
    10. I have tested before seeing elderly people, or those who are at higher risk of serious illness if they get the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    11. I have tested before going to provide care or help to a vulnerable person
    12. I have tested before visiting crowded and enclosed spaces
    13. I have tested to see if I can stop self-isolating early
    14. Other, please specify on the next page
    • OPN
    • Impact on life
    Variable name:



    If COV_VacTest equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN77 on 20/10/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    If the response option "Other, please specify" is selected, respondents are presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    Changes were made to OPN85 on 16/02/2022

    Response option wording changed from "Other, please specify" to "Other, please specify on the next page".

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, from which of these places did you experience difficulty getting a rapid lateral flow test?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Government website for delivery by mail
    2. Government website for collection at a pharmacy
    3. Pharmacy
    4. Community collection point, for example, a library
    5. Test site
    6. School, college or nursery
    7. My place of work
    8. Other
    • OPN
    • Impact on life
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_VacTestAccess equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN82 on 06/01/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, which of the following were you unable to do because of difficulty getting a lateral flow test?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Getting into venues or events where a test was required
    2. Meeting friends or family
    3. Going to work, school or college
    4. Travelling abroad
    5. Travelling within the UK
    6. Seeing elderly people, or those who are at higher risk of serious illness if they get the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    7. Providing care or help to a vulnerable person
    8. Other
    9. It did not stop me from doing anything I had planned
    • OPN
    • Impact on life
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_VacTestAccess equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN82 on 06/01/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Which, if any, of the following are you spending more money on now that you are working from home more?

    Please select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. Internet access
    2. Utility bills, for example, water and heating
    3. Childcare
    4. Fuel and parking for commuting
    5. Public transport for commuting
    6. Food
    7. Other, please specify
    8. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Impact on life
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_WrkHom equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN78 on 03/11/2021

    Removed from OPN79 on 18/11/2021


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    If the response option "Other, please specify" is selected, respondents are presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had an impact on your expected attainment level?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, it has made me feel less likely to achieve it
    2. Yes, it has made me feel more likely to achieve it
    3. No
    4. Don't know
    5. Prefer not to answer
    • SEIS
    • Impact on life
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2022

  • Question:

    Has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had an impact on how prepared you feel for your next step after you graduate/finish your degree?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, it has made me feel less prepared
    2. Yes, it has made me feel more prepared
    3. No
    4. Don't know
    5. Prefer not to answer
    • SEIS
    • Impact on life
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SEIS Wave 2 on 29/11/2022

  • Question:

    What is the name of the school/college you/your child attends?

    Response options:
    1. [enter name of school]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Enrolment (parent/ guardian) ,and SIS Enrolment (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    What is the full name of the school?

    Response options:
    1. [enter name of school]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of the SIS Extended (head teacher) Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    What year are you/is your child in at school?

    Response options:
    1. Reception / Year 0
    2. Year 1
    3. Year 2
    4. Year 3
    5. Year 4
    6. Year 5
    7. Year 6
    8. Year 7
    9. Year 8
    10. Year 9
    11. Year 10
    12. Year 12
    13. Year 13
    14. Other, specify
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    For SIS Enrolment (over 16 student), the only response options are "Year 12", "Year 13", and "Other, specify".

    This question is part of SIS Enrolment (parent/ guardian), and SIS Enrolment (over 16 student) questionnaires.

    "Year 12" and "Year 13" are not response options for SIS Enrolment (parent/guardian).

  • Question:

    Which year groups does your school include?

    Response options:
    1. Nursery
    2. Reception
    3. Years 1-2
    4. Years 3-6
    5. Years 7-9
    6. Years 10-11
    7. Years 12-13
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    Multiple response options are allowed.

    This question is part of the SIS Extended (head teacher) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    What is your/your child's gender?

    Response options:
    1. Male
    2. Female
    3. Other
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Enrolment (parent/ guardian), SIS Enrolment (over 16 student), SIS Enrolment (staff), SIS Baseline (staff), and SIS Extended (head teacher) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Are you pregnant?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Do not know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of the SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    What is your/your child's date of birth?

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    Date entered in DD/MM/YY format.

    This question is part of SIS Enrolment (parent/ guardian), SIS Enrolment (over 16 student), and SIS Enrolment (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    What is your age?

    Response options:
    1. 25 years and under
    2. 26-35 years
    3. 36-45 years
    4. 46-55 years
    5. 56 years or over
    6. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of the SIS Extended (head teacher) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    What is your/your child's ethnic group?

    Response options:
    1. Asian/ Asian British - Indian
    2. Asian/ Asian British - Pakistani
    3. Asian/ Asian British - Bangladeshi
    4. Asian/ Asian British - Chinese
    5. Asian/ Asian British - Any other Asian background
    6. Black/African/Caribbean/Black British
    7. Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African
    8. Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Caribbean
    9. Any other Black / African / Caribbean
    10. White
    11. White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British
    12. White - Irish
    13. White - Gypsy or Irish Traveller
    14. White - Any other White background
    15. Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups - White and Black Caribbean
    16. Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups - White and Black African
    17. Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups - White and Asian
    18. Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups - Any other mixed / multiple ethic background
    19. Other ethnic group - Arab
    20. Other ethnic group - Any other ethnic group (please specify)
    21. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    The response options for this question have been adapted for the Question Bank. The set of responses would usually have subheadings. For each response option, the subheading is written first before the dash ("-") and the response option follows after the dash ("-"). For example, "Asian / Asian British" would be the subheading and "Indian" would be the response option.

    This question is part of SIS Enrolment (parent/ guardian), SIS Enrolment (over 16 student), and SIS Enrolment (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    What is the postcode of where you/your child lives?

    Response options:
    1. [enter postcode]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Enrolment (parent/ guardian), SIS Enrolment (over 16 student), and SIS Enrolment (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Including you/your child, how many people in total currently live in your household?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of people]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of Vaccine (parent), and SIS Vaccine (staff/ student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    In your/your child’s household, how many people are there (including you or your child) in the below age groups?

    1. Children aged 0 to 5 years old

    2. Children aged 6 to 15 years old

    3. Adults aged 16 to 64 years old

    4. Adults aged 65 years old or older

    By household, we mean the group of people your child lives with, in a single house or dwelling. If your child spends time living across two households regularly within a week, e.g. shared parental responsibilities, please count for your child’s main household and the house where your child spends most of their time

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of people in each age group]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Enrolment (parent/ guardian), SIS Enrolment (over 16 student), and SIS Enrolment (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    How many days do you work per week in this school?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of days]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    The response option is selected from a drop down list from 2 to 10.

    This question is part of the SIS Enrolment (staff) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    What is your job/role at the school (please tick all that apply)?

    Response options:
    1. Headteacher / Principal
    2. Senior leader (e.g. deputy head teacher)
    3. Middle leader (e.g. head of department)
    4. Teacher
    5. Teaching assistant
    6. Supply/locum teacher
    7. Pastoral care
    8. Special Education Needs (SEN) and Inclusion
    9. Administrative/Finance/Secretarial (e.g. Business Managers, Administration and Accounts, IT, Media)
    10. Maintenance (e.g. Caretaker)
    11. Cleaning
    12. Catering
    13. Other (specify)
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Enrolment (staff), SIS Extended (head teacher), and SIS Follow-up (head teacher) questionnaires.

    There are fewer response options for SIS Extended and Follow-up (head teacher) as only those in a position to answer as head teacher or on behalf of the head teacher will get the head teacher questionnaire.

  • Question:

    What year(s) do you interact with (includes teaching)? (Please tick all that apply)

    Response options:
    1. Reception / Year 0
    2. Year 1
    3. Year 2
    4. Year 3
    5. Year 4
    6. Year 5
    7. Year 6
    8. Year 7
    9. Year 8
    10. Year 9
    11. Year 10
    12. Year 11
    13. Year 12
    14. Year 13
    15. All Years
    16. Other
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of the SIS Enrolment (staff) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Is there one class you spend most time with?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of the SIS Enrolment (staff) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Do you spend more time in one or more years compared to others?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of the SIS Enrolment (staff) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Do you work at any other school apart from this one (e.g. supply teacher)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of the SIS Enrolment (staff) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    What is your current working status?

    Response options:
    1. Employed and currently working (including if on annual leave or sick leave for less than 4 weeks)
    2. Employed and currently not working (including if furloughed due to the COVID-19 pandemic
    3. sick leave for 4 weeks or longer
    4. or maternity / paternity leave)
    5. Self-employed and currently working (including if on annual leave or sick leave for less than 4 weeks)
    6. Self-employed and currently not working (including if furloughed due to the COVID-19 pandemic
    7. sick leave for 4 weeks or longer
    8. or maternity / paternity leave)
    9. Looking for paid work and able to start
    10. Not working and not looking for work (including voluntary work)
    11. Retired
    12. In full-time education
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of the SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    What is the title of your main job or business? (e.g. primary school teacher, car mechanic, district nurse, structural engineer etc.)

    Response options:
    1. [enter job title]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if "Employed or self-employed and currently working", or "Employed or self-employed and currently not working"


    This question is part of the SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Which of these occupations / sectors do you work in? (please select one)

    Response options:
    1. Armed forces
    2. Arts, entertainment or recreation
    3. Civil service or Local Government
    4. Financial services incl. insurance
    5. Food production and agriculture (incl. farming)
    6. Health care
    7. Hospitality (e.g. hotel, restaurant, cafe)
    8. Information technology and communication
    9. Manufacturing or construction
    10. Other occupation sector (please specify)
    11. Personal services (e.g. hairdressers, tattooists)
    12. Retail sector (incl. wholesale)
    13. Social care
    14. Teaching and education
    15. Transport (incl. storage, logistics)
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if "Employed or self-employed and currently working", or "Employed or self-employed and currently not working"


    This question is part of the SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    What was your work status before the first national lockdown on the 23rd March 2020?

    Response options:
    1. Employed in the same occupation as currently
    2. Employed in a different occupation
    3. Not working and not looking for work (including if you only did voluntary work)
    4. Looking for paid work and able to start immediately
    5. In full-time education
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of the SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    What was your job title?

    Response options:
    1. [enter job title]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if "Employed in a different occupation"


    This question is part of the SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Is there anybody else with financial responsibility for your child, whether they live in the same household or not (e.g. other parent)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Do not know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of the SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    What is the current working status of that other person with financial responsibility for the child?

    Response options:
    1. Employed and currently working (including if on annual leave or sick leave for less than 4 weeks)
    2. Employed and currently not working (including if furloughed due to the COVID-19 pandemic
    3. sick leave for 4 weeks or longer
    4. or maternity / paternity leave)
    5. Self-employed and currently working (including if on annual leave or sick leave for less than 4 weeks)
    6. Self-employed and currently not working (including if furloughed due to the COVID-19 pandemic
    7. sick leave for 4 weeks or longer
    8. or maternity / paternity leave)
    9. Looking for paid work and able to start
    10. Not working and not looking for work (including voluntary work)
    11. Retired
    12. In full-time education
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if there is someone else financially responsible


    This question is part of the SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    What is the title of their main job or business? (e.g. primary school teacher, car mechanic, district nurse, structural engineer etc.)

    Response options:
    1. [enter job title]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if other person's working status is "Employed or self-employed and currently working", or "Employed or self-employed and currently not working"


    This question is part of the SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Which of these occupations / sectors do they work in? (select one)

    Response options:
    1. Armed forces
    2. Arts, entertainment or recreation
    3. Civil service or Local Government
    4. Financial services incl. insurance
    5. Food production and agriculture (incl. farming)
    6. Health care
    7. Hospitality (e.g. hotel, restaurant, cafe)
    8. Information technology and communication
    9. Manufacturing or construction
    10. Other occupation sector (please specify)
    11. Personal services (e.g. hairdressers, tattooists)
    12. Retail sector (incl. wholesale)
    13. Social care
    14. Teaching and education
    15. Transport (incl. storage, logistics)
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if other person's working status is "Employed or self-employed and currently working", or "Employed or self-employed and currently not working"


    This question is part of the SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Do you/does your child currently have any chronic illness or health condition(s)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Do not know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Which ones?

    Response options:
    1. Diabetes
    2. Asthma
    3. COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
    4. Other chronic lung condition (specify)
    5. Heart condition (specify)
    6. High blood pressure
    7. Cancer (specify)
    8. Other (specify)
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if have any chronic health conditions


    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

    The following response options were only included in the SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaire: "COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)", "Other chronic lung condition (specify)", "High blood pressure; Cancer (specify)".

  • Question:

    Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, have you/has your child received a COVID-19 vaccine?

    OR for SIS Vaccine:

    Have you/has your child received any vaccination against COVID-19? (SIS Vaccine)

    Response options:
    1. Yes - 1 dose
    2. Yes - 2 doses
    3. No
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), SIS Baseline (staff), SIS Vaccine (parent), and SIS Vaccine (staff/student) questionnaires.

    SIS Vaccine has a single "Yes" response option and includes "Don't know" as a response option.

  • Question:

    How many doses have you/has your child received to date?

    Response options:
    1. 1 dose
    2. 2 dose
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if received a COVID-19 vaccination


    This question is part of SIS Vaccine (parent), and SIS Vaccine (staff/student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    When did you/your child receive the most recent vaccination dose?

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if received a COVID-19 vaccination


    Date entered in DD/MM/YYYY format.

    This question is part of SIS Vaccine (parent), and SIS Vaccine (staff/student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Do you know the name of the COVID-19 vaccine that you/your child was given at the most recent vaccination?

    Response options:
    1. Oxford / AstraZeneca
    2. Pfizer / BioNTech
    3. Moderna
    4. Novavax
    5. Janssen / Johnson & Johnson
    6. Other
    7. Don't know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if received a COVID-19 vaccination


    This question is part of SIS Vaccine (parent), and SIS Vaccine (staff/student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Please specify the name of the COVID-19 vaccine you/your child received

    Response options:
    1. [enter name]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if "Other" COVID-19 vaccine name selected


    This question is part of SIS Vaccine (parent), and SIS Vaccine (staff/student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Have any member(s) of your household, other than you/your child, received the COVID-19 vaccination to date?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Vaccine (parent), and SIS Vaccine (staff/student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    How many members of your household other than your child have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of people]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if other members of household have had COVID-19 vaccine


    The response option is selected from a drop down list from 1 to 10.

    This question is part of SIS Vaccine (parent), and SIS Vaccine (staff/student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Have you/has your child ever tested positive for COVID-19 in the past i.e. before being tested in this school survey (this can be a swab, saliva test or blood test)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    What type of test was it?

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Nasal / throat swab test (e.g. test for current infection)
    2. Saliva test (spat into cup / tube)
    3. Blood test (e.g. antibody test for past infection)
    4. Do not know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if have tested positive for COVID-19


    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    What was the date of the first positive nasal / throat swab or saliva test?

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if had a "Nasal / throat swab test"


    Date entered in DD/MM/YYYY format.

    Only 2020 and 2021 year options available.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    What was the date of the first positive blood test?

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if had a "Blood test"


    Date entered in DD/MM/YYYY format.

    Only 2020 and 2021 year options available.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Have you/has your child had COVID-19 symptoms at any point since March 2020?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Do not know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    When did these symptoms start? (if you cannot remember the exact date, please give an estimate)

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if had COVID-19 symptoms


    Date entered in DD/MM/YYYY format.

    Only 2020 and 2021 year options available.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    In the week before or after the most recent samples for this school survey were collected, did you/your child experience any of the following symptoms?

    Fever / chills / high temperature / hot to touch

    New continuous cough

    Loss or change to their sense of smell or taste

    Shortness of breath / difficulty breathing

    Feeling extra tired / Fatigue

    Sore throat

    Blocked or runny nose, sneezing

    Muscle ache (myalgia) / Joint pain


    Nausea / vomiting

    Tummy / Abdominal pain


    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    A "Yes" or "No" response is required for each symptom.

    This question is presented in table format where, if a symptom is selected, the date of onset and duration in day(s) must be given. This is presented as a separate question in the Question Bank.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    (For each of the symptoms selected, the respondent also selects the date that the symptom started and the duration the symptom lasted)

    Fever / chills / high temperature / hot to touch

    New continuous cough

    Loss or change to their sense of smell or taste

    Shortness of breath / difficulty breathing

    Feeling extra tired / Fatigue

    Sore throat

    Blocked or runny nose, sneezing

    Muscle ache (myalgia) / Joint pain


    Nausea / vomiting

    Tummy / Abdominal pain


    Response options:
    1. [enter date symptom started]
    2. [select symptom duration in days]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if responded "Yes" to any of the symptoms


    This is a continuation of the question "In the week before or after the most recent samples for this school survey were collected, did you/your child experience any of the following symptoms?".

    The response options are presented in a matrix where the symptom is selected, then the date of symptom onset is answered, followed by the duration of the symptom.

    Date entered in DD/MM/YYYY format.

    Duration presented as a drop down list from 1 to 30.

    A response is required for each symptom selected.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Excluding yourself/your child, how many people live in this household?

    Response options:
    1. [select number of people]
    2. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    The response options are presented as a drop down list from 1 to 10.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

    The question wording slightly different for SIS Baseline (parent/guardian) as the parent/guardian answering the questionnaire is included in number of people in household.

  • Question:

    Relationship to yourself/the participating child:

    Response options:
    1. Parent (Mother / Stepmother / Father / Stepfather)
    2. Grandparent
    3. Aunt / Uncle
    4. Sibling (Brother / stepbrother / Sister / Stepsister)
    5. Guardian
    6. Other relative
    7. No relation
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if selected any other people in household

    Asked for each member of household


    The response options are presented as a drop down list.

    This question is referring to other household members living with the respondent.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    What is their gender?

    Response options:
    1. Male
    2. Female
    3. Other
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if selected any other people in household

    Asked for each member of household


    This question is referring to other household members living with the respondent.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    What is their date of birth? (If unsure, please skip this and only enter their age group below)

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if selected any other people in household

    Asked for each member of household


    Date entered in DD/MM/YYYY format.

    This question is referring to other household members living with the respondent.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    What is their age group?

    Response options:
    1. 0-4 years
    2. 5-9 years
    3. 10-14 years
    4. 15-19 years
    5. 20-24 years
    6. 25-29 years
    7. 30-34 years
    8. 35-39 years
    9. 40-44 years
    10. 45-49 years
    11. 50-54 years
    12. 55-59 years
    13. 60-64 years
    14. 65-69 years
    15. 70-74 years
    16. 75-79 years
    17. 80-84 years
    18. 85-89 years
    19. 90 years and above
    20. Prefer not to say
    21. Unknown
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if selected any other people in household

    Asked for each member of household


    This question is referring to other household members living with the respondent.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    What is their current working status?

    Response options:
    1. Employed and currently working (including if on annual leave or sick leave for less than 4 weeks)
    2. Employed and currently not working (including if furloughed due to the COVID-19 pandemic
    3. sick leave for 4 weeks or longer, or maternity / paternity leave)
    4. Self-employed and currently working (including if on annual leave or sick leave for less than 4 weeks)
    5. Self-employed and currently not working (including if furloughed due to the COVID-19 pandemic
    6. sick leave for 4 weeks or longer or maternity / paternity leave)
    7. Looking for paid work and able to start
    8. Not working and not looking for work (including voluntary work)
    9. Retired
    10. Child under 5 years old not attending nursery, pre-school, childminder
    11. Child under 5 years old attending nursery, pre-school, childminder
    12. In full time education (including children over 4 years and adults)
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if selected any other people in household

    Asked for each member of household


    This question is referring to other household members living with the respondent.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Are they attending the same school where you attend/as the participating child?

    OR for staff only:

    Are they attending the school where you work?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if member is in full-time education

    Asked for each member of household


    This question is referring to other household members living with the respondent.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Which of the following applies to their work situation

    Response options:
    1. Works in a social care setting (e.g. nursing care home, residential care home, home carer, day centre)
    2. Works in a healthcare setting (e.g. GP or Dental practice, Hospital)
    3. Works in a retail, hospitality or transport setting (e.g. shop worker, bus driver, courier)
    4. Works in early years education, a school or post-16 education setting (e.g. nursery worker, primary or secondary school or college teaching, assisting or cleaning, feeding)
    5. Works in another job
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if member is "Currently employed or self-employed and working", or "Currently employed or self-employed and not working"

    Asked for each member of household


    This question is referring to other household members living with the respondent.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Does their job / role primarily involve direct contact, in person, with patients / clients / residents / service users on a day to day basis?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if member is "Currently employed or self-employed and working", or "Currently employed or self-employed and not working"

    Asked for each member of household


    This question is referring to other household members living with the respondent.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Have they ever tested positive for COVID-19 before your/your child’s most recent testing in this school survey (this can be either a swab, saliva test or a blood test)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Do not know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if selected any other people in household

    Asked for each member of household


    This question is referring to other household members living with the respondent.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    What type of test was it?

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Nasal / throat swab test (e.g. test for current infection)
    2. Saliva test (spat into cup / tube)
    3. Blood test (e.g. antibody test for past infection)
    4. Do not know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if member had a COVID-19 test

    Asked for each member of household


    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    What was the date of the first positive test?

    Response options:
    1. [enter date for each test type]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if member had a COVID-19 test

    Asked for each member of household


    Date entered in DD/MM/YYYY format.

    Only 2020 and 2021 year options available.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Does your family own a car or another motorised vehicle?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), and SIS Baseline (over 16 student), questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Are you/is your child entitled to receive free school meals?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Do not know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), and SIS Baseline (over 16 student), questionnaires.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), and SIS Baseline (over 16 student), questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Have you/has your child travelled abroad since March 2020?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    How many times have you/they travelled abroad?

    Response options:
    1. [select number of times from 1 to 10]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if have travelled abroad


    The response option is selected from a drop down list from 1 to 10.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Which country or countries did you/they visit?

    Response options:
    1. [enter name of country or countries]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if have travelled abroad


    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    When did you/they leave the UK?

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if have travelled abroad


    Date entered in DD/MM/YYYY format.

    Only 2020 and 2021 year options available.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    When did you/they return to the UK?

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if have travelled abroad


    Date entered in DD/MM/YYYY format.

    Only 2020 and 2021 year options available.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Since the start of this term, how many days per week have you/has your child usually attended your/their school?

    OR for staff only:

    Since the start of this term, how many days per week have you worked in-person at school? (staff)

    Response options:
    1. [select number of days]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    The response option is selected from a drop down list from 1 to 7.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    How have you/has your child mainly travelled to and from school in the current term?

    Response options:
    1. Walking
    2. Bicycle, motorbike
    3. Moped or scooter
    4. Dedicated school bus
    5. Public transport bus
    6. Public transport train (including train, Tram, DLR, overground) Public transport underground
    7. Car with only yourself or shared with household members
    8. Car shared with people outside your household
    9. Taxicab, Uber, etc.
    10. Other (please specify)
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    How many times have per week have you used any public transport in the current term?

    (Please count each journey (to or from school) separately; for example, if you have taken public transport to go to school 5 mornings a week but return from school on foot, that counts as 5 times per week).

    Response options:
    1. [select number]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if selected any public transport


    The response option is selected from a drop down list from 0 to 25.

    This question is part of the SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    When travelling to and from school, which of the following applied? If possible, please consult your child to answer this question.

    1. You/your child wore a face mask or face covering during trips on public transport

    2. You/your child observed social distancing rules during trips on public transport

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Rarely
    4. Never
    5. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if selected any public transport


    A response is required for the use of a face covering and social distancing.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Do you/does your child sit in their bubble when traveling on the dedicated school bus? If possible, please consult your child to answer this question.

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Sometimes
    4. Do not know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if child uses dedicated school bus


    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    While at school, which of the following apply?

    1. You/your child wore a face mask or face covering out of class when mixing predominantly with students e.g. corridors, playground, sports / music / art activities

    2. You have worn a face mask or face covering out of class when mixing predominantly with other staff e.g. in the staff room / dining room

    3. You/your child used hand sanitiser while in school, between classes

    4. You/your child used hand sanitiser while in school, during classes

    5. You/your child washed their hands with soap regularly (three or more times a day)

    6. You/your child followed social distancing rules with pupils/while in school

    7. You have followed social distancing rules with other staff members

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Rarely
    4. Never
    5. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    A response is required for each of the statements presented to the respondent.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

    Statement 2 and 7 only apply to SIS Baseline (staff) and the wording for statement 1 only includes "…when mixing predominantly with students…" for SIS Baseline (staff).

  • Question:

    On a typical day at school, how many different people from your/their school (excluding any members of your household) would you/your child talk to face-to-face either one-to-one or in a small group (i.e. not speaking to the whole class) in each of the following places?

    If you/your child would normally talk to somebody in more than one place (for example they might talk to their friend at school and in a neighbourhood club) please only count them for the place where they spend the most time with them.

    1. People who are in your/their class

    2. People who are in your/their year group, but a different class

    3. People who are in a year group different from yours/theirs

    4. People who are in a year group next to yours/theirs (below or above)

    5. Adults (for example teachers, classroom assistants, other staff)

    Response options:
    1. None
    2. 1 to 5
    3. 6 to 10
    4. 11 or more
    5. Do not know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    Response options provided across three different settings: At school; At after school clubs; Anywhere else.

    A response is required for all groups of people the child interacts with.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), and SIS Baseline (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    On a typical day when you are at school, how many different people from your school would you talk to face-to-face either one-to-one or in a small group in each of the following places?

    1. Pupils from your school

    2. Staff members from your school

    If you would normally talk to somebody in more than one place (for example you might talk to your colleague out of school and at school) please only count them once, in the place where you spent the most time with them.

    Response options:
    1. None
    2. 1 to 5
    3. 6 to 10
    4. 11 or more
    5. Do not know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    Response options provided across three different settings: At school; After school activities; Anywhere else.

    A response is required for all groups of people the child interacts with.

    This question is part of the SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Thinking of up to six people you/your child spends the most time with at school, how many of the (up to) six are in:

    1. your/their year group and same class

    2. your/their year group and different class

    3. the year group directly above yours/theirs

    4. the year group directly below yours/theirs

    5. other year groups?

    Response options:
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
    5. 5
    6. 6
    7. Do not know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    The response option is selected from a drop down list from 1 to 6 with "Do not know" as the last option.

    A response is required for each social group.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), and SIS Baseline (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    In the past four weeks, how many times a week, typically, have you/has your child taken part in the following indoor extra-curricular activities, which have involved in-person interaction or contact, with people outside your household?

    1. Youth clubs, scouts, girl guides, music, art or other organised activities

    2. Voluntary or community work

    3. Sport, dance

    4. Tutorials (e.g. for school subjects) or religious classes

    5. Other

    Response options:
    1. Never
    2. Less than 1 per week
    3. Once per week
    4. 2 times per week
    5. 3 times per week
    6. 4 or more times per week
    7. Do not know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    A response is required for each extra-curricular activity.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), and SIS Baseline (over 16 student) questionnaires.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), and SIS Baseline (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Thinking of the past four weeks, apart from the usual extra-curricular activities asked about just now, did you/your child have indoor contact with anyone from outside your household on a regular (at least once a week) basis?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), and SIS Baseline (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Is that:

    Response options:
    1. A friend
    2. Grandparents
    3. A cleaner
    4. Childminder
    5. Other (please specify)
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if the respondent had indoor contact


    This question is referring to who outside the household the respondent had indoor contact with.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), and SIS Baseline (over 16 student) questionnaires.

    "Childminder" is not a response option for SIS Baseline (over 16 student).

  • Question:

    Thinking of the past 4 weeks, have you/has your child or anyone who usually lives in your/their household(s) been inside a hospital, nursing care home or residential care home for any reason (e.g. for work, treatment, to visit someone?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, I/they have
    2. Yes, someone from my/their household has
    3. No, nobody has
    4. Not sure
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), and SIS Baseline (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Which of the following places did you/your child visit in the past 4 weeks?

    1. Different household (e.g. visiting a friend’s or relative’s house)

    2. Grocery store / shops / supermarkets

    3. Cinema / Theatre / Concert / Music venue

    4. Restaurant / Café / Pub / food outlet – indoor

    5. Place of worship (church, mosque, temple, synagogue, etc.)

    6. Indoor leisure centre / sports centre / gym / swimming pool

    7. Outdoor recreation area (e.g. Parks / playing fields / water sports / outdoor pool) with people outside your household

    8. Hairdresser / Beauty Salon / Tanning studio

    9. Used public transport (bus, tube, train, plane etc.)

    10. Attending a party (including weddings and christenings, etc.)

    11. Other public place (museum, art gallery etc.)

    Response options:
    1. Every day or most days
    2. More than once a week but not every day
    3. About once a week
    4. Once a month or more, but less than once a week
    5. Never
    6. Do not know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    A response is required for each place.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), and SIS Baseline (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Which of these phrases best describes you/your child?

    For each item, please mark the box for ‘Not True’, ‘Somewhat True’ or ‘Certainly True’. It would help us if you answered all items as best you can even if you are not absolutely certain or the item seems daft! Please give your answers on the basis of how things have been for you/your child's behaviour over the last six months

    1. Considerate of other people’s feelings

    2. Restless, overactive, cannot stay still for long

    3. Often complains of headaches, stomach-aches or sickness

    4. Shares readily with other children (treats, toys, pencils etc.)

    5. Often has temper tantrums or hot tempers

    6. Rather solitary, tends to play alone

    7. Generally obedient, usually does what adults request

    8. Many worries, often seems worried

    9. Helpful if someone is hurt, upset or feeling ill

    10. Constantly fidgeting or squirming

    11. Has at least one good friend

    12. Often fights with other children or bullies them

    13. Often unhappy, down-hearted or tearful

    14. Generally liked by other children

    15. Easily distracted, concentration wanders

    16. Nervous or clingy in new situations, easily loses confidence

    17. Kind to younger children

    18. Often lies or cheats

    19. Picked on or bullied by other children

    20. Often volunteers to help others (parents, teachers, other children)

    21. Thinks things out before acting

    22. Steals from home, school or elsewhere

    23. Gets on better with adults than with other children

    24. Many fears, easily scared

    25. Sees tasks through to the end, good attention span

    Response options:
    1. Not True
    2. Somewhat True
    3. Certainly True
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    A response is required for each of the 25 phrases.

    This question is part of SIS Baseline (parent/ guardian), and SIS Baseline (over 16 student) questionnaires.

    The question wording is slightly different for SIS Baseline (over 16 student).

    SIS Baseline (over 16 student) includes the following intro: "We want to understand the impact of school closures and re-openings on young people’s mental wellbeing and behaviour."

  • Question:

    We want to understand the impact of school closures and re-opening on staff wellbeing. Below are some statements of job-related feelings. Please read each statement carefully and decide if you ever feel this way about your job.

    1. I feel emotionally drained by my work

    2. I feel used up at the end of the workday

    3. I feel fatigued when I get up in the morning and have to face another day on the job

    4. I can easily understand how my students feel about things

    5. I feel I treat some students as if they were impersonal objects.

    6. Working with people all day is really a strain for me

    7. I deal very effectively with the problems of my students

    8. I feel burned out from my work

    9. I feel I'm positively influencing other people's lives through my work

    10. I've become more callous toward people since I took this job

    11. I worry that this job is hardening me emotionally

    12. I feel very energetic

    13. I feel frustrated by my job

    14. I feel I'm working too hard in my job

    15. I don't really care what happens to some students

    16. Working directly with people puts too much stress on me

    17. I can easily create a relaxed atmosphere with my students

    18. I feel exhilarated after working closely with my students

    19. I have accomplished many worthwhile things in this job

    20. I feel like I'm at the end of my tether

    21. In my work, I deal with emotional problems very calmly

    22. I feel students blame me for some of their problems

    Response options:
    1. Never
    2. A few times a year or less
    3. Once a month or less
    4. A few times a month
    5. Once a week
    6. A few times a week
    7. Everyday
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Baseline (staff), and SIS Follow-up (staff) questionnaires.

    The question wording is slightly different for SIS Follow-up (staff), including further elaboration on the response options.

  • Question:

    Do you currently have a job (e.g. part-time, evening or week-end job) apart from your studies? (over 16 student)

    Currently, do you have any other employment, or a second job, apart from your role at the school? (staff)

    Response options:
    1. No, I do not have a job
    2. Yes, I also work in a social care setting (e.g. nursing care home, residential care home, home carer, day centre)
    3. Yes, I also work in a healthcare setting (e.g. GP or Dental practice, Hospital)
    4. Yes, I also work in a retail, hospitality or transport setting (e.g. shop worker, bus driver, courier)
    5. Yes, I also work in early years education, a school or post-16 education setting (e.g. nursery worker, primary or secondary school or college teaching, assisting or cleaning, feeding)
    6. Yes, I also work in another job
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Does your role primarily involve direct contact, in person, with patients / clients / residents / service users on a day-to-day basis?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if work in social care or healthcare setting


    This question is part of SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Does that role primarily involve direct contact, in person, with clients / customers on a day-to-day basis?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if work in retail, hospitality or transport setting


    This question is part of SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Does that role primarily involve direct contact, in person, with infants, young children or students on a day-to-day basis?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if work in education setting


    This question is part of SIS Baseline (over 16 student), and SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Does this role primarily involve direct contact, in person, with customers / guests / service-users on a day-to-day basis?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if work in another type of job


    This question is part of the SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Do you mostly work…

    Response options:
    1. from home
    2. outside of the home
    3. both at home and outside of the home
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if work in another type of job


    This question is part of the SIS Baseline (over 16 student) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Since the start of this term, have you been assigned to a group or "bubble" that generally does not mix with other groups?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, in a bubble smaller than normal class size
    2. Yes, in a bubble that is normal class size
    3. Yes, in a bubble of the entire year group
    4. No
    5. I do not know
    6. Other, please specify
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of the SIS Baseline (over 16 student) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Are there any times in the day when students in your bubble might mix with other bubbles or groups?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, during break
    2. Yes, during lunch
    3. Yes, during sports
    4. Yes, hanging out immediately after school
    5. No
    6. Do not know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if "Yes" or "Other" in response to bubble


    This question is part of the SIS Baseline (over 16 student) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    In your experience, how well are the following preventive measures being followed by other students?

    1. Students wear facemasks or face coverings in corridors or communal areas

    2. Students maintain distance from other students

    3. Students regularly (three or more times a day) wash or sanitise hands

    4. Students catch coughs or sneezes with tissue or arm

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Rarely
    4. Never
    5. Do not know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    A response is required for each preventive measure.

    This question is part of the SIS Baseline (over 16 student) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    In your experience, how well are the preventive measures being followed? Please answer questions about school-related activities and behaviours thinking of the current term

    1. Staff wear facemasks or face coverings in the classroom

    2. Staff wear facemasks or face coverings in corridors or communal areas

    3. Staff wear facemasks or face coverings in staff rooms or shared office space

    4. Staff maintain 2m distance from students

    5. Staff maintain 2m distance from other adults at school

    6. Staff regularly wash or sanitise hands

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Rarely
    4. Never
    5. Not applicable
    6. Do not know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    A response is required for each preventive measure.

    This question is part of the SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    In your experience, how well are the preventive measures being followed? Please answer questions about school-related activities and behaviours thinking of the current term

    1. Students wear facemasks or face coverings in the classroom

    2. Students regularly wash or sanitise hands

    3. Students catch coughs or sneezes with tissue or arm

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Rarely
    4. Never
    5. Not applicable
    6. Do not know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    A response is required for each preventive measure.

    This question is part of the SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    In your experience, how well are the preventive measures being followed? Please answer questions about school-related activities and behaviours thinking of the current term

    1. Seats and desks are spaced apart to maintain distance between students

    2. All desks face forward

    3. Increased cleaning of frequently touched surfaces

    4. Students do not share equipment or learning materials in classrooms

    5. Students do not carry equipment or learning materials between home and school

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Rarely
    4. Never
    5. Not applicable
    6. Do not know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    A response is required for each preventive measure.

    This question is part of the SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Is your role at the school a Teacher or a Teaching Assistant?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask teachers and teaching assistants only


    This question is part of the SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaire.

    This question should only be presented to those who selected "Teacher" or "Teaching assistant" in the SIS Enrolment (staff) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Are there times in the day when student might mix with students in other bubbles or groups?

    Please answer questions about school-related activities and behaviours thinking of the current term.

    Response options:
    1. Yes, during break
    2. Yes, during lunch
    3. Yes, during sports
    4. Yes, other (please specify)
    5. No
    6. Do not know
    7. Prefer not to say
    8. Not applicable
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask teachers and teaching assistants only


    This question is part of the SIS Baseline (staff) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    In the period between the last school testing visit and this most recent school testing visit, have you/has your child been tested for COVID-19 outside of the school study (this can be a swab, saliva or blood test)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), SIS Follow-up (over 16 student), and SIS Follow-up (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Why did you/your child get tested for COVID-19? (If your child has had more than one test during this period, please select all that apply)

    Response options:
    1. I/my child had symptoms
    2. I/my child had contact with someone else with confirmed COVID-19
    3. Offered test as part of mass testing of students / community
    4. Other
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if had a COVID-19 test


    Multiple response options are allowed.

    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), SIS Follow-up (over 16 student), and SIS Follow-up (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Did this test / any of these test result(s) come back positive for COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if had a COVID-19 test


    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), SIS Follow-up (over 16 student), and SIS Follow-up (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    What type of test was it? (If you/your child had more than one test outside of the school study during this period, please answer for the first test that came back positive)

    Response options:
    1. Nose / throat swab test (e.g. test for current infection)
    2. Blood test (e.g. blood test for antibodies / past infection)
    3. Saliva test (spat into cup / tube)
    4. Don’t know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if tested positive for COVID-19


    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), SIS Follow-up (over 16 student), and SIS Follow-up (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    What was the date of this first positive test? (If you cannot remember the exact date, please give an estimate)

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if tested positive for COVID-19


    Date entered in DD/MM/YYYY format.

    Only 2020 and 2021 year options available.

    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), SIS Follow-up (over 16 student), and SIS Follow-up (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    In the past four weeks, have you been aware of anyone testing positive for COVID-19 among people you/your child may have been in contact with?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), SIS Follow-up (over 16 student), and SIS Follow-up (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Please select the option which best describes these contacts:

    (Select all that apply if your child has been in contact with more than one person who has tested positive)

    Response options:
    1. A household member
    2. Someone at school (student or staff)
    3. Parent / household member of someone at school
    4. Friend or family friend from outside of school
    5. Family / relative living in a different household
    6. Other (please specify)
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if in contact with positive case


    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), SIS Follow-up (over 16 student), and SIS Follow-up (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Please look at the following list of symptoms. Could you tell us whether you/your child experienced any of these symptoms in the week before or after this round of school survey testing.

    1. Fever / chills / high temperature / hot to touch

    2. New continuous cough

    3. Loss or change to their sense of smell or taste

    4. Shortness of breath / difficulty breathing

    5. Feeling extra tired / Fatigue

    6. Sore throat

    7. Blocked or runny nose, sneezing

    8. Muscle ache / joint pain

    9. Headaches

    10. Nausea / vomiting

    11. Tummy / abdominal pain

    12. Diarrhoea

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    A response is required for each symptom.

    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), SIS Follow-up (over 16 student), and SIS Follow-up (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    When did these symptoms first start? (If you cannot remember the exact date, please give an estimate)

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if had any symptoms


    Date entered in DD/MM/YYYY format, with the year pre-filled as 2021.

    Date required for each symptom selected "Yes" for.

    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), SIS Follow-up (over 16 student), and SIS Follow-up (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Have you/has your child had a flu vaccination this winter (2020/2021)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    "Prefer not to say" is not a response option for SIS Follow-up (over 16 student).

    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), SIS Follow-up (over 16 student), and SIS Follow-up (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Have you/has your child had a vaccination for COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    "Prefer not to say" is not a response option for SIS Follow-up (over 16 student).

    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), SIS Follow-up (over 16 student), and SIS Follow-up (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    If an approved COVID-19 vaccine was offered to your child, would you want your child to have the vaccine?

    OR for SIS Follow-up (staff) and SIS Vaccine (staff/student):

    If an approved COVID-19 vaccine was offered to you, would you choose to have the vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Yes definitely
    2. Unsure but leaning towards yes
    3. Unsure but leaning towards no
    4. Definitely not
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if has not had a COVID-19 vaccine


    There are slight wording differences for SIS Vaccine.

    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), SIS Follow-up (staff) , SIS Vaccine (parent), and SIS (staff/ student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Can you tell us why?

    Response options:
    1. [enter free text answer]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if a "No" response option was given when asked if they were offered an approved COVID-19 vaccine


    This question is part of SIS Vaccine (parent), and SIS (staff/ student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    In the period between the last school testing visit and this most recent school testing visit, has anybody else living in your/your child’s primary household (not including you/your child participating in this study) tested positive for COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), SIS Follow-up (over 16 student), anf SIS Follow-up (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    If yes, how many people (adults or other children) from your household tested positive for COVID-19 during this period?

    Response options:
    1. [select number of people]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if someone in household tested positive for COVID-19


    The response option is selected from a drop down list from 1 to 10.

    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), SIS Follow-up (over 16 student), and SIS Follow-up (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    When did they receive a positive test result for COVID-19? (If this household member has had more than one test in this period, please answer for the most recent test; If you do not know the exact date, please give an estimate)

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if someone in household tested positive for COVID-19

    Ask for each member of household who tested positive for COVID-19


    Date entered in DD/MM/YYYY format.

    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), SIS Follow-up (over 16 student), and SIS Follow-up (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    What type of test was it?

    Response options:
    1. Nose / throat swab test (e.g. test for current infection)
    2. Blood test (e.g. blood test for antibodies / past infection)
    3. Saliva test (spat into cup / tube)
    4. Don’t know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if someone in household tested positive for COVID-19

    Ask for each member of household who tested positive for COVID-19


    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), SIS Follow-up (over 16 student), and SIS Follow-up (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    In the past four weeks, has anyone in the household (not including yourself/your child participating in this study) been asked to self-isolate / stay home because of possible contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 from outside of your household? (Do not include household members who are isolating because someone else in your household has tested positive)

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), SIS Follow-up (over 16 student), and SIS Follow-up (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    This half term, how many days per week have you usually attended your school?

    OR for staff only:

    This half term, how many days per week have you worked in-person at school?

    Response options:
    1. [select number of days from 0 to 7]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    The response option is selected from a drop down list from 0 to 7.

    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (over 16 student), and SIS Follow-up (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Over the past four weeks, have you/has your child ever used public transport (public bus, overground train, tube, DLR, tram, school bus) to travel to or from school?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), SIS Follow-up (over 16 student), and SIS Follow-up (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Over the past four weeks, how many times per week would you say you/your child has used public transport to go to or from school?

    Please count each journey (to or from school) separately; for example, if they take public transport to AND from school 5 days a week, that counts as 10 times per week).

    Response options:
    1. [enter number of times from 1 to 10]
    2. 11 or more
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if used public transport


    The response option is selected from a drop down list from 1 to 10 with '11 or more' as the last option.

    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), SIS Follow-up (over 16 student), and SIS Follow-up (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    When travelling to and from school, which of the following apply?

    1. You/your child wears a face mask or face covering during trips on public transport

    2. You/your child is able to socially distance from others during trips on public transport

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Rarely
    4. Never
    5. Prefer not to say
    6. Don’t know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if used public transport


    A response is required for each protective measure.

    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), and SIS Follow-up (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    On the most recent day you/your child was at school, approximately how many of the following people did you/they have a conversation with? By conversation, we mean talking to each other one-to-one or in a small group (not speaking to the whole class).

    1. Students in your/their class or same year group

    2. Students not in you/their year group

    3. If '1 to 5', '6 to 10', '11' or more to question above: Of these, how many were in a year group next to yours/theirs (immediately below or above)?

    4. Other people at school (including teachers and staff)

    5. Other people outside school (not including your household)

    Response options:
    1. None
    2. 1 to 5
    3. 6 to 10
    4. 11 or more
    5. Don’t know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    A response is required for each social group the child had contact.

    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), and SIS Follow-up (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    While at school over the past 4 weeks, which of the following applied?

    1. You wore a face mask or face covering in indoor school spaces other than classrooms

    2. You used hand sanitiser regularly while in school

    3. You washed your hands with soap regularly

    4. You’re socially distanced from students in other bubbles

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Rarely
    4. Never
    5. Not applicable
    6. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    A response is required for each protective measure.

    This question is part of the SIS Follow-up (over 16 student) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    While at school, which of the following applied?

    1. You have worn a face mask or face covering out of class when mixing predominantly with pupils e.g. corridors, playground, sports / music / art activities

    2. You have worn a face mask out of class when mixing predominantly with other staff e.g. in the staff room / dining room

    3. You have used hand sanitiser while in school, between classes

    4. You have used hand sanitiser while in school, during classes

    5. You have washed your hands with soap regularly

    6. You have socially distanced from pupils

    7. You have socially distanced from other staff members

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Rarely
    4. Never
    5. Not applicable
    6. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    A response is required for each protective measure.

    This question is part of the SIS Follow-up (staff) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    On the most recent day you were at school, approximately how many of the following people did you have a conversation with? By conversation, we mean talking to each other one-to-one or in a small group. (Do not include the pupils you speak to as a whole class; or any members of your own household who works or is a pupil at your school.)

    1. Pupils from your school

    2. Staff members from your school

    3. Other people outside school (not including your household)

    Response options:
    1. None
    2. 1 to 5
    3. 6 to 10
    4. 11 or more
    5. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    A response is required for each group of people.

    This question is part of the SIS Follow-up (staff) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    In the past four weeks, have you/has your child taken part in any of the following indoor extra-curricular activities (outside of school) that have involved in-person interaction or contact with people outside your household?

    1. Youth clubs, scouts, girl guides, music, art or other organised activities

    2. Voluntary or community work

    3. Sport, dance

    4. Tutorials (e.g. for school subjects) or religious classes

    5. Other

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    A response is required for each extra-curricular activity the child took part in.

    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), and SIS Follow-up (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Thinking of the past four weeks, apart from the usual extra-curricular activities asked just now, did you/your child have indoor contact with anyone from outside your household on a regular (at least once a week) basis?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), and SIS Follow-up (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Is that (select all that apply):

    Response options:
    1. Child’s other parent / caregiver (e.g. if child lives part of week in other household)
    2. A school-friend from same class / year-group
    3. A school-friend from different year-group
    4. A friend from another school
    5. Grandparents
    6. A cleaner
    7. Childminder
    8. Other adults (friends / family)
    9. Other (please specify)
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if child had indoor contact


    This question is referring to who outside the household the respondent had indoor contact with.

    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), and SIS Follow-up (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Have you/has your child visited any of the following places at any time in the past four weeks?

    1. Different household (e.g. a friend’s or relative’s house)

    2. Grocery store / supermarkets / pharmacies

    3. Cinema / Theatre / Concert / Music venue / Shopping centre

    4. Restaurant / Café / Pub / Food outlet – indoor

    5. Place of worship (church, mosque, temple, synagogue, etc.)

    6. Indoor leisure centre / sports centre / gym / swimming pool

    7. Outdoor recreation area (parks, playing fields, water sports, outdoor pool, etc.) with people outside your household

    8. Hairdresser / Beauty Salon / Tanning studio

    9. Used public transport (bus, tube, train, etc.)

    10. Travelled on a plane

    11. Attended a party (including weddings and christenings, etc.)

    12. Other public place (museum, art gallery, theme park, etc.)

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    A response is required for each place visited.

    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), SIS Follow-up (over 16 student), and SIS Folow-up (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    In the past four weeks, have you/has your child been absent from school at all (including times when you/they or your/their class have been sent home to isolate)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), SIS Follow-up (over 16 student), and SIS Folow-up (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    During this four week period, how many days of school did you/your child miss in total? (Do not include weekends, inset days or school holidays from this total; count any part-day missed as a whole day of absence)

    Response options:
    1. [select number of days]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if absent from school


    A response is selected from a drop down list from 1 to 20.

    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), SIS Follow-up (over 16 student), and SIS Folow-up (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Please tell us whether any of these absences were COVID related (for example you were/child was ill with COVID-like symptoms, you/child tested positive, you were/child was sent home to isolate, etc).

    Response options:
    1. COVID related
    2. Not COVID related
    3. Both
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if absent from school


    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), SIS Follow-up (over 16 student), and SIS Folow-up (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Please select COVID related reasons for absence.

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. You/my child tested positive for COVID-19
    2. You/my child had COVID-19 symptoms / suspected COVID-19 (but no positive test)
    3. You were/my child was told to isolate due to a potential contact with a case of COVID-19 at school
    4. You were/my child was isolating due to a potential contact with a case of COVID-19 from outside of school
    5. School shut for COVID-19 related reasons (e.g. outbreak at school, local lockdown, other)
    6. Quarantining due to travel outside of the UK
    7. (Child) shielding
    8. You have/my child had long-term symptoms after being positive for COVID-19 in the past
    9. Other COVID-19 related reason (please specify)
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if absence "COVID related" or "Both"


    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), SIS Follow-up (over 16 student), and SIS Folow-up (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Please select non-COVID related reasons for absence.

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Non-COVID related respiratory illness (e.g. cold, flu, asthma, croup, bronchiolitis)
    2. Non-COVID related vomiting / diarrhoea / nausea / abdominal pain
    3. Other non-COVID related illness
    4. Medical / dental / hospital appointment / care
    5. Other non-COVID related reason (please specify)
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if absence "Not COVID related" or "Both"


    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (parent/ guardian), SIS Follow-up (over 16 student), and SIS Folow-up (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Are there any times in the day when students in your bubble might mix with other bubbles or groups?

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Yes, during break
    2. Yes, during lunch
    3. Yes, during sports
    4. Yes, after-school clubs
    5. Yes, hanging out immediately after school
    6. No
    7. Other
    8. Don’t know
    9. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Follow-up (over 16 student), and SIS Folow-up (staff) questionnaires.

    The question wording slightly different for SIS Follow-up (staff).

  • Question:

    In your experience, how well are the following preventive measures being followed?

    1. Staff wear facemasks or face coverings in the classroom

    2. Staff wear facemasks or face coverings in corridors or communal areas

    3. Staff wear facemasks or face coverings in staff rooms or shared office space

    4. Staff maintain 2m distance from students

    5. Staff maintain 2m distance from other adults at school

    6. Staff regularly wash or sanitise hands

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Rarely
    4. Never
    5. Not applicable
    6. Don’t know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    A response is required for each preventive measure.

    This question is part of the SIS Folow-up (staff) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    In your experience, how well are the following preventive measures being followed?

    1. Students wear facemasks or face coverings in the classroom

    2. Students regularly wash or sanitise hands

    3. Students catch coughs or sneezes with tissue or arm

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Rarely
    4. Never
    5. Not applicable
    6. Don’t know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    A response is required for each preventive measure.

    This question is part of the SIS Folow-up (staff) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    In your experience, how well are the following preventive measures being followed?

    1. Seats and desks are spaced apart to maintain distance between students

    2. All desks face forward

    3. Increased cleaning of frequently touched surfaces

    4. Windows are kept open / opened at regular intervals to air the classrooms

    5. Students do not share equipment or learning materials in classrooms

    6. Students do not carry equipment or learning materials between home and school

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Rarely
    4. Never
    5. Not applicable
    6. Don’t know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    A response is required for each preventive measure.

    This question is part of the SIS Folow-up (staff) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Did your school remain open for children of key workers and/or vulnerable children during the national lockdown period (23 March – 31 May 2020)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of the SIS Extended (head teacher) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Was your school open for any students after the lockdown from early June until the end of the summer term 2020?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of the SIS Extended (head teacher) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Does your school keep students in consistent student groups or "bubbles" that do not mix with other student groups?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, in bubbles smaller than normal class sizes
    2. Yes, in bubbles that are normal class sizes
    3. Yes, in bubbles of an entire year group
    4. No
    5. Other, please specify
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Extended (head teacher), and SIS Follow-up (head teacher) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    How far apart from each other are students generally seated in the classroom?

    Response options:
    1. Less than 0.5 metre apart
    2. Over 0.5m but under 1m apart
    3. Over 1m but under 2m apart
    4. Over 2m apart
    5. Other, please specify
    6. Do not know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of the SIS Extended (head teacher) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Which of the following staff preventive measures are currently being implemented at your school? Tick all that apply

    1. Staff stay home if they, or someone in their household, has COVID-19 symptoms

    2. Staff do not attend work (may work from home) if clinically vulnerable

    3. Staff do not attend work (may work from home) if they live with someone who is clinically vulnerable

    4. Staff work from home if their job can be effectively done from home

    5. Staff wear facemasks or face coverings in the classroom

    6. Staff wear facemasks or face coverings in corridors or communal areas

    7. Staff wear facemasks or face coverings in staff rooms or shared office space

    8. Stop in-person staff meetings

    9. Staff maintain 2m distance from students

    10. Staff maintain 2m distance from other adults at school

    11. Teachers stay at the front of the class

    12. Staff regularly wash (three or more times a day) or sanitise hands

    Response options:
    1. Has been implemented
    2. Has not been implemented
    3. Not applicable
    4. Not sure
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is presented in table where, if a measure is being implemented, the respondent needs to specify how challenging the measure is to implement. These are presented as separate questions in the Question Bank.

    Due to the number of measures listed, they have been separated according to the following categories: Staff, Students, Classroom environment, School rules and environment. This question relates to Staff.

    This question is part of SIS Extended (head teacher), and SIS Follow-up (head teacher) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    In your opinion, how challenging is to implement at your school?

    Response options:
    1. Major challenges to implement
    2. Some challenges to implement
    3. Easy to implement
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is presented in table where, if a measure is being implemented, the respondent needs to specify how challenging the measure is to implement. These are presented as separate questions in the Question Bank.

    Due to the number of measures listed, they have been separated according to the following categories: Staff, Students, Classroom environment, School rules and environment. This question relates to Staff.

    This question is part of SIS Extended (head teacher), and SIS Follow-up (head teacher) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Which of the following student preventive measures are currently being implemented at your school? Tick all that apply

    1. Students stay home if they, or someone in their household, has COVID-19 symptoms

    2. Students wear face masks or face coverings in the classroom

    3. Students wear facemasks or face coverings in corridors or communal areas

    4. Students wear facemasks on dedicated school transport

    5. Students stay in the same group ("bubble") at all times during the school day

    6. Students stay in the same group ("bubble") in wraparound care as in the classroom

    7. Students stay in the same group or ("bubble") on school transport as in the classroom

    8. Not providing wraparound care

    9. Not providing after-school activities

    10. The same teachers work with a single class throughout the school week

    11. The same teaching assistants work with a single class throughout the school week

    12. Temperature checks for students at least once a week

    13. Students maintain distance from other students within their group ("bubble")

    14. Students maintain distance from other students outside of their group ("bubble")

    15. Students regularly wash (three or more times a day) or sanitise hands

    16. Students catch coughs or sneezes with tissue or arm

    Response options:
    1. Has been implemented
    2. Has not been implemented
    3. Not applicable
    4. Not sure
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is presented in table where, if a measure is being implemented, the respondent needs to specify how challenging the measure is to implement. These are presented as separate questions in the Question Bank.

    Due to the number of measures listed, they have been separated according to the following categories: Staff, Students, Classroom environment, School rules and environment. This question relates to Students.

    This question is part of SIS Extended (head teacher), and SIS Follow-up (head teacher) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    In your opinion, how challenging is to implement at your school?

    Response options:
    1. Major challenges to implement
    2. Some challenges to implement
    3. Easy to implement
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    This question is presented in table where, if a measure is being implemented, the respondent needs to specify how challenging the measure is to implement. These are presented as separate questions in the Question Bank.

    Due to the number of measures listed, they have been separated according to the following categories: Staff, Students, Classroom environment, School rules and environment. This question relates to Students.

    This question is part of SIS Extended (head teacher), and SIS Follow-up (head teacher) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Which of the following classroom environment preventive measures are currently being implemented at your school? Tick all that apply

    1. Additional hand sanitisers in classrooms

    2. Seats and desks are spaced apart to maintain distance between students

    3. Keep all desks facing forward

    4. Remove non-essential objects from classrooms

    5. Removing soft furnishings and toys that are hard to clean

    6. Increased cleaning of frequently touched surfaces

    7. Scheduling more outdoor lessons and activities

    9. Ensuring students use the same classroom throughout the day

    10. Ensuring students do not share equipment or learning materials in classrooms

    11. Discouraging students from carrying equipment or learning materials between home and school other than where essential

    12. Windows are open all of the time

    13. Windows are opened periodically to air the classroom

    14. Mechanical ventilation systems (if present) are run continuously

    Response options:
    1. Has been implemented
    2. Has not been implemented
    3. Not applicable
    4. Not sure
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is presented in table where, if a measure is being implemented, the respondent needs to specify how challenging the measure is to implement. These are presented as separate questions in the Question Bank.

    Due to the number of measures listed, they have been separated according to the following categories: Staff, Students, Classroom environment, School rules and environment. This question relates to Classroom environment.

    This question is part of SIS Extended (head teacher), and SIS Follow-up (head teacher) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    In your opinion, how challenging is to implement at your school?

    Response options:
    1. Major challenges to implement
    2. Some challenges to implement
    3. Easy to implement
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    This question is presented in a table where, if a measure is being implemented, the respondent needs to specify how challenging the measure is to implement. These are presented as separate questions in the Question Bank.

    Due to the number of measures listed, they have been separated according to the following categories: Staff, Students, Classroom environment, School rules and environment. This question relates to Classroom environment.

    This question is part of SIS Extended (head teacher), and SIS Follow-up (head teacher) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Which of the following school rule and environment preventive measures are currently being implemented at your school? Tick all that apply

    1. One-way systems in school corridors

    2. Hand sanitisers at the school entrance

    3. Staggering the times students start and end the school day

    4. Staggering break times for different classes

    5. Clean surfaces in the dining hall between groups

    6. Stop large gatherings of students e.g. assemblies

    7. Stop team sports

    8. Distancing among parents dropping off or picking up children

    9. Toilet facilities are restricted to particular bubbles

    Response options:
    1. Has been implemented
    2. Has not been implemented
    3. Not applicable
    4. Not sure
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is presented in table where, if a measure is being implemented, the respondent needs to specify how challenging the measure is to implement. These are presented as separate questions in the Question Bank.

    Due to the number of measures listed, they have been separated according to the following categories: Staff, Students, Classroom environment, School rules and environment. This question relates to School rule and environment.

    This question is part of SIS Extended (head teacher), and SIS Follow-up (head teacher) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    In your opinion, how challenging is to implement at your school?

    Response options:
    1. Major challenges to implement
    2. Some challenges to implement
    3. Easy to implement
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    This question is presented in table where, if a measure is being implemented, the respondent needs to specify how challenging the measure is to implement. These are presented as separate questions in the Question Bank.

    Due to the number of measures listed, they have been separated according to the following categories: Staff, Students, Classroom environment, School rules and environment. This question relates to School rule and environment.

    This question is part of SIS Extended (head teacher), and SIS Follow-up (head teacher) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Which preventive measures have been particularly challenging to implement, or have not worked well?

    Response options:
    1. [free text answer]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    This question is part of the SIS Extended (head teacher) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Have you conducted or do you plan to conduct an internal evaluation or review of how well preventive measures are being implemented at your school?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Do not know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Extended (head teacher), and SIS Follow-up (head teacher) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Approximately how often are these internal evaluations/reviews being, or going to be, conducted?

    Response options:
    1. About once or twice per week
    2. About once or twice per month
    3. About once or twice per term or less
    4. Other, please specify
    5. Do not know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if plan on conducting review


    This question is part of SIS Extended (head teacher), and SIS Follow-up (head teacher) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Have you received information on how to reduce risk of transmission of COVID-19 in schools from any of the following sources?

    Response options:
    1. Department for Education
    2. Public Health England
    3. Local authority
    4. Other, please specify
    5. No information received
    6. Do not know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Multiple response options are allowed.

    This question is part of the SIS Extended (head teacher) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How would you rate the usefulness of this information?

    Response options:
    1. Very useful
    2. Quite useful
    3. Not very useful
    4. Not at all useful
    5. Do not know / Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Ask if received information


    This question is part of the SIS Extended (head teacher) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Does your school have a process in place if a staff member or student reports COVID-19 symptoms while at school?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Do not know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    This question is part of the SIS Extended (head teacher) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Does your school have a process in place if a staff member or student reports that they, or someone in their household, has COVID-19 symptoms?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Do not know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    This question is part of the SIS Extended (head teacher) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Does your school have a policy about the number of cases that would necessitate closure of a class?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, based on number of cases
    2. please enter number
    3. Yes, based on fixed number of cases
    4. please specify
    5. No
    6. Do not know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Response options are slightly different for SIS Extended (head teacher) as there is only a single "Yes" response.

    This question is part of SIS Extended (head teacher), and SIS Follow-up (head teacher) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Does your school have a policy about the number of cases that would necessitate closure of a year group, or other bubble?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, based on number of cases
    2. please enter number
    3. Yes, based on fixed number of cases
    4. please specify
    5. No
    6. Do not know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Response options are slightly different for SIS Extended (head teacher) as there is only a single "Yes" response.

    This question is part of SIS Extended (head teacher), and SIS Follow-up (head teacher) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Does your school have a policy about the number of cases that would necessitate closure of the whole school?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, based on number of cases
    2. please enter number
    3. Yes, based on fixed number of cases
    4. please specify
    5. No
    6. Do not know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    Response options are slightly different for SIS Extended (head teacher) as there is only a single "Yes" response.

    This question is part of SIS Extended (head teacher), and SIS Follow-up (head teacher) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Have any of the following sources explained how the school will be notified of confirmed Covid-19 cases among staff?

    Response options:
    1. Department for Education
    2. Public Health England
    3. Local authority
    4. Other, please specify
    5. No information received
    6. Do not know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Multiple response options are allowed.

    This question is part of the SIS Extended (head teacher) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Have you been given guidance about whether your school will be notified about confirmed cases among students from any of the following sources?

    Response options:
    1. Department for Education
    2. Public Health England
    3. Local authority
    4. Other, please specify
    5. No information received
    6. Do not know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University
    Variable name:



    Ask all


    Multiple response options are allowed.

    This question is part of the SIS Extended (head teacher) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Have you been given guidance about whether your school will be notified about confirmed cases among household members of students from any of the following sources?

    Response options:
    1. Department for Education
    2. Public Health England
    3. Local authority
    4. Other, please specify
    5. No information received
    6. Do not know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    Multiple response options are allowed.

    This question is part of the SIS Extended (head teacher) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Have you been directly informed by any government or public health agency about confirmed COVID-19 cases in any of the following groups at your school?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, staff case(s)
    2. Yes, student case(s)
    3. Yes, household member(s) of student(s)
    4. No, we have not received any information directly from public health agencies about confirmed cases at our school
    5. Do not know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    Multiple response options are allowed.

    This question is part of SIS Extended (head teacher), and SIS Follow-up (head teacher) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Has your school so far used the DfE Helpline for advice on COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Not sure
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Extended (head teacher), and SIS Follow-up (head teacher) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    In preparation for, or since the schools re-opened to all students on 8th March 2021, have you/has your child been tested for COVID-19 as part of the mass testing programme at their school (with "lateral flow test kits")?

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Yes, my child has been tested on site at school at least once
    2. Yes, my child was tested at home using the lateral flow test kit at least once
    3. No, my child was never offered any COVID-19 test as part of the school testing programme
    4. No, my child was offered, but they did not do a COVID-19 test as part of the school testing programme
    5. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Vaccine (parent) and SIS Vaccine (staff/ student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    In preparation for, or since the schools re-opened to all students on 8th March 2021, have you/has your child ever had a positive COVID-19 test result when they were tested using lateral flow kits as part of the school testing programme?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if tested for COVID-19 using later flow test kit


    This question is part of SIS Vaccine (parent) and SIS Vaccine (staff/ student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    On what date did you/your child take their most recent lateral flow test (as part of the school testing programme)?

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if tested for COVID-19 using later flow test kit


    Date entered in DD/MM/YYYY format.

    This question is part of SIS Vaccine (parent) and SIS Vaccine (staff/ student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    What was the result of your/their test on that date?

    Response options:
    1. Positive
    2. Negative
    3. Inconclusive
    4. Awaiting test result
    5. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if tested for COVID-19 using later flow test kit


    This question is part of SIS Vaccine (parent) and SIS Vaccine (staff/ student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Were you/was your child offered a PCR test to confirm the result of the lateral flow test?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, PCR test was offered and taken
    2. Yes, PCR test was offered, but not taken
    3. No, PCR test was not offered
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if tested positive for COVID-19 using later flow test kit


    This question is part of SIS Vaccine (parent) and SIS Vaccine (staff/ student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Finally, we would like to understand the use of facemasks in school

    Do you/does your child wear a facemask or face covering in class?

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Rarely
    4. Never
    5. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS Vaccine (parent) and SIS Vaccine (staff/ student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    If not, why not?

    Response options:
    1. Exempt because of health condition
    2. Not needed because spacing is adequate in class
    3. Not required by the school
    4. Other
    5. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if never wear a facemask


    This question is part of SIS Vaccine (parent) and SIS Vaccine (staff/ student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Please specify why you/your child does not wear a facemask or face covering in class.

    Response options:
    1. [enter reason]
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if select "Other" reason for not wearing facemask


    This is a free text response.

    This question is part of SIS Vaccine (parent) and SIS Vaccine (staff/ student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    On a scale of 0 - 10, how committed would you say you are to keeping the school open at this time?

    Response options:
    1. [select number on a scale from 0 to 10]
    2. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    The response option is selected from a drop down list from 0 to 10.

    The scale is ranked where 0 is "not at all committed" and 10 is "extremely committed".

    This question is part of the SIS End of Study (staff) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    On a scale of 0-10, how much do you personally feel at risk from COVID-19 infection given your profession?

    OR for parent only:

    On a scale of 0 - 10, in your opinion, how much does your child feel they are at risk from COVID-19 infection?

    Response options:
    1. [select a number from 0 to 10]
    2. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    The response option is selected from a drop down list from 0 to 10.

    The scale is ranked where 0 is "very low risk" and 10 is "very high risk".

    This question is part of SIS End of Study (parent), SIS End of Study (staff), and SIS End of Study (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    On a scale of 0 - 10, how safe do/does you/your child feel in school at the moment?

    Response options:
    1. [select a number from 0 to 10]
    2. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    The response option is selected from a drop down list from 0 to 10.

    The scale is ranked where 0 is "not safe at all" and 10 is "extremely safe".

    This question is part of SIS End of Study (parent), SIS End of Study (staff), and SIS End of Study (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    On a scale of 0 - 10, how well would you say your/your child's school has dealt with implementing preventive measures at school?

    Response options:
    1. [select a number from 0 to 10]
    2. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    The response option is selected from a drop down list from 0 to 10.

    The scale is ranked where 0 is "not very well" and 10 is "extremely well".

    This question is part of SIS End of Study (parent), SIS End of Study (staff), and SIS End of Study (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    We want to understand the impact of school closures and reopening on young people's/children’s mental wellbeing and behaviour.

    Which of these phrases best describes you/your child? For each item, please mark the box for "Not True", "Somewhat True" or "Certainly True".

    It would help us if you answered all items as best you can even if you are not absolutely certain or the item seems daft! Please give your answers on the basis of your child's behaviour over the last six months.

    If you prefer not to answer these questions you can leave them blank and move to the next section.

    1. Considerate of other people's feelings

    2. Restless, overactive, cannot stay still for long

    3. Often complains of headaches, stomach aches, or sickness

    4. Shares readily with other children (treats, toys, pencils etc)

    5. Often has temper tantrums or hot tempers

    6. Rather solitary, tends to play alone

    7. Generally obedient, does what adults request

    8. Many worries, often seems worried

    9. Helpful if someone is hurt, upset or feeling ill

    10. Constantly fidgeting or squirming

    11. Has at least one good friend

    12. Often fights with other children or bullies them

    13. Often unhappy, down-hearted or tearful

    14. Generally liked by other children

    14. Easily distracted, concentration wanders

    16. Nervous or clingy in new situations, easily loses confidence

    17. Kind to younger children

    18. Often lies or cheats

    19. Picked on or bullied by other children

    20. Often volunteers to help others (parents, teachers, other children)

    21. Thinks things out before acting

    22. Steals from home, school or elsewhere

    23. Gets on better with adults than other children

    24. Many fears, easily scared

    25. Sees tasks through to the end, good attention span

    Response options:
    1. Not true
    2. Somewhat true
    3. Certainly true
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    A response is required for each phrase, but this is an optional question.

    If the respondent prefers not to answer, this can be left blank.

    This question is part of the SIS End of Study (parent) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    We want to understand the impact of school closures and reopening on children’s mental wellbeing and behaviour.

    Which of these phrases best describes your child? For each item, please mark the box for "Not True", "Somewhat True" or "Certainly True".

    It would help us if you answered all items as best you can even if you are not absolutely certain or the item seems daft! Please give your answers on the basis of your child's behaviour over the last six months.

    If you prefer not to answer these questions you can leave them blank and move to the next section.

    1. I try to be nice to other people. I care about their feelings

    2. I am restless, I cannot stay still for long

    3. I get a lot of headaches, stomach-aches or sickness

    4. I usually share with others (food, games, pens etc.)

    5. I get very angry and often lose my temper

    6. I am usually on my own. I generally play alone or keep to myself

    7. I usually do as I am told

    8. I worry a lot

    9. I am helpful if someone is hurt, upset or feeling ill

    10. I am constantly fidgeting or squirming

    11. I have one good friend or more

    12. I fight a lot. I can make other people do what I want

    13. I am often unhappy, down-hearted or tearful

    14. Other people my age generally like me

    14. I am easily distracted, I find it difficult to concentrate

    16. I am nervous in new situations. I easily lose confidence

    17. I am kind to younger children

    18. I am often accused of lying or cheating

    19. Other children or young people pick on me or bully me

    20. I often volunteer to help others (parents, teachers, children)

    21. I think before I do things

    22. I take things that are not mine from home, school or elsewhere

    23. I get on better with adults than with people my own age

    24. I have many fears, I am easily scared

    25. I finish the work I'm doing. My attention is good

    Response options:
    1. Not true
    2. Somewhat true
    3. Certainly true
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of the SIS End of Study (over 16 student) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    We would now like to ask about your/your child’s usual use of health care services before the COVID-19 pandemic. Please think about January to December 2019; before the COVID-19 pandemic.

    In 2019, how many times were/was you/your child admitted to hospital for at least one night?

    Response options:
    1. None
    2. Once
    3. Twice
    4. Three times or more
    5. Prefer not to say
    6. Don't know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS End of Study (parent), SIS End of Study (staff), and SIS End of Study (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    In 2019, how many times did you/your child have an Outpatient Department appointment?

    Response options:
    1. None
    2. Once
    3. Twice
    4. Three times or more
    5. Prefer not to say
    6. Don't know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS End of Study (parent), SIS End of Study (staff), and SIS End of Study (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    In 2019, approximately how many times did you/your parent or carer speak with your GP (by phone or in person)?

    OR for parent only:

    In 2019, approximately how many times did you speak with your GP about your child's health (by phone or in person)?

    Response options:
    1. None
    2. Once
    3. Twice
    4. Three times or more
    5. Prefer not to say
    6. Don't know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS End of Study (parent), SIS End of Study (staff), and SIS End of Study (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    We would now like to ask you some questions about any experiences your child has had of COVID-19 infection and ongoing symptoms that have lasted more than four weeks afterwards.

    Do you think you/your child have/has, or have/has previously had, COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, diagnostic confirmed with a lab test
    2. Yes, suspected diagnostic (by GP or NHS 111)
    3. Yes, on basis of lateral flow test (result in 30 minutes)
    4. Yes, suspected due to symptoms - no test/medical diagnosis
    5. No
    6. Prefer not to say
    7. Don't know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS End of Study (parent), SIS End of Study (staff), and SIS End of Study (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Were/was or are/is you/your child experiencing ongoing symptoms more than four weeks since the start of their COVID-19 infection, that are not explained by something else?

    If you/your child first had COVID-19 less than 4 weeks ago please respond "No" to this question.

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    4. Don’t know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if think you/your child has had COVID-19


    This question is part of SIS End of Study (parent), SIS End of Study (staff), and SIS End of Study (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Did or does this reduce your/their ability to carry-out day-to-day activities compared with the time before you/they had COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, a little
    2. Yes, a lot
    3. Not at all
    4. Prefer not to say
    5. Don't know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if think you/your child has had COVID-19


    This question is part of SIS End of Study (parent), SIS End of Study (staff), and SIS End of Study (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Which, if any, of the following symptoms are, or were, ongoing more than 4 weeks since the start of your/their COVID-19 infection? For each one, please select whether it was or has been experienced only since the COVID-19 infection, if it was pre-existing but made worse, or if it has not been experienced since the COVID-19 infection.

    1. Fever

    2. Headache

    3. Muscle ache

    4. Weakness / tiredness

    5. Nausea / vomiting

    6. Abdominal pain

    7. Diarrhoea

    8. Loss of appetite

    9. Loss of taste

    10. Loss of smell

    11. Sore throat

    12. Cough

    13. Shortness of breath

    14. Chest pain

    15. Palpitations

    16. Vertigo / dizziness

    17. Worry / anxiety

    18. Low mood / not enjoying anything

    19. Trouble sleeping

    20. Memory loss or confusion

    21. Difficulty concentrating

    22. Sensations in skin, such as prickling, tingling or burning

    23. Other

    Response options:
    1. Only since COVID-19 infection
    2. Pre-existing but made worse
    3. Not experienced since initial COVID-19 infection
    4. Prefer not to say
    5. Don't know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if think you/your child has had COVID-19


    A response is required for each symptom.

    For "Other" symptom, respondents are asked to please specify in a follow-up question if "Only since COVID-19 infection" or "Pre-existing but made worse" is selected.

    This question is part of SIS End of Study (parent), SIS End of Study (staff), and SIS End of Study (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    How long did the ongoing symptoms continue, or have they continued, since the start of your/their COVID-19 infection?

    Response options:
    1. 4 to 12 weeks
    2. 13 weeks to 6 months
    3. Over 6 months
    4. Prefer not to say
    5. Don’t know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if think you/your child has had COVID-19


    This question is part of SIS End of Study (parent), SIS End of Study (staff), and SIS End of Study (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Have you accessed, or did you access, any medical help for the ongoing symptoms/for your child for the ongoing symptoms, from any of the following? Select all that apply

    OR for parent only:

    Have you accessed, or did you access, any medical help for your child for the ongoing symptoms, from any of the following? Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Contacted NHS 111, by phone or online
    2. Visited pharmacist
    3. Consulted GP or practice nurse over the phone or online
    4. Consulted GP or practice nurse face to face
    5. Walk-in centre
    6. Hospital Outpatient Department
    7. Accident and emergency (A&E)
    8. Hospital admission
    9. Other
    10. No, did not seek medical attention
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if think you/your child has had COVID-19


    This is an optional question, but respondents can select all that apply.

    If "Other" medical help is selected, respondents are asked to please specify in follow-up question.

    This question is part of SIS End of Study (parent), SIS End of Study (staff), and SIS End of Study (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Overall, which of the following options best describes if or how your/your child’s ongoing symptoms (those lasting for more than 4 weeks since the start of their COVID-19 infection) have changed over time?

    Response options:
    1. Got much worse
    2. Got somewhat worse
    3. Stayed the same
    4. Somewhat improved
    5. Greatly improved
    6. Got completely better / cleared up
    7. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if think you/your child has had COVID-19


    This question is part of SIS End of Study (parent), SIS End of Study (staff), and SIS End of Study (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Which of these options best describes your/their experience of the ongoing symptoms? Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Seriousness of any symptom(s) (has) varied up and down
    2. The types of symptoms experienced (have) changed
    3. Symptoms (have) stayed the same
    4. Don’t know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if think you/your child has had COVID-19


    This is an optional question, but respondents can select all that apply.

    This question is part of SIS End of Study (parent), SIS End of Study (staff), and SIS End of Study (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    How much of your/your child’s schooling have you/they attended, including in person and / or by remote learning, while experiencing ongoing symptoms (those lasting for more than 4 weeks since the start of their COVID-19 infection)? Remote learning includes having access to live or recorded lessons online, or to other resources, away from school.

    Response options:
    1. All of it
    2. More than half
    3. About half
    4. Less than half
    5. None
    6. Prefer not to say
    7. Don’t know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if think you/your child has had COVID-19


    This question is part of SIS End of Study (parent), and SIS End of Study (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    How much, if at all, has experiencing ongoing symptoms (those lasting for more than 4 weeks since the start of their COVID-19 infection) affected your/your child’s education?

    Response options:
    1. A lot, for the worse
    2. A little, for the worse
    3. Not affected
    4. A little, for the better
    5. A lot, for the better
    6. Prefer not to say
    7. Don’t know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if think you/your child has had COVID-19


    This question is part of SIS End of Study (parent), and SIS End of Study (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    To what extent do you feel that the school has supported you/your child to manage the impact of the ongoing symptoms on your/their education?

    Response options:
    1. They were given all the support needed
    2. They were given most of the support needed
    3. They were given less support than was needed
    4. They were given none of the support needed
    5. Not applicable: did not need any support
    6. Prefer not to say
    7. Don’t know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if think you/your child has had COVID-19


    This question is part of SIS End of Study (parent), and SIS End of Study (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    In total, how many working days have you been absent due to experiencing ongoing symptoms (those lasting for more than 4 weeks since the start of your COVID-19 infection )? By ‘working days’ we mean either at school or remotely (if that is possible in your role ).

    If you cannot remember for certain, please provide an estimate.

    Response options:
    1. No days absent
    2. Less than 5 days
    3. 6-10 days
    4. 11-20 days
    5. 21-30 days
    6. 31-60 days
    7. 61 days and over
    8. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if think you have had COVID-19


    This question is part of the SIS End of Study (staff) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    In total, how many working days have you worked remotely, specifically due to the ongoing symptoms (those lasting for more than 4 weeks since the start of your COVID-19 infection )?

    If you cannot remember for certain, please provide an estimate.

    Response options:
    1. Not applicable: cannot work remotely in my role
    2. No remote working due to ongoing symptoms
    3. Less than 5 days
    4. 6-10 days
    5. 11-20 days
    6. 21-30 days
    7. 31-60 days
    8. 61 days and over
    9. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if think you have had COVID-19


    This question is part of the SIS End of Study (staff) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    To what extent have the ongoing symptoms (those lasting for more than 4 weeks since the start of your COVID-19 infection) reduced your ability to carry out your activities at work?

    Response options:
    1. Ability not affected at all
    2. Ability reduced a little
    3. Ability reduced by about half
    4. Ability reduced a lot
    5. Unable to work at all
    6. Prefer not to say
    7. Don’t know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if think you have had COVID-19


    This question is part of the SIS End of Study (staff) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    To what extent do you feel the school has supported you in relation to your ongoing symptoms? For example, in allowing time off work, flexible or reduced hours, change to duties or ways of working.

    Response options:
    1. I was given all of the support needed
    2. I was given a lot of the support needed
    3. I was given only a little of the support needed
    4. I was given none of the support needed
    5. Not applicable: did not need any support
    6. Prefer not to say
    7. Don’t know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask if think you have had COVID-19


    This question is part of the SIS End of Study (staff) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    We would now like to ask you some questions about your experience of taking part in the Schools Infection Survey. Your feedback is important to help us improve the design of studies like this in the future.

    1. The survey questions were easy to understand

    2. There were too many questions

    3. Some questions were intrusive

    4. It took too long to complete the questionnaires

    5. All of the questions seemed necessary

    6. The topics covered in the questionnaires were relevant

    7. I took part in the survey to help fight against COVID-19

    8. This survey was a waste of my time

    9. I believed my answers would be confidential

    10. The questionnaires were easy to navigate

    11. The frequency of testing for COVID-19 was appropriate

    Response options:
    1. Strongly agree
    2. Agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    A response is required for each statement about the Schools Infection Survey (SIS).

    This question is part of SIS End of Study (parent), SIS End of Study (staff), and SIS End of Study (over 16 student) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Thinking of the finger prick test used for COVID-19 in the study, which did you prefer?

    Response options:
    1. Doing the finger prick test at home myself
    2. Doing the finger prick test at school with a nurse
    3. No preference
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of the SIS End of Study (staff) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    If it was part of the study would you have been willing to do a finger pricking test (drop of blood from the tip of your finger) for COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. Yes definitely
    2. Unsure but probably yes
    3. Unsure but probably no
    4. Definitely no
    5. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of the SIS End of Study (over 16 student) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Did your parent/carer complete the questionnaires for you?

    Response options:
    1. All questions completed for you
    2. Some questions completed for you
    3. I completed all questions myself
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of the SIS End of Study (over 16 student) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Did you have a child/children of your own at this school?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of the SIS End of Study (staff) questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Overall, are you left feeling that taking part in the survey was worthwhile?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    • SIS
    • Schools & University

    Ask all


    This question is part of SIS End of Study (parent), and SIS End of Study (staff) questionnaires.

  • Question:

    Before taking your coronavirus test, did you experience any difficulty accessing COVID-19 tests? This includes PCR and Lateral Flow Tests.

    Response options:
    1. Yes with PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)
    2. Yes with LFT (Lateral Flow Test)
    3. Yes (both PCR and LFT)
    4. No
    5. Don't know
    6. Prefer not to answer
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Cases
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if CovTest equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Self-isolating Wave 12

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 10 on 04/01/2022

  • Question:

    Please could you tell me if you think the following statement is true or false:

    To be considered to be fully vaccinated, someone needs to have had the booster dose?

    Response options:
    1. True
    2. False
    3. Don't know
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • T&T Cases
    • Vaccination
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Self-isolating Wave 12

    Added to T&T Behaviours Wave 4 on 31/01/2022


    Changes were made to T&T Self-isolating Wave 13 on 14/02/2022.

    The question was changed so that it asks specifically about the perceived impact of the booster dose on vaccination status.

    Question wording was changed from "In your view, which of the following means someone is 'fully vaccinated'?" to the current wording.

    Response options "They have received one vaccine dose", "They have received two vaccine doses", "They have received two vaccines doses plus the booster" and "Other" were removed.

    Response options "True" and "False" were added.

  • Question:

    You have said you have had [Fill in from Vaccinated] of Coronavirus vaccine. Does this include the booster dose?

    OR for SCIS only:

    Have you had a booster vaccination against coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • T&T Cases
    • SCIS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if Vaccinated equals 3 or 4

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Self-isolating Wave 12

    Added to T&T Behaviours Wave 3 on 10/01/2022

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 10 on 04/01/2022

    Added to SCIS Wave 14 on 25/02/2022


    For SCIS, the response option "Prefer not to say" is worded as "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    How likely or unlikely would you be to have the "booster" dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Neither likely or unlikely
    4. Fairly unlikely
    5. Very unlikely
    6. Have an appointment confirmed
    7. Don't know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Self-isolating
    • T&T Behaviours
    • T&T Cases
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:



    Ask if Vaccinated equals 2 ("Yes, 1st dose only") or HadBooster equals "No"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Self-isolation Wave 12

    Added to T&T Behaviours Wave 3 on 10/01/2022

    Removed from T&T Behaviours Wave 5 on 21/02/2022

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 10 on 04/01/2022

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022


    The interviewer can provide the following explanation to the respondent: "In most cases if you have had two vaccinations your third one is the booster. However, for those who are classified as severely immunosuppressed and have already had three vaccinations your fourth vaccination will be your booster".

  • Question:

    Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which of these do you currently do?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Frequent hand washing or use of hand gel
    2. Open windows or doors in indoor spaces
    3. Avoid crowded places
    4. Avoid close contact with people I do not live with
    5. Wear face coverings
    6. Work from home
    7. No longer go into work or school when experiencing cold or flu symptoms
    8. Shop online more
    9. Spend more time at home
    10. Spend more time outdoors
    11. Walk or cycle more
    12. Avoid public transport
    13. Use digital technology more for socialising, hobbies and activities
    14. None of the above
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN85 on 16/02/2022

    Removed from OPN86 on 03/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    Have you undertaken daily rapid lateral flow testing?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not say
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Testing
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Behaviours on 10/01/2022

  • Question:

    What was the reason(s) you decided not to do daily rapid lateral flow tests?

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Have not heard of daily rapid lateral flow contact testing until now
    2. I did not have access to enough lateral flow tests
    3. It's too much effort or I don't have the time
    4. I don't think it's useful
    5. I find taking the tests uncomfortable
    6. Other
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Testing
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if DRT equals "No"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Behaviours on 10/01/2022


    If "Other" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    Changes were made to T&T Behaviours Wave 5 on 21/02/2022.

    A follow up question was added for respondents selecting "Other" as a response option.

  • Question:

    Have you been able to complete all of your daily rapid lateral flow tests to date?

    (For example, if you are on day 5 of your daily rapid lateral flow testing, by the end of day 5, will you have completed all 5 of your tests?)

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if DRT equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Behaviours on 10/01/2022


    Additional information in brackets is provided only if the respondent asks for explanation.

  • Question:

    Why have you not been able to complete all of your daily rapid lateral flow tests to date?

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I stopped daily rapid lateral flow testing because I tested positive for COVID-19
    2. I stopped daily rapid lateral flow testing because I repeatedly tested negative for COVID-19
    3. I didn't have enough lateral flow tests
    4. It's too much effort / I don't have the time to do all the tests
    5. I forgot to take one or more tests
    6. I don't think it's useful
    7. I find taking the tests uncomfortable
    8. Another reason
    9. Prefer not say
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Testing
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if DRTFin equals "No"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Behaviours on 10/01/2022


    Changes were made to T&T Behaviours Wave 4 on 31/01/2022.

    The question was changed to allow for multiple response options to be selected.

  • Question:

    Have any of your daily rapid lateral flow tests been positive for COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Testing
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask if DRTFin equals "Yes" or if DRTStop does not equal "I stopped daily rapid lateral flow testing because I tested positive for COVID-19"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Behaviours on 10/01/2022

  • Question:

    How often did you report your daily rapid lateral flow test results?

    Response options:
    1. Never
    2. Sometimes
    3. Often
    4. Always
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Testing
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if DRT equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Behaviours on 10/01/2022


    Chenges were made to T&T Behaviours Wave 4 on 31/01/2022.

    The question wording was amended from "How often did you intend to report your daily rapid lateral flow test results?" to the current wording.

  • Question:

    What difficulties did you experience?

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I could not obtain a lateral flow test (no availability)
    2. There was a delay in delivery of lateral flow tests
    3. Other
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if DRTDiff equals 1 ("Yes")

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Behaviours on 10/01/2022


    This question refers to obtaining daily lateral flow tests.

  • Question:

    If someone tests negative whilst taking daily lateral flow tests, how important do you think doing the following are, compared to someone who doesn’t undertake daily lateral flow tests?

    a) To wear a face mask in shops

    b) To socially distance

    c) To wash or sanitise their hands

    d) To avoid crowded places

    e) To take PCR tests

    f) To avoid public transport

    g) To limit social contact

    Response options:
    1. Less important
    2. Equally as important
    3. More important
    4. Don't know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Social contact
    • Transport & travel
    Variable name:



    Ask if DRT equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Behaviours on 10/01/2022

    Removed from T&T Behaviours Wave 5 on 21/02/2022


    A response is required for each statement.

    Changes were made to T&T Behaviours Wave 4 on 31/01/2022.

    The question wording was amended from "If someone tests negative whilst taking daily lateral flow tests, how important do you think doing the following are, in comparison to someone who doesn’t undertake daily lateral flow tests?" to the current wording.

    The word "To" was added at the beginning of statements in the question wording.

  • Question:

    And since day 1 of undertaking daily rapid lateral flow testing and having tested negative, how often have you

    a) Worn a face mask in shops

    b) Socially distanced

    c) Washed or sanitised your hands

    d) Visited crowded places

    e) Taken PCR tests

    f) Used public transport

    g) Met up with friends or family who you do not live with

    more, or less, or the same, compared to before you started taking the tests?

    Response options:
    1. Less often
    2. The same amount
    3. More often
    4. Don't know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Social contact
    • Transport & travel
    Variable name:



    Ask if DRT equals "Yes" and DRTPos equals "No"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Behaviours on 10/01/2022


    A response is required for each statement.

    Changes were made to T&T Behaviours Wave 5 on 21/02/2022.

    The question wording was amended from "And since day 1 of undertaking daily rapid lateral flow testing and having tested negative, how often have you done the following activities compared to before you started taking the tests" to the current wording.

  • Question:

    Why did you not always report your daily rapid lateral test results?

    Response options:
    1. My result(s) was negative
    2. It's too much effort / I don't have the time
    3. I don't think it's useful
    4. Other
    5. Don't know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Behaviours
    • Testing
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if DRTReport equals 1 ("Never"), 2 ("Sometimes") or 3 ("Often")

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Behaviours Wave 5 on 21/02/2022


    If "Other" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Did you lose or leave your main paid job since the start of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in March 2020?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, I lost or left my job since the start of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
    2. No, I lost or left my job before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
    • OLS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    OLS questions added on 08/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to say".

  • Question:

    When you lost or left your main paid job, was it your choice to leave?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, it was my choice to leave
    2. No, it was not my choice to leave
    • OLS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    OLS questions added 08/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to say".

  • Question:

    For Older_RtnPdWrk equals "Yes, as an employee" or "Yes, as self-employed".

    Why did you leave your previous paid job?

    Please select all that apply.

    OR for Older_RtnPdWrk equals "No" only.

    Why did you leave your paid job?

    Response options:
    1. I lost my job
    2. I lost my job and then retired
    3. I was furloughed and then lost my job
    4. My business closed
    5. I wanted a change in lifestyle
    6. I did not want to work anymore
    7. I did not feel valued in my job
    8. I no longer needed the money from my job
    9. My job did not offer flexible working
    10. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
    11. Looking after the home or caring responsibilities
    12. Stress or mental health reasons
    13. Illness or disability
    14. To retire from paid work
    15. Other, please specify
    • OLS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if Older_RtnPdWrk equals "Yes, as an employee" or "Yes, as self-employed"

    Ask if Older_RtnPdWrk equals "No"

    Time-points of data collection:

    OLS questions added 08/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to say".

    If response option "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Why did the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic make you leave your job?

    Please select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. I was worried about catching the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. I was worried about giving the coronavirus (COVID-19) to vulnerable people
    3. I was worried as I am in an at-risk group
    4. Lack of safety measures in place at work
    5. I developed long COVID
    6. Stress or mental health reasons
    7. Working from home does not suit me
    8. Not able or allowed to work from home
    9. I was made redundant at my workplace
    10. My caring responsibilities changed
    11. Bereavement
    12. My salary reduced
    13. Other, please specify
    • OLS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if Older_reaslftjb equals "The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic"

    Time-points of data collection:

    OLS questions added 08/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to say".

    If response option "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    You said you left your job due to illness or disability, was this related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?

    Please select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. You said you left your job due to illness or disability, was this related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?
    2. Please select all that apply.
    • OLS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if Older_reaslftjb equals "Illness or disability"

    Time-points of data collection:

    OLS questions added 08/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to say".

  • Question:

    Which of the following people were you caring for?

    Please select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. Partner or spouse
    2. Children under the age of 18
    3. Children over the age of 18
    4. Parent or step-parent
    5. Grandparents
    6. Grandchildren
    7. Other relatives
    8. Other
    9. OR
    10. None of the above
    • OLS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if Older_reaslftjb equals "Looking after the home or Caring responsibilities"

    Time-points of data collection:

    OLS questions added 08/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to say".

  • Question:

    For what reasons have you gone back to paid work?

    Please select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. I needed the money
    2. I did not want to leave paid employment
    3. My cost of living has increased
    4. My physical or mental health has improved and I felt able to return to work
    5. My caring responsibilities have changed
    6. I was offered a well-paid job
    7. I enjoy the work or the social company
    8. I found a job that better suited my other responsibilities or lifestyle
    9. I found a job that better suited my skills and experience
    10. I could not afford to retire
    11. I am no longer shielding
    12. I feel there is less risk from the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    13. My new job offers better flexible working conditions
    14. Other, please specify
    • OLS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if Older_RtnPdWrk equals "Yes, as an employee or Yes, as self employed"

    Time-points of data collection:

    OLS questions added 08/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to say".

    If response option "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    You told us that you have left paid work, for what reasons have you not returned?

    Please select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. I have retired
    2. I am receiving financial support from my partner or family
    3. My partner stopped working and I wanted to stop at the same time
    4. Change in lifestyle
    5. I do not want to work anymore
    6. I do not have the right skills
    7. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
    8. Looking after the home or caring responsibilities
    9. Stress or mental health reasons
    10. Illness or disability
    11. Waiting to start a job I have accepted
    12. Other, please specify
    13. OR
    14. I am currently looking for paid work
    • OLS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    ASK IF Older_RtnPdWrk equals "No"

    Time-points of data collection:

    OLS questions added 08/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to say".

    If response option "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Which of the following would apply to you when looking for a paid job?

    Please select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. I am waiting for the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic to no longer be a risk to me
    2. I would like to find a job that suits my skills and experiences
    3. I would like to find a job in the right location
    4. I would like to find a job that offers flexible working
    5. I would like to find a job which fits around my caring responsibilities
    6. I would like to find a job that pays enough
    7. I would like to find a job that suits my level of health or disability
    8. I am setting up or planning to set up my own business
    9. OR
    10. None of the above
    • OLS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if Older_RetWkFut equals "Yes" or OLDER_ NotRet equals "I am currently looking for paid work"

    Time-points of data collection:

    OLS questions added 08/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to say".

  • Question:

    Which of the following would be important to you when choosing a new job?

    Please select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. A job that offers flexible working hours
    2. A job where I am able to work from home
    3. A job that offers a partial retirement scheme
    4. A job that offers paid training
    5. A job that offers support for physical wellbeing, for example adapted screens
    6. A job that offers support for mental wellbeing
    7. A job that fits around my caring responsibilities
    8. A job that offers permanent employment
    9. OR
    10. None of the above
    • OLS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if Older_RetWkFut equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    OLS questions added 08/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to say".

  • Question:

    Of these, which would be the most important?

    Please select only one option.

    Response options:
    1. [respondents answers to Older_RetImpJob should be pulled through below]
    • OLS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if Older_RetImpJob does not equal "None of the above" and if more than one response option is selected

    Time-points of data collection:

    OLS questions added 08/02/2022


    The response options in this question are the chosen response options in "Older_RetImpJob". The respondent is then asked which would be the most important factor when choosing a new job.

  • Question:

    Did your partner lose or leave their main job since the start of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in March 2020?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, they lost or left their job since the start of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
    2. No, they lost or left their job before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
    • OLS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if Older_PartWkSit equals "Unemployed" or "Retired" or "Looking after family or home" or "Unpaid worker, volunteer or intern" or "Long term sick or disabled"

    Time-points of data collection:

    OLS questions added 08/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to say".

  • Question:

    Since the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic started in March 2020, has your partner’s work situation changed?

    Please select all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. They started working
    2. They have moved from employment to self-employment
    3. They have moved from self-employment to employment
    4. They are working from home more
    5. They have increased their work hours
    6. They have decreased their work hours
    7. They have changed job within the same sector
    8. They have changed job to a different sector
    9. They are volunteering more
    10. They are volunteering less
    11. OR
    12. My partner’s work situation has not changed
    • OLS
    • Employment
    Variable name:



    Ask if Older_PartWkSit equals "Self-employed" or "In full-time paid employment" or "In part-time paid employment" or "On maternity or paternity leave"

    Time-points of data collection:

    OLS questions added 08/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to say".

  • Question:

    Have your savings increased or decreased since the start of coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in March 2020?

    Response options:
    1. Increased
    2. Stayed the same
    3. Decreased
    4. Unsure
    5. OR
    6. I do not have any savings
    • OLS
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask All

    Time-points of data collection:

    OLS questions added 08/02/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to say".

  • Question:

    Please tick all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Cigarettes
    2. Cigar
    3. Pipe
    4. Vape/ e-cigarrettes
    5. Hookah/ shisha pipes
    • CIS Enrolment
    • Health - General

    Ask if the respondent declares to smoke or vape at the present

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to CIS Version 14 on 02/02/2022


    This question refers to the participant's smoking habits.

  • Question:

    Where did you find out what the UK Covid-19 restrictions were? 

    Response options:
    1. Myself, online
    2. Provided to me by my travel agent
    3. Provided to me by my hotel
    4. Provided to me by my airline
    5. A UK border official
    6. Someone else other than those listed
    7. I don't know what the restrictions are
    8. Other (please outline below)
    • IPS
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines

    Ask all overseas resident arrivals

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to IPS in 03/2022

    Removed from IPS in 04/2022


    If "Other (please outline below)" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    What were the reason or reasons for you finding it difficult to follow overseas Covid-19 restrictions?

    Response options:
    1. I could not find the information
    2. Information was not accessible
    3. I could not understand them
    4. I did not have enough time
    5. I found them difficult to follow, or overly restrictive
    6. They kept changing over time
    7. They were different between different locations
    8. Other (please outline below)
    • IPS
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    • Impact on life

    Ask the respondent said following overseas COVID-19 restrictions was difficult ot very difficult

    Time-points of data collection:

    Removed from IPS in 04/2022


    If "Other (please outline below)" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Have you received any vaccine for the coronavirus (Covid-19)? 

    Response options:
    1. Yes, I have only received my first vaccine dose
    2. Yes, I have received two vaccine doses
    3. Yes, I have received three vaccine doses (2 doses and the booster)
    4. Yes I have received more than three vaccines doses
    5. No
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • IPS
    • Vaccination

    Ask all arrivals and departures

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to IPS in 04/2022

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, have you had symptoms of, or tested positive for, the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Health - COVID-19
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to say".

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, have you worked from home?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, all of the time
    2. Yes, some of the time
    3. No, I am not able to work from home
    4. No, I have not worked from home although I am able to
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Leaving home
    Variable name:



    Ask if respondent is in employment

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to say".

  • Question:

    From the days you told us you worked, which of those were from home?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. [Respondent is presented with the days they have declared they are working]
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Leaving home
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_WrkHom2 equals "Yes, all of the time" or "Yes, some of the time" AND Wrking equals 1 ("Yes") OR CasWrk equals 1 ("Yes") AND Whichdays does not equal "NA", "DK" or "RF" OR Whichdaysb does not equal "NA", "RF" or "DK"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to say".

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, have you travelled to work?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Leaving home
    • Transport & travel
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_WrkHom2 equals "Yes, some of the time" OR "No, I am not able to work from home" OR "No, I have not worked from home although I am able to"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN88 on 30/03/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to say".

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, have you used a face covering when outside your home to help slow the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) or other illnesses such as coughs and colds?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Not applicable, I have not left my home in the past seven days
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Reinstated to OPN89 on 13/04/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer

  • Question:

    Of these, which are you most worried about?

    Response options:
    1. [Respondent's answers to COV_COLIncB are presented as response options]
    2. I am not worried about any of these
    • OPN
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_COLIncB equals more than one response

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN90 on 27/04/2022

  • Question:

    Was this home test part of taking daily rapid lateral flow tests?

    Taking daily rapid lateral flow tests refers to the recommendation to take daily Lateral Flow Tests (LFTs) for 7 days after being informed you’re a contact of someone testing positive for COVID-19.

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't Know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if WhereTest Equals 3 or 4 and TestType equals 1 or 3

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 10 on 04/01/2022

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022


    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/02/2022.

    The routing changed from "Ask if WhereTest Equals 3 or 4" to the current routing.

  • Question:

    If you have had a visitor come into your home in the past seven days, which of the following actions did you take to reduce the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) or other illnesses such as coughs and colds?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Worn a face covering
    2. Asked the visitor to wear a face covering
    3. Opened windows or doors
    4. Cleaned touch points
    5. Maintained social distancing
    6. Washed hands regularly
    7. Asked visitor to take a rapid lateral flow test
    8. Other
    9. Not applicable, I have not had a visitor come into my home in the past seven days
    10. None of these
    • OPN
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Ventilation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN88 on 30/03/2022

    Current rotation status:

    Removed from OPN96 on 20/07/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently not being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer.

    The variable name for this question from OPN88 to OPN90 was "COV_Visitor".

  • Question:

    Are you aware of the government guidance which was introduced to enable positive COVID-19 cases who receive a negative lateral flow test on both days 6 and 7 of their 10 day self-isolation, to leave self-isolation on day 7?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    • T&T Cases
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 10 on 04/01/2022

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/02/2022


    This question was replaced by "Aware6DaysTst".

  • Question:

    Did you take a lateral flow test on day 6 and day 7 of your isolation with the intention of leaving isolation if they were both negative?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't Know
    • T&T Cases
    • Testing
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if NewGuid1 equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 10 on 04/01/2022

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/02/2022

  • Question:

    And why is that?

    Response options:
    1. I had a high temperature, so I continue(d) to isolate
    2. I had other symptoms, so I continue(d) to isolate
    3. I could not obtain a lateral flow test (no availability)
    4. There was a delay in delivery of lateral flow tests
    5. I did not want to
    6. Other
    7. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • Testing
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if NewGuid1 equals "No"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 10 on 04/01/2022

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/02/2022


    This question refers to reasons for not taking a lateral flow test on day 6 and 7 of self-isolation with the intention of leaving isolation if both tests were negative.

    This question was replaced by "Not6DaysTst".

  • Question:

    If you tested positive for COVID-19 in the future, would you take a lateral flow test on day 6 and day 7 of your self-isolation period to enable the possibility of leaving isolation early?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    • T&T Cases
    • Testing
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 10 on 04/01/2022

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/02/2022

  • Question:

    How many cigarettes a day do you usually smoke at weekends?

    Please exclude electronic cigarettes.

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 200]
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if CigNow equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN90 on 27/04/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question is part of a split trial of smoking question and is under Group A.

  • Question:

    How many cigarettes a day do you usually smoke on weekdays?

    Please exclude electronic cigarettes.

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 200]
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if CigNow equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN90 on 27/04/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question is part of a split trial of smoking question and is under Group A.

  • Question:

    How many cigarettes a day do you usually smoke Monday to Sunday?

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 200]
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if CigNow equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN90 on 27/04/2022


    A response is required for each day of the week.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question is part of a split trial of smoking question and is under Group B.

  • Question:

    On Saturday and Sunday, how many cigarettes do you usually smoke a day?

    Please exclude electronic cigarettes.

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 200] a day
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if CigNow equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN90 on 27/04/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question is part of a split trial of smoking question and is under Group C.

    Changes were made to OPN92 on 25/05/2022.

    Question wording was changed from "On Saturday and Sunday, how many cigarettes do you usually smoke a day?" to the current wording.

    Response option wording "a day" was added.

  • Question:

    Between Monday and Friday, how many cigarettes do you usually smoke a day?

    Please exclude electronic cigarettes.

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 200] a day
    • OPN
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if CigNow equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN90 on 27/04/2022


    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

    This question is part of a split trial of smoking question and is under Group C.

    Changes were made to OPN92 on 25/05/2022.

    Question wording was changed from "On Saturday and Sunday, how many cigarettes do you usually smoke a day?" to the current wording.

    Response option wording "a day" was added.

  • Question:

    You said [Insert LikelyBooster response]. Why is this?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I do not think it will work
    2. I am worried the booster will give me the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    3. I am worried about the side effects
    4. I am worried about the effect on an existing health condition
    5. I am worried about the long term effects on my health
    6. I do not think it will be safe
    7. I do not think I need the booster as I have already had the coronavirus (COVID-19)
    8. I do think I need the booster as I have already had two vaccine doses
    9. I have been advised by a health or medical professional not to get the booster
    10. Other
    11. Don’t know
    12. Prefer not to answer
    • SCIS
    • Vaccination
    Variable name:


    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to SCIS Wave 14 on 25/02/2022

  • Question:

    "How many days in total [If Isocheck2 equals 1 (Yes, I am still isolating"): do you intend to; OR If Isocheck2 equals 2 ("No, I have stopped isolating"): did you] isolate for?

    Yes, I am still isolating

    No, I have stopped isolating

    Response options:
    1. 0 days
    2. 1 day
    3. 2 days
    4. 3 days
    5. 4 days
    6. 5 days
    7. 6 days
    8. 7 days
    9. 8 days
    10. 9 days
    11. 10 days or more
    • T&T Cases
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if IsoCheck2 equals 1 ("Yes, I am still isolating") or 2 ("No, I have stopped isolating")

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/02/2022


    Changes were made to T&T Cases wave 12 on 28/02/2022.

    Routing information changed from "Ask all" to current routing.

    The routing in question wording was amended. The section in brackets now links to IsoCheck2, not StillIso. The question wording was not changed.

  • Question:

    After the first 24 hours were over, between then and [If IsoCheck2 does not equal 2 ("No, I have stopped isolating"): until now, have you left; OR If IsoCheck2 equals 2 ("No, I have stopped isolating"): the end of your isolation period, did you leave] your home for any reason...

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/02/2022


    This question was created as a combination of two questions that were removed from T&T Cases Wave 11. The variable names for these questions were AfterPosLeave1 and AfterPosLeave2.

    Changes were made to T&T Cases wave 12 on 28/02/2022.

    The routing in question wording was amended. The section in brackets now links to IsoCheck2, not StillIso. The question wording was not changed.

  • Question:

    Are you aware that people with a positive lateral flow test no longer need to take a PCR test to confirm they have COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    • T&T Cases
    • Testing
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/02/2022

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022

  • Question:

    Are you aware of the government guidance which was introduced to enable positive COVID-19 cases who receive a negative lateral flow test on both days 5 and 6 of their self-isolation period, to leave self-isolation on day 6?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    • T&T Cases
    • Testing
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/02/2022

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022

  • Question:

    Did you take a lateral flow test on day 5 and day 6 of your isolation with the intention of leaving isolation if they were both negative?

    Day 1 of your isolation is the day NHS Test and Trace told you to begin self-isolating, the day you tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19), or the first day your symptoms started.

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    • T&T Cases
    • Testing
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if Aware6DaysTst equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/02/2022

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022

  • Question:

    What was the outcome of those tests?

    Response options:
    1. Both positive
    2. Both negative
    3. One positive one negative
    4. Don't know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask if Test6Days equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/02/2022

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022


    This question refers to lateral flow test taken on day 5 and day 6 of isolation with the intention of leaving isolation.

  • Question:

    For what reason(s) did you not take a lateral flow test on days 5 and 6?

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I had a high temperature, so I continue(d) to isolate
    2. I had other symptoms, so I continue(d) to isolate
    3. I could not obtain a lateral flow test (no availability)
    4. There was a delay in delivery of lateral flow tests
    5. I did not want to
    6. I am worried I would still be infectious to others
    7. I haven't reached day 6 of my isolation yet
    8. Other
    9. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • Testing
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if Test6Days equals "No"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/02/2022

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022

  • Question:

    If you tested positive for COVID-19 in the future, would you take a lateral flow test on day 5 and day 6 of your self-isolation period to enable the possibility of leaving isolation on day 6?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    • T&T Cases
    • Testing
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/02/2022

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022

  • Question:

    If self-isolation was no longer a legal requirement for those with COVID-19, would you still isolate if you became infected?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • Self-isolation
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/02/2022

    Removed from T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022

  • Question:

    Would you take a COVID-19 test if you had to pay for one?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 11 on 07/02/2022


    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022.

    The question wording was changed from "Would you take a COVID-19 test if you had to buy one?" to the current wording.

  • Question:

    Since testing positive for Covid-19 have you self-isolated?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022

  • Question:

    Are you currently still isolating?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, I am still isolating
    2. No, I have stopped isolating
    3. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • Self-isolation
    Variable name:



    Ask if IsoCheck equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022

  • Question:

    Did you intend to isolate?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • Self-isolation
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if IsoCheck equals "No"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022

  • Question:

    For what reason(s) did you not isolate?

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Because it is no longer a legal requirement to self-isolate
    2. My symptoms were only mild
    3. I didn't think it was that risky/I don't think it is necessary to stay at home
    4. I took measures to reduce the spread
    5. It was inconvenient to isolate
    6. I did not want to miss out on paid work
    7. I am not paid sick leave
    8. I am worried that I might lose my job if i isolate
    9. I had caring responsibilites so could not isolate
    10. I needed groceries / medicine
    11. Other
    12. Don't know
    13. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • Self-isolation
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask if IsoCheck equals "No"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022

  • Question:

    Since testing positive for COVID-19, have you …

    a) Worn a face mask

    b) Socially distanced

    c) Washed or sanitised your hands

    d) Visited crowded places

    e) Used public transport

    f) Met up with friends or family who you do not live with

    ...more often, less often, or the same amount, compared to before you tested positive?

    Response options:
    1. Less often
    2. The same amount
    3. More often
    4. Don't know
    5. Prefer not to say
    6. Doesn't apply to me as I'm self-isolating
    • T&T Cases
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022


    A response is required for each statement.

    The response option "Doesn't apply to me as I'm self-isolating" is only given to respondents who have answered "Yes" to IsoCheck. This response option is not given for statement c).

    Changes were made to T&T Cases Wave 13 on 17/03/2022.

    The question wording was changed. Statement a) was ammended from "Worn a face mask in shops" to "Worn a facemask".

  • Question:

    Are you aware that you are no longer legally required to self-isolate if you test positive for coronavirus?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • T&T Cases
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    • Testing
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022

  • Question:

    If you had isolated how would you have been paid?

    Response options:
    1. As normal - full pay
    2. Sick pay (full amount)
    3. Sick pay (reduced amount)
    4. Statutory sick pay
    5. Not paid
    6. Other
    7. Don't know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if PosTestWorkSitu equals 1 ("full-time"), 2 ("part-time"), 3 ("Self-employed"), 4 ("Receiving sick pay")

    and IsoCheck equals 2 ("No")

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022

  • Question:

    If you isolated would you have been likely to lose your job or miss out on work?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if PosTestWorkSitu does not equal "Retired" and IsoCheck equals "No"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022

  • Question:

    Would you have lost income if you isolated?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • Economy & finances
    Variable name:



    Ask if PosTestWorkSitu does not equal "Retired" and IsoCheck equals "No"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 12 on 28/02/2022

  • Question:

    Are you regarded as a person who was previously considered clinically extremely vulnerable from COVID-19?

    The term "Clinically Extremely Vulnerable" covered people who were previously regarded as being at high risk from COVID-19. Most people who were considered CEV (Clinically Extremely Vulnerable) are now no longer at substantially greater risk than the general population.

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • T&T Cases
    • Demographics
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to T&T Cases Wave 13 on 17/03/2022

  • Question:

    In the past seven days, which of the following types of transport have you used to travel to and from work?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Train
    2. Underground, metro, light rail or tram
    3. Bus, minibus or coach
    4. Private car, van, motorcycle, scooter or moped
    5. Car-pooling or lift sharing (For example, sharing a similar journey with others in the same car)
    6. Bicycle
    7. On foot
    8. Other
    • OPN
    • Transport & travel
    Variable name:



    Ask if COV_TravWork equals "Yes"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN92 on 25/02/2022

    Current rotation status:

    Reinstated for OPN96 on 20/07/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    If you were unable to travel to and from work by train, what would be your alternative?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I could work from home
    2. I could travel to work by underground, metro, light rail or tram
    3. I could travel to work by bus, minibus or coach
    4. I could travel to work by private car, van, motorcycle, scooter or moped
    5. I could travel to work by taxi, car-pooling or lift sharing (For example, sharing a similar journey with others in the same car)
    6. I could travel to work by bicycle
    7. I could travel to work on foot
    8. OR
    9. I would not be able to work
    • OPN
    • Transport & travel
    Variable name:



    Ask if TRAN_MOD equals "Train"

    Time-points of data collection:

    Added to OPN92 on 25/02/2022

    Current rotation status:

    Reinstated for OPN97 on 03/08/2022


    This is a regularly rotated question. This question is currently being asked in the latest version of the OPN.

    If this question is skipped, respondents are presented with further options of "Don’t know" and "Prefer not to answer".

  • Question:

    What is your role in the school?

    Please choose one answer only

    Response options:
    1. Head Teacher
    2. Deputy Head Teacher
    3. Assistant Head Teacher
    4. Other member of the senior leadership team
    5. Other
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Demographics

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    If "Other" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    What is the name of the Head Teacher at this school?

    Response options:
    1. [enter name]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Demographics

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    What is your school’s address? 

    Response options:
    1. [enter address]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Demographics

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    What is your email address?

    Response options:
    1. [enter email address]
    • SIS2
    • Demographics

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    What is your telephone number, including area code?

    Response options:
    1. [enter telephone number]
    • SIS2
    • Demographics

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Which year groups does your school include?

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Nursery
    2. Reception
    3. Years 1-2
    4. Years 3-6
    5. Years 7-9
    6. Years 10-11
    7. Years 12-13
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Demographics

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    At the beginning of the school year, how many staff were employed to work at your school, including non-teaching staff?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Demographics

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many of these staff were also employed at your school on 5th November 2020?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Demographics

    Ask if the number of staff employed, including non-teaching staff, at the beginning of the school year is greater than 1

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Is your school part of the coronavirus (COVID-19) school vaccination programme?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Vaccination
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Has the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination programme taken place?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, it has finished
    2. Yes, it is in progress
    3. No, it has not happened yet
    4. Don’t know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Vaccination
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask if the school was part of the coronavirus (COVID-19) school vaccination programme

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Which of the following best describes the level of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination take-up at your school?

    Estimates are acceptable.

    Response options:
    1. 75% and over
    2. 50 to 74%
    3. 25 to 49%
    4. Less than 25%
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Vaccination

    Ask if the coronavirus (COVID-19) school vaccination programme has finished or is in progress

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How often do you take the following actions to improve ventilation in your school?

    Please choose one answer only

    a) Having windows/external doors open throughout most of the school day

    b) Opening windows/external doors periodically (e.g., at break times, or for 5-10 minutes to air a room)

    c) Leaving internal doors open during classes

    d) Using mechanical ventilation systems (using ducts or fans to blow clean air into rooms and/or extract the stale air)

    Response options:
    1. Daily
    2. 2 – 4 times a week
    3. Once a week
    4. Less frequently
    5. Never
    6. NA
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022


    A response is required for each statement.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How important, or not, do you think ventilation is for general health and wellbeing? 

    Response options:
    1. Not at all important
    2. Slightly important
    3. Moderately important
    4. Important
    5. Very important
    • SIS2
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Health - General

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How important, or not, do you think ventilation is for reducing the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in schools? 

    Response options:
    1. Not at all important
    2. Slightly important
    3. Moderately important
    4. Important
    5. Very important
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Ventilation

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How challenging, if at all, do you find it to implement the following actions in your school?

    Please choose one answer only

    a) Having windows/external doors open throughout most of the school day

    b) Opening windows/external doors periodically (e.g., at break times, or for 5-10 minutes to air a room)

    c) Leaving internal doors open during classes

    d) Using mechanical ventilation systems (using ducts or fans to blow clean air into rooms and/or extract the stale air)

    Response options:
    1. Very challenging
    2. Moderately challenging
    3. Somewhat challenging
    4. Slightly challenging
    5. Not challenging at all
    6. Not applicable
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each statement.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    To what extent, if any, do you think each of the following is a barrier to improving ventilation in your school?

    Please choose one answer only

    a) External noise

    b) Rooms becoming too windy/wet

    c) External air pollution

    d) Pollen, insects, etc entering rooms

    e) Temperature

    f) Security

    g) Windows not opening

    h) Windows only opening a limited amount

    i) Not having a means of ventilation in some classrooms

    j) Resistance from pupils

    k) Resistance from staff

    l) Resistance from parents

    m) Safeguarding issues

    n) Heating costs, the financial impact of keeping windows open but rooms warm

    Response options:
    1. No barrier at all
    2. A slight barrier
    3. Somewhat of a barrier
    4. A moderate barrier
    5. A significant barrier
    6. Not applicable
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each statement.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How willing are you to use CO2 monitors in your schools' classrooms?

    Please choose one answer only

    Response options:
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
    5. 5
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022


    The response to this question is on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means "not at all willing", and 5 means "very willing".

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Please explain your reasons for your previous answer  

    Response options:
    1. [enter reasons]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question refers to willingness to use CO2 monitors in the school's classrooms.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How willing are you to use CO2 monitors in staff rooms and rooms used only by staff?

    Please choose one answer only

    Response options:
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
    5. 5
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022


    The response to this question is on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means "not at all willing", and 5 means "very willing".

    The respondent is presented with a follow-up question to explain reasons for giving their answer.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How useful do you think CO2 monitors might be for the following purposes?

    Please choose one answer only

    a) Understanding the level of ventilation in a room

    b) Saving energy by ventilating only when required

    c) Helping to maintain a healthy working environment for staff

    d) Helping to maintain a healthy learning environment for pupils

    e) Helping to maintain a productive working environment for staff

    f) Helping to maintain a productive learning environment for pupils

    g) Helping to reduce the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission

    Response options:
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
    5. 5
    6. NA
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022


    The response to this question is on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means "very useful", and 5 means "not at all useful".

    A response is required for each statement.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many of the following spaces do you have in your school?

    Estimates are acceptable

    a) Classrooms and other teaching spaces, such as rehearsal rooms, art rooms, IT suites

    b) Staff only areas (e.g. staff offices and including non-teaching staff)

    c) Social areas (pastoral care or student common rooms)

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 99]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Have you received guidance on using CO2 monitors in your school?

    Please choose one answer only

    Response options:
    1. Yes, and I have read it
    2. Yes, but I have not read it
    3. No, we have not received any guidance
    4. Don’t know
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How useful was the guidance you received?

    Please choose one answer only

    Response options:
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
    5. 5
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines

    Ask if received and read guidance on using CO2 monitors in their school

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    The response to this question is on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means "not auseful at all", and 5 means "extremely useful".

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Where did your school receive that guidance from?

    Please choose all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Department for Education
    2. Public Health England (now called the UK Health Security Agency)
    3. Health & Safety Executive
    4. Local Education Authority
    5. Teaching union
    6. Online sources
    7. Commercial company
    8. Guidance supplied with the CO2 monitors
    9. NHS England
    10. Environmental Agency
    11. An individual with expertise provided on site guidance
    12. Other
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines

    Ask if received guidance on using CO2 monitors in their school

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    If "Other" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Has your school been supplied with any CO2 monitors yet? 

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many monitors have you received?

    Please choose one answer only

    Response options:
    1. 1- 5
    2. 6-9
    3. 10-14
    4. 15-19
    5. 20-24
    6. 25-29
    7. 30+
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines

    Ask if the school has already been supplied with CO2 monitors

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question refers to CO2 monitors.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Have you received enough CO2 monitors to provide the coverage you would like for the spaces below?

    Please choose one answer only

    a) Classrooms and other teaching spaces, such as rehearsal rooms, art rooms, IT suites

    b) Staff only areas (e.g. staff offices and including non-teaching staff)

    c) Social areas (pastoral care or student common rooms)

    Response options:
    1. Yes, more than enough
    2. Yes, enough
    3. No, not enough
    4. Don’t know
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines

    Ask if the school has already been supplied with CO2 monitors

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022


    A response is required for each statement.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Have the CO2 monitors been put in place in your school?

    OR for SIS2 Wave 3 only:

    Have you managed to set up the monitors in your school?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, all are in place
    2. Yes, some are in place
    3. No, they have not been placed yet
    4. Don’t know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines

    Ask if the school has already been supplied with CO2 monitors

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How easy or difficult has it been to set-up the CO2 monitors?

    Please choose one answer only

    Response options:
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
    5. 5
    6. Don’t know
    • SIS2
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines

    Ask if at least some of the CO2 monitors have been put in place

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022


    The response to this question is on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means "very difficult to set up", and 5 means "very easy to set up".

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Did the people or person who positioned the CO2 monitors read the guidance?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines

    Ask if received guidance on using CO2 monitors

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Have you had any consistent red readings (greater than 1500ppm CO2 concentration)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. No, the devices have not been positioned yet
    4. Don’t know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines

    Ask if at least some of the CO2 monitors have been put in place

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Did you check that the CO2 devices were located and working correctly, when you had consistent red readings (greater than 1500ppm CO2 concentration)? 

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    • SIS2
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines

    Ask if had any consistent red readings on the CO2 monitors

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many spaces in the below categories have you identified in your school as having consistent red readings (greater than 1500ppm CO2 concentration)?

    Estimates are acceptable

    a) Classrooms and other teaching spaces, such as rehearsal rooms, art rooms, IT suites

    b) Staff only areas (e.g. staff offices and including non-teaching staff)

    c) Social areas (pastoral care or student common rooms)

    d) Other

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 30+]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines

    Ask if had any consistent red readings on the CO2 monitors

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each setting.

    If "Other" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    In these spaces was it possible to reduce the CO2 levels by increasing ventilation (e.g. through the measures set out in guidance, such as opening windows)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines

    Ask if had any consistent red readings on the CO2 monitors

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question refers to spaces that had any consistent red readings on the CO2 monitors.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Could CO2 levels be reduced through improvement works?

    Improvement works could be making repairs to a mechanical ventilation system or a window that is fixed shut.

    Response options:
    1. Yes, works complete
    2. Yes, works could be undertaken but not yet done
    3. No, works not possible
    4. Don’t know
    5. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines

    Ask if had any consistent red readings on the CO2 monitors

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    The respondent is presented with a follow-up question to explain reasons for giving their answer.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many rooms with consistent readings greater than 1500ppm CO2 concentration, does your school have where remedial work is not possible?

    Response options:
    1. 0
    2. 1
    3. 2
    4. 3
    5. 4
    6. 5-9
    7. 10+
    8. Don’t know
    9. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines

    Ask if had any consistent red readings on the CO2 monitors

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Please explain why the remedial work is not possible

    Response options:
    1. [enter reasons]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    Variable name:



    Ask if the number of rooms with consistent readings greater than 1500 ppm CO2 concentration where remedial work is not possible is greater than 0

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Does your school keep pupils in consistent groups or ‘bubbles’ that do not mix with other groups?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, in bubbles smaller than normal class sizes
    2. Yes, in bubbles that are normal class sizes
    3. Yes, in bubbles of an entire year group
    4. No
    5. Other
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    • Social contact
    • Bubbles

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022


    If "Other" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    How far apart from each other are pupils seated in the classroom?

    Response options:
    1. Less than 0.5 metre apart
    2. At least 0.5m but under 1m apart
    3. At least 1m but under 2m apart
    4. At least 2m but less than 3m apart
    5. Other, specify
    6. Do not know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Bubbles

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022


    If "Other, specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Which of the following infection preventive measures are still being implemented at your school?

    Please choose one answer only for each measure

    a) Staff stay at home if they have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms

    b) Staff work from home if their job can be effectively done from home

    c) Staff do not attend work (may work from home) if they are clinically vulnerable

    d) Staff do not attend work (may work from home) if they live with someone who is clinically vulnerable

    e) Staff wear facemasks or face coverings in the classroom

    f) Staff wear facemasks or face coverings in corridors or communal areas

    g) Staff wear facemasks or face coverings in staff rooms or shared office space

    h) In-person staff meetings stopped

    i) Staff maintain 2m distance from pupils

    j) Staff maintain 2m distance from other adults at school

    k) Teachers stay at the front of the class

    l) Staff regularly wash or sanitise their hands (three or more times a day)

    m) Staff catch coughs or sneezes with tissue or arm

    Response options:
    1. Implemented, but with MAJOR challenges
    2. Implemented, but with SOME challenges
    3. Implemented, but with FEW or NO challenges
    4. Not implemented
    5. Not applicable
    6. Don't know (Wave 3 only)
    7. Prefer not to say (Wave 3 only)
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    • Health - COVID-19
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    Variable name:



    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each measure.

    There are four questions about preventative measures that are still being implemented in the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire. This question is refering to measures relating to staff.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

    Response options "Don't know" and "Prefer not to say" were added in Wave 3 only

  • Question:

    Which of the following infection preventive measures are still being implemented at your school?

    Please choose one answer only for each measure

    a) Pupils stay home if they have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms

    b) Pupils wear facemasks or face coverings in the classroom

    c) Pupils wear facemasks or face coverings in corridors or communal areas

    d) Pupils not provided with wraparound care

    e) Not providing after-school activities

    f) The same teacher/teaching assistants work with a single class throughout the school week

    g) Pupils regularly wash or sanitise their hands (three or more times a day)

    h) Pupils catch coughs or sneezes with tissue or arm

    i) Pupils maintain distance from other pupils within their group

    j) Pupils wear facemasks on dedicated school transport

    k) Pupils stay in the same group ('bubble') at all times during the school day

    l) Pupils stay in the same group (‘bubble’) in wraparound care as in the classroom

    m) Pupils stay in the same group or ‘bubble’ on school transport as in the classroom

    Response options:
    1. Implemented, but with MAJOR challenges
    2. Implemented, but with SOME challenges
    3. Implemented, but with FEW or NO challenges
    4. Not implemented
    5. Not applicable
    6. Don't know (Wave 3 only)
    7. Prefer not to say (Wave 3 only)
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    • Health - COVID-19
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each measure.

    There are four questions about preventative measures that are still being implemented in the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire. This question is refering to measures relating to pupils.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Which of the following infection preventive measures are still being implemented at your school?

    Please choose one answer only for each measure

    a) Additional hand sanitisers in classrooms

    b) Seats and desks are spaced apart to maintain distance between pupils

    c) All desks face forward

    d) Non-essential objects removed from classrooms

    e) Removed soft furnishings and toys that are hard to clean

    f) Increased cleaning of frequently touched surfaces

    g) Scheduling more outdoor lessons and activities

    h) Ensuring pupils use the same classroom throughout the day

    i) Ensuring pupils do not share equipment or learning materials in classrooms

    j) Ensuring pupils do not carry equipment or learning materials between home and school

    Response options:
    1. Implemented, but with MAJOR challenges
    2. Implemented, but with SOME challenges
    3. Implemented, but with FEW or NO challenges
    4. Not implemented
    5. Not applicable
    6. Don't know (Wave 3 only)
    7. Prefer not to say (Wave 3 only)
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    • Health - COVID-19
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each measure.

    There are four questions about preventative measures that are still being implemented in the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire. This question is refering to measures relating to the classroom environment.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Which of the following infection preventive measures are still being implemented at your school?

    Please choose one answer only for each measure

    a) One-way systems in school corridors

    b) Discouraging pupils from carrying equipment or learning materials between home and school other than when essential

    c) Windows are open all of the time

    d) Windows are opened periodically to air the classroom

    e) Mechanical ventilation systems (if present) are run continuously

    f) Hand sanitisers at the school entrance

    g) Seats and desks are spaced apart to maintain distance between pupils

    h) Staggering the times pupils start and end the school day

    i) Staggering break times for different classes

    j) Clean surfaces in the dining hall between groups

    h) Stopped large gatherings of pupils e.g., assemblies

    i) Stopped team sports

    j) Distancing among parents dropping off or picking up children

    k) Toilet facilities are restricted to particular bubbles

    Response options:
    1. Implemented, but with MAJOR challenges
    2. Implemented, but with SOME challenges
    3. Implemented, but with FEW or NO challenges
    4. Not implemented
    5. Not applicable
    6. Don't know (Wave 3 only)
    7. Prefer not to say (Wave 3 only)
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    • Health - COVID-19
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each measure.

    There are four questions about preventative measures that are still being implemented in the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire. This question is refering to measures relating to the the school rules and environment.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    What preventive measures have been particularly challenging or have not worked well?  

    Response options:
    1. [enter response]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    • Health - COVID-19
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    What preventive measures have worked well that you would like to share?

    Response options:
    1. [enter response]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    • Health - COVID-19
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Have you conducted, or do you plan to conduct, an internal evaluation or review of how well preventive measures are being implemented at your school?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    • Health - COVID-19
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Approximately how often are these internal evaluations or reviews being, or going to be, conducted?

    Response options:
    1. About once or twice per week
    2. About once or twice per month
    3. About once or twice per term
    4. Other
    5. Don’t know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    • Health - COVID-19
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    If "Other" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

  • Question:

    Does your school have a process in place if a staff member or a pupil reports coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms while at school?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Do not know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Has your school used the DfE Helpline for advice on COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Do not know
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Have you ever been directly informed by any government or public health agency about confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in any of the following groups at your school?

    Please choose all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Yes, staff case(s)
    2. Yes, pupil case(s)
    3. Yes, household member(s) of pupil(s)
    4. No, we have not received any information directly from public health agencies about confirmed cases at our school
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Since September, have staff in your school received any new or additional training on pupil mental health?

    By ‘additional’ we mean any training taken on top of what they would normally receive. Please include any in-house training, as well as training from external providers.

    Response options:
    1. Yes, some or all staff have received additional training
    2. No, there was training available to my school, but we did not take it up
    3. No, I would have welcomed additional training, but there was no training available to my school
    4. No, staff don’t require additional training
    5. Don’t know
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Mental health & wellbeing

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Which, if any, of the following is your school providing for pupils who are not in school to help with their Mental health & wellbeing?

    Please choose all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Teachers checking in with pupils on their wellbeing occasionally in remote lessons
    2. Activities to help with wellbeing (e.g. remote assemblies, virtual social activities, planned physical activity)
    3. Lessons or sessions about Mental health & wellbeing (e.g. as part of PSHE or similar)
    4. Access to mental health support through school e.g. counsellor
    5. Help to access mental health support outside of school (e.g. referrals to other services)
    6. Access to school staff for pupils to talk about any problems
    7. Access to school staff for parents to talk about their child’s mental health/wellbeing
    8. Signposting pupils to sources of information or support
    9. Advice or guidance about being safe online
    10. Phoning pupils outside of remote lesson time to check in on their wellbeing
    11. None of the above
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Mental health & wellbeing

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Thinking about pupils with new or existing mental health needs, is your school doing any of the following to support these pupils?

    Please choose all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Adapting existing support services to deliver remotely
    2. Commissioning new online or telephone support services such as counselling
    3. Providing information and signposting to local or national support
    4. Providing guidance about self-care
    5. Providing a designated staff contact for pupil or parent advice
    6. Other, please specify
    7. None of the above
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Mental health & wellbeing

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    If "Other, please specify" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Does your school have a designated lead for pupils' mental health?

    By this we mean someone who has responsibility for co-ordinating the school’s' Mental health & wellbeing provision.

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Mental health & wellbeing

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How confident are you that your school is able to implement the activities needed to develop a whole school approach to mental health?

    This includes promoting positive mental health, measuring and/or monitoring pupils’ Mental health & wellbeing, engaging pupils and parents when developing the offer, providing clear referral routes for specialist support and providing staff training.

    Response options:
    1. Very confident
    2. Fairly confident
    3. Not very confident
    4. Not at all confident
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Mental health & wellbeing

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    If "Not very confident" or "Not at all confident" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to explain the reasons.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Why don’t you feel confident that your school is able to implement these activities?

    Response options:
    1. [enter response]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Mental health & wellbeing

    Ask if not very confident or not at all confident the school is able to implement the activities needed to develop a whole school approach to mental health

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    To what extent are the following embedded in your school?

    By embedded we mean something that is consistently integrated into whole school practices, and which is reviewed and adapted to meet the needs of the school.

    Please choose one answer only for each option

    a) The school follows a published school ethos, or values, which includes promoting positive mental health & wellbeing

    b) Staff are provided with training on how to support pupils' mental health & wellbeing

    c) All pupils' mental health & wellbeing are measured to inform practice in school

    d) Pupils are engaged in the development of the mental health & wellbeing provision

    e) Pupils are taught about mental health & wellbeing outside of PSHE/health education

    f) Pupils with identified mental health needs are provided with support in school pupils are provided with accessible referral routes for specialist support where needed

    h) Staff are supported in relation to their own Mental health & wellbeing

    Response options:
    1. We don’t do this and have no current plans to do this
    2. We are planning to do this
    3. Partially embedded
    4. Fully embedded
    5. I don’t know
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Mental health & wellbeing


    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 25/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each statement.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    In your household, how many people are there in the age groups below?

    By household, we mean the group of people you live with, at the same address.

    If your child / children live in multiple households, please answer for the one you consider to be their main address.

    a) Children aged 0-5

    b) Children aged 6-10

    c) Children aged 11-18

    d) Adults aged 19+

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 50]
    • SIS2
    • Demographics

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    A response is required for every age group.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many people in your household, in the following age groups, have had a positive coronavirus (COVID-19) test since March 2020?

    This includes both:

    PCR tests (nose and throat swab sent away for analysis)

    Lateral flow tests (nose or throat swab with immediate result at home)

    Please type in below

    a) Children aged 0-5

    b) Children aged 6-10

    c) Children aged 11-18

    d) Adults aged 19+

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 50]
    • SIS2
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    A response is required for each age group.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many people in your household, in the following age groups, are fully vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    For adults this means two separate jabs.

    For children (18 and under) this means one jab (unless they have received specific instructions to have two).

    Please type in below

    a) Children aged 0-5

    b) Children aged 6-10

    c) Children aged 11-18

    d) Adults aged 19+

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 50]
    • SIS2
    • Vaccination
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    A response is required for each age group.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many children in your household, in the following age groups, are vaccinated against seasonal ‘flu, either by injection or nasal spray?

    Please type in below

    a) Children aged 0-5

    b) Children aged 6-10

    c) Children aged 11-18

    • SIS2
    • Vaccination
    • Health - General

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many rooms does your household have in total?

    Please exclude kitchens and bathrooms

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 50]
    • SIS2
    • Demographics

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many rooms in your household are regularly used for sleeping?

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 50]
    • SIS2
    • Demographics

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Do all the children in your household have their own bedroom? 

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Demographics

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many bathrooms are there in your household?

    Response options:
    1. One
    2. Two
    3. More than two
    4. None
    5. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Demographics

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many cars does your family own?

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 20]
    • SIS2
    • Demographics

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many computers (including laptops and tablets, but not including game consoles and smartphones) does your family own?

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 50]
    • SIS2
    • Demographics

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Does your household have a dishwasher?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Demographics

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Does anyone in your household work in the following jobs/industries?

    Please choose all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Healthcare (e.g. GP, hospital or dentist)
    2. Social care (e.g. nursing home, children’s home or home carer)
    3. Education (e.g. nursery, school, or college)
    4. Retail, hospitality or transport (e.g. retail assistant, driver or waiter)
    5. Police force or fire service
    6. None of these
    7. Don’t know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Demographics
    • Employment

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How likely are you to agree to your children aged 5-11 having the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination this winter, if it is offered to you?

    Please choose one answer only

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Fairly unlikely
    4. Very unlikely
    5. My children aged 5-11 have already been vaccinated
    6. Don’t know
    • SIS2
    • Vaccination

    Ask if has at at least one child in primary school

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    The list below is based on what people have told us previously about why they don’t want to receive the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination. Reasons shown in the list may not be true.

    Why are you unlikely to get the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination for your children aged 5-11?

    Please choose all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I’d prefer to wait and see how well the vaccine works for children aged 5-11
    2. I’m worried about the side effects
    3. I’m worried about how it will affect a health condition my child has
    4. I’m worried that the vaccine may give my child coronavirus (COVID-19)
    5. I’m worried that it might be painful for my child/ my child is scared of needles
    6. I’m worried about my child catching coronavirus (COVID-19) at a vaccination centre or GP surgery
    7. I would prefer someone in more need of a vaccine to receive it before my child
    8. I don’t think my child needs a vaccine (already had the virus / I do not think my child is at risk)
    9. I was advised by a health or medical professional that my child should not get the vaccine
    10. Other, please type in the box
    11. Don’t know
    • SIS2
    • Vaccination

    Ask if fairly likely or very unlikely to agree to their children aged 5-11 having the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination this winter if it's offered to them

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How often has [child’s first name] performed these coronavirus (COVID-19) prevention tasks?

    Please choose one answer only per statement

    a) Your child wore a face mask or face covering while in school

    b) Your child used hand sanitiser while in school

    c) Your child washed their hands with soap regularly (three or more times a day)

    d) Your child followed any social distancing advice while in school (e.g. bubbles, any 2m / 6ft distance advice)

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Rarely
    4. Never
    5. Don’t know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Health - COVID-19
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    • Schools & University
    • Social contact

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    A response is required for each statement.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Thinking of up to six friends [child’s first name] spends the most time with at school, how many fit into the following categories?

    If your child has more than six friends, answer for a maximum of six

    a) Their year group and same class

    b) Their year group but different class

    c) The year group above theirs

    d) The year group below theirs

    e) Another year group

    Response options:
    1. [0-6]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Social contact

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    A response is required for each group.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Does [child’s first name] currently have any long term or persistent health condition(s)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Health - General

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Which long term or persistent health condition(s) do they have?    

    Please choose all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Cancer (such as leukaemia or lymphoma)
    2. Diabetes
    3. Serious heart problems
    4. Chest complaint or breathing difficulties,
    5. including poorly controlled asthma
    6. Kidney, liver or a gut disease
    7. Lowered immunity due to disease or treatment (such as steroid medication, chemotherapy or radiotherapy)
    8. An organ transplant
    9. A neurodisability or neuromuscular condition
    10. A severe or profound learning disability
    11. Downs syndrome
    12. A problem with their spleen, e.g. sickle cell disease, or they have had their spleen removed
    13. Epilepsy
    14. Serious genetic problems
    15. Serious allergies, e.g. eczema, allergic rhinitis or food allergies
    16. Other serious medical conditions as advised by their doctor or specialist
    17. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Health - General

    Ask if their child currently has any long term or persistent health condition(s)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Which year group is [child’s first name] in at school?

    Response options:
    1. Year 1
    2. Year 2
    3. Year 3
    4. Year 4
    5. Year 5
    6. Year 6
    7. Year 7
    8. Year 8
    9. Year 9
    10. Year 10
    11. Year 11
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    For each item, please mark the box for Not True, Somewhat True or Certainly True.

    It would help us if you answered all items as best you can even if you are not absolutely certain, or the item seems daft!

    Please give your answers on the basis of the child's behaviour over the last six months.

    a) Considerate of other people's feelings

    b) Restless, overactive, cannot stay still for long

    c) Often complains of headaches, stomach-aches or sickness

    d) Shares readily with other children (treats, toys, pencils etc.)

    e) Often has temper tantrums or hot tempers

    f) Rather solitary, tends to play alone

    g) Generally obedient, usually does what adults request

    h) Many worries, often seems worried

    i) Helpful if someone is hurt, upset or feeling ill

    j) Constantly fidgeting or squirming

    k) Has at least one good friend

    l) Often fights with other children or bullies them

    m) Often unhappy, down-hearted or tearful

    n) Generally liked by other children

    o) Easily distracted, concentration wanders

    p) Nervous or clingy in new situations, easily loses confidence

    q) Kind to younger children

    r) Often lies or cheats

    s) Picked on or bullied by other children

    t) Often volunteers to help others (parents, teachers, other children)

    u) Thinks things out before acting

    v) Steals from home, school or elsewhere

    w) Gets on better with adults than with other children

    x) Many fears, easily scared

    y) Sees tasks through to the end, good attention span

    Response options:
    1. Not true
    2. Somewhat true
    3. Certainly true
    • SIS2
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Impact on life

    Ask if has at at least one child in reception, or years 1-6 inclusive

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each statement.

    The respondent is presented with five statements at a time.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Overall, do you think your child has difficulties in one or more of the following areas: emotions, concentration, behaviour or being able to get on with other people?

    Response options:
    1. No
    2. Yes – minor difficulties
    3. Yes – definite difficulties
    4. Yes – severe difficulties
    • SIS2
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Impact on life

    Ask if has at at least one child in reception, or years 1-6 inclusive

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How long have these difficulties been present? 

    Response options:
    1. Less than a month
    2. 1-5 months
    3. 6-12 months
    4. Over a year
    • SIS2
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Impact on life

    Ask if has at at least one child in reception, or years 1-6 (inclusive) and the child has difficulties in one or more of the following areas: emotions, concentration, behaviour or being able to get on with other people

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Do the difficulties interfere with your child’s everyday life in the following areas?

    a) Home life

    b) Friendships

    c) Classroom learning

    d) Leisure activities

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. Only a little
    3. Quite a lot
    4. A great deal
    • SIS2
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Impact on life

    Ask if has at at least one child in reception, or years 1-6 (inclusive) and the child has difficulties in one or more of the following areas: emotions, concentration, behaviour or being able to get on with other people

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each statement.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Do the difficulties put a burden on you or the family as a whole? 

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. Only a little
    3. Quite a lot
    4. A great deal
    • SIS2
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Impact on life

    Ask if has at at least one child in reception, or years 1-6 (inclusive) and the child has difficulties in one or more of the following areas: emotions, concentration, behaviour or being able to get on with other people

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    On average, how often did [child’s first name] go to school this term?

    Please choose one only

    Response options:
    1. Every day
    2. Four days a week
    3. Three days a week
    4. Two days a week
    5. One day a week
    6. Not at all
    7. Don’t know
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How has [child’s first name] mainly travelled to and from school in the current term?

    Please choose all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Dedicated school bus
    2. Public transport (e.g. bus or train)
    3. Taxi, minicab, car shared with people outside household etc
    4. Walking / Bicycle / Motorbike / Car with only yourself or household members
    5. Other
    6. Don’t know
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Transport & travel

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How often does [child’s first name] wear a face mask or covering when travelling to and from school on public transport?

    Please ask your child for the answer if possible

    Please choose one only

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Rarely
    4. Never
    5. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Transport & travel
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many days of school has [child’s first name] missed for health reasons in the previous academic year (September 2020 to July 2021)?

    Remote learning (i.e. access to live or recorded lessons online) is school time, not missed school.

    If your child has missed partial days of school, please add it up and guess the total number of days as best you can.

    If you’re not sure, please give your best guess.

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 200]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many times did [child’s first name] travel out of the United Kingdom for holiday / vacation in 2019?

    We’re asking specifically about 2019 as this is before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic travel restrictions

    Please choose one only

    Response options:
    1. Once
    2. Twice
    3. More than twice
    4. Never
    5. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Transport & travel

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Do you know, or think, that [child’s first name] has had coronavirus (COVID-19) since March 2020?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS2
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many times do you think [child’s first name] has had coronavirus (COVID-19) since March 2020?

    Response options:
    1. Once
    2. Twice
    3. Three times or more
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask if knows or thinks that their child has had coronavirus (COVID-19) since March 2020

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    On what date did their most recent coronavirus (COVID-19) infection begin?

    If you can’t remember, please give your best estimate

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • SIS2
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask if knows or thinks that their child has had coronavirus (COVID-19) since March 2020

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    Date provided in DD/MM/YYYY format.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Did [child’s first name] have any symptoms when you knew, or thought, they had coronavirus (COVID-19)?   

    The most common symptoms include a newly developed, persistent, cough, high temperature or fever, breathlessness or difficulties breathing, loss or change to the sense of smell or taste and tiredness.

    Newer variants of coronavirus (COVID-19) can also cause a runny nose, sneezing, headaches and a sore throat.

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask if knows or thinks that their child has had coronavirus (COVID-19) since March 2020

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Has [child’s first name] had at least one symptom of coronavirus (COVID-19) that continued for 12 weeks or more after the start of their coronavirus (COVID-19) infection?

    It doesn’t matter whether the symptom comes and goes or varies in intensity.

    If they’ve had coronavirus (COVID-19) more than once, think about their most recent experience.

    Please choose one answer only

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No - symptoms didn't last more than 12 weeks
    3. No - it's been less than 12 weeks since their coronavirus (COVID-19) infection
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask if their child has had any syptoms when they knew or thought they had coronavirus (COVID-19)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How much have the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms affected the following for [child’s first name]?

    Please choose one answer only per statement

    a) Their ability to learn

    b) Their ability to stay physically active

    c) Their ability to socialise or attend extra-curricular activities

    d) Their emotional wellbeing

    e) Their ability to carry out day to day activities

    Response options:
    1. Not affected
    2. Affected a little
    3. Affected a lot
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask if their child had at least one symptom of coronavirus (COVID-19) that continued for 12 weeks or more after the start of their coronavirus (COVID-19) infection

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each statement.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    To what extent do you feel that the school has supported [child’s first name] to manage the impact of the ongoing symptoms on their education?

    Please choose one answer only

    Response options:
    1. All the support needed
    2. Most of the support needed
    3. Some of the support needed
    4. None of the support needed
    5. Did not need any support
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Health - COVID-19
    • Schools & University

    Ask if their child had at least one symptom of coronavirus (COVID-19) that continued for 12 weeks or more after the start of their coronavirus (COVID-19) infection

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022

  • Question:

    How have [child’s first name]’s ongoing symptoms (lasting over 12 weeks) changed over time?

    Please choose one answer only

    Response options:
    1. Fully recovered
    2. Greatly improved
    3. Somewhat improved
    4. Vary day by day (some days better and some days worse)
    5. Somewhat worse
    6. A lot worse
    7. Don’t know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask if their child had at least one symptom of coronavirus (COVID-19) that continued for 12 weeks or more after the start of their coronavirus (COVID-19) infection

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Regardless of whether they have had coronavirus (COVID-19), which of the following symptoms has [child’s first name] experienced in a persistent or recurring way for more than 12 weeks since March 2020?

    Please choose one answer only per statement

    a) Fever or high temperature

    b) Cough

    c) Lost or husky voice

    d) Chest pain or tightness

    e) Sore throat

    f) Feeling short of breath

    g) Chills or shivers

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Health - COVID-19
    • Health - General

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each statement.

    There are six questions about ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms in the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire. The wording of these questions is the same but different symptoms are listed.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Which of the following symptoms has [child’s first name] experienced in a persistent or recurring way for more than 12 weeks since March 2020?

    Please choose one answer only per statement.

    a) Feeling lightheaded or disorientated

    b) Feeling dizzy

    c) Palpitations (feeling like your heart is beating heavily or racing)

    d) Weakness or tiredness

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Health - COVID-19
    • Health - General

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each statement.

    There are six questions about ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms in the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire. The wording of these questions is the same but different symptoms are listed.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Which of the following symptoms has [child’s first name] experienced in a persistent or recurring way for more than 12 weeks since March 2020?

    Please choose one answer only per statement

    a) Trouble sleeping

    b) Worry or anxiety

    c) Low mood or not enjoying anything

    d) Memory loss or confusion

    e) Difficulty concentrating

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Health - COVID-19
    • Health - General
    • Mental health & wellbeing

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each statement.

    There are six questions about ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms in the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire. The wording of these questions is the same but different symptoms are listed.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Which of the following symptoms has [child’s first name] experienced in a persistent or recurring way for more than 12 weeks since March 2020?

    Please choose one answer only per statement

    a) Loss of smell or taste

    b) Headache

    c) Sore or uncomfortable eyes

    e) Earache or ringing in ears

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Health - COVID-19
    • Health - General

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each statement.

    There are six questions about ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms in the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire. The wording of these questions is the same but different symptoms are listed.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Which of the following symptoms has [child’s first name] experienced in a persistent or recurring way for more than 12 weeks since March 2020?

    Please choose one answer only per statement

    a) Stomach pain

    b) Diarrhoea

    c) Not feeling hungry nor wanting to eat

    d) Feeling or being sick

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Health - COVID-19
    • Health - General

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each statement.

    There are six questions about ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms in the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire. The wording of these questions is the same but different symptoms are listed.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Which of the following symptoms has [child’s first name] experienced in a persistent or recurring way for more than 12 weeks since March 2020?

    Please choose one answer only per statement

    a) Raised, red, itchy bumps on skin or swelling of the face or lips

    b) Red or purple blisters on your feet or toes

    c) Prickling, tingling or burning sensations in skin

    d) Strong aches or pains in muscles or joints

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Health - COVID-19
    • Health - General

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each statement.

    There are six questions about ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms in the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire. The wording of these questions is the same but different symptoms are listed.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many days of school has [child’s first name] missed for health reasons in the current academic year (September 2021 to present)?

    Remote learning (i.e. access to live or recorded lessons online) is school time, not missed school.

    If your child has missed partial days of school, please add it up and guess the total number of days as best you can.

    If you’re not sure, please give your best guess.

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 200]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Has [child’s first name] had a positive coronavirus (COVID-19) test of any kind since March 2020?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Testing

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    What type of test showed a positive coronavirus (COVID-19) infection for [child’s first name]?

    If they have had more than one confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, please think about the most recent infection.

    Please choose all that apply

    Response options:
    1. PCR test (nose and throat swab that is sent away to a lab for analysis)
    2. Lateral Flow test (nose or throat swab with immediate result at home)
    3. A different test not listed here
    4. Unsure which test it was
    5. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Testing

    Ask if their child had a positive coronavirus (COVID-19) test of any kind since March 2020

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    When did [child’s first name] receive a positive coronavirus (COVID-19) test?  

    If you can’t remember, just put in your best guess.

    If it’s happened more than once, put in the most recent experience.

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • SIS2
    • Testing

    Ask if their child had a positive coronavirus (COVID-19) test of any kind since March 2020

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 22/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    Date provided in DD/MM/YYYY format.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Have you been invited to get the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination or jab?

    Please choose one answer only

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Vaccination

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Have you had the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination or jab?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Vaccination

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many times have you received the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

    Response options:
    1. Once
    2. Twice
    3. 3 or more times
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Vaccination

    Ask if had the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination or jab

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Why did you decide to have the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination?

    Please choose all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. It will protect me from getting coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2. It may help me avoid taking time off school/college
    3. I’m concerned about how ill I would be if I got coronavirus (COVID-19)
    4. My family have had the vaccine
    5. My friends have had the vaccine
    6. I am helping to protect other people from getting coronavirus (COVID-19)
    7. I am worried about what people will think about me if I don’t have the vaccine
    8. My family encouraged me to have the vaccine
    9. My friends encouraged me to have the vaccine
    10. Someone I respect encouraged me to have the vaccine
    11. My school encouraged me to have the vaccine
    12. There’s no reason not to have the vaccine
    13. Other, please write in the box
    14. Don’t know
    • SIS2
    • Vaccination

    Ask if had the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination or jab

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    If "Someone I respect encouraged me to have the vaccine" is selected, the respondent is presented with a follow-up question to specify.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How likely are you to get the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination if it’s offered to you?

    Please choose one answer only

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Fairly unlikely
    4. Very unlikely
    5. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Vaccination

    Ask if has not had the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination or jab, or prefered not to say whether they had the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination or jab

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

    Changes were made to SIS2 Wave 3. The question wording changed from "How likely are you to get the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination this winter if it’s offered to you?" to the current wording.

  • Question:

    The list below is based on what people have told us previously about why they don’t want to receive the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination. Reasons shown in the list may not be true.

    Why did you decide not to have the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination?

    Please choose all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. I’d prefer to wait and see how well the vaccine works
    2. I’m worried about the side effects
    3. I’m worried about how it will affect a health condition I have
    4. I’m worried that the vaccine may give me coronavirus (COVID-19)
    5. I’m worried that it might be painful / I’m scared of needles
    6. I’m worried about catching coronavirus (COVID-19) at a vaccination centre or GP surgery
    7. I would prefer someone in more need of a vaccine to receive it before me
    8. I don’t think I need a vaccine (already had the virus / I do not think I am at risk)
    9. I was advised by a health or medical professional not to get the vaccine
    10. My parents or caregiver don’t want me to have the vaccine
    11. Other, please write in the box
    12. Don’t know or prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Vaccination

    Ask if fairly unlikely or very unlikely to get the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination this winter if it’s offered to them

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Have you been invited to get the flu vaccination or nasal spray? 

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Vaccination
    • Health - General

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Have you had the flu vaccination or nasal spray?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Vaccination
    • Health - General

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How likely are you to get the flu vaccination or nasal spray this winter if it’s offered to you?

    Please choose one answer only

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Fairly unlikely
    4. Very unlikely
    5. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Vaccination
    • Health - General

    Ask if has not had the flu vaccination or nasal spray, or prefered not to say whether they had the flu vaccination or nasal spray

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    For each item, please mark the box for Not True, Somewhat True or Certainly True.

    It would help us if you answered all items as best you can, even if you are not absolutely certain or the item seems daft!

    Please give your answers on the basis of how things have been for you over the last six months

    a) I try to be nice to other people. I care about their feelings

    b) I am restless, I cannot stay still for long

    c) I get a lot of headaches, stomach-aches or sickness

    d) I usually share with others (food, games, pens etc.)

    e) I get very angry and often lose my temper

    f) I am usually on my own. I generally play alone or keep to myself

    g) I usually do as I am told

    h) I worry a lot

    i) I am helpful if someone is hurt, upset or feeling ill

    j) I am constantly fidgeting or squirming

    k) I have one good friend or more

    l) I fight a lot. I can make other people do what I want

    m) I am often unhappy, down-hearted or tearful

    n) Other people my age generally like me

    o) I am easily distracted, I find it difficult to concentrate

    p) I am nervous in new situations. I easily lose confidence

    q) I am kind to younger children

    r) I am often accused of lying or cheating

    s) Other children or young people pick on me or bully me

    t) I often volunteer to help others (parents, teachers, children)

    u) I think before I do things

    v) I take things that are not mine from home, school or elsewhere

    w) I get on better with adults than with people my own age

    x) I have many fears, I am easily scared

    y) I finish the work I'm doing. My attention is good

    Response options:
    1. Not true
    2. Somewhat true
    3. Certainly true
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Mental health & wellbeing

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each statement.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Overall, do you think that you have difficulties in one or more of the following areas: emotions, concentration, behaviour or being able to get on with other people? 

    Response options:
    1. No
    2. Yes – minor difficulties
    3. Yes – definite difficulties
    4. Yes – severe difficulties
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Mental health & wellbeing

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How long have these difficulties been present?

    Response options:
    1. Less than a month
    2. 1-5 months
    3. 6-12 months
    4. Over a year
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Mental health & wellbeing

    Ask if thinks that they have have difficulties in one or more of the following areas: emotions, concentration, behaviour or being able to get on with other people

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Do the difficulties upset or distress you?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. Only a little
    3. Quite a lot
    4. A great deal
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Mental health & wellbeing

    Ask if thinks that they have have difficulties in one or more of the following areas: emotions, concentration, behaviour or being able to get on with other people

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Do the difficulties interfere with your everyday life in the following areas?

    a) Home life

    b) Friendships

    c) Classroom learning

    c) Leisure activities

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. Only a little
    3. Quite a lot
    4. A great deal
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Mental health & wellbeing

    Ask if thinks that they have have difficulties in one or more of the following areas: emotions, concentration, behaviour or being able to get on with other people

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each statement.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Do the difficulties make it harder for those around you (family, friends, teachers, etc.)?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all all
    2. Only a little
    3. Quite a lot
    4. A great deal
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Mental health & wellbeing

    Ask if thinks that they have have difficulties in one or more of the following areas: emotions, concentration, behaviour or being able to get on with other people

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How happy are you with your life as a whole? Please use a scale where: 0 means very unhappy, 5 means neither happy nor unhappy, and 10 means very happy

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 10]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Mental health & wellbeing

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    The question wording has been adapted for the Question Bank.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Which year group are you in at school?

    Response options:
    1. Year 7
    2. Year 8
    3. Year 9
    4. Year 10
    5. Year 11
    6. Year 12
    7. Year 13
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Demographics

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Do you currently have any long term or persistent health condition(s)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General

    Ask if in Year 12 or Year 13

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Which long term or persistent health condition(s) do you have?

    Response options:
    1. Cancer (such as leukaemia or lymphoma)
    2. Diabetes
    3. Serious heart problems
    4. Chest complaint or breathing difficulties,
    5. including poorly controlled asthma
    6. Kidney, liver or a gut disease
    7. Lowered immunity due to disease or treatment (such as steroid medication, chemotherapy or radiotherapy)
    8. An organ transplant
    9. A neurodisability or neuromuscular condition
    10. A severe or profound learning disability
    11. Downs syndrome
    12. A problem with your spleen, e.g. sickle cell disease, or you have had your spleen removed
    13. Epilepsy
    14. Serious genetic problems
    15. Serious allergies, e.g. eczema, allergic rhinitis or food allergies
    16. Other serious medical conditions as advised by your doctor or specialist
    17. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General

    Ask if in Year 12 or Year 13, and has any long term or persistent health condition(s)

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many people live in your household in the following age groups (including yourself)?

    By household, we mean the group of people you live with, at the same address.

    If you split your time across more than one household, then please think about the one that you consider to be your main address.

    a) Children aged 0-5

    b) Children aged 6-10

    c) Children aged 11-18

    d) Adults aged 19+

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 50]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Demographics

    Ask if in Year 12 or Year 13

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    A response is required for each age group.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many people in your household, in the following age groups (including yourself), have had a positive COVID-19 test since March 2020?

    This includes both PCR tests (nose and throat swab sent away for analysis), and lateral flow tests (nose or throat swab with immediate result at home).

    a) Children aged 0-5

    b) Children aged 6-10

    c) Children aged 11-18

    d) Adults aged 19+

    Response options:
    1. [enter number]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask if in Year 12 or Year 13

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    The question wording has been adapted for the Question Bank.

    A response is required for each age group.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many people in your household, in the following age groups (including yourself), are fully vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    For adults this means two separate jabs

    For children (18 and under) this means one jab (unless they have received specific instructions to have two)

    a) Children aged 0-5

    b) Children aged 6-10

    c) Children aged 11-18

    d) Adults aged 19+

    Response options:
    1. [enter number]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Vaccination
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask if in Year 12 or Year 13

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    A response is required for each age group.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many rooms does your house have in total? Please exclude any kitchens or bathrooms.

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 100]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General

    Ask if in Year 12 or Year 13

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many rooms in your house are regularly used for sleeping?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General

    Ask if in Year 12 or Year 13

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Do you have your own bedroom?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General

    Ask if in Year 12 or Year 13

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many bathrooms are there in your home?

    Response options:
    1. One
    2. Two
    3. More than two
    4. None
    5. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General

    Ask if in Year 12 or Year 13

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many cars does your family own?

    Please type in below

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 10]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General

    Ask if in Year 12 or Year 13

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many computers (including laptops and tablets, but not including game consoles and smartphones) does your family own?

    Please type in below

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 50]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General

    Ask if in Year 12 or Year 13

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Does your household have a dishwasher?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General

    Ask if in Year 12 or Year 13

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many times did you travel out of the United Kingdom for a holiday / vacation in 2019? We’re asking specifically about 2019 as this is before the COVID-19 pandemic travel restrictions.

    Response options:
    1. Once
    2. Twice
    3. More than twice
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General

    Ask if in Year 12 or Year 13

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Does anyone in your household work in the following jobs or industries?

    Please choose all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Healthcare (e.g. GP, hospital or dentist)
    2. Social care (e.g. nursing home, children’s home or home carer)
    3. Education (e.g. nursery, school, or college)
    4. Retail, hospitality or transport (e.g. retail assistant, driver or waiter)
    5. Police force or fire service
    6. None of these
    7. Don’t know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Demographics
    • Employment

    Ask if in Year 12 or Year 13

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Do you know or think that you have had coronavirus (COVID-19) since March 2020?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

    This question is asked separately to Year 12 and Year 13, and Years 7-11 pupils.

  • Question:

    How many times do you think you’ve had coronavirus (COVID-19) since March 2020?

    Response options:
    1. Once
    2. Twice
    3. Three times or more
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask if knows or thinks that the have had COVID-19 since March 2020

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

    This question is asked separately to Year 12 and Year 13, and Years 7-11 pupils.

  • Question:

    On what date did your most recent coronavirus (COVID-19) infection begin? If you can’t remember, please give your best guess.

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask if knows or thinks that the have had COVID-19 since March 2020

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    Date provided in DD/MM/YYYY format.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

    This question is asked separately to Year 12 and Year 13, and Years 7-11 pupils.

  • Question:

    Did you have any symptoms when you knew or thought you had coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    The most common symptoms include a newly developed, persistent cough, high temperature or fever, breathlessness or difficulties breathing, loss or change to the sense of smell or taste, and tiredness.

    Newer variants of coronavirus (COVID-19) can also cause a runny nose, sneezing, headaches and a sore throat.

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask if knows or thinks that they have had COVID-19 since March 2020

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

    This question is asked separately to Year 12 and Year 13, and Years 7-11 pupils.

  • Question:

    Have you had at least one symptom of coronavirus (COVID-19) that continued for 12 weeks or more after the start of your coronavirus (COVID-19) infection?

    It doesn’t matter whether the symptom comes and goes or varies in intensity.

    If you’ve had coronavirus (COVID-19) more than once, think about your most recent experience.

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No – symptoms didn’t last more than 12 weeks
    3. No – it’s been less than 12 weeks since my COVID-19 infection
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask if has had any symptoms when they knew or thought they had COVID-19

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

    This question is asked separately to Year 12 and Year 13, and Years 7-11 pupils.

  • Question:

    How much have the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms affected the following for you?

    Please choose one answer only per statement

    a) Your ability to learn

    b) Your ability to stay physically active

    c) Your ability to socialise or attend extra-curricular activities

    d) Your emotional wellbeing

    f) Your ability to carry out day to day activities

    Response options:
    1. Not affected
    2. Affected a little
    3. Affected a lot
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - COVID-19
    • Impact on life

    Ask if has had at least one symptom of coronavirus (COVID-19) that continued for 12 weeks or more after the start of your coronavirus (COVID-19) infection?

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each symptom.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

    This question is asked separately to Year 12 and Year 13, and Years 7-11 pupils.

  • Question:

    To what extent do you feel that your school has supported you to manage the impact of the ongoing symptoms on your education?

    Please choose one answer only

    Response options:
    1. All the support needed
    2. Most of the support needed
    3. Some of the support needed
    4. None of the support needed
    5. Did not need any support
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - COVID-19
    • Impact on life

    Ask if in Year 12 or Year 13, and has had at least one symptom of coronavirus (COVID-19) that continued for 12 weeks or more after the start of your coronavirus (COVID-19) infection?

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How have your ongoing symptoms (lasting over 12 weeks) changed over time?

    Please choose one answer only

    Response options:
    1. Fully recovered
    2. Greatly improved
    3. Somewhat improved
    4. Vary day by day (some days better and some days worse)
    5. Somewhat worse
    6. A lot worse
    7. Don’t know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - COVID-19
    • Impact on life

    Ask if has had at least one symptom of coronavirus (COVID-19) that continued for 12 weeks or more after the start of your coronavirus (COVID-19) infection?

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

    This question is asked separately to Year 12 and Year 13, and Years 7-11 pupils.

    For pupils in Years 7-11, the response options are presented as "I" statements, for example "I'm fully recovered".

  • Question:

    Regardless of whether you have had coronavirus (COVID-19), which of the following symptoms have you experienced in a persistent or recurring way for more than 12 weeks since March 2020?

    a) Fever or high temperature

    b) Cough

    c) Lost or husky voice

    d) Chest pain or tightness

    e) Sore throat

    f) Feeling short of breath

    g) Chills or shivers

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - COVID-19

    Ask if in Year 12 or Year 13

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each symptom.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Regardless of whether you have had coronavirus (COVID-19), which of the following symptoms have you experienced in a persistent or recurring way for more than 12 weeks since March 2020?

    a) Feeling lightheaded or disorientated

    b) Feeling dizzy

    c) Palpitations (feeling like your heart is beating heavily or racing)

    d) Weakness or tiredness

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General

    Ask if in Year 12 or Year 13

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each symptom.This question is asked separately to Year 12 and Year 13, and Years 7-11 pupils.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Regardless of whether you have had coronavirus (COVID-19), which of the following symptoms have you experienced in a persistent or recurring way for more than 12 weeks since March 2020?

    a) Trouble sleeping

    b) Worry or anxiety

    c) Low mood or not enjoying anything

    d) Memory loss or confusion

    e) Difficulty concentrating

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General

    Ask if in Year 12 or Year 13

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each symptom.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Regardless of whether you have had coronavirus (COVID-19), which of the following symptoms have you experienced in a persistent or recurring way for more than 12 weeks since March 2020?

    a) Loss of smell or taste

    b) Headache

    c) Sore or uncomfortable eyes

    d) Earache or ringing in ears

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if in Year 12 or Year 13

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each symptom.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Regardless of whether you have had coronavirus (COVID-19), which of the following symptoms have you experienced in a persistent or recurring way for more than 12 weeks since March 2020?

    a) Stomach pain

    b) Diarrhoea

    c) Not feeling hungry nor wanting to eat

    c) Feeling or being sick

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if in Year 12 or Year 13

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each symptom.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Regardless of whether you have had coronavirus (COVID-19), which of the following symptoms have you experienced in a persistent or recurring way for more than 12 weeks since March 2020?

    a) Raised, red, itchy bumps on skin or swelling of the face or lips

    b) Red or purple blisters on your feet or toes

    c) Prickling, tingling or burning sensations in skin

    d) Strong aches or pains in muscles or joints

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if in Year 12 or Year 13

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each symptom.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many days of school have you missed for health reasons in the current academic year (September 2021 to present)?

    Remote learning (i.e. access to live or recorded lessons online) is school time, not missed school.

    If you have missed partial days of school, please add it up and guess the total number of days as best you can.

    If you’re not sure, please give your best guess.

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 400]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if in Year 12 or Year 13

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many days of school have you missed for health reasons in the previous academic year (September 2020 to July 2021)?

    Remote learning (i.e. access to live or recorded lessons online) is school time, not missed school.

    If you have missed partial days of school, please add it up and guess the total number of days as best you can.

    If you’re not sure, please give your best guess.

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 400]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General
    Variable name:



    Ask if in Year 12 or Year 13

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Have you had a positive coronavirus (COVID-19) test of any kind since March 2020?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Testing

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

    This question is asked separately to Year 12 and Year 13, and Years 7-11 pupils.

  • Question:

    What type of test showed a positive coronavirus (COVID-19) infection for you? If you have had more than one confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, please think about the most recent infection.

    Please choose all that apply

    Response options:
    1. PCR test (nose and throat swab that is sent away to a lab for analysis)
    2. Lateral Flow test (nose or throat swab with immediate result at home)
    3. A different test not listed here
    4. Unsure which test it was
    5. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Testing

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

    This question is asked separately to Year 12 and Year 13, and Years 7-11 pupils.

  • Question:

    When did you receive a positive Covid-19 test?

    If you can’t remember, just put in your best guess.

    If it’s happened more than once, put in the most recent experience

    Response options:
    1. [enter date]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Testing

    Ask if has had a positive COVID-19 test of any kind since March 2020?

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    Date provided in DD/MM/YYYY format.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

    This question is asked separately to Year 12 and Year 13, and Years 7-11 pupils.

  • Question:

    How do you feel at the moment?

    Please choose one answer only

    Response options:
    1. I feel as healthy as normal
    2. I am not feeling quite right
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General

    Ask if in Years 7-11

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Are you experiencing any of the following currently?

    a) Fever or high temperature

    b) Cough

    c) Lost or husky voice

    d) Chest pain or tightness

    e) Sore throat

    f) Feeling short of breath

    g) Chills or shivers

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General

    Ask if in Years 7-11

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each symptom.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Are you experiencing any of the following currently?

    a) Feeling lightheaded or disorientated

    b) Feeling dizzy

    c) Palpitations (feeling like your heart is beating heavily or racing)

    d) Weakness or tiredness

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General

    Ask if in Years 7-11

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each symptom.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Are you experiencing any of the following currently?

    a) Trouble sleeping

    b) Worry or anxiety

    c) Low mood or not enjoying anything

    d) Memory loss or confusion

    e) Difficulty concentrating

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General

    Ask if in Years 7-11

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each symptom.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Are you experiencing any of the following currently?

    a) Loss of smell or taste

    b) Headache

    c) Sore or uncomfortable eyes

    d) Earache or ringing in ears

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General

    Ask if in Years 7-11

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each symptom.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Are you experiencing any of the following currently?

    a) Stomach pain

    b) Diarrhoea

    c) Not feeling hungry nor wanting to eat

    d) Feeling or being sick

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General

    Ask if in Years 7-11

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each symptom.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Are you experiencing any of the following currently?

    a) Raised, red, itchy bumps on skin or swelling of the face or lips

    b) Red or purple blisters on your feet or toes

    c) Prickling, tingling or burning sensations in skin

    d)Strong aches or pains in muscles or joints

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General

    Ask if in Years 7-11

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 1 between 11/11/2021 and 15/12/2021

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each symptom.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Which of the following methods of managing ventilation have you seen or heard about being used at your child/ children’s school?

    Please choose as many as apply

    Response options:
    1. Opening windows or external doors for most of the day
    2. Opening windows or external doors periodically (e.g., at break times, or for 5-10 minutes to air a room)
    3. Leaving internal doors open during classes
    4. Using a mechanical ventilation system (ceiling or wall grilles that blow clean air into rooms or extract the stale air)
    5. Using a local machine to clean the air in a room (usually portable or fixed to the wall with filters inside)
    6. Using carbon dioxide (CO2) monitors to indicate the ventilation in the classroom
    7. None of these
    8. Don’t know
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Health - General

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How important, or not, do you think ventilation is for reducing the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in schools?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all important
    2. Not very important
    3. Neither important nor not important
    4. Slightly important
    5. Very important
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Ventilation

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Do you think secondary schools should or should not make pupils wear masks while attending school, unless they are exempt?

    By exempt we mean that someone does not have to wear a mask because, for example, they have a medical condition or similar reason

    Response options:
    1. Definitely should
    2. Probably should
    3. Probably should not
    4. Definitely should not
    5. Don’t know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask if has at at least one child in secondary school

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Do you think primary schools should or should not make pupils wear masks while attending school, unless they are exempt?

    By exempt we mean that someone does not have to wear a mask because, for example, they have a medical condition or similar reason

    Response options:
    1. Definitely should
    2. Probably should
    3. Probably should not
    4. Definitely should not
    5. Don’t know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask if has at at least one child in primary school

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Thinking of the last full day [child’s first name] was in school, please estimate how many different pupils from [child’s first name]’s class (excluding any members of your household) [child’s first name] talked to face-to-face in each of the following settings:

    a) At school

    b) At before or after school clubs

    c) Anywhere else

    This can be either one-to-one or in a small group (we’re not thinking about the times [child’s first name] speaks to the whole class). If you’re not sure, please give your best guess.

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 100]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Social contact

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    A response is required for each setting.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Thinking of the last full day [child’s first name] was in school, please estimate how many different pupils in [child’s first name]’s year group, but a different class (excluding any members of your household), [child’s first name] talked to face-to-face in each of the following settings:

    a) At school

    b) At before or after school clubs

    c) Anywhere else

    This can be either one-to-one or in a small group (we’re not thinking about the times [child’s first name] speaks to a whole class). If you’re not sure, please give your best guess.

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 100]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Social contact

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    A response is required for each setting.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Thinking of the last full day [child’s first name] was in school, please estimate how many different pupils in the year group above or below at their school (excluding any members of your household), [child’s first name] talked to face-to-face in each of the following settings:

    a) At school

    b) At before or after school clubs

    c) Anywhere else

    This can be either one-to-one or in a small group (we’re not thinking about the times [child’s first name] speaks to the whole class). If you’re not sure, please give your best guess.

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 100]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Social contact

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    A response is required for each setting.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Thinking of the last full day [child’s first name] was in school, please estimate how many different pupils in a different year group at school (not the same year, or year above or below, and excluding any members of your household) [child’s first name] talked to face-to-face in each of the following settings:

    a) At school

    b) At before or after school clubs

    c) Anywhere else

    This can be either one-to-one or in a small group (we’re not thinking about the times [child’s first name] speaks to the whole class). If you’re not sure, please give your best guess.

    Response options:
    1. Fully recovered
    2. Greatly improved
    3. Somewhat improved
    4. Vary day by day (some days better and some days worse)
    5. Somewhat worse
    6. A lot worse
    7. Don’t know
    8. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Social contact

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    A response is required for each setting.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Thinking of the last full day [child’s first name] was in school, please estimate how many different adults from [child’s first name]’s school (for example teachers, classroom assistants, other staff, and excluding any members of your household) [child’s first name] talked to face-to-face in each of the following settings:

    a) At school

    b) At before or after school clubs

    c) Anywhere else

    This can be either one-to-one or in a small group (we’re not thinking about the times [child’s first name] speaks to the whole class). If you’re not sure, please give your best guess.

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 100]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Social contact

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    A response is required for each setting.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Thinking of the last full day [child’s first name] was in school, please estimate how many pupils who attend a different school (excluding any members of your household) [child’s first name] talked to face-to-face at the following settings:

    a) At before or after school clubs

    b) Anywhere else

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 100]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Social contact

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    A response is required for each setting.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Is [child’s name] exempt from wearing a mask/face covering, e.g. due to a medical condition?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    • Health - COVID-19
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask if has at at least one child in secondary school

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How often, if at all, does [child’s name] wear their mask/face covering in the below circumstances?

    Please choose one answer only per statement

    a) In lessons at school

    b) When outside on school grounds but not in lessons

    c) When inside at school but not in lessons

    d) When travelling to and from school

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Rerely
    4. Never
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    • Health - COVID-19
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask if respondes "No" or "Don't know" to whether their child is exempt from wearing a mask/ face covering

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    A response is required for each statement.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Outside of when [child’s name] are in or travelling to school/college, how often do they wear a mask or face covering on any of the following occasions?

    Please choose one answer only per statement

    a) Going to shops 

    b) Going on public transport

    c) When in crowded spaces outside

    d) Walking along a quiet street with a few other people near by

    e)When meeting people not in our household indoors

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Rerely
    4. Never
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    • Health - COVID-19
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask if respondes "No" or "Don't know" to whether their child is exempt from wearing a mask/ face covering

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    A response is required for each statement.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following?

    Wearing a mask/face covering…

    Please choose one answer only per statement

    a) Helps [child’s name] to feel safe

    b) Helps keep others safe

    c) Makes learning more difficult

    d) Makes it difficult to communicate with others

    Response options:
    1. Strongly agree
    2. Agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    • Health - COVID-19
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Has [child’s first name] been invited to get the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination or jab?

    Please choose one answer only

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Vaccination

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Has [child’s first name] had the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination or jab?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Vaccination

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How likely are you to agree to [child’s first name] having the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination if it’s offered to them?

    Response options:
    1. Very likely
    2. Fairly likely
    3. Fairly unlikely
    4. Very unlikely
    5. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Vaccination
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask if child has not had the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination or jab or the parent prefers not to say if they had it

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    The list below is based on what people have told us previously about why they don’t want to receive the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination. Reasons shown in the list may not be true.

    Why are you unlikely to get the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination for [child’s first name]?

    Please choose all that apply

    Response options:
    1. I’d prefer to wait and see how well the vaccine works for children
    2. I’m worried about the side effects
    3. I’m worried about how it will affect a health condition my child has
    4. I’m worried that the vaccine may give my child coronavirus (COVID-19)
    5. I’m worried that it might be painful for my child / my child is scared of needles
    6. I’m worried about my child catching coronavirus (COVID-19) at a vaccination centre or GP surgery
    7. I would prefer someone in more need of a vaccine to receive it before my child
    8. I don’t think my child needs a vaccine (already had the virus / I do not think my child is at risk)
    9. I was advised by a health or medical professional that my child should not get the vaccine
    10. Other, please type in the box
    11. Don’t know or prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Vaccination
    • Health - General
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask if fairly likely or very unlikely to agree to their child having the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination or jab if it's offered to them

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Thinking about the last academic term, has [child’s first name] been physically absent from school due to a coronavirus (COVID-19) related issue (e.g. self-isolating)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Impact on life

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    On the days when [child’s first name] has not been physically attending school, how many hours per day do they typically spend learning or studying?

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 24]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University

    Ask if the child has been physically absent from school due to a coronavirus (COVID-19) related issue last academic term

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How easy or difficult has [child’s first name] found remote/home learning?

    Please choose one answer only

    Response options:
    1. Very easy
    2. Easy
    3. Neither easy nor difficult
    4. Difficult
    5. Very difficult
    6. Don’t know
    7. Not applicable, they have not been set any remote/ home learning
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Impact on life

    Ask if the child has been physically absent from school due to a coronavirus (COVID-19) related issue last academic term

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Which of the following barriers, if any, have made it difficult for [child’s first name] to learn at home? Please only tick the options which have directly caused difficulties with home learning.

    Please choose all that apply

    Response options:
    1. [Child’s first name] does not have access to the internet/internet signal is poor
    2. [Child’s first name] lacks a quiet space for studying
    3. [Child’s first name] lacks appropriate subject resources and guidance (e.g. text books, work books, online resources)
    4. [Child’s first name] can’t print out work
    5. [Child’s first name] needs to help out at home (e.g. looking after younger children or caring responsibilities)
    6. [Child’s first name] has been struggling with motivation
    7. [Child’s first name] has been struggling with anxiety/ other mental health issues
    8. [Child’s first name] lacks the digital skills for online learning
    9. [Child’s first name] has not been experiencing any of these difficulties
    10. Prefer not to say
    11. Not applicable, they have not been set any remote/home learning
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Impact on life

    Ask if the child has been physically absent from school due to a coronavirus (COVID-19) related issue last academic term

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following?

    Please choose one answer only per statement

    Pupils wearing a mask/face covering…

    a) Helps pupils to feel safe

    b) Helps keep staff safe

    c) Makes learning more difficult

    d) Makes it difficult to communicate with others

    Response options:
    1. Strongly agree
    2. Agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022


    A response is required for each statement.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following?

    Do you think secondary schools should or should not make pupils wear masks while attending school, unless they are exempt?

    By exempt we mean that someone does not have to wear a mask because, for example, they have a medical condition or similar reason.

    Response options:
    1. Definitely should
    2. Probably should
    3. Probably should not
    4. Definitely should not
    5. Don’t know
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following?

    Do you think primary schools should or should not make pupils wear masks while attending school, unless they are exempt?

    By exempt we mean that someone does not have to wear a mask because, for example, they have a medical condition or similar reason.

    Response options:
    1. Definitely should
    2. Probably should
    3. Probably should not
    4. Definitely should not
    5. Don’t know
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Has your school used the DfE Helpline for advice on COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Have you ever been directly informed by any government or public health agency about confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in any of the following groups at your school?

    Please choose all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Yes, staff case(s)
    2. Yes, pupil case(s)
    3. Yes, household member(s) of pupil(s)
    4. No, we have not received any information directly from public health agencies about confirmed cases at our school
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    On the last full school day, how many pupils in your school had to complete their lessons remotely?

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 9999]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Impact on life

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Does your school have a remote education plan set up for pupils who are absent as a result of Covid-19?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many hours per day do you expect pupils at your school to learn remotely when they cannot physically attend school?

    Please choose one answer only

    a) Key stage 1

    b) Key stage 2

    c) Key stages 3 and 4

    Response options:
    1. Up to 1 hour
    2. Up to 2 hours
    3. Up to 3 hours
    4. Up to 4 hours
    5. Up to 5 hours
    6. More than 5 hours
    7. Not applicable
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Impact on life

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022


    A response is equired for each education stage.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Of those children who are absent from school due to coronavirus (COVID-19), what proportion are completing the remote learning assignments they are provided with?

    Please choose one answer only

    Response options:
    1. Less than 10%
    2. 10-20%
    3. 21-50%
    4. Over 50%
    5. Don’t know
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022


    A response is equired for each education stage.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Have you used any of the following methods to deliver work for your pupils learning at home due to coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Emailing
    2. Phoning or messaging parents
    3. Oak Academy
    4. Via online learning platforms (e.g. Google Classroom, Seesaw etc.)
    5. Via take-home physical workbooks / worksheets
    6. Online chatting (e.g. instant messaging)
    7. Online video conferencing
    8. Via school website
    9. Live lessons
    10. Recorded lessons
    11. Don’t know
    12. Other (please specify)
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022


    A response is equired for each education stage.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Which, if any, of these specific concerns do you have about providing remote education for pupils who are unable to attend school?

    Select up to three that apply. If you have more than three concerns, please select the three most important.

    Response options:
    1. Lack of engagement from pupils
    2. Pressure on pupil mental health
    3. Poor availability of high-quality remote learning resources
    4. Teacher time constraints
    5. Lack of support from school leadership
    6. Financial constraints
    7. Pupil outcomes
    8. Lack of infrastructure
    9. Pupils lack adequate home learning resources
    10. I do not have any specific concerns
    11. Other (please specify)
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Impact on life

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 26/01/2022 and 11/02/2022


    A response is equired for each education stage.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Thinking of the last full day you were in school, please estimate how many different pupils from your class (excluding any members of your household) you talked to face-to-face in each of the following settings:

    This can be either one-to-one or in a small group (we’re not thinking about the times you’re speaking to the whole class). If you’re not sure, please give your best guess.

    a) At school

    b) At before or after school clubs

    c) Anywhere else

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 100]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Social contact
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    A response is equired for each setting.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Thinking of the last full day you were in school, please estimate how many different pupils from your year group, but a different class (excluding any members of your household) you talked to face-to-face in each of the following settings:

    This can be either one-to-one or in a small group (we’re not thinking about the times you’re speaking to the whole class). If you’re not sure, please give your best guess.

    a) At school

    b) At before or after school clubs

    c) Anywhere else

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 100]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Social contact
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    A response is equired for each setting.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Thinking of the last full day you were in school, please estimate how many different pupils in the year group above or below you at school (excluding any members of your household) you talked to face-to-face in each of the following settings:

    This can be either one-to-one or in a small group (we’re not thinking about the times you’re speaking to the whole class). If you’re not sure, please give your best guess.

    a) At school

    b) At before or after school clubs

    c) Anywhere else

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 100]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Social contact
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    A response is equired for each setting.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Thinking of the last full day you were in school, please estimate how many different pupils in a different year group at school (not in the same year or year above/below, and excluding any members of your household) you talked to face-to-face in each of the following settings:

    This can be either one-to-one or in a small group (we’re not thinking about the times you’re speaking to the whole class). If you’re not sure, please give your best guess.

    a) At school

    b) At before or after school clubs

    c) Anywhere else

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 100]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Social contact
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    A response is equired for each setting.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Thinking of the last full day you were in school, please estimate how many different adults from your school (for example teachers, classroom assistants, other staff, and excluding any members of your household) you talked to face-to-face in each of the following settings:

    This can be either one-to-one or in a small group (we’re not thinking about the times you’re speaking to the whole class). If you’re not sure, please give your best guess.

    a) At school

    b) At before or after school clubs

    c) Anywhere else

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 100]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Social contact
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    A response is equired for each setting.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Thinking of the last full day you were in school, please estimate how many different pupils who attend a different school (excluding any members of your household) you talked to face-to-face at the following settings:

    a) At or before school clubs

    b) Anywhere else

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 100]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Social contact
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    A response is equired for each setting.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Which of the following methods of managing ventilation have you seen or heard about being used at your school?

    Please choose as many as apply 

    Response options:
    1. Opening windows or external doors for most of the day
    2. Opening windows or external doors periodically (e.g., at break times, or for 5-10 minutes to air a room)
    3. Leaving internal doors open during classes
    4. Using a mechanical ventilation system (ceiling or wall grills to blow clean air into rooms or extract the stale air)
    5. Using a local machine to clean the air in a room (usually portable or fixed to the wall with filters inside)
    6. Using carbon dioxide (CO2) monitors to indicate the ventilation in the classroom
    7. None of these
    8. Don’t know
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Knowledge of COVID-19 & guidelines
    • Ventilation

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    The respondents are provided with a definition of ventilation at the beginning of this section.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How important, or not, do you think ventilation is for reducing the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in schools?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all important
    2. Not very important
    3. Neither important nor not important
    4. Slightly important
    5. Very important
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Ventilation

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    The respondents are provided with a definition of ventilation at the beginning of this section.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How much do you agree with the following statements?

    Please choose one answer only per statement

    a) I feel very different from most other pupils here 

    b) I can really be myself at this school  

    c) Other pupils in this school take my opinions seriously  

    d) I am encouraged to express my own views in my classes 

    e) Most of the pupils in my classes enjoy being together 

    f) Most of the pupils in my classes are kind and helpful 

    g) Most other pupils accept me as I am  

    h) I feel I belong at this school 

    Response options:
    1. I totally agree
    2. I agree a bit
    3. I don't really agree
    4. I totally disagree
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Mental health & wellbeing

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    A response is equired for each statement.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    hinking about the autumn term, have you spent any time off from school due to a COVID-19 related issue (e.g. self-isolating)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Whilst you have been learning from home, which, if any, of the following types of remote teaching have you found to be most helpful?

    Please tick any that apply

    Response options:
    1. Online worksheets/activities (via the school or other websites)
    2. Paper worksheets/activities
    3. Lessons over video call (e.g. Zoom, Microsoft Teams)
    4. Recommended reading of books or textbooks Recommended reading of online resources
    5. Other (please specify)
    6. None of the above
    7. Not applicable, I have not been set work for home learning
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University

    Ask if spent any time off from school due to a COVID-19 related issue in the autumn term

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Which, if any, of the following caused you to struggle with your home learning?

    Please tick any that apply.

    Response options:
    1. I have been struggling with motivation
    2. I have been struggling with anxiety /other mental health issues
    3. I lack the digital skills for online learning
    4. I have not been experiencing any of these difficulties
    5. Prefer not to say
    6. Not applicable, I have not been set work for home learning
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Impact on life

    Ask if spent any time off from school due to a COVID-19 related issue in the autumn term

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Are you exempt from wearing a mask/face covering, e.g. due to a medical condition?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don't know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask if spent any time off from school due to a COVID-19 related issue in the autumn term

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How often, if at all, do you wear your mask/face covering in the below circumstances?

    Please choose one answer only per statement

    a) In lessons at school

    b) When outside on school grounds but not in lessons

    c) When inside at school but not in lessons

    d) When travelling to and from school

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Rarely
    4. Never
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask if not exempt from or does not know if exempt from wearing a face covering

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    A response is equired for each statement.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Outside of when you are in or travelling to school/college, how often do you wear a mask or face covering on any of the following occasions?

    Please choose one answer only per statement

    a) Going to shops

    b) Going on public transport

    c) When in crowded spaces outside

    d) Walking along a quiet street with a few other people near by

    e) When meeting people not in my household indoors

    Response options:
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Rarely
    4. Never
    5. Not applicable
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask if not exempt from or does not know if exempt from wearing a face covering

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    A response is equired for each statement.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following?

    Wearing a mask/face covering…

    Please choose one answer only per statement

    a) Helps me to feel safe

    b) Helps keep others safe

    c) Makes learning more difficult

    d) Makes it difficult to communicate with others

    Response options:
    1. Strongly agree
    2. Agree
    3. Neither agree nor disagree
    4. Disagree
    5. Strongly disagree
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    A response is equired for each statement.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Do you think secondary schools should or should not make pupils wear masks while attending school, unless they are exempt?

    By exempt we mean that someone does not have to wear a mask because, for example, they have a medical condition or similar reason.

    Response options:
    1. Definitely should
    2. Probably should
    3. Probably should not
    4. Definitely should not
    5. Don't know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 2 between 18/01/2022 and 09/02/2022


    A response is equired for each statement.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Over the past seven days, on how many days were you physically active for a total of at least 60 minutes per day?

    Please add up all the time you spent in physical activity each day.

    Response options:
    1. 0 days
    2. 1 day
    3. 2 days
    4. 3 days
    5. 4 days
    6. 5 days
    7. 6 days
    8. 7 days
    • SIS2
    • Health - General
    • Mental health & wellbeing

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Outside of school hours: how often do you usually exercise in your free time so much that you get out of breath or sweat?

    Please choose one answer only

    Response options:
    1. Every day
    2. 4 to 6 times a week
    3. 2 to 3 times a week
    4. Once a week
    5. Once a month
    6. Less than once a month
    7. Never
    • SIS2
    • Health - General
    • Mental health & wellbeing

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Outside of school hours: how many hours a week do you usually exercise in your free time so much that you get out of breath or sweat?

    Please choose one answer only

    Response options:
    1. None
    2. About half an hour
    3. About 1 hour
    4. About 2 to 3 hours
    5. About 4 to 6 hours
    6. About 7 hours or more
    • SIS2
    • Health - General
    • Mental health & wellbeing

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Outside of school hours: How much time do you spend during a typical or usual day sitting and watching television, playing computer games, talking with friends or using your mobile phone?

    Please choose one answer only.

    Response options:
    1. Less than 1 hour per day
    2. 1 to 2 hours per day
    3. 3 to 4 hours per day
    4. 5 to 6 hours per day
    5. 7 to 8 hours per day
    6. More than 8 hours per day
    • SIS2
    • Social contact

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Do you have worries about eating (what? where? how much?) that really interfere with your life?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS2
    • Health - General
    • Mental health & wellbeing

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    If you eat too much, do you blame yourself a lot?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS2
    • Health - General
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Would you be ashamed if other people knew how much you eat?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS2
    • Health - General
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Have you ever thought that you were fat even when other people have told you that you were or that you are very thin?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS2
    • Health - General
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Have you ever deliberately made yourself vomit (throw up)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS2
    • Health - General
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about taking part in the Schools Infection Survey?

    a) The survey questions were easy to understand

    b) There were too many questions

    c) The questionnaires were easy to navigate

    d) Some questions were intrusive

    e) It took too long to complete the questionnaires

    f) The frequency of the antibodies testing was appropriate

    Response options:
    1. Strongly agree
    2. Agree
    3. Disagree
    4. Strongly disagree
    • SIS2

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is required for each statement.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Pupil Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    At the beginning of the 2021 school year, how many staff were employed to work at your school, including non-teaching staff?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many of these staff were also employed at your school on 5th November 2020?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University

    Ask if more than 1 member of staff was employed at the beginning of the 2021 school year

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is refering to staff who were employed at the beginning of the 2021 school year.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    What percentage of the spaces below do you think are covered by the allocation of CO2 monitors you received?

    Please choose one answer only per statement

    a) Classrooms and other teaching spaces, such as rehearsal rooms, art rooms, IT suites

    b) Staff only areas (e.g. staff offices and including non-teaching staff)

    c) Social areas (pastoral care or student common rooms)

    Response options:
    1. 0% to 10%
    2. 10% to 25%
    3. 25% to 50%
    4. 50% to 75%
    5. 75% to 100%
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Ventilation

    Ask if school has been supplied with CO2 monitors

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    A response is equired for each statement.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Were there any barriers faced during any attempts to set up the monitors?

    Response options:
    1. No
    2. Yes, please provide details
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Ventilation

    Ask if monitors have been set up or have not been set up but have been received

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question refers to CO2 monitors.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Did you have any delays in setting up the monitors?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Ventilation

    Ask if all or some monitors have been set up

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question refers to CO2 monitors.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How long did it take for you to set up your monitors?

    Response options:
    1. [enter number]
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Ventilation

    Ask if there were delays in setting up monitors

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question refers to CO2 monitors.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    What was the cause of the delays in setting up the monitors?

    Please choose all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Was waiting to receive guidance first on monitor usage
    2. Difficulty when trying to set up
    3. Delays as staff have not had time to set up
    4. Other, please specify
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Ventilation

    Ask if there were delays in setting up monitors

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question refers to CO2 monitors.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Were there any barriers faced during any attempts to use the monitors?

    Response options:
    1. No
    2. Yes, please provide details
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Ventilation

    Ask if all or some monitors have been set up

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question refers to CO2 monitors.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    If it wasn't possible to reduce CO2 levels below 1500ppm through simple measures, do you have air cleaners in these spaces?

    Response options:
    1. Yes, all problem spaces
    2. Yes, roughly 75% problem spaces
    3. Yes, roughly 50% problem spaces
    4. Yes, roughly 25% problem spaces
    5. Yes, less than 25% of problem spaces
    6. No
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Ventilation

    Ask if not possible to reduce CO2 levels by increasing ventilation

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question refers to CO2 monitors.

    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    In what circumstances would you consider using air cleaning technology in your setting?

    Please choose all that apply.

    Response options:
    1. To mitigate poor ventilation on a short-term basis (while remedial building works are undertaken)
    2. To mitigate poor ventilation on a long-term basis
    3. To help maintain a healthy and effective working/learning environment for staff and pupils
    4. To help reduce the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission
    5. Don’t know
    6. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Ventilation
    • Health - General

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Do you use air cleaning technology, or have plans to use it, in your setting?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
    4. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Ventilation

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    What type of air cleaning technology do you have, or plan to use?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. HEPA filtration
    2. Enclosed UV
    3. Upper room (Exposed) UV
    4. Far UV
    5. Ioniser
    6. Ozone generator
    7. Electrostatic precipitator
    8. Don’t know
    9. Other, please specify
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Ventilation

    Ask if air cleaning technology is used or planned to be used

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    What led you to using air cleaning technology in your setting?

    Please select all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Consistent high CO2 readings (1500ppm+)
    2. Gifted to the school
    3. Supplied or installed by local authority / trust
    4. External pressure e.g. media, unions, parents
    5. Internal pressure e.g. staff, pupils
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    8. Other, please specify
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Ventilation

    Ask if air cleaning technology is used or planned to be used

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How do you think using air cleaning technology would make staff and students feel about ventilation in your school?

    Please choose one answer only

    Response options:
    1. Significantly positive
    2. Marginally positive
    3. No difference
    4. Slightly negative
    5. Very negative
    6. Don’t know
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Ventilation
    • Impact on life

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    To what extent have the following been a challenge in using air cleaning technology, or do you foresee being a challenge?

    Please choose one answer only per statement

    a) Cost, including that of ongoing maintenance

    b) Noise

    c) Draughts

    d) Cramped classroom/no space

    e) Technical difficulties

    f) Staff don’t know how to use

    g) No free plug sockets

    h) Placement not ideal (maybe due to location of plug sockets or room layout)

    i) Other, please specify

    Response options:
    1. Very significant challenge
    2. Significant challenge
    3. Moderate challenge
    4. Minor challenge
    5. Not challenging at all
    6. Don’t know
    7. Prefer not to say
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University
    • Ventilation

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

    A response is required for each statement.

  • Question:

    Has your school sought help and advice on COVID-19?

    Response options:
    1. Don’t know
    2. No
    3. Yes – DfE Helpline
    4. Yes – other, please specify:
    • SIS2
    • Schools & University

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Which, if any, of the following is your school providing for pupils who are not in school to help with their mental health and wellbeing?

    Please choose all that apply

    Response options:
    1. Teachers checking in with pupils on their wellbeing occasionally in remote lessons
    2. Activities to help with wellbeing (e.g. remote assemblies, virtual social activities, planned physical activity)
    3. Lessons or sessions about mental health and wellbeing (e.g. as part of PSHE or similar)
    4. Access to mental health support through school e.g. counsellor
    5. Help to access mental health support outside of school (e.g. referrals to other services)
    6. Access to school staff for pupils to talk about any problems
    7. Access to school staff for parents to talk about their child’s mental health/wellbeing
    8. Signposting pupils to sources of information or support
    9. Advice or guidance about being safe online
    10. Phoning pupils outside of remote lesson time to check in on their wellbeing
    11. None of the above
    • SIS2
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    • Schools & University
    • Impact on life

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 23/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Head Teacher Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    How many hours a week do you usually exercise enough to cause sweating or faster heartbeat?

    Exercise includes brisk walking, cycling, dancing, running, swimming, housework, gardening, pushing a buggy or any activity that means you breathe harder.

    Response options:
    1. [0 to 200]
    • SIS2
    • Health - General
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Over the past seven days, on how many days was [child’s first name] physically active for a total of at least 60 minutes per day?

    Please add up all the time they spent in physical activity each day.

    Response options:
    1. 0 days
    2. 1 day
    3. 2 days
    4. 3 days
    5. 4 days
    6. 5 days
    7. 6 days
    8. 7 days
    • SIS2
    • Health - General
    • Attitudes & behaviours

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Outside of school hours: How often does [child’s first name] usually exercise in their free time enough to get out of breath or sweaty?

    This includes energetic play such as running, riding a bike, and chasing games.

    Please choose one option only.

    Response options:
    1. Every day
    2. 4 to 6 times a week
    3. 2 to 3 times a week
    4. Once a week
    5. Once a month
    6. Less than once a month
    7. Never
    • SIS2
    • Health - General
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Schools & University

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Outside of school hours: How many hours a week does [child’s first name] usually exercise in their free time, enough to get out of breath or sweaty?

    Please choose one option only.

    Response options:
    1. None
    2. About half an hour
    3. About 1 hour
    4. About 2 to 3 hours
    5. About 4 to 6 hours
    6. About 7 hours or more
    • SIS2
    • Health - General
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Schools & University

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Outside of school hours: How much time does [child’s first name] spend during a typical or usual day sitting and watching television, playing computer games, talking with friends or using their mobile phone?

    Please choose one option only.

    Response options:
    1. Less than 1 hour per day
    2. 1 to 2 hours per day
    3. 3 to 4 hours per day
    4. 5 to 6 hours per day
    5. 7 to 8 hours per day
    6. More than 8 hours per day
    • SIS2
    • Health - General
    • Attitudes & behaviours
    • Schools & University

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Do the difficulties upset or distress your child?

    Response options:
    1. Not at all
    2. Only a little
    3. Quite a lot
    4. A great deal
    • SIS2
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    • Impact on life

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Do worries about eating (what? where? how much?) really interfere with [child’s first name]’s life?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS2
    • Health - General
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    • Impact on life

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    If [child’s first name] eats too much, do they blame themselves a lot?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS2
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    • Health - General
    • Impact on life

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Would [child’s first name] be ashamed if other people knew how much they eat?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS2
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    • Health - General
    • Impact on life

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Has [child’s first name] ever thought they were fat even when other people have told them that they were very thin?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS2
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    • Health - General
    • Impact on life

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

  • Question:

    Has [child’s first name] ever deliberately made themselves vomit (throw up)?

    Response options:
    1. Yes
    2. No
    • SIS2
    • Mental health & wellbeing
    • Health - General
    • Impact on life

    Ask all

    Time-points of data collection:

    Asked in SIS2 Wave 3 between 15/03/2022 and 01/04/2022


    This question is part of the SIS2 Parent Questionnaire.

About the surveys

Select a survey to find out more

COVID High Risk Group Insights Study (CEV)

This survey was compiled rapidly in response to policy questions on whether the population who had been advised to shield (clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV) people) were following shielding guidance and other information. It was produced, run and analysed in a collaboration between the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC), NHS Digital (NHS-D) and the Office for National Statistics (ONS). This survey was specifically designed to obtain information on the people advised by the government to shield from the coronavirus (COVID-19). When the shielding guidance was dropped, those who had previously been advised to shield were sampled. The survey respondents were selected using implicit stratification from a list of those identified, or previously identified, as CEV and were contacted by telephone.

Since January 2021, data were collected once a month until June 2021. There was a pause over the summer (from July 2021), but the survey resumed for a final data collection period in October 2021. The achieved sample size varies between 1,000 and 3,000. These data collection periods are referred to as waves, and the length of these periods is typically a week, with some variation due to operational or methodological adaptations. The length of these waves impact the achieved sample size. An example of a wave is the fifth wave, data was collected between 17 and 22 May 2021. The achieved sample size was 1,035 and survey weighting was used to weight the sample estimates to provide estimates for the population of the 3.7 million CEV people.

All answers are self-reported by new respondents each wave. Family members or carers may respond on behalf of those they care for where appropriate, for example, those unable to answer themselves.

For more information on the methodology for CEV, please see the methodology webpage found in the "Measuring the data" section of the Coronavirus and clinically extremely vulnerable people in England publications.

Publication: Coronavirus and clinically extremely vulnerable people in England.

If you would like to find out more about this study, please contact the mailbox.

COVID Test and Trace Cases Insights Study (T&T Cases)

The COVID Test and Trace Cases Insights Survey was compiled in response to policy questions on the level of adherence with self-isolation requirements, the prevalence of behaviour that poses a risk of transmitting the coronavirus (COVID-19), and the impact of self-isolation on well-being and finances. Launched in February 2021, T&T Cases was produced, run and analysed in a collaboration between the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC), Public Health England (PHE) and the Office for National Statistics (ONS). It was paused over the summer (after July 2021) and resumed in September 2021.

This survey was specifically designed to obtain information on people who have tested positive for COVID-19 and who are at or nearing the end of their 10-day self-isolation period. ONS experts were consulted on questionnaire design. The survey respondents were selected using implicit stratification from a list of adults (aged 18 years and over) who had tested positive for COVID-19. Respondents were contacted by telephone and all answers are self-reported.

Publication: Coronavirus and self-isolation after testing positive in England.

If you would like to find out more about this study, please contact the mailbox.

COVID Test and Trace Contacts Behavioural Insights Study (T&T Behaviours)

The COVID Test and Trace Contacts Behavioural Insights Study was compiled in response to policy questions to understand the behaviour, attitudes and well-being of individuals identified as a contact of someone who has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) and does not need to self-isolate due to being fully vaccinated. Launched in October 2021, the survey was produced, run and analysed in a collaboration between the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC), Public Health England (PHE) and the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The intention is for future data collection periods (i.e., waves) to take place on an approximately monthly basis.

This survey was specifically designed to obtain information on people who have been identified as a contact of someone who had tested positive for COVID-19 who were not legally required to self-isolate due to vaccination status. Prior to the change in self-isolation requirements for contacts of a positive case, this group of people was previously sampled for the COVID T&T Contacts Insights Survey. The ONS experts were consulted on questionnaire design.

The survey respondents (adults aged 18 years and over) were randomly selected using the Contact Tracing and Advice Service (CTAS) database, held by NHS Test and Trace. This list was created by NHS Test and Trace to record information about people who have been in contact with someone who had tested positive for COVID-19. The sample was limited to those who had provided a valid telephone number, who had been entered onto the CTAS database at the point of sampling and those who had received a full dose of a COVID-19 vaccine at least 14 days prior. Respondents were contacted by telephone and all answers were self-reported.

Publication: Coronavirus and behaviour of the vaccinated population after being in contact with a positive case in England.

If you would like to find out more about this study, please contact the mailbox.

COVID Test and Trace Self-isolation Insights Study (T&T Self-isolating)

The COVID Test and Trace Self-isolation Insights Study (previously the COVID Test and Trace Contacts Insights Study) was compiled in response to policy questions on the level of adherence with self-isolation requirements, the prevalence of behaviour that poses a risk of transmitting coronavirus (COVID-19), and the impact of self-isolation on well-being and finances. Launched in March 2021, the survey was produced, run and analysed in a collaboration between the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC), Public Health England (PHE) and the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

This survey was specifically designed to obtain information on people who have been identified as a contact of someone who had tested positive for COVID-19 and who are at or near the end of their 10-day self-isolation period. The ONS experts were consulted on questionnaire design.

The survey respondents (adults aged 18 years and over) were randomly selected using the Contact Tracing and Advice Service (CTAS) database, held by NHS Test and Trace. This list was created by NHS Test and Trace to record information about people who have been in contact with someone who had tested positive for COVID-19. The sample was limited to those who had provided a valid telephone number and who had been entered onto the CTAS database at the point of sampling. From Wave 9 (8 to 13 November 2021), sampling changed as only those who had not received a full dose of an approved COVID-19 vaccine were sampled. This was due to a policy change where contacts of a positive case needed to self-isolate if they had not received a full dose of an approved COVID-19 vaccine.

Respondents were contacted by telephone and all answers were self-reported. It is emphasised that, prior to Wave 9, the survey was called the COVID Test and Trace Contacts Insights Study (T&T Contacts). This change was made to distinguish between this survey and the new COVID Test and Trace Contacts Behavioural Insights Study (T&T Behaviours) for fully vaccinated contacts of a positive COVID-19 case. The previous T&T Contacts sample was split to form the T&T Behaviours and T&T Self-isolating samples, depending on vaccination status.

Publication: Coronavirus and self-isolation after being in contact with a positive case in England.

If you would like to find out more about this study, please contact the mailbox.

COVID-19 Infection Survey (CIS)

The CIS looks to identify the percentage of the UK population who currently have COVID-19 (regardless of whether they report experiencing symptoms), and identify those who have had COVID-19 or a COVID-19 vaccination in the past. This is done through nose and throat swab tests to detect a current COVID-19 infection, as well as a smaller number of people within the study who are asked for a blood sample to test for antibodies. The presence of COVID-19 antibodies is an indication of a past infection or vaccine. Currently the aim is to swab approximately 179,000 individuals across the UK at least every fortnight. The aim is also to take blood samples from approximately 150,000 individuals aged 16 and over across the UK every month. Everyone aged 2 years or older in each household is asked to participate.

There is a CIS enrolment and CIS follow-up questionnaire (both of which are included in the COVID-19 Question Bank) that collect additional information from each participant about their socio-demographic characteristics, symptoms they are experiencing, whether they are self-isolating or shielding, their occupation, how often they work from home, whether the participant has come into contact with a suspected carrier of COVID-19 and whether the participant has been vaccinated.

Publication: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey.

If you would like to find out more about this study, please contact the mailbox.

COVID-19 Schools Infection Survey (SIS)

The SIS is jointly led by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and Public Health England (PHE). The SIS is a longitudinal study which started in November 2020. A sample of schools in England have been invited to take part in regular rounds of testing for coronavirus (COVID-19), with the aim of investigating the prevalence of current coronavirus (COVID-19) infection and the presence of antibodies to COVID-19 among pupils and staff in sampled primary and secondary schools in England. This is so that the role of schools in coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission can be assessed, and how transmission within and from school settings can be minimised.

The SIS not only addresses the question of whether school pupils and staff are currently infected with COVID-19, but also looks at how many pupils and staff have previously had COVID-19, how many have developed antibodies against the virus, and how this changes over the course of the school year. The information collected helps inform policies to protect school pupils and staff.

Similar to the CIS, eligible pupils and staff are asked to take a nasal swab to detect a current COVID-19 infection. Pupils are then asked for an oral fluid (saliva) sample, and staff are asked to provide a blood sample using a finger prick blood test. Both the saliva and blood samples are used to detect for COVID-19 antibodies in the case of a past COVID-19 infection. Pupils and staff are tested again in follow-up sessions to assess infection rates within schools, and to see how antibodies against COVID-19 change over the course of a school year.

For the academic year 2020/2021, six rounds of regular testing occurred with the final, sixth, round taking place in June 2021. A series of questionnaires (all of which are included in the COVID-19 Question Bank) collect additional information for each participant. These include questionnaires for students (over 16 years of age), parents, staff and headteachers. Parents answer on behalf of eligible pupils who are younger than 16 years of age. For each group, there are enrolment, baseline, follow-up and vaccine specific questionnaires. For headteachers only, there is also an extended questionnaire. Question topics include, but are not limited to, socio-demographic characteristics, symptoms of COVID-19, vaccination status and protective measures in place at the school.

Publication: COVID-19 Schools Infection Survey, England Statistical bulletins.

If you would like to find out more about this study, please contact the mailbox.

COVID-19 Schools Infection Survey 2 (SIS2)

The SIS2 study was conducted by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), in

partnership with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, working with

the Department for Education and is funded by the UK Health Security Agency. It took place during the 2021/2022 academic year and, unlike SIS, aimed tomonitor levels of antibodies in pupils only.

This study will help us to inform policies to help pupils and their education going forward. As well as providing participants with their results, we will produce a report following each round of testing and publish it on the Office for National Statistics (ONS) website. Any data presented by ONS will not identify any individuals or schools.

COVID-19 Vaccine Opinions Survey (VOS)

The COVID-19 Vaccine Opinions Study (VOS) has been commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) to identify changes in attitudes towards the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine, and the factors and interventions that may have influenced initially hesitant people’s decision to get a vaccine. Survey content for this study has been developed in consultation with DHSC, Cabinet Office (CO) and NHS-England stakeholders. The survey was carried out by the Office for National Statistics.

The sample is based on 4,305 adults in England who took part in the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (OPN) over the period 13 January to 8 August 2021, specifically those who reported negative sentiment towards the COVID-19 vaccine. These respondents had previously provided consent to be recontacted. The final sample (2,482 adults) was weighted to be representative at a national level of the population that has negative sentiment towards the COVID-19 vaccine.

The data was collected via an online survey (Smart Survey). The data were collected between the 7th and 16th of September 2021. It is a one-off survey and there are no immediate plans to carry out a second wave.

Publication: Coronavirus and changing attitudes towards vaccination, England: 7 to 16 September 2021.

If you would like to find out more about this study, please contact the mailbox.

Household Assets Survey (HAS)

The Household Assets Survey (HAS), also known as the Wealth and Assets Survey (WAS), is a vital source of information on how households in Great Britain are managing economically. The study focuses on household assets and debts, borrowing and saving, and plans for retirement. The results will be used to inform government policy on a range of issues, including pension provision.

HAS is a longitudinal study (launched in 2006), which means respondents are interviewed more than once (at two-yearly intervals). By using repeat interviews with the same people, changes over time can be tracked. No other official study collects this information.

Publication: Total wealth in Great Britain Statistical bulletins.

If you would like to find out more about this study, please contact the mailbox.

International Arrivals Insights Study (IAIS)

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has been commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) to carry out this important study on the behaviours and experiences of people in England who have to quarantine after international travel. The International Arrivals Insights Study (IAIS) was launched in May 2021 and is a study of people who travelled from an "amber list" country or territory who were not exempt from quarantine requirements, and reported that they were isolating at an address in England. It is noted that all waves included in the COVID-19 Question Bank to date took place prior to changes to Government mandated travel restrictions and the removal of the "amber list", which were implemented on 4 October 2021.

Respondents are randomly selected using information from the Passenger Locator Form. This is a form that everyone arriving into the UK must complete. The sample is stratified to be representative of the age, sex and regional distribution of adults arriving from "amber list" countries. The survey is carried out by telephone and all answers are self-reported, with most interviews carried out between 10 and 14 days after arriving in the UK to minimise recall bias. Since its launch, the achieved sample size across the three waves of the survey that have taken place to date has been between approximately 750 and 950 participants.

Publication: Coronavirus and quarantine after arriving in England from an amber list country Statistical bulletins

If you would like to find out more about this study, please contact the mailbox.

International Passenger Survey (IPS)

The IPS collects information about passengers entering and leaving the UK, and has been running continuously since 1961. The IPS previously conducted between 700,000 and 800,000 interviews a year, of which over 250,000 were used to produce estimates of overseas travel and tourism. The study results are used by various government departments, including the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the Department for Transport, the Home Office, HM Revenue and Customs, VisitBritain and the national and regional Tourist Boards.

This study was resumed in January 2021 after being suspended since March 2020 because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Since resumption, the IPS now also investigates passengers' experiences and attitudes relating to COVID-19. This includes, but is not limited to, questions surrounding arrivals' understanding of UK coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance.

Publication: Attitudes towards COVID-19 among passengers arriving into the UK Statistical bulletins.

If you would like to find out more about this study, please contact the mailbox.

Labour Force Survey (LFS)

The Labour Force Survey (LFS) is a study of the employment circumstances of the UK population. It is the largest household study in the UK and provides the official measures of employment and unemployment.

The LFS uses a rotational sampling design, whereby a household, once initially selected for interview, is retained in the sample for a total of five consecutive quarters. Since the start of 2006, calendar quarters have been used. This means Quarter 1 is January to March and Quarter 4 is October to December. The interviews are scheduled to take place exactly 13 weeks apart, so that the fifth interview takes place one year on from the first.

Wave 1 is the first quarter an address is selected, Wave 2 is its second quarter in the selection, and so on. Therefore, Wave 5 is the last time that household will be interviewed for the main LFS. It is the address that is selected for five quarters and not the particular people who live at an address. Therefore, it is possible for new people to be sampled in waves other than Wave 1 and for people to drop out of the sample before Wave 5 if they move to a different address.

In the Question Bank, there are references to questions being asked in the main or boost sample of the LFS. The LFS sample (and therefore questions) are also used for the Annual Population Survey (APS). The APS uses the main LFS sample (Wave 1 and Wave 5 responses are pooled across 4 quarters) combined with local sample boost surveys in Great Britain. This enables the production of good-quality, annual estimates for relatively small areas of the UK on a rolling, quarterly basis.

Publication: Labour market overview, UK Statistical bulletins.

If you would like to find out more about this study, please contact the mailbox.

Living Costs and Food Survey (LCF)

The Living Costs and Food Survey (LCF) collects information on spending patterns and the cost of living that reflects household budgets across the country. The study provides information about household spending patterns, which is used to update the contents of the consumer inflation basket of goods and services. It is also used to provide information about food consumption and nutrition. It is an important source of economic and social data for government and other research agencies.

The study is conducted throughout the year across the whole of the UK and is the most significant consumer study undertaken in the UK. The results are essential for understanding society and planning to meet its needs.

Publication: Spending patterns of UK households, with findings taken from the Living Costs and Food Survey (LCF).

If you would like to find out more about this study, please contact the mailbox.

Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (OPN)

Since March 2020, the OPN has been adapted from a monthly survey, to become a weekly survey used to collect data on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on day-to-day life in Great Britain. The questionnaire collects timely data for research and policy analysis evaluation into the impact that the coronavirus pandemic has had on individuals and households in Great Britain. Data and estimates are published on the ONS website, with estimates also shared with Government Departments.

Each week, some of the survey questions change to reflect changing circumstances and priorities during the pandemic. The survey continues to cover residents of Great Britain who are aged 16 years and over. The weekly OPN survey, like the survey prior to the pandemic, has been primarily collected through a self-completion online questionnaire. However, some responses (around 1% on average) have been collected with the help of telephone interviewers. Around 6,000 adults are contacted every week, with the achieved sample for the OPN currently approximately 4,000 individuals per week.

Topics that have been requested include physical and mental health measures; well-being; loneliness; public understanding of government publicity and information campaigns related to the coronavirus pandemic; whether people are adhering to the latest guidance relating to the coronavirus pandemic; attitudes to vaccines and mass testing, as well as how the pandemic has affected people’s work and education.

Publication: Coronavirus and the social impacts on Great Britain Statistical bulletins.

If you would like to find out more about this study, please contact the mailbox.

Over 80s Vaccines Insights Study (Over 80s)

This study was compiled rapidly in response to policy questions on whether being vaccinated against COVID-19 was changing peoples’ behaviour and adherence to guidance or attitudes to risk. This survey was specifically designed to obtain information on people aged 80 years and over, as they were likely to have been offered, or to have received a COVID-19 vaccination. The survey respondents were selected using implicit stratification from a list of individuals aged 80 years and over, from the Personal Demographic Service (PDS) provided by NHS Digital and were contacted by telephone.

This was a once-off study, data were collected between 15 February and 20 February 2021. The sample size was 2,070 out of an estimated population of 2,837,000 over 80s in England (based on Mid-2019 population estimates) and survey weighting was used to weight the sample estimates to provide estimates for the population of over 80s. All answers are self-reported. Approximately 1% of respondents to the survey were residing in a care or nursing home.

Publication: Coronavirus and vaccine attitudes and behaviours in England Statistical bulletins.

If you would like to find out more about this study, please contact the mailbox.

Student COVID-19 Insights Survey (SCIS)

The SCIS collects data on the situations and experiences of university students during the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey has regular data collection periods that are usually open for one week, with some collection periods extended by a few days. The survey was first run from October 2020 until June 2021. June was the ninth iteration of the SCIS. There was a pause in data collection over the summer, but it resumed in September 2021.

100,000 Higher Education students (registered on foundation to postgraduate level programmes) per wave are invited to take part via their National Union of Students (NUS) email address with an e-mail from the NUS.

The response rate is usually 2 to 3%, but it has been lower in certain waves. Students receive an email from NUS and complete a questionnaire online. Percentage estimates are based on weighted counts that are representative of all English students (approximately 2,076,000) and are adjusted to address gender, age and regional bias in responses.

Publication: Coronavirus and higher education students: England.

If you would like to find out more about this study, please contact the mailbox.

Student Experiences Insights Survey (SEIS)

The Student Experiences Insights Survey (SEIS) is an adaption of the Student COVID-19 Insights Survey (SCIS), with the main differences being that SEIS focusses on specific university year groups and more on wellbeing. Wave 1 of SEIS focusses solely on first year students who have recently started higher education and Wave 2 focusses on third or later year undergraduate students who are potentially preparing to leave university. Two data collection periods have taken place, the first between 4 October and 11 October 2021, and the second between 29 November and 10 December 2021. This study is in collaboration with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), Public Health England (PHE) and the Department for Education (DfE).

12 universities in England were approached in Wave 1 and 10 universities were approached in Wave 2. Students were invited to take part in the study through their university. For Wave 1, due to students having only recently being enrolled at their respective universities, respondents could not be recruited through the National Union of Students (NUS) (which was used for the SCIS) as they had not yet been registered. The same process was then followed for Wave 2 when recruiting third or later year undergraduate students. Participation involved the completion of an online questionnaire in which students were asked about their experiences of COVID-19.

Publication: Coronavirus and first year higher education students.

If you would like to find out more about this study, please contact the mailbox.

Survey on Living Conditions (SLC)

The Survey on Living Conditions (SLC) collects information on topics such as household resources, housing, labour, pensions, well-being and health. It helps the government understand how different sections of society are managing, so that it can plan for the future, assess the effects of policy changes and measure the state of the economy. The UK Government will use the results to monitor and inform policies aimed at combating poverty and social exclusion.

The SLC is a six-year, wave survey that serves as the longitudinal component of the Household Finances Survey (HFS). Estimates in the most recent dataset cover the period April to October 2020. The survey results are weighted to be a nationally representative sample for Great Britain.

Estimates in this dataset and related publication look at personal and economic well-being covering the period from April to October 2020, to understand the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on people and households in Great Britain. The sample consists of individuals aged 16 years and over living in Great Britain. Questions were asked to all responding adults unless specified otherwise. Since the start of the pandemic the SLC has been running via telephone, prior to this it was face-to-face.

Publication: Economic well-being estimates from the Survey of Living Conditions, Great Britain.

If you would like to find out more about this study, please contact the mailbox.

Time Use Survey (TUS)

The Time Use Survey captures data about how respondents spend their time over a 24-hour period. Respondents fill out an online diary, logging primary and secondary activities in 10 and 5 minute lengths. A wide range of activities are covered, including sleep, working from home, working away from home, unpaid childcare, unpaid household work, socialising, travel, entertainment, physical activity etc. After respondents record an activity, there may be further pop-up questions relating to it. For example, how enjoyable an activity was, who the activity was done for (self, household, organisation etc), whether they were helping anyone else etc.

Before respondents fill out the diary day, they complete an initial questionnaire. It is this initial questionnaire that is included in the COVID-19 questionnaire bank. The TUS questionnaire includes a question on whether respondents had a COVID-19 vaccine, and whether they have isolated due to COVID-19. Respondents are also asked whether they are responsible for supervising or looking after any adults or children in their household.

The TUS was first carried out in 2014 to 2015 and was known as the UK time-use study. It was re-launched in 2020, coinciding with the UK’s first lockdown. It is a pilot survey, and updates to the structure have been made in between waves, where a wave is the period survey data are collected. Since 2020, there have been three survey periods: April-May 2020, Sept-Oct 2020 and March 2021. It is expected that further waves will be carried out.

Publication: Coronavirus and how people spent their time under lockdown.

If you would like to find out more about this study, please contact the mailbox.

Business Insights and Conditions Survey (BICS)

The Business Insights and Conditions Survey (BICS) presents fortnightly statistics on the business impacts of important events such as the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the end of the EU transition period. Survey questions primarily cover impacts on financial performance, workforce, prices, trade and business resilience.

The survey is voluntary and the results are experimental. The survey questions are reviewed fortnightly to reflect important topics as events unfold. New questions are added and refined over time to keep analysis relevant.

Please note that the questions from BICS have not yet been added to the question bank, but you can find them through downloading the latest dataset, going to the Excel tab "Questions log", and see updates through "Questionnaire changes".

Publication: Business insights and impact on the UK economy.

If you would like to find out more about this study, please contact the mailbox.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Question Bank

This tool contains a bank of questions from surveys from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) that ask questions related to coronavirus (COVID-19). Not all questions contained within it will correspond to published data.

This question bank has been developed using the following studies:

  • COVID High Risk Group Insights Study (CEV)
  • COVID Test and Trace (T&T) Cases Insights Study
  • COVID Test and Trace (T&T) Contacts Behavioural Insights Study
  • COVID Test & Trace (T&T) Self-isolation Insights Study
  • COVID-19 Infection Survey (CIS)
  • COVID-19 Schools Infection Survey (SIS)
  • COVID-19 Vaccine Opinions Survey (VOS)
  • Household Assets Survey (HAS)
  • International Arrivals Insights Study (IAIS)
  • International Passenger Survey (IPS)
  • Labour Force Survey (LFS)
  • Living Costs and Food Survey (LCF)
  • Opinions and Lifestyles Survey (OPN)
  • Over 80s Vaccine Insights Study
  • Student COVID-19 Insights Study (SCIS)
  • Student Experiences Insights Survey (SEIS)
  • Survey on Living Conditions (SLC)
  • Time Use Survey (TUS)

More information about these surveys can be found on the "About the studies" tab, where the Business Insights and Conditions Survey (BICS) questions are also linked to.

The question bank will be updated monthly to include new questions and surveys. If you have any questions in relation to the question bank or feedback, then please contact us via the mailbox.

Using the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Question Bank

Questions are grouped by theme with some questions having more than one theme. Given the overlap of questions across themes, duplicates may be seen in the COVID-19 Question Bank. Response options, routing, and coding options are provided.

There are instances where brackets are used:

  • round brackets indicate additional information or text
  • square brackets indicate a selection or free-text response option
  • angle brackets indicate auto-filled text or response options within a question

The coronavirus (COVID-19) questions bank is shared with the intention to:

  • Provide a list of questions to be used in other surveys. The question bank and harmonised questions both cover similar topic areas, including impact on life, health and social contact. When developing a new questionnaire, we recommend that you use the harmonised question first. You should use the Coronavirus (COVID-19) question bank if you need to harmonise a set of questions with a specific data source or assess how other surveys ask questions on topics not covered by the harmonised guidance.
  • Provide users with an understanding of what data ONS has in relation to coronavirus pandemic, so specific analysis from us can be requested, as not all data from questions asked on ONS surveys are published. If you would like to request statistics or access the research data, please see the Requesting Statistics page for more information. For the latest publication from these surveys, please look at the "About the studies" tab of the bank.

Using the question bank

You can search this question bank using the available filters or, if you want more flexibility, the search field.

You can deselect filters through:

  • the drop-down menus
  • by clicking buttons in the "Active Filters" section
  • by clicking the "Clear all filters" button, though doing so will also clear any fields you have filled in

To see or hide all search results secondary information, click on the "Show all" or "Hide all" buttons.